
--- Day changed Fri Aug 14 2009
genehackerclonehuh what's up with google's logo00:08
genehackercloneit's a coil of wire wrapped around a nail hooked up to a battery near a compass?00:09
genehackerclonea solenoid?00:09
QuantumGhover of it00:10
QuantumGor even click on it00:11
genehackerclonetried clicking00:16
genehackerclonedon't think they've updated it yet00:16
QuantumGI just clicked on it, it worked00:16
QuantumGis the url it gives00:17
genehackercloneah there we are00:18
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk00:29
* katsmeow-afk waves gnites 00:29
genehackerclonehomebrew injection molding00:32
fennsomeone please tell me why i'm still awake01:46
fennthe Swedish Moderate Party commented "Decriminalizing all non-commercial file sharing and forcing the market to adapt is not just the best solution. It's the only solution"02:05
fennif that's the moderate party, what are the radicals like!02:05
fenn"It’s not where you take things from, it’s where you take them to."02:08
genehackerclonebecause you have forced a reset of your sleep cycle02:09
genehackercloneplease refer to sleep cycle reset procedures to reset your sleep cycle02:09
fenni did force myself to sleep yesterday at 3~ am02:09
genehackercloneI am suffering the consequences of having old out of date hardware02:10
fennit can't be worse than my laptop02:12
genehackerclonetrying getting a music/picture/video application working on a DS with an obscure flashcart02:12
fennbtw gene did you stop to wonder why blacklight power has been 'validated' by some podunk college in the middle of nowhere, insted of Princeton which is right next door to them?02:13
fennkeeping in mind that they have some $50M in funding to do with what they will02:14
genehackercloneapparently my old obscure flashcart that isn't really a flashcart02:15
fennit's a bomb!02:15
genehackercloneis really a compact flash port hooked up to a tiny hard drive02:15
fennoh neat02:15
genehackerclonesince tiny harddrives are obsolete I can remove the tiny harddrive and put in a compact flash card02:16
genehackerclonewith more storage capacity02:16
genehackerclonethough that'll have to wait02:16
genehackerclonebecause I'm going to mexico tomorrow02:16
fennnot quite so exciting when you live in texas02:20
genehackercloneI know02:21
genehackerclonemexico cozumel actually02:22
genehackerclonewould it be safe to replace the hard drive with a compact flash card?02:22
genehackercloneonly one source says I can do this02:22
genehackerclonewouldn't a compact flash not be compatible because the drivers were different02:23
fennCF is IDE in disguise02:23
genehackercloneyou are correct02:24
genehackerclonelooks like the company that made this uses compact flash in the same electronics02:25
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r df7bd7fc1726 /doc/todo/TODO: rawr02:26
fennperhaps i should write a snazzy commit message generator02:29
fennor i could just pick a random line from funny taglines or the BOFH excuses02:30
genehackercloneis there a funnytaglines.lib?02:36
fennnot sure where i got alltags.txt02:41
fennthe bofh excuses are from fortunes-bofh-excuses02:41
fennapt-cache search fortune02:41
genehackerclonean automatic excuse generator?02:41
fenni have it set to provide an excuse every time i log in or type 'wtf'02:42
genehackerclonehow well does it work?02:42
fennvery well thank you02:42
fennput this in .bashrc02:43
fennalias wtf='n=$RANDOM ; let "n %= $(cat ~/.excuses | wc -l)" ;echo "WARNING: `head -n $n ~/.excuses |tail -n 1`"'02:43
genehackercloneis it anything like matlab's why command?02:43
fenndunno i've never used matlab02:43
genehackerclonethen log into the me appserver open matlab and type why02:44
fenni dont have a student account (no citrix etc)02:45
fenni'd like to play around with 20sim some time02:45
fennmatlab just looks like a sad excuse for mathematica02:45
genehackerclone20 sim?02:45
genehackercloneMATLAB IS AWESOME02:45
fennmulti domain simulation02:46
genehackercloneI don't know the HERESY that is mathematic02:46
fennwrong matlab: http://jeffpatton.net/Blog-images/Matlab.jpg02:49
fennok matlab is boring02:50
fennapt-get install fortunes-debian-hints02:50
* fenn attempts to sleep again02:51
genehackerclonehow does one format a card?02:52
-!- mason-l [n=x@202-89-188-136.static.dsl.amnet.net.au] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]04:47
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kanzuremicrowave flash sintering of inkjet-printed silver tracks on polymer substrates: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/Microwave%20flash%20sintering%20of%20inkjet-printed%20silver%20tracks%20on%20polymer%20substrates.pdf05:08
kanzure(from Superkuh)05:08
-!- genehackerclone [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit []05:22
