
--- Day changed Thu Aug 06 2009
* wrldpc2 needs a neato obscure word to use for a bunch of blogs.00:25
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:34
CIA-38skdb:  * r9d475e53661d /packages/lego/ (interfaces.py lego.py): first whack at listing all Lego interfaces. not even close to done; technic is next00:39
CIA-38skdb:  * r22912e2ae83d /packages/lego/interfaces.py: added some things that were bugging me00:39
fennwrldpc2: to refer to a bunch of blogs?00:40
fennor just to throw around00:40
fenner, i can't really see that right now00:40
fennhow about "psychomanteum"00:41
-!- splicer [n=patrik@h189n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]00:41
fennYarg (a type of cheese)00:42
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []01:23
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:24
CIA-38skdb:  * re206640f812a /packages/lego/interfaces.py: RodHole is actually the same as HollowStud; StudHole is actually referring to the outer rim, not the hole, so i gave it a new name01:39
kanzurere: coords http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki02:38
-!- splicer [n=patrik@h189n3c1o261.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:55
ybitre:freesurfer that's the closest to your description so far 08:08
kanzureI did find a list of brain regions, but it had some weird mapping scheme that I didn't bother to explore08:09
kanzuresee here: http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/neuro/coordinates/brain_parsing/autobrainparser_label_mapping.txt08:09
kanzuresee also: http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/neuro/coordinates/ICBM_Template_Txt_Labels.txt08:18
fennbah. heekscad crashes when making a new coordinate system10:30
fennwell that was easy to extract10:30
fenn<CoordinateSystem title="Coordinate System" ox="-8" oy="0" oz="-8" xx="-1" xy="0" xz="0" yx="0" yy="0" yz="1" />10:30
fennhow come i didnt do this earlier?10:30
kanzurewhy does __import__(filename, fromlist=[class_name]) return a module instead of that_module.class_name ?10:31
fennare you sure it's a class and not a module?10:36
kanzurefromlist doesn't seem to do anything10:36
kanzuregiving it a bogus value doesn't make anything break10:36
kanzureok fixed it by working around it10:41
kanzurehm I wonder if a <module> object has __getattribute__10:42
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-200-16.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:47
ybitand index of my audio and video10:47
kanzurehey El_Matarife 10:47
kanzureybit: thanks10:47
ybitnot much, i've yet to upload all my backups10:47
ybitanyway, you can bet i will keep this server instance running 24/710:48
kanzurefor some reason my screws and bearings have no interfaces :(10:48
kanzuremaybe the "template" object isn't being obeyed10:48
drazakkanzure: is pyscholar fixed? y/n?10:51
-!- drazak is now known as drazak|lab10:52
kanzurehm, I guess I can spend a few minutes on that10:53
kanzureI'm at a good breaking point with skdb for the time being10:53
drazak|labwhen I finish my gene primer maker thing I'll let you know, and then put it on adl10:53
CIA-38pyscholar: kanzure master * re09fcd4 / tests/data/scholar?q=PDMS : proper Google Scholar testing data added - http://bit.ly/1pDBFV10:56
kanzureok maybe not. this is boring.11:00
El_MatarifeWhat's going on11:05
kanzureworld domination phase three has been initialized11:07
El_MatarifeAny of you coming to QuakeCon11:09
ybiti'm kind of interested in attending the h+ summit to see the skdb presentation11:20
* fenn chuckles11:21
ybitthe open manufacturing convention mentioned on OM was interesting too11:21
ybitthat's about the only ones i care for atm11:21
-!- QuantumG [n=qg@rtfm.insomnia.org] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]11:26
kanzurewonder if smari still wants to work on that presentation or not11:41
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r09ca0dcd186d / (9 files in 3 dirs): got some code working for testing compatibility, feasibiility, etc. see doc/proposals/package_play.py - need to write unit tests now.11:59
drazak|labkanzure: so does pyscholar work yet?12:04
-!- genehacker2 [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:31
fennwhen you import a step file in heekscad it saves it with an internal step file12:38
