
--- Day changed Mon Aug 03 2009
fennyes that sounds useful00:00
kanzureand then write a method that makes yaml be ok with certain tags not corresponding to classes it knows about00:00
fennor better yet ignore them00:00
kanzuremaybe exception handling?00:00
fennif that works00:00
kanzuredoesn't yaml throw an exception upon coming across a foreign tag?00:00
fenni dont think you can get that much info about an exception at runtime00:00
fennyes but how do you know it's in your list of expected missing tags00:01
kanzurehm there's probably no way to force yaml to continue00:01
fennyeah better to just make a dummy object00:02
fennmetadata lists the classes used for this package; maybe it could list tags too00:03
fennthat's sort of what i meant anyway00:04
fennwith the classes field00:04
kanzureyes but I was originally thinking about moving template.yaml into metadata.yaml00:04
fenn'these are the classes you need in order to parse data.yaml'00:04
kanzuremoving template.yaml into metadata.yaml will not work (unless I can do some fancy yaml exception handling)00:04
fennoh well00:05
fennskdb.load(foo) should just make dummy objects with the corresponding tags then00:06
kanzurehow would it do that if yaml crashes before you can figure out what the tags are00:06
fennif you want to look at template.yaml without loading the python classes00:06
fenntemplate.yaml still a separate file00:06
fennso you do that between files00:06
fennmaybe the document separator '---' could be used, but i still don't really know how that works00:07
kanzureI get it, but what do you mean by "between files"00:07
fennload metadata.yaml; do stuff(); load template.yaml00:07
kanzureyou have any idea where ConstructorError is defined?00:08
kanzurethere's yaml.YAMLError but nothing else really00:08
fennyou shouldnt get any error00:08
kanzureaha, yaml.constructor.ConstructorError00:08
kanzurewhen I do a "try, except:" how do I get the "this" or "self" in the exception code block?00:10
kanzureexcept SomeError, myvar:00:10
fennhah http://lesswrong.com/lw/xr/in_praise_of_boredom/ came up when searching for scifi stories about aliens without a sense of boredom00:11
kanzureit's almost a holiday tradition for singularitarians to discuss overlord ai that attempt to please all of our senses00:11
kanzureand boredom into infinity-future-doubleplus-bad scenarios00:12
kanzure"expected paperclip maximizer" sigh00:12
QuantumGyou don't need aliens.. you can talk to people without a sense of boredom.. go ask your grandparents if they were ever bored growing up.00:13
fennthey were too busy getting chased by wooly mammoths to get bored00:13
kanzuretry: yaml.load("hah: !blah")00:13
fennor was it the other way around00:13
kanzureexcept yaml.constructor.ConstructorError, vroom:00:13
kanzureprint vroom.problem_mark00:13
kanzureor print vroom.problem00:13
kanzurefrom now on I vow to name all of my variables after official NASCAR sounds00:14
kanzureincluding the classic 'kaboom'00:15
fennwhere did you get 'problem' from?00:15
kanzurefound it through the all knowing power of bpython00:16
fennweird that it shows up in dir() but not help()00:16
kanzuresomeone needs to beat the bpython developers with a baseball bat over the head (hell, through the head)00:17
kanzurescrolling should be implemented by now00:17
kanzureneat. so, to figure out if the problem is what you think it is,00:18
kanzurewhich should return "!" if it's a tag error00:19
kanzureand prepend : to the ] if you want to get the tag name00:19
fenntag could have data after it00:19
fennfoo: !tag bar00:19
kanzureare spaces and newlines and EOF the only way to terminate a tag name?00:20
fennnothing a regex couldnt fix00:20
fenni think so00:20
kanzurewhat about special characters?00:20
kanzureyaml should ignore those anyway00:20
kanzurenot sure if that's in the error or not00:20
kanzureok it's in the error00:21
kanzureI wonder if this is the only type of ConstructorError00:23
kanzureif so, you could just regex vroom.problem (not vroom.problem_context)00:23
kanzurewhich looks like this: "could not determine a constructor for the tag '!bar'"00:24
fennthere's another tricky yaml thing i've been too scared to use yet, called 'implicit path resolver'00:24
kanzurewhat does it do?00:25
fennbasically if the mapping value (foo in the above example) has a certain string like 'foo' then parse it as this sort of object00:25
kanzureI thought you did that with the dice example?00:25
fennbut it's not even in the pyyaml docs and may not exist elsewhere besides pyyaml00:25
fennthat's just a regular old implicit resolver00:25
kanzureso you do typing based off of key name?00:26
kanzurehow is that different from __setvalue__()?00:26
fennyou mean __setstate__ ?00:27
fennsetstate lets you do anything, pretty much00:28
fennoh wait00:28
fennsetstate is a method of the class00:28
fennthat doesnt work so well if you dont know what type to parse the data as00:28
kanzurewell that was a pointless exercise (since document separators are probably a better idea)00:31
kanzureheh from SA today, some goon doctor decided to cut open a poison ivy rash and pour rubbing alochol into it00:38
kanzureand now can't stop puking, vomiting, can't hold down any water, is dehydrated and apparently decided to go outside in a blacksuit for a few hours (he's a funeral minister or something)00:38
fennyay open sores medicine00:40
fenni hereby claim trademark on the phrase 'open sores medicine' - infringement punishable by death00:41
kanzurequick, register opensores.org, biosores.org, bioopensores.org, sorebioopen.org, ..00:42
kanzurewhat else are you going to do with millions and millions of dollars in funding?00:42
kanzureheh "square peg in a round hole" http://www.inventgeek.com/Projects/BreadBox/Overview.aspx00:47
fennwow the internet really has thought of it all before00:49
fennwait a minute, that was jon cline i was talking to about this00:49
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:50
kanzurewho is the author of this page?00:50
kanzure"jared buock"00:50
fennkanzure: how did you come across this link?00:51
