
--- Day changed Tue Jul 21 2009
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []01:18
genehackerbiosafety level 5:  hot agent is known to degrade seals03:55
genehackerbiosafety level 6: hot agent is uncharacterized and could cause irreparable environmental damage if released03:56
kanzurebiosafety level 7: hot agent is human.04:51
genehackernow all you have to do is implant that DNA synthesizer....04:56
genehackerI wonder if you'd be able to fly on airplanes if you were a cyborg04:57
QuantumGsteve mann wasn't04:58
QuantumGof course, some say he just went to the airport to cause a scene04:58
genehackerhe wasn't allowed to fly?05:02
genehackerCYBORGS ARE HUMANS TOO!05:02
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r2d0c097723d6 /inventory/receipt-schema.yaml: more attributes05:03
kanzureoh didn't even see schema.yaml05:03
kanzuremy changes might be redundant05:04
genehackerkanzure mind linking me to some documentation on how generate parts for that cad system of yours?05:06
CIA-73skdb: kanzure * r67b893d35142 /inventory/schema.yaml: need to know the vendor name05:07
kanzuregenehacker: one second05:07
genehackerI'd sorta like to make a rolamite bearing part generator05:07
kanzureyou see the files in here? http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/pymates/models/05:08
kanzurecheck out blockhole.yaml05:08
kanzureevery part nees to have a part.yaml file too05:08
kanzureand then also a part.step file (the CAD file)05:08
kanzureand it needs to generally follow the pattern shown here:05:09
kanzureor here: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/pymates/models/peg.yaml05:09
* kanzure sleeps05:09
genehackerI think I'll do the same05:09
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kanzurefab@home http://groups.google.com/group/fabathome-forums07:43
kanzurereprap-michigan http://groups.google.com/group/reprap-michigan07:43
kanzurereprap-chicago http://groups.google.com/group/chicago-reprap07:43
kanzurereprap-bay-area http://groups.google.com/group/bay-area-reprap07:43
kanzurereprap-brisbane http://groups.google.com/group/reprap-brisbane07:43
kanzurehuh youtube is down08:11
kanzurepython wrapper to amazon: http://pyaws.sourceforge.net/08:18
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:06
-!- samrose [n=samrose@] has joined #hplusroadmap09:08
kanzurehey samrose09:39
kanzuresamrose: what are you doing december 5th?09:39
samrosehaha, not to sure kanzure09:43
samrosewhat should I be doing? :)09:43
kanzuresamrose: fenn and I are running a session on hardware package management at hplus summit, and we were asked who should be on the panel with us09:46
kanzureI mentioned Smari and a few others, and then totally forgot about you09:46
kanzurehuh pywordnet is too old and expects wordnet2.0? debian testing has wordnet3.0 :p09:47
Smariwhen is that summit and where?09:47
kanzurechicago, december 5th09:47
kanzuretransportation may be provided.. maybe.09:47
kanzureSmari: didn't you get the email?09:48
samrosekanzure, that would be great! I will double check my email09:49
kanzuresamrose: you didn't get the email, sorry09:49
kanzurethat's why I said I totally forgot about you09:50
samroseok, well, thanks for thinking about me09:50
samrosemaybe between now and then, I can get some contributions into this thing too09:50
kanzureheh would you be interested?09:50
kanzurethat would be nice09:50
samroseI would be interested09:51
kanzureit's kind of a panel on "industrial literacy and how to be a badass"09:51
samrosewe have some real-world implementations that would likely offer funding based on technology centered around local food systems, and urban agriculture09:51
samroseso, that could be a place to start for me09:51
kanzurethe conference is mainly about transhumanism09:52
samroseI see09:52
kanzurehowever the topics overlap a lot I guess09:52
fennso smari that means the typical doom and gloom speech probably wouldnt go over too well09:52
fennbecause everyone's sick of hearing it 09:53
samrosewell, I am interested in transhumanism in some ways,  so am definitely interested09:53
kanzureyeah the transhumanist groups already sit around with their tail between their asses09:53
kanzureand don't want to do anything about it. so this is changing.09:53
samrosewell, I am already contributing to writing a kind of transhumanist book that basically asks what it will look like when we get beyond basic physiological and psychological survival09:55
samrosewe are applying this to economics and technology development09:55
kanzureare you doing any hardware building these days?09:55
samrosemostly in crumbling urban settings like Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh09:55
samrosehardware based around food production09:56
samroseurban agriculture09:56
Smarikanzure, I don't think I did.09:56
samrosehardware that assists living machines09:56
kanzureSmari: do you check your anarchism.is account?09:56
samroseand some related stuff09:56
Smarikanzure, I do.09:56
fennsubject: "Mutual introductions"09:57
Smarikanzure, but I'm behind on mailing list mail.09:57
Smariwas it personal mail?09:57
fennnot like the email said much anyway09:57
kanzureSmari: yes it was personal mail09:57
kanzurethe email didn't say much, that's true09:57
Smariin that case I didn't get it.09:57
fennit was sent to smarimc@gmail.com09:58
Smarioh that would be why.09:58
SmariI don't read that.09:58
kanzureok resent09:58
kanzureah, nice to know09:58
kanzuresent it to both09:58
kanzuretuition is due august 12th09:59
kanzurehopefully jata will fly us up there before then09:59
SmariI reply to my name at @anarchism.is, @fabfolk.com,09:59
kanzureI'll try to remember that.10:00
-!- samrose [n=samrose@] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]10:00
Smarifenn, I don't do "gloom and doom". I do "humanity has a choice, if we make the wrong one we're screwed, here's my idea of what the right one might look like."10:00
fennoh, good10:00
kanzurethe existential risk community is saturated10:01
kanzurethey already think they are at the top of their game10:01
kanzurethey were completely unwilling to listen to me because manufacturing is unreasonable or something10:01
kanzuremaybe it would be different for you10:02
Smariexistential risk folks annoy me too.10:02
Smarithey're severe doomsayers.10:02
kanzureright and that's what this community is about right now10:02
kanzureand we're trying to change that10:02
Smariand won't be told that doom can be averted, because that means they're out of a job.10:02
fennthat's why any reasonable plan of action involves dismantling the global employee state we've got going10:03
-!- samrose [n=samrose@] has joined #hplusroadmap10:04
samroseI would like to start documenting the food production hardware projects with skdb. I realize that we are not there yet, but I think one way to get there is to make it easy for people to put info into their own project files. 10:09
samrosedo you see what I am saying?10:09
kanzureyeah of course10:09
kanzureI think it's great that you want to do that10:09
kanzureand I think you should maybe write up a yaml file for a basic food production hardware project that follows the basic format we have introduced in the git repo10:10
samroseactually, if I or we make a way that people can generate this meta data, it could make the process extremely easy10:10
kanzurelike "autoproject"? yeah10:10
kanzurebut first we need to know the structure10:10
kanzureso right now it's kind of hard10:10
kanzurebecause we have to do it manually10:10
kanzurebut eventually maybe we won't have to10:10
samroseyes, if there was a standard for project files, then it could autogenerate the yaml10:10
fennnot really10:11
samroseand, this would boost uptake by other users10:11
fennyou would still have to fill out most of it by hand10:11
fennbut having templates would be nice10:11
kanzurethe program would just ask you questions or something10:11
kanzurewhich is kind of pointless if you know how to type it yourself10:11
* fenn waves his hands in the and sprinkles pixie dust10:11
samrosewell, you could have something that could get you 80% of the way there10:11
kanzuresamrose: I think you should start by trying to come up with a valid yaml file that represents the hardware package10:11
samrosesure, that is fine10:12
kanzurefeel free to clone the repo and commit something, and I'll take a looksie and see if it's valid10:12
fennlook at screw.yaml10:12
kanzurefenn: didn't screw.yaml get screwed a bit?10:12
