
--- Day changed Wed Aug 05 2009
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:06
genehacker2anyone have any tips for bending copper tubing?00:11
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kanzuredoes anyone know of any neurosci papers re: "the ability to follow conversations/discussions"?08:18
kanzureI guess the 2001 study "Making sense during conversation: an fMRI study" is somewhat close. 08:22
kanzureah they call it "discourse comprehension"08:27
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-!- any71605189 is now known as katsmeow-afk08:35
katsmeow-afkResults 1 - 10 of about 71,900 for "discourse comprehension".08:37
kanzure"argumentation" discourse comprehension isn't bringing up much08:43
kanzure+chains doesn't help08:45
kanzureheh Automated discourse generation using discourse structure relations http://eprints.kfupm.edu.sa/27157/1/27157.pdf08:46
kanzure"Limited attention and discourse structure" is close..08:51
kanzurestalk: Marilyn A. Walker08:54
kanzurehm no neuroimaging studies cite Walker08:55
katsmeow-afkwhat's the fastest hash of 10million unique strings, 50char to 400char long, hashing down to a 32bit integer, preferably with unique hashes?08:58
katsmeow-afki haven't read "Automated discourse generation using discourse structure relations" yet, but it sure sound like another way of saying "pick random phrases with selected keywords, and call it conversation"09:00
kanzurethere might be something related to the lateral prefrontal cortex or dorsolaterla prefrontal cortex that relates working memory to the hierarchical (or bush-like?) structure of a conversation which either can assist or impede the ability to figure out what the hell you were last talking about or why you bothered to go off on a certain tangent09:06
kanzureoh that's fairly specific09:07
kanzureno psych paper ever is going to use "tangent" for any other possible meaning than conversational tangents :p09:07
katsmeow-afktrue, and the order the branching occurs in can alter the conversation dramatically09:08
* katsmeow-afk shouldn't point out that "Questionnably" isn't a word, so won't09:09
kanzuredid I say that?09:10
katsmeow-afktopic of the channel09:10
kanzureit was quoted from an email09:10
kanzureso we're making fun of it09:10
katsmeow-afkthat's clear now, but not so self-evident09:10
drazakso my post finally made it's way to diybio09:12
drazakthat only took 12 hours09:12
kanzurewas it your first post?09:12
kanzurealso, lots of people use primers for identifying the presence of particular genes or sequences09:13
kanzurewhich is sometimes species-specific09:13
drazakof course09:13
drazakbut you'd have to do several genes, and have it mapped in all of your organisms that you want to test09:13
drazakand you'd have to do it against a housekeeping gene09:14
drazakwell it's rt-pcr09:14
drazaka pcr machine is 600 bucks, an rt-pcr machine is 2000 (ignoring the open hardware versions)09:14
drazakbig difference in my mind09:14
kanzurewell, if you care about the money I guess sure09:14
drazakwell you have to buy one, don't you?09:15
drazakor make one09:15
kanzuremake one :)09:15
drazakright, cause it's easy to make a rt-pcr machine09:15
kanzureer if you find a cheap one though, go for it09:15
kanzureit should be easy to make anything09:15
kanzurethe only thing that is lacking are the right instructions09:15
kanzureyay golgi apparatus on a cihp09:16
kanzurefrom RPI, Linhardt, bloody hell. no paper reference. wtf is this, the internet?09:17
drazakindeed it is apparently09:37
kanzurehuh I had no code that tested pymates' mating stuff?09:49
kanzurewas just trying to see how I was doing it before09:49
kanzureah I had pymates.compatibility()09:49
kanzurethat kind of sucks09:49
kanzure"At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United09:59
kanzureStates during the World War." what?09:59
katsmeow-afkselling war materiel10:00
kanzurepossibilities = skdb.options(screws, bearings); for option in possibilities: if skdb.processes.fastening.score(option) >= some_threshold: #do something10:05
kanzurefenn: you might want to write some comments eventually about the differences between the functionality attribute on line 25 in processes.yaml versus the same attribute in packages/screw/metadata.yaml10:08
katsmeow-afkhmm, where might i read up on skdb.processes.fastening.score(option) ?10:09
kanzureit doesn't exist yet but skdb.processes.abrasive_jet.score(option) sort of does10:11
kanzurewhich you can see here: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/processes.yaml10:11
* katsmeow-afk takes a hammer to FF10:13
kanzurehave you tried using uzbl?10:14
katsmeow-afkstill waiting on a blank new tab10:14
katsmeow-afkstill waiting on a blank new tab10:15
katsmeow-afkto be fair, i am 3.5gb into swap space, 14 data miners running, and doing a dir /S on a drive with at least 6 million files on it, so it's  busy10:16
katsmeow-afkgot a tab!10:16
kanzurescore is more like feasibility or something10:17
katsmeow-afkwoah, this is detailed10:18
fennwhat range is score and what does it mean?10:18
kanzureso I was thinking "next step" and I was wondering how exactly to consider the mating options between parts and interfaces etc.10:19
kanzureso one way to rate or score these options is by glancing at the fastening process 10:19
kanzureor whatever package happens to implement the fastening process/technique10:19
fennis this like machinability? (for the machining technique)10:19
kanzuremachinability is relative to the machine that you're using right?10:20
kanzureon some mills it's impossible to machine certain shapes, yes?10:20
