
--- Day changed Sun Aug 23 2009
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fennwow cool03:24
fennEMC now supports arbitrary serial kinematics03:24
fenn"these work for manipulators with up to 8 joints, either rotary or prismatic, and provide forward and inverse kinematics and jacobian functions."03:24
QuantumGI was looking at Bullet again yesterday03:26
QuantumGwhen I get the itch, I think I'll check out their soft body dynamics03:26
QuantumGsee if I can do some space tether simulations03:26
fennah but the difference is EMC can control real machinery03:26
fennthe simulator is mostly just to check what you're about to do03:27
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splicer_did you see W3Cs Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS): http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/REC-skos-reference-20090818/09:06
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kanzurepythonOCC now has qt4 support10:00
kanzureso for some reason, sciencedirect.com requires you to log in to get an RSS feed for a particular journal10:04
kanzurebut the way that this works is that they give you a link with an md5 hash that tells them that it's a unique link, i.e. so that nothing fishy is going on (from their end)10:04
kanzurehowever once you generate the feed, you can go to that feed's link 10:04
kanzureand you just have to log in with the free registration system10:04
kanzureseems like a weird and painful way to do it10:05
kanzurethere's about 1800 journals on sciencedirect, so I figure getting their RSS feeds would be useful10:05
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* ybit wonders if it's worth also purchasing http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2430460&CatId=49512:18
ybitkanzure: i have a few rss sdirect subscriptions in the rss feed xml i posted yesterday12:19
ybitit is a major pain in the arse to deal with12:19
ybit"The only cooling benefit comes from the finned heatsink on top. The pipe should pass through that, but doesn't. As useful as a Cherrybomb muffler on a Honda Civic, all flash and no benefit."12:22
kanzureok done12:27
kanzurehell yeah12:27
ybitwow, good going12:28
ybitdid you manually sign up for all of these?..12:28
kanzureno :)12:29
ybitwould be near impossible to do so in ~2 hours12:29
ybitso..let's see that script of yours12:29
kanzureer, okay12:29
ybithttp://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4401384&RSort=4&csid=ITD&body=#ReviewStart  or  http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3516738&RSort=4&csid=ITD&body=#ReviewStart12:30
ybitcan buy one of the first or 2 of the second.. 12:30
ybitsplicer_: i think skos was mentioned in here at least once before12:31
kanzureoh fooey12:34
kanzureI fucked up all of the files12:34
kanzuredouble http12:34
kanzurewell. I have nature and sciencedirect. I guess I'll do PLoS next but I'm running out of ideas.12:37
kanzuregah 15 MB of RSS :(12:38
kanzureand that's just the meta crap12:39
ybitLife Hours:  50,000 hours12:41
ybitthat scares me12:41
ybitthat's only 5 years12:41
* ybit goes with option12:42
kanzurehm, it seems there were 1526 RSS feeds when I tried doing this back in 200812:43
kanzurewtf hah12:43
ybitso.. i've spent $150. went with http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4034139&csid=_21 http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3501402&pagenumber=2&RSort=4&csid=ITD&recordsPerPage=5&body=#ReviewStart and http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4401384&RSort=4&csid=ITD&body=#ReviewStart12:43
kanzureso, /mnt/maxtor/all/sciencedirect/ contains my attempts at scraping the entire sciencedirect collection12:43
kanzureat that time I also bothered to scrape the RSS stuff12:43
kanzureand now that I'm looking at the timestamps ..12:43
kanzure-rwxrwxrwx    1 bryan bryan  838682 2008-08-23 14:52 sciencedirect_OPML_cc630df8be87344d227964577339d9b4.xml12:44
kanzurenice to know I've gone *nowhere* in the last year12:44
kanzurehow is it that I seem to cycle back to the same damn thing at the same damn time of each year?12:44
ybitthanks kanzure for ultimate-tool-buying-guide.yaml12:45
kanzureonly one sunday left14:02
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ybitone sunday left until what/14:26
ybittrip to l.a., until school starts, until doomsday?14:29
