
--- Day changed Mon Jul 27 2009
-!- Netsplit holmes.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: strages, xp_prg00:25
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ybit13:25 < kanzure> mike mentioned that he would like to package the neural tissue scanner into skdb00:35
ybit13:25 < kanzure> he doesn't even know if it's a university-only project, or if todd has the reigns on it or what00:36
ybitmust be utexas people00:36
ybit7:53 < timschmidt> excitingly, my wrench-buildable machine got two fully working axes, including motor mounts, lead screws,  everything last night.  Still only a wrench and a hacksaw were used.00:42
* ybit is impressed00:42
timschmidtI _didn't_ do most of the work00:43
timschmidtI'll have pictures up as soon as I get some from the other members in attendance.00:44
ybittimschmidt: how much do you guess the wrench-buildable machine will cost in total?00:46
timschmidtdepends heavily on what price you can get the square perforated tube for.  I estimate $75 in parts other than the tube, motors, and electronics.  I paid $22 / 6ft for the tube, and used perhaps 20ft of it.00:49
timschmidtmeh.  more like 30ft of it00:50
ybitthis make me very happy and greedy00:51
timschmidtthe next highest cost items are the drawer rails, for which I paid $14 / pair00:51
timschmidtand used 3 pair00:51
timschmidteverything else is pocket change00:51
ybitjust plan on me bothering you for awhile after i save up some money :)00:52
timschmidteach pillow block bearing (of which there are 6) costs about $0.50 to build.  Lead screws are inexpensive allthread.  Couplers (for motors + lead screws) are two $0.60 shaft collars (which I also use to restrict the lead screws) JB-welded together.00:53
timschmidtAnd that's about all of it00:53
timschmidtnuts, bolts, washers, a spacer or two, and some pipe hangers to couple the stages to the drive nuts.00:54
timschmidtI think the square perf tube is both the most expensive and hardest to find component.  Any help finding a cheap source of it is welcome.00:56
timschmidtI bought mine at Menards00:56
genehacker_lightquantumg, who's rocket is that?00:57
genehacker_lightyou posted that death of a camera thing so I figure you might know00:58
QuantumGPaul Breed's00:58
QuantumGUnreasonable Rocket00:58
QuantumGsee also http://www.youtube.com/user/bbrockert00:59
QuantumGMasten Space Systems00:59
QuantumGthose two will be battling for the second prize of the first stage of the Lunar Lander Challenge this year.. John Carmack's team won the first prize of the first level last year.01:00
QuantumGand they intend to win the first prize of the second level this year :)01:00
katsmeow-afkcheap bearing holders: http://designerthinking.com/idlers.html01:02
genehacker_lightoh yeah01:02
katsmeow-afki don't sell them, but i made some, that's a howto01:02
katsmeow-afkstandard bearings, stock steel tubing, make as long or short as you like, no real tools needed01:03
ybitkanzure, so skdb has been renamed to tangible bit?...01:04
katsmeow-afkthe tubing is heavy enough to weld or braze into othe bits of steel or wood01:04
* ybit likes skdb01:04
ybitmuch shorter01:04
ybit..and precise.. as i've stated before01:04
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ybitnice katsmeow-afk 01:06
timschmidtkatsmeow-afk: awesome!01:06
ybitthis week i'm heading to the junkyard to teach myself welding. yay01:06
any10284809timschmidt, url?01:06
-!- katsmeow-afk [n=someone@75-120-36-233.dyn.centurytel.net] has quit [Nick collision from services.]01:06
-!- any10284809 is now known as katsmeow01:06
timschmidtit looks much more complete now, however.01:06
timschmidtwill get pictures ASAP01:06
katsmeowre skate bearings, englich bearing of near-same size, but true english (1/4 inch bore) measures are a lil cheaper than real skate bearings01:09
ybitfirst time i saw this: http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Open_Source_Lathe01:13
* ybit is off to bed01:14
ybitgn timschmidt, katsmeow, QuantumG, genehacker_light 01:14
katsmeowgnite ybit01:14
genehacker_lightgood night01:28
genehacker_lightI will not sleep tonight01:29
katsmeowybit, just a note, remember this: re: http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=File:Clamps.jpg that style clamp is terribly inaccurate for the ID, in fact you can place one side ont he rod, and *rock it* side to side, as in over .010 play on each side; those things are not bored properly01:34
katsmeowhowever, with a drill press, you can make more accurate ones01:34
katsmeowthey get real pricey in stainless and larger sizes, but you can get them in any shaft size01:35
-!- flazmot [n=roy@ip68-108-88-202.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap02:00
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spliceris there some other channel keeping bot than chanServ on freenode?03:11
-!- Smari [n=smari@] has joined #hplusroadmap03:29
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kanzureSmari: I merged for you.04:28
kanzureybit: it's just a merge at this point.04:28
-!- Smari [n=smari@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]04:36
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kanzurehey Smari04:44
kanzureI merged.04:45
Smariany luck yesterday?04:45
Smarifrom which?04:46
Smariah k04:46
SmariI pulled on tb this morning and was disappointed ;)04:46
Smaricloning on Hilbert, yay.04:47
kanzureis hilbert your dog?04:47