fennso we can save the step file along with coords (it will only work with heekscad unless people go digging around in the xml though)12:39
kanzurewhat is an "internal step file" mean?12:40
kanzuredoes that mean: "a step file embedded in the heekscad-custom-fileformat"12:40
fennand then the regular step format continues from there12:41
kanzurehuh I wouldn't have expected that12:41
fenni think that's only if you import a step file though12:42
kanzurewow I didn't commit package_play.py last time12:42
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * rcc65f90092e6 / (5 files in 2 dirs): forgot to include package_play.py- also, a dummy bearing package (only for use with package_play.py; not actual bearings)12:43
kanzurea good compatibility check between the bearings and screws would be whether or not the diameters match up and so on12:44
kanzurebut at the moment I have completely neglected to do that12:44
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r4835021fc1bd /packages/ (lego/template.yaml screw/template.yaml): removed template.yaml files in the packages12:50
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * rbaa90dde9f34 /doc/proposals/vizlegos.py: committing vizlegos.py, another slow pyldraw visualizer that was laying around12:52
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r5b24fa98b112 /core/skdb.py: typo fix in skdb.py13:00
CIA-38skdb:  * r850ab14dec96 /import_tools/heeks_coords.py: easy getting of coordinates from heekscad files, for interface location13:00
CIA-38skdb:  * rd7872f0a2c02 / (17 files in 6 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb13:00
CIA-38skdb:  * rd1a7ded59477 /core/skdb.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb13:00
fennvizlegos is already in import_tools13:01
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * red7c3b1f0839 /doc/proposals/vizlegos.py: Revert "committing vizlegos.py, another slow pyldraw visualizer that was laying around"13:02
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r4f28cfbc02cf /import_tools/heeks_coords.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb13:02
fenndo i get my XML merit badge now?13:06
kanzureno badge for you13:06
drazak|labwhat the hell is mutagenesis13:22
kanzurethe creation of new mutations13:22
drazak|labyeah no shit13:22
drazak|labbut: how do you do it13:22
drazak|labaka I got his crazy email on it13:22
kanzurethere are many ways13:24
kanzurechemical, uv radiation, nutritional stress, etc.13:24
drazak|lab"I was thinking about mutagenesis protocols for insertion of13:24
drazak|labsequences.  Normally, I design primers with one upstream annealing13:24
drazak|labsequence and one downstream annealing sequence.  What would happen if13:24
drazak|labthose two sequences were overlapping?  Would it be possible to make13:24
drazak|labconcatamers of the insertion sequence using this type of primer?  Has13:24
drazak|labanyone tried this?13:24
fennload into geometry at some coordinate system13:26
drazak|lab-- some dude from the molecular biology mailing list13:26
CIA-38skdb:  * r83431fa26937 /import_tools/coords.heeks: sample file for heeks_coords.py13:27
CIA-38skdb:  * rb3fb29173dce /doc/proposals/vizlegos.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb13:27
fennkanzure load up the step file in coords.heeks (or use brick_thick_round.stp which is the same thing) and translate its geometry so that one of the coords lines up with 0,0,013:28
fennheeks_coords.py coords.heeks will give you the locations of interface points13:29
kanzure"one of the coords" == "coordinate system/frame" ?13:29
fenncoords = interface point13:30
fenni would name them but heekscad won't let me13:30
kanzureare they in any particular order?13:30
fennthe order i created them13:30
kanzureno coord-frame is at 0,0,0 already?13:31
kanzurewhat is it that we're doing here anyway13:31
fenn0,0,0 is implicit i guess13:32
fennyou're moving geometry around13:32
fennit's not that hard13:32
kanzurewhy am I moving geometry13:32
fennto show where the legos end up when they stick together13:33
kanzureso should I load the CAD file each time you display a mating pair of legos?13:33
kanzureor should I use the Part.ais_shapes list?13:33
fenni dont care13:34
kanzureok, so you'13:34
kanzureso I get the part about mating shapes13:35
