
--- Day changed Fri Jul 24 2009
katsmeow-afkno sound on puters00:01
ybitalright, i'll quit, most of the other stuff is jazz, electronic, soundtracks/orchestral00:05
ybitthat's more of the new indie-pop stuff00:05
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]00:06
* ybit will try sticking to h+ stuff for the rest of the day00:06
ybitmarilyn manson, korn, enrique iglesias, i'm not sure how they go together but that's my odd music taste00:08
ybithttp://www.8bitpeoples.com/ is a great resource for new stuff too00:08
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-72-72-22-132.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:09
* ybit was just commenting on wrldpc2's beard and sharing music00:09
ybithttp://www.8bitpeoples.com/discography/8BP094 :: corn beast is good00:10
ybitcan't believe i forgot to paste http://filebin.ca/pcjbcg/dailyroutinephaseoneremix.mp300:11
* ybit thinks wrldpc2 would like e-60300:11
ybitthey've played in boston a few times that i know of00:11
ybitwrldpc2: you rap iirc00:12
wrldpc2I'll check em out.00:12
wrldpc2B likes electronic.00:12
ybite-603's album is free for download00:13
ybithttp://www.myspace.com/e603 is their (obvious) myspace00:13
ybitwww.8bitpeoples.com/discography/8BP093  is alright00:15
ybitback to trying00:16
-!- Traveler2 [n=traveler@dsl081-249-107.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:18
Traveler2hi all, I am in tech shop!00:18
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]00:18
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:22
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-72-72-22-132.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has left #hplusroadmap []00:32
-!- Traveler2 [n=traveler@dsl081-249-107.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit [Client Quit]00:43
genehacker2is an odd language01:07
genehacker2you might want to write SKDB in lojban01:07
genehacker2"The Lojban word for "make" literally means "x makes y using material z" (e.g., "Thomas makes a blowgun using bamboo")."01:07
QuantumGI've read a lot of Steven Pinker01:11
QuantumGhe suggests there are fundamental atoms to all human languages.01:11
QuantumGstuff like "X causes Y to be caused by doing Z"01:11
QuantumGor "X causes the state of Y to change to Z"01:12
QuantumGof course, I've never seen this list.01:13
QuantumGbut I find it very funny that all this "purely philosophical" research on the world and thought and such becomes practical as soon as you start thinking about knowledge representation in computers.01:13
QuantumGdo you store:  killed(bob, john)  or do you store caused_state_change(bob, john, not(alive))01:17
timschmidttoki pona tends toward the latter...  118 words total.02:14
* ybit dabbled in lojban back in the day02:14
ybitwho hasn't messed with conlangs though02:15
timschmidtwe eventually realize it's just a phase and go back to dating men?02:15
ybitsomething like that02:15
timschmidtah, college02:16
* ybit was first into http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ithkuil02:17
ybitand then eventually a search for the ultimate conlang ensued, tada: lojban02:18
QuantumGpeople talk about lojban being easier to do speech recognition on too..02:21
QuantumGnever seen an implementation :)02:21
katsmeow-afkso there's many times more people speaking/using Klingon than Ithkuil02:27
ybiti would have to say yes, i don't know of anyone that can speak it,  ilaksh is what everyone anticipated02:29
ybiti totally just got that wrong02:30
QuantumGdon't forget esperanto :)02:30
ybitheh, conlangs.. such a waste of time until something actually uses it :)02:31
* ybit is sleepy02:31
ybitgn h+ers02:31
katsmeow-afki think i have a megabye of txt like  caused_state_change(bob, john, not(alive))02:31
QuantumGif you could make a conlang that you could do speech recognition on and get ~100% correctness, I'd learn it.02:31
katsmeow-afkLoglan 88 is unrelated to Loglan, an artificial language. Adding to the confusion, Loglan's derivative Lojban was at one time known as Loglan-88.02:34
QuantumGneed a tree02:37
-!- splicer_ [n=patrik@] has joined #hplusroadmap04:07
kanzureybit: yeah I have a rip of one of the classic 8bit music sites05:25
kanzuremy first conlove was named "affe"05:26
kanzureit was to be the language of calxia05:32
-!- marainein [n=marainei@] has joined #hplusroadmap05:59
-!- marainein [n=marainei@] has quit [Read error: 148 (No route to host)]07:13
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]08:04
kanzuregit clone git://github.com/Ralith/reprap-utils.git08:48
kanzurefenn: did you check my skdb/pcr-example modifications?09:14
kanzurealso, should we move the package examples/attempts into the repo?09:21
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@] has joined #hplusroadmap09:40
kanzuredoes anyone have access to either of these?09:44
kanzureiPS cells can support full-term development of tetraploid blastocyst-complemented embryos09:44
kanzureInduction of pluripotency in adult unipotent germline stem cells09:45
kanzureok got them09:52
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@w-central-232-88.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap09:53
kanzureiPS cells can support full-term development of tetraploid blastocyst-complemented embryos09:54
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r399d6121524b /packages/ (5 files in 2 dirs): lame attempt at packaging09:59