kanzurefenn: jonathan cline00:52
kanzureemail to diybio00:52
fennright now i see it00:53
fennjared bouck sure gets up to a lot of good00:57
fennpaintball turret with wireless heads up display00:57
kanzurei want that mounted on the apartment door by tomorrow morning00:58
fenni think everything on that site is the same author00:58
fennhehe 'stealth server' http://www.inventgeek.com/Projects/ProjectSilver/Overview.aspx01:05
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r0a9556696a9a / (core/skdb.py core/threads.py doc/todo/pymates-todo): worked on the Package class- not quite done with basic package loader.01:12
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CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rbd27d76de79b /core/skdb.py: python source file will not be immediately loaded (also, path+.py is not sufficient)06:44
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ybitecho %TERM09:32
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r2da169d1173e /core/ (settings.py skdb.py): settings.py created, has some paths and hacks for paths for hackers09:35
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r6089db52e9c4 /core/skdb.py: worked on metadata loader for packages09:35
kanzurefenn: maybe you should put some todo notes in skdb/doc/todo/09:42
kanzurefenn: I'm trying to say "def __init__(stuff): self = self.yaml_loader_method_here(blah)" but that doesn't seem to work09:49
kanzureany ideas?09:49
kanzurenevermind, I did a workaround09:53
kanzurewas hoping that I could say lego = Package("lego") and have it load whatever "lego" package might exist, and if there's not one, then carry about its business09:53
kanzuredummy tags10:27
kanzureyou suck10:28
kanzure%TAG ! tag:clarkevans.com,2002:10:29
kanzureyaml.load("%TAG ! wee\n--- !blah")10:32
kanzureyaml.load("%TAG ! wee:\n--- !blah")10:32
kanzureConstructorError: could not determine a constructor for the tag 'globalblah'10:33
kanzurefor yaml.load("%TAG ! global\n--- !blah")10:34
fennmine says could not determine a constructor for the tag 'wee:blah'10:34
fennanyway you're doing it wrong10:34
kanzureif you had a colon after wee then that's why it says wee:blah10:34
kanzurebasically it's a way of saying "load it up into this object"10:36
kanzureso in this case we'd have a global class "wee"10:36
kanzureand then we'd tell wee to always hasattr() for "blah" or something10:36
kanzurefor any "blah" I mean10:36
kanzureyaml.load("%TAG !yaml! tag:\n--- !yaml!blah2")10:37
kanzurethen it says "could not determine a constructor for the tag 'tag:blah2'"10:37
kanzurethat's a really bad hack though10:38
fennwhat's a bad hack?10:39
kanzuremaking a class that always says "yes I have that attribute"10:40
fennis that possible?10:40
kanzureclass test: def __hasattr__(self,attr): ..10:40
fennhasattr isnt a method10:40
kanzuredoes hasattr() access __getattribute__ ?10:41
fennyou can overload hasattr but i think that would break the rest of the program10:41
kanzurehelp() says hasattr calls getattr10:41
kanzureso I suspect __getattribute__ may be the way to go10:41
* kanzure tests10:41
fennwait a minute, how does this fix the yaml tag issue?10:42
kanzureguess it would still fudge up the file10:44
fennclass dummy(): pass10:46
fennyaml.load('foo: !!python/object:__main__.dummy \n stuff: 1234')10:46
fenn{'foo': <__main__.dummy instance at 0x98cd04c>}10:47
fennwhen i do foo.stuff why do i get AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'stuff'10:49
fennit's not a dict as far as i can see10:49
kanzureit needs to be able to init the object10:49
kanzureyaml needs to be able to init the object, I mean10:49
fennfoo.__init__() seems to work10:50
kanzurehow about foo() ?10:50
fennsomehow yaml manages to extract the stuff attr when i do yaml.dump(foo)10:50
fennfoo = yaml.load('foo: ...10:50
fennnot a class10:50
fenndummy is the class10:51
fennoh heh10:51
fennit's a dict with 'foo':dummy()10:51
kanzuredid you forget how yaml.load() works again?10:52
fenni guess i didnt need the foo: in the yaml.load line10:52
kanzurewhat about: !!python/object/new:module.Class10:56
kanzureclass Fake(yaml.YAMLObject): yaml_tag="!fake" @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, loader, node) ..11:05
kanzurethe test: yaml.load("blah: !fake test\n---\nhello: !test")11:06
kanzurehow is "class dummy_supertest(yaml.YAMLObject):" invalid syntax?11:10
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-121-73.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]11:10
kanzureyaml.add_multi_constructor('!', your_constructor_function)11:10
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kanzureyaml.add_multi_constructor('!', your_constructor_function)11:14
fennlooks like the modem crashed.11:14
kanzure11:10 < xitology> the constructor function accepts three parameters: the  loader, the tag suffix and the node and should return a  python object corresponding to the node11:14
fenni dont see how to give it a tag suffix11:15
kanzure"the tag suffix" is anything coming after the !11:15
fennoh, multi_constructor is a function i'm supposed to pass to add_multi_constructor11:15
-!- fenn_ [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-121-73.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap11:21
fennhow nice of you to join us11:21
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CIA-43skdb:  * ra7e2bae02eb3 /packages/lego/data.yaml: convert rot to vector; move height/diam attrs to geometry object11:52
CIA-43skdb:  * r8b9bf46e87a1 /packages/screw/template.yaml: move thread interfaces to the proper place11:52
kanzurewait, why isn't "thread: !thread" under "interfaces:" in screw/template.yaml?11:55
kanzureoh nevermind11:56
kanzurethe way it is now is better actually11:56
fennnot sure why you said i should use add_multi_constructor vs just add_constructor12:03
fenni think multi_constructor will take precedence over any tag with the prefix (so any !foo tag, basically)12:03
fennhmm constructor doesnt accept a tag suffix, nevermind12:04