mason-lI'm not sure if this counts: http://www.mathstat.uottawa.ca/~rsmith/Zombies.pdf titled: "When Zombies Attack!: Mathematical Modeling of an Outbreak of Zombie Infection" :)07:46
kanzureyoutube currently is featuring a video with the title "Norwegian girl gets raped by a huge monkey" and it has 4,705,294 views08:11
drazak"containing 0.1% NaN3"08:11
drazakthank you antibody sheet08:11
kanzurehuh google's logo changes from the regular one to the coiled one upon page load08:13
kanzureoh shit08:13
drazakit's sodium azide08:13
kanzure"Dragon Ball Kai (ドラゴンボール改 「カイ」) is an anime series that is an HD Remaster and Recut of Dragon Ball Z done for its 20th Anniversary."08:14
kanzureopening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnvupMV9su4&feature=related08:14
kanzurethere's no better way to see the prince of all saiyans blasted into hell for eternity than in full 1080p HD.08:17
drazakyou do realize08:56
drazakI stopped watching DB like, 8 years ago?08:56
kanzurewell you can only watch it so many times09:37
kanzurebut after that you just don't watch it any more09:37
kanzurebut that doesn't mean that you've stopped knowing about it or something09:37
drazakyes, yes it does09:40
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE7CA8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:48
kanzurefenn: what was the name of the python web framework that worked with gtk but also over the web?10:04
-!- kardan| [n=kardan@p54BE442F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]10:05
kanzurewhole brain emulation roadmap: http://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/3853/brain-emulation-roadmap-report.pdf10:10
fennapt-get remove python-apport10:14
drazaklets een here...10:15
fennkanzure: "kai" just means "improved" or "corrected"10:16
fennthat particular kai at least..10:16
drazakmade the gel, in the fridge setting, aliquoted conditioned media, fed those cells, need to feed the other mscs, protein samples are done... hmm10:16
drazakcould prepare the other samples for eliza... but I think I'll do that on wednesday or the monday after that, when I have 32 or 48 samples10:17
drazakinstead of 1610:17
drazaker, elisa10:17
kanzurefenn: I would have guessed "kai" would be a reference to the "ki" in the show ("energy")10:19
drazakcan't get coffee until after lunch10:19
drazakI bet there's donuts in the coffee room though10:20
-!- drazak is now known as draz|lab10:20
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 28 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 28 normal]10:20
fennnah words dont work like that10:22
kanzurewas assuming that I just knew an incorrect spelling10:22
fennki is also spelled qi or chi10:23
kanzurehell there are people still spelling out "saijyan"10:23
fenn(saiya people)10:23
* kanzure thought the romanization was saiyan10:23
fennit is10:23
fennthere's two ways to romanize it10:23
fennone is direct conversion of the phonetics10:24
fennthe other is using english semantics10:24
kanzurebut anyway, there were people who would spell it not 'saiyan' and not 'saiyajin'10:24
fennthey're just idiots then10:24
kanzureno arguments there10:25
kanzurewas just trying to show it's possible for me to be wrong with spelling when it comes to dbz10:25
kanzureI was a l33t hax0r back when I was watching it or something10:25
kanzureback when my spelling was absolutely terrible10:25
fennright well 'kai' means about fifty things10:26
kanzureI think it also means "god"10:26
fennso it doesnt matter how you spell it if you dont have the kanji10:26
fennkami == god10:26
kanzurewhy do you use gp_Trsf().Multiply(trsf) sometimes?10:28
kanzureis the .Multiply() doing something that I should know about?10:29
fennMultiply modifies the gp_Trsf10:30
fennMultiplied does not(?)10:30
kanzureso you consecutively do gp_Trsf().Multiply() in order to "stack" transforms on top of one another?10:30
fennat least i hope so10:30
kanzurethanks for the encouragement10:31
kanzureit would be nice to be able to say transform1+transform2 where transform1 might be Rotation and transform2 might be Translation (two classes in geom.py atm)10:34
kanzurebut how would I keep track of the original transforms versus the "computed" transforms?10:35
kanzurethe "computed" transforms are what you get when you do Multiply or Multiplied10:35
kanzurethe "original transforms" are the Rotation or Translation objects10:35
fenneach part has a transform right?10:35
fennso if you build up a tree of parts you traverse to the root of the tree, multiplying by each part's transform along the way10:36
kanzureI'm just trying to make a tree of transforms, not a tree of parts10:36
fennsame thing i guess10:36
kanzurewell the issue is how to deal with OCC bullshit in this case10:37
fennmakes more sense to me that the parts are connected10:37
kanzurebecause there's a difference between gp_Trsf and the Rotation or Translation objects that I have10:37
kanzuregp_Trsf doesn't keep the "history" of what it was10:37
