
--- Day changed Fri Jun 19 2009
ybitso a few questions, who is doing the led photolith device and is it in a clean room, how clean if so, what was or is being used to make it like so?00:00
genehackerI have no idea00:01
genehackerask kanzure00:01
ybitooh, me likey: "A photo-polymerization resist for UV nanoimprint lithography"00:04
genehackerfind me how to make photolabile phosphoramidites from chemicals under your kitchen sink and you made my day00:05
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* ybit is off to bed00:10
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kanzurestill need to figure out how to go about memorizing more vim commands http://jmcpherson.org/editing.html09:48
ybitkanzure: who's the led photolith person?09:53
ybit..in austin09:53
kanzurethere isn't one09:58
kanzureare you sure it requires a clean room?09:59
kanzurethe polymer should polymerize in blue light in spite of dust in the environment09:59
kanzurethough it's probably a good idea to set up a clean room anyway since bio protocols tend to rely on that. 10:01
kanzuresort of a "while you're at it" thing10:01
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ybiti took a quick glance at the paper yesterday, it estimated that the cost of the setup was a little under$6k10:16
kanzurethe uv photolithography paper?10:17
kanzurethere are some ways that fenn and I were talking about reducing the costs of that setup10:18
kanzureit's somewhere in the logs in here10:18
kanzureybit: I sent you an email with a list of projects and their estimated costs. please confirm, or something.10:24
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ybitkanzure: got it10:27
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ybiti was wrong about spain, there is a neuroeng program there, in barcelona10:57
ybithowever, it's all in-vitro :\10:57
kanzurethat's better than "all in silico"10:58
kanzureis that DeMarse?10:58
ybitand supposedly they developed a "UV laser scanning direct-lithography system" but i've yet to see schematics10:58
kanzureer, wait, DeMarse is at gatech.edu10:59
ybithe's in florida now10:59
ybiti think ucf10:59
ybithe's at ufl11:00
fenn"If you are serious, you could take out your biggest dust problem. Your carpet."11:19
fennfrom "how to make a clean room"11:20
ybitor you could place some type of plastic over it11:21
ybitsave some $11:21
kanzurewhy do you have carpet in the first place11:21
ybittrue that11:22
ybitit's difficult to find an apartment that doesn't have carpet in a small city like florence11:23
kanzurecraigslist should have a basement being listed somewhere 11:23
kanzuretexas is the only place in the world that doesn't do basements apparently, or something11:23
fennbecause then you could stay cool without needing air conditioning11:24
fenn= bad for economy11:24
kanzurethere are people going around here in austin with cam corders fitted with infrared filters claiming that they do an "energy assessment" of your place of dwelling and that you need to hire them before you sell your house :p11:26
kanzureset([frozenset([1,2]), frozenset([1,2]), frozenset([3,4])])11:27
kanzureyay I like this11:27
fennis there some methodology for testing your script's output besides "does it load?"11:27
kanzurewhich script11:28
fenni'm trying to add dimensions and graphsynth complains about something, somewhere in the file11:28
kanzurewhich file?11:28
kanzurehow about you just paste the command line stuff instead :p11:28
fenn"bad input string format" and i think it means character 8473 but there's nothing special there11:28
fennit's graphsynth, there's no command line11:28
kanzurewhich file are you loading into graphsynth?11:29
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kanzureand how did you generate it11:29
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fennload into graphsynth, save, run gxml-add-dimensions.pl11:29
kanzureok, so you loaded it into GS 2.0, then ran gxml-add-dimensions.pl, and now are trying to load it back into GS 2.0 ?11:30
kanzuredoes squirtgun.dim.gs2.gxml have any <opt> bullshit at the top?11:30
kanzurethat's non-good11:31
fenni changed it to Page but it didnt change the error message11:31
