
--- Day changed Wed Jul 29 2009
-!- any83653457 is now known as katsmeow00:02
* ybit wants a kinesis keyboard01:01
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-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk03:13
ybit22:43 < ybit> nice find kanzure, concerning legos organization04:40
kanzureEffect of Pulsed 5.62 GHz Microwaves on Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) Performing a Repeated Acquisition Task07:07
kanzure/000-Chem/Hairy Root/HR__A step-by-step protocol for Agrobacterium mediated transform in Poplar.pdf07:16
kanzureLarge Scale Production of microorganisms, proteins, and metabolites.pdf <-- can anyone find this?07:18
kanzureMethodology for Algae Photobioreactor Design, ingenious natural light pipes.pdf07:23
katsmeow-afkResults 1 - 51 of 51 for allinurl: "metabolites.pdf" filetype:pdf. 07:28
katsmeow-afkdidn't get any closer, sorry07:28
kanzuresimple electrostatic precipitator.pdf07:29
* kanzure needs to remember to figure out how to draw triangles with OCC today (without using StlMesh_Mesh)07:32
kanzurepythonOCC/samples/Level1/TopologyBuilding/topology_building.py gives some good examples for edge(), wire() and face()08:15
kanzurealthough I have to somehow convert from face to a TopoDS_Shape() (don't I?)08:15
kanzureor an OCC.StlMesh.StlMesh_Mesh to OCC.TopoDS.TopODS_*09:37
kanzurewhy is top vs. bottom posting still an issue? the bottom posters won. but still on many mailing lists that I am subscribed to, people act like it's still in question.09:39
kanzurethe eternal war rages on! rawr. or something09:39
kanzurefenn: where did you put the davinci backup?09:39
katsmeow-afkwell, reply to them backwards09:39
katsmeow-afkor, backwards them to reply , well09:39
katsmeow-afkthe top posters09:40
* kanzure might consider converting to diagonal cross-posting only09:40
kanzureso you can convert a TopoDS_Shape object to an StlMesh but not the other way around?09:41
katsmeow-afkif they want the flow of conversation reversed, reply reversed09:41
kanzureare you saying to give in?09:42
kanzureit's just kind of ironic that all the programmers on the net typically do bottom posting09:42
kanzureand then when people want to imitate them, or claim they want to imitate them, they completely fail09:42
kanzureforcing style is a good way of learning, I've found.09:42
kanzureer, I mean, forcing yourself to use a particular style- but anyway.09:43
katsmeow-afkhow is it giving in by reversing your post?:09:43
katsmeow-afk[09:33] <katsmeow-afk> well, reply to them backwards09:43
katsmeow-afk[09:34] <katsmeow-afk> or, backwards them to reply , well09:43
kanzurethis is very confusing. is this intended?09:44
katsmeow-afkit is intended to confuse, yeas09:44
katsmeow-afkthey make you read from the bottom up, so while you're at it, write your reply from the  bottom up09:45
kanzureit looks like OCC wants you to use a TopExp_Explorer on a mesh and then build faces via TopoDS_Face09:45
katsmeow-afk(of your paragraph, not the page)09:45
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rbc0b69d12978 /import_tools/occ-pyldraw.py: added notes to occ-ypldraw.py, committing before I make too many changes09:48
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kanzuretodo: pyldraw/ldraw-0.10/main/ldraw/parts.py line 284 defines the load() method which needs to be redefined, or given a sibling for loading from a string (no reason to use files only, yeesh)10:12
kanzureok. done. :p10:15
kanzurenot sure where to send my updates to pyldraw really10:15
flazmotmy wardial box has been up almost 40 days10:43
flazmotpython opencog10:44
flazmotif they'd had that two years ago today10:44
flazmot-- i tell you true --10:44
flazmotthat's what i'd have written my bot it in10:44
flazmoti'll bring my bot later10:44
flazmotyou guys will LIKE it.10:44
flazmoti used Conceptnet10:44
flazmotoutta mit ,_,10:44
flazmot"that's what i'd have written my bot it in"10:45
flazmoti meant,10:45
flazmoti'd have used that for my bot10:45
flazmoti'm pretty stoned10:45
flazmotso that was more likely glossolalia, ursprach10:45
flazmotthan typos10:45
flazmotwhen i say glossolalia, ursprach i am -not- talking about a place in Scotland...10:45
wrldpc2wardialing?  Are you broadcasting from 1987-89?10:52
flazmottheres still neat stuff on the phone11:15
flazmoti should be wardialling now11:15
flazmoti need a y-jack11:15
flazmoti always have to unplug the phone or internet to wardial11:15
flazmoti'm about 25% done one local exchange11:15
flazmoti shouldnt have left the city11:15
flazmoti can't believe irssi uses /n to list the "names" instead of /w for "who"11:17
flazmotits a change i cant really accept11:18
