
--- Day changed Sun Jun 07 2009
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@w-mob400-128-62-217-89.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap00:11
* kanzure goes to sleep00:13
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@w-mob400-128-62-217-89.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:36
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@pool-173-48-214-204.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []05:27
-!- elias` [n=me@host217-42-207-213.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #hplusroadmap06:23
-!- kardan| [n=kardan@] has joined #hplusroadmap06:38
-!- fenn_ [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-123-170.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap06:53
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-123-170.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]07:14
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn07:32
kanzureI can get out and run faster than the connection here..07:53
kanzure"Successful representations of reality become more important than the reality they represent." blah?08:07
kanzure"If "x" is a hypersulfuric surface composed of future inextendable null geodisc generators without equastics, i.e., the expansion of the nil geodics, comprising of the horizon, cannot become negatively infinite." <- still not sure where this came from (it was from Dexter's Lab, but somebody had to think of it)08:20
kanzureI have been slacking in my quotes.html file re: diybio for some reason08:26
kanzuresurely there have been some good quotes that I am forgetting at the moment?08:26
kanzureok-- here's one that I've added and modified a little08:34
kanzure"Blaming diybio for the incomplete infrastructure and empty promises of human civilization in the 21st century-- for the ability to become infected and for the atmosphere we all share with one another-- is like buying a computer with proprietary, closed-source software, losing all of your work to inevitable hard disk drive failure, and then suing Richard Stallman."08:34
kanzure"When the terminology of risk took ground, it replaced the older notion that thought "in terms of good and bad fortune."[1] Niklas Luhmann (1996) seeks to explain this transition: "Perhaps, this was simply a loss of plausibility of the old rhetorics of Fortuna as an allegorical figure of religious content and of prudentia as a (noble) virtue in the emerging commercial society."[2]"08:41
kanzureThe origins of risk08:56
kanzure"[Risk] may even be, as far as future outcomes are concerned, the very essence of a decision. However, the limits of these research fields make it possible to avoid the risk of defining the concept of risk."08:59
-!- elias` [n=me@unaffiliated/elias/x-342423] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]09:02
kanzurefractal antennaes09:06
kanzurecapacitors as antennaes09:06
kanzurecapacitive coupling09:06
kanzure" .. prudence was viewed as the capacity of humans (as distinct from animals) to choose between reasonable expectations, contingent on the actions of other people .. so prudence, not risk, was the term for the capability to cope with temporal and social contingencies."10:18
-!- ybit [n=heath@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap10:26
kanzurehi ybit 10:26
ybithello kanzure10:29
* fenn reads "On Intelligence"10:48
kanzurefenn: the wikipedia articles on HTM are sufficient10:53
kanzureHTM = "hierarchical temporal memory"10:53
fennwho was in here championing it several months ago?10:53
kanzurepossibly splicer10:54
fennbranstrom = the other .se transhumanist10:55
fenni'd rather read the original10:56
splicer(not me)11:10
kanzureoh, sorry11:11
kanzuremy logs have been corrupted by the gnomes and pixies in the forest11:11
kanzurethey run in here during the night to escape the poisons that the apartment complex sprays11:11
spliceri know it well... new car smell also sustains them11:14
kanzure wget -m -np
kanzurescattershotfuture.com and austinbrains.org may no longer be working11:36
kanzurealso, fablab.af and cashpeer.com too11:36
kanzuremtt_make_examples.sh in /usr/share/mtt/doc/11:39
kanzure"This makes all of the standard examples."11:39
