
--- Day changed Sat Aug 08 2009
nchaimov dfdfdf00:34
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kanzurefenn: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/pong.txt00:39
-!- nchaimov [n=cowtown@c-24-21-45-17.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:44
kanzureadded some papers: http://heybryan.org/books/Biology/neuro/00:48
kanzurehrm things seem to be all messed up ..00:51
kanzureguess I'll fix that eventually00:51
genehackermicrofluidics is awesome01:01
genehackeryou can put a whole bunch of reactors on the same chip01:03
genehackerpage 207 of that book contains something that could be used for a dna synth01:05
genehackervalveless valving for taking samples from different reactors so the composition can be analyzed01:13
genehackerkanzure are you present at the moment?01:18
genehackerprobably won't work for DNA synthesis02:46
genehackerre needs to be higher for those things to work02:46
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]04:53
-!- freedom_ [n=freedom@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]04:59
-!- QuantumG [n=qg@nuclear.biodome.org] has quit [Remote closed the connection]05:18
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-!- marainein [n=marainei@] has joined #hplusroadmap08:01
kanzurewhat? http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Full+text+access+provided+to+Googlebot+Access+by+Web+Services.%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.debian:en-US:unofficial&client=iceweasel-a08:41
kanzure"Full text access provided to Googlebot Access by Web Services"08:42
kanzure"Finite-elements model of the developing cerebral hemisphere"09:04
kanzure(from a model for the development of cortical convolutions)09:05
-!- marainein [n=marainei@] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]09:11
kanzureheh tensegrity models of gyrification and cortical folding due to mechanical tension09:11
kanzure"The increased predictability observed under surface-based registration suggests that the location of V1 is more accurately predicted by the cortical folds than by the shape of the brain embedded in the volume of the skull."09:30
kanzure(from Accurate prediction of V1 location from cortical folds in a surface coordinate system09:30
kanzureso is the inferior precentral sulcrus (IFJ) the same thing as the prefrontal orbitolateral regions?09:34
kanzureer I guess I meant to say "dorsolateral prefrontal cortex"09:38
kanzurehttp://brainmap.org/scribe/index.html "Scribe is the BrainMap application that is used to extract coordinates and meta-data from a published functional neuroimaging study and enter it in our database."09:52
kanzurehm. sleuth might be useful (maybe)09:53
kanzuretakes a while to download search results10:00
* ybit wants to see an example of scribe10:00
ybit01:03 < genehacker> page 207 of that book contains something that could be used for  a dna synth10:01
ybitwhat book was genehacker referring to?10:01
ybitit was some microfluidics books he mentioned allowing others to torrent?...10:08
ybiti think10:08
ybitwtf kind of file is that10:09
ybithttp://filebin.ca/ordqrh is the first part i believe10:09
ybit-_- .zip would be nice10:09
* ybit is jealous some people can scan two pages at once10:12
ybit11:48 < fenn> like CRC handbook, but for manufacturing10:13
ybitChemical Rubber Company handbook of chemistry and physics10:13
ybitthat's the only book which comes up 10:13
ybitis that what you were referencing?10:14
ybitPussy Beer: "Pussy Beer is an alcoholic beverage created from using Candida yeast from a vaginal yeast infection to create fermentation in a custom mash consisting of vaginal lubrication, menses, and rice. "10:17
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE3C9C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:17
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ybitsomeone's rofling about crc book and i don't know why 10:20
drazakit's fucking impossible to find shit in the crc handbook of physics and chemistry10:22
drazakmotherfucking impossible10:22
drazakyou need to take a class on using it10:22
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ybitdf -h11:50
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kanzureybit: yes, CRC is a classic11:52
kanzurethere are various copies of it floating around the web11:54
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:58