flazmoti'd use irssi if it was more like bitchx11:18
flazmotand bitchx is not finished and will never be finished, and has bugs and holes11:18
flazmotbut i have used it on acid and can't move past it now. it's engrained as my irc communicator11:18
flazmoti wish i could use irssi11:18
kanzureInit(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShell *,Handle_Geom_Surface const &,Standard_Real const,Standard_Real const,Standard_Real const,Standard_Real const,Standard_Bool11:34
kanzureean const)11:34
kanzuresomething about OCC.Geom ? or maybe OCC.Geom2d? OCC.GeomLib? 11:34
kanzureif you do OCC.Geom.Geom_Surface(), you'll see that there's no constructor defined11:35
kanzureso if it was a Handle_Geom_Surface, what do you do?11:35
fenntry BRep_Tool().Surface(your_topoDS_face)11:39
kanzurewhere is BRep_Tool()?11:40
fennfrom BRep import *11:40
ybitkanzure: what are those papers from..testing pyscholar?11:47
kanzureno, they are from the link that I pasted as the "treat" for the evening11:47
kanzurefenn: how do I use STLImporter without using a file?11:48
kanzureor whatever the piping magic was?11:48
ybiti'm guessing superkuh can find Large Scale Production of microorganisms, proteins, and metabolites.pdf 11:48
kanzurestl loading is slow12:02
kanzureSTL drawing is also slow12:03
kanzureOCC.Display.wxSamplesGui.display.DisplayShape() takes a list which is usually returned by something.Shape()12:42
kanzurebut something.Shape() is really just returning a list of AIS shape context object thingies12:42
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kanzurefenn: so what should I do since STL loading is taking too long?13:18
kanzurefenn: http://www.opencascade.org/org/forum/thread_3145/13:22
kanzuresounds like what you want to do13:22
kanzureall of the fast STL loading methods use XSDRAWSTLVRML13:24
kanzurewhich doesn't seem to be present in pythonOCC13:24
fennhave you tried the StlMesh_MeshExplorer().NextTriangle(); BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon; CompoundBuilder.Add(face)13:26
fennin the last link13:26
fennthat was a paraphrase btw13:27
kanzurenot yet13:28
fenndoes XSDRAWSTLVRML still exist?13:29
kanzureaccording to pythonocc.org/pythonOCCstats.txt - no13:29
fenncool geometry reconstruction algorithms here (not OCC related) http://www.cad.zju.edu.cn/home/hwlin/13:41
kanzurewhat is "number domains" about in STL?13:50
kanzureespecially in that code snippit that you referenced13:50
kanzureI only have one in these STL files13:50
kanzurebut it looks like there's a nested for loop where the real magic happens13:51
kanzureso I don't think I have to care that NbDomains==113:51
kanzurebah screw them for their chinese-zen-like domains: cad.zju.edu.cn13:51
CIA-43skdb:  * r6387ab66ead8 /paths.py: try to get MakeFillet2d to work13:52
CIA-43skdb:  * r986ff0f5584a / (4 files in 2 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb13:52
kanzureer, does MakeFillet2d work?13:56
fennat least i can't figure it out14:04
fennhaven't entirely given up on it14:05
ybit-scanningthey release their cad files14:13
kanzurefenn: it segfaults.14:24
kanzurethanks for nothing :p14:24
wrldpc2you want the dwg's or the 3ds's?  seems to be working here.14:26
wrldpc2gotta jet in a sec14:27
fenni wish there were example code for every class14:39
kanzurethe ability to search for which other functions either result in certain objects or require certain objects as parameters would help out greatly14:40
ybit-scanninghas there been any decent suggestions for getting around the talent overhead problem of formalized characterizations of processes?. 14:44
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []14:45
fennvalidation tools, separation of code and data14:54
fennthat's what i came up with at least14:54
kanzurewah where's my scuba diver15:02
fennapparently those were made in pro/E15:05
ybit-scanningfenn: was "validation tools, separation of code and data" re:suggestions for talent overhead problem?15:09
fennhow's the scanning going?15:09
ybit-scanningp.125 of fundamental principles of of manufacturing processes. it takes about 1.2mins to scan one page15:10
ybit-scanningit's actually quite enjoyable15:10
ybit-scanningi've been catching up on news feeds and reading text that i've been meaning to read15:11
fennare you going to OCR it?15:12
fennwait, fundamental principles of manufacturing processes? i heard that was crap15:12
ybit-scanningi usually can only type with one hand which usually makes communicating online a hassle, but i've found that it's best to just scan when i feel like it (every 2 mins or so) so that the scanner and OS don't start breaking.. using my bro's flatbed at his house on a win machine15:12