kanzureso I'm writing some classes that wrap it up and *do* keep the "history"10:37
fennyou mean whether it was a rotation or translation originally?10:37
fenn(not sure why that matters really)10:37
kanzurefor writing unit tests.. when you mate two parts for testing purposes, and they should result in (say) three translations and one rotation, you can check that that happens10:38
kanzurebecause it's possible for the system to screw up with the math for transforms and still get something that "looks right"10:38
fennthat's too finicky10:39
fennthe test should test the result, not what particular sequence of rotations it uses to get there10:39
kanzurebut then if you debug it you won't know wtf happened when things go wrong10:40
mason-l<kanzure> fenn: what was the name of the python web framework that worked with gtk but also over the web?10:51
mason-lIt was called pyjamas http://pyjs.org/10:51
mason-lYou create gui applications that render in webkit (using gtk) but can simultaneously translate to online ajax web-applications. 10:52
kanzureoh they only render in webkit?10:53
kanzurethat's lame10:53
kanzurefor the gui you have to have webkit installed?10:53
mason-lI mean it uses webkit to render the main gui. 10:53
mason-lOtherwise it translates to a ajax web-application seamlessly. 10:54
mason-l(At least from what I've heard/read, I haven't used it myself).10:54
mason-lPersonally I wouldn't use it myself but it sounds useful. 10:55
mason-lI take it that was what you were thinking of though? 10:55
kanzurefenn was wondering why I was using django10:56
kanzureso he went off and found pyjamas10:56
kanzuresubsequently I proceeded to forget the name of it10:56
kanzurethus, my life story10:56
kanzurepopcorn at the frontdesk for $910:56
mason-lhttp://github.com/lkcl/pyjamas-desktop/tree/master <- Hasn't been actively developed for over 5 months. 10:56
kanzurehey, you're from uzbl?10:57
mason-lYeah, I wrote uzbl_tabbed.py & the cookie_daemon.py 10:57
kanzurehaven't tried those yet10:57
* kanzure needed uzbl to exist about two years ago.10:57
mason-lI'm not biases or nothin' but they are the best :P10:57
kanzureI was in #uzbl the other day ranting about some ideas for making a scraping system10:58
kanzureso that I don't have to keep on revisiting these silly websites10:58
mason-l... Like an RSS framework? 10:58
kanzurenot necessarily10:58
kanzurethe idea is to let the user visually identify elements on the page that are of interest10:59
mason-lI'm just not sure what you mean. 10:59
kanzureand then figure out the xpaths for those elements10:59
kanzurethen put these xpaths into a file that can later be used as a scraper-template10:59
mason-lAnd only render those elements? 10:59
kanzurenope :)10:59
kanzureit will dump those elements into a file10:59
kanzurewhich can then be used by a generic scraper framework that either I'm working on or will steal from someone (dunno yet)10:59
kanzuresee, I secretly hate the webs10:59
kanzureand I think surfraw is the best thing ever11:00
* mason-l has heard of surfraw..11:00
kanzurebut I'm no idiot: I know pages change, and I know how much it sucks11:00
kanzureso when it *does* change, the idea would be to pop up uzbl and let me fix it ASAP11:00
kanzurewithout having to meditate over a few thousand lines of bullshit perl11:00
mason-lPerl is incomprehensible :P11:01
kanzureas much as I like uzbl, the idea would be to be in uzbl for as short as possible at a time :)11:01
kanzurethe rest of the time I should be in my shell working11:01
kanzure$ google-search "my query goes here"11:01
kanzureuzbl-notifier: error! Google has updated its bullshit. Fix now? [Y/n]11:01
kanzurethen my uzbl plugin should pop up and let you fix the xpath selections11:02
kanzureanyway, it's only really just for me or other people who hate the webs11:02
mason-lsurfraw looks awesome :)11:03
kanzurethe problem is that the plugins die so frequently11:03
kanzureit's hard to keep up11:03
kanzurezotero is a firefox plugin that has a fairly active team of people fixing their translators/scrapers11:03
kanzurebut the problem is that their translators/scrapers only work in firefox (wtf)11:03
kanzureso ideally I'd also be pushing on them a generic file format for specifying what to scrape on a page (via specifying the xpaths)11:03
kanzurethis is somewhat the idea behind pyscholar, except pyscholar doesn't work at the moment (it's my scholarly-related scraper framework -- it thinks it's zotero, except it's in python)11:04
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 16638c280b40 / (geom/geom.py unittests/test_geom.py): update test_geom and geom for test_rotation and test_translation11:31
kanzurefenn: can you fix my rotation test? I don't know what the answer should be11:35
fennkanzure: if you find yourself using len() you're probably doing it wrong11:39
fennjust in general11:39