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap04:47
Smarikanzure, it's my new computer.04:48
SmariMy computing devices are named after mathematicians - my cellphone is Shannon, the work laptop Cauchy, my old desktop is Julia, my old laptop was Carroll... I've also had Hausdorff, Euler, Mandelbrot and a couple of others.04:49
SmariThe chronology of the archive is very strange.04:50
kanzureyour commits should be in the logs04:50
Smarithey are04:50
Smaribut they're in the wrong order. I'm not complaining though, it looks cool.04:51
kanzurewrong order? how did that happen?04:51
kanzureisn't it by date?04:51
kanzurewhat should it be by?04:52
SmariSome things from 2009-07-26 come before 2009-07-18 in the chronology..04:52
SmariIt's ordered by in which order the changes were made to the archive..04:52
Smariso you probably merged folders in some order..04:52
kanzureI think you might be using a special option to "git log"04:53
Smariwhich didn't agree with how they came into existence (and how could it?)04:53
SmariI'm using gitk04:53
Smaribut hey, it seems to work04:53
SmariSomething's missing.04:55
kanzureI was hesitant to import binary data.04:55
Smarisources is also missing04:55
kanzurecheck out inventory/04:55
SmariI see no real reason not to import binary data, as long as it's static stuff.04:56
Smarimedia isn't just binary either04:57
Smaria lot of it is javascript code04:57
kanzurethere was a few css files and javascript files in there, yeah04:57
kanzurebut it would have confused the fuck out of you04:57
kanzureif I had just imported the CSS and js04:57
kanzureand not the images04:57
SmariIt's four images04:57
kanzureno, there were many more04:57
* kanzure digs around04:58
SmariAh no...04:58
Smariadmin/ is a symbolic link04:58
kanzurehey, you're right04:58
SmariIts contents shouldn't be imported04:58
SmariBecause it's linking to the Django distribution04:58
kanzureok so four images aren't as terrible as "many" :)04:59
SmariShould I re-add them or will you merge them in?04:59
SmariOh, btw.. I don't have 05:00
Smariwrite permissions05:00
Smarion skdb.git05:00
kanzureplease go ahead and fix05:00
Smari(do I?)05:00
SmariActually, there's a bunch of history behind the javascript files...05:00
Smariso could you merge instead?05:00
kanzureer there's a lot of images in media/javascript/components/slider/img/new/Image101.gif05:02
kanzureer there's a lot of images in media/javascript/components/slider/img/05:02
genehacker2still awake or up early?05:02
kanzurethis is the sleep-walking subsystem of kanzure05:03
kanzurenot quite05:04
kanzureSmari: anything to look for in the logs to see if I was successful?05:04
Smari not... really..05:05
kanzure"Restructuring javascript interface" ?05:05
Smarikanzure, that would be a good one05:06
kanzureokay, it worked then.05:06
kanzurenow, where should media/ go?05:06
kanzurein inventory/ ?05:06
Smarikanzure, that works, but it has bad side-effects..05:08
SmariNo, actually, I can work around them05:08
SmariIt's mostly that Django runs slow if normal files are being passed through it before download.05:09
CIA-43skdb: spm * re138d0cdafc7 /inventory/media/javascript/latlonselector.js: Converging, some bugs in the sitedetails.json template though, ignore for now.05:09
CIA-43skdb: spm * r9c209521bf59 /inventory/media/javascript/maptools.js: ...05:09
SmariBut I can bypass it.05:09
CIA-43skdb: spm * r3459f7f262aa /inventory/media/javascript/site.js: Restructuring JavaScript interface...05:09
CIA-43skdb: spm * re41a57262728 /inventory/media/javascript/site.js: Pushing around some javascript functions, cleaning up site management interface.05:09
CIA-43skdb: spm * r3e03562c6890 /inventory/media/javascript/site.js: More XMLRPC and Javascript glue.05:09
CIA-43skdb: spm * rbf45cb500af8 /inventory/media/javascript/ (latlonselector.js map.js site.js): Map and LatLon selector development. Why the hell doesn't OpenLayers have a DragMarker class?!05:09
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r8f55c88a63d7 /inventory/media/ (175 files in 22 dirs): Merge commit 'git-import-folder-merge/master'05:09
* Smari is impressed05:11
kanzuredoes this turn you on? 05:11
kanzureactually don't answer that05:12
SmariNoooooooooooooo.... how could you?! You evil evil man!05:12
SmariYou've converted tabs into spaces05:12
SmariWhy don't you just kill me now and have it over with?05:13
kanzurebecause I enjoy watching developers suffer, or something sadistic like that05:13
SmariGah, I'm verging on a nervous breakdown here... spaces... spaces for indentation... why oh why... what have I done to deserve this?05:14
SmariI suppose I either have to get over my tab-addiction (which has been with me since 1996) or I convince you that tabs are the right way to go...05:18
Smariand I'm honestly not sure which would be easier ;)05:18
kanzureer right now I'm falling back asleep05:18
kanzurezombie mode over05:18
kanzureer, sleep-walking mode over I mean05:18
* kanzure looks around with shifty eyes05:18
kanzureSmari: btw, skdb.git is at: /var/www/skdb.git/ on adl05:23
Smari~/.ssh/authorized_keys isn't working on adl :(05:23
kanzureany suggestions on how to get it working?05:23
Smarimy fault!05:24
SmariThat was VERY awkward05:24
kanzurewell I'm certainly not interested in using passwords forever05:24
kanzureso getting keys working would be hot05:24
Smariit works05:24
* kanzure sleeps05:24
Smarijust generate your key and put the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys05:24