kanzure"It takes a few hours."11:39
kanzure"Copyright (C) 2003 by Peter J. Gawthrop"11:39
kanzureit's this giant spaghetti mess of bash scripts that are impressively cryptic11:40
kanzuretodo: du -h * records on a cronjab wired up to something with imagemagick or gdmap without the gui to do systematic folder structure maps in some semi-visually appealing way.12:37
nshthat books link is down for me :-/12:38
kanzureyou have to wait 20 seconds or something12:38
* nsh looks up wget timeout12:38
kanzurewget should not timeout on it12:38
kanzureplease don't wget it (at least right now)12:39
kanzureshow of hands: how many of you are currently wgetting my ass?12:39
nshif you want to email me a tarbzball 12:39
* nsh is not12:39
kanzurensh: /books/ is 505 GB.12:39
nshmebbe not12:39
nshi'll send you a portable when i get some money12:40
kanzureif you mail me a drive, I'll dump it on it12:40
kanzurethey are cheap now- about $6012:40
kanzureplus $20 to $30 shipping12:40
nshwhat's your take on google wave btw, kanz?12:42
fennmebbe you should ask utopiah12:42
fenn<-txtmode 4 evar12:43
Utopiahdon't really know about Wave , so far the audience was amazed by inline spelling correction so :-# 12:46
nshyou could make a textmode wave client12:46
kanzureno guarantees on how large that file is12:47
kanzureloaded ok over here though12:47
nshwhat's labmusic?12:48
nshoh, nm12:49
fennbig bucket o bits12:49
nshwhat are all the ftp://...packages.. items?12:49
kanzuretechno hoard12:49
fennthe what?12:49
kanzurensh: it's what the poor grad students here in america listen to while pipetting their souls for the nth gazillionth time on yet another pcr reaction on an inevitably shitty project.12:51
kanzurethere was actually a good sound system wired up throughout the lab12:51
nshalso, microfluidics ftw12:52
kanzuredid you grab the archive yet?12:52
kanzurethe microfluidics archive12:55
kanzurethen what's with the random ftw?12:55
kanzureone moment12:55
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/papers/microfluidics_2009-06-01.zip (585 MB)12:56
kanzureit's in the /topic12:56
kanzurethere's also the 3.5 GB tar file of mostly everything: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/papers-backup-2009-06-02.tar12:56
nshftw because it may stop grad students pipetting their souls away12:56
kanzurein incremenets of 1 ml or less at a time.12:57
kanzureor whatever the devil the precision is of those devices12:57
nshhigh, i'd imagine12:59
fenni have more confidence in pipette wielding robots12:59
fennsimpler mapping from grad student to robot that way13:00
kanzureso wait, is the grad student supposed to be the pipetting robot?13:00
kanzureif so, where are undergrads supposed to go13:00
* nsh smiles13:00
nshthey maintain the robots13:00
nshas currently13:00
fenn'moar pizza, slave!'13:01
fenni mean, uh, 'moar oil!'13:01
kanzureMTTdx doesn't seem to  be defined in /usr/share/mtt/ at all. hm.13:02
kanzureoh, maybe it's defined as MTTdX (case sensitive)13:09
kanzurelib/examples/Mechanical/Mechanical-2D/TwoLink/MTT_work/TwoLink_ese.r:MTTdX(4,1) := +TwoLink__rod2__th_3_flow;13:12
kanzureer, http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/MotorGenerator_ese.r13:22
kanzureother stuff of interest: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/mtt/13:26
drazak_I did13:27
kanzuredid who?13:28
drazak_I was scrolled up a page and a half13:28
kanzure"INFORMATION: Component MotorGenerator connects ports with units radians/s and radians/s."13:28
-!- wrldpc [n=worldpea@pool-173-48-214-204.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:37
kanzure  DC.ports.Electrical.domain = "electrical";13:43
kanzure  DC.ports.Electrical.units.effort = "volt";13:43
kanzure  DC.ports.Electrical.units.flow = "amp";13:43
-!- cis-action [n=cis-acti@c-71-232-4-86.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:58
kanzure"Individual axons are microscopic in diameter (typically about 1μm across), but may be up to several feet in length"13:58
kanzure"The longest axons in the human body, for example, are those of the sciatic nerve, which run from the base of the spine to the big toe of each foot. These single-cell fibers of the sciatic nerve may extend a meter or even longer.[1]"13:58