kanzureso machinability varies with the machining-hardware-setup?10:20
kanzureI was thinking of something like this instead: fastening_machine = skdb.load("fastening_machine").Machine(); fastening_machine.score(option)10:21
katsmeow-afkthe machine may not have the power or tool envelope, or workpiece positioning required10:21
katsmeow-afkwho is filling in this data, and coming up with the fields?10:22
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: fenn and I were thinking that different oem parts could be "mated" or "connected" in a way-- via a certain "technique"- and this technique would be defined/listed in that file that you're hovering over.10:23
kanzurekatsmeow-afk: fenn typed it up, from a book (see the top).10:23
fennmating is just assembly10:23
fenni did a lot more than just type it up btw10:23
kanzureright but we were saying that you use a technique to make an assembly10:23
kanzureyes that's true10:23
* katsmeow-afk looks impressed10:24
fennyay data10:24
fennthat's only 9 out of 150 to go10:25
kanzureI thought the other 141 were poorly defined10:25
katsmeow-afkyou realise if this level of discrimination were extended, you could compete against cyc in data?10:25
fenni dont want to compete against cyc10:25
kanzurecyc is mostly wordnet on steroids10:25
katsmeow-afki didn't quantify your desires :-P10:26
fenni didnt say you did :P10:26
katsmeow-afkbut this degree is what's required for understanding, imo10:26
katsmeow-afkso i got interested10:26
kanzurelet's not get philosophical10:26
fennkatsmeow-afk: at this jobby-job i was supposed to be linking that process data with a sort of generic simulation of the geometry produced by a process; for example an endmill would produce a negative swept cylinder10:27
fennbut it turns out opencascade is really lame when it comes to swept solids10:27
fennso now i'm at loose ends10:28
kanzurewhat about computing the sweeps on your own?10:28
fennOCC sucking: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/prism_not_sweep3.png10:28
katsmeow-afkwell, i need to go afk10:29
kanzurehm, a fastening technique and a milling technique have different considerations when they score the feasibility of some proposed input to their technique. i.e., the "input" must be different: with fastening things together, you don't need all the crazy shape data that endmilling might need10:31
fennyou don't?10:32
kanzureoh maybe you do10:32
kanzureer is there a better example that's actually correct that I could use?10:32
fenni think the only processes that dont consider detailed geometry are things like annealing10:32
fennbut even there you have to consider the maximum section thickness10:33
fennto know how fast the piece cools10:33
kanzureok the majority of techniques will probably want to score feasibility based off of geometry of their input that they test/score/rate, yes10:33
kanzurebut I'm trying to think of something deep in the taxonomy10:33
kanzurewhere they have specific information that other regions of the taxonomy wouldn't necessarily require 10:34
fennok so look at the taxonomy10:34
kanzureso for electron beam welding thermal joining mass-conserving shaping techniques, for it to rate feasibility of some proposed scenario, it needs information that an endmill might not bother to check or require, yes?10:35
fennthere's two main types of geometry analysis going on: collision detection/path planning, and 'fourier analysis' for computing abstract properties like heat dissipation10:36
fennelectroplating too10:36
kanzureall of this text is spewing out from me because I'm wondering whether or not to make Process have a score() method that all processes automatically inherit and (should) redefine for themselves10:37
fennsome processes like welding have to do both kinds of analysis10:37
fennyeah except could we call it feasibility?10:38
fennit lines up with all the *-ility terminology already existing10:39
kanzurethe input to the feasibility method should be an "option" object, so I was thinking every technique should define its own option class of sorts. skdb.techniques.shaping.mass_conserving.joining.thermal.welding.electron_beam.Option which has its own method for constructing a valid option object for the feasibility object10:41
kanzurethat Option class would inherit from a generic skdb.Option class that is used otherwise.10:41
kanzures/feasibility object/feasibility method's input/10:42
fennum, you know "joining" would inherit from mass_conserving which inherits from shaping etc10:47
fennmprg originally had unique process names, but i shortened them because i thought it was silly10:48
kanzurei feel like we're not talking about the same thing10:48
fennwhat is an option object?10:49
fenni dont like the sound of it10:49
kanzurewe're rating the feasibility of *something* right?10:50
fenna technique on a particular arrangement of artifacts10:50
kanzureor a vector or plane on the artifact or something (in the case of where there's only one artifact that the technique can deal with at a time)10:51
drazaklol bad rt-pcr data10:51
drazak48 wells of shit10:51
kanzurein the case of the feasibility of snapping two legos together, it would look at the interface mating vectors10:52
kanzurewhat is the name of the technique that combines two legos, anyway?10:52
fennwhat would look at the vectors?10:52
kanzurethe feasibility scoring method of the technique10:52
fenn"press fit assembly" unless it's those snap pins10:52
kanzureassembly is an assembly though10:53
kanzurenot a technique10:53
fennan assembly is just the result of a technique (usually press-fit or snap-fit)10:53
