
--- Day changed Mon Jul 13 2009
ybitguess not00:01
ybithttp://tinmith.net btw00:01
fennlaptop strapped to your back is not a wearable computer00:19
ybitin the sciencemadness.org "Homebrew Chem Lab - lessons learned" forum post, the author doesn't mention law enforcement, i wonder what he/she learned regarding that00:35
ybittalked to a former police officer today, he said that it would be a good idea to check with the county health department 00:35
ybitbefore forming the genetic eng lab00:36
ybitbio/chem/fab lab00:36
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genehackerkanzure so are you considering the DNA synth again or something else?00:46
genehackerscience madness has a biochemistry section00:48
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ybitkanzure: i guess you were referring to Dennō Coil01:29
ybityw, it's definitely entertaining01:29
fennthe main character sucks01:31
fennlike most anime you can probably get away with watching the first three episodes and the last three episodes01:36
genehackerwhat Kanzure made a coil reference?01:41
genehackerummm I wouldn't say that fenn01:41
genehackerthings get pretty weird01:41
genehackerguess so01:42
fennanyone know of any sort of programming language like the 'encode' magic diagrams?01:51
fennlabview just doesnt really cut it01:52
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genehackerbe interesting to program c with symbols01:54
genehackernot this01:56
genehackerstrange exampe01:57
fennall examples i've seen so far are just crappy boxes and arrows02:01
fennhard to even find a picture of it anywhere02:07
genehackerthat looks hard to draw02:10
fennthis isnt too hard is it? http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ZDp7eCVGLMk/R02U7UKYQfI/AAAAAAAAbQ4/9rAsep8GVR0/s400/vlcsnap-00030.jpg02:13
fennnot sure what this is all about http://blog.pachube.com/2009/06/pachube-augmented-reality-demo-with.html02:15
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genehackerboxes would certainly be better02:20
genehackerunless you're not drawing them02:20
fennwhy would boxes be better?02:21
genehackereasier to draw02:21
fennit's hard to do anything resembling object oriented code with boxes and arrows02:21
fenneasy to draw is a minor problem02:21
genehackerdraw up some symbols for programming elements02:22
genehackerI'm not very good at programming02:22
fennwriting code is hard; actually typing it out the program is a small part of it02:22
genehackerfirst off how would you represent if?02:22
fennsame argument for drawing02:22
genehackerif A==1 do this02:23
fenni expect it would be closely tied to the implementation of the AR space02:23
genehackerso if object is in radius of sensor do this02:24
genehackermaybe it will be like second life programming02:25
fenni expect it would be more like lisp02:25
genehackerI don't know lisp02:25
fennbecause you're minimizing the syntax02:25
genehackerbut in second life objects have a sort of radar and can look around at things02:25
fennSL has a terrible scripting interface02:26
fennhave you ever looked at Alice?02:26
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genehackerwhich is quite annoying because you can't just get some object's position and have other objects react to it02:26
fennor scratch?02:26
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genehackeryou have to look for it02:26
genehackerwell I have to read about fail02:26
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fennenjoy your fail02:26
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fennshe doesnt look very happy http://s2.buzzfeed.com/static/imagebuzz/web02/2009/2/23/15/not-where-trains-should-go-20454-1235421680-15.jpg02:49
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fennman this shit just gets weirder and weirder02:59
fennwarning do not watch this if you are easily annoyed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCCx7zANsGE02:59
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Utopiahguess ARDeskTop videos http://www.youtube.com/user/WahWahHawah look more "useful" than the "Maid doll" equivalent05:35
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fenni'm not too big on the whole fiducial marker concept anyway05:42
Utopiahone good thing is... it can't be cheaper, you can even use a black marker and do it, just need a webcam and soft but... the bad thing is... what's the added value?05:45
fennwell it's "poor man's VR"05:46
fenni guess my take is that the absolute position isnt terribly important, it's the relative position that matters05:46
fennso accelerometers ought to be good enough05:47
fenni guess i'll find out once i start playing around with accelerometers05:47
fenni find it strange that almost all the "AR" stuff is actually "mediated reality"05:52
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Utopiahok, Ive found 1 good usage http://kougaku-navi.net/ARToolKit.html#Tachikoma ;)05:57
fennhuh. if you look one page or so down you'll see the "temple" chalk sign i linked to earlier06:00
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kanzuresata is reducing my pay06:49
genehackeryou're getting paid?06:49
kanzure$50/week for database programming, website creation and management, running around the lab yelling at people to give me data, etc. bull-fucking-shit. he can't expect that from me for $50/wk.06:49
genehackerI haven't heard anything from steven or shadid btw06:49
genehackerhave they done any tests on my filter?06:50
kanzurenot sure06:50
Smari$50 a week... that's like... 3 hours worth of work, tops.06:52
kanzureso how am I going to afford this apartment, again?06:54
kanzureI signed a contract..06:54
genehackerhopefully your LA trip will help with that06:54
genehackerotherwise, want to start a business?06:55
kanzureum, why?06:55
Smarihasn't that trip happened yet? What's taking so long?06:55
kanzureSmari: it's next weekend06:55
SmariI'm fairly sure I just spent a weekend away.06:55
Smariah, k.06:55
genehackermeeting with the alcor guy right?06:56
genehackerwho then?06:56