fenni just want to demonstrate what all this interface crap is about13:35
kanzurenow, what about the geometries? where is it specified which file is being used13:35
fennin data.yaml which hasnt been written yet13:35
kanzureyou'll write that?13:35
kanzureit's a yes/no question13:36
kanzurealright. I'll go do my magic.13:36
* kanzure puts on a cloak of invisibility13:36
fenndo you feel attached to the existing example in data.yaml?13:38
fennalso btw eventually there should probably be more than one giant yaml file13:38
kanzureif you can do better than lego/data.yaml go for it13:39
kanzurebut at the moment the general structure of the file is valid13:39
kanzureso I'd appreciate you keeping that :)13:40
kanzurebut otherwise yeah go ahead13:40
kanzures/keeping that/keeping that general structure/13:40
fenni dont like brick:13:40
fennshouldnt that be parts:13:40
fennthen a list of parts13:41
kanzure"brick" is a particular 2x2 brick13:41
kanzureit should be $lego_catalog_id_for_2x2_brick 13:41
fenni wish13:42
kanzurewould it be a crime to use ldraw ID numbers?13:42
fennit seems to be the only one anybody uses13:42
kanzureparts.lst for ldraw in adl.serveftp.org/lab/legos/ somewhere has a mapping of ldraw IDs to names of parts13:42
-!- ybitNotTunneled [i=4894195a@gateway/web/freenode/x-waoqnxeeiwcoyoql] has joined #hplusroadmap13:53
ybitNotTunneledyeah i forgot that i stopped the daemon last night, have to wait on a family member to stop by the house and start it for me13:54
fennkanzure: rad is a unit of radiation13:59
kanzureer, I knew that.14:04
kanzureI swear14:04
* ybitNotTunneled is skiping over dovecot since nginx is already on the comp14:11
ybitNotTunneledand serving up fresh outdated music and videos14:12
CIA-38skdb:  * r682621311278 /packages/lego/ (brick_thick_round.stp data.yaml interfaces.py): add an example brick cad file with real interfaces defined14:15
ybitNotTunneled"""The reason you want to use a local IMAP server with Gnus is because direct access to the maildir using built in Gnus functionality can block you out of emacs during reads of large amounts of mail. This is because emacs is single threaded and the read of the mail has to take over all of emacs – you can't switch buffers or type or whatever during Gnus' read of the maildir."""14:16
kanzureemacs is single threaded? seriously?14:18
CIA-38skdb:  * rd0ef93d533de /packages/lego/data.yaml: remove bad tag so it loads14:25
fennkanzure: think you can work with that?14:25
kanzurelet's keep step models in packages/lego/models/ or something14:26
kanzure9.5999999999999996 wtf.14:26
fennit's python's way of showing 9.614:26
fennprint yaml.dump(9.6)14:27
kanzuredo lego features have a default orientation?14:27
kanzurebut they have a point?14:27
fennuh, why would they have a default location?14:28
kanzureall I'm saying is that in data.yaml I do not see any 'orientation' attributes14:28
kanzureexcept for one14:28
fennwell, that's why i was complaining about vectors and CrossCrossed etc14:28
kanzureso that will (eventually) be added?14:28
fenngp_Vec(x_vec).CrossCrossed(y_vec) == orientation, i think14:29
kanzureokay guess I'll only use the ones that have x_vec and y_vec defined for now14:29
kanzurethat's fine14:29
fenni oriented the coordinate system Z in the direction of the mating trajectory14:29
fenndon't they all have x_vec and y_vec?14:30
fennthe second brick is crap14:30
kanzureoh okay14:30
fennignore it14:30
fennjust make two of the first one14:30
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r49a80f346e8c /packages/lego/data.yaml: parts have an attribute called files that you should make use of14:31
fennis that a pymates thing?14:31
kanzureoh. yes, that's probably why you didn't know it.14:31
kanzureI kind of expected you to look at pymates/models/peg.yaml14:31
kanzurebut whatever14:31
fennit's never actually used14:32
fennwhat do you do with more than one file per part?14:33
fennshouldnt this be more like:14:34
fenngeometry: !step14:34
fenn  filename = 'foo.step'14:34
fenner. filename: foo.step14:34
kanzurethat's fine14:35
kanzurethere's nothing in particular that I do for more than one file per part14:35
kanzureat least in the pymates codebase14:35
CIA-38skdb:  * r8e2a8c09d74b / (doc/readme readme): added a basic directory structure tour for newbies15:05
