
--- Day changed Tue Jul 14 2009
ybitseems like something i would watch while under the influence00:02
ybitbkero: i would love to visit the osu lab sometime00:08
ybitif i'm out that way00:08
ybitdo they employ students?00:08
bkeroI'm a student. :)00:08
ybitdo they emply non-students?00:09
bkeroWe love to give tours.00:09
bkeroThose too00:09
bkeroMy lab is considerably noisier and colder than most.00:09
ybithmm, if i had to work somewhere, something like that would fit me well00:09
ybitbut i would probably build it myself00:09
ybitwhat's the costs of the lab?00:10
drazakbkero: I use osuosl all the time00:10
ybitdrazak: via freenode?00:10
bkeroWe get a little over a million dollars in donations every year00:10
drazakI use debian.osuosl.org and gentoo.osuosl.org and similar all the time00:10
bkeroand it all goes into hosting open source projects and development owrk.00:10
ybitbkero: nice00:12
bkeroWe host just about any open source project you can think of :)00:12
ybitwould you be willing to host freefab.org as well eventually, say about a year from now? :)00:12
bkeroYou can put in a hosting request00:12
ybitwill do00:13
bkeroI can host whatever you want on my personal colocated server, as long as it's below a few gigs.00:13
drazakbkero: do you know Inc on irc?00:13
drazakpart of the enlightenment project hosted on osuosl00:13
bkerodrazak: Yes, he hangs out in our channel, and I interact with him a lot.00:13
bkeroI haven't used E17 in about 3 years now.00:14
drazakis he still a dick?00:14
bkeroEveryone at the enlightenment project is still a dick00:14
bkeroThere are bigger dicksout there though.00:14
drazakhe's a pretty big one though00:14
bkeroTry ULrich Drepper00:16
bkeroI like how the (as opposed to this) has 4 links to bugzilla tickets where Ulrich Drepper is a complete asshole.00:20
drazakthere's someone else that's almost as much of an asshole00:21
drazakbut I can't remember his name00:21
bkeroTheo de Raalt00:29
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]00:31
QuantumGTheo de Raadt :)00:50
QuantumGI haven't heard him rant in a while though00:50
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drazakwell, Theo is an ass01:23
drazakbut no, I was thinking of someone from bmp01:23
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fennheh "now hiring unix mail server admins to replace microsoft's internal email system"04:16
fenn"According to the standards of the United States military, forty per cent of young women and twenty-five per cent of young men weigh too much to enlist."04:27
fenni thought the robots did all the work these days04:28
fenn“Fat studies is a radical field, in the sense that it goes to the root of weight-related belief systems,”04:40
fenntext input interfaces and their bandwidth: http://lumma.org/microwave/#2007.07.12.204:57
-!- spicer-afk is now known as Splicer05:34
Smariybit, yes, tangiblebit.com is my thing.06:00
-!- kardan| [n=kardan@p54BE2BCE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap06:39
kanzurefenn: #2004.01.30 is brilliant.07:19
kanzurehttp://refactory.org/ "code snippits wiki"07:22
kanzureis peter voss worth meeting?07:25
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@] has joined #hplusroadmap07:33
fennkanzure: http://dvice.com/archives/2009/07/time-lapse-fa-1.php07:35
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fenndo you know peter voss already?07:55
fenni mean personally07:55
kanzurenatasha introduced peter to me07:56
Utopiahkanzure: did you start heybryan.org in 2007? earlier?08:03
-!- katy [n=katy@dhcp-128-83-195-124.biosci.utexas.edu] has quit [Remote closed the connection]08:14
kanzureUtopiah: 2005 or 2006.08:14
kanzureIntegration of microcolumns and microfluidic fractionators on multitasking centrifugal microfluidic platforms for the analysis of biomolecules 08:17
kanzuremicrofluidic protein purification design: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/microfluidic-protein-purification-design.png08:17
kanzureit's on a CD, so it fits in a standard CDROM drive08:17
kanzurefound it by: http://scholar.google.com.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/scholar?cites=13271680963287729946&hl=en which is a list of things that cite Miao's single-step affinity purification of toxic and non-toxic proteins paper.08:20
kanzureSaphira - Just 4 You (Verano Remix)08:21
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-!- Splicer [n=patrik@h189n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection]10:54