kanzurebut why would you think that has something to do with character 8473 in the file?11:31
kanzureok, is the file somewhere I can fetch it?11:31
kanzurea link would be more helpful11:31
kanzureI still see opt in there11:32
kanzuredid you change it back afterwards?11:32
fenni did the editing on windows11:32
fennactually it starts out complaining about the <double></double>11:32
fennso i did search/replace to <double>0</double>11:33
kanzurethat's an ok error 11:33
fennthen it complained about something else, which i cant figure out11:33
kanzurewhere did I put the example gs 2.0 gxml files11:33
kanzurethe only thing that I can come up with is that maybe it's not enough to replace "opt" with "Page" and there's some more elements that we're forgetting11:33
fennthe weird thing is the character number doesnt change even if i add stuff to the file11:34
kanzureexample: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/gs2/GraphSynth2/input/waterLifter.gxml11:34
kanzureis this some sort of weird unicode encoding issue or something?11:34
ybitkanzure, did anyone ever respond to your "Personal science libraries?" on mea-users?11:35
fennthat doesnt have any xaml stuff11:35
fennor local variables11:35
kanzureybit: only one guy, but he didn't do anything.11:35
fennand it uses shapekey11:35
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fennso that's a terrible example 2.0 file11:35
kanzurethat's a 1.9 apparently11:35
kanzureok maybe better: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/gs2/GraphSynth2/input/swirlSeed.gxml11:36
kanzureno local variables however, but that shouldn't be a problem11:36
kanzureoh what version of gs 2.0 are you using anyway? where did you get the copy from?11:36
fennthere is an exeutable on newton and also source/visual stuffio11:37
fenni stepped through the loading process with the debugger even11:37
fenndidnt seem to do anything useful11:37
kanzureok, so I guess it's time for twitchy debugging11:38
kanzuretry a regexp to remove <localVariables> to </localVariables> and replace with <localVariables /> to see if the non-localVariables version works11:38
fennwhat does that mean?11:39
kanzuretry a regexp to remove <localVariables> to </localVariables> and replace with <localVariables /> to see if the non-localVariables version works11:39
kanzurethis problem did not happen with tanin, daniel or matt for that matter11:39
* fenn wonders if there's a decent code editor on windows11:39
kanzurevisual studio is the only one that seems to have a search-and-replace mechanism, but it doesn't handle regular expressions11:39
kanzurein the example gs 2.0 gxml file, there's no </Canvas>11:41
kanzureI think it would be safe to get rid of <Canvas> to </Canvas> in your squirtgun.dim.gs2.gxml file11:41
kanzureand try that too..11:41
kanzureweird. in squirtgun.gs2.gxml, the </Canvas> does not appear on its own line. (not that this matters)11:43
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fennok nevermind, it loads on darwin after s/<double></<double>0</11:48
kanzureI thought you did that already11:48
fenni was on newton11:48
fennso newton is just broke11:48
kanzureso it was a "crappy version of gs2.0 because of a lack of version control"11:48
fennprobably something like that, yes11:48
kanzurewowee. glad we're being paid for this..11:49
kanzureoh wait.11:50
kanzurefenn: what's the title on the GS 2.0 main window?12:01
* kanzure is editing the source to add a version number to the title bar12:01
kanzureoh, or a way to add the svn revision number upon checkout12:02
kanzurefenn: can you ask tanin if he has installed TortoiseSVN yet and if he can't figure it out to give me a call today? since he's editing the source, he should be committing his changes to a new directory under svn or something12:07
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fennapparently (according to tanin) the current SVn won't work, so he's using some older version12:31
fenni still havent figured out wtf is going on12:31
kanzurethe current checkout from svn?12:37
kanzureer, I mean to ask: is tanin claiming that the latest checkout from svn is not working?12:37
fennsummary: running latest svn on newton and darwin; open the gxml-add-dimensions output (suitably edited) only works on newton12:52
