
--- Day changed Sun Aug 02 2009
fennkanzure 146-6-213-198 ?00:46
-!- zvader [n=zvader@heckle.icmb.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap01:42
genehackernow who do we have here?01:44
genehackera mol bio?01:45
-!- goonie [n=goonie@neuroblastoma.cs.pdx.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap01:48
genehackerI didn't  know there was an aptamer database01:50
genehackerwonder if there are any for iron or plutonium01:50
-!- ybit [n=ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap02:12
ybitkanzure: you're welcome02:13
* ybit <3 uzbl as well02:13
genehackerglovebox status?02:26
katsmeowinternal pressure, and if the light is on02:27
genehackerlooks like a pic of inside02:28
katsmeowthat just won't do02:28
genehackerhmmm... we got a YAG woo!02:29
katsmeowi had a yagi02:29
genehackerno a YAG as in laser02:29
genehackeryttrium Aluminium garnet02:30
katsmeowoh, yittrium etcetc02:30
genehackernot the antenna or rc airplane02:30
* katsmeow nods02:30
katsmeowi wanted a Cu vapor laser02:30
katsmeowreally needed a small laser to weld wire tips together02:31
genehackerI want a CO2 laser that can make it's own mirrors02:31
genehackertiny wire tips?02:32
genehackerhave you considered using electric current? or a hydrogen flame?02:33
genehackerhydrogen flame probably works best when the wires are gold though...02:33
katsmeowwell, upto butt welds on 16 awg galvanised steel02:33
katsmeowwelds on 22 awg copper-constan or copper-iron02:34
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-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk02:38
flazmoto/ heil hitler o/ juden verboten02:56
flazmotjuden verboten03:02
flazmotmeans JEWS GET OUT03:02
flazmot:) colloquially03:05
katsmeow-afk i know what itmeans03:17
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]04:04
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-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-200-16.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap07:33
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap08:14
El_Matarife http://www.ntcncug.com/index.htm Dallas Fort Worth locals should come out to this today $5 plus a drive, but lots of operational machines, workshops, all kinds of stuff08:18
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-200-16.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has quit ["Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de"]08:28
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE5D3E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:54
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kanzurehave fun10:26
kanzure40 MB/sec10:26
kanzure"Rather, they focus on executing as many trades per second as possible and on turning a small profit (often pennies or fractions of a penny) on each trade. This combination of high speed, massive volume, and razor-thin per-trade profits adds up over the course of a day, week, or year to some very large numbers. "11:07
kanzure"For instance, a stat arb HFT platform might identify a direct correlation between positive news about Steve Jobs' health and increases in the price of AAPL; then the microsecond that the platform receives and processes an in-bound Reuters news packet containing a statement about Jobs' cancer-free status, it would immediately spit out a "buy" order for AAPL on the expectation that Apple stock is about to increase in price once this news becomes more widely known. "11:07
kanzureer, final evaluation of good/bad of a news article is kinda hard to do11:07
kanzuremeganeura dragonflies? keiser11:23
kanzureprothero arthroneura11:25
kanzurejake scocha11:26
kanzurewah-keat lee "advanced photon source", 3rd generation cyncotron11:27
kanzurehuh, insects don't have lungs?11:29
kanzureso with 35% atmospheric oxygen concentration in a chamber, you might be able to grow ridiculously large bugs (given the right genetic meddling)11:32
kanzureoh yay11:33
kanzurePlastic and evolved responses of larval tracheae and mass to varying atmospheric oxygen content in Drosophila melanogaster 11:33
kanzure"We investigated how atmospheric oxygen level affects the dimensions of the main dorsal tracheae (DT) and masses of larval Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen) reared for up to six generations in 10%, 21% or 40% O2 at 25°C. "11:33
kanzure"After multiple generations in differing atmospheres and two further generations in 21% O2, larvae had tracheal diameters inversely related to their historical oxygen exposure, suggesting that atmospheric oxygen can produce heritable changes in insect tracheal morphology."11:34
kanzure"We suggest that any selection experiment in which the selective event is more than instantaneous should explore whether plasticity in the appropriate (adaptive) direction has increased as a component of the response to selection."11:36