kanzurenew meetup group: http://www.meetup.com/Austin-Biotechies/06:58
genehackerwhen's the meeting06:58
kanzureno plans06:58
genehackerbtw if we ever get this DNA synth thing working we might try to do some DNA nanotech stuff06:59
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kanzureyay for stacy07:16
kanzure"Taq is super easy to purify, you don't need a column."07:16
genehacker_also on silica gel07:17
genehacker_it's super easy to make07:17
genehacker_now about nucleotidases....07:17
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genehacker_oh I get it07:20
genehacker_put the proteins to make taq in non-thermally tolerant bacteria and heat07:21
kanzureum, no07:21
genehacker_lyse them first?07:21
genehacker_plasmid to make taq07:21
kanzurestacy suggested using centrifugation07:21
kanzureI'm debating whether or not I like centrifugation.07:22
genehacker_that what it says in Diybio07:22
genehacker_centrifuging is good07:22
genehacker_got a food processor?07:22
genehacker_if yes, then you can convert it to a centrifuge07:23
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kanzurewhat is a "food processor"?07:23
kanzureis this a stomach?07:23
kanzure'Single-Step Purification of Recombinant Thermus aquaticus DNA Polymerase Using DNA-Aptamer Immobilized Novel Affinity Magnetic Beads'07:23
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genehacker_now find if you can do that for other things07:24
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kanzureaptamer affinity chromatography was common I thought?07:48
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kanzurehaha: http://www.freewebs.com/democratictranshumanists/08:15
kanzuresee 'Logical combinations of chromatographic steps'08:19
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kanzurehttp://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=12511#pid157544 some notes on chromatography that I have posted08:24
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kanzure not sure what this is yet: http://www.hathitrust.org/08:32
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kanzuremissed "dehumidification" in the separations process list11:35
kanzureFractalGee - A Twisted State of Mind11:37
--- Log opened Mon Jul 13 12:03:45 2009
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kanzureDebs are available for squeeze and above (lenny uses v6.2.7, which is too old). You can install them by entering: 13:11
kanzurefrom http://www.pythonocc.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_OpenCASCADE_on_Linux13:11
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kanzurecompatibility_equations.cs only covers the following cases: motor & shaft, motor & battery, shaft & gear, shaft & pulley, bearing & shaft14:59
kanzureor possibly:15:05
kanzureyeah the second one15:05
fennnote to whoever, dont try reading the manasi code unless you're looking for laughs/hopelessness15:22
fennkanzure: here's some inspiration i guess15:23
fennoops i forgot the link15:25
fennthis is cool too http://emergent.unpy.net/0121876918415:25
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fennif you want to warp your brain inside out http://fennetic.net/irc/encoder-panelized.ps15:37
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fennsorry ybit i'm not going to scan 'computerized manufacturing process planning systems'15:54
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ybitskdb.freefab.org works fine18:13
ybitfenn: that's fine, i've got it coming in through an interlibrary loan and i'll scan it18:13
ybitmanufacturing reference guide is coming in too18:14
* ybit is slightly frustrated 18:14
ybiti was told by someone i kind of look to as a father figure not to talk geek to girls unless i want to be single for the rest of my life18:15
ybitthere are plenty of hot geeky girls, and i see no reason to 'dumb it down' as he says18:15
kanzureare there any hot geeky girls in here?18:16
ybitif i happen to have a partner later in life, then, they will probably be somewhat intelligent (subjectively speaking) and interested in similar subjects18:16
ybitthere are plenty of hot girls at the science building at una18:17
ybitthat have similar interests, anywho18:17
ybitthere's katsmeow-afk, think that's the only girl in this channel18:17
ybitnever met her18:17
kanzureyou guys are lame. can''t even be hot geeky girls.18:18
ybitno offense kanzure, if i meet a girl, i hope she doesn't look like you, with the beard and whatnot :P18:18
kanzuresounds like a good plan to me18:19
ybitso, i had some insightful thinking last night while i couldn't sleep..18:19
ybitprobably about as insightful as when someone has a revelation while high18:20
kanzurenot sure I want to hear about your fantasies18:20
ybitkanzure: you can deal with fenn's robot pr0n but you don't want to listen to my random thoughts at night 18:21
kanzurerobot pr0n?18:21
ybit..can't blame you, robot pr0n is hot18:21
kanzurehell yeah18:21
ybit'how they make it'18:21
ybiton the discovery or science channel, i forget18:21
kanzureanyway, what's on your mind?18:21
ybitright, so i contacted the county health department today and they said that there shouldn't be a problem with a biochem lab @ my house, they were just concerned if i happen to be releasing toxins from the house, how much. then i called the city's building department and they had never heard of such a thing either, and said there weren't any regulations in place. so i'm probably going to be dealing with national gov. 18:23
kanzureso how is that insightful?18:23
ybitjust don't want the cops being suspicious18:23
ybitthat's not from last night18:23
ybitjust thought you and others might have some thoughts18:23
kanzureone thing that I would recommend is a big fucking manual/book of all of your experiments so that if hazmat teams find you dead holding a vile of some shit, they might know what to do18:24
kanzure(I'm serious)18:24
ybitso what's on my mind, i'm looking into creating my own veneers, curious what frequency the body operates at, and..18:25
ybitargh, doorbell18:25