ybit-scanningmy gentoo powered 1ghz 512mb machine runs faster than his 64bit dual core 2.3ghz system with 3gb of mem15:14
ybit-scanningso sad15:14
ybit-scanningfenn: i'm scanning it first.. manufacturing processes reference guide is up next and then the other book which i forget some of its title 15:15
ybit-scanningre:ocr. i plan on it15:17
ybit-scanningother sports of interest for the 21st century, umm... creating new species15:25
ybit-scanningyeah, that seems like a little more fun than hunting new ones down imho15:25
ybit-scanningtele-robotic pre-settlement is another15:26
ybit-scanningscience replacing sports in the 21st century is even better15:27
kanzurecleaned up a bit and added some files so that I don't lose myself:15:44
kanzureybit: if you have some time on a windows machine, mind figuring out whether or not this works? http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/legos/LdrDat2Obj.zip15:47
kanzureyou may need to also have this present:15:47
kanzureand something like this: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/legos/simple.ldr15:48
fennand you might need this to use it with ldraw http://www.hassings.dk/l3/l3p.html15:57
kanzureso I'm confused15:57
kanzurehow is it getting primitives information?15:57
kanzurefrom STL?15:57
fennlook at the files in lg/15:58
fennvim lg/lg_0020.inc15:58
kanzureand how do you plan to import povray to opencascade?15:58
kanzurejust confused15:59
fenni have no idea15:59
kanzure"Currently 33 (plus all rings and cones) of the most used primitives have POV equivalents. You can see which by executing "l3p -pp"16:00
fennprimitive = brick types?16:01
kanzure"So the next idea to try out, was to replace some of the round/curved primitives in the P directory with POV equivalents, e.g. to replace the 16 quads in 4-4cyli.dat with the perfectly round POV object "cylinder { <0,0,0>, <0,1,0>, 1 open }"."16:01
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fenn I wanted the ability to substutite POV language commands in the comments of a .DAT file that could be used in place of the DAT primitives when rendering through POV. This would allow users to add native POV commands that could render better than the triangles and polygons defined in DAT files.16:03
ybit-scanningkanzure: don't mind at all16:10
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bkeroCan has wave?16:45
drazakso tomorrow we kill the hamsters16:46
xp_prgwhat is pygowave?16:55
-!- kardan| [n=kardan@p54BE4A5E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:06
bkeropython implementation of the google wave standard17:09
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ybit-scanningkanzure: what are you wanting me to do exactly after opening simple.odr?17:15
kanzureybit-scanning: does it work?17:15
kanzureybit-scanning: the idea is to use that to export to some other format17:16
kanzure"if you were a lego, you and I would go together"17:16
ybit-scanningare you asking if i can convert it to a file format ldraw will recognize and open it properly?17:18
kanzureldrDat2Obj should convert DAT files to OBJ files17:18
* ybit-scanning hasn't looked at the ldraw in-depth yet17:18
ybit-scanningand it it17:18
ybit-scanningit did*17:18
kanzurewell. I would ideally like OBJs of all of the DATs17:20
kanzurebut that might require a batch script17:20
xp_prgbkero google wave is an operating system right?17:25
bkeroxp_prg: No17:26
xp_prgwhat is it?17:26
QuantumGits an instant-messaging-email-wiki hybrid17:26
xp_prgThanks Quantum Gravity man :>17:26
ybit-scanningjust a suggestion17:37
* ybit-scanning needs to look at the logs.. thought someone in here suggested feynman dropped out of undergrad and went straight for his phd17:38
kanzurefenn: what's going on here? http://brlcad.org/wiki/Hex have you seen this? bolts and nuts.17:41
* ybit-scanning wonders if it's worth scanning the index..17:42
kanzureso brlcad has g-vrml apparently. that's nice.. or not17:42
fennlooks like a C macro for creating brlcad objects17:42
kanzurethat's what an asc file is?17:42
fenn.asc is some kind of autodesk export format?17:44
fennnot brlcad native format, whatever it is17:44
kanzurenice list of gpl'd software packages for CAD/CAM: http://wiki.xtronics.com/index.php/CAD_CAM17:45
fennheekscad uses pycam17:46
kanzuredoesn't seem to know about emc17:46
kanzure"cripple-ware" heh17:46
kanzurethis is an odd wiki. http://wiki.xtronics.com/index.php/Main_Page17:48
fennthe list's characterization of different software doesn't really line up with how i perceive them17:49
fennblender is not a "solid modeler" for example; not is pov-ray 3D animation17:49
fenni mean pov-ray is more of a solid modeler than blender17:49