kanzure"Myelin is composed of about 80% lipid and about 20% protein. Some of the proteins that make up myelin are Myelin basic protein (MBP), Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), and Proteolipid protein (PLP). Myelin is made up primarily of a glycolipid called galactocerebroside. The intertwining of the hydrocarbon chains of sphingomyelin serve to strengthen the myelin sheath."14:00
kanzure"The squid giant axon is the very large (up to 1 mm in diameter; typically around 0.5 mm) axon that controls part of the water jet propulsion system in squid. Squid use this system primarily for making brief but very fast movements through the water."14:00
kanzure"While the squid axon is very large in diameter it is unmyelinated which decreases the conduction velocity potential substantially. The conduction velocity of a typical 0.5 mm squid axon is about 25 m/s. The sodium gain per impulse is 4 pm/cm2 (picomole per square centimeter) and the potassium gain is also 4pm/cm2.[citation needed]"14:01
kanzurehuman skin is somewhat piezoelectric?14:02
fennsee flanagan neurophone14:29
fennall these descriptions of the cortical sheet remind me of the kombucha scoby14:29
fennwhich probably means nothing if you've never grown kombucha14:30
bkerourgh kombucha14:31
kanzurefenn: there are books with pictures of neuron stuff on the bookshelves and on the server14:33
kanzurefenn: taking notes would be cool too. it's something I never did for neuroscience really, except for classes and my stuff on autism, cortical columns, etc.14:33
kanzureactually I guess I do have a lot of that heh'14:33
kanzurehow to draw a neuron: http://heybryan.org/school/Psychology/2007-09-11.html14:34
kanzureminicolumnar bullshit: http://heybryan.org/intense_world_syndrome.html (ok, it's not quite BS)14:35
kanzurecolorful voodoo magic: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/brainbow/ involving genetics and the brain14:35
kanzure(which I'd like to hang at art)14:35
kanzure*as art14:36
kanzuremolecular neurobiology: http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/Biology%20-%20Elements%20of%20Molecular%20Neurobiology.Third%20Edition.%20(Wiley).pdf14:37
kanzurechild neurology: http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/Biology%20-%20Lippincott%20-%20Child%20Neurology%206e.pdf14:37
kanzureneuroanatomy: http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/Biology%20-%20Neuroanatomy%20-%20Atlas%20of%20Structures,%20Sections,%20Systems%206th%20Ed%20(Lippincott%20Williams%20&%20Wilkins).pdf14:37
-!- cis-action [n=cis-acti@c-71-232-4-86.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit []14:39
splicerfenn: The pirate party got one of 18 swedish seats in the european parliament... 7.1% of the vote.15:30
-!- cis-action [n=cis-acti@c-76-118-182-6.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:47
fenni suppose i should be partying or something16:08
fennfree pirates for everyone!16:08
splicer; )... i'm a bit happy on the inside16:08
splicerseems they got 7.0% of the vote in the end.16:09
splicerit was really strange to see the politicians in the swedish parliament shift on some of the pirates issues... they used to go with whatever the riaa lobby wanted, but over just a few months all politicians were suddenly file sharing friendly.16:12
fenni hope it turns into an international shit-storm, because right now IP issues are not even on the radar in US politics16:14
splicerthey were not here either... the pirates were considered criminals... this took everyone by surprise.16:16
splicerThere has actually been some really good debates here about file sharing.16:17
splicerThe pp got traction when they shifted from "free downloading" to privacy on the net issues and reforming the copyright law. They now advocate "free downloading" by saying that the only way to stop it is by grossly violating privacy.16:23
splicerwhen anyone can publish anything to everyone in the world for free in a minute for free things have become a bit different.16:25
fennhmm that's sort of a roundabout way of stating the basic realities16:25
spliceryeah... but here we needed the pirate bay trial to drive that point home.16:26
splicerit terrifies a lot of people... like writers16:27
