
--- Day changed Sat Aug 01 2009
fennmaybe it's just the lojban speaking00:00
ybitcheck out uzbl00:02
-!- un-afk is now known as katsmeow-afk00:03
ybithere's its readme: http://dpaste.com/73954/00:03
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r4c76a2904599 /pymates/ (pymates.py test_part.py): pymates no longer completely depends on OCC00:04
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r8c9c73aee994 /pymates/pymates.py: bah, forgot to run one last test.. fixed the run-only-pymates.py problem. running it directly requires OCC.00:07
fenngah didn't i commit?00:19
fennoh fuck fuck fuck00:19
fenni really wish we could communicate better00:20
fennyou should go to bed; that last commit was terrible00:21
fenni'm reverting it00:23
fennso i can fix for real00:24
CIA-43skdb:  * r546984350f46 /pymates/pymates.py: Revert so i can apply real fix00:26
CIA-43skdb:  * r9f37a1cf9767 /pymates/ (pymates.py test_part.py): this wasn't what i meant by 'fix it'00:26
CIA-43skdb: fenn * r8b18794e31af / (17 files in 4 dirs): disentangle part/interface from pymates which requires OCC; in order to do this i had to move skdb stuff into a directory "core"; committing part.py move separately because otherwise git thinks i deleted it00:26
CIA-43skdb: fenn * r3d5e9c56f048 / (10 files in 4 dirs): finish moving stuff to core and disentangling pymates00:27
fennwhat is inventory/media?00:38
fennjquery.js is really obnoxious when grepping00:38
ybit### INTRODUCTION01:13
ybit  Any program can only be really useful if it complies to the unix philosophy.01:13
ybit  Web browsers are frequent violators of this principle:01:13
ybit* They build in way too much things into the browser, dramatically decreasing the options to do things the way you want.01:13
ybit* They store things in way too fancy formats (xml, rdf, sqlite, ... ) which are hard to store under version control, reuse in other scripts, ...01:13
ybitTime to change that!01:13
ybit  Here are the general ideas (not all of these are implemented perfectly yet):01:14
ybit* each instance of uzbl renders 1 page (eg it's a small wrapper around webkit), no tabbing, tab previews, or speed dial things.01:14
ybit  For "multiple instances management" use your window managers, scripts or wrappers.01:14
ybit* very simple, plaintext , changeable at runtime configuration01:14
ybit* various interfaces for (programmatic) interaction with uzbl (see below)01:14
ybit* customizable keyboard shortcuts in vim or emacs style (whatever user wants)01:14
ybit* "outsource" logic that is not browsing to external scripts under the users control:01:14
ybit    - managing bookmarks01:14
ybit    - loading a url from bookmarks, history,..  Editing the curent url01:14
ybit    - control cookies01:14
ybit    - handling of downloads, history logging, etc.01:14
ybit    - management of cache.01:14
ybit    - password management01:14
ybit    - Leverage the power of utilities such as grep, awk, dmenu, zenity, wget, gnupg (password file) etc.01:14
ybit* listen to signals and do useful stuff when triggered.01:14
ybit* no ad blocking built in.01:14
ybit  Alternatives:01:14
ybit    - privoxy looks cool and perfectly demonstrates the unix philosphy.01:14
ybit    - same for http://bfilter.sourceforge.net01:14
ybit    - /etc/hosts (not very good cause you need root and it affects the whole system)01:14
ybit      uzblctrl would need to support an option to list all images on a page, so you can easily pick the links to ads to add them to your /etc/hosts.01:14
ybit* vimperator/konqueror-like hyperlink following.01:14
ybit* password management. maybe an encrypted store that unlocks with an ssh key?01:15
ybit* no messing in the users $HOME or in /etc: no writing of anything unless the user (or sysadmin) asks for it.01:15
ybit  We recommend using XDG basedir spec for separation of config, data and cache. and state should be a subdir in the config dir (not part of the spec yet) too.01:15
ybittabs, there's a script for that01:16
ybithistory, there's a script for that01:17
ybitbookmarks, there's even a script for that01:17
Phreedomybit: I call bullshit on this one: They store things in way too fancy formats (xml, rdf, sqlite, ... )01:30