fennthis is not C11:39
kanzurehow do you do method overloads11:39
fenni dont know11:41
fenni think you just check the argument type11:42
fennall i need is an xterm :P11:42
kanzureminimalist :(11:43
fennanyway i like keyword arguments11:43
fenni dont see why you'd want to overload rotation anyway11:44
fennit's not that hard to do rotation(gp_Ax1(foo)) vs rotation(foo)11:45
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 307b035f9b4c /unittests/test_geom.py: the answer11:48
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 79928bdefe95 /geom/geom.py: use named arguments11:49
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r b229ce035fa0 /packages/lego/demo.py: remove old comments11:50
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 216674e70fa0 /geom/geom.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb11:50
fenni think rotation/translation should be a class if you're trying to store them11:51
fennelse do rotate() translate()11:51
kanzurenot trying to store them11:51
kanzureI deleted that code11:51
* fenn runs around outside11:52
* kanzure sees him in a chair11:52
kanzureI question your /me's11:52
fennfuture present tense11:52
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 478bca3609ac /unittests/test_geom.py: fix the calls in test_geom11:53
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 546853e5fef4 /packages/lego/demo.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb11:53
ybitman it feels good not to be sick11:54
* ybit loves it when the discussion turns into brain uploading every now and then, there are always some new, interesting takes on it11:55
ybitexherbo is my new fav linux distro11:56
ybitso kanzure, was that an indication that you are considering experimenting with neuron stem cell cultures?11:58
ybit"Some time ago11:58
ybitI had some plans to start doing some neuron stem cell culture11:58
ybitexperiments, but now I'm not sure why I'm not already doing that."11:59
kanzureyeah it's been in the back of my head for a while now11:59
kanzurejust got lost under the cruft maybe11:59
kanzuresnorting stem cells really does seem fascinating12:07
kanzurehowever cerebral migration needs to be confirmed more thoroughly imho12:08
kanzurefenn: your real answer is wrong12:10
kanzureangle=math.pi; result_point =  [-5.0, 6.1230317691118863e-16, 0.0]12:20
kanzureangle=math.pi/2; result_point =  [5.5511151231257827e-16, 5.0, 0.0]12:21
kanzurefor rotating around the origin with respect to the z axis12:21
kanzureI guess that seems right. 12:22
* kanzure imagines a circle on the xy plane 12:24
mason-lDo you guys enjoy your projecteuler.net? 12:28
ybitmason-l: were you here when i posted that link?12:52
ybiti enjoy those type of challenges, maybe too much, which is why i've created my own 'game of life'12:52
ybitto challenges that seem more immediately relevant to my personal goals12:53
ybitto +tackle12:53
stragesanyone want to discuss meteorology?13:44
strageswell not in general, specific cloud forming13:50
kanzurewhat about it?13:53
kanzurehave any cloud seeds?13:53
ybittoo lazy to go storm chasing, so you want to create your own, strages? ;)13:55
kanzuremaybe it's for the evil mad scientist backdrop13:56
kanzurethis is an imperative component of the scene, ybit13:56
ybitof course, how could i forget13:56
ybitalright time to think through a few things and get them typed..14:11
stragesIt's pretty easy to create a cloud in a container14:15
stragesboiling water and a cold layer14:15
ybitoh right meteorology, /me was about to talk about creating MEAs14:15
kanzureybit: your homework is to design me a damn adder14:15
stragesbut I want to be able to create a rain cloud, with precipitation14:15
kanzureybit: I think that's a good start.14:16
kanzureybit: interfacing with electrodes is down the line, but seriously- digital logic circuit design is a very good place to start14:16
fennsupposedly if you dump powdered barium titanate into the stratosphere it will spread out over hundreds of miles14:17
kanzurehow much time?14:17
fennthe grains then act as nucleation sites for condensation14:17
fenna matter of hours14:17
stragesbut that14:17
kanzurewhat's the wind velocity?14:17
strages*that's too large14:17
fennthere's not much air up there14:17
fennthe spreading is due to electrostatic repulsion between the particles14:18
fenn(supposedly the military or <insert spooky illuminati conspiracy here> is doing this for weather modification with "scalar wave electrogravitics" or somesuch, or maybe just as an artificial ionosphere for over the horizon radar)14:19
stragesis it possible to creat multiple atmospheres in a single enclosed space?14:19
stragespressure wise14:19