kanzuretrance.nu ?15:06
fennit's totally unreal how much data there is in a simple step file15:12
fenn6000 lines for a lego brick?15:12
kanzureI was originally thinking that we should just write four or five lines of python to generate our models15:17
kanzureand then let users choose if they want to export to step, iges, stl, etc., if they really want to15:17
kanzuresince it's all made of simple primitives, it's not that hard to write a lego_part.generate_model() method (er, maybe)15:18
kanzurealthough annoying for parts with curves and special features15:18
kanzureeasy enough with the blocks and bricks and other standard components however15:18
fennleocad for iPhone (no joke)15:19
fenngo right ahead15:19
fenni would do it but i have post traumatic stress syndrome from trying to use pythonOCC15:20
fennalso i dont know the dimensions for most anything15:20
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r4794c7cdf9ff /pymates/pymates.py: cleaning up pymates/pymates.py (mate_parts), need to fix pymates/tests.py15:23
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r23fbc09635d3 /doc/readme: typofix15:28
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * ree7445e5418f /core/interface.py: updated interface class15:28
ybitNotTunneled14:48] <ybitNotTunneled> filebin is down temporarily, but here's an example of why you shouldn't drink and scan: http://evilshare.com/l1ok8uw8v985/scan0079.jpg.html15:29
ybitNotTunneled[14:49] <ybitNotTunneled> another useful chunk of text from sacha chua: http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20030207.081828.ab7c778e.en.html15:30
ybitNotTunneled15:01] <ybitNotTunneled> interesting, sacha's on irc15:30
drazak|labhow do we know that you're really ybit if you're not tunneled!~15:31
kanzurelet's see your key, mister15:31
ybitNotTunneledgood point15:31
* ybitNotTunneled doesn't have a key15:31
ybitNotTunneledyeah, i kind of put those in the wrong channel15:32
ybitNotTunneledmotor skills were kind of shot15:32
ybitNotTunneledalong with other things15:32
ybitNotTunneledbut i'm good now, -windows15:34
ybitNotTunneledhere's how you will know that i'm ybit: ybit will complain if i'm not15:35
ybitNotTunneledon page ~65 of 500, 1 week past due, kind of wonder how much i'll be paying for this15:49
ybitNotTunneledgot the books and had only 4 days to scan without being charged a late fee15:49
kanzurewhy is there a "parts" list in data.yaml?15:50
kanzureisn't everything in the file a part?15:50
ybitNotTunneledprobably should take them back after this one and try for the third during the fall semester when i'll have about a month or two to get it back15:50
ybitNotTunneledso what's the deal with the l.a. trip... fenn, kanzure?15:52
ybitNotTunneledthe h+ organizion didn't just lose interest suddenly in skdb, right?15:53
ybitNotTunneledlast i heard the trip was rescheduled to aug ~11?15:55
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r2a5c67cdfb11 /pymates/pymates.py: pymates now should play nicely with orientations15:58
kanzureybitNotTunneled: we're still waiting on tickets15:58
kanzurejata and I talked the other day, I explained to her that I need the tickets before the 12th ideally15:59
kanzureand yesterday she mentioned that she and alex agree about that and the plan is to get some tickets before the 12th15:59
kanzureshe claims we already have a hackerspace up in LA at the moment15:59
kanzurebut it's not the warehouse (as if that matters)15:59
kanzureso if I was to move in september, we'd have some place to store precious junk immediately15:59
ybitNotTunneledis ybit considered precious junk? ;)16:03
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * rda9c9d3f8ab3 /pymates/pymates.py: fix a logic inversion issue16:04
kanzurewhat was it that treadwell calls it? junq?16:05
ybitNotTunneledin-vitro fruits. that was _almost_ the first non-basic income email from paul in awhile16:17
ybitNotTunneledi like it16:17
ybitNotTunneledin-vitro gravy, fenn, recipe?16:17
-!- QuantumG [n=qg@nuclear.biodome.org] has joined #hplusroadmap16:18
drazak|labkanzure: wtf does bad file descriptor mean?16:24
genehacker2so is the austin hackerspace still go?16:29
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-200-16.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has quit ["Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de"]16:29
