
--- Day changed Fri Aug 21 2009
* katsmeow hmms for a bit00:01
katsmeowif it's that easy, why do people buy $$$ collets?00:01
fennnot everyone uses collets00:09
fennend mills have a tendency to pull out of the collet at high cutting load00:10
fennthe set screw + flat is often called a "weldon" shank00:10
fenn(it's not welded on, believe it or not)00:10
fennbesides, the set screw kicks the bit off center a little, so a collet is better for fine cuts (otherwise you'd be cutting on only one flute)00:11
katsmeowi was thinking a flat stock and a tapered collar and a spring,, sorta thing00:11
fennlike a dremel? not really seeing what you're describing00:11
katsmeowdrill the hole like for setscrew, but no threads00:12
katsmeowinsert a rod00:12
katsmeowslide a internally tapered collar over it00:13
fennsounds like a hard way to make a set screw00:13
katsmeowthe taper presses the rod into the ding in the bit shaft00:13
katsmeowit's quicker to release and doesn't mar the bit, and won't unscrew00:13
fenni use a little chunk of brass or aluminum to go the last few thread lengths (you don't want to tap all the way through see)00:14
fenner, actually it doesn't matter on something as large as 1/2"00:14
katsmeow vibration won't back out the setscrew?00:15
fennalso, that's what the flat on the bit shank is for (so it doesn't mar the shank)00:15
* katsmeow nods00:15
fennit does work its way loose without thread lock00:15
fennyou really should have two set screws on a shaft at 90 or 120 degrees00:16
katsmeowcollar on the outside of the shaft00:16
fennbut all the endmills with flats only have one flat *shrug*00:16
fennpro-feshnul grade tooling: http://www.iscar.com/Ecat/products.asp/app/111/mapp/IT/GFSTYP/M/lang/EN00:17
katsmeowi'd never get a taper to match those00:19
fennprobably not00:19
katsmeowergo, i cannot use them00:21
katsmeowhttp://www.iscar.com/Ecat/products.asp/app/94/mapp/IT/GFSTYP/M/lang/EN  ?00:23
katsmeowi think i'll do it like you did00:24
katsmeowi was thinking of something like http://www.iscar.com/Ecat/familyHDR.asp/fnum/2078/app/106/mapp/IT/GFSTYP/M/type/1/lang/EN00:26
katsmeowbut with a tapered outside, so a collar driven down from above would compress the fingers onto the bit00:26
genehackercloneoh dear ybit00:40
genehackerclonethat is $3000:41
genehackerclonetoobad it's not automatic00:41
katsmeowif you had a core small enough to spec 2 source register , one target register, and some logic or short math op in the one 32bit instruction, and it executed in 1ns, izzat good or  no? what if you could simultaneously feed it another 32bit instruction into the other side, to do something to the registers not spec'd in the other instruction?00:54
katsmeowor for that matter, OR reg1 and reg2 and store in reg3, and same time AND reg1 and reg2 and store in reg401:39
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drazakrawr see my new post07:33
drazakkanzure, fenn07:34
kanzuredrazak: yeah it's not really diy because jason bobe has some contacts with companies and he's having people snailmail them cotton swab samples07:58
drazakthat's pathetic08:00
kanzureI don't know if I care enough to reply to this bullshit:08:08
drazakthat's kinda bs-y08:14
kanzurehm, I want a history book of the F/OSS software movement08:20
kanzureI want to see a chapter on X, a chapter on gentoo, a chapter on debian, etc.08:20
kanzureand a chapter on KDE08:20
drazakkanzure: you should make a big reply to my post08:26
drazakand be like08:26
drazakzem bitches yo they not be doin it home schooled, you gots to do it yourself to bes diy yo08:27
kanzurethe reason why it's on diybio.org is because jason bobe is in bed with mac08:30
kanzurefenn: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/gp-ax2-test.txt not sure if it matters though08:33
drazakkanzure: probably literally08:36
kanzureI don't think they realize that they are holding diybio back by all their bullshit08:40
drazakI get the impression that they don't give a shit08:42
drazakit's a status symbol for them08:42
kanzurestatus symbol?08:47
drazak'oh yeah I'm the head of diybio!'08:49
drazakthey don't give a shit about getting stuff done, they just like saying that they're the ones forwarding the movement08:49
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kanzureadded some notes on ironpython+graphsynth to the graphsynth repository10:00
kanzurethe iron python interpreter sucks immensely10:03
kanzurearrow keys don't work, page up/page down doesn't work, home/end doesn't work, etc.10:03
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kanzure"cloud forests" look neat10:22
fenn_adlhmm. http://www.impactlab.com/2008/05/08/world’s-tallest-lego-tower-built-in-england/17596/10:39
fenn_adliron python wouldn't let me load Representation.dll10:39
fenn_adlso, i have lost interest in it10:40
fenn_adloh. the bastard wanted c:/ instead of c:\10:44
fenn_adlsince the scrollback is only two pages long they could at least include a pager10:45
fenn_adldoes Representation%28GraphSynth%29.dll do anything extra?10:50
fenn_adlit seems once i import GraphSynth.FundamentalClassesAndInterfaces.dll i get the complete GraphSynth API10:50
fenn_adllego automated book scanner http://www.geocities.jp/takascience/lego/fabs_en.html11:01
fenn_adldoesn't really cradle the book at an angle though so you get warped scans11:04