drazakkanzure: fix it yet? :P12:19
kanzurefix who now?12:23
kanzurewho are you12:23
drazakfix pyscholar12:23
kanzurewhat's wrong with it exactly?12:24
drazakdrazak@dhcp-84-253:~/pyscholar/other-code$ python pyscholar.py stem cells12:25
kanzuredid you try quoting it?12:26
kanzureit's argument-based12:26
drazaksame thing12:26
kanzurehave you pulled?12:26
kanzure"git pull"12:26
drazakyeah, doing it12:26
drazaksame thing12:27
kanzureok now I remember what I have to do.. wget http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=stem+cells 12:27
kanzureand then move the file into tests/12:27
kanzuregit add it, commit it, and I'll pull from you12:27
kanzureright now it's currently expecting google scholar to show the same thing for logged in users and non-logged-in-users12:27
kanzurewhich is wrong12:28
kanzureso there's something different about the google scholar output 12:29
kanzurethat I need to figure out :/12:29
kanzureit doesn't help that "legos" refers both to the lego standard of interconnecting parts as well as the legos (the parts)12:34
-!- Phreedom [n=freedom@] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]12:54
kanzurehm "mock objects" make sense for unit tests13:30
drazakkanzure: any progress?13:32
drazakkanzure: what school network is adl on?13:33
drazaku of texas?13:34
drazakkanzure: you can set google scholar to only find papers taht university of texas at austin can download13:36
drazakwell aren't those the papers taht adl.serveftp.org can download?13:39
drazakthat might be useful13:39
kanzurethere's a way you can set "filetype:pdf" in your queries13:39
kanzurebut in general, google scholar does not know what subscriptions your university has13:40
drazakif you do both than you'll only get papers that you can actually download13:40
kanzureif I do both what?13:40
drazak"filetype:pdf" and getting the cookie from googlescholar preferences to only search within the u of t at austin subscriptions13:41
kanzuregoogle scholar doesn't do that13:41
drazakyes it does13:41
kanzureshow me :)13:41
drazakgo to google scholar preferences13:41
drazakand then under library links13:42
drazaksearch for university of texas at austin13:42
kanzurethat did nothing13:42
drazakand then check the box for that school, and uncheck the default box13:42
kanzurethey were already checked13:42
kanzurethis doesn't do what you think it does13:43
drazakthen what does it do?13:43
kanzureit just adds a link for catalog location at your local library13:43
kanzureand then you can pull up that link and figure out where it is (physically) on campus13:44
drazakthat sucks13:44
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:53
-!- splicer [n=patrik@h189n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:57
kanzurefenn: shouldn't assertRaises(some_list[some_index_it_doesn't_have], ValueError) work?14:21
kanzure"Clearly, a sub-population that is uninterested in correcting their own cognition-affecting malfunctions, akin to alcoholics who are uninterested in "drying out", are NOT going to achieve any sort of technological augmentation."14:23
ybitkanzure: quote source?14:31
ybitthanks for bio.cc14:31
ybitaren't you and fenn supposed to be in l.a. today?..14:32
fennby one measure14:35
kanzureI have no idea any more.14:35
fennkanzure: assertRaises only accepts callable arguments14:36
fenntry some_list.index14:36
fennor some_list.__getslice__14:37
fenni think getitem is what you want14:37
* ybit wonders if i'm on /ignore 14:37
ybitit's actually smart of you to do that in irc if you want to make some progress and not be bombarded with distractions14:38
ybite.g. "i want to work for the next 2 hours so i will ignore everyone except those who are immediately contributing to the project for the next 2 hours and look at the log afterward"14:39
kanzureybit: you're not on ignore14:39
kanzureybit: the source is fucking bullshit, so I'm not telling you it was steve richfield14:40
kanzurewhat is a callable argument?14:41
kanzureor, how would I pass arguments to my callable?14:41
kanzureassertRaises(some_list.index, ValueError, my_index_here?)14:41
kanzurefor some reason list objects in python do not have a "contains" method (wtf)14:41
ybitah found the quote.14:42
* ybit wonders why a quoted search in groups.google.com didn't show anything14:42
kanzurethe steve richfield quote was from a mailing list not on groups.google.com14:43
kanzurebut since I just forwarded my response, and my response quoted him saying that, maybe it would be in the search results14:43
kanzurebut I would be surprised if google is that quick to parse incoming email and throw into their search inde14:43
kanzure*throw it14:43
ybiti've been surprised before how quick they were to index messages14:44
kanzure*something vageuly sounding like an english explanation that other people can understand14:44