fennwho shouldnt be, since they won't ever make money anway (and should realize that already)16:27
fennjust like kids who play basketball shouldnt expect to be superstars16:27
fennpart of the problem is that writers think that what they write is somehow theirs16:29
fennwhen really it's communication of ideas that belong to nobody16:29
splicerlike ideas are discovered? it's easier for people who are not already used to make money that way.16:29
fennyou can admire someone's skill in communication or the effort they've put into it16:29
spliceri agree... the world is ever changing16:30
fenni dont know if ideas are created or discovered, but the fact is that 99% of ideas are learned (dont you love statistics)16:31
splicer(i love 95% of the statistics)16:31
spliceri've been surprised to find real discussions about intellectual property rights debated in daily press...16:32
splicerlike writers suddenly arguing "what's so normal about intellectual property rights? Isn't it more normal that everyone can have what I discover"16:33
fennnormal isnt a good basis for making policy16:34
splicerand artists releasing books and albums on torrents for free... with a note: "If you like this, pay me something"16:34
spliceryou would think that intellectual property rights in their current form were given by god sometimes.16:35
splicersome people think the world would stop revolving without them16:36
fennyeah, and it might all work (be a zero sum game) if we didnt have to pay huge amounts for rent, military, interest on loans, etc16:36
fenni mean you can't "make a living" on donations in this world because of the mundane gross injustices occuring daily16:37
fennbut those aren't newsworthy because they're "normal"16:37
fennkilling millions of brown people is "normal"16:37
* fenn prematurely invokes godwin's law in order to get back to his book16:38
splicerbut if a way to make money is being killed by a technological advance... the only way to keep doing things old way of doing things is by creating an artificial lack.16:39
splicerwow.. I really write like shit16:40
fennyeah yeah.. post-scarcity tools in scarcity occupied minds.. you should sign up to openmanufacturing16:40
splicerI kind of have this biopunk philosophy idea brewing in my mind... I should spend time on that16:42
splicerhacker culture meets biology16:43
splicersome idiot legally changed the name of the head of "The Anti Piracy Buereau" last week.16:45
splicerThey changed his name from Henrik Pontén to Pirate Pontén16:45
splicerIt's a little bit fucked up but a lot of funny.16:46
fennthey hacked some official database?16:46
splicerSomeone just applied for the name change in his name.16:46
splicerIt probably cost votes now... but is really is kind of funny... in a hacker humor kind of way.16:48
fenntoo clever16:48
splicerthe world is there for us to hack ; )16:48
splicerwell.. no animals were harmed16:49
fennsystematic affrontation of human dignity16:51
splicerhe is the arch enemy... but the pirate community also have a respect for him cause he gets a lot of shit and it just makes him more angry and determined... Even the pirate bay people have publicly said they like him... there is a weird dynamic.16:54
fennsounds like quite a tool16:55
splicerHe is a strange guy. He's done things like pay a guy to plant copyrighted movies on a server and call the cops, and break into a ftp server to collect evidence... he is... special. So he gets a lot of shit.16:58
fennsomeone should make a movie about it16:59
splicerthere is at leas one guy making a documentary about the movement17:10
splicerhe showed a preview of it to some selected people around pirate bay... and one of them recoded it with a hidden cam and released it17:12
splicerthe pirate bay verdict itself leaked the day before it was official17:12
splicerbit of a scandal ; )17:13
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kanzuregot an email from a guy I once lived with17:55
kanzurehe thinks I'm making superviruses for diybio17:55
kanzurewell, he's not making accusations18:07
kanzurebut he's making a "business plan" for the singularity institute related to biohacking18:07
kanzureI don't know why he thinks they will listen18:07