fenni need to add more to the process list10:53
fennanyway think of a glued together assembly10:53
fennthat uses the chemical bonding technique10:54
fennthe stupid thing is people dont call a welded object a welded assembly10:54
kanzurewhat do they call it?10:54
fennlike because it's made from metal it's magically a new "thing"10:54
fennanyway i dont know why you're obsessing about assembly in particular10:55
fennthere are lots of processes that have the same problems with collision detection and path planning10:55
kanzuremaybe you don't know what assembly means10:55
kanzurewhen you make something out of other parts, it's an assembly10:56
fennonly if you're using a CAD program10:57
fenna bucket of screws; is that an assembly?10:58
kanzuresure, why not10:58
fenni'd say it isn't because they just happen to be in the same place10:59
fennthere's no purpose the screws are intended to fulfill by being in the bucket11:00
kanzurepresence-in-the-bucket is not a purpose?11:00
* fenn pulls his boot out of the muck11:00
fennyou were asking "what is the name of the technique that combines two legos"11:01
kanzuresomething I've noticed all this time that you've lived here is that you don't actually have any boots, so I have absolutely no idea who keeps losing boots in mucks11:01
fennpresumably you wanted to do something like press_fit.feasibility(brick1, brick2)11:01
fenni do have boots, but there's no reason to wear them except when i expect it to drizzle philosophy11:02
fennin case i need to kick some faces in, see11:02
kanzureexcept I don't want to say press_fit.feasibility(brick1, brick2)11:08
kanzureI want to say blah = press_fit.option(brick1, brick2)11:09
kanzureand then press_fit.feasibility(blah)11:09
kanzureso that the "construction" of the situation that would be checked for feasibility11:09
kanzureis abstracted out of the picture11:09
kanzurethis way, all techniques will have the same parameters to the feasibility method11:09
fennhow about press_fit(brick1, brick2).feasibility()11:09
kanzurethis is especially useful so that you can just use the same object over a list of different techniques that don't vary significantly11:10
kanzureer, wait. that doesn't actually work .. erm..11:10
kanzurewhy would press_fit have an __init__?11:10
fennwhat doesnt work?11:10
fennbecause you have to press something together right?11:11
kanzurethe idea of using the same "option" or "blah" object across multiple feasibility methods for multiple techniques11:11
fennotherwise it's zero hands clapping again11:11
kanzurethis isn't a philosophical question :p11:11
kanzurejust trying to figure out how to structure the api11:11
fennoption only works for one technique11:12
kanzurewhy should it11:12
fenni might glue two legos together differently than press fit11:12
fenni mean the glue technique has more options11:12
fenntechniques dont need interfaces11:12
fenninterfaces are handy shortcuts to a particular geometry feature, however11:13
kanzureI didn't assert techniques needed interfaces11:14
fennwhat are 'option' objects supposed to be then?11:14
kanzurea particular scenario that a technique's methods can investigate for feasibility11:14
fennarrangement of artifacts?11:15
kanzurenot all techniques care only about arrangement of objects11:15
fennwhat is 'scenario'?11:15
fennpretend for a moment that i can't read your mind11:15
kanzurea scenario is what you (or a machine) construct in order to apply or execute the technique11:17
fennnice circular definition11:18
kanzurethere are certain things that you provide the technique11:20
kanzurethere are certain things that the technique provides (like the technique)11:20
kanzure"what you provide the technique" is called the scenario, which it can then score or rate for feasibility11:21
kanzureinterference fitting calculations: http://www.eminebea.com/content/html/en/engineering/bearings/fitting.shtml11:31
fennwow i had no idea the formula was that complicated11:33
fennwhat do curly braces mean?11:33
fennoh nm it's just grouping terms11:34
kanzureI can never be sure that it's not:11:34
kanzure(1) someone who doesn't know how to express something that requires a new syntax11:34
kanzureor (2) someone who is really meaning to say something that has been said before (i.e., grouping notation)11:35
fennyay hieroglyphics11:35
* kanzure hieroglyphs himself.11:35
fennthe artist formerly known as kanzure11:36
kanzureI will now be known as unicode character 1C0111:38
kanzurehm.. this looks like a simpler formula: http://www.engineersedge.com/manufacturing_spec/press_fit_force.htm11:38
kanzurebut it's not the same problem11:38
fenngah. why does engineersedge.com always give me 40311:38
kanzurewhat is "pressure factor"11:39
kanzureapparently ipods only charge if the laptop doesn't have the lid closed11:43
* kanzure blames the kernel11:43
kanzurefenn: can I have the book now please?11:48
fennsorry for the awful url:'s Handbook 27th Edition/11:48
* ybit has that book11:49
fennit's a good one11:49
ybitMachinery's Handbook Guide - 28th Edition (Malestrom)11:49
fennin fact it's the only one :(11:49
ybitmine is the 28th edition11:49
fennlike CRC handbook, but for manufacturing11:49
kanzurewhat's CRC up to these days? 87th?11:50
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []12:07
fennThe numbers are rounded values of the following five geometric series of numbers: 10^(N/5), 10^(N/10), 10^(N/20), 10^(N/40), and 10^(N/80), where N is an integer in the series 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.12:08
fennthat's worse than the IEEE 4.7k resistor crap12:09