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:07
Smarisamrose, y0!11:22
kanzurethe microfluidic protein purification device is pretty neat11:22
samrosehey Smari11:22
samrosehello kanzure11:22
kanzureit's column chromatography but built on to a plastic device that can run on a CD drive11:22
kanzurehello samrose11:22
kanzurenow that we've had our reunion..11:22
kanzureoh wait. hello Smari11:23
samrosemicrofluidic protein purification sounds cool11:23
Smaricompleting the clique.11:23
samroseespecially if it runs on CD drive11:23
kanzurethis paper seems to claim 4 microliter samples were purified11:23
kanzurein particular, a variant of GFP11:23
kanzureI think the rpm's needed were calculated based off of the mass of GFP or something11:24
kanzureso that makes it a differential centrifugation fractionator or something11:24
SmariI built a solar funnel this morning. My backing paper was too thick and it was hard to fold into a cone, but we still got the focal point up to 106°C, which is pretty good considering that this is Iceland and the funnel sucked.11:24
kanzurefor a cooker?11:24
kanzuredid you want some egg omlets this morning? :)11:25
kanzurehm: http://www.solarcooking.org/plans/funnel.htm11:25
SmariIf I get a better backing material I might try again, I'm fairly sure that getting it up to 250°C is possible given our 4.37 kWh/m²/day here.11:25
kanzuresamrose: my plan is to maybe purify taq11:25
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kanzure"Since 1988, the DoD has required that all digital Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) for weapons systems contracts (the engineering drawings, circuit diagrams, etc.) be delivered in electronic form, specifically in IGES format."13:17
kanzure"An ANSI standard since 1980, IGES has generated warehouses full of magnetic tapes and CD-ROMs of digital PMI for the automotive, aerospace, and shipbuilding industries, as well as for weapons systems from Trident missile guidance systems to entire aircraft carriers. "13:17
kanzureWhere are these warehouses?13:18
kanzureI'm totally prepared to go blackhat on this.13:18
kanzure"One of the unique features of the IGES standard is that it was the first ANSI Standard to be documented using itself. Since Version 4.0, all of the technical illustrations for the printed version of the standard have been generated from IGES files."13:19
kanzuredunno whether that's hot or disgusting13:19
kanzureIGES Example File f214x13:19
kanzurehttp://www.iges5x.org/ The IGES 5.x Preservation Society (IPS) HomePage 13:21
kanzurehttp://www.iges5x.org/wysiwyg/peek/f10620x.txt wtf?13:24
kanzure"This source library provides a starting point for generations of IGES translator implementors who may encounter warehouses of accumulated legacy IGES files, and most of what they need to be able to look at them. "13:31
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@wireless-128-62-123-29.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap13:35
kanzuregenehacker: apparently there are warehouses that are purely devoted to storing IGES files13:36
genehackerwhat are IGES files again?13:37
kanzureoh shit13:37
* kanzure falls in love13:37
kanzuregenehacker: IGES is a CAD format13:37
genehackerjust making sure13:37
genehackerwarehouses full of hard drives or paper?13:38
kanzurehard drivs13:38
genehackerand magnetic tapes13:39
genehackerCD roms13:39
genehackerAn ANSI standard since 1980, IGES has generated warehouses[citation needed] full of magnetic tapes and CD-ROMs of digital PMI for the automotive, aerospace, and shipbuilding industries, as well as for weapons systems from Trident missile guidance systems to entire aircraft carriers.13:39
genehackerautomotive, aerospace, and shipbuilding....13:39
genehackernow if we could get some IGES files for an aircraft carrier, automated construction robots, and time13:40
genehackerI love materials properties databases13:42
genehackerkanzure name a material13:42
genehackerthey'll have it13:44
fenni always thought this page was hilarious http://www.wiz-worx.com/products/wisl/wisl.htm14:10
--- Log closed Tue Jul 14 14:32:20 2009
--- Log opened Tue Jul 14 14:32:25 2009
-!- kanzure [i=bryan@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap14:32
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ybithttp://www.cdc.gov/od/ohs/biosfty/bmbl5/BMBL_5th_Edition.pdf :: Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) 5th Edition15:17
ybithttp://www.sunshine-project.org/biodefense/blsmapside1.jpg :: High Containment Labs and Other Facilities of the US Biodefense program15:25