Smaribut make a point of not putting the private key there ;)05:25
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flazmottry authorized_keys205:28
flazmotsounds like you got it05:28
Smariit works05:28
flazmotit's not hard05:28
SmariI know05:28
flazmotso much bteter than typing your password another thousand times too05:28
SmariI just made a stupid mistake05:28
SmariI uploaded the private key by accident ;)05:28
Smarivery much thinking about regenerating05:28
flazmoti ran out of POT05:29
flazmotbut i am going to sleep today so i can call a podcast tonight ,_,05:29
flazmotit just stinks that's what i use to engineer my day/night cycle and my mood05:30
* flazmot waves05:30
Smarieither way, have fun05:30
flazmot*because that's05:31
flazmotit doesnt stink that i use pot for that, it's good for those things05:31
flazmotought to be in the supermarket05:31
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kanzuresounds like the fan on leibniz's power supply is dying07:46
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-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]08:12
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:08
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-!- Inri [i=Sahin@] has joined #hplusroadmap11:52
-!- Inri is now known as Infornographer11:53
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ybithi Infornographer11:54
ybithow'd you hear about this channel?11:54
-!- help is now known as inri11:54
inriMr worldpeace brought me here11:54
inrisec, brb11:54
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InriThere we go!11:55
InriGot my nick set up all straight.11:56
InriI hear you guys are into all sorts of neat stuff. :)11:57
ybityou might have heard correctly :)11:57
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r3691c4651d6e /doc/BOMs/perfusion-equipment.yaml: minor typo fix in perfusion equipment bill of materials11:57
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rb431ac9bc31c /pymates/pymates.py: fix pymates error11:57
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r61212e16e8d0 /doc/todo/presentation.txt: notes for the upcoming presentation11:57
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r2bd71788bac1 /doc/ (TODO todo/TODO): moved TODO to doc/todo/TODO11:57
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r519072f7ca5e /packages/screw/screw.py: fixed an indent error in screw.py11:57
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rd66e52789cf3 / (3 files in 2 dirs): pymates todo and some modifications to the yaml data11:57
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rd54022333449 /doc/todo/pymates-todo: more monday meeting notes for pymates11:58
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r4ebd3a33fec5 /doc/todo/presentation.txt: more presentation notes to be turned into slides11:58
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rea3bfe6473dd /doc/todo/process-constraints-notes.txt: took some notes on process constraints from the meeting11:58
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * ref64a69fd4de /doc/todo/process-constraints-notes.txt: more process constraints notes11:58
kanzuresorry for the commit spam11:59
* ybit doesn't mind12:00
ybitat least there's progress being made12:00
ybitor so i suspect12:01
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kanzurefenn: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
kanzuresee page 812:12
kanzurecompatibility-knowledge-base method (pg.13 of "Automated Manufacturability Analysis - a survey")12:21
kanzure"   El-Gizawy et al. EGHB90] presented a system which considers the suitability of di erent man-12:21
kanzureufacturing processes for a given part based on a process capability database.12:21
* ybit is spamming the diy h+er facebook group members about the mailing list12:22
kanzure"A strategy for integrating product and process design of aerospace components". Manufacturing Review 3 (3): 178 186, 1990.12:23
kanzure"Simplified generation of all mechanical assembly sequences" <-- bwahah12:24
genehacker2you know I've heard that NASA is partially managed by software12:26
InriWhat do you mean "managed"?12:28
InriObviously they have quite a few algorithms working out logistic matters. :)12:29
kanzure"                                A compatibility rating between the product profile requirements and the12:32
kanzurealternatives stored in the database for each decision criteria is generated using possibility theory. The vector12:32
kanzureof compatibility ratings are aggregated into a single rating of that alternative’s compatibility. A ranked set of12:32
kanzurecompatible material and manufacturing process alternatives is output by the system.12:32
kanzurethe preceeding was from 'a decision support system for material and manufacturing process selection'12:32
kanzure"manufacturing process capabilities" doesn't really help you to figure out what breaks and hwen12:35
genehacker2shit, you mean everything I just learned in my materials class can now be accomplished by a piece of software?12:36
kanzure"The manufacturing process selection module identifies feasible manufacturing processes and rank them12:36
kanzureaccording to the compatibility of their capabilities with the product profile requirements.12:36
fenngenehacker2: not even close12:36
kanzure"Figure 6 Possibility of wall thickness under a manufacturing process capability"12:37