kanzureoh, if you get the complete API with just FundamentalClassesAndInterfaces then by all means11:06
kanzureI looked ati t with dir() and didn't see Representation or designGraph, but I cofuld have been mistaken11:06
kanzureany idea about getting something better than the ironpython interpreter? the interactive interprreter really, really sucks11:07
fenn_adli bet you could use ipython somehow11:07
* kanzure wonders if there is something about lags that make him make more typos, or simply the fact that he doesn't see what he's typing. hm.11:07
fenn_adlwhy are you lagged?11:07
kanzurehome connection is still having difficulties apparently11:07
fenn_adlso, run your irssi at home?11:08
fenn_adlbtw clr.Add.. %28GraphSynth%29.. doesn't work11:12
fenn_adli had to do (GraphSynth)11:12
fenn_adland anyway it still doesn't show designGraph11:13
fenn_adlhow come nobody uses the phrase "assembly graph" 11:13
kanzureAddFile isn't sufficient11:14
fenn_adli only see one example (NASA/ISS) and it's not even a graph11:14
kanzurecheck out the tutorial distributed with IronPython 11:14
kanzurehttp://groups.google.com/group/opencascade_group ugh11:14
fenn_adlyeah i have it open11:14
kanzurethat's what I used11:14
fenn_adlthen import GraphSynth as gs11:14
kanzurethen impoprt GraphSynth.Representation11:15
fenn_adloh. duh11:16
* kanzure bonks fenn over the head with a frying pan11:16
fenn_adlwell that was easier than i expected11:17
kanzureif you want to get jiggy with it and monodevelop, sudo apt-get install monodevelop libnunit2.4-cil nunit nunit-console nunit-gui monodevelop-nunit11:17
fenn_adlwhat's nunit?11:17
kanzurec# unit test framework that is also integrated into the monodevelop gui11:18
fenn_adlum. how do i get out of ipy11:19
fenn_adl>>> exit()11:20
fenn_adlTraceback (most recent call last):11:20
fenn_adlTypeError: str object is not callable11:20
fenn_adlwhy is 'exit' a string object?11:20
kanzureprint exit11:20
fenn_adlsomeone needs to be shot11:20
kanzureyeah .. :(11:20
kanzurebtw try this: press "home" or "end" then type exit11:20
fenn_adlexit() works on ipy.exe11:20
kanzurewhen I type home/end before anything else, I get this: 11:21
kanzure>>> exit11:21
kanzureTraceback (most recent call last):11:21
kanzureSyntaxError: unexpected token bad character '' (<stdin>, line 1)11:21
kanzureusually I navigate to the beginning or end of a line with those keys11:21
kanzureand usually I use up/down arrows to navigate up/down in the history, but that also causes the same problem11:22
fenn_adli use C-a and C-e11:22
fenn_adl(neither of which work in ipy either)11:22
kanzureisn't this basic interpreter functionality?11:22
kanzurebasic interactive interpreter functionality, I mean11:23
kanzureso how do I actually stop ipy? ctrl+z just moves it to the background11:24
kanzurebesides killing it11:25
fenn_adlhm even up-arrow works on windows at least11:25
kanzureis there another way to exit python sessions that I am not aware of? exit, quit, ctrl+z, .. ?11:26
kanzuredir() doesn't show "quit" or "exit"11:26
fenn_adldir(__builtins__) but it's just a string11:26
kanzurenope, just inserts the ctrl+d unicode character into the prompt11:26
kanzure>>> 11:27
kanzureTraceback (most recent call last):11:27
kanzureSyntaxError: unexpected token bad character '(<stdin>, line 1)11:27
kanzuregee I'm starting to feel stupid11:27
fenn_adli dont really get why this isnt just a python module11:27
fenn_adli mean it doesn't even import python modules11:28
fenn_adlImportError: No module named yaml11:28
kanzurewell what's sys.path?11:29
kanzureis that where the yaml module is?11:29
kanzuremakes me wonder11:29
kanzurehah I have to killall -9 mono to kill ipy?11:30
fenn_adlit still doesn't work even if i add the right paths11:30
fenn_adlctrl-z then kill %1 in a shell11:31
fenn_adldunno how mono does it11:31
fenn_adleither way it's stupid11:31
fenn_adlwell at least i can copy+paste on linux11:33
kanzureI'd tell you how to do it on windows in their cmd32, but it would only make you die a little bit more inside11:37
kanzureit involves right clicking on the window title bar11:38
fenn_adlso. do i have to recompile *.dll to be able to import it on linux?11:38
kanzurenot sure. 11:38
fenn_adldid you?11:38
kanzureI've recompiled them11:38
fenn_adlwant to put those files somewhere?11:39
kanzuredidn't try the other way though11:39
kanzureyeah one sec11:39
kanzurewhat do you want?11:39
fenn_adlfundamental and representation11:39
fenn_adljust the dll should be enough right?11:39
kanzuredll =~ .lib11:39
fenn_adldid you ever add any if(using_wpf) statements?11:40
kanzurewas a preprocessor directive11:40
kanzureok added two DLLs to http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/11:41
fenn_adli forget how to use mono every time...11:41
kanzurewell I just did it in monodevelop to be honest11:41
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kanzureopen up the dot sln file in monodevelop and press the hell out of the build button or f7 button11:41
genehackerbutton mashing?11:41
kanzuregenehacker: fenn has some pent-up anger11:42
fenn_adlis this code just broken to start with?11:44
fenn_adlwhy is 'rulesets' and 'Program' not defined?11:44
fenn_adlpointy clicky thing11:44
fenn_adllots of colorful icons that make no sense11:45
kanzurewhat code is broken?11:45
