
--- Day changed Sat Aug 22 2009
genehackerMatt Moses posted a printable motor on thingiverse00:02
genehackerMatt Moses is one of Mark Tilden's prophets00:05
fennsounds biblical00:05
-!- QuantumG [n=qg@nuclear.biodome.org] has joined #hplusroadmap00:05
genehackerhe also has some experimental casting a solenoid stuff00:05
genehackerjack pot00:13
genehackernow how do I publish a paper00:16
genehackerreprap has a working metal extruder00:21
fennmoses' latest paper is rehashing von neumann's "sea of parts" idea00:31
fennexcept now it's little trucks with arms00:31
genehackerit's progress though00:38
fennhttp://www.roboticsproceedings.org/rss05/p16.pdf well at least they are thinking about closing the process loop00:45
-!- any92059976 is now known as katsmeow-afk00:55
genehackerstill requires neo magnets from china01:02
fennkinda scary that i actually know most of the names in the bibliography01:10
genehackerknow from real life or net life?01:11
genehackerI don't see how that's scary 01:11
genehackerthese are people everyone should know01:11
fenni wonder how jackrit suthakorn manages to have absolutely zero internet presence01:37
genehackeroptical cameouflage 01:38
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kanzurecomputer controlled lego car factory: http://vita.bu.edu/cgc/newlego/index.html07:01
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kanzuredoes anyone remember A data model for the representation of fabrication dependencies concerning micromechanical devices.pdf on heybryan.org/books/papers/ ?07:12
kanzurehuh, compatibility for process sequences07:16
kanzurebut no data is provided07:17
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kanzurehow did saul griffith get a one page paper into Nature?08:08
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-!- splicer_ is now known as splicer09:32
kanzure"Our initial studies in this area suggest that more than 50% of skeletal remains from the past two thousand years are likely to contain amplifiable endogenous DNA, but that in the case of human material great care is needed to distinguish this from contamination introduced before the samples reach the laboratory."09:48
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kanzureok I admit it, I have no clue what "nature networks" actually is11:58
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kanzuresplicer: hey, can you add RSS to biopunk.org please?12:30
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kanzureupdate of my rss feed collection13:49
kanzurethe previous one on the server was from 2007: http://heybryan.org/bookmarks/2007-10-30-feeds.html13:49
ybitnew papers: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/unsorted/?C=M;O=D13:50
kanzurenew as of today?13:50
kanzurelooks like it13:50
kanzureybit: did you see the microfluidics papers on capillary lithography?13:50
ybitsaul griffith's thesis: http://ybit.ath.cx/docs/papers/Growing%20Machines.pdf13:53
ybitkanzure: um, i can't recall...13:53
ybitpretty sure i would have remembered seeing that one13:53
ybitso no13:53
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ybitspeaking of rss feeds, http://ybit.ath.cx/rss_feeds.xml13:58
ybittooools http://www.saulgriffith.com/Make/Make03.pdf14:01
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ybitlego car factory is cool14:03
ybithi there genehacker, Phreedom 14:03
ybitbut the images are terrible, do they get any better kanzure?14:04
ybitmaybe a cad or two? 14:04
* ybit can wish right?14:05
kanzureno, you may not wish14:07
ybitthese are the books i want14:07
ybithttp://www.bioxplorer.com/ is another good site14:11
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ybitgrr, passwords for rar files14:13
ybitno time to contact someone for passwords, time for work, er.. daydreaming14:18
splicerkanzure: i'll see if there is a useful rss for phpbb15:34
fennybit: is that your twitter to irc bridge?15:56
kanzurethere's a bash-to-twitter bridge in apt IIRC15:57
fennhow do you receive new twits?15:57
fennis it twits or twitts?15:57
kanzuretwitter is mostly about sending 15:57
fennno that's the adult-oriented site15:58
kanzureanyway, I imagine it would be something like the nasty email notifications that bash gives you15:58
fenn"you have mail, but i'm not going to tell you what it is"15:58
kanzurewtf is the point of that15:58
kanzurebryan@leibniz had 7 MB of "broken pipe" errors from /etc/cron.d/15:59
fenni wonder how they made the illustrations in saulgriffith/tools.pdf16:01
fennalso you'd think they would sort the list by necessity, instead of .. randomly16:03
kanzurewhat's going on with pg 4 and 5?16:04
kanzurelooks like they are in bed with McMaster16:04
fennwhat is a "mini-jector"?16:05
fennit's listed under "Fetish" ..16:05
fennhmm injection molding machine16:06
fennkanzure: mind trying this for me? display.Context.SetTransparency( offA, 0.3 )16:23
fennjust see if it actually works16:23
fennoffA = display.DisplayColoredShape(offsetA.Shape(), 'GREEN')16:23
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 0d45da7 /doc/BOMs/ultimate-tool-buying-guide.yaml: saul griffith - tools to make almost anything16:34
kanzurehe lists "pcr" as a tool.16:56
fennin Make magazine?16:58
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r d96f5ba /doc/BOMs/ultimate-tool-buying-guide.yaml: finished adding priority levels, on to pricing17:25
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r ee3fb91 /doc/BOMs/ultimate-tool-buying-guide.yaml: prices fs17:25
kanzureone day I woke up and realized that maybe I shouldn't be basing my plans for robot armies and a space program around articles from make magazine for various reasons that were once unclear to me..17:29
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 8b6722b /doc/BOMs/perfusion-equipment.yaml: reformatted perfusion protocol17:37
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 2d33b8a /doc/object_properties.txt: removing cruft17:43
kanzureskdb is 14 mb?17:54
kanzureew I imported smari's gifs into the repository17:55
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r ae811e9 /doc/todo/TODO: updated todo list19:25
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kanzuredoes anyone have pythonOCC 0.2?19:43
fenni have md0.119:50
kanzure"As an example, I'll use a program called `gentoo', an X GTK+ file manager."20:09
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* fenn snickers @ http://community.stargateworlds.com/warehouse/gallery/1256_original.jpg21:21
-!- ybit [n=ybit@unaffiliated/ybit] has joined #hplusroadmap21:31
ybitgot the guy to update his links for you minimalists out there21:38
ybitgots to love how family members manage to bring this computer to a halt with 50 or so links about pop media culture21:39
fennfinally some decent lighting http://community.stargateworlds.com/image/1286/original/21:47
fenni doubt that's procedural though21:48
kanzurefenn: work on yer triiiiiig22:01
kanzurehm I wonder what this is all about: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/manufacturing/23:06
kanzurelooks like it's not the same as http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/23:07
kanzureprobably already mentioned it: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/file-lists/23:09

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