ybitNotTunneledokay, time to speed this up.16:30
ybitNotTunneledis there a way for you to generate a list of page which you haven't scraped from google, fenn?16:30
genehacker2can I get a summary of all the important stuff16:31
genehacker2I've been fluidics16:31
genehacker2ok I don't want to know what I missed16:31
genehacker2I know too much now16:32
-!- ybitNotTunneled [i=4894195a@gateway/web/freenode/x-waoqnxeeiwcoyoql] has left #hplusroadmap []16:50
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has quit []16:59
fennscraped from google?17:12
kanzurewhat are you people talking about?17:16
fennkanzure: vec_x vec_y pymates rawr17:17
kanzureok ok17:18
kanzuredon't turn into a wookie17:18
kanzurethat was a terrible imitation of a wookie17:20
fennwas it better than the r2d2 imitation?17:21
* kanzure goes back to work17:24
kanzuredeep down inside, I'm truly a wookie17:26
kanzureor some sort of caveman17:26
kanzurehaven't decided17:26
bkeroFrom the few pictures of you online, I'd say wookie.17:26
bkeroYou'll need to grow a few feet taller and start carrying a bowcaster though.17:26
kanzurefor the record17:27
kanzureI have absolutely no problem with carrying a bowcaster17:27
genehacker2in other words some sort of railgun that shoots big bolts17:31
genehacker2that can be managed17:31
kanzurefenn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE1eHQ4z5W417:34
genehacker2especially since EEstor's going to finally demonstrate their capacitors.17:35
genehacker2that looks useful kanzure17:36
fennwhat about eestor?17:38
genehacker2They're finally going to show the world whether they have awesome capacitors or that they trolled us epically17:38
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r36de47d34460 /pymates/pymates.py: x_vec and y_vec support in pymates17:38
fennwhatever happened with steorn?17:39
genehacker2they're still out there unfortunately17:42
genehacker2hopefully eestor won't turn out to be a steorn17:43
fenneestor actually makes sense though17:43
kanzure"It seems that, despite (or rather, because of) Murdoch's strangehold on your media, most people really don't understand the megabadness of Murdoch.17:48
kanzureI know, I know, soooo 20th Century... so I'll boil it down for you geeks: You know the Jedi Emperor? Murdoch doesn't just look like that guy - in the cast of malignities afflicting the planet, he *is* that guy."17:48
kanzureI can feel the tweet swelling in you. Goooood. Strike me down with all of your blisteringly witty Web 2.0 snark, and your journey toward Big Media will be complete.17:49
kanzureOh, I'm afraid your friends blogging from the free Starbucks WiFi are walking into a trap...17:49
fennPET plastic, Aluminum Oxide and composition-modified Barium Titanate17:51
fennPET plastic??17:51
kanzurethis is getting annoying18:01
kanzureit's definitely time to start keeping track of brain regions in some better way18:01
fenn"EESTOR competitors: Graphene ultracapacitors from University of Texas at Austin"18:03
fennthat was boring18:11
kanzureis the lateral anterior region of the diencephalon's hypothalamus part of the supraoptic nucleus18:25
genehacker2yeah I think they put that there to get more attention18:40
genehacker2the graphene caps are about as good as any other18:40
kanzuregithub must be slow or CIA is down19:23
bkerowtf http://img.4chan.org/b/src/1249601279122.jpg19:25
CIA-38brain: kanzure master * rb863610 / human_brain.yaml : typo fix - http://bit.ly/1b5t6l19:30
ybitfenn: whatever you scraped from whatever service. is it readable?19:36
* ybit contemplates allowing himself to vomit fried pickles out of his system19:37
ybitand fried hush puppies and fried cheesecake19:38
kanzureis it valid to say "!blah *some-reference-here" ?19:51
CIA-38brain: kanzure master * r9db1b09 / (3 files in 2 dirs): dopamine - http://bit.ly/6sA6w19:52
kanzureis it valid to say "&something !some_tag" ?19:54
genehacker2bkero, what did you post from /b/ here?19:56
bkerogenehacker2: two men sitting in a tub of...nachos and hamburger buns?19:56
drazak|lab ~~~~19:57
ybitshould i waste my time with the edge videos?19:58
ybitanyone watched them?19:58
* bkero watches farscape.19:58
drazak|labedge videos?20:00
drazak|labwtf are edge videos20:00