-!- Smari [n=spm@nmi-gw.eyjar.is] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]10:26
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r490aca7c9e20 /packages/screw.skdb/metadata.yaml: added dependencies to screw metadata10:31
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * ra1502bc5ad72 /packages/screw.skdb/ (metadata.yaml template.yaml): reorganized screw metadata10:41
kanzurenot sure about lines 13 through 15 in metadata.yaml. are dots allowed in attribute names? and is there a better way to store versioning information?10:42
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r38dc5353f695 /packages/screw.skdb/metadata.yaml: er, runtime is somewhat ambiguous- added a comment10:44
kanzureoh crap I screwed up the dependencies big time10:45
kanzurethe "runtime" dependencies are for the "build" dependencies. which is totally retarded.10:45
kanzurewhat type of dependency is it called for requiring a screwdriver to screw in a screw?10:45
kanzuremaybe "assembly dependency" ?10:46
fennrun-time for the screw, since it's a component10:56
fennuh, wait nevermind10:57
fennit's a build dependency10:57
kanzureis it?10:57
kanzureyou have a box of screws10:57
kanzuredid you need a screwdriver?10:57
fennyou dont need a screwdriver to build a screw10:57
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r6e7526350066 /packages/screw.skdb/metadata.yaml: er, fixing the metadata10:57
kanzurefenn: so it shouldn't be a build dependency10:57
fennit's not a dependency of the screw10:57
fennit's whatever else you're building10:58
kanzureoh. so some other package10:58
kanzuresome other package might depend on a screw10:58
kanzureand a screwdriver10:58
* kanzure removes the assembly dependency lines10:58
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r14e60907b0d2 /packages/screw.skdb/metadata.yaml: removed assembly dependency lines, added see also (for the time being)10:59
fennhuh. we have screw.skdb now?10:59
kanzuredidn't you give me a tar file?10:59
fennyeah but you're modifying stuff in the repo10:59
fennscrew.py history is wrong11:00
fennthe real screw.py is in skdb/11:00
kanzurethere's no "git ln" :(11:00
fennthen do git mv11:00
kanzureare you okay with me moving screw.py out of skdb/ ?11:00
fennjust fix stuff so it's skdb.packages.screw11:01
fennis that how it works?11:01
kanzurewhat about it?11:01
fennbtw i'm pretty sure you can commit symlinks11:01
kanzurecan symlinks be relative?11:01
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r9ef67f1b3aea / (9 files in 3 dirs): move stuff around11:02
kanzurewhat the fuck11:02
kanzuregit log screw.py11:02
kanzure"move stuff around"11:02
kanzurebut I moved it from skdb/11:03
kanzureshouldn't it have taken the history?11:03
genehacker2hey is there something like that repository thing for cad models?11:03
fenndid you do mv or git mv?11:03
kanzurefenn: git mv11:03
kanzurebut I also renamed the dir it was in11:03
kanzuredid I do too many things at the same time?11:03
kanzuregenehacker2: what?11:03
fennscrew.py => packages/screw/screw.py11:04
kanzurebut I also deleted screw.py in that commit11:04
kanzureso maybe it got confused?11:04
* kanzure retries11:04
fennshould i rebase my local copy?11:05
kanzureer, git rebase --onto 14e60907b0d2b97587348a662ebf9443661c107c11:05
kanzurethat didn't work for me, what did I do wrong?11:05
fennspecify branch11:06
kanzurek thanks11:06
kanzurenope 11:08
kanzurejust moving the file with "git mv" doesn't preserve history11:08
fennisn't that the point of git mv?11:08
kanzure"Git has a rename command git mv, but that is just a convenience. The effect is indistinguishable from removing the file and adding another with different name and the same content. "11:10
kanzureah well git log -M will turn on rename tracking apparently11:11
kanzureokay that's nice.11:12
fenn"It does. Try "git log file new_file". After committing, that is"11:12
kanzurehm you have all of the commits since the beginning of skdb.py ?11:12
kanzureI mean, am I supposed to be seeing everything back to april 2008 in screw.py?11:12
fenni don't have -M?11:12
fennerm, it's not in the man page11:13
kanzureoh fooey, git log -M screw.py11:13
kanzureI was doing git log -M -p which, of course, would display everything11:13
kanzuregit log -M screw.py just shows the last three commits (me)11:13
kanzureso it didn't work11:13
fennit should start with "split screw into its own file"11:14
fenni think11:14
kanzurethis sucks11:15
kanzureyeah so try this11:17
kanzuregit mv screw.py screw2.py11:17
kanzuregit commit -m'attempting rename'11:17
kanzuregit log screw2.py11:17
kanzureyou just get your latest commit in the log11:17
kanzure#git suggestss --folow11:18
kanzuregit log --follow screw2.py11:19
fennok, looks good11:20
fenni guess i think follow should be the default11:20
kanzurehow do I fix skdb.git ?11:22
fennon adl?11:22
kanzureI just cloned skdb.git from davinci and did git log --follow on packages/screw/screw.py and it didn't work. so I want to push my better changes to davinci11:22
fennone moment11:22
fenner, same thing you did on your local box; rebase to 14e6..11:22
kanzuregit rebase cannot be used without a working tree11:23
fennoh yeah, we did this before11:23
kanzuredid we have to start a new bare repo?11:23
fenni spent like 2 hours before giving up11:23
fennpretty much11:23
fenni'll fix it11:24
kanzuredon't delete ciabot11:24
fennapparently --shared doesn't do what i think it does11:27
