
--- Day changed Thu Jul 16 2009
* ybit is appreciative of samples from companies00:32
ybitis it bad to tweet to one's self on irc for a couple of hours?..00:33
ybitsylgard 18400:35
ybit^where i found the price00:36
ybithttp://www.dowcorning.com gives free samples00:37
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ybitso i need some type of photolith setup01:02
ybitthe led setup first comes to mind01:02
ybitand then there's the projector/microscope thingie that genehacker had been talking about01:03
ybitand to do photolith, i probably need a cleanroom, this room i'm in will do. has ac and heat, a window, all that it's lacking is an air purifier, and some other slight modifications, e.g. the door01:04
ybit6k is rather expensive 01:07
ybit2k-4k i can afford01:08
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ybit16:52 < genehacker> microscope's displaying image01:20
ybit16:54 < genehacker> and it's not fuzzy01:20
ybitand this your mircroscope photolith device, genehacker?01:21
ybitheybryan.org is down01:23
ybitwas looking for papers/protein-purification/notes.txt01:23
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spliceri saw people are building microscopes from webcams04:16
drazakping anyone that can download papers from pubmed for me04:45
drazakkanzure: 04:45
drazakfenn: 04:45
drazakkanzure, fenn, ybit: could one of you grab those and email them to be at ben.gadoua@gmail.com05:00
kanzureybit: you can do photolithography with a UV lamp, SU8, and a mask06:56
fennare there any studies on the long term health effects of listening to techno 24/7?06:56
kanzure The long-term effects of auditory training on children with autism 07:00
ybitdrazak: i can, but don't have time right now, am leaving for work07:34
kanzuredrazak: it would have been nice if you would have just given us a text file07:49
Utopiahchecked http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Content_Curators but found nothing related to free electronic blueprint repository, recommendations?08:03
kanzurewhat about free electronic blueprint repository?09:38
kanzurethere isn't one out there yet09:38
kanzurealthough there is liquidwares or something09:38
kanzurebut anyway, it sucks, and I wouldn't rely on it09:38
kanzurefenn: where can I find catalogs for DC motors?09:39
fennDC motors arent used very often in industry09:40
fenndepends how much you want to spend, i guess09:40
fenn"Chana de Wolf Chana de Wolf Research for the Future and Beyond"09:40
kanzureshe's on acceleratingfuture.com and lifeboat?09:41
kanzuresrsly wtf09:41
* fenn glances accusingly at ybit09:43
genehackerdc motors?09:45
genehackertechno 24/7? really?09:45
fenngenehacker: that was mostly me being bitchy about kanzure not liking my african music09:48
kanzureso, I could be improving djangit and writing some more unit tests (there are a few particular errors I should really work through)09:53
kanzureor I could be installing pythonOCC09:53
kanzureor throwing stones at HeeksPython09:53
genehackerheh try some some music from einhander09:53
genehackerit's techno but not quite09:53
genehackerkanzure I believe so09:58
genehackeron the UV light thing09:58
kanzuredoes anyone remember the name of the paper where the researchers used a CD to pattern sharpie ink 10:16
-!- genehacker [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]10:21
kanzurePatterning Design in Color at the Submicron Scale - Arun Chattopadhyay - stamps via CDs http://tinyurl.com/ddv4wd10:27
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kanzureor I could be writing some new code for what I've been thinking of calling 'pymates'10:39
kanzure(until it's worthy of importing into skdb)10:39
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kanzuredid they leave off a link on this pag11:22
fenn(again) how to install pythonOCC on ubuntu: http://pastebin.ca/149720911:28
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drazakkanzure: sorry11:36
drazakkanzure: it was late11:36
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* fenn does the tutorial http://www.opencascade.org/org/gettingstarted/appli/11:44
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fenni need to start making a list of OCC acronyms and what they stand for11:56
kanzureplease do11:56
kanzurecan you put it on http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/occ ?11:56
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fennthis might be helpful to get an overview of OCC (unfortunately the snippets are useless since you cant download pythonizer): http://pythonizer.org/pythoncascade/gallery.html12:09
fennsome of them certainly look familiar http://pythonizer.org/pythoncascade/gallery/geo15.htm12:10
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fenni guess jelle just copied all of it and pythonOCC-ified them12:10
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* fenn wonders if `sudo chgrp lab ./ -R` was a good idea12:22
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fennbut seriously what's up with all the "root root" files12:23
drazakkanzure: drazak.net/~drazak/pubmedlist12:23
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kanzurefenn: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/OpenCASCADE_src.tgz12:35
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kanzurethere we go12:40
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drazakkanzure: it'd be great if I could get those papers some time before sunday12:44
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fennok i'll stop bitching.. i should've read this i guess http://www.opencascade.com/customers/successmain/12:48
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kanzuremeredith seems like fenn sometimes14:10
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fennclone army, attack!14:11
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bkeroCan I have a clone army?15:05
fennwill clone for cookies15:06
kanzurehell of a lot of cookies15:07
kanzureybit: go get the cookie dough15:07
drazakbkero: I'll work on it in boston15:07
bkeroJust had an ex girlfriend in boston15:09
bkeroShe's traveling around the east coast, she was trolling Boston yesterday15:09