ybitbah, probably kids selling stuff for school, "i'm poor! get off my lawn before i call the cops!"18:25
ybitanywho, as a transhuman, will i be thinking in binary..?18:26
kanzuretry trhowing empty beer bottles18:26
kanzureum? what are you currently thinking in?18:27
ybitmaybe the equivalent of an open source movement for singularity is sharing conscious thought?18:27
ybit..with others, or just ideas?..18:27
kanzuresounds a lot like the old cyborg communes18:28
ybit"how much are we willing to presever, being a small part of of many parts is human after all (sharing body with bacteria, e.g.)18:28
ybitthinking of sending an email to some transhumanist email group asking people to name 10 things they would do if they suddenly have an infinite lifespain18:28
kanzureyou won't be getting any interesting responses18:29
kanzurethere was once a story about a man who lived forever and decided to meet everyone face-to-face18:29
kanzureoh, that was douglas adams18:29
kanzureso anyway, there you go18:29
ybit"what are the limits of the universe, i think that's the singularity. the point at which we are unsure of what will happen."18:29
* kanzure makes food18:29
kanzureybit: have you read neverness yet?18:31
kanzurei strongly suspect that transhumanism isn't going to be about single lifespans that last forever into the future. while that would be nice, I'm not going to rely on it- and if it does happen, then that's good18:31
kanzurethere are some thoughts somewhere on the internet about how to do cloning and how to make sure that the clone gorws up to be mostly you18:32
kanzurein the sense that any clone could be "you"18:32
ybit"my hypothesis on love, it's a genetic survival instinct, all three parts of it. attachment/long term caring is just in case we ourselves don't survive, we would like to see ideal genes, those that are similar to our own live on and thrive. lust, simply to replicate and survive. romance or to romanticize something is to make us feel good about something so that we think there's something worth carrying on for, that there is progress to made or is being18:32
kanzureand to some extent I am interested in that sort of tweaking to get various parameters just right for these interesting brains18:32
ybitkanzure: no i haven't read neverness yet18:32
kanzurewell you're a slacker :p18:32
ybiti'll respond to your thoughts when i get through typing the rest of my text from last night..18:32
kanzuregah, text18:32
ybitsimple thought: "money is a mechanism for distributing resources, metacurrency attempts to make the process more efficient."18:33
kanzurethe kernel doesn't need money though18:33
ybit"critical thinking is a method for discovering or understanding how something works. 'how does it work', but what are the underlying molecular processes taking place during this critical thinking?"18:34
ybit'these genetic mechanism are often hidden under many layers and are often never realized by the person."18:34
kanzureit's more about sensemaking. the molecular processes aren't discovering platonic truths.. they are just making things make sense.18:34
ybit"our genes are constantly storing and retrieving info. this never ending genetic cycle of mystery and discovery. notice two categories always, i'm thinking in binary and not even noticing typically (unless high). what are the mathematics involved, maybe our brains are fundamentally limited by the math which are bodies use. what molecular processes does calculations? how efficient would would another base be?18:36
ybit'the body is a complex system by which recursive binary operations are observable. what mathematical system are we not observing?"18:37
ybitand that's it18:37
ybitmy vocab was limited last night it seemed18:38
ybit a big fucking manual/book of all of your experiments, aka a log book?18:38
ybit23:22 < kanzure> um? what are you currently thinking in?18:39
ybitgood question18:39
ybit23:28 < kanzure> the kernel doesn't need money though18:40
ybitpoint taken18:40
ybitwas thinking about flows and decided to write something on money18:41
ybitof course i don't plan on just having one copy of myself for the eternity18:41
ybitas soon as i realize how to make clones of myself, i'm doing it18:41
ybitthe body i'm using right now could be just a bot of a larger system of me18:41
ybiti could 1k+ of these bots18:42
ybitdisposable and not highly important if the body is rendered unfunctional if there is a shared concious and plenty of backups18:42
kanzureI don't know what conciousness is.18:43
kanzureso I don't think that will work18:43
ybitconciousness to me = memories and sensory data18:43
kanzurethat doesn't help if you're interested in building18:44
ybitandy maybe some sense of continuity18:44
ybitwhatever that is supposed to mean18:46
ybitfor obvious reasons, it's difficult to predict the unknown limits of our universe. i won't say impossibly because i've been conditioned to not think that way18:52
ybitand i think i was trying to convince myself that maybe we were only see a two dimensions of the entire mathematical universe18:53
ybitif only our bodies wouldn't caculate in binary, we might be able to see it18:53
ybitbaloney maybe, but it's where this mind of mine was while attempting to sleep18:54
spliceri was listening to daniel dennett one night when I was about to sleep. He has thought a lot about the "What are we" questions... if we have free will is one of them.18:59
splicerThe thing he said that has had me thinking the last 2 weeks was about memes..19:00
splicerwhen dawkins invented/discovered them he defined them as ideas under the laws of natural selection... 19:01
kanzureeverything is under the law of natural selection. there is no thing in this universe that is not natural. but yes, that's what memes were about originally.19:02
splicerwhat dennett  did was point out that for humans they and genes both decide our actions...  ideas have survival mechanisms too and sometimes they survive by killing the carrier.19:03
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has left #hplusroadmap ["Konversation terminated!"]19:04