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []14:47
kanzuregit clone git://repo.or.cz/org-mode.git14:47
ybitspeaking of cognitive enhancement, who here uses amphetamines?14:51
* ybit is considering switching to adderall until i can find a doc to prescribe me modafinil14:51
kanzureI am most definitely not on amphetamines.14:54
ybitgrr, sometimes difficult to differentiate sarcasm on irc14:55
kanzuremaybe the large collection of "how to synthesize amphetamines" papers on the servers would be a suitable hint?14:56
* ybit misses modafinil14:58
* ybit considers setting up mumber for #hplusroadmap15:00
ybitis that a "what?" "why?" "how?" "when?"15:03
kanzurehm. jong owns webdrug.org15:03
kanzureand supertext.org15:04
kanzuresubio.org is a neat domain name15:04
ybitheath.im is lame15:07
flazmotmodafinil is five times more expensive per dose than ritalin15:23
flazmothappy 4:20 on the eastern seaboard15:24
fenni wonder what these lego gears were modeled in http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=347113515:58
fennthere's this .ldr file but does ldraw really work so well? http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/jovel/Techball/techball99.ldr16:00
kanzurefenn: seems to work fine to me16:03
-!- Ian_Daniher [n=it@] has quit ["leaving"]17:10
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-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:32
kanzuremaking mock classes for unit tests is nifty17:44
kanzureare there any other tricks that I have been missing out on?17:44
kanzurehah! someone planted a fake ATM at defcon :)17:57
kanzureunit tests for classes that have to manipulate numbers are easy.. but anything else seems kind of confusing to me.18:36
kanzurei.e. some of the code seems to be nondeterministic18:37
kanzureer.. does that make sense?18:37
kanzurefenn: the article was about the differences between a true unit test and an "integration test"18:38
kanzure".. in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing and before system testing."18:40
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 23 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 23 normal]18:50
kanzurean Assembly can be saved as a package19:00
kanzurea package is not a part19:00
kanzurea part does not have the data that template.yaml and data.yaml contain19:00
kanzureAssembly, however, would19:01
kanzureclass Package and class Assembly might be the same thing (I dunno)19:01
kanzurebut for the sake of the namespace,19:01
kanzurethere is a difference between a "package" and an Assembly19:02
kanzurea "package" is what you have downloaded and installed19:02
kanzuresadly we have "class Package" in the codebase right now too which kind of meddles with things19:02
kanzureso in the codebase, it should be called an Assembly19:02
fenn' a part does not have the data that template.yaml and data.yaml contain' is wrong19:03
kanzurethe unit tests for Assembly would then check to make sure that it can export a valid package I guess? so maybe we should write some tools that test whether or not a package is valid (or something- like in screw.py and lego.py to test whether or not the data in data.yaml is sane given template.yaml and the checks in the Lego class itself)19:04
fennpart instances get their attribute data from data.yaml19:04
kanzureso what19:04
kanzurethe class itself doesn't..19:04
kanzureyeah exactly19:04
kanzurea part in a package is not a part instance19:05
fennyes it is19:05
fennonce it gets loaded19:05
kanzureonly once it gets loaded.19:05
kanzureyou're not going to load up every possible part instance via attribute data in data.yaml every time you want to play with an Assembly19:06
fennyou want to copy the screw from the screws package into your custom thingy package data?19:09
fennor use a pointer?19:09
fennor what?19:09
kanzureyeah your assembly should let you try out different possible solutions for which part instances can be used, sure19:10
fennthat wasn't answering my question19:10
fenni'm wondering what you mean by "load up every possible part instance"19:11
kanzuredata.yaml contains different data for different instances of the part19:11
kanzurebig-scary-screw, little-joyful-screw19:11
kanzureer.. maybe thread properties would have been better than anthrophomorphizing19:12
fennsnow white and the seven screws19:12
kanzureis the english system screw the one called "grumpy"?19:12
fennthey're all called "screwy"19:13
fennok enough of that19:13
fenni dont really see what this has to do with assemblies19:14
kanzuredid you read skdb/doc/proposals/assemblies.txt ?19:14
fennPackage.add(myAssembly); Package.add(myPart) ought to work19:14
kanzurewhy would a package have multiple assemblies?19:15
kanzureer, why would a package have more than one assembly19:15
fennsocket set for example19:15
kanzuredifferent sockets are catalouged in data.yaml19:15