-!- Whickety-Whack [n=duggerjw@pool-71-164-142-210.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:12
kanzureit used to be longer10:12
kanzurehello Whickety-Whack 10:12
Whickety-WhackHello, kanzure.10:12
samrosebut, typing shit out by hand is not how I usually operate, and I disagree that you'd be forced to type this out all by hand no matter what10:13
fennyes it used to have stuff about head, material, finish.. but that's irrelevant10:13
Whickety-WhackJust here to listen and learn, for the time being. A closed mouth gathers no feet, etc.10:13
fennsamrose: the data has to come from somewhere10:13
samrosefenn obviously10:13
kanzurefenn: don't you know it comes from the data integration entity? god. you're so stupid.10:14
fennyou've got it all backwards10:14
fennit all comes from Our Lady Eris10:14
samrosewhat I am saying is that if I make something at least partially from existing plans and specs, that I can figure out a way to generate data from that10:15
kanzurehm how do I get from a OCC.TopoDS.TopoDS_Shape to an OCC.AIS.Handle_AIS_Shape?10:15
samrosefor instance, if I make a device that combines arduino with a case and components that I make in a CAD program, I now have data before I start typing out YAML10:17
kanzureI think you should look at what we have already.10:17
samrosekanzure have done so10:17
kanzurethe "case" and "components" should be in skdb to begin with10:17
samroseyou are missing what I am saying10:18
samroseif I have a case and components that are in some data format, I can write scripts that transform that into SKDB YAML10:18
samrosehow many designs and specs currently exist in digital form?10:19
kanzurethey don't..10:19
kanzureit's usually just CAD models10:19
samrosesure they do10:19
kanzurebut not any metadata10:19
kanzureI'd like to see those files.. really. I just haven't found them yet.,10:19
samroseCAD models can be used to create metadata10:19
samroseCAD models have a data mode10:19
kanzurewell I've never seen HeeksCAD or BRLCAD show me this information10:19
CIA-44skdb:  * rfdf00f47b631 /screw.yaml: i guess this ought to use normal tags if it's going to be an example file10:19
CIA-44skdb:  * r323e29742fbe / (21 files in 5 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb10:19
kanzureor even if its existence10:19
kanzure*of its existence10:19
samroseyou are still misunderstand10:20
fennsamrose: "some data format" is what exactly?10:20
samroseit doesn't matter10:20
fennSTL doesnt say anything about where to get documentation10:20
fennit's just triangles10:20
kanzurehave you ever looked at these files? heh'10:21
samrosehow does the program know where the triangles should be placed?10:21
fennthere is some fancy PDM stuff but i have no idea how to read or write those formats, or what the concepts mean even10:21
samroseok, what I am saying is that is not a problem for me10:21
kanzureI'd like some examples.10:22
samrosethey mean something10:22
kanzuredo you have any PDM files?10:22
samrosewhat you mean you'd like some examples?10:22
kanzureI think you're bullshitting10:22
kanzurebut I would love to be wrong10:22
kanzureso I'd like some files to play with10:22
fennsomehow i doubt you have access to ISO documents describing STEP PDM formats10:22
kanzurethat has this information supposedly in it10:22
samroseDo you have some CAD files?10:22
fennabout 70,000 of them10:22
samroseok, what is in those files?10:23
kanzurelots of points10:23
kanzureSTEP, IGES, etc.10:23
fenni can only read a couple thousand of them10:23
samroseHow does the cad program know what to do with them?10:23
kanzureit doesn't..10:23
fennthere's no "cad program" in the first place10:24
fenni'm using OCC to parse the STEP AP203/214 and display the resulting geometry10:24
fenni dont even know if the files contain other AP's10:24
samroseThen OCC is the lib that is part of the transformation to create metadata10:24
kanzuredo you know what metadata is10:24
fennno, OCC only does AP203/214 which is pure geometry10:25
samroseok, fuck this10:25
fenni wish the world were a cleaner, more transparent place10:25
fennbut as it is we have to deal with closed standards and dig through the dregs of defunct government projects10:26
kanzureso I'm confused. 10:27
fennsome of the stuff in screw.yaml is metadata; other stuff is data10:28
fenneverything down to 'screw:' is metadata10:29
fennthe rest i'm not sure about; is "!screw" data or metadata?10:29
fennit's just a type statement10:30
kanzureso it doesn't seem I can get an OCC.AIS.Handle_AIS_Shape from this: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/ModelingData/html/classTopoDS__Shape.html10:30
kanzureoh actually10:32
kanzure"Constructs an instance of the shape object ashape. "10:33
kanzureI'm rewriting the way I do transformations10:33
kanzureer wait, I need to go the other way around. huh..10:34
kanzureself.shapes = my_step_importer.GetShapes()10:35
kanzurethat's not really useful if that just returns the AIS handler..10:35
kanzurewhat about the TopoDS_Shape from a STEP file?10:35
CIA-44skdb:  * rb8e4f09c9932 / (occ_shell.py shell.py): rename to be less ambiguous10:37
kanzureoh GetShapes() returns TopoDS_Shape. great.10:37
-!- genehacker [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:38
kanzurehow sad. I already implemented this. :( part.shapes 10:38
fenna tragedy10:39
kanzurewhich one is the typo?10:44
kanzuretrsf or trf?10:44
kanzureoh tsf is the variable name10:44
Smarihave replied.10:48
kanzurejust saw it10:52
kanzurefenn: jata wants to move it back to aug 1/2. here deadline is the 12th for whether or not we're going to be moving up there.10:52
kanzureor, at least, the deadline for me10:53
kanzurefor you it's probably open ended10:53
-!- genehacker [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit []10:54
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SmariYay, everything is coming together.10:56
SmariTwo conferences confirmed, two possible ones hinging on the question of funding... 10:57
kanzurefenn: campbell said that if I take the cross product between o_n_vec and o_vx_vec, that I should put the resulting vector in the middle of the four by four matrix. but there is no middle to four..10:57
SmariGetting a visa for Afghanistan is alarmingly difficult, even the second time around.10:57
kanzuredoes the cross product of the normal vector and the vx vector go into the third column of the 4x4 matrix?11:06
genehackerplease wait while I parse my knowledge of vector algebra11:07
fennthe second column i think11:08
kanzurecampbell explicitly said that the second column is the missing vy_vec11:08
kanzureso the cross product of the normal vector and the vx vector is the vy_vector? 11:08
kanzurewell then.11:08
kanzurethe notes are kind of weird then11:09
kanzurebecause it says "now find the vy_vec" *after* I do the cross product11:09
fennwell there's probably some crap about normalization11:09
kanzureSmari: what conferences in particular?11:10
kanzuresamrose: did you die?11:10
samroseon a call11:10
SmariFAB5 (5th Symposium on Digital Fabrication), FSCONS (Nordic Free Society and Software conference), Reykjavík Digital Freedoms Conference, and then the H+ Summit.11:11
SmariFAB5 and H+ being the maybes.11:11
kanzurefun lineup11:11
kanzurehope you can get some work done11:11
SmariFAB5 is 20 days from now, so either I get a plane ticket to Mumbai or not. :)11:11
fennindia vs chicago, i know which one i'd pick11:11
Smarifenn, which?11:11
SmariI choose both, if funding is available.11:12
SmariDuring monsoon season? You're crazy. :)11:12
SmariI knew there was a reason we get on so well. :P11:13
wrldpc2Did anyone here go to SingSum last year?11:16
kanzurenot to my knowledge11:16
samrosekanzure, fenn, I am not saying that I have already created what I am talking about. I am saying that I think it is possible to create11:18
Whickety-Whackwrldpc2: No, I didn't attend Singularity Summit 2008.11:18
kanzuresamrose: I don't know what you are talking about.11:19
kanzureare you saying that given a screw BRep model,11:19
kanzureyou can generate screw.yaml for us?11:19
samrosethat is the theory11:19
kanzurehave you looked at screw.yaml?11:19
fennthat sounds really difficult11:20
samrosewell, the intitial work could be difficult11:21
fennthere'd be no way to know it's a "grade 3" bolt11:21
samroseor, maybe not11:21
samrosedepends on how you approach it11:21
fenngiven some geometry, how do you know what material it is?11:21
