
--- Day changed Wed Aug 19 2009
-!- nchaimov [n=cowtown@c-24-21-45-17.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit []00:12
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ybitnice, someone from instructables just sent me the pdf: http://ybit.ath.cx/docs/papers/Build%20a%20Microwave%20Transformer%20Homeade%20Stick%20Arc%20Welder.pdf00:25
-!- flamoot [n=root@bas1-barrie18-1242376397.dsl.bell.ca] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:32
katsmeow-afkybit, compare the power input on a good growlbox to that of a microwave oven transformer00:33
katsmeow-afkmy gowlbox kicks a 30amp 240v breaker when doing serious welding , you can't put that much into a nukebox xformer00:34
katsmeow-afkhe talks about 1/16 rods, 3/32 rods, and 1/8 rods , i burn thru at least 100lbs of 1/8 rod every year, but never as much as 5lbs of 3/32, and i never use 1/16 rod00:43
katsmeow-afkand 60xx rod is crap, do not trust your life to 6013 or 6011 rod00:43
katsmeow-afki use 7018 exclusively00:44
katsmeow-afkdc is best00:46
katsmeow-afki used 600v 300amp low-drop diodes, i seldom go over 120amps00:47
ybitthanks katsmeow-afk, that will probably be useful to know when i start welding00:59
* ybit wants01:25
ybitthe links from there are nice too, such as http://www.gamemp3s.net/ http://www.videogamemusic.us/ http://rpgmm.mopoo.com/user1/rpgmm/index.html  etc01:26
ybitfenn, kanzure, you might like http://share.dmhy.org/01:28
-!- flamoot [n=root@bas1-barrie18-1242375205.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #hplusroadmap02:23
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-!- marainein [n=marainei@220-253-114-190.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap06:34
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-!- droid [n=droid@tmo-104-238.customers.d1-online.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:09
kanzurehi droid07:22
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-!- freeze [n=freeze@tmo-104-238.customers.d1-online.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:32
kanzurehello freeze07:58
-!- davidnunez [n=davidnun@209-6-203-217.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:06
-!- marainein [n=marainei@220-253-114-190.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]08:28
CIA-31skdb: kanzure * r b07c767 /geom/geom.py: fix Direction class (type gp_Vec, not type gp_Dir)09:36
-!- kardan__i [n=kardan@p54BE6B41.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:48
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CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 03e0fad / (geom/geom.py unittests/test_geom.py): fix OCC_triple(gp_*) bug the right way (hope I didnt break the if statement)10:09
fennso i guess i should use a graph class to represent the connection graph10:13
fennthen when i want to walk the chain of transformations from one part to another, i traverse the graph and apply trsf's at each node10:13
fennor maybe trsf is an arc10:13
kanzureI'll look up some screencast bullshit10:15
-!- davidnunez [n=davidnun@209-6-203-217.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit []10:23
kanzurefenn: know anything about getting an ffmpeg encoder working?10:25
-!- davidnunez [n=davidnun@209-6-203-217.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap10:33
-!- ncravens [n=chatzill@] has joined #hplusroadmap10:33
ncravensI'm watching some folk play with something called tent at #esp http://wiki.openkollab.com/wagn/Tent_Help 10:36
ncravensthe prompt: skdb-make robot-maid: failed: @#@#@$@SDL!!10:37
kanzurehey ncravens10:42
kanzureyeah fenn's working on that at the moment10:43
kanzurencravens: nice to see you in here10:44
ncravensits nice to see you out there too man. 10:45
kanzureyou never show up in here, why is that?10:45
kanzurejust wondering. thought you'd want to be up to date on the latest and greatest versions.10:45
ncravensbecause , well, I got burnt on chatting years ago, but now I realize ... there's stuff worth chatting about now10:45
ncravenslatest and greatest versions of pink fluffy?!10:46
timschmidtHey guys, I've designed, and am starting to manufacture some Arduino clones with additional features (relays, power mosfets, temp and light sensors, and the like) for sale.  What would you like to see a purpose-built Arduino made to do?10:46