* kanzure really wants to find a gene silencing + beta-catenin + cerebral cortex paper.12:18
kanzure"A recent study suggests that the regulation of cortical size might involve phospholipids, by showing that their addition to cultured embryonic mouse cortices increases cortical size and induces folds resembling gyri."12:18
kanzurehuh ncravens hangs out in #openkollab12:32
genehackerthe potential between the cell wall and surroundings can get to 130 volts13:07
genehackercytoplasm an surroundings13:08
fennno way13:08
kanzuremaybe you mean mV13:10
-!- tropology [n=michael@adsl-76-223-1-47.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #hplusroadmap13:12
kanzurehey tropology 13:13
kanzurefenn: http://88proof.com/synthetic_biology/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/protolexer1.png13:13
kanzurewhat's up?13:13
tropologywas in #openkollab, thought I'd explore13:14
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: skdb - "apt-get but for hardware" http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/ http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb.git/13:14
kanzuretropology: yeah I was surprised that nathan was on irc13:14
kanzurehe doesn't seem to understand what skdb is13:14
kanzureand I don't seem to understand why he needs to make "openkollab"13:15
tropologycool stuff13:15
tropologyany work there with wifi, etc?13:15
tropologya few years back was trying to get community wireless more active in openhardware concept13:15
tropologywhy dont you think it would be nec. or useful?13:18
kanzurewhat's wrong with openmanufacturing?13:19
kanzurewhy not just use that13:19
tropologyI need to get up to speed on what is/was happening there ..13:20
tropologylots of folk startring from very different places but after something similar13:20
kanzurewell if you want it condensed, the first four links on this page are probably helpful:13:20
tropologythanks, gave quick glance will read more soon .. and will joni th e google grop13:21
tropologyI've been coming at this from several contexts myself .. arrived at a number of the same or related realizations .. 13:22
tropologymy contexts included community organizing, local npo/community oorganizations , coalitions of same, community networking, community tech, and community wireless amomg  other things13:22
tropologyeverything just began bleeding together13:23
tropologywow, still on the first of 4 == great stuff13:24
tropologythanks for the orientation 13:27
kanzureno problem13:27
kanzurebut most of the work was Eric Hunting13:28
* tropology begins memory game with daughter13:30
-!- tav [n=tav@] has joined #hplusroadmap13:44
kanzurehey tav13:48
kanzurefenn: will you fix the isinstance()/complement error?13:50
kanzureer nevermind13:50
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 9c2f747a39ec / (core/interface.py pymates/pymates.py): fix complement compatibility check in core/interfaces.py13:52
kanzureshould mate_parts() fuse objects together?13:55
kanzureor should it return all objects, or what? it currently modifies the shapes of the inputs13:55
kanzurebut this was apparently not expected functionality? or something?13:55
-!- gerryg [n=gerry@] has joined #hplusroadmap13:57
genehackernope fenn14:01
genehackeror whatever a nernst potential is14:02
fennmate_parts should return the transformation, and then something else should display the transformation applied to that part14:15
fennre: interface complement; isinstance(other, self.complement) really makes more sense because it encompasses subclassed interfaces14:19
fenneven though lego is broken atm14:19
kanzurea nernst potential is in mV14:20
fennthat's what i figured14:21
kanzurefenn: can you add some more legos with step files to data.yaml for motivational purposes?14:27
fennhold yer horses14:28
kanzurewhy isn't cp -p the default?14:44
kanzureor scp -p?14:44
fennbecause you haven't added to .bashrc14:45
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 4787abd600e1 /packages/lego/ (grammar.yaml interfaces.py): finish translating grammar to dict format14:48
fenner, the code to use that doesnt exist yet14:48
kanzureer why are the URLs at the top not in a urls: attribute list? :p14:49
kanzurealso, line 15 you have a stray apostrophe14:49
kanzurewhich messes up my vim highlighting- not sure if yaml will complain14:49