ybitwe have a hooker in this city, one hooker15:11
bkeroLots of snobbery15:11
bkeroBoston has a BUNCH of hookers15:11
bkeroThey're all college students, trying to pay for school15:11
ybitour hooker doesn't even look hookerish 15:11
ybitbkero: there's another name for that here: sorority chicks15:12
* ybit should be quiet15:13
* ybit interacts with them everyday15:13
fennis that what you kids are calling it these days15:29
ybityes fenn, that is the urban word for sex15:34
* ybit interacts with CIA-73 15:34
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genehackermost of the machines in the machine shop are manual???15:39
ybitgenehacker: have you been working on projector based photolithography?15:39
ybitwhat was the 'micrsocope is fuzzy' stuff yesterday?15:40
genehackerI was using an SEM15:40
* ybit beats genehacker and steals the sem15:41
ybitCIA-73: don't you say a word about this15:41
ybitgenehacker: so what were you using the sem for?15:41
genehackerthe SEM is hard to move15:42
genehackerlooking at metal15:42
ybitpart of some class?15:42
genehackerto see metal's metallic structure15:43
ybitwhy can't we have cool classes in the summer15:43
ybitwe have lame-o general ed in the summer, only a few specialized classes, none that are much interesting though15:44
genehackerwhat's your major?15:44
ybitmolecular bio15:44
ybitjust getting into the molecular part of it15:44
genehackeroh then that's why you don't get to use an SEM15:44
ybitand the fact that my college sucks major balls15:45
genehackerbecause you're not taking materials15:45
genehackerwhich is an ME class15:45
ybitwhich is why i'll be changing schools for one with a biomedeng undergrad degree15:45
genehackerhey molecular biology can be useful15:46
genehackerthis class I'm taking isn't particularly fun either15:46
ybitsure, but i want to take some ee courses too15:46
ybitand some me course would be fun15:47
genehackerthe microscope couldn't even see stuff on the nanometer scale and it still was sort of fuzzy15:47
ybithey, as long as grant money is paying, i can do this15:47
genehackerhere's the deal most classes aren't fun15:47
ybittrue that15:47
genehackerbecause you do the same stuff over and over and things get monotonous15:47
ybitschool is lame, but if i must go, then i'm going to take some of the more interesting ones15:48
genehackertry underwater basketweaving15:48
ybitbest thing about school so far aside from drunken women thinking i'm hot at that particular moment is the professors. i like picking their brains15:48
ybitactually, i know someone who majored in basketweaving :P15:49
ybitnow he's the head reference librarian here15:49
genehackerso ybit can you get access to some FPLC machines?15:50
ybitgenehacker: that's a good question, i seriously doubt it15:50
ybitcouldn't hurt to email a few profs though15:50
genehackergo for it15:50
genehackerwe'd like some purified protein15:51
genehackerspecifically some nucleotidase15:51
ybitalready asked for an inventory list from both the chem and bio department heads, didn't get anything 15:51
ybitproposed forming an i-gem team, nothing15:52
genehackersomeone tried to start an igem team here15:52
genehackerdidn't work out15:52
ybitdon't really care too much for i-gem, but i would have to take matters into my own hands if there's any off-campus event going on which i would like to be involved, which might not be a bad thing15:52
ybitgenehacker: so what are your plans when you graduate?15:57
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ybitmy goal is to simply make enough money to build a bio/chem/fab lab, automated garden, and house by the beach, with enough room for to launch machines into space; kind of ambitious15:59
* ybit has been trying to figure out the money situation the past few days, i know that's such a nasty word to use in here16:00
ybitfigured if i save 10% of all my earnings for ~20 years, i should have enough for this16:01
kanzurehow much money do you need16:01
ybitwell, Smari says it's about 100kusd for a fablab now16:01
ybitphreedom seems to think you can have it for around 10k16:01
ybiti don't think so16:01
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ybiti think it will cost about 100k minimum for the lab, 100k for the property, 100k for the house, 10-30k for misc. things16:02
kanzureyou think it would take 20 years to save 100k?16:02
ybitthis is the very minimum me thinks16:02
ybitabout 400k yeah16:02
ybitthe average for a research scientist is 20-40k/year16:03
kanzureyou need to check your math16:03
ybit..in spain16:03
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kanzureyou shouldn't be a research scientist16:03
ybithah, then what?16:03
kanzurejoin my startup?16:03
ybitthought about neurosurgeon16:03
ybityou have a startup?16:03
kanzurewell what do you think's going on in here?16:03
* kanzure hops a bus16:04
ybitargh, too quick for me.16:05
ybitdo you have a business plan, kanzure?16:05
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Smariybit, for the fab lab as it is in the "standard" package, 100k. 16:48
Smariybit, but if you're smart about it you can probably do better.16:49
Smariit's the capabilities you want.. I'd say don't skimp on the laser, but definitely toss in a RepRap, find a good way to mill circuit boards - I don't support the Modela (Roland MDX-20) myself, it sucks...16:50
SmariShopbot is something you'll want, or at least something similar.16:51
SmariTorchmates are nice but they're less reliable than the shopbot, although being designed for tool switching is a plus17:01
genehackermill circuit boards?17:08
genehackerreprap can with some mods17:08
Smarireprap needs a good standard milling bit head.17:19
SmariWhat btw is the accuracy of the reprap like on each axis?17:20
SmariFor good PCB milling it needs to be at least in the range of 30 microns or so17:20
drazakhow would you guys purify dina in a lab17:40
drazakcells+chaps then centrifue?17:40
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genehackerwhy would we want to Purify Dina?18:07
genehackerShe's one of our friends18:08