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kanzuremaybe if I drank less water, I wouldn't be able to sweat so much12:31
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rf9824b0f28c6 /core/skdb.py: some helper methods for loading packages12:35
kanzurefenn: why are you working on add_multi_constructor?12:37
fenni'm not, i'm writing unit tests12:37
kanzurefor what?12:37
kanzurewhy are you working on tag_hack is what I meant to ask :)12:37
fennwtf does that mean12:37
kanzurethat means that I got what I asked wrong12:37
kanzuretag_hack is so that we don't have to include broken tags and be screwed for it12:38
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CIA-43skdb:  * r8868718a6656 /core/ (skdb.py yamlcrap.py): add tag_hack for loading yaml tags that we dont have classes for yet"12:46
CIA-43skdb:  * r5f964b41611c /core/skdb.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb12:46
fenni guess merge was smart enough to figure it out12:47
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fennwhat is "#replace self's information with the loaded_package information" supposed to do?12:55
fennand what is assert not (os.listdir(settings.paths["SKDB_PACKAGE_DIR"]).count(path) 12:57
fennshouldnt open_package just return skdb.load(package/data.yaml)?12:58
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@] has joined #hplusroadmap13:00
kanzureassert not is the same as assert (not False)13:03
kanzurehey El_Matarife 13:08
kanzurehow did the meeting go?13:08
kanzurefenn: "#replace self's information" meant that the idea was to load up the current object .. er.. like, if you say Package("screw"), it should load up the 'screw' package, and put it into *that* object13:09
kanzureinto *that* "self"13:09
kanzureso anyway once you fix all your broken "improvements" you might be able to run it and see what it does13:24
El_MatarifeIt went pretty well13:36
El_MatarifeChecked out a lot of different machines, there was some workshops but I missed literally every single one but "How to make money on your CNC Machine"13:36
-!- drazak_ is now known as draz|lab13:43
CIA-43skdb:  * r9ab3a3a57442 /core/settings.py: make_pretty13:58
kanzurefenn: I need you to push.14:06
CIA-43skdb:  * r079fd512e220 /core/skdb.py: blarg14:07
CIA-43skdb:  * r17f5fd8399dd /core/yamlcrap.py: need this too14:07
flazmotits so funny tom barbalet has an article in h+14:07
kanzureh+ is hard to search for :/14:08
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* ybit wants a few recommended torrents, maybe some anime, maybe some music. doesn't matter14:52
draz|labI've read like 40 papers today14:55
draz|labmy brain is fried14:55
kanzure_draz|lab: 40papers/day is nothing. faster!15:07
fenndef test(**kw): print kw15:16
fenntest(arg1='huh', arg2='wut')15:16
fenn{'arg1': 'huh', 'arg2': 'wut'}15:16
fenni dont think there's a way to make it automatically parse the dict15:17
fennif you want to pass in a dict15:17
fenndef test(**kw): kw['stuff'].update(locals()); print locals()15:19
fennand then i think you have to do del(kw)15:19
CIA-43skdb:  * r38dc30326728 /core/skdb.py: meddling15:22
draz|labkanzure_: lol15:23
fenn**kw just catches any left over named arguments15:25
kanzure_why do you have to del(kw)15:27
fennwell maybe you dont, but i think it's a recursive dict otherwise?15:31
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r78db5ec1a81c /core/skdb.py: fixed open_package15:31
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r0c9d8ec29b96 /core/skdb.py: merged skdb.py - move things around15:31
kanzure_still getting the load error for pack = open_package("lego")15:36
kanzure_something about my updated metadata being totally wrong15:37
kanzure_which is just an appended "!package" at the top of the file15:37
fennyou know i always meant for skdb.load(open('metadata.yaml')) to work15:44
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * rfe64290fb37e /core/yamlcrap.py: yamlcrap- let classes define whether or not their tag is for a mapping or a scalar15:47
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * red7dbbb44917 /core/skdb.py: remove Package().open()15:49
fennhuh? why did you just delete that?15:53
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genehackersimple column chromatography16:04
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CIA-43skdb:  * rfb2416ce4c20 /core/yamlcrap.py: do default yaml dump if no yaml_repr17:06
CIA-43skdb:  * ra879bd1d03b6 /core/ (skdb.py yamlcrap.py): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb17:06
CIA-43skdb:  * radf6c574265a /core/yamlcrap.py: populate attributes as if it were a typical yaml.load call17:06
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]17:17
fennclass Foo(skdb.FennObject): value=12317:31
fennTypeError: can't pickle int objects17:31
kanzure_why are you dumping a class17:32
kanzure_>> Either I will build my tools, or my tools will build my17:33
kanzure_>> tools for me.17:33
kanzure_>  17:33
kanzure_> Good luck. Ping me when you have your self-replicating nanofactory. Better:17:33
kanzure_> send me one.17:33
kanzure_Maybe I'll mail him some semen.17:33
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kanzure_fenn: did you fix it17:55
kanzure_your TypeError17:55
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draz|exhausteddid you fix it kanzure_ 17:57
draz|exhaustedand by it I mean pyscholar17:57
kanzure_fenn: did you try making an instance of the class and doing a dump on that?17:57
-!- You're now known as kanzure17:58
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fennyes, works fine18:02
fennalso class Foo(): pass; dump(Foo) works18:02
fennerm class Foo: v=123; dump(Foo)18:03
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kanzurehello indigo18:08
CIA-43skdb: fenn * r246e04a72cbd /core/yamlcrap.py: remove unnecessary yaml loading code18:09
CIA-43skdb: fenn * rb3d1efdebbe0 /packages/ (lego/metadata.yaml screw/metadata.yaml): add tag for packages18:09
CIA-43skdb: fenn * rec891b6b03e2 /packages/screw/screw.py: pymates won't load without occ installed18:09
-!- Ian_Daniher [n=it@] has joined #hplusroadmap18:10