kanzureblargh? brainvisa/toolboxes/t1mri/processes/segmentationpipeline/components/CorticalFoldsGraphUpgradeFromOld.py12:29
fenn<skdb.core.skdb.Package object at 0x8a7976c>12:31
fenn.ConstructorError: could not determine a constructor for the tag 'tag:yaml.org,2002:python:object/skdb.tag_hack'12:32
fennam i missing something? aren't they exactly the same?12:32
fennd'oh nevermind12:33
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r8eb03bac048e /packages/screw/template.yaml: indent typo12:36
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r61fc1a31ede6 /packages/screw/metadata.yaml: another silly typo12:36
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r76d2bd9d05ab /packages/screw/metadata.yaml: i already fixed this; time to delete template.yaml?12:36
fennlooks like CIA's down12:36
* fenn kills CIA-38 12:37
* CIA-38 dies12:37
kanzurestupid typo :)13:25
drazakyou guys are boring13:26
* drazak is doing a BCA13:26
kanzuredrazak: contrary to popular belief, biologists aren't cool for making up acronyms13:27
drazakI'm not making anything up!13:28
kanzuresomeone did13:28
drazakit's the bicinchoninic acid assay!13:28
kanzurethey should just say what they mean13:28
kanzureok then say that13:28
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@] has joined #hplusroadmap13:29
kanzurehello El_Matarife 13:29
drazakfine, I'll call it the Smith Assay13:29
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r24bfb9dee193 /packages/screw/metadata.yaml: developer email only please13:32
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r00804c25dd77 /packages/screw/metadata.yaml: bah. users.sf.net doesn't work apparently13:32
fennBCA assay is another of those funny run-on acronyms13:34
drazakit's in the incubator right now, plate reader next13:36
kanzurethe last biology lab I was working in was too lame to have a plate reader13:36
drazakwe have 2 pcr machines, an q-rt-pcr machine, a bunch of centrifuges, microfuges, some crap in the other room I have no idea what does, access to a nanodrop, a bunch of gel electrophoresis boxes, access to a flow cytometer13:38
kanzurebe sure to write down an inventory list13:38
drazakyeah, that way I know what I'm taking when I take it13:38
kanzureyou're stealing from the lab? :)13:39
kanzureyou've learned so well from me13:39
drazakI'm not actually gonna13:39
drazakbut if I was going to13:39
fennyou can't teach someone to think for themself13:39
drazakfenn: so, should I respond to you on diybio outlining how I would do the cheese test?13:40
fennhah http://www.utilitarian-essays.com/suffering-per-kg.html13:48
fennwow chickens only live 42 days on average14:08
katsmeow-afkthen they are killed as "fryers"14:13
ybitsomeone want to test my mumble server?14:19
ybiti think i have my network issues finally resolved which means i should be able to ssh into this computer when scanning the books14:20
ybitit was such a *duh* moment14:20
ybitany takers?14:24
katsmeow-afkwith winscp ?14:25
ybitnot sure if that will connect to mumble.. think you have to use mumble14:25
katsmeow-afkthen i think someone else will haveto test it, i dunno what mumble is14:26
-!- bkero [n=bkero@osuosl/staff/bkero] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]14:27
ybitapt-get mumble or emerge mumble or whatever it is that you use14:27
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katsmeow-afkouch , 9,574,746 files on M:\14:30
katsmeow-afkjust got busy sorting them, sorry14:31
katsmeow-afkdunno why, but the dir listing dump to a txt file is 667megabytes , i gotta shrink it some14:31
ybitguess i'm off to grab a beer then scan and tunnel from another house14:32
fennonly ten million? you're holding out on us14:33
katsmeow-afkwell, there's E: too14:33
kanzurebah who are you people, with all your talking and your words14:33
fennread you this jibbery babble what make talky words14:34
katsmeow-afkand the slithery jibe do .... things or somthing14:34
fennDid gyre and gimble in the wabe14:36
katsmeow-afkyeas, those things14:36
splicerbe ware the jabberwok my friend14:36
fenn"He knew full well, many years ago, what today's octopus wrestlers are just beginning to learn--that it is impossible for a man with two arms to apply a full nelson on an octopus; he knew full well the futility of trying for a crotch hold on an opponent with eight crotches."14:41
kanzuresounds like a job for buddha14:42
katsmeow-afkyea, and consider what's between the crotches on an aoctopus14:42
fenndo they make eight headed mongeese?14:43
katsmeow-afkthat animal that's smaller than a badger, but more ferocious,, not a taz devil14:45
fennhm i guess they're not really that good at catching snakes, just resistant to snake venom14:45
drazakfenn: nice procedure :P14:51
drazakfenn: I think what I'm going to do tonight is put the proceedure into steps and list required tools and what not14:51
drazakcould do it in YAML14:51
fennknock yourself out14:52
drazakexcept I have nfc how14:52
drazakI mean, isn't the goal of YAML to be able to put shit like that into it?14:52
fennyaml is just a data serialization format14:52
drazakwhat the hell does that mean?14:52
fennthe problem is we dont have any data structures for lab procedures14:52
drazakamerican english please14:52
fennthere's no formal way to describe a lab procedure such that a computer can do something with it14:53
fennwell, there is, but only like 1 person on earth knows it14:53
fenn(and it's not anyone in this channel)14:53
drazakI have a pig primer for 16s14:54
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:56
drazakI need tow rite a script that will do my blasting for me14:57
drazakand then do my primerings for me from the blasts14:57