ybitspeaking of doomsday.. 14:31
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ybitdooomsday == rebooting teh linux machines15:00
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* ybit is curious how to protect against electromagnetic bombs16:42
drazak_lots of lead16:43
fennlead isn't the ideal shielding16:45
fennsilicon steel is good, mu-metal probably best16:45
fennultra pure iron is also good, but even more expensive than mu-metal16:45
ybita faraday cage is the term for such a protective covering16:46
fennas a practical matter, a 50 gallon drum welded shut will protect against EMP from a nuclear bomb16:46
fennfaraday cage is only conductors and won't protect against rapid changes in magnetic fields16:46
fennyou also have to have magnetic shielding16:46
fenni could be wrong16:47
fennalso, humans aren't immune to EMP as often portrayed in science fiction16:47
fennkanzure: why would ADL care about EMC being able to run arbitrary robot kinematics?16:48
drazak_who is adl16:52
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genehackerI'm online but I'm not online16:53
fenndrazak_: a mailing list16:55
drazak_fenn: about what?16:55
kanzurefenn: pradeep is studying kinematics16:55
kanzuredrazak_: Automated Design Lab16:56
drazak_oh cool16:56
drazak_so, I need a solution for something16:56
drazak_my handwriting sucks horribly16:57
drazak_and you need to label all these tubes at the lab so that other people can read them16:57
drazak_what's the best solution that's as quick as writing on them?16:57
kanzurepre-printing out sticky tape ID numbers16:58
kanzuresince you already know what you're going to be doing,16:58
kanzureyou could even pre-print the labels16:58
fennkanzure: pradeep is studying parallel kinematics16:58
kanzureinverse kinematics16:58
fennstill, serial matrix math won't help him at all16:59
drazak_kanzure: but I don't always know what I'm going to be doing before hand16:59
drazak_kanzure: or more than 5 minutes beforehand16:59
fennget a rhinopro 500016:59
drazak_that's fucking expensive17:00
kanzuredrazak_: you're doing it wrong, then. that's not how labs should work.17:00
kanzurealso you should be able to print in under <1min17:00
drazak_kanzure: well, I don't always know what set of samples it's on17:00
fenni got the rhinopro 1000 for like $4017:00
drazak_kanzure: or rather I know the set "hamstrings from vegf and msc treated animals" but not the numbers until I look at the tubes17:01
fennit's probably good enough17:01
genehackergot a paper you should read17:01
kanzurefennn, is there any way I could force you to write your trig method today?17:01
fennstill i'd rather have something with a standard USB interface17:01
genehackerinverse kinematics is cool17:01
kanzuregenehacker: well let's here it17:01
genehackerfinding it17:02
fennkanzure: i believe some chocolate might motivate me17:02
kanzurehow about a molten chocolate cake?17:02
kanzurepicky picky17:02
genehackerTowards cyclic fabrication systems17:02
genehackerfor modular robotics and rapid manufacturing17:02
kanzuregenehacker: yes I read that yesterday17:02
fenni have bad associations with chili's17:02
genehackeroh good17:02
genehackercool paper17:02
fennlast time i ate there i got a mouth infection17:02
kanzurethe references are better imho17:02
kanzurehm is that where you got it from?17:02
fennwell not really17:02
fennbut my body doesn't know the difference17:02
kanzuredoes stealing from your own chocolate collection count?17:03
kanzurethere was some mint chocolate in the freezer iirc17:03
fennmy chocoat collection is bankrumpt17:03
kanzurehave you tried filing for chocolate chapter 11?17:03
kanzuregenehacker: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/rss17:04
kanzuregenehacker: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/rss/17:04
kanzuregenehacker: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/rss/journals/sciencedirect/17:04
genehackeryou know we really should consider making a bioengineer cocoa plant17:04
genehackercocoa cultivation uses a fair amount of modern day slavery17:05
drazak_kanzure: you have all the sciencedirect journals?!17:06
fenngene http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/moses_urethane_wax_replicator.pdf17:06
fennit'll be done uploading any minute now17:06
kanzuredrazak_: not all of them have RSS17:06
kanzurebut yes all of the ones that have RSS17:06