ybithttp://www.sunshine-project.org/biodefense/blsmapside2.jpg :: the key15:26
kanzureybit: did you read the diy protein purification device paper today yet?15:28
kanzuregenehacker: Integration of microcolumns and microfluidic fractionators on15:30
kanzuremultitasking centrifugal microfluidic platforms for the analysis of15:30
kanzurediagram: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/microfluidic-protein-purification-design.png15:30
kanzuremy notes: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/Integration%20of%20microcolumns%20and%20microfluidic%20fractionators%20on%20multitasking%20centrifugal%20microfluidic%20platforms%20for%20the%20analysis%20of%20biomolecules.pdf.txt15:30
genehackerybit are we considering building Biosafety level 5 hot rooms?15:31
kanzureit's differential centrifugation fractionation 15:31
kanzurewith a burst valve thrown into the mix15:31
genehackerdang can't read PDF files15:33
kanzurewhy can't you read PDF files?15:33
kanzuredoes a CDROM drive laser continuously shine?15:34
kanzure(was just wondering if the laser could be used as a polymerizer)15:40
kanzureanyway, since it's on a CD it can easily undergo fluorescence spectrometry with the CDROM drive's laser, but unfortunately this only works for materials that are the same color as the laser. which isn't really useful if you're looking for a wide range of possibilities.15:41
kanzuredoes about 4 microliters of volume15:46
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kanzureer, sorry, 11 mL15:59
kanzureer, microliters15:59
kanzuresomeday I'll bother to figure out how to type greek characters16:00
kanzureGathania - Blame it on you (De-Grees remix)16:06
-!- splicer [n=patrik@h189n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:10
kanzurewhen trying to get heekspython running, I get an error when I load in the .so file into HeeksCAD - something about wxString not being a defined symbol (or "undefined symbol"). but the library was linked together.17:05
ybitkanzure: not yet17:11
ybitand no to genehacker's question17:11
bkerokanzure: be a man, latex!  \theta17:18
ybithttp://www.decodeme.com/conditions-covered :: where's the list of genetic mutations for these diseases? kanzure, you may know, you seem to have visited most of the databases18:02
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ybitkanzure: i also forget where the pydjangitwiki is located, /git-wiki2?18:36
-!- spm_ [n=spm@nmi-gw.eyjar.is] has joined #hplusroadmap18:47
kanzureybit: port 4567 on adl.serveftp.org is git-wiki, the ruby version18:49
kanzurepydjangitwiki is located on github for hostiing at the moment, if that's what you're asking18:50
spm_ybit, I remember when decodeme was being planned.. I was interning at DeCode Genetics back then. Fun times.18:55
spm_ybit, it was just before the green eyes / skin cancer connection was discovered.18:55
drazakkanzure: juse us 11x10^6 L18:56
kanzurehello spm19:01
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:08
genehackermind resending that protein purification stuff?19:08
-!- spm_ is now known as Smari19:08
genehackerfirefox sorta died on me19:10
genehackermy PDF reader software crashes my browser19:11
kanzureread it outside of the PDF browser19:26
kanzurejust use a regular PDF reader19:26
kanzurenot in a browser19:26
kanzurehere's the paper: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/Integration%20of%20microcolumns%20and%20microfluidic%20fractionators%20on%20multitasking%20centrifugal%20microfluidic%20platforms%20for%20the%20analysis%20of%20biomolecules.pdf19:27
bkeroPreview.app is handy for that :019:27
kanzuregenehacker: just open up the PDF file by clicking on it if you're in win-blows19:27
genehackerdoesn't work19:28
kanzureor download and install something like http://pdfreaders.org/19:28
kanzureyeah download something from pdfreaders.org then19:28
bkeroI like evince and xpdf19:29
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]19:30
QuantumGanyone have a slashdot account?19:31
-!- genehacker [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap19:31
genehackerfirefox explodes19:31
genehackerit gave me a retry or switch to command19:32
kanzurebkero: gene hacker hasn't figured out how to not be in windows19:37
kanzurebkero: does xpdf and evince run on windows?19:37
kanzureevince sometimes has trouble reading the papers that I read19:38
kanzureso I have to switch into kpdf19:38