fenn_adlr98 "the name 'rulesets' does not exist in the current context(CS0103)"11:46
kanzureis that a warning or an error?11:47
kanzuredo you want me to work on it right now?11:47
kanzureI didn't get that error before11:48
fenn_adljust wondering if i'm supposed to be able to compile it or not11:48
kanzurewell r93 did11:48
kanzurer96 might11:48
* fenn_adl mutters something about a release branch11:48
fenn_adl'mash the build button' was the wrong advice11:51
fenn_adlcorrect advice: 'mash f7'11:52
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fenn_adldo you remember why this occurs? svn: Repository moved permanently to 'http://adl.serveftp.org/adl/'; please relocate11:54
kanzureuse svn+ssh11:54
fenn_adli dont want to11:55
fenn_adlneed a passwd to checkout, that's just wrong11:55
kanzureit's the only way that has ever worked for me11:55
* kanzure just assumes svn sucks11:55
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genehackermash any button is the wrong advice unless you're playing a fighting game11:59
kanzureit works for programming .. sometimes.12:00
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 96bbb4f /paths.py: anything obviously wrong with these?12:07
fenn_adlsvn co http://adl.serveftp.org/graphsynth12:08
fenn_adlguess i should add that to sites-enabled/default12:09
kanzurethomas paviot asked me to include the screenshot in my email itself12:09
kanzurerather than linking to it12:09
kanzureshould I do that? I feel unclean including an image in my email12:10
fenn_adlhonestly i hate attachments12:10
fenn_adlbut if he's asking you might as well12:11
kanzure"Can you please insert the screenshot in your email? I don't manage to open/display the png file.."12:11
kanzurebut it seems fine to me: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/opencascade_coordinate_axis_arrows.png12:11
fenn_adlit's pretty lame that the default error for an un-configured svn over http is "repository permanently moved"12:12
fenn_adltry encoding as .jpg :)12:13
fenn_adl"i see the screenshot but my brain refuses to interpret it correctly!"12:14
kanzurehow could you *not* open png?12:14
fenn_adlmaybe he's using IE412:14
kanzurethat's about the only possibility12:15
fenn_adlerm. was this just a couple minutes ago?12:15
fenn_adlbecause i've been mucking with the server12:15
genehackercat on keyboard kanzure?12:19
fenn_adlfucking svn12:19
fenn_adlanon checkouts can commit12:19
kanzurehow does that happen?12:19
kanzurecan we disable that?12:20
fenn_adl WebDAV ('Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning') functionality for Apache. This extension to the HTTP protocol allows creating, moving, copying, and deleting resources and collections on a remote web server.12:20
fenn_adlthis should be on sourceforge or something anyway12:23
kanzurefenn did you run paths.py yet?12:33
fenn_adlno, why?12:33
kanzuredid what you suggested12:34
fenn_adlcool it works, and doesn't store passwd in plaintext12:40
kanzuresvn stored passwd in plain text?12:43
kanzureso I'm a little concerned that there is nothing pointing in the positive y direction when I permutate across the possibilities for directions and vx vectors. 12:44
fenn_adlwell i dunno what /var/www/adl/conf/passwd is, you tell me12:45
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kanzurehi nchaimov 12:46
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 28 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 28 normal]12:46
fenn_adlwhew ok so now finally i can add a sensible procedure for obtaining graphsynth12:47
fenn_adlbefore it was all this 'click here, download this .zip, open visual studio blah blah blah'12:47
kanzureI guess we should do some cli interface stuff for graphsynth eventually13:10
fenn_adli dont get why ironpython has to be its own interpreter13:11
fenn_adlall it does is 'import clr'13:12
ybithttp://openwetware.org/wiki/Talk:DIYbio/FAQ 13:14
ybiti hadn't seen it13:14
kanzureybit: I link to it all the time :p13:15
kanzureoh, the talk page?13:17
ybiti hadn't seen that particular message13:18
ybiti've seen every other post on toolbook13:18
fenn_adloh i see, ironpython is actually running in .NET13:18
fenn_adlhowever, there's also http://pythonnet.sourceforge.net/13:19
ybitwhy are you looking at alternative python shells?13:19
kanzuregah caps :(13:19
ybitwhy are you using iron python?..13:19
fenn_adlto try to bring matt campbell over from the dark side, one step at a time13:20
fenn_adlaww. pythonnet is for windows13:22
fenn_adlwhat's the fucking point of that13:22
kanzuredoes it run under wine or mono?13:23
fenn_adl"install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables"13:24
fenn_adlthat's what the .exe i just compiled says13:24
ybitkanzure: so how did you finally get out of ipy?13:24
kanzurectrl+z and then killall -09 mono13:25
kanzureer, killall -913:25
ybitps -aux | grep ipython didn't show anything?13:25
fenn_adlWhy Should I Use .NET?13:26
fenn_adlUser Interfaces13:26
fenn_adlHardware SDKs13:26
* ybit is familiar with kill -9 <pid> and killall firefox-bin or something like that but has never heard of killall -913:26
fenn_adlEnterprise-y Stuff13:26
fenn_adla powerful argument, who could resist!13:26
kanzurepeople who don't know what they are doing13:26
drazakkanzure: dude mac and jason jus tthink that bioweathermapping is good because they fucking suck'13:27
ybitdrazak: :)13:27