kanzurehello Ian_Daniher 18:12
kanzureindigo: we would very much like you to become a package maintainer18:14
kanzuremaybe you could look at skdb/packages/lego/metadata.yaml for the time being18:14
indigowell, let's back up18:15
fennwhat package would he be maintaining?18:15
indigoi'm still trying to figure out exactly what you are trying to accomplish18:15
kanzurefenn: I found indigo in #reprap18:15
kanzureand told him about the idea of apt-get for hardware projects18:15
fenna useful data format to store open source hardware 18:15
kanzurebut also some algorithms for generating assembly instructions and such18:16
fennyeah but that stuff's hard so don't get your hopes up18:16
kanzureinstructions are not trajectories18:16
kanzureanywho. instructables but better :)18:17
fennsorry you meant "human readable instructions" not "robot instructions"18:17
-!- ybit [n=ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap18:17
kanzurehello ybit18:18
ybithad to shut down computer, grandfather is coming to live with me. it's the reason we had to go to the hopital the other day18:18
* ybit turns 24 tomorrow, what to do, what to do...18:19
kanzuregah if drazak wasn't in here I'd still be the youngest18:19
* ybit was planning on again scuba diving, but unfortunately, that won't happen due to gramps needing some care 18:19
kanzureer not that I expected to get older and the rest of you stay the same or anything18:19
ybitdraz|exhausted: is what 17?18:20
draz|exhausted16 until next month18:20
draz|exhaustedyet I know the most biology18:20
kanzureuh, what?18:20
-!- ybit is now known as ybit|oldFart18:21
fennindigo: so does skdb sound interesting to you?18:21
* ybit|oldFart is likely to croke over any second now18:22
draz|exhaustedrofl ybit|oldFart 18:22
-!- ybit|oldFart is now known as ybit18:22
ybitindigo: if not, you're lame. just wanted to let you know18:24
fennno pressure or anything :P18:24
* kanzure picks up a particularly jagged stone18:25
indigowell, the concept sounds interesting, but i don't know anything about the details18:25
draz|exhaustednobody does18:25
kanzuredraz|exhausted: huh?18:26
kanzurewhere have you been drazak?18:26
draz|exhaustedI kid18:26
kanzuregit + django (an unnecessary frontend for viewing) + python + OpenCASCADE/pythonOCC + "packages" of hardware18:26
indigowhen you say "hardware" what do you mean?18:26
fennmachine tools, circuit boards, chemicals, dna sequences...18:27
kanzurespace stations, wearables, lasers, 18:28
draz|exhaustedphysical crap18:28
indigosounds very broad18:28
draz|exhaustedindigo: think openwetware18:28
draz|exhaustedindigo: but with a package system18:28
kanzuredraz|exhausted: openwetware is a wiki for academics18:28
kanzurethis is not openwetware.org at all18:28
draz|exhaustedyeah, with protocals18:28
kanzuredraz|exhausted: shut the hell up.18:28
fennunfortunately(?) there are no examples to point at and say "this is what we're doing" because nobody's ever done it before18:29
fenndebian comes pretty close18:29
kanzureso people have to actually "listen"18:29
kanzureand people aren't good at listening18:29
kanzureunless they know "apt-get" and friends already :)18:29
kanzure"early adopters for a technology that doesn't exist and that we have to create"18:30
kanzurebtw, openwetware.org already has protocols on their wiki, but they are in plaintext and impossible to computationally parse without spending many thousands of man-hours manually editing their cruft.18:31
fennindigo: a package maintainer would know the specs on their hardware and put it into a format like this: http://adl.serveftp.org/git/gitweb.cgi?p=skdb.git;a=tree;f=packages/screw18:32
fennother people can make modifications and post them on their own repository or some public-writable repo; it's the maintainer's job to make sure that the changes make sense and play nice with the rest of the system18:32
kanzureer some of the changes can be self-monitored (like if a measurement is in the wrong units)18:33
indigosounds vauge18:33
indigohow is this better than putting the design files in a rcs?18:34
kanzurethis complements that18:34
fennit is an rcs18:34
indigobut i already have an rcs18:34
fennyou can merge (or not, i dont care.) the important part is that you provide metadata18:35
kanzurewe shouldn't have to reinvent the wheel every time we come across CAD information and hardware projects18:35
kanzurethis is a way to "package" these projects up in a standard way18:35
indigodo we reinvent the wheel?18:36
kanzurehow long have you spent trying to find CAD models before heh18:36
fennevery time you find a circuit schematic in pdf format you're reinventing the wheel18:36
kanzureposting a fuzzy jpeg of a part is not sufficient. it's 2009 ffs18:37
indigowell the solution to that is simple. post the design files.18:37
fennaha, but how do you know what format it is, and how do you know what is in the file?18:37
fennand even then you're often left with just some oddly shaped blob and no idea how to use it18:37
indigowell, usually there is a web page18:38
fennone might think so18:38
fennbut he'd be wrong most of the time (where most is defined by the number of design files posted on the intarwebs)18:38
indigoi think there is a reason there is not a common metadata schema for all hardware18:38
fennme too18:38
indigoit's the same reason computers can't understand natural language18:38
fennprobably not the same as your reason though18:38
kanzurethis is engineering, not natural language stuff18:39
fennrdf has been around for decades now18:39
indigocan you define a schema for *all* engineering?18:39
indigobecause that's what it sounds like you are doing18:39
fennno, because by the time we're done technology will have progressed18:39
fennthat's why i'm not doing "schemas"18:39
indigoyeah, there's that18:39
indigowell if you aren't doing schemas, what are you doing?18:40
indigowithout a schema, how can you do better than google?18:40
fennself defining code18:40
fennsee, a schema is this static document that breaks if it doesn't get exactly what it wants18:40