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Smarikanzure, did we ever reach a conclusion on the file format for defining industrial processes?18:21
SmariI think that conversation was mostly between Sam Rose, you, and myself..18:21
kanzureSmari: that's what's in the skdb repo18:24
kanzuregive me a few minutes18:24
kanzurehow long will you be awake?18:24
SmariI should probably be going to sleep soon.18:25
drazakgenehacker: dna18:26
kanzurewell. yes, there's a file format that we've been working on 18:26
kanzureit is currently somewhat expressed in the repository18:26
kanzurebut it's not all in one place18:26
kanzurebecause it's still in the testing stages18:26
SmariIs it YAML?18:27
kanzurethat's a new repo and is not skdb18:28
SmariI started defining an XML one way back when..18:28
kanzureit's a sub project that may be put into skdb eventually18:28
kanzureif you have some of the XML laying around I'd love to see it18:28
SmariThat's not what I mean though18:28
kanzurebut take a look at this:18:28
drazakkanzure: any luck finding any of those papers on http://drazak.net/~drazak/pubmedlist.txt?18:28
Smarihang on, lets see if I can find it18:28
kanzureI lost my eyesight today so please bare with me18:29
kanzuredrazak: yeah I'll get to it now after dinner18:29
kanzurewill the server be up then?18:29
kanzureSmari: one other thing to note18:29
SmariWhy did you lose it?18:29
drazakwill drazak.net?18:29
Smarieyesight that is18:29
kanzurethe glasses broke18:29
Smarino damage to the actual eyes then?18:30
drazakkanzure: I was able to find Discher Putra and Malchesky18:30
kanzureack that screw is totally wrong18:30
kanzureno damage to the eyes18:30
SmariWhat I mean is different..18:30
SmariI can't find the XML..18:30
Smaribut let me toss up a quick example18:30
kanzurethere are two things that are going on here I guess18:31
kanzure(1) screw.yaml and blockhole.yaml are partial examples of a format for expressing parts/machines18:31
kanzure(2) taxonomy.yaml is the manufacturing process YAML file18:32
kanzurenow, eventually, certain packages (#1) will implement certain attributes for the different processes (from #2)18:32
Smarikanzure, http://smari.yaxic.org/hall-heroult.process  -- example18:45
SmariWith this you define a network of processes and materials, and could do a chain search..18:46
SmariThis could also describe more things like "how to assemble a bike"18:46
Smaribut for now I'm more interested in more basic things.18:46
SmariLike specific chemical reactions and industrial processes.18:47
SmariIs it good?18:52
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Smarioft cometh he of whom we speak.18:57
Smarisamrose, y0.18:57
Smarisamrose, check out: http://smari.yaxic.org/hall-heroult.process 18:57
Smarisamrose, did we ever reach a conclusion in this discussion?18:58
samroseSmari, we never got very far with that discussion. Can't recall why. I think we were both busy with other stuff18:59
Smarisamrose, yeah. It was an interesting and important one, but kind of just shored out.18:59
samroseCan you remind me of where you last left it?19:00
samrosethat was it eh? http://www.appropedia.org/Callooh19:00
SmariHmm. That may have been an icelandicism.. "shored out" - "fjaraði út"... dunno, is that something you'd say in English?19:00
samroseshorted out definitely 19:00
Smarinot the same then19:00
Smari"fjaraði út" means like, "the tide went out"...19:00
samroseI see19:01
Smarisamrose, I had written another XML file with more or less the same kind of feel to it as that one but I can't remember what happened to it, I just tossed that one together now.19:01
SmariI had also written a draft DTD19:01
SmariWhich is now also gone.19:02
samroseSmari did you lose these files?19:02
SmariBoth may have been lost when my hard drive crashed last december.19:02
samroseargh, that sucks19:02
SmariBut what do you think, is that something we could use?19:03
SmariVery rudimentary...19:03
samroseI think you are on the right track19:03
Smarihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_purification_methods_in_chemistry  -- these might need some representation..19:04
samrosethe idea of "process" is interesting, actually kind of different from what I have been talking to others about lately, but perhaps a better overall wrapper19:04
SmariI honestly don't know enough about industrial engineering or chemical engineering to flesh out the DTD properly..19:05
samroseHmmm...you've got me thinking19:05
samroseI wonder if an hierarchical outline would even work for a process19:05
samroseI mean, I can see how it would easily work19:06
kanzurethanks for the example19:06
samrosebut, I am thinking about how chemical emulations of processes might do it19:06
kanzureI encoded a list of separation processes into the YAML format the other day19:07
kanzurethere should be a copy of it in the latest commit of skdb19:07
Smariessentially what I'm getting at is a machine readable Merck index that can be traversed. I point a piece of software at my personal inventory and say, "I want to build an airplane", and it searches through this database of processes and finds the shortest path from my inventory to the airplane and tells me what that path is and what else I'm going to need.19:07
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * r3d50817 / inventory/hall-heroult.process : added smari example - http://bit.ly/9RGQI19:08
kanzuresmari did you read my email about retrosynthetic analysis?19:08
Smarikanzure, nope. Which list? OM?19:08
samroseSmari, yes this is what kanzure has essentially talked to me about too19:08
kanzureit's a way of starting with an end-compound and then working back to simple starting materials (for chemistry)19:08
kanzurebut in all honesty this goes for everything (ever)19:08
Smarikanzure, I'm backlogged by several hundred e-mails.19:08
kanzurejust search for 'retrosynthetic'19:08
Smariit wasn't on OM19:09
kanzureah here we go19:09
kanzurewell it was on diybio at least19:09
samrosekanzure, I think it could be fairly simple to transform Smari's DTD to YAML should it ever need to be done.19:09
kanzure(that's the diytranshumanist list but anyway)19:09
kanzuresamrose: yeah I agree19:09