splicerso far ok... and the he unified genes and memes.. pointing out that genes are units of information regadless of format... and that they therefore are the same thing as a meme.19:04
splicer...so it's all memes... and the laws of natural selection.19:05
ybitand it seems our genes are quite aware of survival 19:09
splicernot really.. we love to die for ideas19:10
ybit"[luf-team] Alternative Methods for Reaching Outer Space (Was Re: The International Open Spa"19:10
ybitwhen was it ever international open spa :P19:10
* ybit originally created the topic not based on any previous post19:11
kanzuremeredith totally dropped the gaunlet19:15
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []19:23
spliceris she known to piss in cheerios?19:40
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap19:47
xp_prgkanzure you here?19:47
kanzuresplicer: what is pissing in cheerios?19:48
xp_prgkanzure there is trouble in paradise with the chief people of the diybio community and yourself19:49
xp_prgare you aware of this?19:49
kanzureis there?19:49
bkeroWas this about that manifesto that Kanzure wrote?19:49
kanzure woah, don't tell me it was the manifesto19:49
bkeroMerely speculation19:49
xp_prgbecause they feel there is too much noise on the mailing list19:49
kanzurecan I blame bkero if it's the manifesto?19:50
xp_prgthat is why they are finding alternative ways to post and stuff19:50
kanzurelike what?19:50
xp_prgthey would prefer a way to screen out those who are actually doing real work, not just talking about real work if you will19:50
kanzureyeah that's what I'm building19:51
kanzurethat's what skdb is about19:51
xp_prgI don't know if they are willing to wait that long19:51
xp_prganyway, just thought you should know19:51
kanzureto wait?19:51
kanzurewhy do they have to wait?19:51
xp_prgcuz it is not completed irght?19:52
kanzurethere are aspects that are working19:52
kanzurebut yeah there is still work to be done19:52
kanzurethey shouldn't expect me to just be able to press a single key and finish everything ever19:52
kanzurethat's way too much to ask of me19:52
xp_prgthey feel your questions are not helpful/useful and feel very discouraged to post19:53
kanzurewho is "they"?19:53
kanzuredo they even understand me?19:54
xp_prgI will get in trouble if I say but they are at the top19:54
kanzurethe top of what?19:54
splicerkanzure: Take the hint19:55
xp_prgthe top of the diybio community19:55
kanzurethere is no top19:55
xp_prgthere are those that have igem experience etc.., those are defininetely better than me19:56
QuantumGits diy all the way down19:56
kanzureigem experience isn't diy19:56
xp_prgdo you want any advice from me how to fix things?19:56
kanzureno, I want you to knock some sense into mac19:56
QuantumGigem = let amateurs play with million dollar wet labs19:56
kanzurethey don't see mto understand how to run an open source project19:57
kanzurerichard stallman would be most displeased19:57
QuantumGnot that there's anything wrong with that19:57
xp_prgkanzure I am on your side if you will19:57
xp_prgjust telling you of the issues regardless19:57
kanzureQuantumG: they claim to be an open source project19:57
kanzurebut it's totally bullshit because they don't even know about open source tools19:57
kanzureso they think I'm sorme sort of noise generator on the list19:58
xp_prgI don't get along with them either :)19:58
kanzureeven though it's the whole fucking point to use open source software19:58
QuantumGwhat?  igem?19:58
xp_prgkanzure have you thought about just creating your own list?19:58
splicerKanzure: If I understand this it's about you having opinios about absolutely everything always... 19:58
QuantumGthey're all about open parts.. where open == we promise not to sue certain people19:58
kanzurexp_prg: why would I do that19:58
kanzureQuantumG: no, diybio19:58
kanzuresplicer: no, the problem is that they don't understand me19:59
xp_prgwell people feel suffocated19:59
xp_prgafraid to post19:59
kanzurewhy is that?19:59
xp_prgyou rip people a new one quite readily19:59
kanzureno I don't19:59
kanzureonly when t19:59
xp_prgyou overwhelm them with your opinions and conjecture19:59
splicerkanzure: You don't understand them... they someone wants to say something but as soon as he/she says it you are there.19:59
kanzureso what?20:00
xp_prgyou don't let me simply have a topic and make points20:00
kanzureithat shouldn't even matter20:00
kanzurethey should just get to work20:00
xp_prglet them I meant20:00
kanzureif they want to write opinions, then they should write opinions20:00
xp_prganyway, do what you will, just thought you should know20:00
kanzureI think there's too much top-down restriction going on there20:00
kanzuremaybe they need to go work on other open source projects first20:01
xp_prgon the whole I appreciate your contribution, I would faint and die if you would be more open to other posts and not overwhelm them when they post20:01
kanzureI am open to their posts20:01
xp_prgyou shut people down man20:01
kanzureit's not like I threaten to kill them20:02
splicerbut you turn it into the kanzure show20:02
xp_prgkanzure people feel overwhelmed man20:03
xp_prgjust letting you know20:03
kanzurewhat does that have to do with "shut people down man"20:03
xp_prgyou can ignore it but it is a community, I would listen if I were you20:03
kanzurewhy don't they listen to me20:03
xp_prgcuz there is too much to hear20:03
xp_prgtheir ears are only so big20:03
splicerAsk people20:04
xp_prgkanzure I like you please don't get me wrong, but people are now making alternative means to discuss diybio because of you20:04
kanzurewhat's wrong with discussing diybio now?20:05
splicerIf everyone wrote like you what you did would be fine20:06
xp_prgkanzure if you were on the list would it be easy to figure out who is actually doing real projects and who is not?20:06
kanzureyou just send me the projects and I package them up for you20:06
kanzurewhat's so hard about that20:06
xp_prgwell people don't think so20:06
kanzuredon't think what?20:07