kanzure(er, I actually don't know enough about socket sets to say that)19:15
fennshouldnt an assembly just be a list of Mate or Connection objects?19:16
kanzurewhy did I want skdb.Package to not be the same thing as a package?19:18
fennmates or assemblies*19:18
kanzurethis is all based off of me wanting to separate a "package" from a "package" or something silly like that19:18
fennyou had an internal namespace conflict19:19
kanzureit's not internal19:19
kanzureit's external I thought?19:19
kanzurethere's a Package class in skdb19:19
kanzurebut it doesn't really do what a package is19:19
fennit doesnt do anything19:19
kanzurea package most certainly does do something19:19
fennPackage doesn't do anything (yet)19:19
kanzureok, so I guess we can say a package is an assembly, a package can have a package in it (or an assembly, or just a part)19:20
fennpackage in package is stupid19:20
fenna package is not an assembly19:20
kanzurewhy is not an assembly?19:20
fenna package is some code that holds these other objects19:21
fenncode or files or whatever you want to call it19:21
fennan assembly is a specific geometric relationship of parts, possibly with some other processes applied beyond just positioning19:22
fennlike welding or torquing or whatever19:22
fennso is a frog an assembly?19:23
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE5D3E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]19:23
kanzureno, a frog is a material19:24
kanzurea peculiar polymerization process19:24
fennyou could say the same thing about legos19:24
kanzurelegos are polymerized only once in their lifetime19:24
fennwhat about when you assemble them19:25
kanzurethat's requiring an assembler-agent-dealy19:25
kanzurethat has nothing to do with the legos being able to self-assemble (they can't)19:25
fennok what about a lego assemblign robot19:25
kanzurewhat about it19:25
fennis it a polymerization process resulting in a material?19:25
kanzureno, it just picks up legos19:25
fennand assembles them19:25
kanzureand applies some technique19:25
fennhow is this different from an enzyme?19:26
kanzurethe robot doesn't depend on legos19:26
kanzureis this philosophy yet?19:26
fennsorry i forgot to mention the robot was made from legos19:27
fenn(lego assembling) robot vs lego (assembling robot)19:27
fennlife is machinery19:28
kanzureyes but that doesn't mean it fits into our pathetic model19:29
kanzurehuman engineering artifacts are different19:29
fennthe difference between an enzyme and some random conglomerations of amino acids is that you can classify an amino acid, and it has source code19:29
fennerm, s/amino acid/enzyme/19:29
fenni dont think it's that different19:30
fennthey have  moving parts and specific functionalities (sometimes more than one)19:30
fennbut you can use any tool as a hammer19:30
fennok enough philosophy19:31
kanzurebtw for the record I do actually agree that a frog is an assembly19:31
kanzurebut that doesn't mean that the assembly class works for a frog yet19:31
fennone way to resolve this semantic dilemma is to realize that "assembly" or "weldment" is really just some sort of linguistic form of referring to the result of a technique19:31
fennfor i in taxonomy.walk(): i.append("age"); print i19:33
fennsomething like that19:33
fennis a soldered PCB typically referred to as an assembly?19:36
kanzureit's an assembled pcb :p19:36
fennlooks like "PCB assembly" is used quite often but refers to the technique of assembling them19:37
fenngod don't we have something better than english yet?19:37
kanzurewhy is template.yaml not in metadata.yaml?19:39
fennit should be19:39
fennwe need a metadata.yaml generator script19:40
fenntoo bad yaml doesn't have an include function19:41
kanzuredid you come up with your fixed legos lego part ontology yet?19:42
fennpart ontology?19:42
fennlist of possible interface types?19:42
kanzuresomething about "peg" and "hole" not really describing wtf is going on19:42
genehackerlego assembly bot?19:47
genehackerI've got some ideas for that19:47
fennoh, you and your ideas.19:50
kanzureI wonder if mplayer has a -vo:lego mode20:24
kanzureit's a linux media player21:04
fenn'host of Top Gear to build full size house out of Lego, including flushable toilet and electricity'21:06
kanzureI wouldn't mind treating boxes that I have ssh access to as part of my 'cloud', but that's about as far as I'm willing to go21:07
kanzuredoes legos do 220V?21:07
kanzuredoes lego do 220V?21:07
fennheh (paraphrased) "please remember to bring your donated bricks, but we must use new and undamaged bricks for maximum strength"21:10
fennwow " 21:12
fennIndia plans to issue unique numbers and biometric ID cards to every one of its 1.2 billion citizens, many of whom have no documented proof of existence."21:12
kanzureer, the document I mean21:15