ybitkanzure: today's todo consist of finishing scanning manufacturing processes reference guide, writing a roadmap for hackerspaces to develop and experiment with MEAs, finding the appropriate tabbing schema, reconfiguring dovecot, a few errands in town, getting weechat-otr to f'ing work, finalizing configurations in weechat, and if all that is complete, start working with bbdb 14:19
fennstrages: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjCmwuGKR6g14:19
kanzureyou mean more than 1 atm?14:19
ybitwhat's your plan to experiment with neuron tissue cultures, kanzure?14:20
stragesfenn: yeah I've seen that before14:20
kanzureybit: nothing in particular yet. gfp expression maybe, then on to infrared photoreceptors in mouse eyes14:21
fenncompressed gas cylinders go up to 500atm, but they're dangerous14:21
stragesnot quite what I meant14:21
fennyou mean like a big dome like the superdome?14:22
strageslike a smaller version of our atmosphere, perhaps not as complex14:22
fenn1 atm = 14.5psi14:22
fenndo you mean "troposphere"?14:22
stragesI need to cloud layer to be floating below the top of the container14:22
stragesrather than forming at the top14:22
stragesby container, I'm thinking ~6ft tall plexiglass box14:23
fennhow about a fog machine14:24
stragesnot a real cloud14:24
fennfluffy cotton candy?14:24
strages*sigh* nevermind14:24
fenni think clouds are the size they are because of the rate of thermal emission from atmospheric gas at around water's condensation temperature at earth normal pressure14:25
stragescloud synthesis in a small controlled environment with the goal of small scale precipitation is what I want14:26
stragesprecipitation from the cloud, not the container14:27
fenni dont know how you'd simulate the blackness of space in a box (a cold flat plate would collect condensation instead of causing it to form in the center)14:27
fennmaybe if you coated with something extremely hydrophobic like rain-X14:29
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE7CA8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote closed the connection]14:37
-!- timschmidt [n=chatzill@c-24-11-81-207.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:41
-!- Netsplit simmons.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: timschmidt__, mage2, flamoot, draz|lab14:44
-!- Netsplit over, joins: draz|lab14:45
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 68e21d1d7b4a /unittests/test_geom.py: because bryan is too lazy to add a Point class so i can overload == operator14:48
draz|labI am really tired14:49
draz|laband almost free for the day14:50
draz|labI have to wash my membrane, and block the other one14:50
fennhow come there's no blotting machine? i bet you could retrofit a photography developer machine14:50
fenni mean why are people doing this by hand in 200914:51
draz|labnot easily14:51
draz|labmost print developing machines are roller based14:51
draz|labyou wouldn't have the constant contact needed14:51
draz|labalso not enough chemicals14:52
fennwell anyway it doesn't seem like an amazingly difficult challenge14:52
fennto make one from scratch14:52
draz|labthey only let you use 5 chemicals in a print developer machine14:52
fenni'd be surprised if there were more than that in a blot14:52
draz|labwell, lemme rephrase, it's enough chemicals but it's not able to reuse chemicals14:52
draz|labie. you can't have it in wws, and then in blocking, then in wws, then in primary, then in wws, then in secondary, then in wws14:53
draz|labyou'd need to be able to use 7 chemicals for that14:53
draz|labif using a photo print developing machine14:53
draz|labI guess you could do it in a kodachrome machine14:54
draz|labbut that's lulz way too muc14:54
-!- mason-l [n=x@202-89-188-136.static.dsl.amnet.net.au] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]14:55
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fennkanzure did you ever do anything with CSG or collision?14:56
draz|labanother 2 minutes of washing15:18
draz|laber, 20 minutes15:18
draz|laband 20 minutes of blocking for the other blot15:19
draz|labI should label that other blot15:19
* draz|lab feels way too lazy15:19
draz|labI need to remember to put it in the pharm fridge15:19
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 3d79231d67d8 /geom/geom.py: import OCC.Precision into geom/geom.py17:03
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-!- flamoot [n=root@bas1-barrie18-1242376397.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap17:04
kanzurefenn: no not yet17:05
-!- katsmeow-afk [n=someone@99-194-252-61.dyn.centurytel.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]17:10
ybitwell, that was a fun prank. my bro was at my house and i was tunneled into the computer.. we were on the phone and i had the computer to play a sound clip which says to stop browsing porn, acted like i heard it over the phone and told him it's not cool to be doing that on my computer.. that it only plays when you are browsing pr0n online :)17:14
kanzurehow did you know the volume would be on?17:19