fenner, only works on darwin12:52
fennbut, if i save the opened file and open that on newton, it works12:52
kanzurenewton is XP and darwin is what?12:52
fennso i'm doing a diff new12:52
fenndarwin is windows 712:53
kanzureoh wise diff, what say ye?12:53
fennone moment12:54
kanzureinteresting how the lab is simultaneously capable of violating all known laws of computing. like those of cross-platform compatabilism.12:55
fennuh. speaking of violating laws of computing12:57
fennthe diff was null12:57
fennso i must have messed up somewhere12:57
kanzurewhat did you diff?12:58
fenndiff squirtgun.dim.gs2.gxml squirtgun.dim.gs2.loaded.gxml12:58
kanzurediff (1) gxml-add-dimensions' output and (2) newton's saved version of #1.12:58
kanzureis diff going to pick up something minor that windows would complain about?12:59
fenni thought i moved some nodes around though so i should have gotten that at least12:59
kanzureis there a -strict or something? :/12:59
kanzurewonder if the upload process fixes the problem or something. sometimes FTP works in ASCII or binary mode, which screws with files.13:00
kanzureok, so upload the file to the box that you do your diff on, then copy the file to /var/www/something/ and then go get that on newton :p13:00
kanzureum, wait13:00
kanzureyou probably shouldn't.13:01
kanzureI am a very puzzled guy right now.13:01
fenni could make a flowchart :)13:02
kanzureso, if you open and save it on darwin first, are you loading it on newton with the latest svn version? or the old version13:02
kanzuredid you try loading the gxml-add-dimensions output on newton's old version *and* svn up'd version?13:02
fennboth running svn13:03
kanzurehow do you know this isn't an internet explorer or firefox caching error on newton's part13:03
fenngxml-add-dimensions was from newton, i dont know which version i ran13:03
kanzurethat sentence made no sense13:04
kanzureplease sentence the form in a question of the answer13:04
fenngxml-add-dimensions only works on 2.0 files so i had to run it through graphsynth to get 2.013:04
fenni did that on newton yesterday13:04
kanzurehow are you checking that the pre-darwinized gxml file does not work on newton?13:05
kanzureis it over http that you download the gxml file on newton?13:05
fennyes, from lab/fenn/13:05
kanzurethat might be it13:06
kanzureI had this weird caching problem with daniel once13:06
kanzurehe would refresh the page and get the same damn XML file even though I knew I had updated it to something different13:06
fennbut so what, i hadnt updated it anyway13:06
fenni.e. i did the editing in windows to make it load13:06
fenn(but iwt wouldnt load)13:06
kanzureok, so you did the editing on windows to make it load (but it didn't in both svn up'd and previous crap version)13:07
kanzureso you transferred it then over to darwin?13:07
fennyes, but i downloaded the same file to darwin from lab/fenn/13:07
fennthen edited it again, then loaded it13:08
fennmeanwhile, back on unix, i edit it yet again13:08
fennthen i transfer the saved file to newton, try to load it, and it loads13:09
fenn(from darwin)13:09
kanzureon unix, you edit [what] again?13:09
fennon unix i edit lab/fenn13:09
kanzureok, so you did the editing in your favorite editor instead of on windows that time around13:09
fennand upload from newton to dokuwiki13:09
fennthen download to unix as .loaded.gxml13:10
kanzureer, what? why upload from newton?13:10
fennthen diff, and the diff is null13:10
kanzurewhy not .loaded.gxml saved from darwin?13:10
fennhm. my story doesnt make sense does it13:10
fennhow did i transfer from darwin to newton?13:10
kanzureif you edited it on linux, from the gxml-add-dimensions.pl output, did you ever then go load *that* to the svn up'd version on newton?13:11
kanzurewhy did you ever edit it on minsky (or davinci I guess) then? :p13:12
fennbecause i was sick of doing the same edit over and over13:12
kanzureand after doing that13:12
kanzurewhat boxes have successfully loaded that edit into gs 2.0?13:12
kanzuredo they all error?13:13
fennnever tried to load it13:13
kanzurethis would be the one thing that you would want to know I thought13:13