wrldpc2i need to find out where there is a lot of gold near me14:57
wrldpc2what was that mineral locator site?14:57
katsmeow-afknone near Boston14:58
drazakwrldpc2: which ben are you?15:00
wrldpc2thanks fenn15:01
drazakwe have 3 ben's in here15:01
fenni suggest looking in bank vaults15:01
drazakfucking crazy :D15:01
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:05
kanzureTeen killed at chinese internet addiction camp 15:10
kanzure"Reportedly it was for not being able to run fast enough."15:10
kanzureIsn't that the reason why anyone gets beaten to death?15:10
kanzuredrazak: bioperl already does blasting for you, fool15:10
katsmeow-afkand a great reason to hide in internet cafes15:11
drazakkanzure: I need to write it so it can do it the way I want15:12
fennwow these utilitarians are idiots sometimes15:30
fenn"with the money saved by eating beans for protein instead of chickens with lives barely worth living, you can raise a huge quantity of mice, because they are smaller.'15:31
katsmeow-afki can't figure why you'd grow the mice at all if you are eating the beans for protein ,,,, please don't say "milk"15:33
drazakfenn: does the diybio mailing list respond faster than the site? IE. have you gotten my reply to the thread yet?15:33
drazakoh, see, there it goes15:34
drazakmuch faster today15:35
fenni haven't received a reply to my reply to you15:35
fennit arrived15:36
drazakI gotta ask the bioinformatics guy something when he's done talking to some other dude15:40
drazaksee reply, fenn 15:44
kanzuredrazak: to make the reply get to him faster, you can cc him15:50
drazakI could15:50
drazakbut that sucks for email management15:50
drazakI should be able to generate a biopython based blaster/primerer pretty easy15:52
drazakfenn: algurkey!16:16
* fenn wonders whether to point genehacker at the transparent aluminum article16:18
fennreminds me of 'Angel Light'16:19
kanzurehe'll read everything wrong and start bouncing invisible electrons off of massless aluminum or something because it's transparent right?16:22
fennweird http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electride16:24
drazakwhat is the python program for making primers?16:25
fennsupposedly sodium electride is transparent16:25
kanzurefenn: YAMLObjectMetaclass on line 251 in __init__.py of yaml shows how to unload previous tags (er, sort of, you'll have to make an inference, but it's an easy inference)16:25
fenncan you access cls.yaml_loader?16:26
kanzureit might involve something with yaml.Dumper16:26
kanzuredrazak: http://docs.google.com/www.biopython.org/DIST/docs/presentations/biopython.pdf16:27
kanzuresee pg 2416:28
kanzurewow they made this unnecessarily long16:29
fennprint skdb.Unit.yaml_loader.yaml_constructors16:30
kanzureyep that's it16:30
drazakkanzure: how do codon tables help me?16:31
kanzurepage 24 should be something about automatic design of primers16:31
kanzurecodon biases can help you figure out how to make particularly unique primers, fi that's what you're asking16:31
drazakwe are looking at different pages16:32
drazakyour link doesn't work for me16:32
fenngrapeseed flour is $22/kg16:34
fennnot quite powdered wine but it sounds interesting16:34
drazakso if I can get everything into fasta format16:34
drazakI can just use this shit in this documentation to make my primers16:34
kanzureit's nice when things work16:35
drazakso basically what I need it to do is search for a protein and for a species and have ti respond back with all of the acension numbers, and then from that download the fasta page for the gene16:36
drazakonce I have the fasta page I can have it do the primer3 shit 16:37
kanzurethere might be a module in biopython that already queries ncbi for ascension numbers for proteins16:37
drazakwell, I'm looking for the gene that codes the protein16:37
kanzureyou can go from the amino acid sequence back to DNA16:38
drazakand in bio.entrez.nucleotide there is16:38
kanzuregod I'm starting to sound like a bioinformatics guy16:38
drazakI can also search "vegfa AND sus scrofa"16:38
drazakdude the bioinformatics guy at the lab has nfc what biopython is16:38
drazakapparently they wrote their own batch blaster16:38
kanzurelots of biologists do that16:38
kanzureI mean, they reinvent the wheel16:39
drazakhe's a CS major16:39
drazakor something16:39
drazakI dunno what he is16:39
kanzurethat's disappointing16:39
drazakbut he's giving up coffee16:39
drazakfucking nut16:39
drazakNO COFFEE?16:39
drazakas a computer AND biology guy?16:39
drazakthat's like being a mouse and not liking cheese16:39
kanzurespeaking of people who like cheese..16:39
drazakso apparently16:41
drazakI don't remember how to do jack shit in python16:42
kanzurewhat are you trying to do16:42
drazakwrite a script that batch proceses all this shit, I have a list of genes that I need primers for16:42
kanzureI meant what did you mean by "so apparently"16:42
drazakI don't remember how to read and write from files16:43
drazakI just don't remember jack shit apbout it16:43
genehacker2I don't drink it16:44
genehacker2I take caffeine intravenously16:44
genehacker2is that what we're calling it?16:45
genehacker2I call it free-technology16:46
drazakyeah, he gave up caffeine16:46
drazakand thus coffee16:46
drazakhe drinks mint tea16:46
drazakwe were in the coffee/printer/whatever room16:46
drazakand he was like16:46
drazak"yeah, I gave up coffee, and caffeine..."16:46
genehacker2I have used tea for my caffeine supply16:46
genehacker2well this isn't that relavant16:46
genehacker2what'd I miss16:47
drazakhe drinks mint medley caffeine free tea16:47