QuantumGkanzure: could ya vote up my submission?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLCrZGgKD-k19:38
QuantumGgah, not that url ;)19:38
genehackerkanzure when does the linux group around here meet?19:42
kanzureevery week or something19:56
kanzureI've never attended19:56
genehackerI guess I need to pay them a visit19:59
genehackerSU8 photolithography isn't that hard19:59
genehackeror isn't supposed to be19:59
genehackerprobably about as easy as exposing PCBs20:01
genehackerat least according to the fluidics books20:01
ybithow do you select which fragments of dna to amplify?20:08
* ybit has yet to use any of this equipment in a lab or elsewhere20:08
kanzureybit: in PCR?20:10
kanzureyou use primers20:10
ybitkanzure: right, but which primers attach where?20:12
ybiti don't know what part i'm wanting to amplify20:12
ybitthe first primer attaches to the 5 prime, second to the 3 prime. but which nucleotide are we targeting exactly20:14
kanzureprimers attach by watson-crick basepairing20:14
kanzureso you have this 10mer or 20mer or something20:14
kanzureand that's your primer20:14
kanzureand that's one of the primers. you use another primer for the end of the sequence you want to amplify20:14
kanzureCommercial Club Crew - La Luna20:15
ybithow do you know which end is what? i'm guessing you identify this using some type of fluorescent molecule beforehand?..20:16
ybitcan't wait for the molecular bio course in the fall where we go over this stuff in detail20:17
kanzureyou'll be disappointed. most of it will be from you reading a book.20:17
ybiti'm reading molecular biology and genomics right and i see there are tons of diff pcr methods20:18
ybitmaybe i need to get further into the book, perhaps past chapter 2, there will be more in-depth explanations  20:19
ybitmostly i'm just looking forward to picking the brains of my professors20:19
ybitmost of them seem to be on break right now :\20:21
ybitthus i'm in here asking basic questions, anywho, i need primers and polymerase now20:23
kanzureone year ago from last week my dad kicked me out of the house20:23
kanzureman does time fly20:23
ybit'this is for your own good'?20:23
ybitoh, why?20:23
ybit'lazy bum!'20:24
kanzurethink of it more like how mac wants to kick me off the list20:24
kanzureso it was like that but for the house20:24
kanzureanyway, now he's dead20:24
ybitsimilar to what splicer and xp_prg were talking about yesterday? ugh.20:24
kanzuresucks to be me20:24
kanzureyes, he thought that I wouldn't have any money and I would end up being a bum this was two days before he died.20:25
ybitat least your dad could carry on a conversation that didn't involve football20:27
kanzurei would give up all of the conversations that we ever had for football-conversations if he hadn't had died20:27
kanzureor maybe not20:27
kanzureor maybe notanyway20:27
kanzureignore me20:27
ybitsports and religion is all that is on the minds of my family members20:28
ybitbah, it's okay, i know how you feel. around the one year mark after the girl i was dating died, i was feeling the same way. i was in depression for quite some time20:29
ybittwo of my good friends died that year, so i can kind of relate 20:30
kanzurehe gave me a box of gum for my birthday20:30
kanzuremy birthday was four days prior20:31
ybitit was a freak accident year20:31
kanzuretwo days after my birthday he told me I'd become a bum and amount to nothing20:31
kanzurethen he proceeded to die20:31
ybitbut i suppose it isn't best for you to focus on that one time period of his life20:32
ybitsurely he told you quite the opposite before20:33
kanzureall parents do..20:36
kanzureit's just what they say. even if they don't understand you.20:36
kanzurejust nod and smile.20:36
ybitand parents can be wrong, etc. for instance it's taken my parents several years to get over the fact that i'm not religious, that i don't like sports, and they kind of see that my life isn't 'going to the pits' like i was told for _several_ years20:38
QuantumGmy parents and I rarely disagreed on anything20:44
ybitsounds ideal20:44
QuantumGabout 10 years ago my mum starting getting religion and I may not have suppressed a chuckle fast enough.. that got me a "don't laugh at me" but that's about the limit of our discussion on those topics.20:46
QuantumGand when my dad rants on about UFOs I give him plenty of shit and have some conversations with him about critical thinking, but it doesn't stop him from reading the junk20:46
ybitthe Serial Killer DataBase...20:51