Phreedomxml and rdf are text-based01:30
ybitshouldn't you be in bed Phreedom ;)01:32
Phreedomybit: no.01:32
PhreedomI'm supposed to defent my lovely rdf at all costs ;)01:32
CIA-43skdb: fenn * r1758514f3f57 / (8 files in 3 dirs): make test_legos.py actually work01:46
fennhum it ignored the full commit message01:46
fenndamn. i wanted to play with my legos but i had to get all sidetracked with stupid code stuff01:47
fennPhreedom: ever tried to diff an xml file?01:48
fennone that's been loaded and dumped01:48
Phreedomfenn: on you mean automated tools?01:49
fennsometimes xml files don't even have newlines01:49
Phreedomfenn: but some nice tool might just take a plaintext file with a list and then write it in another order01:49
Phreedomfenn: that's why I don't like text files :)01:49
Phreedomalso I don't like generic diff tools01:50
fenngenerally you can't edit xml files by hand (unless you are insane)01:50
Phreedomthey don't work well for images, even svg01:50
fennor you aren't expected to, or something01:50
fennsvg is xml. duh01:51
Phreedomyeah, but you can't edit plaintext files by hand either01:51
Phreedomyou use tools01:51
fennyou can't?01:51
Phreedomyou can't. you need to use an editor ;)01:51
Phreedomoh you mean the echo thing01:51
Phreedomso yeha, probably you can :)01:51
* fenn uses a paperclip and some chewing gum01:52
fennso what do you use to diff xml files?01:52
fenni tried xmldiff and it shat all over the screen01:53
Phreedomfenn: that's the hard question01:53
Phreedomformat-specific diff tools aren't exactly popular among the unix crowd01:53
fenni might be able to put up with it if the format-specific tools actually did what they are supposed to01:53
Phreedomfenn: maybe they already do01:54
Phreedomthere are lots of various xmldiff proggies out there01:54
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:58
fennkanzure: i hope you realize that by putting your email in various source files and then spreading it all over the net, that you're giving your address to spammers02:00
Phreedomit's too late already02:00
fenni've noticed that spam address lists have a half life02:01
fennabout 2 months02:01
fenngood luck googling for that02:02
Phreedomfenn: my observations of various spam bots make me doubt this02:05
PhreedomI saw lots of invalid email addresses02:05
Phreedomtesting for email validity is rather hard02:05
Phreedomand can be abused by aanti-spam guys02:05
genehackerspeaking of bots anyone got any resources on how to make simple irc chat bots02:05
Phreedomso it's usually spammed for many years02:06
genehackerI've got an idea on how we could find more of "us"02:06
fennmake them?02:07
genehackerno look for them02:07
genehackerwith bots02:07
genehackerand posters02:07
fennirc recruitment bots.. sounds unethical02:08
ybitgenehacker: i recommended that a few weeks back02:08
genehackernot recruitment bots02:08
ybitor maybe it was last week02:09
genehackerfilter bots02:09
fennplease continue explaining02:09
ybitgenehacker ^02:09
genehackerbots that test people to make sure they are the ones we're looking for02:09
ybithttp://www.ohloh.net/p/supybot is nice as well02:09
fenngenehacker: ah like a sort of reverse turing test02:10
ybitgenehacker: how so02:10
fenn"are you a robot? y/n"02:10
genehackermore like do you know about these sorts of things02:10
genehackerafter all we can't advertise #hplusroadmap, things might go bad02:11
fenntoo late02:11
genehackerso I'd also like to have a bot monitor a certain website for prospectives02:12
fenni thought you were talking about irc bots02:12
genehackerthe web bots direct the prospectives to the filter bots02:13
genehackeroh my look at the time02:13
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splicerA good way to promote ideas is to get articles about it published... slashdot, io9, humanity+ and so on. These days youtube clips may be even better.04:58
kanzuresplicer: stfu05:37
kanzuresplicer: my theory is that you're totally full of shit05:37
kanzurefenn: imagine OCC doing "from OCC import *". this is why "import *" is a bad idea.05:39
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]05:41
splicerkanzure: where did that come from?05:50