ybitwhy even complain about them? some people aren't worth the time13:27
kanzuredomain squatters13:27
kanzuredomain squatters: they shit bricks on all of us13:28
fenn_adlwhere's the typo chick?13:29
ybitspeaking of squatting, i've wondered why heath.im doesn't forward properly to a dyndns address.13:29
kanzureforwarding sucks13:29
ybiti hate that address, but it might as well be going somewhere while it exists13:29
fenn_adlbecause it's pointing at
fenn_adlyou need CNAME heath.dyndns.org or whatever13:29
fenn_adlybit: do 'dig heath.im'13:30
fenn_adlthen do 'dig fennetic.net'13:30
fenn_adlapt-get install dnsutils13:31
ybitor the digger.org tool13:31
* ybit is gentoo13:32
fenn_adluhm, sorry, whatever gentoo uses13:32
kanzurewoah wtf 13:32
* kanzure got his pay check this morning13:32
kanzureit's more than triple what I got last time13:32
kanzurebut the hours I wrote down was like one third13:32
fenn_adldoesn't it say how many hours on the paycheck?13:32
kanzureyes but I'm only on the bank site13:33
fenn_adldo you actually get a paycheck stub html page somewhere?13:33
* ybit wonders how many hours lendingclub would waste from his time13:35
kanzurewell, anyway. that's a relief. I think I can just spontaneously show up and hit up alex or something13:35
kanzurefenn: gp_Trsf hasn't been updated since march of 199013:37
fenn_adldoes the bug exist when called from c++?13:37
kanzuredunno. am looking at gp_Trsf.cxx 13:38
fenn_adlre: paths.py fixed? gp_Ax1 doesn't take into account rotation around the normal vector13:41
fenn_adland anyway how do i got from x_vec and y_vec to gp_Ax1?13:42
kanzuregp_Ax1(Point, Direction)13:43
fenn_adli mean, uh, i'm not on master, nevermind13:43
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CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 6cb38da /paths.py: move cone off center so we can better see rotations13:59
fenn_adllooks sort of like a bottle rocket14:04
kanzuredid that actually do anything?14:06
fenn_adlnow you can see 4 arrow heads in a cluster14:07
fenn_adlcone probably isnt the best shape for this14:07
fenn_adla 'flag" would be better but i dunno how to do that easily14:08
* fenn_adl tries out BRepBuilderAPI_MakePolygon14:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 3df3929 /paths.py: change cone to flag shape14:28
fenn_adlshould look like this http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/occ_fubar.png14:30
kanzurewhat are the flags indicating?14:31
fenn_adlrotation around the axis of the flag14:36
kanzurewhat's teh game plan?14:39
kanzureI don't really know what to do14:39
kanzurefirst of all, shouldn't the red arrow be pointing outwards? perpendicular to the blue line14:43
fenn_adlmake a function to convert (point, x_vec, y_vec) to (gp_Ax1, rotation)14:43
kanzurewhere rotation is a number, not any special object?14:44
fenn_adlanother way to think about it is (point, normal vector, rotation)14:45
kanzurewhat would thisw be sed for?14:45
kanzure*used for14:45
fenn_adlthat might be more useful actually, not having to go through OCC14:45
fenn_adlwell point_shape works well enough14:45
fenn_adlso i'll just use that instead of SetTransformation14:45
fenn_adli dont know how to get the rotation around Z given X and Y vectors14:46
kanzureyou'll use point__shape() instead of SetRotation?14:46
fenn_adluh, i think point_shape uses SetRotation14:46
kanzuresorry, SetTransformation14:46
kanzuregah, I was wondering what "that" was for 14:4514:46
fenn_adlyes, use point_shape instead of SetTransformation14:47
fenn_adlpoint_shape can return the transform instead of causing side effect14:47
kanzurethen you don't want the converter function?14:48
fenn_adlpoint_shape doesn't give me rotation around the normal :(14:48
fenn_adlshould probably split out the mathy parts of point_shape into a different function14:49
fenn_adlsomething that just always returns a trsf14:49
fenn_adlpoint, x_vec, y_vec in, trsf out14:50
kanzureis it possible to go from point, x_vec and y_vec to get a rotation around a normal vector? the normal vector is the dot product, but the rotation is not necessarily known .. is it?14:54
kanzureer, cross product14:54
kanzurehttp://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/math/rotvec.html rotating one vector about another14:56
kanzureheh allegro.cc :) http://www.allegro.cc/forums/print-thread/19964315:00
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kanzurenice 3D rotation / matrix math tutorial: http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1279.asp15:08
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fenn_adlcould http://steve.hollasch.net/cgindex/math/rotvec.html equations be inverted to get x? (the rotation value)15:52
kanzurehi toed15:53
kanzureeveryone, meet toed. he15:53
kanzure'll prolbably be TAing my M408D next semester15:53
toedwait so you will be in my section?15:53
toedalso hi15:54
toedwho's the professor kanzure 15:54
kanzureguess I'm not really sure :) there's this slight chance I might choose to fly up to CA for a juicy 'job'15:54
kanzurehm I haven't checked, they don't tell us professors usually15:54
kanzurethey just give us times 15:54
toedthe lecture is at 830?15:54
fenn_adlmy condolences15:55
toedor give me the unique number or whatever15:55
kanzurethat was my section last semester15:55
kanzuredon't want to get your hopes up15:55