kanzuresamrose: I haven't read through it yet though19:09
kanzureI like how you have units in the file19:09
kanzurethat is especially important19:09
kanzurehowever, <voltage>110kV</voltage> is retarded19:10
kanzurejust say 110kV19:10
kanzurethere's a wrapper for GNU units in skdb at the moment19:10
kanzureI wonder if I should wake up fenn19:10
kanzureso what I'm doing this week is writing up something called 'pymates', a sub library of skdb to figure out how to connect things together19:11
kanzureat the moment I'm just going to use this random interconnection method and then slowly add in ways to check whether or not there are conflicting/intersecting geometries19:12
kanzureand then whether or not there are conflicting "units ranges"19:12
kanzurefor instance, a 3000 psi pipe should not be connected to something that is only rated for a maximum of 20 psi19:12
kanzure(if 3000 psi is going to be coming out of it I mean)19:12
-!- Netsplit holmes.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: ybit, katsmeow-afk, drazak, Smari, splicer, nsh, mage2, strages, Utopiah, QuantumG, (+5 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)19:12
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kanzureah here we go19:15
kanzurewhat was the last message that you got, smari?19:15
samrosebut, I am wondering how well it would work if I wanted to feed such data into evolutionary algorithms, to potentially create new mutations of processes19:15
samroseI think it could work19:15
samroseI realize that is not your problem19:15
kanzureoh crap19:15
samrosekanzure I saw you bumped off19:15
kanzurehowever, <voltage>110kV</voltage> is retarded19:15
kanzurejust say 110kV19:15
kanzurethere's a wrapper for GNU units in skdb at the moment19:15
kanzureI wonder if I should wake up fenn19:15
kanzurefor instance, a 3000 psi pipe should not be connected to something that is only rated for a maximum of 20 psi19:15
kanzurethat was out of order19:16
kanzureat the moment I'm just going to use this random interconnection method and then slowly add in ways to check whether or not there are conflicting/intersecting geometries19:16
Smarikanzure, it's XML. You need tags. Implicit structure breaks XML.19:16
kanzureso that was lal out of order, please excuse me19:16
Smarisamrose, you just opened a huge can of worms.19:16
kanzureone part of this app that I am working on this week is a way to connect parts together19:16
samroseSmari forget my shit! :-D19:16
kanzureSmari: yeah actually that's what we're doing at ADL19:16
kanzuresamrose: no, no, that's what we're doing in the lab19:17
kanzurewe're coming up with new possible combinations of permutations of processes19:17
kanzureor combinations of them19:17
kanzureit's related to shape grammars and graph grammars19:17
Smariyeah, it should be easy to do...19:17
samrosekanzure cool!19:17
Smaribut you need a good database of processes..19:17
kanzureSmari: yes, that's what fenn is transcribing19:17
kanzurethere's a book that has a good database for about 15019:17
kanzurehe's transcribed about 10 of them into the YAML format19:17
samroseSmari, yes, I think it would not conflict at all with XML structured doc19:17
Smaribecause if you've got the inputs and the outputs correct then permuting is merely a question of lining them up in unforseen ways.19:18
kanzureit sounds like we're all still talking about the same things19:18
samroseSmari are you using GNU Unit too?19:18
kanzureSmari: exactly19:18
kanzurethere was actually this book I read the toher day19:18
Smarisamrose, I haven't written any code.19:18
kanzureit was about purification and separation processes19:18
kanzureand how to logically combine them into different sequences19:18
Smaribut using GNU units is sensible.19:18
kanzurebecause you can't do IEX immediately, or GP immediately19:18
kanzureSmari: well there's a python wrapper in the repo :)19:19
kanzureand unit tests :)19:19
kanzureunits unit tests, I mean19:19
Smarikanzure, of course there is! :)19:19
kanzureso anyway, these separation processes are also in the repo (in inventory/)19:19
SmariI got caught up yesterday in writing code for a terrain management thing.. didn't get very far.19:19
SmariWhat's the git path for skdb again?19:19
kanzureyou're both welcome to start, say, poking around in the skdb codebase19:19
kanzurethe pretty web interface is over here though:19:19
SmariI want to clone it..19:20
kanzureclone the adl link then19:20
Smarispm@cauchy:~/src/skdb$ git clone http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb.git19:20
SmariInitialized empty Git repository in /home/spm/src/skdb/skdb/.git/19:20
Smarifatal: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb.git/info/refs not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?19:20
kanzureone moment19:20
kanzuretry again19:21
kanzureso, samrose we haven't talked in a while19:21
samrosepulling down for me too19:21
kanzureso I wanted to mention djangit 19:21
kanzuredjangit is a python wiki based on django and git19:22
samroseyou did tell me about djangit last week19:22
kanzurewe're considering using it for a frontend web interface to skdb since everyone wants a web interface19:22
samrosethe git repo'd django wiki19:22
kanzureanybody who knows how to use git can just use git19:22
samrosekanzure it is a good idea19:22
kanzurebut people who want to use a wiki can just use the wiki19:22
kanzureI figure that smari's map could go into there easily enough as a plugin19:22
kanzureone other plguin to implement is stuff like,19:22
samrosenot to mention all of the other stuff you could add into a django site19:22
samroseif needed19:22
kanzureif there's a .yaml file being displayed, then render the objects19:23
kanzureby running through the wiki_repr method for each of the objects in the yaml file19:23
kanzureso a wiki_repr method might say something like, display the SVG representation of the process or part19:23
Smarikanzure, we should seriously be discussing merging these projects. It's silly to have them separated considering the commonality of the goals.19:23
kanzureand other various pieces of metadata19:23
kanzureSmari: yeah :)19:23
samrosekanzure this is cool19:23