fennbut if your schema can be modified, people can add new representations for their problem domain18:41
indigoyes, but then you have 2000 fields that mean the same thing18:42
fennthat's why we need package maintainers18:42
indigoi think i could come up with some examples of places that try to do this in a more limited domain and fail18:42
indigotry mouser.com, for example18:42
indigothey just do electronic components, not all hardware18:42
indigoand the search works, sorta.18:42
fennwell i'm sorry they don't insist on clean data18:43
indigobut actually, most of the stuff i find by thumbing through the catalog, or by finding something written by someone else18:43
indigothe thing is you can't insist on clean data18:43
indigofor one, you will never get it18:43
indigotwo, it's too much work to make it18:43
fennhow does debian work then?18:44
ybit18:28 < kanzure> unless they know "apt-get" and friends  already :)18:44
kanzureoctopart.org also sucks18:44
indigodebian has a very limited domain, and the "metadata" is very limited18:44
ybiti was about to say something until i read "and friends" :)18:44
fennactually octopart is pretty good for electronics18:44
kanzureybit: someday I'll actually bother to install gentoo18:44
indigoit's "searching" is just a plain text search of the descriptions18:44
indigoyou can usually do better searching google18:44
indigounless you already know the program you want, of course.18:44
kanzureyes but that's because they ignored the ggetopt standard18:45
fennindigo: but, it works!18:45
indigofenn: it works, because it doesn't do anything.18:45
fenndon't tell me that a google search will download all the packages you need to run a program18:45
indigoapt does just a few things:18:46
indigo- only software18:46
indigo- has a version field18:46
indigo- has a description field18:46
indigo- has dependencies18:46
kanzurethat's not the dot deb format18:46
fennit's not?18:46
fennoh, right18:46
indigoit doesn't go in to what the package does18:46
fennit's the .control format18:46
indigojust how to install it.18:46
fennwell, it does, sorta, but they chose the crappy version of debtags back in the day18:47
indigoif you want to say, find linux games that are about racing and are 3d, you'd do better to search google18:47
fennhave you tried synaptic?18:47
indigoyes, it's just a graphical frontend to apt.18:47
fennso you know about the category search18:47
fenn(am i thinking of synaptic?)18:47
indigothat's not a synaptic feature18:47
indigoit's an apt feature18:48
kanzureindigo: so you're claiming that apt doesn't do anything?18:48
indigoand searching by categories isn't usually usefull18:48
fennit's not?18:48
fennwould you prefer NLP or something?18:48
indigowell, i can't remember the last time i used it.18:48
kanzureyeah I don't use it either18:48
fenn"computer, fetch me the best video game evar!"18:48
indigodevelop NLP that works and you will be a very rich person.18:48
fennNLP is a dead swan18:49
kanzurea dead black swan?18:49
indigothe problem with categories is that someone has to define them, and the things have to fit in them.18:49
kanzuredoesn't that make it a rotting swan?18:49
fenna black swan that choked on a red herring18:49
indigorarely does it work.18:49
kanzurethat's not what we're on about though18:49
indigowell, what are you about,t hen?18:49
fenncategories? yes18:49
fennclassifications actually18:49
indigoclassification is really hard.18:50
fennharder than NLP?18:50
indigoi'd say it's about the same problem.18:50
fennno way18:50
indigoit's easy if you think about screws, nuts, washers, hinges18:50
indigobut, what about a bicycle?18:50
indigowhat category is that?18:51
indigobut doesn't it also have wheels?18:51
indigowell, what if i'm looking for things that roll?18:51
fennum. "things that roll"?18:51
kanzurelinear motion converters?18:51
kanzureI think that's actually expressable in some units18:51
indigono, i just want something that rolls.18:51
kanzurehow do you not have this problem with debian?18:52
fennwell does a bike roll or do the wheels roll?18:52
indigoi do have this problem with debian18:52
kanzuredependency resolution is the main problem being solved18:52
indigothe thing is, apt doesn't really make it any easier to find software unless you already know what you want.18:52
kanzurethat's true for the leaf nodes18:52
indigook, dependencies are one thing that could be solved18:53
kanzureonce you know what leaf node you want,18:53
indigoi will give you that18:53
kanzureit can travel back to the roots and you have what you need then.18:53
fennwe're not trying to solve the "computer please read my mind" problem18:54
kanzureI have enough trouble reading my own18:54
indigowell, here's something to consider18:56
indigoapt already handles dependencies and versioning pretty well18:56
indigowhy not use apt?18:56
fennversioning doesn't work so well for hardware compatibility18:57
kanzureactually I looked into repurposing apt18:58
kanzureand other managers18:59
kanzurebecause that's the obvious first step right?18:59
kanzureit turns out that apt is grossly integrated into the beating heart of debian18:59
kanzureand the development team (deity) has long been disbanded18:59
kanzureand the original development work happened in '91 or something in some random-ass unlogged IRC channel18:59
kanzurethat nobody has logs to any more.18:59
indigofink has repurposed apt19:01
kanzurehttp://finkproject.org/ ?19:01
indigoso it must not be impossible19:01
kanzurewhat I want is a generic packaging system19:01
kanzurexpkg is close, but it's the only one I can find19:02
indigothat's the one19:02
kanzuresmartpm is some nice algorithms, but where's the rest of it :p19:02
indigothere's nothing in apt that is specific to software best i can tell19:02
indigoit's just files19:02
indigoalso, many RCS support nested branches19:02
indigoso, when you check out X, you get Y and Z as well.19:02
indigothen there are simple soultions (my favorite) like makefiles or just plain shell scripts that get the dependencies19:03