toedi kind of hope you're not in my section15:56
toedsince i told you i got a bad grade in this in undergrad15:56
kanzureyes I'm secretly this ridiculously evil student out to get you15:56
kanzureso evil in fact that I monitor all IRC channels for utexas activity15:56
kanzurein the sslightest hope that I will get to exploit some poor grad TA man15:57
toedyou will get me fired and ruin my life15:57
fenn_adlit's true, i can provide evidence15:57
kanzurewait wait, I'm being sarcastic, fenn15:57
fenn_adloh, ok. nevermind then15:57
kanzuredon't you have a bus to catch?15:57
fenn_adlthink i can learn how to use sympy in 7 minutes?15:58
kanzuredepends on what you want to do15:58
fenn_adlinvert p' = p*cos(x)-q*sin(x)15:59
fenn_adl(solve for x)15:59
fenn_adlwut. i can't even import sympy16:00
fenn_adlImportError: cannot import name Outcome16:00
kanzuredid you install it?16:00
kanzureit's not named Outcome16:00
fenn_adlit's some unit test sympy runs when you import it (weird no?)16:00
fenn_adlfrom py.__.test.outcome import Outcome, Passed, Failed, Skipped16:01
fenn_adlthat fucking egg16:01
kanzureis that something that people commonly do? unit tests upon importing?16:01
fenn_adli knew it would bite me16:01
kanzureoh, did you apt-get it?16:01
fenn_adlof course16:01
fenn_adlbut remember you made me install py.test egg16:02
fenn_adlof course there is no easy_install --remove16:02
kanzurewell, I seem to be able to "import sympy" just fine16:02
kanzuretoed: using sympy would be an awesome way to teach a math class :p16:03
toedwhat's that16:03
kanzureuh, I guess it's just like matlab except for python16:04
fenn_adloh well. another week down the drain /me stomps off16:04
kanzuresymbolic math stuff16:04
toedoh i'm useless at computers16:04
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kanzurehey davidnunez 16:22
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genehackercool talk on protein folding here live16:41
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r f86c2fa /paths.py: find the normal vector and the angle of rotation about the normal vector given x vec, y vec, and a point16:52
genehackerthey're using fold it for protein design!17:02
genehackerusing the collective computing power of a bunch of people to design HIV vaccines17:03
kanzurefoldit came out quite a while ago (a few months), and I'm not convinced that our analytical options are exhausted17:05
kanzure" It's possible for all Debian Developers with GPG key on the official Debian keyring to tweet under the @debian account. " 17:16
kanzure $ echo "Hello Twitterland" | gpg --clearsign | lwp-request -m POST http://twitter.debian.net/post  17:16
kanzuregah that seems almost useless17:17
kanzure apvlv      - PDF viewer with Vim-like behaviour 17:19
kanzure python-ball - Python bindings for the Biochemical Algorithms Library17:20
drazakso uh17:21
drazakI need to figure out how to molecularly prove that some shit interact17:21
drazakwell that was a bad description17:21
drazakso there's these proteins called cadherins, they anchor cells to one another, gap junctions like to form near them, inside the cells part of the cadherin interacts with beta-catenin and forms a sort of cellular signalling network, I want to see if beta-catenin loses amino acids when it's interacting with cadherin, what's the best way to do this?17:23
fennauto-apt checks the file access of programs running within its environments, and if a program tries to access a file known to belong in an uninstalled package, auto-apt will install that package using apt-get.17:26
fenni wonder how it knows which one to get17:26
fennif there are multiple choices, that is17:26
kanzuredrazak: IIRC, these types of studies usually involve crystallography at one point or another unless you know what you're doing17:26
fennno, binding affinity doesn't use crystallography17:27
kanzurehe said loses amino acids17:27
kanzurethat's structural17:27
fennyou could find the amino acid sequence17:27
fenni dont really know how that works though17:27
drazakkanzure: well what I think happens is that the protein loses some off either it's c or n terminus17:28
drazakkanzure: because it's only a small difference in size, 2-3kDa17:28
drazakkanzure: you can see it on a western blot17:28
kanzurecan you mass the subunits of the beta-catenin?17:29
fennit could be a kinase phosphorylation maybe17:29
drazakfenn: usually phosphorylation doesn't cause a noticable size change with sds page17:29
drazakkanzure: I want to do some sort of protease footprinting17:30
drazakkanzure: my hypothesis is that when beta-catenin and n-cadherin interact beta-catenin is the same as the rna would lead you to believe, and then something happens to the cadherin, we know they have some sort of signaling or phosphorylization that causes something to happen, and then it cuts off part of the beta catenin and it acts like a transcription factor (the main part of the beta catenin)17:31
drazakhmm I could do a gel-shift with recombinant beta-catenin, in it's natural state, from n-cadherin- cells17:33
ybitlast of the scanned books17:44
fenncan anyone read this character? �18:08
kanzuretry #linguistics ?18:09
fennit just looks like a question mark in a box to me18:10
kanzurein a diamond for me18:10
kanzurehexagon, fine18:10
kanzurethank you basic geometry man18:10