kanzureybit: haven't watched them20:09
kanzuredrazak|lab: http://edge.org/20:09
kanzureit's like whole earth magazine except more full of it, and still alive- that having been said, it's good for some things20:09
kanzureso I say "full of it" somewhat jokingly :)20:09
drazak|labI think I'm getting a nature mol bio and struct subscription20:10
-!- Netsplit simmons.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: katsmeow-afk, Phreedom20:10
CIA-38brain: kanzure master * re1334de / human_brain.yaml : routes of administration and levodopa - http://bit.ly/89SXB20:11
-!- Netsplit over, joins: katsmeow-afk, Phreedom20:13
fennhappy birthday drazak20:15
drazak|labpretty much20:17
drazak|labit's actually with the money from last years birthday20:17
fennybit oh are you talking about mprg? the images are here http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/mprg/20:18
* ybit takes a look20:18
drazak|labWom 19920:18
fenner, that should go to 144.png; uploading now20:19
ybitis adl down?20:19
fennthere are a couple skipped/duplicated pages as i was manually doing a bunch of clicking to take screenshots20:19
fennno, why would you say that?20:19
ybitbecause i've been waiting for it to load since you posted the link20:20
ybitmaybe i'll put these edge vids in my wake-up media20:20
ybit..still waiting on mprg to load...20:21
fennhow about
kanzureadl  is just slow20:21
* kanzure kicks his screen session20:21
fennit's only slow right now because i'm uploading20:22
fenn(straw that broke leibniz' straw)20:22
kanzurethen it's probably our internet connection that is slow, not adl20:22
ybiti'll check back in the morning before starting another scanning session20:22
CIA-38brain: kanzure master * r8a8091c / human_brain.yaml : generation and control of eye movements (like voluntary saccades) - http://bit.ly/9mQPx20:22
ybitprivoxy was blocking adl20:29
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap20:30
ybitty fenn, this will save some time20:30
xp_prghi all, kanzure want to help me design a 1 page flyer I can hand out about synthetic biology?20:30
* ybit guesses not20:30
ybitxp_prg: drew endy has a lot of information about 'what synthetic biology is'20:31
ybiton his personal site and others20:31
ybitthat's a start20:31
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kanzurecan anyone explain how synthetic biology and diybio got so fucked up in bed together20:53
kanzurenot that I'm against synthetic biology20:53
kanzurejust I'm not fucking nuts20:53
drazak|labMan wtf is synbio anyway20:58
drazak|labnobody has been able to explain it to me concisely in less than 1000 words20:58
-!- drazak|lab is now known as drazak20:58
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kanzuredrazak: it's the idea of being able to use reusable genetic devices, parts, and systems21:15
drazaksto;; mpt a gppd ex,[;aomatopm21:16
drazaksto;; mpt a gppd ex[;aomatopm21:17
drazakMan, I suck at this typing thing21:18
drazak, but it's still not a good explaination21:18
kanzurethink of it as a way of stringing together genes to make something happen by analyzing standard information given or packaged with the standard packages21:22
kanzureexcept they totally fail in doing that at the moment21:23
kanzuredear lazyweb, I once knew of a nine-foot tall dog. sauce?21:24
fenndrazak: like making electronic components instead of rubbing together wool and glass rods and poking stuff with it21:27
drazakkanzure: what is the end goal, IE. what are some things they want to be able to do21:30
drazakI mean, do they want to be make insulin without the e.coli?21:31
kanzure7 chocolates/min?21:32
drazak could kill that21:32
drazakI could eat like 2321:33
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fenni could probably eat pi^e21:35
fenn(about 22.5)21:35
kanzureI wonder if they provide the chocolates.21:37
kanzurehow much does registration cost?21:37
drazakkanzure: how much money do you think I'd make if I patented using 3 or 4 proteins, an enzyme or two, and dna, to make insulin?21:39
fennnegative $10k21:39
fennbtw synthetic biology doesn't mean 'in vitro'21:40
kanzuretodo: theo jansen mechanism example or unit test for skdb21:42
fenndon't reinvent the wheel :P21:42
kanzureit's already written in python21:42
fennseriously, we should look at pyODE21:42