ybitkanzure, rmembered17:21
ybitplus you can check with alsa mixer17:21
ybitand listen from the phone if it plays17:21
* ybit didn't check, just listened17:21
ybiti bet i could do custom messages with echo "blah" > blah.txt ; speexenc blah.txt blah.spx ; speexdec blah.wav ; mplayer blah.wav ...or something like that17:23
-!- any72558322 [n=someone@75-120-39-184.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:24
ybitwell.. something like that... missing a step or two before speexenc17:25
kanzurethere's a simpler way to do it that superkuh was using for his pdfs that I once took a look at, though I don't remember what he was piping to17:27
-!- any01169291 [n=someone@75-120-33-63.dyn.centurytel.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]17:30
* ybit hasn't read the diy protein purification email yet17:33
ybitjust the headline...17:33
* ybit needs to read17:33
* ybit wonders what the running time is.. and if protein purification is cheaper or faster with the cdrom drive17:33
ybitwhat's the cryeuro.eu wiki which eugen leitl speaks of?17:37
-!- kardan| [n=kardan@p54BE7CA8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:43
kanzureif you wanted to be an ass, you could do some inkjet printing of neural tissue cultures with axon growth proteins in certain directions to make it mimic an artificial neural network that you pre-train on a computer17:54
kanzurethen you can claim "look! I've converted from an artifical neural network to a biological neural network!"17:54
kanzurehowever it's really not as interesting as it sounds17:54
kanzureor how others would make it sound at least17:54
kanzurewhat happened to 256 740 2037?17:56
kanzurefenn: be sure to use reload() when doing python stuff in the future.. much easier than rebooting the interpreter every 5 seconds18:04
fennreload() nice18:07
fennhow do i get actual numbers out of this graph? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Atmosphere_model.png18:08
fennpresumably the horizontal gray lines mean something18:08
kanzureluckily all of the gray thingies are the same size18:09
kanzuregreen thingies18:09
fennspecifically i want density at 40km18:09
fennyes it's a log plot, but there are only 8 lines!18:10
kanzurelog base 8?18:10
fennthey aren't even spaced right at the top18:11
fennmaybe i should just pretend there are 1018:11
fennstupid navy18:11
draz|labhave any of you done gel shift assays?18:11
fennwhy can't they just give me a nice formula18:11
ybitwhat's the simplest/fastest method for  protein purification? what's the cheapest? hmmm...18:12
fenner, "curdling" i'd say18:12
fenndenatures the protein in the process though18:12
fennshampoo conditioner contains a lot of soluble wheat protein so whatever they use for that i guess18:13
ybitdidn't we discuss su-8 several times before?18:14
draz|labfenn: the sds in shampoos makes the proteins soluble18:14
ybitcosts of purchasing it versus producing it yourself...18:14
draz|labfenn: all (almost all) shampoo contains sodium dodecyl sulfate, sds, or sodium laurate18:14
fenni'm talking about conditioner18:15
fennSDS is just soap18:15
draz|labsds makes proteins soluble18:15
draz|labit denatures them18:15
fennnot necessarily18:15
draz|labdepends on what you do18:15
draz|labyou're right, I guess18:15
fennbut i meant however they get the protein out of the wheat without denaturing it18:16
fennnot "how does shampoo work"18:16
fennwow yahoo answers really sucks compared to two years ago18:16
fenn"it makes your hair more manageable"18:17
kanzureyahoo has always sucked18:17
kanzureit's like hotmail users being redirected to yahoo but taking a wrong turn at neopets and somehow ending back up at yahoo through a couple more wrong turns18:18
fennblech.. silicone polymers in some conditioners18:18
fennonly the finest vegenaise for me18:18
fenni think you mean 'beanie babies'18:18
fennso neopets is like pokemon on steroids?18:19
kanzureno clue what it is now,18:20
kanzurebut back in the day, it was just a website with an RPG hardcoded into the server18:20
kanzureso you clicked around on pages to do stuff18:20
kanzurein 2006 I started seeing ads on television for neopets so I have no idea what they're up to18:21
kanzuremy web-rpg never got ads on tv :/ so I guess someone must have liked their site18:21
kanzureit's much like gaiaonline18:21
kanzurealso, python's super() makes no sense18:21
fenndon't use super, just use the name of the class18:22
fennFoo.__init__() instead of (i dont want to even say it)18:22
kanzurewell thanks18:22
kanzuredumdedum why don't they say that in the documentation18:22
kanzureinstead of all this bullshit about how weird super is?18:23
fenner, Foo.__init__(self)18:23
ybit"Spiral cuff electrodes are manufactured using silicone rubber sheets in combination with platinum foils, welded to stainless steel wires."18:23
fennthings to know about super: nothing, probably18:23