kanzureQuantumG: could you solve our matrix math difficulties?18:11
fennit's not actually our matrix math that's causing the difficulty18:11
QuantumGmaybe, what's the problem?18:11
fenni want to transform from one coordinate system to another (no scaling)18:11
fenni have a point and two vectors (the x and y axis)18:12
fennso in opencascade you make a transformation by doing gp_Trsf() and then calling methods like SetRotation or SetTranslation18:12
fennthere's also one called SetTransformation which accepts a coordinate system18:12
fennbut, as i eventually figured out, it doesn't work right18:13
fennbut the SetRotation and SetTranslation stuff does18:13
fennso i'm trying to construct a series of rotations to create the same transformation as i would have gotten by setting it directly18:14
fennis this making sense?18:14
fenni know how to derive azimuth and elevation angles, given a vector, but how do i find the rotation around the vector (around the vector's axis)18:15
QuantumGhttp://www.sosmath.com/matrix/eigen1/eigen1.html  any of that help?18:16
fennwhy would i want an eigenvalue?18:16
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fennit's just a problem of two vectors18:16
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QuantumGwell, I don't really understand what you're trying to solve.. but I tend to solve these sorts of things when I draw them on whiteboard/paper18:18
kanzurehello baud_fox 18:18
fennit's really more of a 3d problem, hard to draw on paper18:18
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kanzureso if you're given two vectors, how is it that you expect to get an angle out of that in some way other than the method I wrote?18:19
fennkanzure: how do i delete an easy_install egg?18:19
kanzuremanually. try looking in site-packages18:20
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kanzurethere might be easy_uninstall (they might be crazy enough to do that crap)18:20
QuantumGis there some reason you're not using the dot product?18:21
fennkanzure: i think it's the inverse of f(x)=p*cos(x)-q*sin(x) and g(x)=p*sin(x)+q*cos(x)18:21
fenndot product projects one vector on another right?18:21
fennthe magnitude18:21
kanzurethere's actually a way to calculate vector projections if that's what you're asking18:22
QuantumGangle between two vectors = arccos(a.b / |a||b|)18:22
baud_foxSorry to interrupt guys, but what's this channel for? 18:22
fenntaking over the world18:22
baud_foxSounds good18:22
kanzurerobot armies18:23
kanzurenot sure "angle between two vectors" is right because that's what I did and fenn says it's wrong18:24
fennit's the same equation you had18:24
kanzurewell technically I forgot to divide by the product of their absolute magnitudes18:24
QuantumGso.. knowing what your problem is would be a good start.18:24
fenndammit i know what the problem is18:25
QuantumGwe dont obviously18:25
fenni have two vectors, i rotate azimuth and elevation to get the first vector18:25
fennnow what is the rotation around the first vector to get the second vector18:25
* fenn gets out kolourpaint18:25
fennapparently people don't seem to understand unless it's drawn badly18:26
kanzurebaud_fox: how'd you end up in here?18:26
baud_foxSome guy named Bryan suggested I come over here, after a posted to a mailing list expressing my concern that nothing was happening with Open Source Medicine18:28
baud_fox*after I posted18:28
kanzurethat would be me18:28
kanzureyou're in the right place18:28
baud_foxThat's good to know :)18:28
kanzuredo you know about apt-get, yum, or anything like that?18:29
baud_foxI had no idea this place existed18:29
baud_foxYeah, I'm familiar with them18:29
kanzurebaud_fox: so, that's what we're doing in here for hardware, including medical equipment but also manufacturing equipment, and various biotech/chem lab equipment projects18:30
fennok QuantumG here is your crappy drawing http://fennetic.net/irc/rotations.png18:30
fenni'm after the green angle18:31
fennor maybe 360 - green angle18:32
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QuantumGfenn: http://www.ogre3d.org/docs/api/html/classOgre_1_1Vector3.html#eeef4472ad0c4d5f34a038a9f2faa819   does that help?18:33
fennwtf doxygen? how is that supposed to help?18:34
QuantumG"Gets the shortest arc quaternion to rotate this vector to the destination vector. "18:34
QuantumGand if you click on the 635 you get source18:35
kanzuregenehacker: I called him the other day18:35
kanzurejohn griessen, I mean18:35
genehackeroh cool18:35
kanzurehe's cool :)18:35
baud_foxkanzure:  You've lost me a bit :)  How is it possible to do that with hardware? 18:36
genehackerMORE BRAINS!!!18:36
kanzurebaud_fox: think of a factory as /dev more than anything- and if you don't have those tools wired up, then you should be able to read instructions on how to put things together.18:37
kanzurebaud_fox: that might not be the answer you were looking for18:37
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kanzuredunno if anyone noticed, but fenn SUCKS at diagrams18:37
kanzureI will not tolerate this insubordination in my court room, mr. fenn18:38
fenni happen to think it's pretty good for being drawn with a touchpad18:38
kanzureyou have a tablet pc literally 7 inches behind you18:38
kanzurewtf man18:38
fennit's infested18:38
kanzurehave you tried rebooting into kubuntu?18:38