samrosekanzure igraph is another possibility19:23
kanzureis that like graphviz?19:24
samrosea python lib, with built in network analysis19:24
samrosekind of like graphviz, but with much more19:24
kanzurecheck out the images here: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/19:24
samroseanyway, not matter which lib, ideas are awesome19:24
kanzurejust some representations of the yaml19:24
Smarikanzure, what files are the most enlightening in the skdb dir?19:25
kanzuregraphviz seems kind of old. if there's something more active, that's awesome19:25
kanzureSmari: skdb.py19:25
samroseI see http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/taxonomy.svg19:25
kanzuresamrose: yeah that's a fun one19:25
samrosekanzure, we are working on a little standard that would let you pipe data to all kinds of libraries, pretty much any programming lang19:25
kanzurehere's a smaller version of that:19:25
samroseWe could make a wrapper for djangit19:26
kanzuresamrose: did you ever hear about my ideas for a "semantic shell"?19:26
samrosekanzure, I have not19:26
kanzureit was this idea that ggetopt needs to be revived19:26
kanzureand instead of just specifying arguments in the man pages,'19:26
kanzurethey should be specified by what sort of MIME types they are expecting19:27
kanzurekind of like an improved way of doing piping19:27
kanzureor ways to glue shell apps together19:27
kanzureanyway, not sure if that's what you're talking about19:27
samroseit is similar19:27
samroseit could be useful19:27
samroseespecially when we start looking at connecting stuff on server with stuff on desktop computer19:27
kanzuretalked with the debian people about it a bit, apparently the debtags folks were originally trying to do something like that19:27
kanzurebut they all grew vaginas19:27
kanzureand decided to just do tagging19:27
bkeroWhat is tagging?19:28
kanzurebkero: debtags?19:28
samroseSmari, kanzure is good idea to combine efforts19:28
samroseshould not matter which metadata you use19:28
kanzuredebian tag cloud: http://debtags.alioth.debian.org/cloud/19:28
kanzureanyway. it sucks. :)19:29
kanzurethey tag them sometimes by what types of files the programs open19:29
kanzurebut that is totally bullshit because you don't know how you use them to open those files19:29
SmariThe skdb stuff is so chaotic19:29
kanzureSmari: the skdb.py file?19:29
SmariNah, it's fine.19:30
SmariI mean the rest of the files in the git19:30
kanzureI'd be happy to explain19:30
kanzureoh, the rest is total bullshit19:30
kanzuregraphtheory.py for instance is something I committed19:30
kanzureeverything in inventory/ is also bullsit19:30
SmariI think some of those files have value..19:30
Smaribut what's missing is a directory structure ;)19:30
Smariand a file structure :P19:31
kanzureyeah :/19:31
kanzuregraphtheory.py was my start at a sort of SPICES-like thing for nodal analysis of manufacturing processes19:31
kanzurebut also nodal analysis of different parts in the skdb repository19:31
kanzureit's hard to talk about "parts that are in skdb" because that's really talking about a repo that skdb accesses (eventually), not the skdb.git repo :p19:31
kanzurerecursive terminology..19:31
kanzureany way to fix this?19:31
samrosewhat is the intended structure?19:32
samroseif any?19:32
kanzuresamrose: eventually we want to do something like "apt-get install microwave-machine"19:32
kanzureso, there is going to be an "skdb repository" of sorts19:32
kanzurewhich doesn't contain the skdb code, but instead contains all of these machine tools and so on19:33
kanzurewhich is the data that skdb plays with19:33
samroseyes, sure19:33
kanzureso I guess that could be data/ or something,19:33
kanzurebut screw.yaml is the only example at the moment (ok, there's another in the works, but ..)19:33
samroseyes, it probably would work without any strucutre19:33
kanzureit just needs a better name19:33
kanzureso I guess I could say:19:33
kanzureskdb.git to refer to the git dev repo19:33
kanzureand skdb-repo for "stuff that skdb plays with"19:33
samroseso, the only reason to impose a structure is so that people know where to look for what19:34
kanzureor skdb-data, even better19:34
kanzureskdb.py will probably be moved into core/ eventually19:34
kanzureor something not insane19:34
kanzureoh, btw19:35
kanzuretoday I found out where the *real* opencascade documentation is19:35
samroseThe code we are working on at http://code.google.com/p/flows-dev/ could work as a way to distrubute all of the pieces of the db across multiple machines19:35
kanzureso I uploaded it: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/19:35
kanzuresamrose: yeah that would be nice. I was originally thinking of some cron jobs and a mirror system. 19:35
kanzureI actually think there are some open source mirror infrastructures already written19:36
kanzurebut I don't know about hem19:36
samroseWe have very simple wrappers19:36
Smarigah, I forgot how one reverts to the repository status in git19:36
kanzureSmari: git rebase --hard?19:36
Smariaccidentally rm'ed a few files19:36
kanzuregit revert head~1 ?19:36
samroseyou mean revert to an earlier revision?19:36
samrosekanzure has it I think19:36
Smarispm@cauchy:~/www/tangiblebit.com$ git revert master19:37
Smarifatal: Dirty index: cannot revert19:37
kanzuretry git rebase --hard19:37
Smariit gives me a usage help thingie19:37
samrosetry upstream19:38
kanzuremaybe it was 'git reset --hard' but IIRC it really is 'rebase'19:38
Smarireset --hard worked19:38
kanzurenever ever do that when you have made changes19:39
Smarinope :)19:39
kanzureso I guess it requires some cleanup at the moment19:40
Smarisources is now updated quite a bit19:41
kanzurenotes on how to get OpenCASCADE installed and working: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/occ19:41
kanzurenotes on how to get pythonOCC installed and working: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/pythonocc19:42
kanzurenotes on how to get HeeksCAD installed and working: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/heekscad19:42
kanzure(I've also been wrestling with HeeksPython, but there are some development issues with it. All the Heeks people do development on windows for some reason.)19:42