kanzurehuh yaml doesn't complain14:49
kanzurethe vim yaml syntax highlighter might suck14:49
kanzureah there was a bug report for it14:50
kanzuredidn't fix it14:52
* kanzure blames Clark Evans14:53
fenndo you really want metadata in every file?14:58
fennthose are just notes for my reference later14:59
fennlugnet has nothing to do with the grammar besides hosting pretty pictures of the examples (method which i'll be writing shortly)14:59
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 357220943669 /packages/bearing/metadata.yaml: bearing/metadata.yaml changed to match metadata for the threads package15:12
kanzuregenehacker: did you post in /r9k once about me?15:38
drazakwtf is r9k?15:48
genehackerdid I?15:53
genehackerwhat happened?15:54
kanzuredrazak: on 4chan15:54
kanzureoh well. someone sent an email to openmanufacturing and said that he found out about me on /r9k because someone posted a link to my homepage15:55
genehackerdoes he want to join us?15:56
genehackeror do we have a troll problem?15:56
kanzureno it's fine15:57
kanzureI replied to him: http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/msg/7ee9a4435575241715:58
genehackeroh the tech tree person15:59
genehackerI think that was me15:59
genehackerthey might be useful to us15:59
kanzurewho is they?15:59
genehackerno the tech tree guy16:00
fennpost_init_hook never gets called; how have packages been getting their path?16:19
fennsince package.unix_name never gets set16:19
fenn(fwiw i think unix_name is a stupid idea; the package name should always be unix compatible)16:20
kanzureybit: the system I have in mind lets you view a web page only once, construct a scraper in it via the the GUI of your usual web browsing experience, extract data into yaml, then consequently do some cron-scheduled task on the data that is burped back, do some stuff on /dev etc.16:20
kanzurefenn: skdb.py Package.path()16:21
fenni remember gene posting about skdb in some sort of 'time traveler from the future chats with 4chan for the lulz' thread16:21
kanzureit checks if there is a unix name and if not, sets it as the name for the moment16:21
kanzurehowever I agree that all names should be unix compatible16:21
kanzureso I'm fine with you doing away with that16:21
kanzureand replacing it with just the regular name16:21
fennright now it just checks assert hasattr(self, "unix_name")16:21
kanzurewell you can delete that then :)16:21
fennanyway.. fixing16:21
fennbah isalpha doesn't even do what you say16:24
kanzurewasn't I using isalnum() ?16:27
kanzurehuh that doesn't work to16:27
fennsomething like that16:29
kanzurehow about dashes?16:29
kanzureand periods?16:30
fennkeep em comin16:30
kanzureand possibly \ but that's questionable16:31
fennwhy +?16:31
kanzurewouldn't want it anyway16:31
kanzureI was thinking of my recent sudo apt-get install libgtk+ call16:32
fenni think it's lame16:32
kanzureI don't think anyone will miss it16:32
fennpackaging nazis ftw16:32
kanzure"rawr you may *NOT* have those symbols in your package name!"16:32
fennsomebody's gotta do it16:33
genehackerI accidently sewed through tubing16:38
drazakdo you guys want to make me some primers?16:39
kanzurewhat happened to your script?16:41
drazakwell, I only need one primer, atm, and my script is still in the works, but i wanted to see if someone else could make me this primer because i'm not sure how to find a UTR of a gene16:41
drazakif i know have to find the untranslated region i'd do it16:42
kanzureand it's not on genebank?16:42
drazaki  need a primer for 100-150 basepairs of one of the UTR of smooth muscle actin alpha16:43
kanzurewhat's a UTR exactly?16:44
kanzuredon't give me bio crap, just say what you want16:44
drazakit's the untranslated reigon16:45
kanzurethere's no reason for dna to be translated16:45
drazakit's part of a gene that's turned into mRNA but not into a polypeptide16:45
kanzureisn't there some codon that says whether or not that should happen?16:46
drazakAUG is the start codon of a translated sequence16:47
kanzureand the stop codon?16:47
* kanzure tries to remember16:48
-!- ecd [n=ecd@adsl-226-143-118.int.bellsouth.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:48
kanzurehey ecd16:48
fennwhat about packages of all digits (no letters)16:48
kanzurenice to see you show up16:48
kanzurefenn: up to you. I see no reason to allow it.16:48