genehacker2maybe he's moved on to transition drugs16:48
kanzuregenehacker2: the /topic is a quote from an email to openmanufacturing. we're making fun of the quote.16:48
genehacker2technoanarchy is sort of where I'm trying to go with the gene synthesizer16:49
genehacker2hence my emphasis on being able to make all reagents from scratch16:49
genehacker2IE, it won't be something that can be regulated16:50
drazakwhy won't Entrez.read(handle) not working16:51
kanzuredrazak: it's entirely possible that it's a scraper and entrez has changed. can you search your python/site-packages/biopython/ dir and figure whether or not there are some unit tests to see if it works at all?16:52
kanzurewhy does my wisdom tooth socket hurt?16:52
kanzureor, not hurt, but why is it sensitive today but not yesterday?16:52
kanzuremaybe it's something to do with all this yawning16:52
QuantumGyou're getting old16:53
kanzuregah I suck16:53
drazakkanzure: nah, the rest of it seems to work16:56
drazakI think I did something wrong somewhere16:56
kanzurewhat is handle?16:56
drazaka variable16:56
drazakI think16:56
drazakI assume it is16:56
drazakit acts like a variable16:56
kanzurewhat did you set it to?16:56
drazakit's used like a variable16:56
drazakhandle = Entrez.esearch(db="nucleotide", term="vegfa AND sus")16:57
kanzuredo help(handle)16:57
kanzureor do type(handle) and see what type it is16:58
kanzureif it's NoneType you're screwed :)16:58
kanzureor None16:58
fennso helpful16:58
kanzureokay, do blah = handle16:58
kanzurethen do type(blah)16:58
drazakhold on16:58
kanzuredrazak: it may help to use ipython or bpython as your interpreter16:58
fennyeah right16:58
fennthat would involve scary things like installing software16:59
kanzureto get it: hg clone https://bitbucket.org/bobf/bpython/16:59
fennor *gasp* compiling it16:59
drazak>>> results = Entrez.read(handle)16:59
drazakTraceback (most recent call last):16:59
drazak  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>16:59
drazak  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/Bio/Entrez/__init__.py", line 286, in read16:59
kanzureor easy_install bpython16:59
drazak    record = handler.run(handle)16:59
drazak  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/Bio/Entrez/Parser.py", line 95, in run16:59
ybitfucking a, go me. i have it setup correctly16:59
drazak    self.parser.ParseFile(handle)16:59
drazakxml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: no element found: line 1, column 016:59
kanzurelooks like it's wanting a file handler16:59
ybityup, i'm tunneled. from a damn mac at my friend's house16:59
kanzureso you should say handle = open("some/file/goes/here")16:59
drazakI'm doing exactly what it says to do in the biopython tutorial17:01
drazakthis is how it outlines doing a search17:01
drazakbut it doesn't work17:01
kanzureit may be that they defined "handle" earlier in the presentation17:01
drazaknot the one you gave me17:01
kanzurepg 24?17:01
drazakthe actual tutorial from the biopython home page17:01
drazakand I don't think they did because they give each codesnippet from the start, importing entrez from bio17:02
drazakpage 87 and 8817:03
drazakit couldn't find it17:06
drazakso it gave me shit17:06
drazakif it can't find it it will return shit17:07
drazakI ran it with a different search and it seems to run fine17:07
drazakkanzure: can you give me an example open() usage?17:18
drazakit doesn't like my syntax17:18
kanzuremy_file = open("/some/file/here","r")17:20
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@] has quit []17:20
drazakI'm missing quotes17:20
drazakgot it17:20
* kanzure clobbers drazak with rtfm stickers17:21
katsmeow-afktv news just said we have a new element called Molly-b-denum17:21
drazakI haven't done python since I was 1317:21
drazakkatsmeow-afk: they mean old element Mol-ib-den-um17:21
drazakkatsmeow-afk: >>> blah = open("/home/drazak/blah","r")17:23
drazak>>> blah.write("stuff")17:23
drazakTraceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>17:23
drazakIOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor17:23
drazakkanzure: ^^17:23
kanzuremaybe the arguments go the other way around17:23
kanzuredo help(open)17:23
drazakthe open is fine17:23
drazakit's the write17:23
kanzureoh, why are you doing "r" then?17:23
kanzureyou should do "w"17:24
kanzureor "rw" if you want read+write17:24
drazakI did rw17:24
drazakI tried r and rw17:24
kanzureit says you did r17:24
drazakI've done it r, rw, and rwx17:24
kanzurehow about ">w" ?17:25
drazakall give the same error17:25
kanzure"File <stdin>" just doesn't sound right for this sort of error17:25
drazakI need a17:25
drazakexcept that did nothing17:25
drazakjust a17:26
katsmeow-afkdrazak, i know17:28
katsmeow-afki was relating how STUPID the southern usa is17:29
katsmeow-afkthey don't know the word, and either can't figure out a dictionary, or can't think thru to use one to pronounce the unknown word properly17:29
katsmeow-afkclaim that positive self-deception is a normal and beneficial part of most people’s everyday outlook. They suggested that average people hold cognitive biases in three key areas: a) viewing themselves in unrealistically positive terms; b) believing they have more control over their environment than they actually do; and17:39
katsmeow-afkc) holding views about the future that are more positive than the evidence can justify. The typical person, it seems, depends on these happy delusions for the self-esteem needed to function through a normal day. It’s when the fantasies start to unravel that problems arise.17:39
drazakflight of the bumbleebee people17:39
drazakflight of the bumblebee17:39