kanzuresplicer: you said "A good way to promote ideas is to get articles about it published... slashdot, io9, humanity+ and so on."05:51
spliceryeah... why does that make me full of shit05:52
kanzureit's a pattern05:53
splicerno it was an answer to a question higher up in the thread05:53
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-200-16.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap05:57
El_MatarifeI had no idea there was any CNC IRC communities05:59
El_MatarifeI suggested one on Joes CNC forum05:59
El_Matarifebut no one really noticed05:59
El_MatarifeI'm considering just starting a plain #cnc channel on SynIRC06:00
kanzuresee #cam, #emc, #reprap, ##engineering, ##electronics06:00
kanzure(on freenode)06:00
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r8006ece868ee / (7 files in 4 dirs): make various tests work06:16
El_MatarifeI am thinking about starting a just plain #CNC IRC channel on Freenode or SynIRC06:17
El_Matarifefor discussion of all things CNC, mills, lathes, 5 / 6 axis machines06:17
El_MatarifeEven CNC sewing machines06:17
kanzurewhat's wrong with #cam for that?06:18
El_Matarifeanything automated that takes Gcode06:18
El_MatarifeI don't know, but CAM may be more on the PC side than the physical device side06:18
kanzurealso, why am I awake06:18
kanzurewell, the people in there are hardly "on one side"06:18
kanzurebut anyway, if you can get more cnc users on irc, all the better I guess06:19
El_MatarifeI agree06:19
El_MatarifeGoing to start forum whoring on Joe's site since I've got a forums account06:19
El_MatarifeMaybe LumenLab too06:19
El_MatarifeStill need to buy my "pro" membership at LumenLab06:19
* kanzure git clone git://github.com/Dieterbe/uzbl.git08:17
kanzurewould be nice to get pyscholar working with uzbl08:21
kanzurewhen I looked into webkit last year, for some reason I wasn't able to get as far as uzbl08:21
kanzurehm http://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/WebKitTools/GtkLauncher/main.c08:22
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kanzurehuh installing webkit forces me to remove gnome and gnome-desktop?08:33
kanzurewhy am I using gnome?08:33
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kanzureok can finally make uzbl09:01
kanzurewow I love uzbl09:10
kanzureybit: thank you09:10
* drazak sits on kanzure until he fixes pyscholar09:12
kanzuretarbo2: I see you're already in #uzbl09:16
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kanzureer why doesn't nehe.gamedev.net have any standard STL file loaders?09:28
kanzurethis is something that I would expect to be in one of the first few tutorials09:28
kanzureoh well. guess I can plot my own vertices through the OpenGL pipeline09:30
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kanzureI guess there's http://web.media.mit.edu/~neilg/fab/dist/cam.py and read_STL() from that file09:55
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kanzureuzbl is exceedingly awesome10:55
kanzuretodo: port "xpather" and some other tools over to uzbl/webkit10:55
kanzurethe idea should be that you only have to view a website only ever once10:55
kanzureif you want to write a scraper, then your "browsing experience" should naturally lead to producing the scraper10:56
kanzuresuch as highlighting where on the page the "information" is and what the attributes should be called10:56
kanzuredoes webkit support xpaths?11:00
kanzurehttp://www.openajax.org/runtime/wiki/XPath_Support  "#  Webkit: Starting from 3.0, Webkit has DOM XPath support built-in." well there you go11:01
kanzureis there a way to do side-by-side comparison of different versions of an API with doxygen?11:04
kanzure    *11:07
kanzuregit clone git://git.webkit.org/WebKit.git WebKit 11:07
kanzurehuh, demonoid sucks11:13
kanzureWebKit.git is 124 MB and only 14% complete?11:14
kanzurewhat sort of madness is this?11:14
kanzure636 MB in total. huh.. well anyway, it's on adl/davinci now, so I'll have to remember to grab a copy11:18
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CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r7c0fa333ef83 /import_tools/ (read_STL.py write_STL.py): import tools for reading/writing STL files11:25