ecdnice to be greeted immediately :)16:48
fennwell, it'd be easier to allow it16:48
kanzureecd: we're wired in to the channel or something16:48
kanzurefenn: maybe we can just "strongly discourage it"16:48
kanzureor "strongly make fun of the practice"16:49
fenncan we hire a professional heckler?16:49
ecd("Fantastic, I will eat your brain" - I have a friend who said something like that, who also seems "wired into the channel")16:49
kanzureyou mean a mother?16:49
drazakkanzure said that, ecd16:50
kanzureecd: brains don't taste as good as you might think16:50
ecdaye draz16:50
ecdthanks for the tip, kanzure!16:50
kanzurespeaking of which, ecd, this was a recent find: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/Regulation%20of%20cerebral%20cortical%20size%20by%20control%20of%20cell%20cycle%20exit%20in%20neural%20precursors.pdf.png16:50
kanzurethe brain on the right is a transgenic brain16:51
ecdI had just looked at  that in the "papers archive"16:51
ecdhow are you spying on me?16:51
ecdreal-time log monitoring?16:51
kanzureyes, bot it's usually just bots16:52
ecdso who has volunteered for brain enlargement treatment?16:53
kanzuremost of us16:53
kanzureactually brain size isn't necessarily the real trick16:53
ecdpardon my sluggishness, i'm relatively new to all this. what IS the real trick? quantity and fidelity of connections?16:54
kanzurethe real trick is not assuming you know the real trick :p16:55
ecdfar be it from me!16:56
kanzuremore tools would be helpful16:56
ecdfor investigating brains? or are you talking about collaboration stuff?16:56
ecdare you talking new tools/techniques, or actually having some of your own?16:57
kanzurewhat is the difference?16:57
ecd(tools, taht is)16:57
kanzureas a sysadmin of my brain, I really have only these big bulky hands with which to do work with- so I need to acquire more tools and maybe build more.16:57
ecdwhat do you have in mind?16:58
genehackerdirect interface to a computer for more control perhaps?16:58
ecdAny progress anywhere in that regard?16:58
kanzurein vivo dna synthesizer on a chip and virus bioreactor on a chip, implantable microelectrode arrays, sandboxing of neural stem cell cultures, "weather monitoring" such as by MRI reporter genes, 16:59
kanzureor fluorescent protein reporters of membrane potentials, gene silencing capabilities, 16:59
ecdhaha, where do you want to start? or where have you already?17:00
kanzurerTMS/tDCS, do-it-yourself fMRI/MRI/CT/PET scanners, etc.17:00
kanzureecd: well this is kind of why I'm doing skdb too17:00
ecdanyone building? or still not enough info out there?17:00
kanzureyes there are people building some of these devices17:00
kanzurea few people I know have rTMS setups17:00
ecdusing them? getting results as advertised?17:01
kanzureanother fellow has herself a tDCS setup that she's been meaning to get back into the habit of working on17:01
kanzurewhat results?17:01
nshstimulation of the transcraminums17:01
nshi would imagine17:02
kanzurehi nsh :)17:02
kanzureone fellow reported tingling sensations17:02
ecdno memory/ability enhancements?17:02
ecd(and no negative side effects yet?)17:02
kanzurebe very careful when asking that question17:02
kanzureit's not entirely obvious what an "enhancement" might be17:03
kanzureat this point I'm more interested in augmentations that might lead to enhancements17:03
ecdsuch as?17:03
kanzurea brain-computer interface is an augmentation in my book17:03
kanzurebut not necessarily an "enhancement" (whatever that means)17:03
kanzureit might be an enhancement, but you shouldn't bet on it17:03
kanzurewhat I'm trying to say is that intelligence/enhancement are just fuzzy words and nobody has a clear definition17:04
kanzureso let's avoid them :) and carry on instead17:04
ecdis memory a fuzzy word too?17:04
kanzuredunno, I have read a lot of papers where memory is tested- and there are some simple ways to "test" different forms of memory17:05
ecd(not being sassy) do i recall correctly: tms had some effect on memory?17:05
kanzurelike the "repeat a list of words" test17:05
kanzureor the recent rapamycin tests regarding mice that had a ridiculously high percentile improvement in long-term visual memory17:06
kanzurethere are many TMS articles out there so I'm not sure which one you're talking about17:06