kanzureoh, you're selling them?10:46
kanzureyou didn't tell me that, tim10:46
timschmidtdidn't intend to not tell you.10:47
timschmidtdesigns will be FOSS, of course.10:47
timschmidtjust building and selling for those who can't themselves.10:47
timschmidtThe one I'm nearly done with is based on a clone that was licensed GPLv3, so it will be too.10:49
fenni'd like a $10 temperature logger with optional 7 segment display10:49
timschmidteasy enough10:50
ncravensso how's the Austin lab shaping up?10:55
kanzureit's moved to california10:56
kanzuretimschmidt: so, I think you should package up your kits into skdb10:57
kanzurethis is the exactly right scenario10:57
kanzurethey're GPL'd, you want to make some cash, and you need to get some more widespread knowledge of them, or something10:57
kanzureand even if you don't want to make them forever, still making a couple hundred or something would make you happy (right?)10:57
ncravenswhere in california? ;10:58
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 27d6e13 /doc/todo/TODO: doo10:58
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r cd02214 / (geom/geom.py paths.py): now make_lego puts the brick in the scene such that interfaces[0] is at the origin and oriented along the Z axis10:58
kanzurethe coast10:58
kanzureLA possibly10:58
kanzurencravens: the austin fabratory is still ticking away10:58
kanzurehowever I might not stay here forever10:58
ncravenswhere you have in mind?10:59
fennby "ticking" you mean that cricket noise when nobody's there?10:59
timschmidtkanzure: first batch will be 100.  I would not be disappointed to make a few thousand.10:59
kanzureok, that's a lot of manual labor, but sure10:59
ncravenskanzure: fenn: I'd like to get your input on this: http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ATsf-IaJ1pQxZGcyanpkZnRfMjc1aGN2YzdnZ2Q&hl=en10:59
kanzurelast I checked there was a few people over there11:00
kanzurencravens: if this is another openkollab thing, I'm going to puke11:00
kanzurei'm tired of you not listening11:00
kanzureso I'm putting my foot down.11:00
ncravensI'm listening. ;)11:00
fenni'm busy11:01
kanzuredid you see the skdb presentation, ncravens ?11:01
kanzurencravens: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/presentations/updates-from-austin.pdf11:02
kanzuretimschmidt: there was a huge thread on diybio once about this11:03
kanzuretimschmidt: http://groups.google.com/group/diybio/browse_frm/thread/f283180392f16cdd/7362d9da4b8bffdf?#7362d9da4b8bffdf11:04
kanzureyou might get some ideas there for stuff that people want11:04
kanzureand have publicly admitted that they want :)11:04
ncravenskanzure: so what do you think of these espian folk?11:08
kanzurenot interested11:08
ncravenshave you talked to them about skdb? 11:20
kanzureI mentioned it in #openkollab, no one was interested11:24
ncravenshave you mentioned it to #esp? 11:28
ncravensslide 36 'Consideration: product as graph' reminds me of Minsky's model of AI.11:29
kanzureluckily this doesn't require ai11:30
ncravensfor the parts that require hand entry... ai would be nice?11:31
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@pool-173-48-253-182.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:32
-!- freeze [n=freeze@tmo-104-238.customers.d1-online.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]11:32
ncravensyour friend Sam Rose is having a chat with Suresh Fernando at #openkollab11:33
ncravenswhat does "f.s. c.f.g. d.a.m." on slide 36 mean? 11:35
ncravensWhat evoked the ANGRY?11:37
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r e386cbb /geom/geom.py: added skdb.Interface.get_transformation()11:53
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 6f809f8 /paths.py: playing with get_transformation(); implemented make_arrow_to()11:53
kanzurencravens: "FS" means "function structure"12:01
kanzure"CFG" means "Configuration Flow Graph"12:01
kanzure"DAM" means something about a matrix regarding assembly of a part12:01
kanzurehonestly that slide was thrown in from the lab professor12:01