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drazak_kanzure: oh, I thought that was a scrape of the journals17:07
kanzureno the scrape is elsewhere on the hdd17:07
kanzureand it's only a partial scrape17:07
kanzureso I haven't shown it to you guys yet17:07
fenndrazak_: the rhinopro 1000 is definitely worth the $4017:07
drazak_fenn: yeah, I'll look into it at some point17:07
drazak_fenn: I just need to write better on tubes17:07
fenntubes weren't made for writing on17:08
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fennif God had intended us to write on tubes, he would have given them stick-on labels!17:09
genehackersome tubes come with areas to write17:09
fenngenehacker: what were you doing with a microscope a couple weeks ago?17:10
genehackerkanzure got a link to setting up internet with linux?17:10
kanzuregenehacker: for UT? 17:10
genehackerwhat microscope fenn?17:10
genehackeroh that17:10
kanzuregenehacker: linux at utexas: https://management.pna.utexas.edu/static/faqs/dot1x/dot1x-linux.html17:11
drazak_genehacker: generally speakiung our lab writes on the cap then details on the sides17:11
genehackerI was using it to look at metal17:11
kanzuregenehacker: is that what you needed?17:12
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fennthis is helpful for figuring out license snafus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Quick-guide-gplv3-compatibility.svg17:20
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genehackerUBUNTU WOO!17:31
genehackerubuntu woo17:31
genehackerseems slow for some reason17:32
genehackerno config needed17:32
fennslow is probly bad DNS17:37
* fenn mumbles something about /etc/resolv.conf17:37
-!- splicer_ is now known as splicer17:42
QuantumGI like the tweezers one :)18:02
genehackerdo you see how fast those fingers move?18:15
genehackerhumanity is doomed18:19
drazak_kanzure: I should take an inventory of all the chemicals we have at the lab18:32
-!- any30490772 is now known as katsmeow-afk18:36
fennjust once i'd like to see a youtube robotics video without some comment about "humanity is doomed"18:45
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kanzuredrazak_: if you take a full inventory you will become my bestest frnord ever18:50
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drazak_kanzure: I'll do as good as I can18:56
drazak_kanzure: I have an hour in the morning before anyone else gets there18:56
fennyou could take high resolution photos and have a pakistani child type up the chemical names18:58
fenndrazak_: kanzure wants you to look at this for some reason http://adl.serveftp.org/git/gitweb.cgi?p=skdb.git;a=blob;f=inventory/data/biology-lab-chemicals.incomplete.yaml18:59
fennpictures are good too19:00
drazak_fenn: I'm not going to type it up like that19:01
drazak_fenn: no fucking way I have /that/ much time19:01
drazak_fenn: I'm going to bring my laptop in and start cataloging it19:02
fennwhat do you mean cataloging?19:02
drazak_making a list19:06
fennbut that is a list19:06
fenni don't really agree with the format19:07
fennname, concentration, and volume are good enough19:07
fennif it's something non-standard of course you should probably say what it is19:08
fenn'buffer A' for example19:08
drazak_I meant mainly the powders, and kits19:09
drazak_I'll do the fridges some other day19:09
drazak_how is cataloging different than making a list?19:12
drazak_I can make a list and put numbers next to it19:12
drazak_and put where it is19:12
fennyou said "i'm not going to type it up like that. i'm going to start cataloging it (instead)"19:13
fennwhich presumably meant you were going to do something different than type it up19:13
drazak_well I'm certainly not going to put it in yaml format19:13
fennyaml is easy19:14
drazak_takes too long19:14
fenncompared to what?19:14
fennwhat does that even mean?19:14
drazak_it means I don't have time to type Chemical: blah, Date: Blah, Concentration: Blah19:15
drazak_instead I label a columns and just start going19:15
fennis it solid? how many grams are there?19:16
drazak_how do you measure grams when it's in a container without measuring it outside of the container19:16
fennpick it up and shake it19:16
drazak_oh god I suck at that19:16
fennanyway just saying "NaCl" doesn't communicate very much19:17