SmariHeeksCAD is fairly good19:43
samrosefirst time hearing of it19:43
kanzureopen source CAD app that uses wxWidgets and OpenCASCADE19:44
kanzureHeeksPython adds a python interpreter to the environment (it's just a plugin)19:44
kanzureit has a much simpler API than pythonOCC, but it's also much more limited19:44
kanzuresamrose: so, I'm going on a trip soon up to LA19:47
kanzurethings aren't really solid yet, but basically my job might become to make sure that we're killing the most birds with the fewest stones19:47
kanzurewhen it comes to all of these projects19:47
samrosekanzure, yes it can get crazy when you have many projects going at once19:48
kanzureI've been trying to inform those who don't otherwise know that skdb and related projects are kind of the backend "toolchain" for many of these initiatives19:48
samroseI don't know if I am familiar with all of your ventures, but of course I recall skdb19:48
kanzureso if all goes well, I may have a patron supporting these initiatives and my involvement in (all of) them19:48
samrosethere are people out here in midwest interested in this stuff too19:49
kanzureskdb, pink army, diybio, diytranshumanism, Team FREDNET (F/OSS Google Lunar X Prize team), open source medicine, fablabs, techshops, open source manufacturing, automated design lab work, bioreactor / algae work,19:49
samrosediybio yes19:49
kanzureyeah the diybio people might be understanding things now19:49
kanzurenot sure yet, things are kind of turning around19:49
samroseMarcin seems to think that bioreactor is not worth any time19:50
kanzurepink army is the anti-cancer therapeutics personalized medicine open source hardware startup19:50
samrosethat's a fuckin crazy start up19:50
samrosehats off to you19:50
kanzuresamrose: the project that I have been on isn't going anywhere fast. it's DARPA funded, no genetic engineering allowed, and frankly the filtration device we have designed sucks19:50
kanzureer, the project re: bioreactors19:51
samroseah yes19:51
kanzurere algae more than bioreactors actually19:51
kanzurebasically the entire project is making a bottleneck out of the filter device19:51
kanzureanyway, skdb can also sort of become a startup in the sense that kits could be sold to people who don't want to follow instructions19:51
samrosethere is a project going up here in Michigan to create some open source software for automated design19:51
kanzurehopefully it's better than the lab fenn and I are working in19:52
kanzurethe lab isn't really interested in skdb, although we're slowly changing that19:52
kanzurethe lab focuses on "graph grammars"19:52
kanzurebut it's more of a computer science thing than engineering thing19:52
kanzuremaybe you know some people who are doing some serious automated design?19:52
samrosemost of them are from complexity science backgrounds19:52
samroserunning genetic algorithms on designs19:52
kanzureyeah that's what the lab does19:53
kanzureexcept we do more than genetic algorithms19:53
kanzurewe do a lot of simulated annealing, breadth first searches, depth first searches, topological sort-and-prune19:53
kanzureand some GAs every now and then19:53
samrosehmmm interesting19:53
kanzureand then I spit the output into graphviz :p19:53
kanzurebut the output is just nodes connected to other nodes19:53
samroseyours is more informational19:53
kanzurethere's a student that I worked with who was doing automated gear train design19:53
kanzurehis was using this graph grammar method19:54
kanzurebut actually does something19:54
kanzureyou give it an input xyz coord and a certain torque, and a requested output torque at another location19:54
kanzureand basically it uses gears and shafts from a McMaster-Carr catalog19:54
kanzureand makes a design that satisfies the requirements to within 5% or something19:54
kanzurethe professor and albert had a lot of with it, they made a class of mechanical engineering students do the same design problems as the program19:54
kanzureand found that on average it took the students 12 hours to come up with a 30% efficient solution19:55
kanzurewhereas it took about 2 minutes for the design method to do its job19:55
samroseyes, this is similar to results others are talking about19:55
samrosedifferent methods19:55
samrosebut computers compute faster19:55
kanzuregraphsynth is this sort of software suite for including different algorithms19:55
kanzurebut it's kind of written in .NET and sucks19:55
SmariThis is all well and good, but it's two hours past my bedtime and I'm very happy sitting here and debugging xmlrpc stuff19:56
kanzureand the professor isn't really interested in rushing to GPL it19:56
samroseI see http://www.me.utexas.edu/~adl/graphsynth/19:56
kanzuresamrose: http://www.graphsynth.com/19:56
samroselater Smari19:56
kanzureyeah. don't be too interested in it.19:56
samroseoh, ok19:56
samrosethought you meant you were leaving19:56
fenngee you sure can get talking when you put your mind to it19:56
kanzurethere's not a lot of "engineering" going on in the software really19:57
kanzureone thing that I am writing this week is a part compatibility checking method19:57
samrosewill be back tomorrow, thanks for info kanzure. I will fill you in as I learn more19:57
kanzureto see whether or not two parts fit together 19:57
kanzurewhich is kind of important for automated design work (don't know if two things actually fit)19:57
kanzuresamrose: are you leaving too?19:57
kanzureso I'm going to be doing some geometrical tests firsts like volume difference and volume interference etc. and then eventually some units/ranges for whether or not there exists some capatibility19:58
kanzure"together, we hate everything"20:02
SmariI have a great tool for you guys as soon as I can remember its name.20:04
Smarihttp://ubietylab.net/ubigraph/ !20:05
kanzureoh, for dynamic graphs. nice.20:07
fennfwiw i recently had the epiphany that "process" is the wrong word to describe things you do in industry to achieve an effect20:08
fennperhaps "procedure" or "method" is better; too bad those are already computer words20:08