katsmeow-afkthing is, given that, it's a total wonder to me why adults don't understand why psychiatric drugs can *cause* suicide in teens17:43
katsmeow-afkthey are trying hard to be properly deluded adults so they can function, and the drugs stop that , so they are *less* functioning17:44
fennthe correct way to say it is 'molly is the num' not molly b de num17:44
katsmeow-afkmolly be damned17:45
katsmeow-afkwell, the unsinkable molly be floats17:45
fenndamn. i managed to keep a song fragment in my head for 41 minutes while searching for it17:46
katsmeow-afki went into a doc office once and said i needed a drug to make me psychotic, to believe the world was a wonderful place, so i could be cheery, and the doc said since i knew the problem i wasn't qualified to get the drugs17:46
katsmeow-afkso i asked for a drug to make me forget the problems, and asked for buspar, and got it17:47
katsmeow-afktook it at 1/3 recommended dose, i didn't wanna be a southern moron17:47
kanzureI'm not convinced that general reasoning about what everyone else is thinking, is useful or not.17:48
fennyeah you might just forget everything17:48
katsmeow-afkfenn, it causes whatever you are thinking about the most to get disconnected17:49
fennscary shit17:49
katsmeow-afkinteresting drug, needs an anti-drug17:49
fennum, adderall?17:49
katsmeow-afknoonehere wold prescribe that for me, i can't afford now to goto a doc for it, and i can't afford the drug17:50
katsmeow-afkhad to cancel health insurance to pay lawyers over the neighbor's dogs17:50
katsmeow-afkdamned news: "bizzare mind of the shooter" ,, i was like "well duh, who didn't see that coming? is this the first time this has happened or what??"17:52
kanzurefenn: the problem is that if you load metadata.yaml first,18:17
kanzureand then data.yaml, you get all this bullshit for data.yaml18:17
kanzureinstead of screws or something18:17
fenncan you load the classes before metadata.yaml?18:17
kanzurewhy would I do that?18:18
fennimport screw; yaml.load(open('metadata.yaml'))18:18
kanzurewhy would I do that too18:18
fennbecause then the classes (and their tags) would be defined before you call tag_hack18:18
kanzurethat's not what I'm doing.18:19
fennso what18:19
kanzurewell it's stupid18:19
fennwhatever you're doing is not working18:19
kanzureyou already know that the class name is "screw" from the metadata18:19
fennno, you havent loaded the metadata yet18:19
kanzurein your way18:19
fenntag_hack has to be called before loading metadata18:20
kanzurethat's right18:20
kanzureand then we're done with tag_hack18:20
kanzureso we have to turn it "off"18:20
fennso how do you know what the class is called?18:20
kanzureit's specified in the metadata18:20
kanzureunder the "classes" attribute18:20
kanzureso after the metadata is loaded, that's it18:20
kanzure"tag_hack" should be turned off, the dummies should be unloaded18:20
fennok, so then remove it from yaml_constructors18:20
kanzurepeople should not name their songs "Africa"18:21
fennhey at least you know what it's called18:22
kanzurehow does that help18:24
kanzureif anything this makes it worse, because now I'll be searching through millions of pages about "Africa"18:25
fennwell i've been searching for a song stuck in my head for the last hour and half18:25
fennby fast-forwarding through 10 albums18:25
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africa_(Toto_song) guess this might be it18:27
kanzureyeah that's what I was thinking of18:28
fennare you sure it wasnt
kanzuredo not name your songs after continents18:30
kanzurethis is not a hard rule to understand18:30
fennbut it's about africa!18:30
kanzurealso, I am forming a coalition against the misuse of gah18:30
fennwow i feel sorry for you18:32
fennthat is terrible18:32
kanzureit's horrible.18:32
drazakkanzure: can arrays contain strings?19:17
fennaha. yaml.loader.Loader.yaml_multi_constructors['!screw']19:37
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fennbpython has packages in debian unstable at least.. is this new?20:04
fennand testing20:05
kanzuredrazak: yes20:08
fennkanzure would you mind doing 'sudo route add eth1:1' on leibniz20:10
kanzurethat do the trick?20:12
fennyes, thanks20:12
fennfor future reference it's still slow but good enough for what i'm doing right now20:15
drazakkanzure: yeah, I know what I was doing wrong wnow20:16
drazakkanzure: so I know how to load all of the shit I want to search in nucleotide into an array20:17
fennit's actually a list20:18
drazakit probably is20:20
drazakI know shitall about python20:20
fennhm. kanzure did you actually type eth1:1 or just eth1?20:23
kanzurealso, wtf: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/Low-hanging%20fruit%20for%20human-level%20artificial%20intelligence%20augmentation%20-%20Biohack.html20:33
kanzuredid I just happen to totally forget about that?20:33
fenni believe you've linked to it several times in the last month20:34
fennoh wait i must be thinking of something else20:35
kanzuredoesn't seem to have as much content as I hoped it would20:39
kanzurebkero: Stalk down "John Bruno" sometime and ask him about KYNA.20:43
drazakprogramming is harder than it looks20:44
kanzurethe trick is to make it look easy20:44
fenncome on, python is probably the easiest language in the universe20:44
kanzureme agrees20:45
drazakI have zippo programming experience20:45
fennthen it's amazing you can do anything at all :)20:45
kanzureand you run linux?20:45
drazakI mean20:46
drazakI can write a little bash script20:46
drazakbut that's scripting20:46
fenni guess you dont know what bash is capable of20:46