kanzurewhat's the problem? it's already there21:42
fennwhat's already where?21:42
kanzurethe theo jansen mechanism for pybox2d21:43
fennok, but, er.. hm21:43
fennwhat are you proposing exactly?21:43
kanzuresee pybox2d/testbed/test_TheoJansen.py21:43
fennyou mean integrate lego kinematics with box2d?21:43
kanzureor: http://adl.serveftp.org/test_TheoJansen.py was already there :)21:44
kanzureI mean to make a theo jansen mechanism assembly out of lego parts in skdb21:44
kanzureself.CreateLeg(-1.0, wheelAnchor)21:45
fennit might help to actually make one with real legos first21:45
kanzurewhat! actual legos. proposterous21:45
kanzureer the point is that it shouldn't be easier to make it with real legos first21:45
kanzuresince you could just check everything that is compatible21:45
kanzureand then select the correct components21:45
fennmaybe some day, but if you have nfc what you are trying to build, how is it easier to do it by proxy?21:46
kanzurethere's a difference?21:46
kanzureI thought the idea was that there wasn't a difference21:46
kanzurelego theo jansen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JY_ZdanpFKo21:46
fennthere is a difference because you dont have to define a real lego before you use it21:46
fennand fight with 40 different libraries21:46
kanzuresmaller: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MfOhFSROXo&feature=related21:47
fenni probably would have used beams and pins21:47
kanzuremuch more impressive too21:47
fennbah he had to help it along21:48
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fennright-o.. where are the cad files21:50
fennnice house http://blogotechnic.blogspot.com/21:52
kanzuretry this: http://news.lugnet.com/robotics/?n=2727221:52
genehackeryou know I really should Lcad up my lego 3d printer21:53
genehackerwhat software are you using to do lego cad?21:54
fenni played around with leocad today (it's what i expected.. what can i say)21:54
genehackerohhh jansen walker21:55
kanzuregenehacker: we're using skdb21:55
kanzurepyldraw can load that ldr file, fenn21:55
kanzureer, wait, no21:55
genehackerI found the papercraft of that the other day21:55
kanzureit can write ldr files21:55
fennleocad does this sort of bounding box based snapping that is totally undesirable: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/leocad_weird_snapping.png21:56
genehackerwhat do you mean write .ldr files21:58
kanzureum, it outputs dot ldr files21:58
kanzureI don't know how to explain this21:58
kanzureany better21:58
kanzurevideo of that jansen_walker.ldr file: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/legos/jansen_walker.ldr.mpg21:59
fennhere is the one from youtube (finally) http://blogotechnic.blogspot.com/2007/12/moc-jansen-walker.html22:00
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genehackerso what do you input?22:02
genehackerare you outputting every possible combination of lego bricks?22:03
kanzureand soon visualizing them too22:05
kanzureactually I wrote the code, fenn just has to run his test again22:05
genehackeryou aren't outputting the 9 billion names of god are you?22:06
kanzureit's really not that many22:06
genehackeror are you really outputting EVERYTHING22:06
kanzurelike if you want to try to connect a block together, you get to choose which way to do it22:06
genehackerit's a figure of speech22:07
kanzureno, only when you ask it22:07
genehackerpython correct?22:07
genehackerso that microfluidics book i sent you22:09
genehackercontains a list of pretty much every microfluidic component22:10
genehackerso it would be possible to make a graph grammar22:11
kanzureare you feeling ok?22:11
kanzureyou don't usually make sense22:12
genehackermake sense?22:12
kanzureI think a microfluidic graph grammar is a good idea22:12
kanzureyou should do it22:12
genehackergive me infos on how to make graph grammars22:13
kanzurewell there's two ways22:13
kanzurethe hard way is using http://graphsynth.com/ and download GraphSynth22:13
kanzurethe easy way is to write a few classes in python22:13
kanzureand use what's already in skdb as an example22:13
genehackerI'm not very good at class based programming22:14
genehackerbut I need to finish reading the book22:14
genehackerI didn't scan some of the more chemistry related pages22:15