samrosewhat if I want to apply one geometry to multiple materials11:22
fennyou're thinking of the cad file as the "resource" whereas I'm thinking of it more as a representation11:22
-!- genehacker [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]11:23
fennthe "actual" data11:23
-!- genehacker [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap11:23
samroseright now, your only choice is to manually enter in the material type11:23
samroseinto YAML11:23
fennof course11:23
genehackeror figure the stress applied to it, if this part can be made with out scratches of X size11:24
samroselet's really look at this thing11:24
genehackereasy stuff11:24
samroseauthor: 'ben lipkowitz'11:24
samroselicense: 'GPL2+'11:24
samrose- 'http://heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Skdb'11:24
samrose- 'http://fennetic.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=skdb.git;a=blob_plain;f=screw.yaml'11:24
samrose- 'git://fennetic.net/git/skdb.git/'11:24
samrose 11:24
samrosescrew: !!python/object:skdb.Screw11:24
samrose grade: '3'11:24
samrose length: 1in11:24
samrose thread: !!python/object:skdb.Thread11:24
samrose    diameter: 1/4*in11:24
samrose    form: UN11:24
samrose    pitch: 20rev/in11:24
samrosehow much of the above is currently represented in any way digitally?11:24
fennin some .stp file?11:24
fenn(there is no cad file)11:25
samroseit's all manually created, right?11:25
kanzureso that others won't have to11:25
fennwe've been playing with the idea of a "generator" which would take this data and spit out some cad geometry11:25
fennin various levels of detail11:25
samrosethat is a cool idea too11:25
genehackerif the part is ceramic you can easily figure out it's probability of survival if you can figure out applied stress11:26
SmariUnfortunately this complicates things, as I was planning on trying to get to Japan for christmas and new years.11:26
genehackerremember to pack lots of boxes11:26
kanzurea ceramic christmas?11:26
genehackerwhat I hear is that you're going to want to take stuff home11:27
SmariI'm still in the previous discussion11:27
samroseno prob11:27
fennsamrose: i dont believe in autogenerated source code11:27
Smariwent away for a moment, a friend of mine just successfully folded part of hyperbolic space into euclidian space in the lab, and I wanted to take a look at it.11:27
samroseneither do I11:27
fennsamrose: so; i see the "laboriously hand entered text" as a good thing, because that's all i'll ever have to do (theoretically)11:28
genehackerthose are hard to fold11:28
samrosewell, all I am asking you to do is make a standard way to enter data into skdb11:28
samrosethat's it11:28
fennthat's what i'm doing11:28
kanzurethat's what this is..11:28
samroseis there something that we can validate against?11:29
samroseprobably not yet11:29
fennare you talking about some web interface thing with forms?11:29
samrosebut that is ok11:29
kanzurewhat do you mean validate against?11:29
fennkanzure: DTD stuff11:29
kanzureYAML doesn't require DTDs11:29
fennsamrose: when you parse yaml into a live object, the object should check itself and see if it makes sense11:29
fennthis way you can cast a screw as a fastener, for instance11:30
fenner, typecast11:30
samrosewhat does the object check itself against?11:30
fennwith XML DTD's you can't really add a bunch of random extra data11:30
samrosenot asking you to make DTD11:30
fennchecks the types of its own data11:30
fennlike, length should be in some distance unit11:31
samroseso, each yaml file is a self-contained standard11:31
SmariIt's only about 0.3m³ of Euclidian space, but about 1/5th of the hyperbolic space is enclosed.11:31
fennno, the standard is in the classes which get instantiated with yaml data11:31
samrosethe classes that are part of your code11:31
fennyeah. if you can think of some way to define classes that's not just python, let me know11:32
fenni dont see a problem with it though11:32
samrosethis is done. You can make python classes, methods, functions, etc available as HTTP calls11:32
kanzureyou just download new classes 11:32
fenni have no idea what you mean by that11:32
samroseI have created wrappers that will do this11:32
kanzurewhat's wrong with eggs?11:33
kanzuresee, this is why this is a hardware package management system11:33
samrosecould be, but that is not what they are yet :)11:33
fennSOAP stuff?11:33
samrosehttp service or REST11:33
samroseSOAP could be done too11:33
kanzureso you *were* talking about web stuff11:33
samroseI don't really care11:33
fenni dont want to rely on a server somewhere when i can just download the damn code and run it locally11:33
samroseany protocol could be used11:33
kanzureI'm confused, are you still explaining how to go from brep->data that you don't even know exists?11:34
samroseyou could totally run it all locally11:34
samrosethis is great11:34
samrosekanzure, it depends on what is in brep11:35
kanzuredo you know what brep is?11:35
fenntake a look at this pic: http://adl.serveftp.org/git/gitweb.cgi?p=skdb.git;a=blob;f=Skdb.png11:35
samroseboundary rep?11:35
kanzureyes. not "screw information rep"11:35
ybitman, i'm stressed for some reason... why do we crave companionship, why would i want a kid, i don't know why i was thinking either today. genes playing with the brain?.. 11:36
* ybit is some type of emo philosopher 11:36
fennthe two big cylinders are databases on the other side of the net.. you download yaml data and other data.. it gets parsed and stuffed into local code (the puzzle pieces) and yields an object (the hexagons)11:36
ybiti forget: no philosophy 11:37
kanzurethat's not philosophy, that's just you being confused11:37
kanzureno confusion allowed11:37
samrosefenn: what are you speaking of a^^ ?11:37
fennthen once you have an object you can do all sorts of stuff like make them fight each other, or generate CAM files11:37
fennsamrose: the picture i linked to11:37
* samrose clicks11:37
Whickety-Whackfenn: The picture doesn't represent any physical objects, does it?11:39
fennWhickety-Whack: the physical objects are the plug and outlet at the top11:39
Whickety-Whackfenn: I thought the top row represented widely-held knowledge about outlets and plugs?11:40
samrosethe class instance is the rep of phys object11:40
fennum, you're both right11:40
Whickety-WhackAh, so the top row refers to some Platonic outlet and plug?11:41
kanzurethe top refers to a deb file basically11:41
fennin order to have any meaningful representation of a specific plug, you have to come up with a description of plugs in general11:41
fennkanzure: no, not right11:41
samrosecould you not generate the yaml file from wiring schematic data for instance11:41
kanzurethey are the packages11:41
kanzuresamrose: no11:41
samroseI see the problem with screw11:41
fennkanzure: the middle row is the deb file11:41
kanzureoh sorry11:41
kanzurethat's right11:41
samrosebut there are other objects in this univers11:41
Whickety-WhackI thought the packages were the middle row, the skdb?11:41
kanzureWhickety-Whack: yes11:41
samrosebeyond screwa11:41
kanzureWhickety-Whack: sorry. I wasn't looking at it11:41
kanzuresamrose: that's right11:42
kanzuresamrose: that's why I thought you said you were interested in packaging some food tools11:42
samrosethen what's all the fuss about?11:42
kanzurewhich is great. we need people to package stuff like that11:42
samroseeither way I am going to do it11:42
kanzureyou said that given boundary-representation you can generate the yaml11:42
Whickety-WhackWhat does the bottom row indicate? I don't understand that part of the diagram.11:42
fenn"doing stuff"11:43
fennlike "sudo make me a sandwich"11:43
kanzureWhickety-Whack: /dev refers to hardware that carries out the instructions. either the humans or the machines that make sandwiches.11:43
Whickety-WhackIt seems to mix code, fabrication, and IRL testing.11:43
kanzurethe bottom?11:43
fennWhickety-Whack: well, if it doesn't work, you ought to make a note of that somewhere so someone doesn't repeat your mistakes, right?11:43
Whickety-WhackThe row below {running code}.11:43
Whickety-WhackNo argument from me, though I've had more co-workers who'd disagree than not.11:44
kanzureyou seem to have something against coworkers11:44
kanzurethis is the second time today you've badmouthed them :p11:44
Whickety-WhackI am not cynical, just resigned. :)11:45
kanzure'Another (python ) based tool called skeinforge can read an STL file and produce GCODE toolpaths. '11:45