kanzureI'm so confused21:15
drazaktomorrow is gonna be boring as hell21:15
fennheh india has a problem with illegal immigrants21:17
kanzuremachines in my /etc/hosts file: pikachu, davinci, leibniz, minsky, heckle, and 'biowebhost' (ugh).21:17
kanzureer who wants to immigrate to india?21:17
xp_prgfenn it does?21:17
fennaccording to the new york times :\21:17
kanzureI'm special, the nyt says so21:18
kanzuredo I get a cookie now?21:18
fennfresh out of cookies21:18
kanzurehuh, so this whole yaml deal is pretty nice.. wrapping some common skdb calls into a shell utility is made drastically more eay because now it's just a matter of piping yaml to individual utilities (or paths, or something)21:20
kanzureinstead of forcing the user to have to use a python interpreter, I mean21:20
kanzure(which wouldn't be the end of the world anyway, but it's still not a anice thing to do )21:20
kanzure*a nice21:20
fennanyone know what is happening in this picture? http://www.timesonline.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00594/army_motorbike_594655a.jpg21:21
kanzurein-flight tire rotation comes standard in the U.S. army, fenn21:22
fennchinese army actually21:23
kanzurehttp://it.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1323291&cid=28920603 21:23
kanzure"I think the real fail was the cops hauling the machine away without asking for help from the Defcon attendees. Sort of like a guy having a heart attack at a cardiologists convention and the cops keeping everybody back until an ambulance can arrive and take him to a hospital.21:23
kanzure"The true FAIL was the Defcon attendees failing to spot and realize that the cops hauling the machines away were fake, and the ATM was real."21:24
flazmotlol what21:28
kanzurefake ATM at defcon21:29
drazakkanzure: that's ok, apparently my uncle was at some conference and like 3/4's of the people were surgeons21:29
drazakand someone collapsed21:29
drazakand they all freaked out21:29
fennOMG BLOOD21:29
kanzuresurgeons don't deal with collapsing patients21:29
drazakthey were like21:29
kanzuresurgeons are interesting people because they always are in control in their surgical bay21:30
kanzurethe patient is knocked out, they have the team that they want, all of their special instruments, whatever21:30
kanzurewell I guess they just suck if they went all omgwtfbbq21:31
drazakwell most of them were plastic surgeons21:32
flazmoti knew about the fake atm21:33
fennhow is this thing supposed to get the PIN? http://web.inter.nl.net/users/p.c.wiegmans/skimapparaat/index.html21:34
drazaktouch screen21:35
fennoh i see there's a camera21:36
fennwow i didnt even notice that little black dot21:36
kanzureis there a way to make boredom take effort?21:36
kanzure"Center for the Study of Boredom"21:38
kanzureis located in Allen, Texas21:38
kanzure"All “cultural advance” derives from the need to withstand boredom;" meh http://www.boredominterest.net/boredomcenter.html21:46
* kanzure needs more neuroscience21:46
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]21:46
kanzure"The earliest appearance of yawning was observed in a 15-week-old embryo (De Vries, Visser, &21:49
kanzurePrechtl, 1983). 21:49
kanzure"Boredom induces drowsiness by stimulating the sleep generating system through the interconnection of the prefrontal area and the limbic system with the serotoninergic raphe pontine nuclei and the ascendant activatory reticular system (AARS). When boredom is associated with fatigue, the latter potentiates the drowsiness-inducing effect (Suganami, 1977)."21:51
fennthat's probably the most gobbeldygooky sentence i've seen yet21:52
-!- fenn changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: serotoninergic raphe pontine nuclei and the ascendant activatory reticular system21:52
kanzure"                                                                                           Thus,21:52
kanzureboredom, drowsiness, and fatigue lead to hypoxia, reduced metabolic rate, and increased secretion of21:52
kanzurehypnogenic derivatives.21:52
kanzuremaybe they were bored while writing it21:52
kanzure"reticular neuronal yawning complex". so there's a yawning region of the brain. heh.21:53
fenn"join the military" is listed as something people do when they're bored?21:54
fenn"get a crush on a political candidate"21:54
flazmotbut not drug abuse21:54
fennit only says "smoke marijuana" nothing about drug abuse21:54
fenni wonder if this list is in decreasing order of frequency21:55
fenn"For some of us, boredom busters can entail engaging in much darker, harsher, destructive behaviors, including a broad range of sadistic and masochistic activities engaged in for the shock, pain, and suffering that such behaviors effect in others and in ourselves."21:56
fennthen they go on to say the kkk and nazi's are a product of boredom?21:56
fennoo "designer kidnappings"21:57