kanzuremeh that requires the wall to be tagged as such though12:37
fennCUTDATA provides Cutting Speed and Feedrate recommendations that will result in acceptable tool life, cutting a given material in a specific hardness range or heat treatment condition12:37
genehacker2ok dang12:37
fenni wonder how much CUTDATA costs12:37
genehacker2I wouldn't be surprised though12:38
kanzure"and a compatibility rating vector for each manufacturing process alternative."12:38
genehacker2there are some formulas for determining the probability of survival for a ceramic material in terms of size and applied stress and defect density 12:40
kanzuregenehacker2: what we need is a way to say "here are the main ways you fuck up a milling machine"12:41
genehacker2stress applied on anypart exceeds yield point12:42
genehacker22. part12:42
genehacker2is subject to creep and could fail within a certain time period12:42
kanzureFig. 7. Partial EXPRESS-G diagram of manufacturing resource model for cutting tool data (Jurrens et al., 1996).12:43
genehacker23. stress applied to part exceeds fatigue limit and part will fail within a short time12:44
ybitoh alright, guess i'm gone to scan some books12:44
genehacker24.part happens to be made of brittle material and any bump in the wrong direction could break it12:45
kanzure"2~The use of process specification language for cutting processes"12:45
genehacker2fatigue would be hard though because fatigue is hard to measure12:45
genehacker2but those are the generall causes of part failure12:46
genehacker2oh and corrosion12:46
genehacker2that too12:46
genehacker25. creep12:47
genehacker2part slowly deforms until it's useless or breaks12:48
genehacker2as is happening for the the PTFE barrels on repraps12:48
kanzure"capability profile"12:49
fennthe most often cause of failure is mechanical resonance induced by the endmill cutting forces12:49
fennthat, and crashing... and chip clogging12:49
genehacker2but if you can figure out stress applied, what sort of vibrations would be produced, and the temperature it operates in you should be good12:50
kanzureSK Gupta keeps on showig up12:50
genehacker2mechanical res can be figured out12:50
fenneasy for you to say12:50
genehacker2from computers models12:50
fennwhat computer models12:50
genehacker2that take a really long time12:50
fennmodal analysis? good luck12:50
genehacker2FEA duh12:50
fennhow do you model an oil film cushion with FEA?12:51
fennassuming i can even get the parameters describing a machine tool in the first place12:51
genehacker2parameters describing machine tool might be taken as a function of the head being used, material, being cut, and speed operated at.12:53
kanzuremost research seems to have stopped at kerf angles and curvatures and thickness, not considering any other sort of geometrical issues12:53
CIA-43skdb:  * rbbd6086e2c7e /taxonomy.yaml: thread rolling12:53
genehacker2I'm sure you could figure out some model of vibrations12:53
genehacker2mechanical resonance causes fatigue related damage?12:54
fenngenehacker2: no i'm talking about the dynamic damping of the machine frame12:54
genehacker2there are models of it12:55
fennBRING THEM TO ME!12:55
fennahem. sorry12:55
genehacker2I can't12:55
genehacker2I've got a test to study for12:55
fennwhere can i get some decent minions these days?12:55
genehacker2just look up dynamic damping 12:56
genehacker2I'll give you the fatigue formula later12:56
fennwhatever. that's not important right now12:56
* fenn files it under "simulation"12:57
genehacker2it's related to the damage caused by resonance12:57
fennyes i know12:57
genehacker2basically you need the max and min stress applied12:57
genehacker2I can see why it'd be hard though12:57
kanzurewhat does "process compatibility" even mean?12:58
fennit doesn't12:58
fennit's bullshit12:58
genehacker2and it might get messy and really complicated very fast12:58
genehacker2because of real parts varying from virtual  parts12:59
kanzurethink of it more as trying to figure out possible shapes and impossible shapes or possible shapes that can break the system13:01
genehacker2like hollow spheres inside cubes?13:01
CIA-43skdb:  * rf6076333933f /doc/todo/presentation.txt: more13:04
kanzurefenn: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VJD-40JG14K-5&_user=108429&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId=967438330&_rerunOrigin=scholar.google&_acct=C000059713&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=108429&md5=990ce03f7786b0caa0678dd3a6360c4913:05
kanzure"trajectory spacing"13:05
kanzureit doesn't really talk about failure modes though13:07
kanzurebasically it's like "tool wear via trajectory"13:11
fennthat paper sucks13:11
kanzuredidn't expect them to be not account for wear and failure modes13:12
fenni have a much better paper if you'd like; but it's 10MB13:12
fennon tub13:12
kanzureon what?13:12
fennthe computer13:12
fennmartin held 1991 voronoi pocketing and other path planning for 2.5d pockets13:12
kanzure"Estimation of tool wear in orthogonal cutting using finite element analysis"13:14
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@cpe-67-9-157-136.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]13:20
kanzure"wear maps"?13:21
kanzure"The maps have demonstrated that tool wear rates vary with cutting speeds and feed rates used. "13:21
kanzurethey don't vary with workpiece geometry/shape?13:21