fenndia is definitely not a drawing program17:50
fenni need to try out salome some time17:51
fennthought it was just FEA meshing but apparently there's some kind of modeler17:51
fennhere's more http://www.tech-edv.co.at/lunix/CADlinks.html17:52
fenngetting old17:52
kanzurepovray is so old that it parses - in its options/args as "not"17:55
kanzurei.e. you have to do +P if you mean -P17:55
kanzureanyway: http://code.google.com/p/pypov/17:56
kanzureit doesn't seem to be able to load files however17:57
fennBishop3D comes with a built-in SDL parser and can import a descent subset of POV-Ray SDL code.17:59
fennbleh shareware18:01
kanzurejust need to use it once..18:01
fennwell he probably won't give us the source18:02
kanzureso what?18:02
kanzureuse it to get some IGES/STEP files18:02
fennuh. i doubt bishop3d exports anything useful18:02
kanzureit seems to only save to "bsp" files18:03
-!- aum [n=aum@ip68-226-92-62.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:04
kanzurehello aum18:04
ybit-scanningand i'm out 18:05
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aumhi im from planet Brian. i am soudnwave and im out 218:05
kanzurethere seems to be pov2mdl and pov2rib18:05
fennwhere's that from?18:24
kanzureinternet archive18:24
kanzurepov2mdl: http://www.stmuc.com/thbaier/tools.htm18:25
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kanzurepov2mdl is found at: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/legos/pv2mr217.zip18:29
fenni'm impressed with your hunting skills18:30
kanzureit's only because you refuse to use http://web.archive.org/web/*/links18:31
fenngoogling pov2mdl and pov2rib didnt turn up much18:32
drazakkanzure: is books/ on adl.serveftp somewhere?18:33
fennpov2rib uses antlr which is not terrible18:33
kanzuredrazak: books/papers/ is18:33
kanzuredrazak: try that link.18:33
drazaknot really what I'm looking for, thanks though18:33
kanzuredrazak: would you like /books/ to be on there?18:34
drazakit would be cool, doesn't have to be in /var/www though18:34
kanzurepov2mdl was found on http://www.programmersheaven.com/download/1805/download.aspx18:34
kanzuredrazak: ok. fenn is supposed to tell me to buy a giant hard drive in a few days, and I'll be bringing that to adl.serveftp.org anyway18:36
kanzureso that would be a good opportunity to do a sync18:36
drazakawesome, thanks kanzure 18:36
drazakdo you have any human cellular anatomy?18:36
kanzurewine totally crashes on moraywin33.exe because it can't create an "icon group" for the "start menu" :(18:36
kanzuredrazak: yeah I have a lot of medical bullshit18:37
* fenn is looking at /var/www/lab/legos/pov2rib-1.0/parpov/Grammar18:37
drazakkanzure: ok18:37
drazakkanzure: I need to know what kinds of cells are found where in the body, mostly18:38
kanzurefenn: nice find18:38
kanzuredrazak: wikipedia has a nice list of different strains of human cells in the human body18:38
kanzuregood luck finding it :/18:38
kanzurefenn: libparpov was a GPL'd library for parsing povray files into some C/C++ data structs18:39
kanzurefenn: unfortunately, libparpov does not seem to exist any more18:39
kanzureexcept maybe in pov2rib-1.0/18:39
fennlibparpov is par of pov2rib18:39
kanzurewell the way it was described made it sound like it was something separate18:39
fennhow do you know it' GPL?18:39
kanzureauthor's web page18:39
fenni can see how it would be useful for converting to various different formats (what's the point of writing one converter?)18:39
kanzureGPL information: http://web.archive.org/web/20011030145209/http://www9.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~cnvogelg/pov2rib/index.html18:40
kanzureI like the "write your own converter page"18:41
kanzureover here: http://web.archive.org/web/20010814234510/www9.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~cnvogelg/pov2rib/write.html18:41
drazakkanzure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_distinct_cell_types_in_the_adult_human_body18:44
kanzurelovely, isn't it18:45
kanzuredoes anyone know what grammar language ".g" is? is that flex?18:53
kanzuredrazak: I'd like to point out that the reference on that page is to Freitas :)18:53
kanzurego freitas!18:53
drazakanyone in here know anything about VEGF?18:55
drazakit's a growth factor18:56
drazakvascular endothelial growth factor18:56
kanzurevegetative growth factor?18:57
drazakit comes in A-D and 121 165 189 and several other exon splices of VEGFA18:57
ybitguess i will upload the books when they are't just scanned images?18:57
ybitor are converted into pdf..18:57
kanzurefor numeric information, scanning can't be trusted18:58
ybitis it okay if i upload what i have on adl.serveftp?18:58