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r6f3ea9adf781 /import_tools/ (5 files): pyvtk STL visualizer11:25
kanzurethe STL visualizer was hidden on davinci:~/bioreactor/viz.py11:26
drazakthey give Ta and Cycles in this paper11:26
kanzuredrazak: well I'm booted up now and am able to do coding11:26
kanzurehowever my remaining family is going to be coming by and taking me away11:26
drazakbut they don't do delta(Ct) or delta)delta(2^(ct)))11:27
kanzurea graph of the change in celsius temperature?11:27
kanzureCt is what?11:27
drazakin qrt-pcr11:27
drazakct is cycles taken to change from log growth to exponential growth11:27
drazakthe delta is relative to gapdh11:28
kanzurename yer variables fool11:28
drazakit's a standard variable in biology11:28
kanzurewhat's the actual name of it?11:29
drazakcycles taken11:30
drazakwtf does #NAME mean in excel/open spreadsheet11:35
kanzureclick it and you should see a value that expands somewhere11:37
kanzuregod why do I know this11:37
drazakdidn't work, I fixed it though11:37
drazakthis paper is motherfucking useless11:37
drazakit doesn't actually say anything11:37
drazakand then gives raw data11:37
drazakand Dr. Lee said this was a good paper11:40
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kanzureif I do this in vtk, I think I need to use VTKStlReader()'s SetInputConnection() but then I need a filter of some sort12:35
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kanzurepipes screensaver: http://vpython.org/contents/contributed/pipes.py13:17
kanzurepyODE + vpython -> visualization of joints http://vpython.org/contents/contributed/visualjoints.py13:20
kanzurehm.. /usr/share/doc/python-visual/examples/lathe.py - "create a surface of revolution out of slices that are convex objects"13:24
kanzurethere's also gyro.py13:25
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CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r9f77c8c518e7 / (6 files in 2 dirs): added yet another really slow way of visualizing lego STL files (this time using vpython)14:23
kanzurehow to convert from BNF grammars to python: http://eikke.com/pyparsing-introduction-bnf-to-code/14:24
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kanzureexports as BMP16:11
kanzureprofiles of students silly enough to go to Singularity University16:17
fenni wouldnt mind going there, but isn't it like $14k for a week of classes?16:17
kanzure$30k for 6 weeks16:18
kanzurefenn: see skdb/import_tools/STL_pyvtk_visualizer.py - this loads STL files just about 'instantly'16:20
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fennvtk's viewer controls are really funky16:34
fennsupposedly geomview does "save as postscript"16:54
kanzuremeh, imagemagick can convert any image to postscript or pdf or whatever else is today's latest craze16:58
fennthere's not enough information in the image to reconstruct the exact original vectors16:59
kanzurepostscript doesn't allow images?16:59
fennand imagemagick probably just stuffs an image in the .ps file anyway16:59
fennwhich is NOT cool16:59
kanzurepostscript is crap like that16:59
fenngeomview actually renders the vectors in postscript16:59
fenni cant figure out what sort of files it wants to load though17:03
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kanzureall I wanted to be able to do was flip some freaking legos up on the screen without having to categorize lots of STEP files myself17:42
kanzurefenn: did you write your new legos ontology yet?17:43
genehackerare you doing technic?17:54
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r4efd5a6ef902 / (doc/todo/pymates-todo packages/README packages/readme): todo, cleaned up all-caps filenames18:02
kanzurepioneers of industrial espionage: http://www.nbh.hu/english/bmenu94.htm18:11
kanzure"The secret of the mechanism was spread around in continental Europe by Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach, who constructed an identical copy of the English steam engine. Fischer was one of Europe's great master builders. He had learnt the trade from his father, Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach who, being one of the most famous Austrian master builders, was even better known than his son. ":"18:14