fenni didnt delete anything11:27
fennok "fixed"11:30
kanzurecan you fix the objects permissions while you're at it11:30
kanzurecan't seem to push while you reign control over them :p11:31
fennany ideas how to fix that permanently?11:35
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r7a1b23e2d11d /packages/screw.skdb/screw.py: removed an extraneous screw.py11:36
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * red6391bd7b32 /packages/ (6 files in 2 dirs): move screw.skdb/ to screw/11:36
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r173e52e8bead / (packages/screw/screw.py screw.py): moved screw.py11:36
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * rbabf5f4d4d65 / (dep/__init__.py pymates/__init__.py): turned pymates into a module11:36
kanzureI just had to do chmod -R g+w *11:36
kanzureisn't there a stickybit that you can add to the skdb.git dir?11:37
fennright but we hve to keep doing that. should that be a hook?11:37
fennyes but it makes new dirs without hte sticky bit11:37
fenner setuid bit11:37
kanzureoh btw, #git tells me to try git push -f next time this situation comes up11:37
kanzureinstead of restarting the bare repo11:37
fennpush -f?11:37
fenndo they have any advice on setting up permissions crap?11:38
kanzureask them yourself11:38
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@w-central-232-88.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]11:39
fennegad this is worse than #python11:39
kanzureseems like a natural pace to me. this is just a slow channel.11:40
fennblah --shared does what i want with init but not clone?11:42
kanzureer you said that you want "import skdb.packages.screw" to work11:43
kanzurebut screw imports skdb11:43
kanzureis this a problem?11:44
fennpackages/ rightly isnt part of skdb11:44
fennis it just "import packages.screw"?11:44
fenni added sharedrepository = 1 to skdb.git/config11:46
kanzureok "import packages.screw" should work now11:46
kanzureif you have some_module/ with some_module/some_module.py, you usually have to add some_module/__init__.py11:47
kanzureand then you say "import some_module.some_module.whatever"11:47
kanzurewhich is lame11:47
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@w-central-232-88.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap11:47
kanzureso in some_module/__init__.py, add "from some_module import *"11:47
kanzurewhere "some_module" in the import statement refers to some_module.py11:47
kanzureis a nice fix11:47
fennsay what?11:48
kanzuretry it yourself11:48
fennare we really doing "modules" at all?11:48
fennthere's only one file11:48
kanzurecd ~/sandbox; mkdir some_module; cd some_module; echo "" > __init__.py; echo "class Burp: pass" > some_module.py ; 11:48
kanzurecd ../ ; bpython ; #try "import some_module" and see for yourself.11:49
fennwhat's the point of an empty __init__.py11:50
kanzureto tell python that it is a module11:50
fennwhat the hell is a module11:50
kanzuretry cd ~/code/skdb/../ ; python -c "import skdb.thread"11:51
kanzureand it will say "No module named skdb.thread"11:51
kanzurebecause skdb/__init__.py doesn't exist11:51
fennthat's weak11:51
kanzuredid you get enough sleep?11:51
fenni just dont see the point of some empty file with a special name11:52
kanzurepython standard I guess11:53
* fenn reads http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-April/064400.html11:53
fenni guess that didnt happen11:54
fenndid you move your stuff around yet?11:55
kanzurehow do I access the curdir?11:55
kanzureI want to figure out the local path.. but os.path.realpath(os.path.curdir) apparently is only where you executed from11:55
kanzurenot where the file actually is11:55
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r838e0c2e3b0f / (4 files in 3 dirs): more module __init__.py files added. fixed units.py path errors12:02
kanzurethe answer was os.path.dirname(__file__)12:02
fennhow come it won't execute my print statements when i do import?12:02
kanzurelike what?12:02
fennprint os.path.whatever12:03
kanzure"import os" and then "print os.path.whatever" and it doesn't print?12:03
fennwhen i import the file12:03
kanzurewhich file? is it in skdb/ ?12:04
kanzureI added print statements to units.py a few seconds ago and they worked just fine12:04
kanzure(I removed them however)12:04
kanzureI added them outside of any class, however12:04
fennimport packages.screw12:04
fenngah wtf is packages/screw.pyc12:05
* fenn fails at modules12:05
kanzurewhy is there packages/screw.pyc? there's only packages/screw/12:06
fenni dont know where it came from12:06
fennso ihave to do "import packages.screw.screw"?12:06
kanzuredid you pull?12:06
kanzureI've made it so that you don't have to do that12:06
kanzureinstead: "import packages.screw"12:07
fennok, with __init__.py: from screw import *12:07
* kanzure nods12:07
kanzureright now the following works for me in ~/code: import skdb, skdb.packages, skdb.packages.screw12:08
fennany ideas why i get this? could not determine a constructor for the tag '!thread'12:09
fennwhen i do skdb.load(open('screw.yaml'))12:09
kanzureI'm solving that atm12:09
kanzurethe problem is that in __init__.py you need to do something like "import thread"12:09
kanzure"thread" is really python's threading module12:09
kanzureso I need to fix this somehow12:10
fennfeel free to rename it12:10
kanzureany hints?12:10
kanzurehow about "threads"?12:10