kanzurebecause it shouldn't only work if it goes through darwin first ..13:13
kanzureit should work if it goes through newton too since it's the same damn software13:14
kanzurethe same input files: your edited version on lab/fenn/ that you edited by hand on minsky13:14
kanzurethe same svn up'd revision number on darwin and newton13:14
kanzureand when you get that unix edited file on newton, gs 2.0 should be able to open it up13:14
fennone would think so13:14
kanzurebut you just told me you never tried to load it13:15
kanzureso how would you know13:15
kanzurediff (1) gxml-add-dimensions' output and (2) your edit of that output. 13:21
kanzurediff (1) gxml-add-dimensions output and (2) darwin's saved version of #1.13:21
kanzurediff (1) your-edited-version and (2) darwin's saved version of #113:21
kanzureanyway, most important is whether or not newton's svn up'd version is capable of successfully loading your unix hand-edited version of the gxml-add-dimensions output.13:22
fennok, file from minsky loads on newton13:23
kanzurethe universe is well again.13:24
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fenndiff -w says the only difference was a single <double></double> on line 1516 (33509 chars into the file)13:28
kanzurefenn: do you have access to http://journals.lww.com/appliedimmunohist/pages/articleviewer.aspx?year=2009&issue=03000&article=00013&type=abstract from where you're sitting?13:29
kanzurenevermind, I'll figure it out13:30
fenn'view full text' has no link13:30
kanzuresame here.13:31
kanzurefenn: do you understand Jason Kelly's latest post to diybio?13:32
kanzuredoes he know something I don't?13:33
kanzureit sounds like he's being sarcastic13:33
kanzurerevision control for documents is a good idea imho13:33
fenni agree it dwould be a good idea and he sounds sarcastic13:42
kanzurewonder what they are doing at gingko bioworks if they don't put their writings under revision control ..13:43
kanzuremakes me wonder about startups like that heh13:43
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fennfor the fiftieth time, you have to run git update-server-info when you publish git on a http server13:47
kanzurewhich one was it this time?13:47
kanzureok, done13:48
fenni think i need to read about access control lists13:49
fennwhat user does git run as when you push to it?13:49
kanzurewhen I push to it, I'm 'bryan'13:50
fenn-rw-r--r-- 1 bryan bryan 193 2009-06-19 13:47 .git/info/refs13:51
fenn$ git update-server-info13:51
fenn$ ls -l .git/info/refs 13:51
fenn-rw-r--r-- 1 fenn fenn 193 2009-06-19 13:49 .git/info/refs13:51
fennhow come it let me do that?13:51
fenndrwxrwxr-x 2 bryan lab 4096 2009-06-19 13:49 .git/info/13:52
fennis it because .git/info is g+wx?13:52
kanzurethat would be weird13:52
kanzuredoes the permissions on the parent dir determine sub permissions?13:52
kanzureer, whether or not to follow subpermissions?13:52
fennthis is sort of the same problem i was having before, but in reverse13:52
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fennyo genehacker14:00
fennsata's going to kick you out since you never show up14:00
genehackerhe is?14:00
genehackerwhat's going on?14:01
fenndont ask me, i just work here14:01
genehackerI'll go check on the filter after 514:01
kanzurewhy did you message me on jabber14:02
genehackerwell I didn't know that you were here14:05
genehackerare you with sata?14:05
kanzureno, I'm on mars14:05
kanzure(er, at home)14:05
genehackeris sata going to kick me out?14:06
kanzurewell you were never really in14:08
kanzureso no14:08
kanzurehe said you don't come in14:08
genehackerthat's all he said?14:08
genehackerdo we have lab meetings on wednesday?14:09
fennalso he said you run around like a chicken with your head cut off14:10
fennnot in so many words14:10
genehackerok then14:11
fennthe fast electrophoresis video is neat14:13
kanzureis there a page that explains why people should use revision control?14:13
kanzuregoogle isn't giving me anything14:13
fennsoftware carpentry14:13
kanzurethank you14:14
fennhm that's not the page i was thinking of14:14
kanzureI find it funny that people on an open source project are asking "why do we want to use revision control! bah!"14:18
kanzurehow sad is that14:18