kanzurethat the packaging idea dworks?20:07
kanzurethere's tons of evidence20:07
xp_prgkanzure I don't know what else to tell you did the best I could to warn you, hope you can think about it more20:07
kanzurewarn me?20:07
kanzurewarn me of what?20:07
kanzureis there some conspiracy against open source diybio?20:08
xp_prgno you20:08
kanzurewhy would they do that if I'm one of the only guys working on open source diybio20:08
kanzureI haven't really seen any indication that they know about these tools20:08
kanzureor that they use them or anything like that20:08
xp_prgcuz nobody feels like they have any breathing room around you20:08
xp_prgthey feel suffocated by your opinions etc...20:09
xp_prganyway, it would be great if you made a concious effort to let others speak freely and without ambushing them20:09
kanzureif you could show me how I ambush people20:10
kanzurethat would be great20:10
xp_prgthe latest response to mac20:10
kanzurewhat about it?20:10
xp_prghow many total questions did you ask?20:10
kanzurewhat does it matter?20:10
kanzurelet's say n=5020:10
xp_prgthat about 47 too many20:11
kanzureum, so I should send 20 emails of 2 or 3 questions each?20:11
kanzurethat's totally retarded20:11
kanzureif he has to take a break in replying to it, he should respond three questions at a time20:11
kanzureit's not like that's illegal20:11
splicerkanzure: You really don't understand the "Don't suffocate" comment?20:11
xp_prgno you should only ask 2 -3 questions total20:12
kanzureum, why?20:12
kanzuredid the Great Mac not have enough time to answer my lowly questions?20:12
xp_prgbecause it makes people feel suffocated man20:12
xp_prgya he doesn't have enough time20:12
kanzurequestions make them feel suffocated?20:12
kanzurenot enough time?20:12
kanzurethen why is he running a group20:12
xp_prgout of the goodness of his heart?20:12
xp_prghe has talked of quitting if you will20:13
kanzurebut he's doing more damage than good20:13
kanzureoh really?20:13
kanzurewhy's that?20:13
kanzureor I mean, when did that come up20:13
xp_prgI can't discuss more than that20:13
xp_prgprobably said too much already20:13
kanzurethis is all so secretive20:14
xp_prgkanzure encourage people to collaborate, to express their opinions20:14
kanzurewhat needs to be secretive about this?20:14
kanzureyueah, there are tools that they can use to collaborate20:14
xp_prgcuz it is a community and they are not jiving to your ways20:14
kanzuremy ways?20:14
kanzurethese aren't my ways..20:14
kanzurethese are the general open source tools and methods.. that's what I keepp telling them.20:15
xp_prgkanzure study how linus tivolds runs an opensource project20:15
kanzurewith git20:15
xp_prgthere is natural leadership to a community20:15
xp_prgyour "not" the leader20:15
kanzureyeah because he commits code20:15
xp_prgask yourself who is20:15
xp_prgits a meritocracy20:15
kanzureum, why?20:15
xp_prgthose who do things, not just talk about doing things20:15
kanzurewhat does that have to do with a meritocracy?20:16
xp_prgmeritocracy means those who do more than others get more say20:16
kanzurebut that's a relative measure 20:16
splicerkanzure: I don't think you're gonna understand this today20:16
xp_prgit is measured by the community20:16
kanzuresplicer: I think they are wrong.20:16
kanzuresplicer: Mac has been out to get me for a while now.20:17
kanzureever since I fucked up that public speech20:17
kanzurehe just hasn't forgiven me20:17
splicerI know... but there is something in front of you that you clearly don't undestand20:17
xp_prgwhat did you do?!20:17
kanzureI made a really terrible presentation at biobarcamp20:17
kanzurewasn't prepared for it20:17
kanzurehe was in the audience20:17
xp_prgwhat happened exactly?20:17
kanzurehe and others just walked out20:17
kanzurethey just decided to leave..20:17
kanzurewhich is acceptable, since I wasn't prepared20:17
kanzurebut that's no reason to hold a grudge against me20:17
splicerkanzure: that's not it20:18
kanzurethen I give up20:18
kanzureI've explained things to them so many times by now20:18
xp_prgkanzure lets say you want to post to a list and someone asks you 100 questions every time20:18
kanzureI'll answer them.20:18
xp_prgdoes that make you want to post more or less?20:18
kanzurethat's what lists are for .. for discussing.20:18
xp_prgfor most people the answer is less20:19
kanzuremaybe they should pick and choose which questions to reply to20:19
splicermaybe they shouldn't have to20:19
kanzuremaybe they don't want to be involved20:19
xp_prgkanzure they do want to be invovled, they feel attacked by you20:20
splicermaybe they do but don't want to spend time humoring you20:20
kanzurewhy would they be humoring me20:20
kanzurexp_prg: they shouldn't though. I try to be helpful with my links to tutorials, howtos, explanations, etc.20:20
kanzureit should be very approachable.20:20
xp_prgkanzure you are helpful kanzure but your overly helpful if you will, people can't seem to help anyone else20:21
kanzurepeople can't seem to help anyone else?20:21
xp_prgimagine we are digging a whole, we all have shovels but your in the middle shoveling so fast that nobody gets a chance to use their shovel20:22
xp_prghole = whole20:22
kanzurethere are ways to dig a hole with multiple people involved20:22
kanzurethat's what open source collaboration tools allow for20:22
kanzurethat's why they exist20:22
kanzurethey fix this problem20:22
xp_prgkanzure study opensource projects study what leadership is20:23
splicerthe kanzure show is not a collaboration20:23
xp_prgif a vote was made today would you be the leader?20:23
xp_prgif so why not?20:23
kanzurexp_prg: I have trouble believing you know about programming.20:23
splicerit's you telling people what to do20:23
kanzurexp_prg: why would I be the leader?20:23
kanzureI shouldn't be the leader20:23
xp_prgkanzure, you don't let the leader lead20:23
kanzuresplicer: do you know about version control?20:23
kanzurexp_prg: the leader doesn't lead anyway20:24
xp_prgyes they do20:24
kanzurexp_prg: how? what have they done20:24