ybitgrr, the pdf reader in IE su18:24
kanzureybit: http://pdfreaders.org/18:25
* ybit isn't going to download stuff to this comp18:25
* fenn wonders how ybit is going to control the tentacles supporting the electrodes18:26
ybitas i was saying...18:29
ybitSelective control of muscle activation with a multipolar nerve cuff electrode."18:29
ybitpaper to grab ^18:29
kanzurewonder if the neural stem cells could be made to drip out of the nose as well18:30
kanzureor not necessarily the stem cells but some sort of cell coming from the brain18:30
kanzurea "stem cell fountain gushing from the nose"18:30
kanzure(as opposed to using extracts of the testis)18:30
ybitas well as Multichannel neural cuff electrodes with integrated multiplexer circuit18:31
fenner. sperm cells aren't stem cells18:31
ybitas well as "Culturing Nerve Cells" MIT press 199118:31
ybitokay i want everything referenced here http://ybit.ath.cx/docs/papers/Fabrication%20of%20Multi-Electrode%20Array%20Devices%20for%20Electrophysiological%20Monitoring%20of%20In-Vitro%20Cell%20Tissue%20Cultures.pdf18:31
draz|labso none of you have done gel shift assays?18:37
ybitdraz|lab: not yet, why do you ask?18:41
kanzureto what extent is the metabolic activity of the brain constrained by the constructal law's interaction with the circulatory system in there anyway? (various routing issues)18:44
ybithttp://ybit.ath.cx/docs/papers/SU-8%20a%20low-cost%20negative%20resist%20for%20MEMS.pdf or http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/unsorted/SU-8%20a%20low-cost%20negative%20resist%20for%20MEMS.pdf18:53
draz|labybit: uhm apparently the PI at my lab is going to do one18:57
draz|labhe did some really good ones as a grad student18:57
-!- draz|lab is now known as drazak18:57
ybitwhowas drt?18:57
ybiti take it wasn't you19:01
ybitLee K Y, LaBianca N, Zolgharnain S, Rishton S A,19:01
ybitGelorme J D, Shaw J M and Chang T H P 1995 J. Vac.19:01
ybitSci Technol. B 13 3012.619:01
ybitneed that paper as well..19:01
ybit(/me keeps typing notes to himself on irc, my bad)19:01
drazakwe're Lee, T19:01
drazakwe're/the PI is19:01
ybiti know the name of your lab, just not sure why you brought it up :)19:02
kanzureybit: don't mind as much. just be sure to tell us what the reference actually is about :)19:02
kanzureor why you want it or something19:02
kanzureit just makes it slightly more motivating for us to go grab it19:02
ybitit's the first reference from the su-8 papers i just linked to... that's all it tells me..19:02
* ybit isn't concerned about motivating others to go grab it, but i suppose that would be nice19:03
kanzuredid you look at the su8 folder on adl yet?19:03
ybitThe resist described in this work was developed by IBM19:03
kanzurehm guess it's not there19:03
ybitreally? it was there at some point right?19:04
kanzureok somebody yell at me to eventually upload papers/su8/19:04
* ybit yells at kanzure to upload su8 papers to /su8 eventually19:04
ybitRecently the HARMST19:07
ybittechnology (high-aspect ratio microsystems) has met a new19:07
ybitlimit in thickness with the UV illumination: 300 m [3].19:07
ybitthat's awfully thick19:07
ybitthat's microns if anyone didn't recieve the symbol19:08
ybitthis paper sucks19:10
* fenn wishes u were the standard SI prefix19:10
drazakybit: because your thing said Lee KY, and I was kidding about it no tbing our lab19:10
drazakof course, every other paper is Lee et al and Wang et al19:10
kanzurewhat's up with that anway19:10
kanzurechange yer name 19:10
kanzureLee NotWang19:10
ybitthere's already a standard for deviating between Wangs as being female or male (nowang haswang)19:12
fenncan he tie it in a bow?19:12
ybit:P **19:12
kanzurecan he tie it in a not?19:13
ybitif he can tie it in a bow, i'm guessing the knot's not a problem19:13
ybitminus blood circulation19:13
kanzurewhat, you can't tie yours in a knot?19:14
ybitkanzure: it is time to upload those su8 papers19:14
kanzurewah. /me goes off to upload19:14
kanzureok uploading19:15
kanzure30 3 papers to go.19:15
kanzureer, 33 papers19:15
kanzureok guess I had less in there than I remembered19:16
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/papers/microfluidics/ will have other interesting SU8/PDMS papers however19:16
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]19:18
CIA-38skdb: kanzure * r 8cc4c0eaf505 /geom/geom.py: added Point, Vector, Transform, Rotation, Translation classes to geom- generic wrappers of stuff from OpenCASCADE. todo: stackable transforms.19:21
kanzureshould you have to say transform1+transform2 or transform1*transform2? 19:22
kanzure(under the hood the idea is to do gp_Trsf.Multiplied())19:22
* fenn dreads19:24
fenni wouldnt bother with operator overloading since nobody's going to be using it except maybe on one line in all the code19:25
ybitwhere's the paper on making su-8, that's what i want19:25