kanzureit's not really as useful as you might think it sounds :p12:01
ncravensahh... ic12:01
ncravensI just saw nodes and links from what appeared to be baser or simple objects below creating higher level stuff; just applying a similar pattern Marvin Minsky used for AI... am I close?12:03
kanzureno, the graphs have nodes which represent parts and the edges represent connections between parts12:03
kanzurehowever, the lab's format for this is not developed- there's some software that uses it, but it's too generic and not useful for engineering12:04
kanzure(it's for "conceptual" design)12:04
ncravenswhich means?12:06
kanzurethat the computer can't use the information to do anything useful... so don't confuse it with skdb.12:06
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r db2d712 / (geom/geom.py unittests/test_geom.py): add Point((1,2,3))12:23
-!- kroliczak [n=any@adcn27.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #hplusroadmap12:35
-!- kardan__i is now known as kardan12:44
kanzurehello kroliczak12:47
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 12df8d4 /packages/lego/grammar.yaml: this was getting annoying13:02
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r c50f774 / (geom/geom.py paths.py): implement show_interfaces(); playing around with order of transformations; added some keybindings13:02
drazakkanzure: so who is jake on diybio?13:26
kanzurenot sure13:26
drazakhe semms nice but a little bit of an ass13:27
-!- ncravens [n=chatzill@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]13:35
kanzurehe's a biologist IIRC13:41
kanzurefor some reason Misc/Misc.i and Visualization/Visualization.i doesn't exist in the latest pythonOCC revision14:00
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 588c463 /geom/geom.py: something goes horribly right when i use the wrong vector14:05
fennit's almost worse when it works unexpectedly14:07
kanzureok got it14:34
kanzuremy string was wrong on the pythonocc notes for environment.py fixage14:34
kanzuredebian users may need to make a correction in environment.py related to /usr/include to /usr/include/opencascade (search for the part in environment.py that says “Fill in this part with your own settings”) 14:34
kanzureupdated notes: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/pythonocc14:39
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-!- any56289043 [n=someone@75-120-5-123.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:44
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 91124d4 /geom/geom.py: get rid of side effects in mate_connection15:49
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 0c9bdd8 /paths.py: i think this demonstrates a flaw in gp_Trsf.SetTransformation15:49
any56289043Arntzen and colleagues used a genetically engineered plant virus called the tobacco mosaic virus to start their vaccine.15:51
any56289043"We force it to make the protein which is the vaccine against norovirus," Arntzen told the news conference. "We call them nanoparticle vaccines because the protein we produce in our tobacco plant self-assembles into a little round ball."15:51
CIA-31skdb: fenn * r 626f7fd /core/interface.py: print interface numbers15:59
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fennkanzure: this is what i have in .bashrc:17:00
fennHISTTIMEFORMAT="%k:%M "17:00
fennshopt -s histappend17:00
kanzureanyone know how to increase your buffer length in bash?17:27
kanzurefor non-developers I can see the advantage to a short buffer17:27
kanzureand piping to less doesn't always work17:28
kanzurebecause of stderr, etc. etc.17:28
kanzureand sometimes you want to go back to previous command output, etc.17:28
Phreedomkanzure:  bash? why not increase buf size in konsole? ;)17:38
kanzurewell I would except for some reason I'm not using konsole *or* xterm17:39
kanzurefor some reason my wm is gnome too17:39
kanzureI'm all screwed up :(17:39
* kanzure does a dance17:44
ybitit looks like i may stop working at k-mart because some company in elgin, al will be hiring me. i don't know all the details, but if you have an idea for a product randomly, the purpose of the company is to make the product. they have a bunch of machining equipment is what i'm told, haven't been told everything they have but he mentioned something about a lathe, a mig welder, arc welder, and designing circuit boards and a little programming is all part18:10