bzsmariwow, that's insightful! :P13:21
bzsmariI don't think the tool cares what the workpiece is shaped like13:22
kanzuresay you mill perpendicular to a surface/plane,13:24
kanzurethat will bust your drillbit13:24
fennbreakage != wear13:26
bzsmariyou can make certain assumptions about geometry when testing wear rates...13:26
kanzureyou don't have to assume.. you have the geometry right in front of you13:32
kanzurebzsmari: maybe fenn should explain13:32
* fenn is trying to actually do something13:33
bzsmaridon't worry about it13:34
kanzurefenn: push?13:35
kanzurebzsmari: do you have STEP documentation for Part 522 or Part 224?13:40
fenni wonder if this is the class i want: Geom2dInt_ExactIntersectionPointOfTheIntPCurvePCurveOfGInter13:40
kanzureyay Thomas Kramer wrote some documentation for ISO 10303/22413:42
bzsmarikanzure, which is?13:42
kanzurehow to do "tagging" of features in STEP files13:43
fennthomas kramer is my hero13:43
fennwell, sort of13:43
fennhe participated in the mess-making that was EMC113:44
fennGeom2dGcc_Circ2dTan is what i want13:44
kanzure"Len Slovensky" is the "owner" of STEP AP 224?13:45
fennthere are step AP's for just about anything imaginable, and they all cost a fortune13:45
kanzurehm it's more about particular things like boss, chamfer, circular_pattern, rather than generic tags 13:45
fenni dont think it's realistic to expect to be able to use any of them13:46
kanzureso if this is not a "feature" then what is it?13:46
fennsays 'machining features'13:46
kanzurethen what should I be looking for?13:47
fennISO Standard 10303-224 "Application Protocol: Mechanical Product Definition for Process Planning Using Machining Features."13:47
kanzure"how to use random strings that represent features" ?13:47
fenninstead of step files? well, keep in mind we dont have any files with feature information in them in the first place13:47
kanzureno no no13:47
kanzuremy task is to figure out how to add a line to a STEP file to "label" something13:48
kanzurewithout breaking the OCC loader13:48
fenni dont think you can do that13:48
kanzureand something that OCC will load up correctly in some weird class I don't know about13:48
kanzurewhy the hell not?13:48
kanzurea label is a very simple concept13:48
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* fenn looks for label classes in OCC13:48
kanzurehere we go:13:48
kanzure"But this is not true with the STEP format, when I load the STEP files I have, surfaces get no labels."13:49
kanzuregreat no responses13:49
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kanzuresomething to do with XDE13:49
fennOther kinds of data such as colors, validation properties, layers, names and the structure of assemblies can be read or written with the help of separate tools - STEPCAFControl_Reader and STEPCAFControl_Writer.13:50
kanzureah: http://www.opencascade.org/org/forum/thread_14829/13:50
fennthat's from http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/doc/Overview/whnjs.htm13:50
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fennso you could just give the relevant entities a name "INTERFACE(n)" where n is some integer13:53
fennd'oh:  The doc from re-read IGES file does contain names, from STEP - does not.13:54
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kanzurethis is ridiculous14:15
kanzurein solidworks, you can add an annotation to a point or a polygon14:16
kanzurebut it doesn't warn you that this information is not going to be preserved in the STEP file14:16
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kanzurehttp://dcom.arch.gatech.edu/cs6754/STEP Files/P204.pdf14:27
kanzurehttp://dcom.arch.gatech.edu/cs6754/STEP Files/P205.pdf14:27
kanzurehttp://dcom.arch.gatech.edu/cs6754/STEP Files/AIM238.pdf14:27
kanzure#5020 = PROPERTY_DEFINITION('mass property', $, #290);14:33
kanzure#5030 = PROPERTY_DEFINITION_REPRESENTATION(#5020, #5040);14:33
kanzure#5040 = REPRESENTATION('property value', (#5060), #5050);14:33
kanzure#5050 = REPRESENTATION_CONTEXT('', '');14:33
kanzure#5060 = MEASURE_REPRESENTATION_ITEM('mass', MASS_MEASURE(3000), #5070);14:33
kanzure#5070 =(NAMED_UNIT(*) MASS_UNIT() SI_UNIT($,.GRAM.));14:33
kanzureum, what? http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/DataExchange/html/classRWStepAP214__RWAutoDesignDateAndPersonAssignment.html14:41
kanzurelook at all this crap14:42
kanzurewhy is OCC representing people :p14:42
kanzuresee #5040 aboe- there's this "string" in each STEP file line that is the first parameter to all of the functions (well, they aren't really functions I guess)14:48
kanzureanyway, somehow, somewhere, OCC is reading in these strings.. right?14:48
kanzuresolidworks just places "None" for all of those values for some reason14:48
kanzureeven though I specifically annotated an object14:48
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kanzureis this really so hard? saving an annotation in STEP?15:01
kanzurewhat a piece of crap, AutoCAD can't import STEP15:04
kanzureand Pro/E can't do any annotations15:04
fennhey i just spent an hour trying to add a key binding15:10
fennno beans15:10
fenni think you might be wasting your time with the annotation idea15:10
kanzureno thanks to campbell15:19
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kanzurefenn: push?15:39
kanzurefile system structure for python projects: http://andreasjacobsen.com/2008/10/10/27/15:42