kanzurewhat was the early package manager that was a shell script that just downloaded dependencies?19:04
kanzuresht? or something?19:04
fennapt doesn't keep track of separate dependency trees19:06
kanzure". For example, the Angel's told us that in their case they called their local law enforcement in Florida who sent a uniformed officer in a squad car to their home. The first thing you can imagine the officer asked was, "What's a domain?".'""19:06
fennwe need to keep track of both build-time and run-time hardware deps19:06
kanzurethe software isn't particularly hard to write..19:06
kanzureif I can only remember to actually get it done19:07
kanzurekword has corporate backing?19:14
-!- Ian_Daniher [n=it@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]19:29
kanzureok, spider veins are necessary to complete the vegeta look19:41
kanzure"Cushing's syndrome (also called hyperadrenocorticism or hypercorticism) is a hormone (endocrine) disorder caused by high levels of cortisol (hypercortisolism) in the blood. This can be caused by taking glucocorticoid drugs, or by tumors that produce cortisol or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).[1] Cushing's disease refers to one specific cause, a non-cancerous tumor (adenoma) in the pituitary gland that produces large amounts of ACTH, which in turn elevates cortisol. It can usually be cured by surgery."19:49
draz|exhaustedwatching house?19:50
kanzure"genetic horoscopes"19:51
kanzureyes but not really paying attention19:51
kanzurefenn was wondering what cushings was19:51
-!- indigo [n=indigo@theross.com] has left #hplusroadmap []19:51
kanzureholy crap19:57
kanzureResolving single cone inputs to visual receptive fields19:57
draz|exhaustedlets see if this keyboard is any good20:02
draz|exhaustedit's complete blank20:02
draz|exhaustedand it has no markings for home keys20:02
draz|exhaustedI dunno if I can handle it20:02
kanzure"This suggests a greater than normal dependence on cortical regions in which movements are represented in intrinsic coordinates of motion (M1 and somatosensory cortex) and a less than normal dependence on regions in which movements are represented in extrinsic coordinates (premotor and posterior parietal)."20:02
kanzure"A stronger than normal association between motor commands and proprioceptive feedback may be a consequence of the fact that M1 and somatosensory cortex are nearby cortical regions and short-range cortical connections are overexpressed in children with ASD."20:03
draz|exhaustedlets see about this keyboard thing20:03
draz|exhaustedhmmmm this keyboard isn't too bad20:24
kanzureI seem to type most quickly on laptop keyboards for some reason20:30
kanzurenot sure why20:30
draz|exhaustedeh, I dunno20:30
draz|exhaustedI'm not quite as fast as I am on a real Model M20:31
draz|exhaustedbut I'm close20:31
draz|exhaustedso probably 80some20:31
draz|exhausteddunno, I'm typing normal speed, which is like 60 or so20:31
draz|exhaustedI did some fast yping and I think I hit 80some20:31
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:32
genehackerinternet down20:32
genehackerwireless inoperable20:33
kanzuredraz|exhausted: 80some should be slow for you20:42
kanzure120 is where I max out at20:43
kanzure(on qwerty)20:43
draz|exhaustedI max out around 10020:43
kanzureyeah okay20:43
draz|exhaustedI did some fast typing on this keyboard and I hit about 8020:43
draz|exhaustedI hit about 100 on a model m20:43
kanzurein middle school and high school we had this windows network drive where we had these common apps20:44
kanzureone of the apps was this typing program20:44
kanzureover the years I tested myself weekly or something20:44
kanzureand I got to the point where .. I knew what the coders got wrong about it20:44
kanzureso I kind of knew when to type and when not to type20:44
kanzurein order to game the fuck out of the system20:44
genehackerheh reminds me of high school20:50
genehackerwe had a network drive for uploading projects20:50
genehackerso one kid comes along and installs a game there20:50
genehackeras a "computer class project"20:50
genehackerdisconnecting from hivemind20:52
kanzurejoseph jackson is on fast forward radio blog next week20:55
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-!- embraceunity [n=quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap21:20
embraceunitybryan, loved your most recent post on open manufacturing21:21
QuantumGwhat'd he say?21:22
embraceunity"Meanwhile, this beautiful, undesigned flower of abundant anarchy21:22
embraceunityunfolds before our eyes, springing up out of the manure of capitalism.21:22
embraceunityWhat a time to be alive!21:22
kanzurehey embraceunity 21:22
kanzurewhat on earth does "Mein Treffen mit dem Hallenführer " mean and why was I writing in german?21:23
QuantumGI stopped reading after noticing that many people on there want to post 5 page essays about nothing.21:23
genehackerclonekanzure you must be sleep typing again21:23
genehackerclonemaybe you're sleep-learning german21:23
kanzureQuantumG: that's just paul21:23
kanzurenei heiler fullen schazzen!21:24
genehackercloneINCOMPATIBLE DATA FORMAT21:24
embraceunitytime to try out rc5... brb21:31
-!- embraceunity [n=quassel@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]21:31
genehackerclonejust read about senator proxmire21:34
genehackerclonewe could have space colonies already if it wasn't him21:35
genehackerclone*wasn't for him21:35
fenni always wondered what happened21:36
kanzurethe paper about backtracing individual photocones in the retina wasn't as cool as it could have been21:40
genehackerclonesome douche on national television said space colonies are stupid is what happened21:40
genehackerclonebtw, a 40 meter blast wave accelerator could shoot stuff into orbit21:41
genehackercloneif that stuff can withstand the 10,000 g21:41
kanzure"was it just that in the past people who were too practically disoriented to live sort of disappeared?"21:44
kanzure"proprioception is the sense that indicates whether the body is moving with required effort"21:48