-!- MichaelMaranda [n=Michael@adsl-76-223-1-47.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has quit []19:39
ybithow low cost are we talking, i keep hearing su-8 is low-cost..19:39
ybitEven in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good thing19:43
-!- strages [n=strages@c-68-62-216-5.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:46
ybithttp://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/LC/article.asp?doi=b500519a :: Fabrication of SU-8 multilayer microstructures based on successive CMOS compatible adhesive bonding and releasing steps19:48
kanzureybit: I'd look into the polymer recipe rather than any of the stepwise lithography papers19:52
ybitsuch as..?19:53
ybitnothing on su-8 synthesis19:55
fennfoo = yaml.load('!point {y: 2, x: 1, z: 3}'); foo.Coord()                                                                                      19:58
fenn(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)19:58
fenngood work kanzure19:58
fenni dont suppose we could make it a list too :P19:58
kanzurehuh okay20:00
kanzureyeah I think it should be ok to make it a list .. that just sounds like it's a FennObject issue more than anything else20:00
kanzurewasn't there a way to make a tag parse a certain way based off of whatever the hell it wants to treat the input as?20:01
kanzureare you actually writing any code?20:05
kanzureand which files should I stay away from if I want to avoid automerge issues?20:06
ybit19:20 < kanzure> one thing on my todo list is a spin coater20:07
ybitJuly 1220:07
ybit21 **20:07
ybitdidn't we discuss cheap ways of doing this before20:07
kanzurecdrom-stack-case + dc motor20:08
ybitmy logs are failing me20:08
kanzuresometime after I said that on that evening I mentioned a link to a ridiculously simple spin coater setup20:08
kanzureparameters passed to the pyldraw recursive write method for stacked transforms: current_matrix = current_matrix * obj.matrix, current_position = current_position + current_matrix * obj.position20:11
kanzurenot really sure how a vector can be added to a matrix20:13
kanzuredoes that make sense? /me checks numpy20:13
kanzurenope apparently not20:15
kanzureso wtf?20:15
kanzureas usual pyldraw implements its own matrix math routines20:16
kanzurehow typical20:16
ybitaha, i linked to this in here...20:16
kanzureah it does something different if the other thingy is a Vector20:16
kanzureseems simple enough :)20:17
kanzureand it returns a vector?20:18
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/lab/legos/geometry.py is from pyldraw, take a look20:18
kanzureheh class AngleUnits20:18
-!- any72558322 is now known as katsmeow20:34
* ybit wants to know.. again.. what the city guidelines are on this.. does it have to be performed at a uni20:49
ybitalmost there... http://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/references/phspol.htm20:53
ybithttp://www.jefferson.edu/oar/manual/man10202.pdf :: U.S. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research and Training20:57
splicer(the animals are there for us to eat, wear and experiment on)21:00
ybittodo: nag PHS Monday morning21:03
ybitsplicer: ?21:03
splicerit was on an old album cover for a band named 'cat rapes dog'... they didn't invent it though... don't remember where they got it from.21:05
splicer(it was designed to piss of animal rights people)21:06
-!- any20111617 [n=someone@99-195-192-25.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:55
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r ac8ab266d513 /unittests/test_geom.py: too many global namespaces is confusing21:59
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r b16c35a54a80 /geom/geom.py: geom.Point now dumps+loads yaml21:59
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r d8a369eedaee /core/yamlcrap.py: enable non-scalar yaml_reprs21:59
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 1f5b36bf77f1 /core/skdb.py: util for removing icky float errors from repr21:59
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r fcc2b73ed6fb / (geom/geom.py unittests/test_geom.py): represent Point in yaml as a sequence and fix ugly floats21:59
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 57389b7c1350 /geom/geom.py: keep yaml from barfing on scientific notation, and implement == operator21:59
kanzuregah do we really have to go through and wrap all the crappy OCC classes?22:01
-!- katsmeow [n=someone@75-120-39-184.dyn.centurytel.net] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]22:01
fennin Vector: __init__ = Point.__init__22:14
CIA-38skdb: fenn * r 9ec4fa63e0c6 / (geom/geom.py unittests/test_geom.py): factored out common elements of Point, Vector, Direction22:51
fenntrain tickets cost the same as airplane tickets - no wonder amtrak is doing poorly23:06
fennwell ok it's somewhat less.. $262 round trip23:07

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