fennbecause a process could happen whether we want it to or not20:08
fennwhereas these things we describe have definite parameters and sequences of actions20:09
fennso like a bolt fatiguing with repeated stress cycles, that's a process20:09
fennat the basic level recipes all involve a process of some sort, which i've tried to sort of capture with the 'mechanism:' field (poorly)20:10
kanzureand the svg diagrams20:10
Smariusing computer terms is fine with me as long as you don't collide the meanings.20:11
fennyeah the diagrams were mostly because i was bored and didnt know what to do, and sick of boxes + arrows crap20:11
fennSmari: i'm not really interested in some proprietary graph visualization software20:12
Smarifenn, I agree that it sucks that it's proprietary..20:12
fennit would be nice if GTK somehow had a graph widget20:12
fennlike the tree widget but better20:13
Smarifenn, but it's still free as in free beer and it's by far the best graph visualization tool I've ever seen.20:13
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]20:13
fenncurious math from ping: 91596 packets transmitted, 91470 received, 0% packet loss20:13
fennmust round down20:14
kanzureis there an "acceptable" amount of packet loss that ping intentionally fudges?20:14
kanzure126 packets per 91596? meh20:15
fennbtw smari "shored out" == "puttered out"20:17
fenner, "petered out" i mean20:17
Smarifenn, its just rounding down.20:17
fenndamn i thought i knew english "\20:17
Smarime too20:18
fennfwiw i think tangiblebit is cooler than skdb20:23
fenni mean the name20:23
fennskdb just makes eyes glaze over20:23
fenni mean we're all trying to make a matter compiler, right?20:24
kanzureseparate pieces of the puzzle.20:24
SmariI agree with re name.20:25
Smari'skdb' doesn't tell me anything... it just makes me want to go do something else.20:25
ybitfenn: what program did you use again to output the svg?20:29
ybitoh, i think you used graphviz20:30
ybiti was thinking of something else though20:30
fennybit: taxonomy-graph.py in the skdb directory..20:35
fenndot -Tsvg20:36
fennhow the hell did i not run across igraph in my search for graph visualization tools?20:36
fennalso btw i added a bunch of separation processes to taxonomy.yaml20:40
* fenn mumbles something about gitweb still not working20:40
ybithttp://ggwiki.org is down?20:46
fenni didnt do it20:46
ybitGNU Unit, link?20:47
ybitah, GNU Unit*s*20:48
fenni'm still not sure it's the best choice long-term.. but all the symbolic math stuff i've seen is horrible with manipulating units20:48
ybitbtw, i don't see any responses if there are any, i'm just typing questions i may have while reading the log20:49
ybitjust in case there is anyone actually responding to this20:49
fennwell fuck you too20:49
fenn.. atm20:49
ybitthe flows project on code.google.com that samrose linked to is highly similar to what metacurrency uses20:54
ybitthey are all about 'flows'20:54
kanzurefenn: I won't be going in tomorrow at the regular time.20:56
fennbleh finally: http://adl.serveftp.org/gitweb.cgi?p=skdb.git;a=blob;f=taxonomy.yaml20:56
kanzurewhere's all the CSS?20:57
fennpicky picky20:57
kanzureI don't like seeing broken CSS20:57
kanzureeither do none of it or all of it20:57
fennyou know i had a good .css for gitweb on flaminggaypurpledinosaur20:58
fennmaybe i should just force my gray on gray color scheme on the rest of the world20:59
ybituh, adl.serveftp.org is giving 403 forbidden :\21:01
fennthe link i just pasted or something else?21:01
fennkanzure did you break it?21:02
kanzuredidn't touch it21:02
fennah, problem solved: Options +ExecCGI instead of Options ExecCGI21:04
ybitkanzure, you've mentioned pink army i don't how many times and everytime i do a search, i always come across two sites: one with nothing on the homepage www.thepinkarmy.com and some breast cancer fund rasing group. maybe the first is link is what you are referring to?21:07
ybitoh, and give an explanation @ 19:47 after i type that out 21:08
fennybit: are you reading replies yet or not?21:09
SmariXMLRPC stuff added to Sources.21:09
fennthere ought to be unit tests for websites21:10
CIA-73skdb: fenn master * r14494f2 / taxonomy.yaml : remove scratch list - http://bit.ly/CJb5o21:10
CIA-73skdb: fenn master * r23d5f09 / taxonomy.yaml : now it's mixed source data. yummy - http://bit.ly/D1PXy21:10
CIA-73skdb: fenn master * r28bf021 / tags.yaml : i guess this file is for testing custom tags, so make them custom tags eh - http://bit.ly/LG31h21:10
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * rfac8797 / (tags.yaml taxonomy.yaml): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb - http://bit.ly/wHWCE21:10
kanzureybit: http://pinkarmy.org/21:11
ybitre: skdb as a startup by kits being sold: kind of like the make magazine's store i would assume, it's really not a bad business model: "look at this cool thing you can make yourself [read:customization/diy you marketers]" "..and you can buy the items needed to make it at our store or just buy several already made for you" 21:11
kanzurewhat I really want to do is cygnus except on roids21:12
fennyeah man, asteroids with hemirrhoids21:13
fenngleaming globs of gallium21:13
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * re049fd2 / (10 files in 2 dirs): added pymates, moved code around - http://bit.ly/SmsHt21:14
kanzurein skdb/pymates/pymates.py I am saying "import geom"21:17
kanzurethere's a skdb/pymates/geom/21:17
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit []21:20
fenn"click on a link; i shouldnt ever see a 404" this shouldnt be so hard right?21:21
kanzurewhat's wrong now?21:21
ybityay, through reading replies21:23
ybitfenn: yes i am done21:23
ybit was an interesting read21:25
ybitthe log that is21:26
ybitonly 30 more apps left to compile from 'emerge emacs vim'21:27
ybit30 out of 20021:27
ybitthink xorg-x11 was compiled along the way21:27
* ybit is going to get some fresh air21:28
ybitdon't think it's healthy to sit through such a long compilation process 21:28
kanzureyou kids and your fresh air21:29
kanzureback in my day we had smoke 21:29
kanzureanbd we were lucky if we got it21:29
kanzurenot the good kind of second hand smoke, I'm talking the bad kind21:29