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r24f28f3d148c / (__init__.py thread.py threads.py): renamed thread, fixed __init__12:11
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@w-central-232-88.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]12:11
kanzurehm. "Thread object has no attribute 'gender'"12:12
fennshould fix that eh12:12
fennfrom skdb import * is icky12:13
fenni dont ever want to do "from .* import *"12:13
kanzurefenn: that's just for the module though12:13
fennoh wait that's in __init__.py, nevermind12:13
fennso.. i have to add to __init__.py every time i make a file?12:14
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r519627240a03 /threads.py: fixed an AttributeError in threads.py12:14
kanzurefenn: seems that way :(12:14
kanzurewell, actually12:15
kanzureheh.. give me one minute12:15
fenntypical: !dependency-set12:17
kanzureI don't know what "typical" actually is12:17
kanzureI mean, if you have some better ideas for how to make a screw, please write them down12:17
fenntypical is shorthand for a probability distribution data representation12:18
fenni dont understand what arduino has to do with making screws12:19
kanzureum did you pull?12:19
kanzurearduino should not be in there any more12:19
fenndependencies should be for functionalities, not specific machine instances12:22
fennwhy '!dependency-set'?12:22
kanzurethere are different options12:22
kanzureso it could be '!option' I guess12:22
kanzurebut anyway, the idea is that you could have different ways of building something12:23
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:23
kanzurethere is not One All Supreme way of building a screw12:23
fennno, but at most you should boil it down to basic processes, not machine instances12:23
kanzureok. then you search for some machine that implements that process.12:24
kanzurethat's fine with me12:24
fenni think dependencies is going to be a lot harder to describe than you think12:29
fenni hate this crap "low carbon steel"12:34
fennwhat does that mean12:34
fenncan't they just say AISI 101812:34
xp_prgkanzure i am in tech shop now!12:35
kanzurefenn: what would you prefer? having to write down files to *not* include or files that should be included?12:38
CIA-44skdb:  * r08ddba940a72 /packages/screw/ (data.yaml metadata.yaml): new dependencies format12:38
fennkanzure: files that should be included12:38
fenni dont know what you're talking about tho12:39
kanzureI'm working on __init__.py in skdb/ so that it automatically includes everything except from a list12:39
kanzurebut i guess I shouldn't bother now12:39
fennthat doesnt seem really worth a bother12:39
fennthere is quite a lot of stuff in skdb/ now12:40
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r97af55457055 / (__init__.py graphtheory.py): fixed graphtheory.py error12:40
kanzurefenn: hm?12:40
kanzureshould skdb/screw.yaml be moved to skdb/packages/screw/data.yaml ?12:41
fennyes; that's sort of why i was like "huh we have a screw.skdb now?"12:42
kanzureyeah because in screw.py there's "import skdb"12:42
kanzurethat's why we have "screw.skdb"12:43
fenni mean you fucked up by copying things and committing it12:43
kanzureI thought we fixed that12:43
kanzureI see what you mean12:44
kanzureyeah.. do you want to clean up my mess or do you want me to?12:44
fennit's only one more file; i guess i'll do it12:45
CIA-44skdb:  * r336df7e025ba / (packages/screw/data.yaml screw.yaml): this should have been moved instead of copied12:46
CIA-44skdb:  * r84bf7723a71b /packages/screw/data.yaml: material spec will be needed for dependency resolution?12:47
CIA-44skdb:  * r86c34a6460fc / (__init__.py graphtheory.py): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb12:47
kanzurehuh git log --follow data.yaml doesn't pick up skdb/screw.yaml12:48
kanzureoh you just deleted it all out? meh12:49
fennyes it does12:49
kanzureis "bar stock" a process?12:49
fennoh, damn it doesnt12:49
kanzuregood time to try git push -f :p12:50
fenni dont know what that does12:50
kanzureif you rebase your local repo and fix your mistake,12:50
kanzuretry pushing (like you always do) to adl12:50
kanzurethen if that fails, try git push -f12:50
kanzureer, or not. you probably shouldn't do that.12:51
fennrebase what?12:51
fennwhat's the correct way to move a file?12:51
kanzureyou didn't move a file.. git said that you rm'd it12:52
fenni did git rm packages/screw/data.yaml; git mv screw.yaml packages/screw/data.yaml12:52
kanzureoh fooey12:52
kanzurewell one thing I tried earlier today was committing in between those two steps12:52
fenndid it work? :P12:53
kanzurecheck the git log, I think it did12:53
kanzureyeah I had a separate commit for moving of different files etc.12:53
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r529097f746e7 /packages/screw/metadata.yaml: fixed filename in metadata12:54
fennhang on, dont commit anything for a bit12:54
* kanzure will probably have to rebase12:54
fennright. this sucks12:54
* kanzure wanders off12:55
CIA-44skdb:  * rbda23a6ff34f /packages/screw/data.yaml: this should have been moved, not copied12:57
CIA-44skdb:  * rcff06bd7a1ef / (packages/screw/data.yaml screw.yaml): move to package dir12:57
kanzuredid you try git log --follow on it?12:57
kanzureand it worked?12:58
kanzurealso I evidently fail at wandering-off12:58
kanzurecan you tell me what to rebase to?12:58
kanzureis 86c34a6460fcbdbb595b7bb81bfaeff4bc6ba5d7 acceptable?12:58