kanzureas if open source projects happen in other ways?14:18
fennup til a couple years ago almost all open source software was written by wise old unix hackers (well maybe not old)14:19
fennbut things are changing14:19
kanzurehow is it done now?14:19
kanzurerandomly throwing bullshit at a wall until it assembles into compiled code?14:19
fenn'gimme teh codezz'14:19
fenni mean you cant expect people to know something they dont know14:20
kanzurethat's fine14:20
kanzurebut they shouldn't stop me from getting real work done14:20
fennbtw we should add .svnignore for all the bin/ and .dll files14:20
kanzurejust because they're idiots.14:20
kanzurefenn: that's fine, go ahead14:20
fennas it is i think svn tries to merge then (yeesh)14:21
fennhuh there is no such thing as a .svnignore file?14:26
fennugh this is terrible14:28
fennfor name in $dir_names ; do cd $name; svn propset svn:ignore -F14:28
fennheh " A DIYbio persons best RCS at this point is a -80 C  freezer"14:40
kanzuremy reply to that was something about how biohackers might need to be more than just biologists14:41
kanzuremaybe it's possible that successful biohackers will need to be even more hackful than the original hackers14:41
fennyeah, whatever that means14:42
kanzureer, sarcasm?14:42
fennno i just dont know what it's supposed to mean14:42
kanzureer. I just mean to say that biohackers shouldn't be conceptually limited to just being biologists that aren't hackers14:43
digitaltao_study study study study study15:43
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kanzurethis is so weird15:46
kanzure"do it yourself biology" sounds like the "not I, said the little rooster" story15:46
fennThe little white rooster told the animals if they would join with him and his group of other white roosters and white pullets, they could kill the nasty red rooster to make all farms safer, take over the corn field and allow the red rooster's flock to run the corn field all by themselves as they had always wished.15:48
fennNot I said the larger group of animals called the United  Animals15:49
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ybitanyone have "Fundamentals of microfabrication" and are willing to share?16:19
kanzureI had a fundamentals of MEMS book or something because of this waterdroplet space frame machine gun thingy, but I don't think that's the same book16:20
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kanzure$ svn propset svn:keywords "Date Author" weather.txt17:34
kanzure^ the above was from http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.advanced.props.special.keywords.html17:35
kanzureaha: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.ref.svnversion.re.html17:51
kanzurewow it's not on here either18:02
kanzurethere is no script to embed the global revision number into a particular file? wtf18:02
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kanzureybit: where'd you come across this?19:18
ybiti had mentioned it in here about a month ago19:29
ybit[Sat May 23 2009] [22:44:02] <ybit>     http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/gitit19:29
ybit[Sat May 23 2009] [22:48:34] <fenn>     http://gitit.johnmacfarlane.net/ gitit demo19:29
ybit[Sat May 23 2009] [22:49:09] <ybit>     haskell.org uses gitit plus some custom configurations19:29
ybiti like johnathon's latest microfluidics post, too bad i don't have a laser printer19:36
kanzurenext time be sure to make sure I look at the link19:36
ybitheh, sorry, i post randomly and enjoy talking to whoever can respond atm19:37
ybitbut i'll be sure to highlight you on for certain things i know you might be interested in19:37
ybitfor now on*19:38
* ybit is sleepy19:38
kanzureybit: jonathan brought his creation by the other day.19:39
ybityou told me that, what were your thoughts?19:40
ybiti don't understand how these people on diybio don't get it19:40
ybitit's plain as day to me what you're saying19:40
kanzurewell, I would like it if you could post a vote of confidence sometime ..19:41
kanzureor something. because I don't think the other people realize that I actually do, in fact, make sense19:41
kanzureybit: it was nice to see him bring something by. but I would have preferred to go to his workbench.19:42