fennthat's what i want to do when i grow up21:57
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:59
kanzure"during coma, yawning predicts the approach of wakefulness"22:02
kanzure(cite (Braunwald et al., 1987).)22:02
genehackerhahaha defcon lol22:05
fennrobert anton wilson was totally obsessed with this idea of "hedonics" which is the science of anti-boredom22:06
genehackeryeah about hedonics...22:06
genehackermore like business22:07
fennhow is it i keep ending up at superhappiness.com?22:07
genehackerit's a memetic hazard22:08
fennthere's a very specific set of ideas there22:08
genehackeryay for singing software22:10
fenndid you just discover Hatsune Miku?22:10
genehackerI'm listen to some quite good Hatsune22:11
flazmotgene hacker are you a bio punk22:11
genehackerare you a mol bio person?22:12
genehackerno flazmot22:12
genehackeryour IP22:12
* kanzure frowns because he's not much of a person22:12
flazmotno i don t have any equipment for that22:12
drazakfenn: have you read Illuminatus!?22:13
genehackerit was at utexas the other day22:13
fenndrazak: nup22:13
genehackerI'm at utexas22:13
fenndrazak: i've read schrodinger's cat and prometheus rising22:13
genehackerbut I'm not a biopunk yet...22:13
drazakI ahven't read those yet22:13
fennsomehow i dont think they're his best work22:13
genehackerbut I want to be the architect of biohacking22:13
drazakfenn: Illuminatus! is very good22:14
drazakextremely good22:14
fennprometheus rising is notable for his discussion of imprinting22:14
fennwhich i havent heard of anywhere else22:14
genehackerI want to build a DNA synthesizer that anyone could make22:14
drazakthe appendix of Illuminatus! is awesome22:14
genehackerhowever, I haven't found a way to make the reagents for gene synthesis so that is on hold22:15
drazakgenehacker: I'd come up with a new method :P22:15
genehackerif you know o-chem22:15
genehackeryou can help me22:15
genehackeroh flazmot you didn't have an utexas ip22:16
genehackerit was zvader22:16
genehackerso drazak what is your method22:16
drazakno idea, I'm justsaying you should22:16
genehackerTELL ME THAT METHOD22:17
kanzureyou should write a text file with a list of all DNA synthesis techniques that you know of, genehacker 22:17
kanzureand you could even commit it to skdb if you want22:17
genehackerI know of 222:17
genehackerhow do I do that22:17
kanzureare you on ubuntu right now?22:18
drazakkanzure: what's skdb?22:18
kanzuredrazak: apt-get but for hardware22:18
kanzureheh apparently dogs catch human yawns22:18
fennwhat's the transmission rate of a yawn?22:19
fennpercentage, m/s, etc22:19
genehackerprobably 20 khz22:19
kanzuredunno but I've been yawning over here like crazy trying to see if my psychic link to fenn is working22:19
kanzureI don't think it is22:19
kanzuregenehacker: you open up a text editor and you start typing22:20
kanzureif you're on ubuntu, I could give you some more detailed instructions22:20
genehackerok here's the deal22:20
genehackerI need to get the encryption key to my home network22:20
kanzurewhat encryption key?22:21
fennhuh. scrolling through wp's "list of vegans" i see George Church22:22
genehackerhe's a vegan?22:22
genehackerhe does bioresearch22:22
drazakthere's like 2 vegans on the floor of my lab22:23
drazaklike WHAT THE FUCK22:23
drazakAND RATS22:23
drazakAND MICE22:23
drazakAND GUINEA  PIGS22:23
drazakAND GOATS22:23
genehackerdo you know how many salmon died for that synthetic DNA?22:23
genehackermaybe they're trying to compensate22:23
drazakI don't fucking know man22:23
drazakbut ti freaks me out22:24
QuantumGveganism is a religion.. it requires no rationalization22:24
fennhah "church's chicken founder George Church"22:24
kanzureis that the same George Church?22:24
fenn"after seeing what goes into the chicken i decided to stop eating it" (kidding)22:24
genehackerwatch out if you see any suspicious packages22:24
genehackerchurch's synthetic chicken?22:25
genehackeror people running away with cages...22:25
kanzureyeah it runs around without a head laying golden eggs of fossil fuels22:25
genehackeryou heard of bacterial gold mining?22:27
genehackerusing bacteria to mine gold22:27
fennusing quantum sea cucumbers to find the lost philosopher's stone?22:28
drazakdidn't I talk about doing that in here?22:28
drazaklike 18 months ago?22:28
drazakman what the fuck22:28
genehackerI heard about it years ago22:28
drazakthey steal all my ideas22:28
fenndrazak: it's a recurrent theme, don't feel bad22:28
genehackerdon't worry it could be worse22:28
drazakI wanted to do  it with platinum22:28
genehackerwe could be stuck in an endless recursion of time22:28
fennthe forever now22:29
genehackeran endless august22:29
fenntexas summer22:29
fenn"it's always summer in texas" after all22:29
drazakit's fucking august22:29
genehackergood you haven't seen it22:29