samrosewell, given a brep, we could at least generate part of the yaml11:45
samrosedepending on nature of brep11:45
fennmaybe. i think it'd be a lot simpler to just enter the data than teach the computer how to recognize abstract properties from geometry11:46
samroseis there some other source for what is not in brep for an object?11:46
samrosesimple for a screw, but what about a ship?11:46
fennespecially since we dont have any cad files to begin with11:46
kanzure"some other source" what?11:46
fennnot any useful ones at least11:46
samroseI am asking YOU11:46
fennsamrose: that's what i was talking about PDM11:46
kanzureI don't know what you mean by "source"11:46
fennPDM is "all the other stuff" essentially11:47
samroseanything, any source that could give material data, etc etc11:47
kanzurethey don't seem to exist. and if they do, you can't really be sure it's about the same thing11:47
samroseforget about "screw", for anything, is there any other source for data beyond brep for an object?11:47
kanzurenot in typical cad, no.11:47
kanzurethat's why we're doing this.11:47
kanzurewe're not purposefully trying to reinvent the wheel11:48
kanzure(oh wait.)11:48
samrosewell, I believe you11:48
kanzurethen why did you claim that I was wrong11:48
samroseyet, having worked in industrial realm for a while, I do have some experience with this11:48
samroseand, I think you might be surprised that there are some possibilities for what I am talking about11:49
fennsuch as?11:49
-!- genehacker [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Connection timed out]11:50
samroseexisting data11:50
fennin what format?11:51
samrosein any, it does NOT matter11:51
samroseunless there is no way to even read it11:51
samroseI also think that it could be possible to speed up the entry of data in the first place, dimensions, materials, etc11:52
fenndo we even have any data files to draw from to build an open source technology distribution?11:52
samrosefor someone doing this from scratch11:52
samroseI think it would be worth looking11:52
fenni mean it's all industrial-age stuff that doesn't really apply to build-from-scratch situation11:53
samroseyes, much of it is hidden11:53
samroselet me offer an examples11:53
fennthe idea is to gather open stuff like OSE and put it in a common format11:53
kanzureif you have the files on your hard drive please email them at least11:54
fennnot hack into lockheed martin and download jet engine schematics11:54
kanzuremaster hax0r11:54
samroseof course11:54
samroselet's say that I make a self contained food growing system11:54
samrosea small plastic box with plants in it11:55
samroseand an automated lighting, watering, feeding etc system11:55
samroselet's say that I *ask* those whom I source components from to provide me with specs, and sell them on the idea based on the premise that they might sell more materials11:56
samroseand lets say that I give them a way to make it easier for them to generate those specs in the first aplce11:56
samrosemaybe they have them all in a spreadsheet11:56
fennand they send you a .docx file with photographs in it11:56
samrosemaybe it's in a db11:57
samrosemaybe, and maybe I ask them to send me data11:57
kanzurepackage maintainers exist for a reason.11:57
Whickety-WhackOr perhaps just a PDF?11:57
samroseI am just talking about how to gather data here11:57
kanzuresometimes they don't have it11:58
samrosepackage maintainers or no11:58
kanzurein this situation you would be the package maintainer11:58
samroseI will bet that people who make wire have data on it....11:58
kanzuresure, let's hope so11:58
samrosepeople who make hoses? bet they do too11:58
* fenn prays to the Borg TimeCube11:58
samrosearduino, as a company, I will bet they have lots of data about a controller11:59
samrosethe idea is to convince them of the value of releasing that data11:59
samrosethis will help populate your DB11:59
kanzureyou seem to be jumping from topic to topic12:00
kanzureI'm having trouble following12:00
fenni dont see how a spreadsheet is going to help me automatically annotate a cad file12:01
Whickety-WhackFenn, I think samrose might mean a case where you get a spreadsheet or nothing.12:01
kanzurewell he's claiming he has some magic way of figuring out the YAML file given only boundary-representation12:02
kanzureso I don't think he's talking about that12:02
Whickety-WhackPlease go on, samrose.12:03
samroseI work with John Deere currently, and I think they could be interested in contributing to this db12:03
samroseespecially if they think people will fab products that they would use with John Deere equipment12:03
samrosejust one example12:03
samrosebut, back here in the here and now, I do hear what kanzure and fenn are saying for indendent from-scratch flex fab.12:03
samrosethat is going to be many people manually building this up12:03
kanzurewell you've effectively lost me12:04
samrosekanzure, I am claiming that it is possible to make PART of your YAML file from brep, possibly12:04
kanzureI'm going to go back to work12:04
kanzurewhich part?12:04
samrosethe geometric rep12:04
kanzurethat's not part of the YAML file12:04
samroselength and diameter are not in there at all, you are right12:05
kanzureyou mean the parametric terms?12:06
samroselength and diameter12:06
kanzureis it a parametric CAD file?12:06
kanzureI mean, we don't even have a screw CAD file at the moment12:06
samroseok, what if you did?12:06
samroseI have to go12:06
kanzurewell can OCC read it or not?12:06
kanzureor will I have to write my own parametric CAD file translator?12:07
samroseyes, I am saying we write translators12:07
kanzurefrom what format?12:07
samrosewhy does that matter?12:08
kanzurebecause I can't just will the information from The Void12:08
samrosewhat are you trying to prove by asking me "what format"12:08
kanzureI can't just magically program a reader for something I don't know about12:09
samroseI can imagine it would be the commonly available formats12:09
samrosefor CAD files12:09
kanzuredoes STEP have that information?12:09
kanzureokay problem solved12:09
kanzureyou could have just said that STEP has parametric variables in it12:09
kanzuregood god12:09
fennthat's not what he said12:09
samrosewhat did I say?12:09
fennhe's talking about doing feature recognition based on arbitrary geometry (could be mesh for example)12:10
samrose(following along)12:10
samrosein part12:10
fennok. the problem is, that's a Hard Problem12:10
fenni.e. an unsolved problem12:10
fennsimilar to tracing lines from a scanned in image12:10
samroseI am talking about doing multiple representations based on the common ways that people are representing their physical object data now12:10
fenn"why can't you just convert .jpg to .svg?"12:11
kanzureno you're not12:11
kanzurethat has nothing to do with what you just said "right!" to12:11
samrosewell, ok, not right then12:11
samroseI am saying, starting with CAD files, that you could map to dimensions in your YAML, possibly12:12
fennit's even worse than just OCR, it's more like OCR + NLP12:12
fennbecause you dont know what parameter corresponds to what property12:12
kanzurethat's what class methods should be for12:13
fennand in the end it's just geometry, which is only a small set of the information we need in order to test compatibility12:13
fennyou just have a bunch of geometry; how do you know which part of the geometry is the diameter?12:14
fenncomputers arent good at guessing12:14
samrosecould be entered in by people while making cad file12:14
samroseI realize this is not what I said12:14
samrosebut this is what I am thinking12:15
fennin reality people don't label things so thoroughly12:15
samrosewhich is why CAD program could recognize a circle, and some program could calc diameter of circle (all circles in file)12:17
samroseor, of outside edges12:17
fennand then what? which diameter do you pick?12:17
samroseyou can map diameters to sections of the geometry12:18
fennthat doesn't solve anything12:18
samrosesure it does12:18
fennnow you have a bunch of geometry; which geometry do you pick?12:18
fennsay we have a bolt with three diameters: the threads, the head, and the body12:18
samrosedepends on the object12:19
samrosewhy would you not want all of that geometric data?12:19
samroseyou don't want to know the size of the head?12:19
samrosethe threads?12:20
fennbecause it's too computationally expensive to compare every detail to every other detail when searching the DB12:20