kanzurefenn: what about py.test? http://codespeak.net/py/dist/test/features.html#automatically-collects-and-executes-tests15:48
ybit-scanningkanzure: who is http://github.com/epitron ?15:48
kanzurequickstart: http://codespeak.net/py/dist/test/quickstart.html15:48
kanzureybit-scanning: guy with a hole in his head15:48
kanzureseriously, a giant cyst15:49
fennhow does py.test know the answers?15:49
kanzurefenn: it's a tool for unit tests15:49
kanzureyou still write the unit tests15:49
kanzureyou put them in your source directories (where ever they might be)15:49
kanzurethen you run "py.test" from the shell15:49
kanzureand it finds them and is happy15:49
fennfinds what?15:49
kanzureunit tests via files that are named either "test_*.py" or "*_test.py"15:50
fennbut the tests aren't in the files15:50
ybit-scanningso what is the cyst guy into? 15:50
kanzurefenn: unit tests are in dot py files15:51
kanzureybit-scanning: he used to be in here15:51
kanzureit runs dot py files15:51
kanzureybit-scanning: but he was kind of lame, in the end15:52
* ybit-scanning is typing with one hand while holding the book to the scanner with the other. a frogpad, sub-vocal recognition software or some eeg setup would be nice to have right about now15:53
* ybit-scanning doesn't recall an epitron15:53
kanzuremaybe he was before your time15:53
ybit-scanningheh, could be15:53
ybit-scanningthink there were ~6-8 in here when i joined15:54
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 26 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 26 normal]15:56
genehacker2though DNA origami required oligos 20-50 long15:59
genehacker2but it requires thousands of them15:59
kanzureyes, DNA origami is long shit16:02
genehacker2so what other chemicals do we need to make photolabile phosphoramidite16:03
CIA-43skdb:  * r26694b2e6b08 /paths.py: playing around with tangent circles; trying to make a valid path for bandsaw sweep. dont use16:06
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kanzuresome old GPL'd pascal sources for reading ldraw *.dat files (which define lego parts)17:48
kanzurestalk: "Max Peysakhov"18:06
fennkanzure: go to /etc/network/interfaces and copypaste the section for eth0 but change s/eth0/eth0:1/18:09
fennand change the ip to18:10
kanzure"# This is my new project in automatic design generation for LEGO robots. It's not a real web page, but a file repository."18:11
kanzuresomeone should have asked me why I knew the name Max Peysakhov18:32
kanzuresee bryan@leibniz:~/manufacturing/national_design_repository/gicl.cs.drexel.edu/repository/data/repository/Lego/LEGO_GA/Docs18:33
fennlots more step files in /home/bryan/manufacturing/national_design_repository/gicl.cs.drexel.edu/repository/datasets/legos/18:39
kanzuresee GECCO_LegoGA_Poster.pdf18:42
kanzureer, in the folder that I last linked to18:42
fennthe peysakhov simulation looks like crap18:43
kanzurefenn: what do I do once I update /etc/network/interfaces ?18:46
kanzureifconfig eth1:1 up18:47
kanzure"SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address"18:47
fennifconfig eth1:1 up
kanzuresame thing18:47
kanzureoh, nevermind18:48
kanzurenah, I got it18:49
kanzurewas trying
fennthese lego .stp files aren't anatomically accurate18:55
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kanzurefenn: what's wrong with them?18:58
fennsome of the gears have elements just floating in space18:59
fennand they use a subtracted cylinder primitive in places instead of making slots or a subtracted cube18:59
fennthe gears look wrong but i'm not sure exactly why19:00
kanzureah so the edges are either snaps or inserts, apparently. but that doesn't tell you which snap or which insert mate to use..19:01
* fenn abandons futility19:02
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kanzurehello smari19:05
fennwhat's iceland's unix TZ?19:05
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smari_fenn, UTC19:16
smari_Not sure what that is in unix terms19:16
-!- smari_ is now known as Smari19:16
wrldpc2is there anyone else from Boston in here?19:17
SmariBoston got destro... no wait, that was a novel.19:19
wrldpc2It's your funeral, Smari.19:22
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kanzurefenn: do you understand why the unittests don't run20:11
kanzurethey don't run because they are in unittests/20:11
fennffs just put test.py back in the main dir and include whatever fucking files you want20:11
kanzureI think you don't understand file system structures for python modules..20:12
fennskdb/test.py: import unittests; run_tests()20:12
kanzurewhy is test.py in skdb/ ?20:13
kanzuretry this: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-pythontesting2/20:13
SmariI'm going to go nuts on the directory structure next time I have a moment to sit and focus.20:34
fenni think it's pretty good right now20:35
SmariI've been actively thinking about the big picture of what we're doing all day. I drew diagrams. Managed to simplify a few things, draw logical connections, figure out a few structural points... most of it is the IIS/supply chain side of things..20:35
SmariIIS = Industrial Information System20:35
Smarifenn, it's horrible right now.20:36
fennok, so my crap is all over skdb/20:36
Smarifenn, there's no compartmentalization, no logical entry point, no obvious plan.. :)20:37
Smarihow do .yaml files, .py files and .dat files belong in the root?20:37
fennthey don't20:37
fenni don't like having a big "src" dir20:38
fennwhat's the point of that?20:38