kanzuresplicer: what?20:24
ybitsplicer: who are you exactly?20:24
xp_prgcreated biobricks and stuff20:24
spliceri know something about version control20:24
kanzurexp_prg: that's not diy20:24
kanzuresplicer: okay, neat.20:24
ybittyler durden20:24
kanzureybit: ?20:24
ybitjust trying to figure out who splicer is, that's all20:25
splicerybit: not sure I understand the question20:25
ybitsplicer: didn't know your real name until a whois20:26
spliceryes, it's there20:26
ybiti don't feel overwhelmed at all, sorry others feel that way20:26
splicerbut do you understand the others?20:26
ybitthe diybio activity level is so low in general, why complain about the little activity that's already there, it isn't preventing others from getting involved. others can make any excuse they want20:27
xp_prgybit that is why it is low20:27
kanzureit is low because it is low?20:28
xp_prgit wouldn't be so low if people didn't feel overwhelmed by kanzure all the time20:28
ybitxp_prg: ?20:28
xp_prgwhat is so hard to understand how people don't want to post to have someone ask them 50 questions every time?20:28
ybitsplicer: do i understand the others? i mostly get the feeling others just want to be alerted where there is a completed project, and simply don't want to discuss all topics20:29
kanzurethat's what the announce list is for20:29
kanzurebut they don't use it for some reason20:29
ybit'others' being those whom are silent and don't contribute much20:29
ybitif any20:29
splicerthe same thing that's happening here happens on the board often....20:30
splicerthere are 2 people trying to explain something "People feel you suffocate the discussion"... but there is no way to explain it.20:30
kanzurebecause it's bullshit20:31
splicerno it's not20:31
kanzurethen why is there no way to explain it?20:31
ybitjust use filters and stop complaining please20:31
splicerit's like when i was trying to explain to you for 30 min that you had written about brainuploading.. remember... you were, but there was no way to explin it to you.20:31
kanzureybit: heh20:32
-!- katy [n=katy@dhcp-128-83-195-124.biosci.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap20:33
* ybit plans on testing this in a little bit20:36
ybitSBaGen -- Binaural Beat Brain Wave Experimenter's Lab20:36
ybitkanzure: you had linked to it from some writing20:36
ybitway back when20:36
kanzureI haven't been impressed with the binaural beat stuff. tell me how it goes I guess.20:36
ybithi katy20:37
katyhello ybit20:37
ybitkaty: how's things? why are you? what do you want? :P20:37
ybitkatsmeow-afk using another nick?20:38
katylong day. just watching.20:40
kanzurebicycle pump to extract dna? hm.20:42
kanzure"extracts genetic material from blood and other bodily fluids by pumping fluid through a polymer-lined straw designed to trap DNA"20:42
splicerisn't the container kind of big?20:44
kanzurehey katy20:44
kanzurewell it links over to http://web.mac.com/catherineklapperich/Site/Home.html which talks about microfluidics20:45
kanzurehm they say they support openwetware20:45
kanzurebut they seem to say the site more than anything20:45
kanzureunless I see some schematics for this device on the next page :p20:45
kanzure#  Bhattacharyya A and Klapperich CM. Thermoplastic microfluidic device for on-chip purification of nucleic acids for disposable diagnostics. Anal Chem 2006 Feb 1; 78(3) 788-92. doi:10.1021/ac051449j pmid:16448052. PubMed HubMed [paper2] 20:46
kanzure"solid-phase extraction" (SPE)20:47
kanzure"The solid phase consisted of a porous monolithic polymer column impregnated with silica particles. The extraction was achieved due to the binding of nucleic acids to the silica particles in the monolith. The solid phase was formed within the channels of the device by in situ photoinitiated polymerization of a mixture of methacrylate and dimethacrylate monomers, UV-sensitive free-radical initiator, and porogenic solvents. The channel surfaces were pretreated via photografting to covalently attach the monolith to the channel walls. The solid phase prepared by this method allowed for successful extraction and elution of nucleic acids in the polymeric microchip."20:47
kanzurethere's the paper20:50
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]21:05
kanzureybit: care for a game of typespeed?21:08
ybitkanzure: installing now21:11
kanzurespace and/or enter both work21:12
ybitkanzure: alright, let's do it21:16
kanzureserver name is heybryan.org21:16
kanzureor just use the ip address to heybryan.org21:17
ybitaConnecting to typespeed server at (port 6025)...21:18
kanzureoh the ip is wrong21:18
ybitwrong port maybe?21:19
ybitmaybe it's my firewall21:19
ybitone sec21:19
kanzuretry one more time21:20
ybitrecv(): Connection reset by peer21:20
kanzure"remote is not typespeed"21:20
kanzuresame thing21:20
kanzurehm. don't know what's wrong.21:20
kanzureI'll look into it I guess.21:20
ybitthat was after i removed my firewall too21:21
kanzurethat was after I did portforwarding too21:21
kanzureit might be because of my connection. I've been dropping packets and having 4 sec ping lags to google.21:21
ybitwho linked to http://88proof.com/synthetic_biology/blog/ from in here?...21:22
ybitnot sure how i got there21:22
kanzurethat's jonathan cline21:22
ybitaha, it was from the logs when searching for sbagen21:23
ybittheodore berger never responded to my email btw21:23
ybitmaybe it was because i was too in awe when asking him questions21:23
ybiti'm perfectly content not working in his lab now or any lab except mine21:26
splicerybit: do you know what you are going to do in the lab?21:31
kanzureworld domination research? please?21:31
bkeroybit: You have your own lab?21:33
ybitsplicer: probably try to figure out where Brain went wrong in his experiments21:38
ybitbkero: not yet, right now it's just a bunch of equipment for soldering21:39
bkeroSo you have a soldering station? :)21:40
bkeroOr lke a soldering robot?21:40
ybitbkero: yup, and it's nice21:40
bkerohttp://www.labx.com/ has some decent cheap equipment21:41