kanzurebtw this is the work that I was thinking of duplicating for pyscholar: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/Semantic%20Search%20Facilitator.html20:47
kanzurehuh I have fabuntu on leibniz20:57
bkerokanzure: Who's Jon Bruno and KYNA?21:07
kanzuresomeone at ohio state21:07
kanzureKYNA is an interesting regulator of cortical acetylcholine21:07
kanzurewhatever he's making, take some of it21:07
fenni'd like to see an x-ray of a NXT servo in this lineup: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=22661521:11
fennor one of those really tiny lego motors21:13
kanzureI have a new hobby: reading old science fiction that I wrote and hid somewhere (and then proceeded to entirely forget about) on my terabytes of hard drive storage21:32
fennmy new hobby is sneaking bad scifi onto kanzure's hard drive21:41
kanzureuh oh21:41
ybiti eat llamas21:41
ybit..since we're talking about hobbies21:42
ybitmy secret job is to make everyone realize that irc is wasteful and that they should be working instead of playing21:43
QuantumGfuck you21:43
ybithmm, that smiley face kind of looks gay after that comment21:43
ybitnot that there's anything wrong with being gay, kanzure, please don't take offense21:44
* katsmeow-afk is fascinated that males prefer to do things with each other, but it's not being "gay"21:45
kanzurelesbians are hot, deal with it21:45
* ybit lost his virginity to a lesbian21:45
ybitdamn ca priv. keys not creating, grr21:46
katsmeow-afkerr, women who are bi aren't lesbian21:46
ybitit was experimental...21:47
katsmeow-afkpraps they told you that to turn you on21:47
ybitshe's straight-up gay now21:47
fennmaybe she thought he was a girl21:47
ybitguess i confirmed to her that guys aren't what they are all cracked up to be?21:47
fennor perhaps was totally turned off by the experience21:47
ybitno no, we had discussed this beforehand while sober21:47
ybitright, i made sure she stayed gay21:48
fennyour contribution is duly noted21:48
ybitty ty21:48
katsmeow-afknow, what's her phone number?21:50
ybiti'll give it to you the next time we are both together and high, which should be a few days from now21:51
kanzurehow do I do newlines in my regular expressions in vim, anyway?21:51
katsmeow-afki didn't have that scheduled21:51
kanzureah, \r21:51
ybitafk for a bit21:51
kanzure"At the intersection of the now-cancerous galaxy and the next merging galaxy (where many exploding stars and rearrangements of materials and peoples has been occurring for the last fifty million years) there has been this militant, tactical group of pathologists that are trained to fight the spread of the disease throughout the galaxy and to carefully nudge the galaxy back on track towards spore"21:54
fenndoes anyone recognize these legos? http://img.lugnet.com/ld/30364.gif http://img.lugnet.com/ld/30365.gif21:55
fenni'm guessing from the part number that it's fairly new21:56
fennseems to only be in star wars kits21:57
wrldpc2those legos look familiar21:57
wrldpc2i want to say drawbridge or castle sets21:57
fennhere's more pics http://www.peeron.com/inv/parts/30364 http://www.peeron.com/inv/parts/3036521:59
wrldpc2has anyone in here read any of bucky's books?22:00
fenni read "operating manual for spaceship earth"22:00
fennand i think i read about half a page of synergetics volume 122:01
wrldpc2cool ... does anybody in here take any nootropics?22:02
wrldpc2forgive the wiki links but whateva22:05
kanzurewhat's your favorite place to order from?22:08
wrldpc2my friend boris recommended some random place but the site itself was shit.  Can't recall.22:10
wrldpc2this was a while ago22:10
ybit<off-topic> not really important, but thought i'd mention it: looking back at the past 2 years, i only get high ~4-6 times/year and drunk about the same number of times. usually it happens a few days from each other too.22:15
fennyeah and i'm not addicted to chocolate, i havent eaten any for two whole weeks22:15
fennwell, except for three chocolate chip cookies last week22:16
ybithah, i swear 22:17
* ybit doesn't eat chocolate often either22:18
ybitor meat. and who was it complaining about vegans killing animals in a lab?.. it could just be a health decision, it's a lot easier to keep up with what nutrients are consumed as a vegetarian. it's hard to tell exactly what you exactly one gets in a piece of meat22:20
fennjeez searching for 'toothed joint' brings up exactly the lego interface i was looking for, first hit22:20
ybiti drink and consume mj often, i just typically constrain its use 22:24
ybitany geeky something i could wake up to now that i use this computer as my alarm clock as well?22:26
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ybitmaybe a few good talks? or even a text-to-audio conversion of something...22:27
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fennmusic with a nice long slow intro22:28
fennbach cello suites would be good22:28
* ybit has a huge collection of nature sounds that has been being mixed with music22:28
ybitnow that's an idea, classical music interwoven with these songs22:29
ybittime for sleep 9h && mplayer *m3u 22:29
fenni have some samples of AK-47 being fired if that would help22:29
ybithaha, maybe that should be something to wake up after pressing snooze?..22:30
fenn'at' might be more reliable than sleep22:30
fennwhatever floats your boat22:31
ybitso i've been told22:31
ybitbut why would at be more reliable?22:32
fennpower goes out; computer boots up and at daemon keeps going (sleep is dead and forgotten meanwhile)22:33
fennor you could do a cron job22:33

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