fenni dunno what that is; try 08ddba12:59
kanzurewe need to document this somewhere btw13:00
fennoops i think i deleted your graphtheory commit13:00
kanzureit's okay, it's on github13:01
fenncan you pull in a commit like that?13:01
kanzureyes :)13:02
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r97af55457055 / (__init__.py graphtheory.py): fixed graphtheory.py error13:02
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r08687527c6bb / (__init__.py graphtheory.py): Merge branch 'master' of git@github.com:kanzure/skdb13:02
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r9f78b5c51c45 /packages/screw/metadata.yaml: fixed source data filename in screw metadata13:02
kanzurefun stuff13:04
kanzurehey did you get that email from campbell?13:06
fenni wonder how he made that13:07
kanzurehe didn't13:08
kanzureit was from the paper, rob stone probably made it13:08
kanzureor rob's goons at least13:08
fenni wonder if 'dot' would do a better job of making the arrows all go the same direction13:08
CIA-44skdb:  * r69e370ad8b0f / (8 files in 2 dirs): move non-functional stuffs out of main dir13:10
CIA-44skdb:  * r3a99b84efe49 / (2 files in 2 dirs): move out of main dir13:10
kanzurewhy did you not move autogenix-format-spec?13:11
kanzuredid you just do the same damn thing?13:11
fenni moved it13:12
kanzuredoesn't look like it13:12
kanzureI pulled, and it's still in skdb/13:12
fennyou must have a local copy13:12
fenndo git status autogenix-format-spec13:12
kanzurenothing to add13:12
fenngah wtf13:13
fennit didnt commit the deletions13:13
* fenn thrashes git with a pointy fork13:13
kanzureI'll do the moves13:14
fenni think git mv is broken or something13:15
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r0705eae6c85d / (2 files in 2 dirs): moved13:15
kanzurehah, git push -f is awesome!13:15
fennwell. there's no pull -f13:16
kanzureyou want to first rebase to 9f78b5c51c45c46fcf556708ffd5a85a2f05319b13:16
kanzurethen pull13:16
kanzurecan I move friction.yaml?13:17
fenni think we should just delete ikiwiki-howto13:17
fennit was probably wrong anyway13:18
kanzurehold on .. /me works13:18
kanzuresimilarity-graph.py loads materials.yaml13:18
fennmv fugly-screw.svg while at it13:19
kanzureis it ok if I move materials.yaml and correct similarity-graphs ?13:19
fennjust move both13:20
fennalso, what is procedure for moving a file and keeping the history? since obviously i'm doing it wrong13:20
kanzurecommit, git mv, commit13:21
* fenn puts on his 'i dont believe it' hat13:21
kanzurehow about codingstyle.txt?13:24
fennthat's not a proposal :P13:24
kanzureum what about similarity-graph though?13:24
kanzureand materials.yaml ?13:24
fennsimilarity-graph was just something i cooked up to try to illustrate a concept13:24
kanzurehow about processes.yaml?13:25
kanzuream I not supposed to be moving stuff?13:25
fennnot stuff that doesnt need to be moved13:25
kanzureI'm moving stuff into skdb/doc and skdb/misc13:25
fennmisc is bad13:26
fennnever make a misc drawer13:26
kanzurewell I have csv_converter.py to misc13:26
fennthat's a database import tool13:26
kanzuregah this sucks13:26
kanzureok, you know what, you move stuff (just this time do it correctly)13:26
kanzureand I'll rebase on to 0705eae6c85d31715ab1d7228417351dc59100cf13:27
kanzureI don't think graphtheory.py should be a proposal/ member13:30
fenni didnt move it13:30
kanzureyou did previously13:30
fennoh. what does it do?13:31
kanzureit does nothing13:31
kanzurebut it's not a proposal :p13:31
fennwhy does it exist?13:31
kanzurenodal analysis methods13:31
fennwhat should i do with useless code?13:33
kanzurehow about skdb/sandbox ?13:34
kanzureor skdb/testing ?13:34
kanzuremost projects have 'src' for source, but that doesn't work well with python modules13:34
fennwhat is dep/ ?13:36
kanzuredependency theory bullshit13:36
kanzuredep/dep.py was going to be a dependency resolution engine13:36
fenni know, but how does it fit in?13:36
kanzuredependency resolution algorithms13:37
fenni mean how is it supposed to work with skdb13:37
kanzuredependency resolution algorithms13:37
kanzurewhen you're trying to figure out what the smallest set of dependencies would be13:38
kanzureor what the shortest build path would be, this code would be useful as a starting point13:38
fenni dont like having tons of stuff around that doesn't work and you can't tell what is functional and what is just spew13:40
fenndep/ seems useful but all the stuff in inventory/ is crap13:41
kanzureinventory/ should be data/ if anything13:41
fennit's not data, it's random lists of words13:41
fennok, receipt-schema is useful13:42
fennbio* doesnt conform to any standard afaict13:42
fennexcept its own13:42
kanzureyeah I was typing it up as I went, but I tried to use the same attributes13:43
fennanyway none of the files really capture the sort of information i was trying to13:44
fenna BOM is not an inventory13:44
kanzurethen call them BOMs13:44
CIA-44skdb:  * r07c2af25bb0c /doc/proposals/readme: short description of this dir13:46
CIA-44skdb:  * r6feda9dd94fd / (22 files in 4 dirs): move stuff out of main dir13:46
CIA-44skdb:  * r6a5b5f63b4c3 /ikiwiki-howto: ikiwiki never worked right anyaway13:46
CIA-44skdb:  * r9b233d0095e3 /inventory/electronics-workbench: this is essentially what we ordered for iu robo club13:46
CIA-44skdb:  * r10e9788c7a95 / (44 files in 8 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb13:46