kanzurethat doesn't sound reasonable at all18:07
kanzure"Piezoelectric properties of dermis can be ascribed to its collagen structural network, while the piezoelectric properties of epidermis appear to originate from partially oriented ¿-helical keratin-like tonofibrils. The highest piezoelectric coefficients have been found in horny layer samples"19:10
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/papers/Piezoelectric%20properties%of%20dry%20human%20skin.pdf re: keratin.19:52
kanzure#reprap going on again about self-replicating nanobots (ralith mainly)20:07
kanzure##electronics asking for an 18-axis cnc machine. (SpeedEvil mainly). but he didn't say I could play with it if I made it for him, so fooey.20:08
kanzureand in omgwallhack's channel, had a nice long chat with steve. mainly trying to convince him to think in terms of dependencies, not in terms of coefficients.20:08
kanzurethank you for welcoming me to planet earth.20:45
kanzureI require a substantial mass removal device over seven domains of motion stradians in less than 20 g of mass with full motion stability.20:45
kanzuretrying to figure out how an alien would specify some weird device that happens to be an obvious machining tool that works across different chemical element domains or something20:46
kanzurefor a dependency tree that he knows but that isn't on planet earth or it might be but nobody has really realized it20:46
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@w-mob400-128-62-218-20.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap20:51
genehackerso have we made any progress on the galaxy domination front?20:51
genehackerI figured out how to make flying supersoldiers of doom20:54
katsmeow-afki figured how to combine "texas tower" construction with floating stable otec, to save weight and money20:55
genehackerwhat is texas tower construction?20:57
kanzureDue to my background in MHD, interest in electromechanical systems, and familiarity with bond graphs, I have become involved in an effort to develop extended bond graphs (EBG) for electromagnetic and electromechanical systems. In this endeavor, I have co-supervised a Ph.D. student to develop extended bond graphs for electromagnetic and electromechanical continua. This work was further extended to consider piezoelectric, thermopiezoelectric, and magnetostrictive materials.21:00
genehackerI live in texas, how do I not know about this21:00
katsmeow-afkpost ww2, the usa gov put up some towers off NY and Boston, in shallows21:00
kanzuregenehacker: have you gone through a class on bond graphs yet21:00
genehackeryou've done work on MHD?21:00
katsmeow-afkthe towers were made in Texas, and for the most part barely survived being towed up north21:00
kanzurethat was a quote, genehacker 21:00
kanzurebut without quotation marks21:00
genehackerthat sort of texas tower?21:01
kanzureno, I have not done work on magnetohydrodynamics21:01
genehackerdamn it21:01
katsmeow-afk30 to 70 men (no women) worked on radar equipment as an early warning system, till it was decided to use subs and aircraft21:01
genehackerthose are cool21:01
katsmeow-afkall but one tower was destroyed in assorted storms, mostly due to leg vibration or the sand eroding from under the legs21:02
genehackeranyway Kanzure I'd like a 1 million amp power source or a 100 million volt power source21:02
katsmeow-afkthere's prolly an article on wikipedia21:02
kanzureF.-S. Lee, T.J. Moon and G.Y. Masada, "Extended Bond Graph Reticulation of Piezoelectric Continua," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 117, No. 1, pp. 1-7, 1995.21:02
kanzureF.-S. Lee, T.J. Moon and G.Y. Masada, "Modeling of Distributed Electromechanical Continua Using Extended Bond Graphs," Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 331B, No. 1, pp. 43-60, 1994.21:02
kanzureF.-S. Lee, T.J. Moon and G.Y. Masada, "Extended Bond Graph Reticulation of Magnetostrictive Continua," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 75, No. 9, pp. 4621-4627, 1994.21:02
kanzureF.-S. Lee, T.J. Moon and G.Y. Masada, "Representation of Electromagnetic Fields Using Extended Bond Graphs," Journal of Applied Physics, in review.21:02