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/papers/open-rtms/ <-- here's some rTMS papers17:06
ecdall i've heard is through pop sci-type articles and a friend who works in a lab17:06
kanzuredon't you wish you had more tools to play with to see for yourself?17:07
genehackerpopsci as in the magazine?17:07
ecdyour site is a goldmine, thanks for hosting all that by the way17:07
ecdhell yes17:07
ecdhence my "tech tree" project17:07
genehackeror or journals that advertise a lot?17:07
kanzureI really think you might be working on the same thing as us, ecd17:07
ecdgeneral journals, gene17:07
kanzurewe just don't call it a tree because it's sometimes more of a graph17:07
ecdmore like "wanting to work"17:07
kanzureheh wanting to work17:07
ecdexactly. i've been looking for decent graph databases17:07
kanzurethere are a few libraries that manipulate graphs17:08
ecd(hard to invest the time it seems to require given my limited abilities and the demands of citizenship (money, etc.))17:08
kanzurebut none that do dependency resolution algorithms really except smartpm17:08
kanzureso I added some code to skdb for dependency resolution in the dep/ folder17:08
genehackeroh good so you do read journals17:08
kanzureit's not quite functional yet but it should give an idea as to what we have in mind for resolving multiple dependencies of different types on different tech/hardware17:08
ecdwhere i can. i've been wanting to camp the local college library for access to some tech journals17:09
genehackerwhich is good for figuring out how to make self-replicating automata17:09
genehackergo for it17:09
ecdare you all in school/professionals?17:09
genehackerI am in school17:09
genehackerbut we're hardly professionals17:10
ecdspoken proudly? :P17:10
genehackerkanzure you're doing lego at the moment correct?17:11
kanzureone idea I was toying around with a few years ago was this idea of using neural stem cell cultures to sandbox possible alterations to my brain that I might want to make17:11
kanzuregenehacker: fenn is, I'm in here acting like I'm social though17:11
ecd(kanzure, on my account? or are there other brains in here you want to consume?)17:13
ecd"Acting like i'm social"17:13
genehackeranother idea I'm toying around with is a gene synthesizer to make the components necessary to do stuff like neural stem cell cultures17:13
kanzureecd: yes I should probably be acting like I'm working instead of acting like I'm being social17:13
ecdthen by all means!17:14
kanzuresecretly I'm this angry old man trapped in this old kid's body or something (not sure if I got my story straight this time)17:14
fennhum. what is Package.load supposed to do?17:14
kanzurebut anyway, no, I'm happy to be talking17:14
fennkanzure you're too naive to be an old man trapped in a kid's body17:14
kanzuream I angry enough?17:15
fennnot really, but why do old people have to be angry?17:15
ecdmost old guys i know/knew are/were pretty chill17:15
kanzureok ok17:15
kanzurefenn: I think it was supposed to be for loading stuff from data.yaml17:15
fennright, but, what is all the k,v stuff about?17:15
genehackeryou could cultivate insanity kanzure17:16
genehackerit gets you evil genius points17:16
kanzuregenehacker: bah17:16
kanzurefenn: the idea was that in data.yaml there might be multiple parts listed17:17
kanzureso one of the parts might be "bob: !screw"17:17
kanzureso this would set the screw's name attribute to "bob"17:17
fennoh, right17:17
fennwhat are only_classes?17:17
kanzuredata.yaml might have multiple objects listed17:17
kanzureso if you want only the screw tags, then just say "screw" or something17:18
kanzureer pass the screw class (screw_package.Screw) as only_classes17:18
kanzureand then you'll get back only the screws17:18
fenni think that should be done with isinstance17:18
kanzurethis method is kind of stupidly structured17:18
fennand load should just load the file17:18
kanzureit should be def load_data()17:18
kanzurenot def load(content)17:18
kanzureno reason to make the user pass some content..17:18
kanzureit should know where the package_path is and where data.yaml can be found17:18
fennok; is "source data:" always the right tag for data.yaml17:19
fenner, mapping key17:19
kanzureif you're happy with the name "source data" in metadata.yaml yeah17:19
fenni'm not entirely happy with the idea of one data file17:19
kanzurehow about an attribute in metadata.yaml called "catalog"17:19