CIA-44skdb:  * r9931077f74d8 / (24 files in 4 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb13:46
kanzureshouldn't doc/fugly-screw.svg be icons/fugly-screw.svg ?13:47
fenni was trying to illustrate the interfaces of a screw13:48
kanzurehm you didn't move skdb.png ?13:48
fennan icon is the bare minimum that illustrates the concept13:48
kanzureSkdb.png I mean13:48
CIA-44skdb:  * r1f9e36634f87 / (Skdb.png doc/Skdb.png doc/skdb.mediawiki skdb.mediawiki): move out of main dir13:49
kanzurehow did you move so many files without having a million commits?13:50
kanzurebecause previously when you git-mv'd more than one file at a time, you broke the histories13:50
kanzureor maybe that was only when you git-mv'd and git-rm'd at the same commit13:51
fenni did git-stash halfway through because you were doing something else and i had to pull13:51
fennapparently that screwed something up13:51
fennthe "44 files in 8 dirs" was just because i had an old commit hanging around on tub13:52
CIA-44skdb:  * r49e43b49a790 /doc/ (2 files in 2 dirs): i guess this is really just some idea; not documentation for skdb13:53
fennwow it's 2pm13:53
fenntime flies when you're fighting a time sink13:53
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * rfe10f2ee5b46 / (12 files in 2 dirs): moved BOMs13:55
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r7387d4dd1c19 /doc/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb13:55
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r41997cb3fc5b / (10 files in 2 dirs): moved comparison of fablabs and techshops13:56
fennhm. aren't "dan.millican.texas.state" and "lockhardwoodworks.txt" inventories? (albeit in plain text)13:57
kanzureshould I fix?13:57
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * r8c7fa712e5d4 / (4 files in 2 dirs): these are really inventory lists, move them back13:58
kanzurehm things still feel a little cluttered13:59
CIA-44skdb:  * red829d27880b /inventory/ (10 files in 2 dirs): clean up yer mess fenn14:01
kanzureoh, oka14:01
kanzurefurances? is that a typo in inventory/dan.millican.texas.state ?14:02
fennlooks like it14:02
CIA-44skdb: kanzure * raf4650bf40a0 /inventory/dan.millican.texas.state: typo fix in texas state inventory14:03
fenni want to do this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subvocal_recognition14:28
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@w-central-232-88.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap14:30
fennseems like you'd need a few more electrodes for the mouth though14:31
genehacker2kanzure you there?14:35
kanzurefenn: lines 34-36 in skdb/packages/screw/metadata.yaml - is "bar stock" really a process?14:49
fennno, it's a material14:50
kanzureso the build dependencies are either threading/thread-forming/thread-milling *or* a material and some wire?14:50
fenneither {threading or thread-forming or thread milling}, and {bar stock or wire}14:51
kanzureok then I must not understand how to make a screw from bar stock and wire14:51
kanzurethat's confusing14:51
kanzureI see now.14:51
kanzureso "wire and threading" is a valid selection14:52
kanzurethreading some wire seems kinda lame :p14:52
kanzureguess if it's sufficiently thick14:52
fennscrew machines use wire i think14:52
fenni was going to add 'cold heading' to the first list but i wasnt exactly sure what it meant14:55
fennlooks like the cold heading process doesn't make threads, just the head14:57
kanzureso it's just a rapid die stamper?14:58
fenni think it's more like a rivet gun14:58
kanzurerivet gun: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/6961982-0-large.jpg14:59
fennit smooshes the end of the wire into a shape by pushing on it axially14:59
kanzuresince we're going to be writing some generic package management code,15:05
kanzureit would be nice if we kept it separated or not-skdb-intensive 15:05
kanzureand instead just configure it to deploy for skdb15:05
kanzurebecause the internet needs a general system for package management..15:05
fennthe internet has too many systems for package management15:05
kanzurethey are all way too specific15:05
kanzureif you add something, you break everything15:05
kanzureand besides, they are all for software15:06
fennwhat about the ones you linked yesterday15:06
kanzuresmartpm is just some algorithms (which should be used)15:06
kanzurexpkg is perl and unkept. maybe it could be converted.15:06
fenni mean besides hardware and software, what else is there?15:06
kanzurepokemons? :p15:06
fennhow is this not skdb?15:07
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kanzureeveryone who has ever made a package manager has made it all .. "stuck inside their main project"15:07
fenni guess i just dont get 'generic package management'15:07
kanzureoriginally I was hoping that I could just use apt, dpkg, etc15:07
kanzurebut then I found out how integral it was to the debian system15:07
kanzurein other words, repurposing it would not be an easy task15:07
kanzurethere's no reason that you should have to "repurpose" and "rewrite" package managers15:08
kanzureexcept that someone somewhere said "bah, there's no other possible use for this"15:08
fenni guess it's the same as why there's no "generic tree traversal library"15:10
kanzuredidn't boost have one?15:10
fennthe basic algorithm is just too simple15:10
kanzureif not boost, shouldn't it be a part of stdlib?15:11