kanzureI think you two are talking about different things12:20
samroseyes we are12:20
kanzurefenn: bring up the class structure for a screw right about now12:20
kanzurethe data goes into the screw instance12:20
fennscrews already have a standard for defining the thread geometry12:20
samroseI think I need to look more closely at your code before pushing this onto you more12:20
samrosebut continu12:21
fennthe most popular one is the UN thread form, which has a 60 degree triangle with flat tops and rounded bottoms; nominal thread diameter is the distance from flat top to flat top12:21
fennyou can't put a whitworth bolt in a UN hole, it'll jam, even though they have the same diameter12:21
fennbut if you match up UN bolts to UN holes with the same nominal diameter and thread class, it's guaranteed to work12:22
fennwe only have to compare two values12:22
fennnow, that's just talking about screws12:22
fennthere are thousands of other types of devices12:22
fennare you going to write feature recognition code for everything in existence?12:22
samrosefenn: is that my only choice?12:23
fennwell, you could look up more information on the screw12:23
kanzuresamrose: you should read the code if you haven't already12:23
kanzureI thought you had,12:23
fennit's probably written somewhere what thread form and class it is12:23
samroseIf you ask me a question, that is preloaded with the assumption that there is only one choice, then I don't know how to answer12:23
kanzureso I was assuming that you already know what we're talking about12:23
kanzurebut if you're coming from a knowledge of CAD only12:24
kanzurethen this explains why I'm having so much trouble communicating with you12:24
fennjust looking at the code is not terribly informative12:24
fenni wish it were so simple12:24
samroseit will help me understand the fundamental structure of what kind of model you are trying to create12:25
fennbut this is a whole process, like trying to explain what wikipedia or debian is before there's any such thing12:25
samroseI thought I already understood, but there are some gaps in my understanding apparently12:25
kanzureand it's hard enough explaining debian as it is12:25
fennthe closest thing to a model is that diagram, or i guess you could look at the autogenix spec, but it's old and i've changed my mind on some things12:26
samroseWell, the whole discussion is moot in terms of what I can help with in the short term12:26
samrosewhich is to document data on existing projects12:26
samrosebut, I am thinking about how to speed up the process *where* data exists that can be mapped to data needed for skdb12:27
fennwell one thing that would be useful is if you parsed the matweb data into something useful12:28
* fenn chases his tail12:28
fennwe have web scrapes of a materials database12:28
fennbut i have no idea what sort of data is in there12:28
samrosethat would be awesome to take a crack at too12:29
samroseyou tell me what is useful12:29
samroseand I will focus on that12:29
fenntensile strength, conductivity, thermal conductivity, density, color, coefficient of friction wrt other materials.. (there's a list i posted to OM..)12:30
samrosewhat is the output that you need?12:30
fenni'm not entirely sure yet12:31
samroseso, you are still at the "standard creation" phase12:31
samrosemeaning, that you are still creating a standard way to deal with the different objects in your system12:31
samrosewhich is understandable12:31
fennmaterials.yaml is as far as i've gotten12:31
samroseok, we could start with that12:32
fennthe "similar" field is for incomplete data12:32
fennso we can fish around nearby materials to get values for fields we dont have12:32
samroseor, I could start by matching whatever you currently have in materials.yaml12:32
fennbut there's a lot of weird stuff i didnt know how to represent, like values changing with temperature or pressure12:32
samroseI wonder how people doing physical modeling represent these dynamics?12:34
samroselike, how scipy represents, could give a clue12:34
fennit's nice if all your data comes from the same viewpoint, but it doesn't12:35
kanzurescipy doesn't seem to represent it at all12:35
* kanzure has checked the docs12:35
fennso for example you could have a number, or a range, or an uncertainty, or a function that depends on indeterminate values12:36
fennthen there's domain-specific properties12:37
fennfor example brass turns easily but is hard to drill12:37
fennor some aluminum alloy is better for casting than another12:37
fenndo you encode that information in the material data or the data about the manufacturing process?12:37
fenni've been putting it in the process12:38
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wrldpc2DIY roboticist in the mountains of Vermont12:44
wrldpc2built his own lumber mill to build his workshop to build his giant robot12:44
fenn"open everything conference": Tuition is $395 per person, plus food and accomodation. 12:47
fennFood and accomodation ranges from tents ($77) to super nice private rooms ($200). 12:47
fenndoes that mean they provide the tent?12:47
samrosefenn maybe I will make one or more suggested design patterns when I go through the process of parsing your db to YAML12:48
samrosefenn and you can accept or shoot down as you wich12:48
fennok, thanks12:48
samroseI will implement them in code12:48
samrosethis will also help me get more familiar with your code12:49
samrosefenn where is the database?12:49
fennmatweb? /me pokes kanzure12:49
samrosefenn: on OM list you ask:12:50
samrosei already know we dont have any lawyers on this list, but does anyone know12:50
samrosethe legality of programmatically extracting the data from, say, a webpage12:50
samroseor an ebook, and then redistributing it in a different form?12:50
samrosewhat about by hand? at what point is it no longer "fair use"?12:50
samroseI think if this is annotation, that you are still working with fair use12:50
samroseespecially if source is included12:50
fennit's not anything to do with fair use, actually12:50
kanzurematweb is on leibniz12:50
fennyou can't copyright data, so extracting the data and putting it in a different format should be perfectly legal12:51
samrosefenn I agree12:51
samroseno different than loading a web page12:51
fennyou can only copyright "creative expression" supposedly12:51
samrosein your browser, and then adding annotation12:51
fennbut i'm sure a lawyer could find some way to fuck over just about anyone12:51
samrosethat is stored locally12:51
samroseheh, probably12:52
fenni thought NIST would have all sorts of materials data, but i guess not12:53
samrosefenn you have kind of a vague requirements list on that thread, of categories. I will start with those, but it could be cool to see what a majority of concerned people think about what categories should be represented12:53
fennyeah it's vague because i dont know everything12:53
samroseyes, of course12:54
samrosenot your fault12:54
samrosebut, I can start with that list12:54
samrosecoefficient of friction wrt other materials12:54
samrose   density12:54
samrose   tensile strength12:54
samrose   modulus12:54
samrose   fatigue and creep info12:54
samrose   electrical properties12:54
samrose   chemical resistance12:54
samrose   changes due to temperature (including tempering processes)12:54
samrose   machinability12:54
samrose   elemental makeup12:54
samrose   similarity to other materials12:54
samrose   price and availability 12:54
samrosethen, we could get lots of people to throw down on suggested sources12:54
samrosethen, based on source, think about how to import12:54
samrosethe sources are where many people could help12:55
samroseI think12:55
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samrosenot just people on OM list, but people in Universities, etc12:55
samrosefor each property, or category, it would be good to know what the current problems are for that (like aforementioned temp, pressure, etc12:56
samroseor at least the known problems12:56
fennyeah i was hoping to at least get some glimmer of a response from openmaterials12:57
samrosefenn do you guys have a specific wiki where you are working on this?12:57
fennnot really12:57
samrosewhere would you prefer?12:57
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []12:57
fennhttp://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/ ?12:58
samrosefenn did you guys kill off your media wiki site?12:58