ybithere's me soldering station: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000HDG0AO/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_2?pf_rd_p=304485901&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B000I30QBW&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=19P24YRM2SHPCZZ2W95421:42
bkeroI'm in the middle of making my own centrifuge, fume hood, and robotic mill21:42
bkeroAh, a hot air21:42
splicerkanzure: just looked at it, you have posted more on diybio than the four largest posters after you put together.21:43
ybitsplicer: so, i'd like to replicate some of the work being done in berger's lab, creating in-vivo MEAs is the eventual goal21:44
ybitamong others21:44
ybitsplicer: who cares21:45
ybitit's like this with other mailing lists 21:45
ybitpaul does it with open manufacturing21:45
ybitbut unlike paul, bryan keeps his posts trimmed typically, though paul's latest haven't been terrible21:45
ybits/terrible/terribly long21:46
splicerwhat's a MEA?21:46
ybitbkero: making your own centrifuge, nice, are you replicating someone else's work?21:46
ybitthere have been many references on the diybio mailing list and blogs for various centrifuge setups21:47
ybitone guy used a record player i believe21:47
ybitsplicer: multi-electrode array21:47
bkeroJust using the centrifuge at my old lab as a reference.21:47
kanzurea record player?21:48
splicerybit: ah, cool21:48
bkeroBut I'm using some hobby electric motors, eBay electric scooter motor controller, some nice shelled bearings from an engine21:48
ybiti have a junkyard21:48
bkeroI'm just trying to figure out the container21:48
bkeroWell, the vial holder21:48
ybityou tell me what type of motor you need and i'll check to see what we have21:48
ybiti was working on a hoverboard design from parts there when i was kindergarten :P21:49
bkeroMy PSU and controller are set up for 12v 85w21:49
ybitended up just being a skateboard with a motor21:49
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ybitno hovering and no anti-gravity particle surprisingly21:50
bkeroNot exactly hovering21:50
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bkeroAnyway, people seem to make a big deal out of them.21:52
bkeroHonestly, the hardest part is balancing the holder at different speeds.  If you don't get it right, they reverberate a lot.21:52
ybithttp://www.uva.co.uk/archives/74 21:53
* ybit wants this for the flooring here21:54
ybithttp://graffitiresearchlab.com/?page_id=76 21:55
ybitwould like to do that as well for the fun of it, will of course have to speak with some city reps again21:55
ybitlabx bookmarked21:56
bkeroI have a wiimote whiteboard set up on my wall :)21:56
ybitnice :)21:56
bkerobut I'm not using it as a whiteboard21:57
bkeroI'm using it as the remote21:57
bkeroI have a projector set up with a wiimote camera pointed at it21:57
bkeroI have boxee(an xbox media centre derivative) running, and use a laser pointer as a pointer. :)21:57
ybitnothing exciting really about the grafitti laser pointer device, just a good excuse to have fun afk21:59
kanzuredon't forget the hard drive + laser pointer device for a writer :)22:00
kanzurehard drive + laser pointer + piezo or something.22:00
kanzureer, wait, the hard drive version used the hard drive arm to manipulate a mirror which the laser shined on22:00
ybitbtw, i think diybio is too limited22:03
bkeroSome amusing things I saw at DefCon last year included a projector with a camera.  The camera followed a laser pointer and showed a trail on the projector, which dripped22:03
ybitto bio22:04
ybithence diysci.org22:04
ybitwho knows what will come of that, but i kind of have an idea of just collecting all the diy-research being done on the web and posting it there22:04
bkeroAt what point does something stop being DIY?22:04
bkeroWhen it moves out of a garage?  When it's sponsored?22:05
QuantumGwhen you stop doing it yourself22:05
bkeroDoes that count lab assistants?22:05
ybitwhen you can't get access to the schematics probably22:05
ybitor source files22:05
bkeroSo it's open source science then?22:05
ybiti suppose diy doesn't imply that22:06
ybitbut it's how i view it22:06
ybitdiy/open to everyone22:06
bkeroAre there any creative commons licenses that are specific to scientific research?22:06
ybiti haven't searched22:07
ybitbkero: i know Joseph Jackson is part of some open science journal movement, i'm sure there's something on the site if i can find a link22:08
bkeroybit: ping dberkholz on freenode, he does a lot of open source science, he's the guy behind pgd22:09
ybitPreimplantation genetic diagnosis?22:09
ybiti see he's sane too (he uses gentoo :)22:11
bkeroQuantumG: He's on the gentoo and X council22:12
bkeroWe use gentoo professionally on hundreds of lab computers22:12
QuantumGdyi auto22:12
bkeroIn fact, the IRC server you're connected to right now is running gentoo using our configuration management system. ;)22:13
QuantumGgentoo users are emos.. 22:14
QuantumGthey like to be on the cutting edge22:14
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bkeroQuantumG: I can compile packages faster than Ubuntu admins can compile and distribute them for you ;)22:14
bkeroBut this isn't a channel for that kind of debate.  Just know that the server you're connected to right now is running gentoo.22:15
QuantumGI'll know when it goes down.  :)22:15
bkerobkero@fir ~ $ uptime 03:13:12 up 1000 days,  9:40, 51 users,  load average: 2.45, 1.22, 0.6022:15
bkeroYou'll be waiting a while.22:16
kanzurethis is, in fact, the right channel for that debate.22:16
QuantumGwow, that irc server can't be too cutting edge then22:16
QuantumGyou might as well have installed it from a package.22:17
bkeroQuantumG: You have no idea how patched the ircd's on freenode are.22:17
bkeroThey basically rewrote half of it22:17
kanzurebkero: there is no creative commons licenses for scientific research. there's also nothing for open source hardware, really. patents kind of fuck us.22:17
bkerokanzure: That's big horse shit22:17