ybithttp://yb.it is available22:31
kanzureinteresting, there's a study where they showed a positive correlation between particular eye movement / fixation patterns and successful solving of a diagram-represented problem.22:32
drazakI never look at diagrams the same way as other people22:33
kanzureupside down?22:33
drazakwell, like22:33
drazakI'll look at something22:33
drazakthen close my eyes and remember it, to think about solving it22:33
ybit22:11  * kanzure frowns because he's not much of a person22:35
* ybit is confused by that statement22:36
fennkanzure is mostly just a humanoid interface to the data integration entity22:36
QuantumGyou're all bots22:36
fennnuh uh.. you're the bot22:36
kanzureI'm not.22:37
* kanzure plots your demise22:37
fennwho's a widdle botty wotty22:37
genehackerI'm human I swear22:39
drazakI almost married a human22:40
fennwas she an axe murderer as well?22:41
drazakdo any of you like Gary Numan?22:42
kanzureWearable pupil position detection system utilizing dye-sensitized photovoltaic devices22:43
fennwhat's wrong with IR cameras?22:44
genehackeris that a paper or a proposal22:45
fennhuh. WP sez gary numan has asperger's syndrome22:45
genehackerhe's one of us22:45
drazakI think I knew he was an aspie22:46
fennwhy do you think that?22:47
kanzurefenn: they are in your way22:48
QuantumGbuilding a wall... excitement22:49
fennOMG a wall! they should hire marcin jakubowsky22:49
QuantumGfamous wall builder?22:50
fenner, sort of22:50
kanzurebasically it works like a solar cell except with the light reflected from the white of the eyes22:50
fennQuantumG: physics PhD turned brickmaker22:50
kanzureif marcin doesn't get his act together he will be forever known for wall building22:50
drazakfenn: because I'd read his WP22:50
fennwhat's dye-sensitized supposed to mean?22:50
fennand how do they not get in your way any more than a camera?22:51
kanzurefenn: it's a photo-voltaic device that responds to a particular wavelength of light (due to the dye)22:51
kanzurethey are transparent22:51
QuantumGfenn: he should take some pictures of this brick laying, at least then it wouldn't be as debatable as his phd.22:51
fennhow does it create an image? (no focusing)22:51
kanzurewhat image? :)22:51
fennQuantumG: look at openfarmtech.org22:51
kanzurefenn: this only tracks pupil movement22:52
kanzureer, pupil position22:52
kanzurebut movement can be extracted from that information22:52
genehackerso kanzure it can figure out what your looking at?22:52
genehackercan it be built into glasses?22:52
kanzurebut no, it doesn't figure out what you're looking at22:52
fennQuantumG: i thought the dpf would just emit some x-rays22:52
fenndoes it really need all that shielding?22:53
kanzureit would be fun to make a device that repositions your head when you move your eyes away from some target22:53
QuantumGthey expect to do fusion.. and although its very "clean" and not very "hot" it's still radioactive.22:53
kanzurehere's the paper: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/Wearable%20pupil%20position%20detection%20system%20utilizing%20dye-sensitized%20photovoltaic%20devices.pdf22:54
fennlike a chicken?22:54
genehackeroh yeah22:54
kanzureno, I think a chicken can look at other things while keeping its neck in alignment22:55
kanzurenot sure though22:55
fenni always wanted to do that but with LCD's on a car windshield to block out just the sun22:56
fennbig fat 1" pixels22:56
kanzureheh it would be absolutely evil to do a DMD/HUD display of neuronal activity in V1 on these wearable glasses that had these detectors.. such that you're doing immediate feedback from V1 back to the eyes and then back to V122:57
kanzureis that sufficiently evil?22:57
fennbah. you read that in 'mister volition'22:57
kanzureI read about it in neverness22:57
fennhm. which came out first?22:57
kanzureI didn't actually read mister volition .. only the first few pages, until it started to suck.22:57
kanzureneverness was 8822:57
fennok that was probably first22:58
kanzurezindell stole ideas from everywhere though22:58
kanzuregoogle is showing "Friends: " strings for facebook results22:59
kanzure"So-and-so. Chicago IL - Friends: Alex Wade, Heather Geissinger, Mitch Kenoe, Mike Mocchi"22:59
fenncan i reverse the friend hash?22:59
fennfriendof: alex wade, heather geissinger, mitch keno22:59
kanzuresorry, facebook is here to make your life miserable23:00
kanzureyou would have to manually scrape that data23:00
kanzureand the new ajax bullshit makes that even more annoying23:00
fennkanzure: i dont think you have to put the camera directly in line of sight23:01
fennit would never be perfectly lined up anyway23:01
kanzurewhat camera?23:01
fennan IR camera for eye tracking23:02
kanzureit would be interesting to see if there are common scanpaths for common activities23:06