kanzurewell that's why18:39
fennit's still infested18:39
baud_foxkanzure: still don't quite understand. Are we talking about modular hardware?18:40
kanzurewhat is modular hardware?18:40
fennthe idea is if you need to dig a hole you apt-get install backhoe18:41
fennand if there's no precompiled backhoe available, you assemble it from parts18:41
baud_foxa PC, for example - different hardware modules which can be added/configured depending on the application18:41
fennand if there's no parts available, you compile the parts from metals18:41
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fennand if there's no metal available, you derive it from ore18:41
kanzurefenn: joseph wants to pay us $1k18:44
fennseeing how i'm performing design, engineering, programming, manufacturing, and have no specifications.. i'm not sure that's enough18:44
fennin multiple domains no less18:44
fennmechanical, thermal, electronic18:45
kanzurewell it would be constrained to the amount of work that we could get done from now until the end of next month18:45
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kanzurefenn: I told joseph we want to do a conference call with him, he says he'll call on sunday or monday. sorry.18:55
fennthere are surprisingly few drawings like this on the net http://www.emeraldinsight.com/fig/0490280503001.png18:57
fennnote that it rotates around the origin axes twice and then around the axis of the cylinder18:58
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ybitfenn: wow that is a crappy drawing :P18:59
ybitinkscape could have helped you in making it less crappy :P18:59
fennfuck all of you19:00
kanzurefenn: how about a journey to #math ?19:00
fennoh come on, if it's anything like any other #subject channel it's 90% bullshitting and 10% esoterica19:01
kanzurewell it's different. don't know how to explain it.19:01
ybithaha, love how the first comment is on how ugly it is 19:04
kanzure19:04 < purplepenguins> lol19:04
kanzure19:04 < purplepenguins> that's the best illustration ever19:04
kanzure#math says it is incomprehensible19:05
kanzure(aside from the ugliness)19:05
fenni guess i shouldnt have put the X' in the same plane as X19:05
ybitthere is one guy in there who is always helpful, even if he is an asshole to "n00bs"19:05
kanzuretmcdwrb or something?19:06
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kanzureaw :(19:08
ybitkanzure: i forget his name, and yeah i was about to baud_fox a few questions19:08
ybitoh well, /me is sleepy19:08
ybitoh, i think it's something like TMZ[BLAH]19:08
genehackermodular hardware is hardware that comes in modules19:09
ybitanywho, i'm going to complete my todo list and go night night early 19:09
kanzureybit: see? you spend all of your time todoing19:09
kanzurerather than doing19:09
ybitthis is me completing today's todo19:09
genehackerfor example robot arm can attach to a point that could also hold a sensor module19:10
genehackermodular hardware would be cool19:10
genehackerif everything was modular and everything could connect19:10
kanzureyou mean, "interchangeable parts"?19:10
kanzurelike the fraud that was known as "the industrial revolution"?19:10
genehackerscrews are almost interchangeable19:11
fennscrews are interchangeable19:25
fennso are gears19:25
fennnothing else mechanical seems to have reached a similar level of standardization19:26
kanzurefenn: loc.Reverse() is just set x=-x, y=-y, z=-z for gp_XYZ19:27
kanzurethat's because to the untrained eye it's just "random chunks and hunks of metal"19:27
kanzure"a rod? why would you standardize a rod"19:27
fennare you referring to something in particular?19:27
kanzuredoesn't look too much different from the HTML reference documentation however19:29
kanzureso why does SetTransformation(from, to) use 19:32
kanzurematrix.SetCol (1, ToA2.XDirection().XYZ());19:32
kanzurebut in SetTransformation(to) there's:19:32
kanzure  matrix.SetCols (A3.XDirection().XYZ(),19:32
kanzure                  A3.YDirection().XYZ(),19:32
kanzure                  A3. Direction().XYZ());19:32
kanzureI'm guessing it's practically the same thing but maybe it's possible the implementation is wrong?19:32
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baud_foxApologies for the abrupt departure19:35
baud_foxI'm still not clear what this hardware project is btw. I'm curious, but confused.19:37
baud_foxIt almost sounds like we're talking about a universal assembler.19:38
kanzurewell we're certainly interested in universal von Neumann self-replicating machines.19:42
ybitbut that's not what it is19:42
kanzureideally, I want to be able to sit at my computer and demand my machines make me my tools to make even more stuff19:43
kanzurebut in the mean time I'm happy carrying out instructions to build things that I would otherwise not know how to build19:43
kanzure(this is called skdb, btw)19:43
ybitbuild me a screw!19:43
baud_foxAhh, ok19:43
kanzureoh wait19:43
* kanzure gives ybit a screw19:44
baud_foxSo how would you achieve this? Through something like rapid prototyping?19:44
kanzurerapid prototyping is a subset of the manufacturing techniques involved19:44
kanzureone moment ..19:44
ybitany machine needed to build whatever it is that you are building19:44
kanzureso there are some "techniques" like rapid prototyping, or milling, etc. that are included19:45
kanzuresee here:19:45