bkeroThere's plenty of artistic coverage in the creative commons, because the creative commons is mostly formed around cultural materials, but scientific research is somewhat of new territory for it.22:18
QuantumGI thought there was a whole lot of licenses with patent dedication requirement clauses22:18
kanzurethe open access people do creative commons licensing of their papers22:18
kanzurebut that doesn't matter22:18
QuantumGand people moan about them because they're no compatible with the GPL, etc22:18
kanzurethe data and source code and schematics are more important22:18
kanzureI mean, I like the open access literature- it's great22:18
kanzurebut that doesn't do the trick IMHO22:18
kanzurebkero: see sciencecommons.org22:19
kanzurebut they don't do hardware for some reason22:19
bkerokanzure: I forgot about the science commons.  I have a science commons sticker on my old media centre case :)22:19
bkeroShot the shit with them at OSCON last year.22:19
kanzureI met them at biobarcamp22:19
kanzurewhich was odd because the person I met was some really young, beautiful woman22:19
bkeroThey moved OSCON from Portland to SJ this year. :/22:19
kanzureand it turns out her partner had previously collaborated with me22:19
kanzurewe were thinking of writing a paper together, for instance22:19
bkeroSounds like good pickup material22:20
kanzureshe offered me coffee but I totally dropped the ball on that one22:20
bkeroYou bitch :/22:20
kanzureyes :(22:20
* kanzure goes back to gundam 0022:20
bkeroI would kick myself in the gentleman area for a month.22:20
kanzureoh, believe me.22:20
bkerokanzure: Do yourself a favor and watch Eva instead. :)22:20
kanzureneon genesis evangaleon?22:21
kanzureI never got too into it.22:21
kanzurealways seemed to psycho-philosophical or whatever the hell the right term is22:21
bkeroJust get through the first 10 episodes or so22:21
bkeroThere's a reason it's #1 in almost all lists. :)22:21
kanzure*as I said*22:21
* kanzure goes back to gundam22:21
ybitwow i'm slow, especially when it comes to women, it took me awhile to realize what coffee could mean22:27
ybitguess i can't call myself a man since that's not the first thing that comes to mind22:28
bkeroI'm not sure that's inherently manly as it is social.22:28
-!- QuantumG [n=qg@nuclear.biodome.org] has quit [Remote closed the connection]22:31
-!- QuantumG [n=qg@nuclear.biodome.org] has joined #hplusroadmap22:31
ybitwas getting ready for nap time, speaking of 'back of the net' with the ladies, the only success i seem to have is when there are drugs involved. i haven't figured out what goes through the head of the drug-induced woman, but i'm guessing it has to go something like 'screw the whiteness/nerdiness, let's do this thing!'22:36
ybitliterally speaking, white skin 22:37
bkeroAnd that's called delusion22:38
kanzureit was really for coffee I think22:38
bkeroOf course it would be.  Coffee and conversation. :)22:38
ybiti also don't have luck because i just don't care for _that_22:38
kanzurethis that or the other?22:39
ybiti ask a coworker of mine to go grab some coffee with me all the time, and i don't have plans of taking him home with me, i just want to chat22:39
ybithim = the computer engineering grad/father figure22:39
kanzurebkero: be nice22:39
bkeroi ask folks out to coffee to chat.  If the chat goes well and something happens, so be it, but it's not inherently nefarious.22:40
ybitall this of _that_ makes me want to watch some robot pr0n22:40
bkeroybit: Get a fake ID and rent some ultrapr0nn22:40
ybitbkero: i was referring to 'how it's made" silly22:41
bkeroHehe, I have those22:42
ybitkanzure: toolbook is mostly for fabrication processes iirc22:48
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap22:48
ybithow to do this and that with certain machines22:48
ybithaha, """+1, because if there's going to be a fight, then fucking have it22:51
ybitalready and quit carping at each other. Man up, both of you, and speak22:51
ybityour minds for once."""22:51
ybitif there's going to be a fight, do it in private email for tux's sake22:53
ybitdiybio.org admins are useless it seems, the suggestions have been made over and over and yet they don't implement22:54
ybiti should speak up but i don't want to waste my time22:55
genehackerthat doesn't surprise me22:55
bkeroDid someone call for an administrator?22:55
* bkero is superadmin.22:55
ybitheh, a gentoo admin with actual experience, that would be nice22:56
ybitfeel free to admin diysci.org ;)22:56
ybitanywho, i was thinking toolbook would be part of freefab.org, kanzure 22:56
ybitbut if it's going into experiments, then i would make it a part of diysci22:57
ybitisn't it Smari who's working on tangible bit?22:58
ybitthink so23:00
* ybit is away reading23:00
bkeroybit: Sure, need hosting?23:10
ybitreally? yeah, that'd be great23:13
ybiter, bkero 23:13
ybitwait, guess that doesn't imply free23:14
* ybit is a poor man23:15
bkeroIt's free23:15
ybitalright, i'm there. 23:15
ybit'sign me up', and all the other cliche sayings for accepting an offer23:16
ybitmy upload is terrible here23:16
bkeroI'll give you an ssh account and a webroot23:17
ybitgreat, ty23:17
bkeroIt's set up23:20
ybitbkero: PM details?23:20
ybitthere's just a lot of neat dev being done with jabber23:41
bkeroDoes it do more than IRC yet/23:42
ybitlogs conversations automatically23:42
ybitthat's +123:42
bkeroThe server logs conversations?23:43
bkeroThere are a lot of channels on here that don't allow logging23:43
bkeroThe apache channels don't allow any logging for instance.23:43
ybitwhy not?23:44
bkeroA lot of the conversation that goes on there could be construed as official stances from the apache project, instead of the members opinions.23:45
bkeroAlso it messes with companies keeping logs for things like SOX23:45
ybitthen there's jingle23:46
bkeroGoogle has an IRC network for all their employees, and if Legal ever found out it existed, it would be shut down instantly.23:46
ybitthe future of voice communication23:46
bkeroMulti-user chat still isn't in the standard, it's a draft. ;)23:49

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