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fennwhy show me search results?15:17
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fennshould i change or: to either: ?15:20
kanzurenah, but a comment might help somewhere15:21
fennis there an english prefix word meaning the same as "and"?15:21
fennthat only works for two15:21
kanzureso why didn't campbell just use BOOST?15:23
fennwhy is the python logo on boost page?15:23
kanzurethat's a good question15:23
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fennwikipedia suggests "also"15:25
kanzureI like or/and prefixes because it points out to you that it's an expression tree15:26
fennoriginally i was going to do some thing like process1 & material1 | process2 & material215:27
kanzurein that syntax?15:27
fennparsing looks less interesting when it's you who has to write the parser15:27
* kanzure nods15:27
fennlook at (an unusual shucking machine that can use multiple power sources) in autogenix-format-spec.txt15:28
fenncan i do for i in tree.search(): if i == blah: return i.path()15:33
fennsomething like that15:33
kanzurethat's what I was wanting a few days ago for something15:33
kanzureactually I did tree.children()15:33
kanzureand children() just returns all children of the tree15:33
kanzureanywho, no, I don't have those methods written or in any usable state15:34
kanzurewe should ask #python15:34
kanzurepython bindings to the boost-graph library15:35
kanzuremain page: http://www.osl.iu.edu/~dgregor/bgl-python/15:35
kanzureyep that's what we want15:36
kanzurenot sure how it compares to python-graph though15:36
-!- splicer__ [n=patrik@h189n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap15:37
kanzuresvn co https://svn.osl.iu.edu/svn/projects_viz/bgl-python15:37
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kanzureboost.python documentation: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_39_0/libs/python/doc/index.html (not just the BGL/boost-graph-library bindings)15:38
kanzurehm this sucks. bgl-python requires boost already. that's quite a lot of dependencies to throw into the mix.15:48
fennos.walk(os.curdir)import os, yaml; print yaml.dump([x for x in os.walk(os.curdir)], default_flow_style=False)15:50
kanzureyour paste sucks15:50
fennexcuse the mispaste, it was supposed to look like this:15:50
fennimport os, yaml; print yaml.dump([x for x in os.walk(os.curdir)], default_flow_style=False)15:50
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* bkero talked to the Bioresource department about switching to a Bioinformatics/Genomics major today.17:01
fennyou're in school?17:10
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap17:12
genehacker2check it out steampunk synth17:20
kanzureyou mean musical synthesizer?17:21
kanzurenot a DNA synthesizer17:21
kanzurethe word "synth" should be banned17:21
ybithttp://filebin.ca/oqmqo/crim0003.jpg :: i think i need more light and to increase the res from 5mp to 1217:21
kanzurenanocytes :p17:22
genehacker2a sound synthesizer17:23
fennybit: focusing might help too :P17:23
genehacker2yeah i think so17:23
ybitfenn: this camera is cheapo17:23
kanzurefilebin.ca sucks. the mime-type is all off17:23
kanzuretry imgbin or something17:23
kanzuresomeone added points to heekspython's api today17:24
genehacker2I wonder if hemholzt resonators require high manufacturing tolerances...17:24
genehacker2or if they could be made of plastic17:25
kanzurefenn: is "fastening" a process?17:26
kanzureit's kind of an assembly process. is an assembly process a manufacturing process?17:27
kanzureit doesn't really happen to material, energy or information .. except in its "position"17:27
kanzureis "position" an attribute of material, energy, or information?17:27
genehacker2it can be17:27
genehacker2not of material17:27
genehacker2variables indepedent17:28
kanzurego stallman :)17:30
fennyes 'fastening' is a process17:31
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rd6f7c2603508 /packages/screw/metadata.yaml: add process metadata to screw package17:46
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rc66ef5abf767 /packages/screw/metadata.yaml: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb17:46
ybitmuch better17:49
ybitstill needs slight improving17:50
ybitlook at the equation far bottom of page17:50
ybitany suggestions?17:56
ybitfenn: there's no way to focus it, that i'm aware of17:57
kanzureblah? http://martinsvillemachine.com/mediac/400_0/media/wiretraverse62804.jpg18:06
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fennybit: try some reading glasses or something18:08
kanzureAutoCAD Inventor files on the web: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=iceweasel-a&rls=org.debian%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&num=100&q=filetype%3Aipt+%22Inventor+Summary%22&aq=f&oq=&aqi=18:09
fennbetter than nothing maybe18:09
kanzurewhat is a G0 detector?18:16
kanzureand the STEP files: 18:18
genehacker2stealing cad files from the internets?18:30
genehacker2what's that from?18:31
kanzuresomewhere. something.18:34
genehacker2a cyro tempe line might be useful18:35
ybithere's take two with more light: http://bayimg.com/image/cacfgaacn.jpg18:41
ybitand take three with reading glasses: http://bayimg.com/image/cacfoaacn.jpg18:41
ybitthat worked actually :)18:41
ybiti need a flatbed scanner though18:42
ybitthat would be best18:42