kanzurehere are some "packages" that you can download and have your computer build:19:45
kanzurethe "screw" package depends on a thread rolling technique, for instance, which you might know or have a machine that implements (a thread rolling technique)19:45
* ybit wonders if some hackerspaces implementing this system will have machines continually processing raw materials and shipping them off19:47
kanzureybit: well that's the idea isn't it? smt machines already do that19:48
kanzurebut they don't operate under this sort of framework19:48
kanzuremostly because I don't have an smt machine to play with :p19:48
ybitbecause naturally some spaces will be closer and have more of certain raw materials then others19:48
kanzuresmari was working on an xmlrpc system for order requests across multiple fablabs19:48
drazakkanzure: so what sort of data is the lab supposed to send back19:59
drazakkanzure: that takes so much analysis on the diy communities part19:59
kanzurefuck if I know20:03
drazakI mean20:03
drazakpresumably they just tell you what species it is20:03
kanzure"The Foresight Nanotech Institute (formerly Foresight Institute) is a Palo Alto, California-based nonprofit organization for increasing awareness about the uses and consequences of molecular nanotechnology. They sponsor conferences on the subject, publish reports, and produce a newsletter."20:19
kanzureForesight Institute was founded to guide emerging technologies to improve the human condition but focused its efforts upon nanotechnology, the ability to engineer materials and products with atomic precision, and upon systems to enhance communication for policy decisions. "[1] In 2005 the Foresight Institute changed its name to "Foresight Nanotech Institute" and narrowed its mission to nanotechnology.20:20
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kanzurescp doesn't know not to overwrite a directory21:19
kanzuregod scp sucks21:27
ybitanyone know of where i can get a cad file for any type of engine...21:50
ybithttp://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=204483&d=1152709168 is nice, but i need more detail21:52
ybitsomething like this http://www.alanhamby.com/Gallery/schematic.jpg21:52
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ybitv6, v8 preferably, don't really care for four cylinder engines22:33
fennactual cad files seem to be hard to come across22:43
fennthere are probably a zillion artistic 3d models out there though22:43
fennduh. how about this? http://www.3dcadbrowser.com/preview.aspx?ModelCode=322922:44
genehackerthat's because actual cad files are usually made by companies22:49
genehackerand companies don't want other people making their stuff22:50
fennit's not like anyone's going to make a 1980's GM engine22:50
ybitfenn, that's excellent22:50
fennybit: seems you have to register, probably means $$22:50
genehackerwell not any company at least22:51
genehackermaybe us22:51
genehackermaybe neal stephenson's internal combustion engine clade....22:51
fennybit: from http://www.netquickposse.org/hamb/  http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11686822:53
fennlater it gets a lot more detail22:53
genehackerfenn is that a 3d model of a car?22:54
genehackerof a whole car?22:54
fennthe car appears rather incomplete23:01
fennbut hey this looks like an engine at least http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=589761&d=123344309723:02
ybit-_- you can't download the cads from 3dcadbrowser23:08
genehackerI can't download a car then23:09
fennybit: no it links to some other site (renderosity)23:09
fennthe url was ungodly long so i just linked to the first page23:10
ybithttp://www.theoscarproject.org/ seems to be going nowhere, no cad files there, just a few documents on their manifesto23:12
ybitfenn: "Please register and/or login before unlocking and downloading 3D models."23:12
ybitand you have to pay to download the cad files23:13
genehackerI won't pay for a 3d model of  a car23:14
genehackercan't anyone seed this?23:14
ybiti'm sure they can, but i doubt anyone willing to pay for these cad files is willing to torrent23:14
ybitmaybe someone is, but it'd be difficult to find out who paid for what23:15
genehackerwell what matters is that we can't compile a car23:18
ybiti want something like this: http://www.virtualengine2000.com/EngineCADInfo.htm23:24
ybithttp://www.3dcontentcentral.com/Search.aspx?arg=3d cad23:26
ybityou have to register, but at least you cand download the files23:27
fennybit: http://fennetic.net/irc/hamb_engine_solid.png http://fennetic.net/irc/hamb_engine_solid2.png http://fennetic.net/irc/hamb_engine_wire.png23:38
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ybitthat's an electrical cylinder, in .stl23:40
fennwhat's an electrical cylinder?23:41
ybitoh yeah, i forgot about that image fenn, where is that CAD file?23:41
fenngotta catch em all23:41
ybitoh yeah, the lego repo23:42
ybiti dunno what the diff is for electric cylinders and regular23:42
fenni think they are actuall roller screws23:43
fennnot ball screws23:43
ybitnot sure how that would make it electric23:43
fennit has a servo23:44
fennthat cad model was probably from http://www.nookindustries.com/Nook3DPS/index.cfm?action=catalog&section=RAD%20Series%20Electric%20Cylinder%20Actuators23:53

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