ybitright, so purifying taq polymerase has just become important to me20:57
ybitand i'm also starting to doubt that i'm going to be spending less than $500 to assess my future health risks via dna sequencing20:59
QuantumGya, for that you wont even get "profiling"20:59
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]21:00
kanzure4x4 coordinate transformation magic21:47
kanzuremore unit tests21:47
kanzureappease the emacs gods and goddesses21:47
kanzureok, looks like I'm good to go- got my todo list.21:47
drazakI hae to sign an NDA21:47
kanzurefor what?21:47
kanzureoh the wxString error from HeeksPython might have been because of some code that I manually modified21:48
ybit> Shit happens. Not everyone is you. Fucking learn to deal with it already.22:00
ybitit isn't difficult to pick out a few papers related to what you are doing22:01
kanzureread them, or don't. :p22:01
* kanzure doesn't know what's so hard about that22:01
ybitargh, i thought she wasn't mac, guess i'm wrong22:01
ybitshe's mac with balls22:01
kanzureshe privately messaged me an hour ago22:01
kanzuresaid she was off her meds22:02
ybiti gathered22:02
kanzureand that she's sorry for being a bitch22:02
kanzureshe's actually a unix chick, remember, so she actually knows what I am talking about most of the time22:02
kanzureanyway, read the followups22:02
ybitgetting there22:02
ybitor just search the archives before posting to the email list would help a lot of the redundancy22:09
ybitfirst rule of most forums is 'search before asking'22:09
ybitand like you said, she doesn't have to play catch up, so i just don't see why it would be difficult to sort through papers. you already did the hard work of finding the interesting papers22:10
ybiti like meredith, i hope she's just off her meds like she says22:11
ybitand i'm so jealous of the sf-diybio group atm22:11
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@c-71-192-208-195.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit []22:21
genehackerheh my parents buy into the global warming is a hoax thing22:22
QuantumGhoax isn't the right word22:24
genehackeroh yeah heard about what happened in diybio22:24
QuantumGoverblown nuisance certainly comes close22:24
kanzurewhat happened in diybio, genehacker?22:25
genehackerwell we're not that fucked22:25
genehackerwith the garage bio magazine?22:25
kanzurewhat about it?22:25
genehackerthey don't want to put it online for free or something like that22:26
kanzureno that's not it at all22:26
kanzurewoah you got it very wrong22:26
genehackeronly skimmed it22:26
genehackerthing with global warming is that it could cause mass extinctions22:27
genehackeror semi-mass extinctions 22:28
kanzureomega man trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-MosmUseSY22:28
kanzurefenn especially.22:28
QuantumGI've watched omega man22:29
genehackerkanzure you ever watch the silent earth?22:29
genehackeranother lastman on earth type movie22:29
genehackerinvolves constant change22:30
kanzureohg that explains nothing about that movie22:32
genehackeroops the quiet earth22:32
genehackerwell duh I don't want to give any spoilers away22:32
kanzure"In 1975, biological warfare between the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union kills most of the world's human population. U.S. Army Colonel Robert Neville, M.D. (Charlton Heston) — a military scientist — begins to succumb to the plague, but vaccinates himself just in time, rendering him immune. The plague's victims, meanwhile, are reborn as "The Family" — a cult of nocturnal, vampiric mutants who seek to destroy the last vestiges of technological society."22:33
genehackerheh let's try not to make that plague22:34
genehackerenergy project goes wrong, everyone ends up gone except for a few people22:36
genehackerenergy project also ends up changing a fundamental constant of the universe too...22:36
genehackerhey were you guys talking about making a biosafety level 4 hot room?22:38
genehackerfor diybio that seems a bit insane22:38
bkeroSo, I walked out to my car this evening to find this: http://staff.osuosl.org/~bkero/Pictures/flower.jpg22:40
genehackerthough I've seen a couple of glove boxes on the trash dock at the chem building...22:41
bkerogenehacker: You need to spend less time in not-normal garages.22:41
genehackeryou mean such things exist?22:41
bkerogenehacker: Ever been in a garage with a crucible and equipment to refine 99.9% pure silicon? :)22:41
genehackerI need to see that garage22:42
bkeroYou need to work in more awesome garages.22:42