fennoh it's a list17:19
kanzureok nevermind17:20
kanzureshould be fine17:20
kanzurefor Package.load_data how do you specify which file to load, then?17:20
kanzureI was hoping for Package.load_data() to just work automagically17:20
kanzure(and spit out the objects/data)17:20
fennloads all in source data17:21
kanzurehow about a particular source data file, then?17:21
kanzurenamed parameter that is set to None, if None then load_all ?17:21
fennjust do package.load(package_file(whatever))17:21
fennor skdb.load17:21
fennpackage_file hasnt been committed yet17:21
kanzurepackage.load_data() #returns all source data17:22
fenni needed a way to load grammar.yaml inside of the lego package17:22
fennbut i didnt know the local path17:22
kanzurepackage.load_data("data.yaml") #returns source data only from data.yaml in the package17:22
fennso package_file finds the path of a file in a package17:22
kanzurewhere is package_file defined17:22
fennskdb.py global namespace17:23
kanzurethen what are yuo passing it?17:23
fennpackage_file('lego', 'grammar.yaml')17:23
kanzureif you commit I'll make it slightly more pythonic17:23
fennhow so, please elaborate17:23
fenni should just shut up and commit17:24
kanzurePackage.path() could take a parameter (filename) and spit out the path17:24
fennwon't work17:24
kanzurewhy not17:24
kanzureif there's no parameter given, then just do the default behavior (package path)17:24
fennyou're in the middle of constructing the package17:24
fennjust hang tight and look at the code when i'm done17:24
fennthe real problem is i'm getting None for package name somewhere in this process17:25
fenneven though it's defined in metadata.yaml17:25
kanzurewhat's worng with os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) in where-ever you're trying to load grammar.yaml?17:26
fennit's gross17:26
kanzure:p you're gross17:26
fennand doesn't do any checks or anything17:26
kanzureecd: so anyway, I'm guessing you checked out the repository?17:27
ecdbrowsing now17:27
fennwhen a !package gets loaded from yaml its name is empty, so when it gets initialized unix_name fails (it doesnt have the right data anyway)17:35
fennhow do i call check_unix_name after the data gets stuffed?17:35
fennright, it works now for some reason17:38
kanzurehahaha "Manipulating gene expressions by electroporation in the developing brain of mammalian embryos."17:44
kanzure"We have also performed EP in developing fetuses in utero guided by ultrasound image"17:44
kanzurehm there has to be a use for transient gene expression during cerebrogenesis (or whatever you call it)17:45
ecdis this a paper you've uploaded?17:46
kanzurelocalized accelerated regions of growth of neurons I guess17:46
kanzureecd: one moment and I'll put it up17:46
ecd(though i've near-zero bio knowledge, still sounds interesting...)17:46
kanzureso I wonder if anyone has built as stereotactic frame for human fetuses17:48
kanzure"Mussen devised the first stereotactic frame intended for human use in 1918."17:48
ecdfor fetuses... how much jostling can fetuses tolerate without ill-effect?17:49
kanzurethey squeeze through a fucking vagina17:49
ecdand how many women would let you build a frame in their womb?17:49
kanzurewho said anything about using a woman's womb? ectogenetic tanks, man :p17:50
kanzure(only half kidding)17:50
ecdhah. ...how far away?17:50
kanzurekuwabara was doing that in the late 90s in japan but died and nobody continued his wokr17:50
kanzurehowever it was only for rats IIRC or goats(?)17:50
ecdwow *internets*17:50
kanzuresearch also for "artificial womb" and "artificial uterus"17:51
kanzureaha, here we go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_uterus17:51
kanzure"Another form of artificial uterus is one in which tanks are filled with amniotic fluid which is maintained at body temperature, and the embryonic umbilical cords are attached to external pumps which regulate nutrient intake and waste outflow. "17:52
kanzurehrm surely someone has done fetal neurosurgery before17:53
kanzurehow have they done it without a stereotactic frame?17:53
ecdi can search, yeah, but do you know offhand how "complete" the knowledge is of embryo development & such?17:53
kanzurethere's a large body of knowledge about embryogenesis if that's what you're asking17:54