kanzureF.-S. Lee, T.J. Moon and G.Y. Masada, "Extended Bond Graph Reticulation of Thermopiezoelectric Continua," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, in review.21:02
kanzureblah. 21:02
kanzuresorry for the killpaste21:02
genehackerI was thinking some sort of weird molten metal MHD thing might do the trick21:03
genehackerkanzure: check this out21:03
katsmeow-afkanyhow, spar construction as a means to not be bounced around doesn't appeal to me for so many reasons21:03
kanzuregenehacker: do you know any upper-level ME students that could help me with bondgraphs or linear graphs21:03
genehackerI don't21:04
kanzurewtf am I paying you for anyway21:04
genehackerpaying me?21:04
genehackerI haven't got a check yet21:05
kanzureit's in the mail21:05
genehackerhmmm... I could ask my roommate for next semester21:05
genehackerthat link I gave you is related to electromechanics21:05
genehackerand our transgalatic domination plans21:05
genehackeranyway I probably better get offline before I get malaria21:06
kanzuremalaria is for slackers21:06
genehackerI'm sitting outside21:06
genehackermalaria also makes you more of a slacker21:06
genehackerso anymore things we need to discuss?21:07
kanzurenot really21:08
katsmeow-afkdecomposition temperature of propane21:09
genehackerI don't know anyone who knows bond graphs21:09
genehackerwhat do you mean by decomposition temperature?21:09
katsmeow-afkwhy does no one hold it at 500F, does it break down to other chemicals?21:09
genehackerignition or breakdown into hydrogen and carbon type?21:10
genehackerprobably worries about ignition and breakdown21:10
katsmeow-afkit needs an oxidiser to ignite, afaik21:10
genehackerwhy do you ask?21:10
katsmeow-afkbecause i wanna know the problems in doing so21:11
katsmeow-afkbefore i do it21:11
katsmeow-afkif i put propane into the black box and other stuff i don't need comes out, then i am wasting propane21:11
genehackerwhy would you want to store propane at 500 f?21:11
katsmeow-afktemporarily store: 10 sec, to travel the length of a pipe, and to perform work at that other end21:12
katsmeow-afki *want* to use it at a lower temperature, but if i can get it to a higher temp for free, i may do so, if it isn't dangerous21:13
katsmeow-afkare there other conditions i must satisfy to get this data from you?21:13
genehackerwell if it's in some sort of container you have to take into account specific21:14
genehackermosquitoes are getting bad21:14
genehackerI have no idea21:14
katsmeow-afkthat wold have saved a lot of typing21:14
genehackergoogle isn't giving me answers21:15
katsmeow-afkme either, hence i asked in here21:15
kanzureheh the XML file I made for campbell is already indexed on google. 21:23
kanzurebah this is a graduate course21:26
kanzureJ.J. Beaman and H.M. Paynter, Modeling of Physical Systems,21:26
kanzureBrown, F.T., Engineering System Dynamics, Marcel-Dekker, 2001.21:27
kanzureD. Karnopp, D. Margolis & R. Rosenberg, System Dynamics: A Unified Approach, Wiley-Interscience, 2nd or 3rd edition.21:27
kanzureOgata, K., System Dynamics, Prentice-Hall, New York (any of 3 editions).21:27
kanzureClose, C.M., D.K. Frederick, and J.C. Newell, Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems, John Wiley and Sons, 2002 (3rd edition).21:27
kanzurehrm. so this is what "mechatronics" really is about.21:28
kanzurewhy is there no explanation available anywhere21:29
kanzure"graphical power topology language"21:43
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kanzurewget -nH can be nice.22:06
kanzure"It would demonstrate how clever I was, but I don't think it would help you very much."22:41
kanzure"If you didn't follow that, this is just going to be a magic trick and you'll end up with a bunny rabbit at the end."22:42
kanzure"You're just a funny-looking wire to ground"22:42
kanzure"Come back on Monday and tell me you understand."22:42
kanzuremaybe I've been ignoring modelica for too long23:01
kanzure"Across variables around a node assume the same value, whereas through variables into a node add up to zero."23:17
katsmeow-afk i wonder what happens as the puter hits 2.999 gb of swap space,, or do i have until 3.999GB ?23:41

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