kanzureself.assertFalse(skdb.Unit('1') < skdb.Unit('-10'))20:38
Smarifenn, I'd at least like to separate data from code... and perhaps categorize code into different modules and apps.20:39
SmariWhat parts are there exactly?20:40
kanzurepymates, your fabmap thing, fablab job scheduling, toolpath swept volumes code, packages, 20:41
fenninventory, simulation, dependency resolution20:41
kanzuresimulation? 20:41
kanzurefenn and I have different definitions of simulation20:41
kanzureand neither of us are willing to budge :p20:42
kanzureso we keep confusing each other20:42
fennhm. ok forget "simulation"20:42
kanzurethere's something that somewhat approximates SPICES in the repo20:42
fennwhatever you call being able to predict information you don't have about an artifact based on data you do have20:42
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r706c12208368 / (units.py unittests/tests.py): fix unit tests and fix units module20:44
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r86bea97680c1 /paths.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb20:44
SmariI'm making a README file in the doc/ folder that will explain the directory structure20:44
SmariMind if I find shorthand to your names?20:44
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kanzureSmari: pull before you commit20:44
kanzuredon't be like me :(20:44
SmariLike "fablab job scheduling" becomes "scheduling"20:45
Smari"toolpath swept volumes code" becomes "toolpaths"20:45
kanzureSmari: I'm not sure you know the project entirely yet20:45
fennsounds fine to me20:45
kanzurebut you might, and I could be very wrong20:45
fennkanzure always makes excessively verbose names20:45
Smarikanzure, I understand it to a fairly reasonable degree20:45
kanzurealso there's 'pymates' :)20:46
SmariI don't understand everything that's under the hood in your code...20:46
Smariis it okay to call it 'mating' ?20:46
kanzureno, the folder name is 'pymates'20:46
Smariit sounds more kinky...20:46
kanzurebut you could just reference the actual folder20:46
SmariI'm talking about moving things and renaming them so that it'll be easy to navigate through the swaths of code...20:47
Smarithat will be there :)20:47
kanzurehow about you just ask us what you should write?20:47
fenni didnt realize we had gotten to the point where we need a readme already20:47
SmariBecause I'm going to write what I bloody well feel like writing :)20:47
kanzurebut you just admitted you don't know what's what20:48
fennif it's wrong i'll fix it20:48
fennkeep up the good work smari20:48
Smarifenn, is that a joke?20:48
kanzurenow I'm not sure20:48
fennyes it was a joke.20:49
fennwait, now i'm not sure20:49
fennno offense intended20:49
kanzurewhich does "no offense intended" evaluate to? joking or not joking?20:49
fennnow i dont know how to resolve this at all20:49
kanzurequick, to skdb/dep/ !20:49
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * re3c014c8e0f4 /dep/dependency.py: removed dependency.py, should write a unit test20:51
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kanzuresomeone kick me in the ass to write some unit tests for skdb/dep/20:53
kanzureoh there are some tests in there already20:53
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r748bbc014105 /dep/ (dep.py test_dep.py): dependency resolver unit tests moved about20:59
SmariAnnoying. Bah. Good night.21:01
kanzurearen't you going to push?21:01
kanzurehm. I wonder why running "py.test" in skdb/dep doesn't produce any print statements..21:02
kanzurebut running "python test_dep.py" does21:02
kanzurewhat the devil is py.test --looponfail for?21:03
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kanzureah, -s21:03
kanzurepy.test -v -s --debug21:04
fennwhat's -s?21:04
kanzureapparently it automagically catches stdout and stderr "for your convenience"21:04
kanzure-s makes it not do that21:04
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kanzurephineas ghage21:08
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ybitargh, friends want me to hang out21:34
ybithow do you do it guys? how do you balance social life and me-time/workingArseOff4fun21:35
kanzurewhat is social life?21:35
ybitideally, my friends would want to work on the same projects, maybe weld something, make some metal, something fun21:35
kanzureget some better friends21:35
ybitinstead it's always getting high or drunk :-\21:35
kanzureif they don't come back with sunburns from arc welding,21:36
kanzuredrop them21:36
fenndoes that mean i should wear sunscreen next time?21:40
ybitheh, would that actually work?21:40
* ybit maintained his vampire tan even while in sun for 10+ hours the other day21:41
ybit100spf sunscreen was generously applied ever hour21:41
genehacker2check it out21:43
genehacker2silicon chips that are balls21:43
genehacker2company is dead though21:43
genehacker2might be useful if they could have found a way to put a tiny power source inside ball and made some claytronics21:49
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kanzureis there a standard way of expressing algebraic symbolic operator tree thingies?22:00
kanzureer.. do these have a common name in programming?22:00
kanzuresymbolic expression trees?22:01
genehacker2try the unicode tables22:01
fennkanzure: lisp22:01
kanzureyou're both wrong22:05
kanzurego away and fetch me chocolate22:05
kanzureparse trees?22:10
* kanzure doesn't want to have to write a parser22:11