drazak_I'd rather look at the volume, and the supposed mass of stuff in the container, estimate the volume fraction and decide how much of it there is19:17
fennsure, that's perfectly fine way to do it19:17
fennjust be consistent however you decide to write it up19:18
fennnot like i know wtf anyone is going to do with all these inventories anyway19:19
drazak_I'll use it19:19
drazak_I mean, if I want to do some sort of experiment, I want to know if we have something, or if we have enough19:19
drazak_I dunno wtf you people are going to do with the inventories from my lab19:19
fennyeah that's what i meant19:20
drazak_I mean19:20
drazak_I know if I was going to start a lab my inventory would be much different19:20
drazak_I would have less of these kits19:20
drazak_and more of the actual stuff to do stuff19:20
fennand lots of thingies19:21
drazak_I mean I'd have the specific reagents to isolate DNA and a method for the lab19:21
drazak_that way if we switch kits results won't change, we're all using the same reagents19:21
drazak_because there's no kit to change, anyway19:22
fennkanzure: i'll write that code as soon as i figure out how to run pythonOCC19:23
fenner. s/run/import/19:23
* fenn kicks sshfs in the nads19:24
drazak_so are you guys just sitting next to eachother?19:26
drazak_also what code19:26
fennwtf why can't user "bryan" read this? drwxr-xr-x 1 fenn bryan19:30
fenndrazak_: he's in the other room watching the simpsons19:30
fenni'm attempting to write some cad code on bryan's computer because mine sucks and/or doesn't have a monitor or functioning pythonOCC install19:31
kanzurefenn, drazak: I wasn't estimating the mass of the containers. they were graduated glassware.19:32
drazak_kanzure: these aren't19:33
drazak_kanzure: and I'm not talking about how you did it, but how i'm going to do it19:33
fennwhat does this mean? d????????? ? ?    ?           ?                ? tub19:38
fennthat's from ls -l19:38
fennsigh. when did this all become so hard19:41
fennwhat's up with your vim? "Sorry, the command is not available in this version"19:44
kanzurevim should be normal19:53
fennany clue? ImportError: No module named DataExchange.STEP19:54
fennhmm there are multiply pythonOCC's on this box19:55
kanzurewasn't it OCC.DataExchange.STEPImporter ?19:56
fennno that's the class name19:56
fenni think maybe you have an old/incomplete pythonOCC in manufacturing (which is what i've been using)19:57
kanzurewhere's the othering?19:57
kanzureer the other one19:57
fenni should just download 0.3 or something19:58
fenni have no idea what is going on19:58
kanzurethere should be a copy in /mnt/maxtor/software/pythonOCC/ too19:59
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genehacker_any linux expert here want to tell me how to run an .exe on my windows partition22:28
genehacker_with wine22:29
fennwine foo.exe22:31
kanzurethat's how you run the exe22:40
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genehacker_I don't get it22:40
genehacker_it doesn't quite work right22:40
genehacker_going to switch to the EVIL partition22:46
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ybitanyone have family members suggesting what you should do with your life continually? "oh, you would be great at this, you really should consider this field to work in" today it was cyber security -_- usually these suggestions are based on little thinking. i asked a few questions that i'm having a tough time answering myself today to one of my family members and it was suggested that i should really consider writing a book or making a board game with su23:39
ybitbut anyway, here come a few questions to consider23:39
ybitSports, what's the point. What mindset do people have which allow them to watch sports, are they recieving dopamine due to watching this? What's triggering this release of neurotransmitters? 23:43
ybitWhy do a majority of people want to date others? We can hypothesize that it's due to some insinct to pass on our genes eventually, but is that really the cause? Sanity... What's the point of a "balanced life", to maintain sanity. But what is sanity? I asked one of my family members and it was interesting to see them go through a similar thought process of my own slowly leading them into where they could understand my own view. As they seemingly instinc23:58

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