kanzurepypov is totally useless since it can only write19:02
kanzureotherwise I'd write a new writer for it19:02
fennsuper VEGEFA19:02
fenninduces lycanthropism and possible hair color changes19:03
kanzurejust because you enhance your vascular endothelial cells, 19:03
kanzuredoes not mean you look like super vegeta19:03
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kanzureAP's wire stories used to be delivered using arcane satellite-to-modem-to-serial solutions that functioned pretty faithfully unless you got snow/ice on your satellite dish on the roof. "20:22
kanzureantlr tutorial: http://javadude.com/articles/antlrtut/20:32
kanzureah it's old20:33
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kanzureyou're better at critiquing my code in text22:08
fennfine i'll just fix it22:08
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rc76a7ac20862 /import_tools/occ-pyldraw.py: made some changes to occ-pyldraw22:18
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r874a75e57510 /import_tools/ (occ-pyldraw.py occ_pyldraw.py): moved a file to something more usable22:18
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r9c13b05ebd04 /doc/proposals/legos.py: legos from kanzure's sandbox of doom22:18
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r9f960d61ce11 /paths.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb22:18
kanzuretodo: pyldraw + pymates + legos.py + something to do with OCC for interactive visualization of lego assemblies22:21
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kanzure4316./Robot Mechanisms And Mechanical Devices Illustrated.pdf23:16
kanzure3528./Freshney R.I., Freshney M.G. (2002) Culture of epithelial cells.djvu23:18
kanzure4632./Applied Nonparametric Regression.pdf23:21
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CIA-43skdb: fenn * r87ecad2610a1 /doc/proposals/legos.py: generalize and allow for multiple parts and generally rewrite everything23:29
fennhmm i have a name23:29
fennso i guess after applying the mate you'd have to go through each part and see what other interfaces are either lined up (mated) or made inaccessible, and then mark them as such23:31
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]23:31
fenner, only the two parts on the two interfaces23:31
fennactually no, you have to look at other parts too23:32
fennall that fun collision detection stuff23:32
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kanzure3096./Experimental Realization of Interaction-Free Measurements 1994-08.pdf23:33
fennfor i in options(mypeg, allbricks): try: mypeg.connect(i) except CollisionError: pass23:34
kanzuresince when do you have a name23:34
fennmust be the laptop23:34
kanzureminsky has shit config?23:35
fennand tub too i guess23:35
fennthing is, laptop has no ~/.gitconfig file at all23:36
kanzureWorking Memory Physical Location Bottleneck (posterior parietal cortex)23:39
kanzure"When humans attempt to perform two tasks at once, execution of the first task usually leads to postponement of the second one. This task delay is thought to result from a bottleneck occurring at a central, amodal stage of information processing that precludes two response selection or decision-making operations from being concurrently executed. Using time-resolved functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), here we present a neural basis for such dual-task limitations, e.g. the inability of the posterior lateral prefrontal cortex, and possibly the superior medial frontal cortex, to process two decision-making operations at once. These results suggest that a neural network of frontal lobe areas acts as a central bottleneck of information processing that severely limits our ability to multitask."23:40
fenna neural basis ...23:41
fennfor decision making?23:41
fenncodenamed "mister volition" i bet23:41
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has joined #hplusroadmap23:46
ybitskdb/tb needs a roadmap23:49
-!- any38932354 [n=someone@75-120-43-212.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:49
fennyou mean that huge "TODO" list in the main dir?23:51
fenner. it moved. not located in doc/todo/TODO apparently23:52
any38932354test again23:52
fennfive by five23:53
ybitfenn: yeah something like that :P23:53
ybithadn't seen it23:53
ybithaven't looked at skdb repo really, planning on diving in soon.. working on a few things as always though.. getting there soon enough.. thanks for mentioning the todo list.. looking at it now...23:54
-!- katsmeow [n=someone@75-120-29-6.dyn.centurytel.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]23:55
kanzure924./Miniature Thermoacoustic Refrigerator.pdf23:57

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