genehackerthat's an awesome garage22:42
genehackerthat's the sorta garage we need22:42
bkeroDid I mention this crucible started out life as a microwave? ;)22:43
bkeroHehe, it's well documented.22:43
genehackerwell documented?22:43
bkeroTurning microwaves into crucibles I mean.  The silicon refinement yes, but in different areas.22:43
genehackerbut can you make a good crucible for maintaining constant temperature?22:44
genehackeris that semiconductor grade bkero?22:44
bkeroWell, that's what it's being used for.22:45
genehackerif this garage has a crystal puller then we need to see this garage22:45
genehackerif this garage has a wafer cutter22:45
bkeroI haven't explored it fully, the main action was happening around the crucible and bathes.22:46
* bkero will need to be invited back to said garage.22:47
ybitgenehacker: nobody was talking about a biosafety room, i was looking up biosafety standards for my home lab22:47
genehackerdocument it22:47
genehackerif you can22:47
genehackerwhat are they trying to do?22:48
genehackerare they making silicon from sand?22:48
genehackerare they doing photolithography?22:48
bkeroNo, they're doing this to avoid photolithography22:49
bkeroThey were using some method to carve pathes in it that wasn't masking22:49
bkeroI'm not sure what it was, never asked22:50
genehackerthey were making chips?22:56
kanzureThe discovery was made by splitting infrared light into two beams that each travel on a different length of silicon nanowire, called a waveguide. The two light beams became out of phase with one another, creating a push, or repulsive force, with an intensity that can be controlled; the more out of phase the two light beams, the stronger the force."23:10
kanzureHong Tang, Nature Photonics23:10
genehackeroh saw that23:12
genehackerwhat could we use it for?23:12
bkerogenehacker: Sorry, was fixing bike.  They were making BJTs when I was there.23:12
genehackerwhat's a BJT?23:13
kanzurebipolar transistors?23:13
bkeroBipolar junction transistor23:13
ybitwas reading about them last night and this morning23:13
bkeroExcept different.  They were fitting more onto it.  If I understood correctly it was a dual channel23:13
ybitthat's pretty cool bkero 23:13
bkero...(can you make dual channel BJTs?)23:14
genehackerthat's a chip23:14
genehackerit's a transistor that's good enough23:14
bkeroIs there some faggy Harry Potter movie opening tonight?23:20
drazak"the linux version of windows explorer never crashes right?"23:21
drazakwhat the fuck23:21
genehackerI said that23:21
genehackerwith shame23:21
drazakyou mean23:21
drazakfirefox on linux?23:21
genehackerno I run vista23:22
genehackerwindows explorer can crash now23:22
QuantumGmaybe he means Nautilus 23:22
drazakit could crash in xp23:22
QuantumGand yes, it crashes23:22
drazakand 200023:22
QuantumGoften in the exact same way as Explorer on windows23:22
bkeroI should do my part and drive by with a giant HERMIONE DIES THIS TIME REALLY GUYS banner on my car.23:22
genehackerDO IT FAGGOT!23:22
QuantumG(for example, accessing an smb drive)23:22
genehackeroops that wasn't me talking23:23
bkeroExplorer can crash looking at it funny.23:23
genehackerdon't insult it23:24
* drazak is making lockpicks out of bike spokes23:24
genehackerthat only makes it work23:24
bkerodrazak: That's a waste.  Bicycle spokes are perfect as welding rods.23:24
genehackerand technique?23:24
drazakbkero: I have like, 300 bike spokes23:24
drazakgenehacker: files23:24
bkerodrazak: What I hear you say is that you're going to weld a car together.23:25
genehackerflatten with hammer?23:25
drazakgenehacker: flatten?!23:25
drazakI'm filing23:25
genehackerI don't think I understand how to turn bike spokes into lock picks23:25
katsmeow-afkspeaking as someone who runs thru 200lbs of welding rod a yr, bike spokes do not make good welding rods23:27
bkerokatsmeow-afk: What kind of welding are you doing with them, and are you using aluminum or steel?23:27
katsmeow-afkarc, dc, 7018 , steel23:28
bkeroI always find that 7018 get a bunch of nasty pores when I weld23:29
katsmeow-afkclean the base metal better, lower the current, and no wind over the arc23:30
katsmeow-afkrust = pores23:30
bkeroIt's cold rolled, I hear that 7018 doesn't work very well on that to begin with.23:30
katsmeow-afkif the arc sounds sloppy, not crisp, you get flux inclusion pores23:30
bkeroI'm only doing around 150a23:31
katsmeow-afkcold rolled isn't the best to be welding on with anything23:31
katsmeow-afkwhat size rod?23:31