ybitvanish is a neat concept, kind of sucks that it's a firefox plug-in though22:16
genehackerbut I scanned the section on catalysts22:16
ybitoff to bed, got just a few more things to do before bbdb+gnus works on this comp22:16
genehackerwhich are for the most part fluidic resistors22:17
genehackermicrofluidic components interact in interesting ways22:18
genehackersome amplifiers stop working when loaded to a certain degree because the mass flow rate out is less than the mass flow rate in22:19
fennbbdb-gnus fer squirrelmail huntin22:23
fennclicky webmail22:29
fennbbdb-gnus struck me as something a hyperactive teenage elmer-fudd might say22:30
fennmpd: mlcad/ldraw multipart file22:31
kanzurelego book opening device: http://staff.science.uva.nl/~leo/lego/bookminder.html22:34
kanzurelego stewart platform? http://staff.science.uva.nl/~leo/lego/stewart.html22:35
genehackerthere's a better one22:35
genehackerlet me peruse my bookmarks22:35
genehacker404 not found22:38
kanzurehttp://www.lswproject.com/ "The LSW (Lego StarWars) project is a mad project that consists in remaking the "StarWars: A New Hope, episode 4" George Lucas' film with Lego parts, by animating the lego characters frame by frame."22:39
genehackerdang it, I know I saw some lego stewart platform type thing22:39
kanzurelego star wars the movie22:48
kanzureor straight to the action: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/legos/ldr/lego-starwars/lsw2.2.en.avi22:49
genehackerperhaps you could find every possible way to represent star wars in lego22:49
fenngenehacker: what was the url to your 404 stewart platform?22:57
genehackerI don't know otherwise I would have posted it22:57
kanzurethen how do you know it's 40422:57
genehackerI couldn't find it in my head22:58
fennand the daemons said what?22:58
fennum, nevermind.22:58
fenn"charlie isn't here. there is only Zuul"22:59
fennso, why do you keep bookmarks in your head? doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose?23:00
genehackerno I have a lot of bookmarks23:01
genehackerthat aren't labelled23:02
kanzurewhy are they not labelled?23:02
genehackeroh well23:02
genehackerI'm not exactly sure if what I saw was a true stewart platform, it didn't have actuators23:03
genehackeroh they are labelled23:06
kanzureNameError: global name 'glColor3' is not defined23:10
kanzureah glColor3f worked23:11
kanzurehad to also add glutInit() to vehicle.py for the pyode example to start working on my box23:13
fennwhat box?23:14
kanzurehuh there's a bioperl Bio::Robotics package23:38
kanzure   use Bio::Robotics;23:38
kanzure   my $tecan = Bio::Robotics->new("Tecan") || die;23:38
kanzure   $tecan->attach() || die;23:38
kanzure   $tecan->home();23:38
kanzure   $tecan->pipette(tips => "1", from => "rack1");23:38
kanzure   $tecan->pipette(aspirate => "1", dispense => "1", from => "sampleTray", to => "DNATray");23:38
kanzurefuck it's jonathan23:39
kanzurewhy didn't he send that to diybio23:39
fennbecause a $200k robot isn't very DIY23:39
kanzurethe code is23:40
fenni guess the API could be used for other robots23:40
kanzurehttp://heavybio.dyndns.org:8080/ ?23:40
genehackerinternational cyborg day?23:46
kanzuredecember 5th23:46
genehackerwhy dec 5th?23:46
genehackeralso is that code from the lego robot arm for diybio?23:50
kanzureno, it's for a machine at the ellington lab in ICMB/MBB23:50
kanzure3rd floor23:50
kanzureer, 4th floor has the actual robot, but that's the attic sort of23:51
genehackeris it plugged in?23:52
fennit runs for days at a time23:53
fennyou aren't allowed anywhere near it23:54
genehackeris it a pippete bot or an actual arm?23:55
kanzurehal, spot, gumby, blzbub, muttmeat, jeckle, heckle, <- other subdomains23:56
kanzureit's a pipette bot23:56
genehackeroh well that's no fun23:57
genehackerwhat are they used for anyway?23:57
genehackerIE what is the repetitive task being done above the level of pippeting liquids23:57
genehackerdirected evolution?23:57
kanzureand wolverine23:58
fennthey sound more like dogs than computers23:58
genehackerjust out of curiousity kanzure can you control said robot via internet?23:59
kanzureyes that's what jonathan is doing23:59
kanzurehere's some star wars lego pieces: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/legos/lego-starwars/23:59

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