katsmeow-afkbuilder or copier?18:14
katsmeow-afkErlach rings a bell, don't remember why18:14
katsmeow-afk"von Erlach, who constructed an identical copy of the English steam engine" <<== copier, not design engineer18:15
kanzuredumpster diving for industrial espionage http://www.xconomy.com/2007/09/19/dumpster-diving-detectives-and-tales-of-industrial-espionage-court-filings-reveal-twists-and-turns-of-irobot-robotic-fx-case/18:19
kanzurefun story:18:23
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any44526899storms tonite18:26
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kanzurebah? http://www.me.utexas.edu/intranet/18:38
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kanzurepassword is "password"?19:52
kanzurethat has some interesting information on it19:54
kanzure"femtosecond laser nanosurgery lab"19:54
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kanzureanother document in that same dir lists requested funds for particular instruments20:05
kanzureit's very high.. for just about everything.20:05
kanzure"The amount requested from NSF for the proposed project is $17,000,000 over a period of20:06
kanzurefive years. The budget is comprised of the following items listed in decreasing order of20:06
kanzureequipment list, year1: 500 watt Nd YAG laser: $110,00020:06
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kanzureinterconnect & packaging research group:20:11
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kanzureM. J. Moran and K. M. Marshek. 1972. Some matrix aspects of generalized dimensional analysis. J. Eng. Math, 6 (3), 291-303. (Also published in: Trans.16th Conf., U.S. Army Mathematicians, ARO-D Rep. 1971-72, U.S. Army Research Office, Durham, North Carolina.)20:19
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kanzure"Study of the biomechanical properties of healthy female breasts."20:36
kanzure" Our objective is to characterize the breast tissue properties relevant to creating a patient-specific digital simulation necessary for computer-assisted intervention in women with breast cancer."20:36
kanzure"    *20:36
kanzureBackground and Significance20:36
kanzureThe breast is a mobile, dynamic structure."20:36
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drazakkanzure: is it fixed?21:52
drazakkanzure: is that a no?22:00
drazakanother implied no22:01
kanzure"In 1998, Biomatics lab moved to Boston. I have set up various machines in George Church's lab in the Genetics dept. of Harvard. There, essentially, all my BiO concepts were established and solidified. I was serving many BiO concepts. Scientifically, it was the time I was moving from structomics to broader biomatics (essentially every aspect of BiO). I started to register a lot of BioXXX domains since I found cheap internet domain registration sites (later Totalnic.com registered domains had a big problems due to the company's dishonest practice, I lost a lot of domains because of that)."22:05
fennkanzure warns me that the above link contains ~21000 lines, beware22:06
fenn"Biomatics was defined by me as the combination of biology, mathematics, informatics, philosophy, and engineering. I wanted to have a field that was broader and deeper than biotechnology and more practical than biosophy."22:07
fennI have set up a server at my BioHouse (the first biohouse in the world: 33 Ashbury Close, Cambridge, CB1 3RW, UK. The biohouse was also called the cockpit of Earth22:11
kanzure"(and some new ones that you are going to create! :-)(and some new ones that you are going to create! :-)"22:13
xp_prgkanzure I love it when you talk opensource man!22:21
kanzurenice "Maya" folder22:22
fennXV00VX or XV0VX22:39
fennfor yahoo crap22:39
fennor something22:39
fennor maybe those are O's and my font sucks22:39
fennhttp://www.get-a-name.com/XV00VX 22:40
kanzurexv0i0vx is another one of his usernames22:43
fennkanzure: you know rauchwerk is associated with harkopen right?23:06
fennum, or maybe not23:09
fennapparently they know of him though23:09
-!- any08397337 is now known as katsmeow23:21

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