bkeroWhatever bicycle spokes are, hehe23:31
bkero1.85mm I think it is23:31
katsmeow-afkwell, on 3/32 7018, i usually run 125amps, on 1/16 i run ~90 for tacking thin stuff23:32
bkeroI'm usually tacking some sheets to RST23:32
bkeroI can get a decent bead when joining 2 pieces of RST23:33
katsmeow-afka 125amp bead on chamfered or slightly separated 1/4 plate will generally burn half way into it with a clean weld23:33
katsmeow-afkwhy don't you use real welding rod?23:33
ybithow much does taqman cost?23:33
bkeroI can't afford it :/23:34
katsmeow-afki cannot afford the welds to break23:34
bkeroMy welder is 2 fucking transformers from microwaves23:34
bkeroa pair of vice grips, jumper cables, and welding gloves23:34
splicer...and bicycle spokes23:35
bkeroAre you calling me ghetto?23:35
katsmeow-afkmine is a 30 yr old Miller growlbox, with new fan, new diodes, new huge heatsink, new power relay on the main23:35
bkeroSo when you say turn down the current, yea, there's not a whole lot i can do there. :P23:36
katsmeow-afkhmm,, resistors in the primary23:38
bkeroRight now I'm welding a bicycle jig together.23:38
katsmeow-afki never got good welds on any 120v welder tho, hence mine is 240 mains23:38
katsmeow-afkhere's it's new diode "block" : http://DesignerThinking.com/arcwelder.html23:39
bkeroI went off this: http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-a-Microwave-Transformer-Homemade-Welder/23:39
katsmeow-afkthe circuit breaker in it i had added, i then subtracted23:39
bkeroI actually have a 230A shunt wired through the ground so I could measure the amperage.23:40
katsmeow-afkstill, take a lot of current over a lot of sine wave to keep a good arc, i wouldn't think you could on a 120v wall outlet23:40
katsmeow-afkmicrowaves are ~900 watts, so with 2 you get 1800 watts, i pop 40amp breaker on 240v line (9600 watts)23:42
katsmeow-afkcourse, that's after some time continuously welding at 150amps23:43
katsmeow-afk3/32 rod doesn't take 150 amp well tho23:43
bkeroMine's around 30v23:44
bkeroWhat do normal welders operate at?23:44
katsmeow-afk60v open circuit, 40 operatig, depending on stuff23:45
bkeroI measured operating, no idea what it is open circuit.23:45
katsmeow-afkthe higher the voltage, the longer you can make the arc, which you might want to do occasionally23:46
katsmeow-afkand the easier it is to strike23:47
bkero30v at 150 amps measured is 3kw, which isn't too bad as I understand it, compared to cheap harbor freight welders.23:47
katsmeow-afka long arc is a good first pass on light rust, to blow it off before you make a serious pass with the rod23:47
katsmeow-afkok, but how do you get 3kw outof 2 900watt transformers?23:48
bkeroI tore up and rewound the transformers23:48
katsmeow-afkand how do you get 3000watts reom a 12v outlet?23:48
bkero2 120v outlets23:48
bkeroin series23:48
bkeroWell, the transformers are in series23:49
* katsmeow-afk nods,, so you have 240, actually23:50
katsmeow-afkmight work just fine for small rod, lite welding23:51
bkeroThey're 35A lines too, so I think I'm well beneath that.23:51
* katsmeow-afk nods23:51
bkeroI used it to learn how to weld :P23:51
bkeroOnly other thing I've used is a shittle little oxy thing23:51
bkeroOh yea, and welded some titanium for the frame of a solar challenge car.  We covered the entire damn frame in a big plastic bag, purged it, and filled the entire thing with argon so we'd get clean welds.23:52
katsmeow-afki have a patchwork of wire tween the arc welder and the house mains, the 12awg gets hot with fairly busy 130amp welding, the 10awg gets hot with continuous 130amp welding, and the 40amp breaker gets hot and kicks with constant 150amps23:52
bkeroGo get yourself some 8 or 6 gauge.23:53
katsmeow-afkthat costs, and the conduit is buried in concrete, and is too small for 823:53
bkero8awg costs?23:54
katsmeow-afkthis is summer, i don't do so much welding now anyhow, it's too hot with a jacket on out there23:54
katsmeow-afk8awg copper costs,, i got 8awg and 00 Al laying around i can't get rid of23:55
bkeroNobody at the shop trusts my welder, so I get to do it at the side of the building. :/23:55
katsmeow-afki've felt 0000 al too hot to touch as SE cable to a *house* , i won't trust Al on heavy loads, especially outside fullmetal enclosures23:56
katsmeow-afkanyhoo, i need to go do things irl, bbl23:56
bkeroMy friend works at DANA in Modesto.  Welds toyota truck frames23:56
bkeroFrame welds = hardcore23:57

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