ybitand they also have a second company in the same building, same people own it, they repair electric vehicles from the ~80s18:11
* ybit is kind of happy and could do a dance as well18:12
ybitcomputerized manufacturing process planning systems finished scanning sometime this week18:13
ybit+will be18:13
drazakkanzure: zomg your stuff made it onthere19:17
ybitthat's cool, but where's the f' them attitude i've come to expect :)19:20
* ybit doesn't see any mention of regulations for co219:23
kanzureybit: well even if I did say fuck them, it's still nice to see it mentioned on there19:27
kanzurenow if only I can convince them to let me make it dynamic content19:27
ybitfirefox needs to have its history in a text file, not a db. 19:28
drazakybit: I've been saying that forever19:30
drazakit's not grepable19:30
ybitannoying when you are tunneled into a computer and can't do -X -Y tunneling either19:31
ybittrying to respond to eugen on diybio, but it's near impossible because there's no way i'm going to be able to replicate my searching patterns on this computer19:31
kanzurehm there's only 24 results for "international locust control organization"19:32
ybitthere is no regulation of co2, but it's the drugs which are administered after surgery which have me slightly concerned.. that and i'm not sure co2 is the best agent to use19:32
drazakI need to figure out what's in the extracellular matrix of the heart19:32
ybitmemories? :)19:33
ybithave you guys/gals ever read or saw interviews with people who have had heart transplants and speak of having memories from the previous heart's owner?19:34
* nsh has read19:35
nshjesus, the configure script for openssh is endless...19:36
kanzurehi nsh19:37
nsh../includes.h:33: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before string constant19:49
nshis a sign that i'm missing a stdlib include, but which one?19:49
ybitvia FCM) or actual parts used in past19:57
ybitfuzzy cognitive map? :P19:58
ybituninitialized memory reads?19:58
ybitwikipedia seems to not have a clue either :)19:59
* fenn reads http://hubpages.com/hub/Cellular-Memories-in-Organ-Transplant-Recipients19:59
fennreminds me of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Will_Fear_No_Evil20:00
kanzurethat's going into the lexicon20:54
fennjust think, you could be digging in a field for ancient extraterrestrial visitors right now20:55
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap21:24
kanzurehi genehacker21:24
genehackerbeginning hivemind synchronization procedures21:24
genehackerhello kanzure21:25
genehackerI'm back21:25
kanzurewhy were you gone?21:25
genehackerI went to cozumel mexico and got dive certified21:26
genehackertried to connect to hplusroadmap while I was down there but I couldn't21:27
genehackereither the software doesn't work on my ds or the internet was splotchy21:28
-!- any56289043 is now known as katsmeow21:40
kanzurefenn: gp_Ax3 only has gp_Ax3.SetXDirection and gp_Ax3.SetYDirection22:02
kanzureno SetZDirection22:03
kanzuregp_Ax3(gp_Ax2(gp_Pnt(x,y,z),gp_Dir(normal_x, normal_y, normal_z),gp_Dir(Vx_x,Vx_y,Vx_z))) <-- if you wanted to use a right-handed coordinate system and let OCC convert it to a left-hand (gp_Ax3) system22:07
fennax3 isn't left hand22:08
fenn(ax2 is i think)22:09
kanzureax3 is definitely left handed22:09
kanzureit's in the docs22:09
kanzure"either or"22:10
fennUnlike a  gp_Ax2 coordinate system, a gp_Ax3 can be  right-handed ("direct sense) or left-handed ("indirect sense").22:10
kanzurewtf why do they use a carrot in their formulae?22:10
kanzureare they seriously taking an exponent?22:10
fennyou mean caret?22:10
kanzureI want to chew them down to size22:10
fenncross product?22:11
CIA-31skdb: kanzure * r cbc0554 /test_transformation.py: playing around with some tests for transformations, please ignore. gp_Ax2 versus gp_Ax3? etc.23:08
-!- genehacker [n=noko@pool-173-57-41-223.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]23:55

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