kanzuremy favorite message on diybio today was the one where mac said that diybio isn't an organization19:43
kanzureand diybio.org says it is19:43
ybitsuppose i could, i just have second thoughts about even dealing with some people.19:43
kanzure[ganization]? what?19:44
kanzurewell I have heybryan.org, but it's not an organization, it's just a domain name19:44
ybitheh, .org is meant for organizations and whatnot19:44
kanzurethat's true19:45
ybitfor reference: "The org TLD was originally intented for non-profit organizations, or organizations of a non-commercial character."19:45
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ybitMicrocontroller-based full control of ultrasonic motor with frequency and voltage adjusting19:49
kanzureybit: would you like ssh access to a server for uploading papers?19:51
ybitwhat about books?19:51
ybiti have quite a few of those as well19:51
ybitw/ papers in them19:52
ybite.g.: Toward Replacement Parts for the Brain19:52
ybitsimple enough19:53
ybiti will start uploading when i restore my normal system functionality19:57
ybiti'd rather not ssh as root19:57
ybitbrilliant DIY tale :P20:03
ybitnow that made me laugh20:04
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kanzurecom = combinations((1,2,3,4,5),3) print "frozenset com: ", list(com) print "list com: ", list(com)20:26
kanzurefrozenset com:  [(1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 2, 5), (1, 3, 4), (1, 3, 5), (1, 4, 5), (2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 5), (2, 4, 5), (3, 4, 5)]20:27
kanzurelist com:  []20:27
* ybit would like a copy of "Plasma etching and reactive ion etching"20:27
kanzurewhere is it?20:27
kanzurea,  [(1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 2, 5), (1, 3, 4), (1, 3, 5), (1, 4, 5), (2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 5), (2, 4, 5), (3, 4, 5)]20:29
kanzureb,  []20:29
kanzurefrozenset com:  []20:29
kanzurelist com:  []20:29
kanzureTypeError: object.__new__(generator) is not safe, use generator.__new__()20:30
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kanzurepep about generators20:31
kanzureapparently "yield" is not a synonym for "return"20:36
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ybitspin coating looks relatively simple20:43
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ybitand voila, an mea20:43
kanzureer, what?20:43
ybityeah, not really20:44
ybitphotolith > etching (rie) > deposition (spin coating)20:44
* ybit wonders what the regulations are for operating on rats and eventually monkeys in the house :)20:47
kanzureI've always tried to avoid spin coating20:47
ybitgetting way ahead of myself20:47
kanzureI mean, how is that ahead of yourself?20:47
ybitbecause i don't even have the equipment just yet20:48
kanzurewell you might not even have to get spin coating equipment20:48
kanzureso you're not getting ahead of yourself :)20:48
kanzureyou're just.. going around or something20:48
ybitsomething like that :P20:48
kanzureso what's involved in spin coating?20:49
ybitso you avoid spin coating?20:49
kanzurelike I said, I've been avoiding it all my life20:49
kanzuremaybe you know what it is20:49
kanzureyou don't just spin something and make an even layer of something on it, eh?20:49
ybitonly what wikipedia tells me20:49
ybitright, that's essentially it20:50
kanzuredoes a CDROM drive count as a spin coater?20:50
ybit"Photoresist is typically spun at 20 to 80 Hz for 30 to 60 seconds."20:51
kanzurewait, is that all?20:52
kanzurenot kHz or GHz or anything ridiculous?20:52
ybituring the first stage, the plate is spun at a low to moderate speed 500-1000 rpm for 5-10 seconds to evenly spread the solution. The thickness of the coating is then determined and controlled during the second stage by spinning the coating at a higher speed, between 1500-3000 rpm for anywhere between a few seconds and a minute. These conditions will typically produce high quality coatings of thickness between 2 and 10 micrometres.20:52
kanzuredon't know if I have a 3k rpm centrifuge laying around20:53
kanzurehow do I build one, again?20:53
kanzurewithout spending a fortune on a motor20:53
ybitthat i've yet to look for20:54