samroseusing dokuwiki now (fine by me if so)12:58
fennheybryan.org isnt exactly reliably available12:59
samroseok, I would use your wiki to map out the structure, and methods and meta info. And, point other people to that13:00
samroseif that is ok with you13:00
fennwant to put it here? http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/materials13:01
samrosewe may end up with a page for each property13:02
samroseif that is ok13:02
fenncan do a namespace if it gets ridiculous13:02
samrosebut all mapped back to that one13:02
samroseI will try to keep it simple13:02
kanzureyou may as well just write a YAML file of it13:02
kanzureisn't that the idea13:02
samroseI will write yaml file13:03
samrosethe wiki will only be used to park info13:03
samroselike the issues we talked about here13:03
samrosewhere it is easy, we'll just parse data to yaml, and document how it is done13:04
samroseis that ok?13:04
SmariShite, HAR2009 just sold out.13:04
fennparse what to yaml?13:04
fennoh like matweb, sure13:04
samrosedata you have scraped13:04
samrosemy face13:04
fenni think if we're going to be redistributing anything it should be the .yaml files13:05
samrosethat is what we are talking here13:05
samroselet's recap13:05
fennsince we can't exactly redistribute the source data if it's encumbered13:05
samroseYou will send me a db13:05
samroseI will parse to yaml13:05
samroseI will document the methods for doing so on your wiki13:06
fennhow about you just commit the code you used to parse it13:06
samrosewhat about those things that are open questions?13:06
fennlike what?13:06
samrosethermal, pressure, etc13:07
samroseyou don't yet have an idea for how you want to represent13:07
fennthat's what you're supposed to be figuring out13:07
samroseand, I will use your wiki to park that figuring out13:07
samroseis what I am saying13:07
fennok; feel free to cc openmanufacturing13:07
fenngod forbid we discuss something topical13:07
samroseok, I will be sure to copy there13:08
samrosegotta go will talk later13:08
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xp_prgis anyone seeing my postings on the diybio-sf and diybio emailing lists?13:26
kanzureyes, they just don't like emails13:30
xp_prgnobody is responding to me :(13:31
kanzurewelcome to the club13:35
SmariI hate people who don't reply to e-mails.13:36
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kanzureSmari: then you must love me13:37
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r663b1f88afc5 /pymates/pymates.py: committing pymates before I go too far13:37
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r7009c05eb57a / (occ_shell.py shell.py): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb13:37
Smarikanzure, in a very platonic way.13:39
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ybitargh, i had things to talk about (toolbook), but i have work13:56
xp_prgI know toolbook13:58
fenndifferent toolbook i bet13:59
fennnot the educational software13:59
xp_prgoh what are you talking about?14:01
kanzurehow many times have I sent the link to you 14:05
kanzuretoo many to count14:05
fenni can't seem to find it in the archives14:06
kanzurefenn: find what?14:06
fennoh nevermind http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_thread/thread/4205d64009a98fce#14:06
CIA-44skdb:  * r1165986a3ddd /inventory/receipt-schema.yaml: more stuff14:08
samrosefenn, where is this scraped data? Else, I can rescrape14:12
kanzuresamrose: I had to write a tor wrapper for the data14:15
kanzureer, for the scraper14:15
kanzurebecause it blocks you every 100 downloads14:15
kanzureso anyway, it's on heybryan.org at the moment14:15
kanzure(it's 479 MB)14:16
-!- Smari [n=spm@nmi-gw.eyjar.is] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]14:17
fennthat's 3 hr upload at 40kB/s14:17
samrosewget eta 2d 10h and decreasing! :-D14:17
samrosewhere did you scrape this from?14:18
samrosethanks kanzure14:18
kanzuresamrose: I'll bring it in to the lab tomorrow so that you can download it quickly14:18
samroseI will also try that out14:18
kanzureyou'll get it in about 10 seconds from adl.serveftp.org once I bring it in on a flash drive14:18
samroseok, I won't download as it will further bog down heybryan14:18
kanzuremy poor server :(14:19
samroseis that you own machine?14:19
fenni'll snip off  a representative sample14:19
samrosefenn, ok14:19
samrosefenn did you scrape search urls?14:20
samroseI guess I will see when you send me an example14:20
kanzureI did the scrape14:20
samroseoh, sorry14:20
kanzurebut blame fenn if it sucks14:21
samrosedid you just recursively scrape the whole she-bang?14:21
kanzurethere's about 80,000 entris14:21
kanzureso I selectively iteratively scraped just those entries14:21
samroseI see14:21
kanzurebut every 100 entries the script had to get a new tor IP 14:21
fennsamrose: http://fennetic.net/irc/sample.tgz14:23
samrosethnx fenn14:26
kanzureoh apparently that's the same server14:26
kanzureso.. yeah.14:26
samroseok, I can work out a method with this14:27
samrosekanzure, did you know that most, if not all YAML is valid JSON?14:46
samroseerr, I guess I should have said all JSON is valid YAML14:46
samroseyes. the latter is what I meant14:47
kanzureno, didn't care to check I guess14:47
samrosewell, not that I blame you. I take it you don't usually muck about with this kind of stuff14:47
kanzurenah, I do, I just haven't bothered to use JSON14:48
kanzurewhat should my i and k be for the peg? 14:51
kanzurefor the top interface of the peg14:51
fennis it pointing in y or z?14:51
fenni,k = [0,0,0], [0,0,0]14:52
fennwhat are i and k again?14:52
fenni,k = [1,0,0], [0,0,1]14:53
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CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r93ea7af96f05 /pymates/ (assembly.py models/peg.yaml pymates.py shell.sh): show interface points with giant spheres15:08
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r7ea48d746d2b /pymates/models/notes: notes on the models15:11
kanzurefenn: note the color of the spheres on this commit. they are supposed to be red. there's definitely some funky lighting going on.15:15
Smarikanzure, which debian package contains OCC?15:23
kanzureit's in testing15:24
kanzureso add testing to your /etc/apt/sources.list15:25
kanzurethen do apt-cache search libopencascade15:25
kanzureand check that 6.3.0 is showing15:25
kanzurefenn claims that libopencascade-ocaf-6.3.0 gets everything15:25
kanzureer, or one of the other packages. fenn?15:25
kanzureSmari: also, here are some notes for your convenience:15:25
SmariI'm actually on ubuntu.15:25
fennnot ocafblarf15:26
bkeroHot fucking shit.15:26
fennyou might have to get packages from opennovation15:26
bkeroI got a Google Wave invite.15:26
kanzureSmari: they might have it15:26
Smaribkero, gimmie!15:26
kanzurethen why tell us15:26
bkeroBecause I'm going to do a screencast of it15:27
kanzure"oh man I got a hotmail account. I'm so hot."15:27
bkeroI'll see if I get any invited after I'm in.15:27
Smarikanzure, "libopencascade6.2 set to manually installed."15:27
Smariexclusivity sucks.15:27
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r6fb99d6b7539 /pymates/ (models/README models/notes pymates.py): rawr15:29
kanzureSmari: there's a deb for ubuntu on opennovation.org15:33
kanzureer why are there M16s in the hallway?L15:39
Smarikanzure, you're in Texas.15:41
fennthat's what i said15:41
fennthe question properly ought to have been 'why are there dudes with M16s in the hallway'15:42
Smariah. Now that's a better question. Did either of you plant explosives on campus?15:42
fennthey're just chillin'15:42
kanzure Matt:  no I got a notice :"  I received a call from Michael Slotboom that the police are looking for an armed gunman in ETC.  He has on a white shirt and has red hair.  Lock yourself in your office or get out of the building  "15:42
kanzurethat email would have been useful15:43
kanzuregee thanks guys15:43
kanzurealways looking out for me15:43
Smarithat's hillarious.15:44
kanzure(Matt's the prof)15:44
fenni got an email from UT safety alert saying 'sign up for emergency text messaging'15:46
kanzureso UTPD is twittering?15:46
fennthey sort of forgot to mention the whole gunman thing though15:46
fennwow i can get notices from utparking15:47
kanzureI always get those notices.15:47
kanzure"24th street will be closed."15:47
kanzureand then it is.15:47
fennso much for all this emergency preparedness bullshit15:48
kanzureMatt sent me an email15:49