kanzurehowever there are not many people working on artificial wombs or verifying formulae for wombs17:55
drazakkanzure: I'll ask my uncle, he was trained as a developmental biologist, they do fetal surgery and all that17:55
kanzureok thanks17:55
kanzurethe reason why I'm looking for a frame is so that I can figure out whether or not this is feasible or just speculation17:56
kanzureah they use ventriculosubgaleal shunts (VSG shunts)17:59
ecdman, no shortage of motiviation to work on skdb and such...18:00
kanzurewhat species is that?18:01
ecdit's not in the paper?18:04
kanzurethe image18:04
ecdquoting from the paper: "Twelve mixed breed Hampshire sheep were obtained from an external breeder."18:05
ecdwhoops, obviously "Twelve _pregnant_..."18:05
kanzurethe image I just linked to :p was saying that "they use VSG shunts" where they=neurosurgeons, not the paper's authors, sorry for the confusion18:06
ecdStill confused, sorry... what species were you asking about?18:08
kanzurethe one in the image from the scielo.br link18:09
ecdYou were making a joke that the paper's authors were pregnant sheep? :P18:10
ecdAlso, how do you read all these papers? Can you just read really fast (practice, or (+) natural ability), or do you have some techniques?18:11
kanzurewell the trick is to ignore the bullshit18:12
kanzurebut usually I read only the techniques and methods or more if I'm looking for more details18:12
kanzureusually it's more about reading for feasibility information .. "ouch, that looks like a tool I won't be able to make or get my hands on, screw that"18:13
kanzurethis narrows down the possibility space quite a bit as you can imagine18:13
ecdheh, hence the anger18:13
ecdhave you built any of the Gingery stuff? (In addition to all the books, I have a pile of clay I dug out of the yard, and an old vacuum cleaner motor, and that's my progress on the furnace.)18:14
kanzurefenn: you want to take that one?18:15
ecdI take it fenn's more mechanically inclined?18:15
kanzurehe built the gingery lathe and something else that I'm forgetting18:16
kanzurebut I thikn he'd like to talk about it himself18:16
ecdnot exciting?18:17
fennwhy dont we have tab completion for http location bar yet? :P18:18
fennquery the server for a list of possible urls18:19
kanzureor even just over your history18:19
fennnaw that just gets you a bunch of porn18:19
kanzureyou have porn that will match for "lathe"?18:20
kanzurewhat the fuck man18:20
ecdthat's what the ladies call me18:20
* fenn hides18:20
ecdtake that how you will18:20
ecdalso, what do you folks use to organize your bookmarks?18:20
ecdjust firefox/whatever's built-in search stuff?18:20
fennbookmarks really ought to be tagged rather than sorted18:21
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/bookmarking.html <- an old rant on bookmarking18:21
fennkonqueror doesn't do tags so i'm sort of screwed there18:21
kanzurekbookmarkeditor and firefox and konqueror all crash with my bookmarks these days18:21
kanzureopera is able to load them up with sufficient RAM on a machine, but that's not ideal18:21
kanzureI was thinking of moving to flatfile bookmarks a while back18:21
kanzureshould probably get around to doing that I guess :)18:22
fennecd: if you're interested in gingery you might enjoy looking around fennetic.net/machines/18:22
fenni havent done much with it in a couple years; eventually skdb will import that info18:23
ecdexcellent, thanks18:23
kanzurefenn: push yet?18:23
fennConstructorError: could not determine a constructor for the tag '!lego_feature'18:24
kanzureonce things get more stable we won't have to push all the time18:24
kanzureweren't you loading a lego_feature object the other day?18:24
fennit's in metadata.yaml18:24
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE3C9C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]18:25
fenni mean data.yaml. why is it loading data.yaml? gah18:25
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CIA-38skdb: fenn * r f4444609eb6c /packages/lego/grammar.yaml: now its a dict of lego.Feature objects19:03
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r b6b0fe10999f /core/interface.py: Interface should be FennObject19:03
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 8822456e1611 /core/yamlcrap.py: new overlay function for merging objects19:03