fennwith required effort?21:48
fennWORK HARDER!21:49
genehackercloneit's also the sense of where your limbs are21:49
genehackerclonewe have muscles just to figure out where are arms are21:49
fennwe dont have a sense of where limbs are21:50
fennno optical encoders, ya know21:50
genehackerclonewe got a kludge21:50
kanzureM1 = primary motor cortex21:55
kanzurestereotactical coordinate systems?21:57
genehackercloneyou mean a big matrix in our heads with positions of limbs21:58
kanzureoh cool there's a name for it:21:58
kanzurestereotactic frame21:58
kanzurethe rat brain in stereotaxic coordinates: http://www.amazon.com/Rat-Brain-Stereotaxic-Coordinates-Coronal/dp/012088472022:00
kanzure"brain cartographers" heh22:00
fenneh what? that's brain coordinates not limb coordinates22:02
kanzureyes sorry I jumped topics on you22:02
fenni was deceived by your clone22:02
kanzurehttp://www.loni.ucla.edu/twiki/bin/view/MouseBIRN/MouseBIRNTools various tools used for parsing 3D brain data for mice22:08
kanzure"This 3D Mouse Atlas (v2.0) is a high-resolution,17.9 micron, isotropic 3D dataset. It is composed of reconstructed Nissl stained sectional material from a freshly frozen brain of an adult male C57BL/6J strain mouse. "22:08
genehackerclonewas that brain frozen cryogenically?22:09
QuantumG17.9 micron22:10
QuantumG.. what can ya see with that... grey matter vs white matter?22:11
QuantumGyou're certainly not going to be mapping any circuits22:11
genehackercloneneurons are big22:12
genehackerclone100 microns wide22:12
* kanzure does a full rip of http://www.nbirn.net/bdr/data/22:12
QuantumGare dendrites?22:13
genehackerclonedon't know22:13
QuantumGOn the average, dendrites measured 15-20 microns in length and 0.1-0.3 micron in diameter.22:16
genehackercloneso pretty much useless22:16
QuantumGeven if you had fantastic resolution, it'd still be a guessing game.. "first we need to figure out how to cold start this brain" 22:17
genehackerclonereminds me of neural network initializing beam robots22:18
genehackerclonethough you could try just firing neurons randomely22:18
QuantumGand that's if you believe the "connectionist" viewpoint taken to a caricature extreme.22:19
QuantumGeven the most hardcore connectionist acknowledges the importance of levels of biochemicals 22:20
kanzureQuantumG: nobody ever claimed that having a map of dendrites would be enough to "cold boot" a brain22:20
QuantumGya, agreed22:21
QuantumGit'd be nice to study22:21
kanzureso where was that coming from22:21
kanzuresounds strawman though22:21
genehackerclonethough it's really better if you know how the neurons act then wire them and fire em up22:21
fenn'cold boot' is ridiculous22:21
fennjust throw some noise into the system22:21
QuantumGnah, not making an argument, just saying there's a lot more data to collect22:22
fenn"how to start a resonator resonating"22:22
genehackerclonewoo almost completed my wearable heat exchanger22:23
kanzureok a backup is on adl:/home/bryan/cache/birn/22:25
kanzure2.3GB of neuro imagery22:25
genehackercloneof mouse brain or you before the accident?22:25
zvaderi wasn't aware of a difference22:26
genehackerclonezvader are you at UT?22:29
kanzuredo /whois zvader22:30
genehackerclonehe is at UT22:30
genehackerclone@ heckle22:30
kanzureellington's machine?22:30
genehackercloneperhaps he works with aptamers22:30
genehackercloneI do believe so22:31
genehackerclonebtw how did the meeting with cline go?22:32
kanzurehttp://imaging.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/imaging/MniTalairach MNI v. Talairach coordinate systems for the brain22:32
kanzure"The current standard MNI template is the ICBM152, which is the average of 152 normal MRI scans that have been matched to the MNI305 using a 9 parameter affine transform."22:33
kanzureInternational Consortium for Brain Mapping http://www.loni.ucla.edu/ICBM22:33
kanzurehm you can download the warp5 atlas: http://www.loni.ucla.edu/ICBM/Downloads/Downloads_452T1.shtml22:34
genehackerclonewoohoo my heat exchanger is finished enough to test22:44
fennpics or GTFO22:49
kanzurethere's Talairach, MNI, stereotaxic22:50
fennum. i meant the heat exchanger, sorry.22:50
kanzureer, no, those "subjects" must be initials22:50
kanzurenot regions :(22:50
kanzure(from the paper Visual field representations and locations of visual areas V1/2/3 in human visual cortex)22:51
kanzureBrainLinks3D looks like what I want: http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~mueller/research/brainMiner/22:52
kanzure"brainminer - to automatically discover brain functions in different regions"22:52
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kanzureis google images working for anyone?23:00
kanzure"next page" doesn't seem to work any more23:00
fennafter watching family guy, when reading emails everyone's voice is either stewie or bryan23:08
kanzureI need a better way to keep track of brain regions that I learn about or whatever.23:13
kanzureI've been meaning to do something like this for a very long time23:13
kanzurebut the problem is that nobody uses 'generic' coordinates or something23:13
kanzureit's always some sort of image averaging algorithm from MRI data or CT data23:13
kanzurenow, I don't really need coordinates per-se to reference big blocks of brains23:14
kanzurebut it would be useful to give a general location with respect to other regions of the brain, or other connections in the brain (such as the connectome projects)23:14
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kanzurehey embraceunity 23:16
embraceunityhello kanzure23:17
fennback for more eh23:17
embraceunityi can't help it, im an addict23:17
fenn"flower of abundant anarchy" was emlyn oregan23:17
embraceunitywell it sounded beautiful23:18
embraceunityin any event23:18
kanzuremaybe if I try hard enough I can make it seem like I've done some work for tomorrow's meeting23:19
fennsomehow i doubt campbell will be impressed that packages load23:19
kanzuremost of the past week has been me making commits, fenn undoing my commits, fenn rewriting my commits, and then me waiting for fenn to stop so that I can get back to using it23:20