kanzureFrom: Don Artieschoufsky [mailto:don.artie@me.utexas.edu]15:49
kanzureSent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 3:45 PM15:49
kanzureTo: ETC Building All Occupants15:49
kanzureSubject: False Alarm - Intruder in building15:49
kanzureImportance: High15:49
kanzureI've been informed that the suspect was a student with a toy gun that was part of a project in the building.15:49
fenngosh i'm glad it wasn't me15:49
* fenn hides toy gun15:49
SmariHow does having an armed man in a University classify as an emergency?15:50
bkeroDepends on if they're supposed to be armed, and if the University allows such things.15:50
bkeroWe have armed state troopers on campus.15:51
kanzurethat's a common class project, btw15:51
Smariyou Texans are so crazy.15:59
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:59
genehacker2KANZURE THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU, THEY FOUND OUT ABOUT DIYBIO, ok not really I'll explain15:59
genehacker2why there's a swat team15:59
SmariHow many Texans are there here anyway? Sheesh.16:00
genehacker2there's a girl with a bow and arrow and a gun(possibly paintball gun for rev engineering project)16:00
genehacker2definately in case16:00
genehacker2does not appear to be threat16:00
genehacker2is there really a swat team?16:00
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@w-central-233-27.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]16:01
genehacker2I overheard"apparently there's a swat team coming though"16:02
genehacker2you guys still there?16:05
Smariyou just made it hilarious to say nothing.16:07
genehacker2did you say candlejack, you aren't supposed to sa16:09
fennsorry was in a meeting16:21
fennyes there was a swat team, turned out to be an engineering student with a toy gun16:21
kanzurethis poor student is now marked for life for having made a gun that will forever be known as a toy.16:21
Smarionly a matter of time until said student goes on a real murderous rampage.16:23
genehacker2for reverse engineering no doubt16:24
genehacker2airsoft guns are some of the best things to reverse engineer because they have  internal mechanical parts16:25
fenncomplicated and fidgety = best thing to reverse engineer?16:25
Smarieasy to see how they work = best thing to reverse engineer.16:26
genehacker2well they're mechanical16:28
genehacker2probably not the best16:28
genehacker2why did she have a bow and arrow though?16:30
Smarithey're fun.16:31
Smarireminds me, I should pick up my archery gear on saturday.16:31
genehacker2Now I wonder if you could do ballistics calculations with a bow and arrow16:34
genehacker2combine that with VR goggles to superimpose a dot where the arrow will land16:34
-!- samrose [n=samrose@c-24-11-214-181.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]16:53
CIA-44Tangiblebit: spm * r9a576c719324 /tangiblebit.com/ (4 files in 3 dirs): More XMLRPC and Javascript glue.17:29
CIA-44Tangiblebit: spm * reb6b2dcd2deb /tangiblebit.com/doc/DTD/site.dtd: Added <site> DTD.17:29
-!- Smari [n=spm@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]17:37
kanzureApollo 11 landing transcript http://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a11/a11.landing.html17:51
fennlooks fairly straightforward18:17
fennhow do you manage to spend $100k on it i wonder18:17
kanzurefenn: by going to harvard18:18
kanzureyour sense of economics gets all skewed when it costs a million dollars to have an apartment 10 floors up18:19
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r2a3b618f28ad /pymates/ (models/peg.yaml pymates.py): pymates works. run demo and then mate_parts to see it in action.18:20
fenndoesn't helium dissolve in the blood? so you could use this for other imaging18:20
kanzurehad to randomly play around with the peg's matrix to figure out the right numbers.18:20
kanzure(turns out the j has to be 1,1,1 and you were right about i and k)18:21
fennnot 0,1,0?18:22
kanzurewith 0,1,0 it gives me a "singular matrix" error18:23
kanzurein particular when I try to find the inverse of the 4x418:23
kanzureoh I guess if I comment out that line it works fine though18:23
fennsquids again http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/biomedical/imaging/a-weaker-cheaper-mri18:25
kanzuredidn't I find some random article about a ridiculously cheap portable MRI system?18:26
kanzureby ridiculously I mean <$10k18:26
fenn"Atomic magnetometers are convenient and cheap to operate because they do not require cryogenics and their electronics can be made compact and portable for multi-channel imaging. Their high sensitivity is comparable to [SQUIDs]"18:29
kanzurecan you make a magnetometer with an AFM that just bends in response to a magnetic field?18:29
kanzuredue to some bead at the tip of the cantilever?18:29
kanzureguess it would only work with many cantilevers and little or no movement 18:30
fennwhy many?18:30
kanzureare you going to sit still while the AFM tip scans over your body 18:30
kanzureat the dashing rate of 3 mm per hour :p18:31
fenni think you're missing the point18:31
fennThe amount of laser light absorbed by the atoms varies predictably with the magnetic field, providing a reference scale for measuring the field.18:32
fenni guess rubidium is special in that regard18:32
kanzurerubidium and cesium are popular for atom holography18:42
kanzurequery: site:heybryan.org MRI18:51
kanzurewhy do MRI rooms have vents?18:53
xp_prgkanzure did you ever check out the africa medical equipment stuff?18:54
xp_prgsome of it is handcranked and stuff18:54
QuantumGMRIs are expensive because of two things:  1) the consumers don't demand lower prices, and there's not too many of them anyway; 2) government regulation keeps out new competitors18:55
kanzureor because you suck and don't know how to make something better18:56
xp_prgkanzure hello do you see my question?18:56
kanzureit doesn't make any sense18:57
kanzureafrica is a continent18:57
genehacker2why do they have vents?18:58
genehacker2to emergency purge cryogases?18:58
xp_prgAfrica is a third world country and needs to save money so medical equipment is cheaper18:58
kanzureso what?18:58
xp_prgso they may have a cheaper mri18:58
kanzurehow do you know whether or not they do18:59
kanzureare you just bullshitting me18:59
bkeroBuild your own?18:59
genehacker2in the event of a leak?18:59
kanzurebkero: what are you asking?19:00
genehacker2btw superconductors aren't cheap19:00
xp_prgkanzure your crazy to talk to19:00
kanzurexp_prg: you're the one who's making shit up19:00
bkerokanzure: Build your own MRI?19:00
kanzurebkero: yeah :)19:00
kanzurebkero: IIRC, there was a cheap way to do it19:00
QuantumGgot a design for an MRI?19:01
kanzurehm, somewhere19:01
kanzurecan you give me time to dig around?19:01
bkeroWhen the query is about building it yourself, there need not be a 'why'.19:01
genehacker2btw got a physics problem19:01
bkeroAlso, because MRI equipment is expensive/unattainable.19:02
kanzurehahah an "open" MRI http://www.meticulouspixel.com/DMI_0.9.7/patient.htm19:02
genehacker2so I take a loop of wire and enclose most of the loop in a superconducting cylinder19:02
genehacker2I put a current in this loop of wire19:02
bkeroThere's MRI viewing software19:02
genehacker2how is this not a magnetic monopole?19:02
genehacker2because superconductors have magnetic shielding properties you end up witn something that looks like a monopole19:03
genehacker2but magnetic monopoles can't exist19:04
kanzurehow is that cheap19:05
xp_prgits only 100k19:06
genehacker2$20 is cheap19:06
kanzure$100k is expensive.19:07
bkero'To get started in home-built MRI, you'll want to make a "proton precession magnetometer."19:07
genehacker2anything more than $20 is considered expensive19:07
genehacker2this fact is easily demonstrated by infomercial products costing less than $2019:07
bkerogenehacker2: It costs more than that for me to get a good PSU, gelbox, and electrodes, but I think doing my own electrophoresis is cheap.19:07
bkeroOh yea, and agar agar19:08
xp_prgbkero wow you do your own electrophloresis?19:08
bkeroHaven't done a successful run yet, but yea.19:08
genehacker2anyone got an answer to my monopole question19:08
QuantumGif you could actually do anything interesting with an MRI it might be worth the cost19:08
bkeroI think even if you built the MRI, getting someone to actually use it would be hilariously difficult.19:09
kanzureuse a rat19:09
genehacker2or use it for NMR19:09