kanzureso somebody did that, but also added brief flashing red dots to where the eyes were supposed to go next for 'desired scanpaths'23:07
fenndid people solve the problem faster/better?23:08
* kanzure reads23:08
kanzurenot sure they were doing problem solving23:08
fennseems to be borken23:12
fennnot sure; it just never finishes loading23:13
kanzuretry now?23:13
kanzureit never finishes uploading.23:13
* kanzure waits for scp to decide that 100% means 100%23:13
kanzurethere you go23:13
kanzure"Noton and Stark's scanpath theory of 1971 predicts that a subject scans a new stimulis during the first exposure and stores the sequence of fixations in memory as a spatial model, so that a scanpath is established. When the subject is re-exposed to that stimulus, the first few eye movements tend to follow the same scanpath established during the initial viewing of the stimulis, which facilitates stimulis recognition."23:22
fennthe image compression is neat23:22
fenn'ignore anything not interesting'23:22
QuantumGso, how that shit been actually experimentally tested?23:25
kanzureit would be interesting to be blind to boring-stuff23:25
QuantumGhow has23:25
kanzureQuantumG: did you look at the paper?23:25
kanzurethe monocular wearable seems like a test to me23:25
kanzurethat paper actually has some pretty good data23:26
kanzurethey bothered to track eye movements and cluster them and everything :p23:26
kanzureso apparently scanpaths are a simple markov model23:27
fennyou have to know where to move next23:28
fennyou dont just know that, it's guided by clues from your peripheral vision23:28
fennit happens continuously, not all at once, i mean23:29
kanzurehow does that 'naw' me23:29
kanzureanyway, it would be useful to integrate a programming environment with the subliminal scanpath setups23:30
kanzurefor instance, new error messages that you might miss on the screen23:30
fennhow is this different from just a blinking light?23:34
QuantumGits more annoying because it is subliminal23:35
fennthe markov model stuff all assumes a discrete set of choices, but your eye position is not discrete (it's continuous, for lack of a better word)23:35
fennQuantumG: it might actually be less annoying23:35
QuantumGI wonder if you could use it to make easy Sudoku puzzles hard for experts23:35
QuantumGI imagine many people giving up Sudoku in disgust23:36
QuantumG"I used to be good at it, then I started playing on this new website and now I suck at even the simplest games.. even when I went back to pen and paper!"23:37
QuantumGdeprogramming their scanning skills23:37
fenndoes the website have blinky banner ads or something?23:37
QuantumGno.. it uses the subliminal red dots to direct their scanpath to unproductive strategies23:38
fenn"i bet you cant beat me at this sudoku game"?23:39
fennif $ip == competitor: insert_red_dots_of_doom()23:40
fenni've been stuck on ways to integrate multispectral data into regular field of view without occluding normal colors23:41
kanzureQuantumG: scanpaths in sodoku would be a good test. but the point of the paper was that individuals have their own (learned (plastic)) scanpaths, so these can be either elaborated, used, or done away with.23:41
fenni thought if i could blink colors at a certain rate it would actually look like a different color, like octarine or something23:41
fenn"done away with" sounds sufficiently evil23:42
-!- Overand is now known as Andover198123:42
-!- Andover1981 is now known as Overand23:42
kanzure"switched to something else" is what I meant to say23:42
QuantumGya, for example, making it so you can't even recognize a picture of your own mother23:43
kanzurewho said I can recognize a picture of my own mother?23:43
fennmaybe you could if your software made you do it the same way each time23:43
QuantumGfenn did23:43
QuantumGkill him!23:43
fenndo away with him!23:44
kanzurewhere did I pick up that phrase anyway?23:44
kanzuresomething british?23:44
fennprobably the justice league23:44
kanzurespiderman unlimited maybe23:44
ybitflazmot: you had mentioned partaking of mary-j to alter your mood. what types do you use for different situations? i've experience several different highs, so i'm curious which you prefer23:52
fennheh "Only one of approximately 15 recently published college-level introductory psychology textbooks has referenced ‘boredom,’ and that one textbook referenced _my_ 1983-published book on boredom."23:53
kanzureoh so here's why template.yaml wasn't in metadata.yaml - the "!lego" tag being in metadata.yaml would totally fuck everything up23:57
kanzurenot to mention the !Peg and !Hole tags23:57
fennbut what if those are standard interfaces instead? like screw-thread or something23:59
kanzurehm maybe I'll add an attribute/field that lists "provided tags that this package provides"23:59

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