fennthe past week being... today.23:20
kanzurenah there was some other code that this happened with23:20
kanzurelast saturday23:20
kanzureer, last-last saturday23:20
fennthe lego interface thing?23:20
* fenn checks the logs23:21
kanzuremaybe, but also all sorts of file moving and class moving and general rewriting of the architecture23:21
kanzuresome of which was necessary admittedly23:21
kanzureI think campbell will be sufficiently impressed with an interactive python session23:22
kanzurewhere you say "lego = skdb.load('lego')"23:22
fennlast last saturday was alcor and then receipts data entry23:22
fennhm really?23:23
kanzuremaybe it was the sunday then23:23
kanzureno not really23:23
kanzuretrying to raise my hopes23:23
genehackerclonedamn didn't go to alcor23:23
genehackerclonewhat'd I miss?23:23
kanzurethey didn't do the training23:24
genehackerclonebtw how much does cryopreservation cost?23:24
kanzurefor a student? it's cheap23:24
genehackerclonedefine cheap?23:24
kanzureflat rate $30k for neuro/head preservation, but for a student it's significantly less23:24
fennthere's some way to re-route life insurance towards cryopreservation23:24
kanzureand it's even cheaper with medical coverage23:24
fennsupposedly it's like $15/mo23:24
genehackercloneI could afford that23:24
kanzureapparently Cryonics Institute (in Europe) is ran entirely by two men23:25
kanzurethese are the two most awesome men in the world right now23:25
kanzurebecause technically their establishment is considered a cemetary23:25
genehackercloneI don't trust cryonics institute23:25
fenni thought they were in michigan23:25
genehackerclonebecause they have 2 men23:25
embraceunitycryonics isn't that important23:25
embraceunityin my book23:25
embraceunitybut i support your efforts23:25
kanzureit's worth playing around with23:25
genehackerclonewhat book?23:25
fennit's sort of like reprap and sexual reassignment surgery23:26
fenn"neat idea, but does it really work?"23:26
embraceunitymy reprap is just a hobby23:26
embraceunityi knew it23:26
kanzuredo not view this page:23:27
* fenn attempts to click the link23:27
embraceunityfenn: now j00 got virusez... hahaha23:27
genehackercloneyou have a reprap?23:27
genehackerclonedoes it work?23:27
embraceunitybut im building it23:28
embraceunitythe hackerspace by me23:28
embraceunityhas 1 working one and one almost working one23:28
embraceunitythey promised to lend me a hand23:28
genehackercloneI need to test some printable bearings so I can make a printable stepper motor powered by printable fluidic circuitry23:28
embraceunitythat.... is .... awesome23:29
fennfirst you need to acquire a printer23:29
genehackerclonethe stratasys in the ME building when I get back to school23:29
kanzureembraceunity: did you ever read the microfluidics paper archive23:29
fennall 5000 pages of it23:29
kanzureor at least parts of it23:29
embraceunitykanzure: joseph told me about it.... link me23:29
genehackerclonekanzure can I transfer some files to you via IRC23:29
genehackercloneI got some good stuff about microfluidics23:30
kanzureembraceunity: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/microfluidics/23:30
kanzuregenehackerclone: just upload them to the server23:30
genehackerclonehow do I do that?23:30
kanzuretake your pick: FTP, SCP, sneakernet23:30
genehackerclonethe datafile covering how to ftp stuff in my head has been corrupted23:30
embraceunityby the way23:31
embraceunityi just bought 10 stepper motors for 2 bucks a pop23:31
fenngenehackerclone: what OS are you on?23:31
kanzurefilezilla is an ftp extension for firefox23:31
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-200-16.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has quit ["Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de"]23:31
kanzureguess you can use that..23:31
kanzurebut if you're on ubuntu, there's a better way23:31
fennyou have anonymous ftp upload enabled?23:31
genehackercloneoops winblows right now23:31
fenner. you do realize that ftp sends passwords in the clear don't you?23:31
genehackercloneoh wait23:31
genehackerclonelet me fix that23:32
genehackerclonetime to get my dad's huge cryptoket23:32
genehackercloneit's very hard to crack23:32
kanzureI'll probably be asleep23:32
fennjust use filebin.a23:32
genehackercloneis it secure23:33
genehackercloneok good enough23:33
genehackerclonejust a bunch of pictures23:33
* fenn expects weird dreams tonight23:34
fenni'll tweet about the in the morning!~23:34
embraceunityby the way guys, i just visited factor e farm today... marcin kicked out Jeremy and Ben...23:35
embraceunityif anyone is interested23:35
embraceunityi bet they are looking for new digs23:35
fennwho are jeremy and ben and what's their big deal?23:36
embraceunityjeremy is a total diyh+ er23:36
embraceunityben is more into agriculture23:36
fennand how the hell do you get kicked out of a mud hut in the middle of nowhere?23:36
genehackercloneit's too big for filebin23:36
embraceunitywell Marcin has kicked out a lot of people over time23:36
genehackerclone57 mb23:36
embraceunityi love him, but I think he is a demanding guy23:36
fennreally.. i thought he was building an army or something23:37
embraceunityhe probably is building an army23:37
embraceunitybut it currently consists of him and a 50 something year old austrian woman named Inga23:37
fenni suppose i should go lay on my pallet and pretend to sleep23:38
genehackercloneupload commencing23:40
genehackercloneget it while it's hot23:41
genehackercloneupload 2 commencing23:42
genehackercloneany downloaders?23:44
genehackercloneit has info on microfluidic chemical factories...23:45
embraceunityok i'll put it on bittorrent23:51
genehackerclonejust don't link it to me23:53
genehackercloneyou can get all the wuffie you want23:54
embraceunitythere is some network like Tor for bittorrent23:56
embraceunityi can't remember the name23:56
embraceunityI2P that's it23:57

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