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 5f834520c0bd /core/skdb.py: new functions package_file and load_data; clean up a lot of old file handling code19:03
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r f2c40961610f /packages/lego/ (data.yaml grammar.yaml interfaces.py lego.py metadata.yaml): lego feature grammar works now19:03
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fenn'foo' in 'foobar'19:30
fennso 'stud' is compatible with 'anti stud cup' because it contains the string 'stud'19:30
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genehackerare you abstracting that high20:19
genehackeroh I get it20:29
-!- ecd [n=ecd@adsl-226-143-118.int.bellsouth.net] has quit [" HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Go on, try it!"]20:49
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r a4ff523f295b /pymates/pymates.py: fix gp_Ax1 orientation parameters and fix list index error in random.randint in pymates20:54
ybitkanzure: i like it (your web browsing exp. idea)21:13
fennweb browsing exp?21:19
kanzurefenn: just an idea to make tabs go away until they are needed21:21
fennwho was ecd?21:21
kanzurethe guy I replied to on om21:21
ybits/exp/system *shrug*21:27
* ybit doesn't like how beer makes him clumsy21:28
* ybit would prefer adderall21:28
ybitdamn my doc for thinking i need straterra right now -_-21:28
ybitfor that sacha girl to be so on top of her email, she sure is taking a long time to respond to me21:29
ybitit's okay though, i'm guessing the scripts she writes about our some of the ones she maintains like remember.el or something like that21:32
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 72a288d439bb / (3 files in 2 dirs): key bindings and cycling through different possible combinations of legos (need to implement options() next)21:45
-!- katsmeow-afk is now known as katsmeow21:48
genehackerhmmm... now I wonder if there are plants that can make nitrous oxide21:49
katsmeowthey'd have been popular in the 60's21:49
kanzurenitrogen cyclers?21:49
genehackerplants that make NOx21:50
genehackerand some sort of fuel21:50
genehackerthen mix them and take off like a rocket21:51
genehackeror perhaps make some sort of cellulose based potato cannon21:54
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk21:59
ybitgenehacker: what's the name of this microfluidics book you keep talking about22:08
genehackerkanzure has it22:14
genehackermicrofluidics history and applications or something22:14
genehackerlet me check22:14
genehackerMicrofluidics History, Theory, and Applications22:15
kanzureit's on the server22:19
kanzureer, on adl22:19
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kanzurehuh ldraw uses a 3x3 matrix22:25
fennoh wait, nevermind22:30
kanzuresorta kinda have a ldr-to-python converter written22:51
genehacker3x3 matrix of what?22:55
genehackercrystal structure?22:55
genehackerI mean lego crystal structure can be quite simple22:56
fennprobably position and two orientation vectors22:59
fennorientation == rotation more or less23:00
genehackereuler angles not a quaternion?23:00
fenni never figured out quaternions (bad explanations probably)23:01
fennoh noes23:01
genehackerI haven't either fenn23:01
genehackerdo you know the apollo spacecraft was too?23:01
fennactually orientation vectors don't have gimbal lock23:01
genehackerthey had to do special maneveuring to avoid those conditions23:01
fennTwo interpolate between two quaternions, you must interpolate linearly over the surface of the unit hypersphere in four dimensions.23:07
fenni wonder if i'm supposed to get some sort of enlightenment from that23:07
genehackerthe missile knows where it is because it knows where it isn't23:08
fennthere is no missile23:08
genehackerI saw a very funny presentation on missile guidance 23:08
genehackerwhose unstated purpose was to completely misinform people on missile guidance23:09
fenne2 is great23:09
fenn"quaternion" links to "Everything223:09
fenn"quaternion" links to "roll me over and fuck me again"23:09
genehackerrotation freaks me out23:12
fenndefinitive article on the subject http://everything2.com/title/Teenage+genius+computer+hacker+myth23:15
genehackerhow big is everything23:17
genehackermaybe there's a manga guide to matrix math23:25
fenni remember when this was funny http://onastick.net/sitz/images/webphone.html23:25
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