fennnothing wrong, just muttering about unit tests for websites that should be easy enough to implement21:29
genehackerthey did again21:33
kanzurethey deid who?21:34
genehackererr he did21:34
genehackerfinally published it21:34
genehackerwonder if AB matter would be really heavy and impractical21:37
genehackerchecked out some of the stuff on his levitator thing21:38
genehackerand it seems like it some of the materials he suggested weren't good enough for it21:38
fennplease shut up about AB matter until you have some idea about how one might possibly go about making it21:38
genehackerit's in the paper21:39
fennand even then, why "AB matter"21:39
fennno he just says "you string together protons and neutrons"21:39
fennfwiw bolonkin didn't invent picotech or femtotech either21:41
genehackerfaster AB matter production rates require AB matter21:41
fennorgone accumulation is proportional to the concentration of orgone21:41
genehackerSome offered technologies for producing: AB-Matter. 21:42
genehackerOne  method  of  producing  AB-Matter  may  use  the 21:42
genehackertechnology reminiscent of computer chips (Fig. 4). One 21:42
genehackerside of closed box 1 is evaporation mask 2. In the other 21:42
genehackersize  are  located  the  sources  of  neutrons,  charged 21:42
genehackernuclear  particles  (protons,  charged  nuclei  and  their 21:42
genehackerconnections)  and  electrons.  Sources  (guns)  of  charged 21:42
genehackerparticles have accelerators of particles and control their 21:42
genehackerenergy  and  direction.  They  concentrate  (focus) 21:42
genehackerparticles, send particles (in beam form) to needed points 21:42
genehackerwith  needed  energy  for  overcoming  the  Coulomb 21:42
genehackerbarrier.  The  needed  neutrons  are  received  also  from 21:42
genehackernuclear reactions and reflected by the containing walls. 21:42
genehackerjust read the paper21:42
genehackerif not just for the lulz21:43
genehackeris my room mate smoking?21:45
kanzureer. in my __init__() there are potentially many parameters (named). but the class inherits from another class. how can I pass some of the parameters to the parent class's initiator, and then make this initaitor just extend it?21:47
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* ybit just traversed roughly 1 mile and is now about to croak over dead. it was nice knowing you all21:54
* ybit needs a krispy kreme donut21:54
fennkanzure: parent.__init__()21:55
kanzureparent is special?21:55
kanzureis parent like self just not the self?21:55
fenni think there's some keyword __super__ but i'm not sure what it does21:55
kanzureokay. I'm familiar with the super.21:56
fennor maybe it's super(foo)21:56
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * r7cc204e / (pymates/geom.py pymates/primitives.py pymates/pymates.py): primitive primitives and geometries for part mating - http://bit.ly/3F5bmW21:58
fennsince you're specifying the parent classes in the class definition i think actually using the parent class name is not a bad thing21:59
fennif you inherit from two classes, which one is the super?21:59
kanzureso if I inherit from foo.bar, then I could say foo.bar(stuff) in place of super(stuff)?22:00
kanzurethat doesn't seem to work22:01
fennsure why not22:02
fennfoo.bar(stuff) would make a foo.bar instance22:03
kanzureand all of the attributes will apply to the current object that has that super/parent?22:03
fennuh, i'm not sure classes can have .'s in them though22:03
fennguess they can22:04
kanzureokay it works22:04
kanzureit's actually foo.bar.__init__(self,stuff)22:04
fenninit is not a constructor, it's an initializer22:04
kanzurethere's a difference apparently22:04
* fenn shrugs22:04
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * r3b4861b / pymates/geom.py : fixed geom.py - http://bit.ly/PFYXo22:05
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * rfee191a / pymates/geom.py : ok, really fixed it this time - http://bit.ly/DLynP22:06
CIA-73skdb: kanzure master * rda5d23a / pymates/tests.py : basic test framework for pymates - http://bit.ly/was6k22:17
ybitharry potter brought in $62 million in one night22:42
genehackersmari, I used a lathe today22:45
genehackerybit, seed MOAR22:45
ybitsorry, just jealous22:45
genehackerof harry potter?22:45
genehackerif so then LOL PIRACY22:46
ybitno no, that you were able to use an interesting tool that i'd like to own22:46
ybitwell, it's not highly interesting, but i still want it22:46
ybiti had something to do with harry potter this year22:47
ybiti wanted to do something stupid fun for a charity, so i put together a charity event22:47
ybitlet's see...22:48
ybitgoogle: heath matlock florala harry potter22:48
ybitfirst article shows the event22:48
ybitmentions me 'heath matlock'22:48
ybitnext stupid fun thing to do: 'laser graffati' on buildings downtown during some local misc. event22:50
ybitwould link to the article but i don't know how to copy/paste from screen in a tty22:50
kanzurescreen was made for that :p23:12
-!- splicer [n=patrik@h189n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]23:15
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ybitwell, that's simple enough23:43
ybitnever really looked into it23:43
ybitjust not sure how to copy/paste from within links23:43
ybitsplitting windows and monitoring windows is useful23:43
kanzurewhat I don't like about OOP is that no matter how many classes I write, it doesn't feel like progress at all23:50
-!- genehacker [n=noko@] has joined #hplusroadmap23:53
genehackerkanzure, got a question23:53
genehackerdoes that CD protein purification thing purify a solution of multiple proteins or just one protein from solution?23:54
genehackerflow control can be quite a problem in microfluidics23:54
genehackersaw a google ad about this company marketing a $$$$PROPRIETARY$$$$ control system for microfluidics23:55
genehackerapparently you get some inaccuracy from the PDMS or flexible connector tubing deforming23:55
genehackerthough if we do those stryene style microfluidics this shouldn't be problem23:56

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