fennwhat was wrong with lisp?22:11
kanzureI'm using python22:11
kanzurego away22:11
kanzurecan anyone explain Gundam 00 to me?22:12
genehacker2are you watching gundam and programming?22:12
genehacker2in order to make a gundam, we'd have to invent some new really lightweight materials22:14
genehacker2Issue 1: Mass is a major issue as Gundam is slim but would still weigh several hundreds tons if normally manufactured. Its legs are slender: Slender legs are preferable in ensuring control. However, they would result in a lot of pressure being applied to the soles of the feet. Roads and the ground could not withstand the pressure applied from that weight and the body would sink into the ground. 22:14
genehacker2I wonder if carbon nanotube microtrusses would do the trick...22:17
fennhow about ... Gundanium alloy?22:20
fennand you could power it with a GM particle reactor22:21
genehacker2a GM particle reactor?22:22
genehacker2I thought they used minovsky physics or something like that22:22
fennGM is a special type of minovsky particle22:23
genehacker2oh ok22:23
genehacker2how about a plasmak?22:23
genehacker2it's real22:23
fennO RLY22:23
genehacker2it just hasn't been tested for fusion yet22:23
genehacker2the plasma ball doesn't touch the walls of the containment vessel22:24
genehacker2the plasma ball is also stable enough to last a couple seconds at room temperature pressure22:25
genehacker2but in order to do fusion with it22:25
genehacker2you have to put inside an ULTRA-CANNING machine22:25
genehacker2IE a device that generates really really high pressure22:25
fennuh.. i dont think you know what you're talking about22:27
genehacker2they use devices that generate really high pressures in the food industry22:34
genehacker2forget it22:34
ybittransformers any good?22:35
ybitthinking of playing it in the background22:35
* ybit wants some mindless sci-fi movie playing in the background22:36
ybitstar trek needs to get on dvd22:36
ybitso i can torrent it..22:36
genehacker2transformers good?22:37
genehacker2no they're horrible22:38
genehacker2they dissipate quite a bit of energy as heat22:38
genehacker2my laptop power brick gets hot enough to almost burn me22:38
genehacker2but if you were refering to the movie I heard it's pretty bad22:39
flazmoti torrented a raelly good screener of star trek22:39
flazmotonly the sound was a little crunchy somteimes22:39
flazmotbut basically you couldnt tell22:39
flazmotalso you couldnt quite see the whole screen22:39
flazmottoo bad they don't still have intermission breaks for snacks or you'd know for sure it was a screener when the dancing concession stand snacks showed up22:40
kanzurewhat is a screener?23:03
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r1ef3ac63f63e /dep/test_dep.py: some ideas for tests for the dependency module23:05
* ybit wonders what eric is doing now to start the international open space initiative23:08
kanzureybit: writing23:09
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r77027a30d718 /doc/todo/pymates-todo: further notes on what to do next with pymates23:09
kanzureI wish there was some device that gave me an electric shock every time I make a commit23:10
kanzureso that I would be tempted to not commit as frequently as I do23:10
ybitgeometry constraints language, ever find one? [kanzure]?23:11
kanzurethat's more fenn than for me at the moment23:11
kanzureand the answer is no23:11
kanzureybit: check skdb/doc/todo/process-constraints.txt for some notes on that23:11
kanzureer, sorry23:12
ybithere's a preview of my projects todo23:16
ybit* Projects23:16
ybit** TODO Massive Communication Matrix23:16
ybit** TODO Autoscholar23:16
ybit** TODO djangit/co.de/heath.im23:16
ybit** TODO skdb23:16
ybit** TODO djangit/toolbook/freefab.org & diysci/htmcie.org & openmanufacturing.org23:16
ybit** TODO AR23:16
ybit** TODO welder from microwave23:16
ybit** TODO microfluidics23:16
ybit*** t-shirt press23:17
ybit*** laser scanner23:17
ybitplan on using djangit on my own servers23:17
ybitas well23:17
kanzureautoscholar has been renamed to pyscholar and now has some terrible new code23:17
ybitright right23:17
ybitjust haven't renamed it23:17
kanzure Open-source (and open hardware) Arduino-based telemetry and instrumentation module for amateur rocketry 23:18
kanzurefenn: should the unit tests for skdb/dep/ attempt to act like they are supposed to work for the dependency information in skdb/packages/screw/metadata.yaml ?23:22
kanzureat the moment I don't have anything that does anything interesting with the "or" and "and" structure of that dependency outline (although it would be nice if there was something, but I don't know what that something should be at the moment)23:23
* kanzure sleeps23:24
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kanzuregood code for reading: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32771023:27
kanzurehuh wonder when this popped up http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/23:28
* kanzure linked over to the perl version (blosxom) the other day23:29
kanzurepython module of the week - http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/contents.html23:30
fennybit: welder from microwave is harder than it sounds.. at least I could never get it to work23:55
fennconsidering you can now buy a crappy mig welder for $100 i'm not sure it makes sense to build one23:55

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