kanzure19th-century hand-operated centrifuge20:55
kanzurefenn claims 26,000 rpm is capable with a CDROM drive. or up to 72x so 72*500rpm.20:57
fennassuming it's perfectly balanced of course20:58
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kanzureinventor: Benjamin Robins20:59
nshwhy aren't there autobalancing centrifuges?20:59
nshseems like it wouldn't be difficult mechanically20:59
kanzureEarly cream test centrifuges21:00
ybitdefinitely will have to build your own spin coater, the cheapest i'm finding is about $1k USD21:01
fenndoes a centrifuge create a force or an acceleration?21:02
kanzure1881 centrifuge http://www.americanartifacts.com/smma/babcock/bab3.htm21:02
kanzure"hand cranked wood pulleys" - wooden centrifuge - http://www.americanartifacts.com/smma/babcock/bab16.htm21:03
kanzurewooden centrifuge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKQK5cYin2Q21:04
ybit"Method for low pressure spin coating and low pressure spin"21:07
ybitthis one is better21:08
ybit"Thin particulate film spin coater"21:09
ybit"Sping Coater"21:14
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ybithttp://www.crimescene.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=70&currency=USD :: $27 365-395nm LEDs21:36
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* ybit doesn't have access to "A toner-mediated lithographic technology for rapid prototyping of glass microchannels"21:41
ybitand i would really like to see what's in "Low-Cost MEMS Technologies"21:44
ybithttp://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-High-Speed-Book-Scanner-from-Trash-and-Cheap-C/ :: diy book scanner21:49
ybitthink i have my first project for the lab 21:50
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ybitfenn, my older logs aren't available right now, but i remember you linking me to a diy design for an ebook reader22:10
ybiti recall you linking to the location multiple times22:11
ybitmind linking again?22:11
ybitsuppose i could just use a netbook22:12
fennybit: http://www.positron.org/projects/22:12
ybitor my neorunner22:12
kanzureybit: I should have "A toner-mediated lithographic technology for rapid prototyping of glass microchannels" in the microfluidics dir22:12
fennyou can't actually get the e-ink component, unfortunately22:12
fennthough apparently a number of corporations manufacture the stuff now22:13
ybitthat's the link, ty22:13
ybitkanzure: i don't see it just yet but there are a lot more interesting papers in here than i had thought, very nice repo22:16
kanzurewhich dir are you looking at?22:16
ybiti think my dir structure is different from yours22:18
ybitcurrently in /microfluidics/microfluidics22:18
kanzureer that doesn't look friendly22:18
ybitit's kind of a misc folder22:18
ybiti don't think you have it22:22
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ybitnot there either22:25
ybithttp://www.rsc.org/publishing/journals/LC/article.asp?doi=b805137b :: Microfluidic assembly blocks22:34
ybit"An assembly approach for microdevice construction using prefabricated microfluidic components is presented. Although microfluidic systems are convenient platforms for biological assays, their use in the life sciences is still limited mainly due to the high-level fabrication expertise required for construction. This approach involves prefabrication of individual microfluidic assembly blocks (MABs) in PDMS that can be readily assembled to form microflui22:34
fennto form microflui...22:39
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ybitheh, guess it's time for me to call it a night after linking to crimescene.com earlier o.O22:56
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ybitetching using leds, hmm23:05
ybitnope, dillusioned, sleep-deprived reading23:10
ybithelium etching on leds :)23:11
ybithelium plasma*23:11
ybityup and i'm spent23:19
* ybit makes it a point to read Intro to Microfabrication tomorrow23:20
kanzurestop quoting Austin Powers23:20
kanzure"liftmaster linear"23:22
kanzure"liftmaster horizontal"23:23
kanzurewhat's this about "3D mechanics" that campbell was talking about? I just get lots of spam when searching google for this sort of thing23:24
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