genehacker2heh reminds me of the NMR built into a shack in A is for Anything19:10
xp_prgbkero my diybio group has19:10
bkeroWill an MRI actually tell you/let you affect the things you want for NMR?19:10
xp_prgTito has an open gel electrophloresis box19:10
kanzurexp_prg: how is it that you've been into this for a year and still haven't learned anything19:10
bkeroThere are a lot of plans out there.19:10
kanzurexp_prg: tito does not have an open source gel box19:10
kanzurexp_prg: he's making a business around it and has no CAD files19:10
xp_prgyes he does19:10
kanzureno, meredith told me so :)19:10
kanzureshe knows what she's doing19:10
xp_prghe said on my video all the hardware and specs would be open19:11
bkeroCAD files?  I've been using Fred Meyer tupperware19:11
kanzurebull fucking shit, xp_prg 19:11
kanzurehe's been saying that for months19:11
kanzureit takes 1 minute to upload the files19:11
xp_prgwow so he is lying?19:11
kanzureit seems so19:11
xp_prgmeredith is way cool to me19:12
bkeroMy setup consists of tupperware, a colored pencil holder box, agar agar from the local asian market, some electrodes from a shitty $3 harbor freight multimeter, and an old AT PSU I had sitting around.19:13
kanzurewait, doesn't tupperware melt when you apply a voltage to to it?19:14
* xp_prg hugs bkero19:14
bkeroHasn't yet19:14
bkeroHasn't even gotten hot or discolored.19:14
genehacker2tupperware melt?19:14
kanzuredoesn't it?19:15
genehacker2how kanzure?19:15
kanzuremaybe I'm just pulling stuff out of my ass19:15
genehacker2you aren't putting 180 megamps through a gel box now are you?19:15
bkeroFrom an AT PSU?19:15
bkeroThis damn PSU won't even power the radiator fans that came from my car.19:16
genehacker2bkero 180 megaamps is insane19:16
bkeroThis thing won't even put out 120 amps19:17
bkeroer, 120 watts19:17
bkeroI've been eyeing an electrophoresis power supply from the surplus store on campus.19:17
bkero27kv, $3519:17
kanzureah, we just have surplus auctions19:17
kanzureno surplus store19:17
bkeroYea, the surplus store does auctions and sells things19:18
genehacker2they have equipment on the loading docks that isn't watched...19:18
bkeroThe things they can't sell, they list on labx.19:18
bkeroI've got way too many projects, I want to finish my centrifuge before the gelbox.19:19
bkerolabx is a web site that sells used lab equipment19:19
kanzurebkero: you're a prime target for skdb.19:19
bkeroAre you going to have tupperware as part of your inventory? :)19:20
genehacker2bkero do you have a food processor?19:22
bkerogenehacker2: Of sorts19:22
genehacker2you can make it into a centrifuge19:22
bkeroI already have that part replicated, I just need to make the tube holder.19:22
bkeroAlso, food processor motor won't spin fast enough.19:23
kanzureone thing on my todo list is a spin coater19:23
genehacker2can be made using food processor19:23
genehacker2you sure bkero?19:23
bkeroIt might be able to19:24
bkeroI used a hobbyist motor.19:24
bkeroand already have the top portion keyed onto the motor shaft.19:24
bkeroI think I'm going to have to fiberglass the tube holders on to some sort of conical shape.19:24
genehacker2PVC pipe is what this one used19:25
genehacker2I'm trying to find it19:26
kanzureyaml for bibliographies? http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pybtex/2009040219:27
genehacker2I don't think you need to pay for that to figure out how to make it19:28
kanzurehuh wonder why python-bibtex (in debian) isn't on pypi19:28
ybitthanks for mentioning legocad kanzure 19:29
ybiti saw that pyobjects is usable via txt to my phone while @ work, let's check it out...19:29
genehacker2anyway bkero what do you intend to centrifuge?19:30
genehacker2how much acceleration does it need to undergo?19:30
bkeroEnrich uranium :)19:31
genehacker2ok then19:32
genehacker2you got a precision machine shop?19:32
genehacker2you need a lot of centrifuges19:33
genehacker2like a lot19:33
bkeroHobby motors, keys, and keyed plates are a total of about $15 each.19:34
bkeroI'm not sure if I'm going to need a dampened start or not so I don't crack the tubes.19:35
genehacker2you should consider making a laser based uranium enricher19:35
bkeroHow might that work?19:36
genehacker2check wikipedia19:36
bkeroAlso, I'm not sure the legality of > 30mW lasers here19:36
genehacker2definately legal19:36
bkeroMaybe the limit is application specific19:36
bkeroAh, cool19:36
bkeroI've seen 1w lasers, but I remembered that the crystals were horrendously expensive.19:37
genehacker2you can get very powerful CO2 lasers for not crazy19:38
genehacker2like 10 Watts and more19:39
genehacker2but laser based isotope enrichment is hard19:40
genehacker2anyway you don't need to enrich uranium now do you?19:43
kanzureaha. http://pybtex.sourceforge.net/19:44
kanzuremuch better19:44
bkeroBut I do want a centrifuge :)19:45
drazakgot to play with a confocal microscope today19:47
drazakwas pretty cool19:47
drazaktook pictures of some HUVECs and MSCs with them19:47
kanzureneat, pybtex/examples/foo.yaml19:48
kanzurebzr branch lp:pybtex  19:48
genehacker2I used an SEM last week19:50
genehacker2I looked at metal19:51
kanzureso there doesn't seem to be any actual python classes for bibtex19:53
genehacker2kanzure you got a copy of matweb right?19:58
genehacker2what's the poisson's ratio of RTV silicone?19:59
kanzurewhy don't you check yourself20:00
genehacker2the poisson's ratio isn't there20:00
kanzuretry the engineering library20:00
kanzureholy crap the yaml output sucks20:00
kanzureit's because of all this unicode encoding20:07
bkeroIt's free chicken burrito day at Chipotle. :)20:07
kanzurefenn: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/notes-pybtex20:14
kanzurefear the terribleness20:15
genehacker2IT IS?20:18
fenni thought yaml handled unicore smarter than that20:19
genehacker2I think I'll derive equations for a rolamite bearing instead of getting a free burrito20:19
kanzureit's disgusting20:20
ybitfenn: OSE = openstep?20:45
ybitah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_System_Environment_Reference_Model20:46
fennybit: http://openfarmtech.org/20:47
kanzuremycone = OCC.BRepPrimAPI.BRepPrimAPI_MakeCone(1.,2.,3.)20:52
kanzuremycone.Shape(). hm.20:52
kanzurewhat am I doing21:07
kanzureI was writing something, somewhere21:07
kanzureand now I'm not21:07
kanzureso. um. what am I doing?21:30
genehacker2you're telling me how to use that cad thing21:35
kanzurewhat cad thing?21:37
kanzuredid you install it yet?21:37
genehacker2python OCC 21:38
kanzureare you on ubuntu?21:38
genehacker2can switch21:38
kanzureok look at the bottom of this page21:38
kanzurewell either way21:38
kanzurethere's the instructions21:38
genehacker2can pythonOCC export to .stl?21:40
genehacker2ok cool 21:40
genehacker2so how do I plot a curve in it from points?21:40
kanzureprobably through NURBS21:41
genehacker2and that is?21:42
genehacker2curve through 2d points that I extrude down to sketch21:42
kanzurewhat? down to a sketch? what does that mean21:43
kanzuremaybe this is what you want? http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/ModelingAlgorithms/html/classGeom2dGcc__CurveTool.html21:43
genehacker2I extrude the shape formed by the curve to make a part21:43
kanzurethere's also this one21:44
kanzuretrying to find the 2D curve class in the docs somewhere21:44
genehacker2simply put, I need to make a gear21:45
kanzureok line 442 in pythonOCC/samples/Level1/Geometry21:48
kanzureer, sorry21:48
kanzureok line 442 in pythonOCC/samples/Level1/Geometry/geometry_demos.py21:48
kanzurewhen you install pythonOCC, look in that folder at that file21:59
kanzureand at line 442 to see how to do it21:59
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-96-237-4-79.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:16
genehacker2this can't be right22:57
genehacker2so apparently a silicone band 4.5 millimeters in diameter and 6 mm thick should fit stretch to 20 millimeters in diameter and 3 millimeters thick23:01
genehacker2which doesn't seem right23:01
genehacker2though silicone has an elongation% at yield of 620%23:02
genehacker2that seems crazy23:04
genehacker2for what I want to do at least23:04
genehacker2oh that's why23:20
genehacker2stress was over the yield point for those values23:20
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * ra5f5ec6b816f /pymates/ (4 files in 2 dirs): trying to get things to work again23:21

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