kanzureis there some easy way to print on perforated paper? so that you just have a long feeder roll of paper stacked up in your printer's tray?18:42
ybitnever seen such a thing in modern printers18:43
kanzureer, nevermind18:43
kanzureit's useless anyway18:43
wrldpc2Can I write a computer program that is 1 part eval 1 part apply that analyzes my verses and develops a computer model based on the ways in which I use letters/words/rhymes and then use that program to apply the model to generate new verses?18:47
wrldpc2I am an idiot.18:47
ybit:P i've seen similar programs18:48
ybitfrom here i'll find the links to the software18:48
kanzureBeautifulSoup is apparently a python screen scraping library18:52
ybitfrom there i search google for http://createdigitalmusic.com/tag/chuck/ and come across http://createdigitalmusic.com/tag/chuck/18:54
ybitcreatedigitalmus.com is what i was looking for18:54
ybitit has links to the software i was looking for18:54
ybitwrldpc2: http://createdigitalmusic.com/tag/software/ is worth taking a look at18:55
bkerofenn: Yea, you didn't realize I'm a student? :)18:57
bkero(response to 22:08 < fenn> you're in school?)18:57
fenni thought you were out in the big bad real world, based on all the jobs and traveling n stuff18:59
fennfanfold paper19:00
fennwrldpc2: like a hidden markov model?19:01
fennwrldpc2: i think you will find they write acceptable poetry19:01
fennbut.. that's the only thing they write19:01
fennbah. monty used to be a HMM bot, but now it's just some Eliza crap19:03
fennwrldpc2: look up "megahal" if you want to know more19:06
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]19:08
ybitalso http://electro-music.com/forum/forum-112.html is of interest19:12
fenn"saggy jackhammering RandFig belongs to fat fine bitches!" -monty19:12
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ybitthat's what i was looking for19:19
fennyep it's neato19:19
ybitchuck and csound are related19:20
fennpuredata was a lot easier to understand19:21
fenni did some puredata tutorial where they recreated natural sounds using functional synthesis, and explained the physics behind why stuff sounds the way it does19:22
fennlike rain or bells19:22
ybitcool, link? :)19:23
fennit's been years19:23
ybitit's kanzure in full body form19:27
ybityou're taller than i pictured19:28
fennybit: found it http://obiwannabe.co.uk/tutorials/html/tutorials_main.html19:28
fennooo coool markov models in procedural sound synthesis http://www.obiwannabe.co.uk/html/papers/proc-audio/node9.html#SECTION0002720000000000000019:34
ybitthanks fenn 19:43
fennread the 'intro for game designers'19:43
ybitwill do, am off to bed though. have to get up early, friends are wanting me to get out of the house and.. canoe...19:52
ybitamong other things19:52
ybitas most every camper knows19:53
* ybit isn't a camper19:53
ybitjust kind of figured it's common sense that most go out to drink or whatnot while camping to make things more interesting19:53
ybitnot really my cup of tea but whatever19:54
* kanzure swims in some beautifulsoup19:58
* ybit would prefer to swim in that 20:01
ybithttp://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/04/080401150755.htm is what i was looking for earlier 20:12
ybitk, now i'm out20:12
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-!- strages is now known as icecream_man-str21:22
-!- icecream_man-str is now known as icecream_man21:22
CIA-43pyscholar: kanzure master * rb97e797 / results/microfluidic-gene-synthesis.yaml : another example of a search for microfluidics-related papers - http://bit.ly/4f8f8521:41
fenni think i like "technique" better than "process"21:41
kanzureer, nevermind21:42
fennicecream_man: http://fennetic.net/irc/01%20My%20Ice%20Cream%20Man.mp321:56
kanzurehttp://bibapp.org/ "The BibApp is a Campus Research Gateway and Expert Finder."22:32
kanzure"# find experts and current collaborations happening on your campus"22:33
kanzurehow to write a zotero translator: http://niche.uwo.ca/member-projects/zotero-guide/chapter1.html22:37
kanzureXPathEvaluator is nice22:39
CIA-43pyscholar: kanzure master * ra6ad5d5 / (18 files in 2 dirs): BSXPath added - http://bit.ly/bqNPu22:44
CIA-43pyscholar: kanzure master * r17f7da9 / pyscholar.py : various psycholar mods - http://bit.ly/184EfR22:44
kanzureack misspelled it already?22:46
kanzurewith xpath you should be able to just copy and paste from variables in zotero templates22:56
kanzureand get almost equivalent functionality22:56
drazakkanzure: you around?22:58
drazakkanzure: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T29-4RV7Y70-4&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=8d6f35d9eb63ab98391e57f0412b370d22:59
drazakcan you grab that for me?22:59
* drazak sits on kanzure 23:01
drazakkanzure: also http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T96-4RJJRBT-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=2ab9e6fc0edce3710a863e060ffbb4c923:03
drazakfenn: or you23:03
bkeroMmm, looks like a bioinformatics/genomics minor->major is in my future.23:20
kanzurein soviet russia, bioinformatics 23:24
kanzurechanges to you23:24
CIA-43pyscholar: kanzure master * r6ca4d6a / (19 files): threw in some zotero files to convert - http://bit.ly/16MxW123:33
bkeroTo graduate in > 4 years though, I'll need to challenge some intro courses23:34
drazakis <4 years you mean?23:39
drazakkanzure: does links work good for this, or lynx, or whatever?23:51

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