
--- Day changed Mon Aug 24 2009
ybitI struggle with 'wasting time', watching movies, playing games, watching sports, 'chilling' with friends, anything not to do with what I would like to be doing which is in making progress scientifically or technologically. And maybe it comes down to not having an understanding of sanity?00:01
katsmeow-afki think sanity is having a ruleset that is tidy, that others mostly agree to, and at least don't beat you up with it00:02
ybitI view some things that I do as acceptable even if it's not improving scientific or technical advancement because some studies point towards the fact that it may increase my chances of staying alive00:04
ybitsorry for the late night philosophy00:04
ybitthat others mostly agree to == a majority of others?00:04
katsmeow-afkyeas, i have always had problems with "worth", productivity, interfacing to humans00:04
ybitwhat is this ruleset? and what do you mean by tidy?00:05
fennvalue system00:05
katsmeow-afklike, if you vote for Clinton and 99% of people are republicans, they'd proll lynch you00:05
fennalso interpretation of the world00:05
fenntwo people can see the same thing and understand it differently00:05
katsmeow-afktidy = no internal conflicts00:06
katsmeow-afktidy = few unresolved rules00:06
fennkatsmeow-afk: even mathematics can't be proven self consistent00:06
katsmeow-afkas  long as you don't need hospitalisation for that fenn, i don't care :-)00:06
fennybit did you ever read the reciprocality website?00:08
ybitfenn: no00:10
ybitdo you have a link by chance?00:11
katsmeow-afkor on purpose?00:11
fennapparently all mirrors without junk attached have disappeared00:11
fennanyway, just ignore the crap at the top: http://www.buildfreedom.com/content/reciprocality/00:11
fennM0 relates to your question about why people watch sports00:12
fennor why people put up with pointless bullshit in general00:12
ybitlooks like i have some decent reading in the morning, ty00:15
katsmeow-afkditto, ty00:15
ybitthanks katsmeow-afk for the idea of a ruleset/value system00:16
ybitgives me something to ponder about00:16
ybitwhile drifting to bed00:16
ybitbrowsing history: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_(personal_and_cultural) -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relative_ethic_value#Absolute_and_relative -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noumenal and then who knows where. some protocol for mapping connections formed from reading or otherwise... ideamap mindmap? i forget if there's a term for this.. would be useful in having some process analyzing this for future discoveries/insights00:23
* ybit is hoping someone links me to work on this already00:24
katsmeow-afkand ai00:24
katsmeow-afklook for "internal language"00:24
katsmeow-afkif you lack the internal representation for a concept, you cannot use it00:25
katsmeow-afkif you cannot form links across concepts, you cannot form new ones or differentiate them00:25
fenn"surf tree" is a phrase i just came up with00:26
fenn"associative trail" is the official phrase, but i think it ignores the exploratory multi-branching nature of real surfing00:27
ybitkatsmeow-afk: first wikipedia result from "internal language" google search result is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociolinguistics00:27
ybitfenn: nice point00:28
-!- splicer [n=patrik@] has quit ["Ex-Chat"]00:28
ybithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-language#.22I-Language.22_and_.22E-Language.22  ...katsmeow-afk, you were referencing chomsky? 00:30
katsmeow-afki suspect every topic can reference him, heh00:30
fenn"colorless green ideas sleep furiously"00:32
fenni love it00:32
-!- fenn changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: COLORLESS GREEN IDEAS SLEEP FURIOUSLY00:33
katsmeow-afkmy parser found 3 more valid parses to "time flies like an arrow" than in literature back then00:33
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:34
genehackeris weird00:34
ybitgenehacker: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorless_green_ideas_sleep_furiously00:34
genehackerso you might have graph grammar problems?00:35
ybithehe, it's about time for my colorless green ideas to sleep furiously as well :)00:35
katsmeow-afkcogitate on that :-)00:36
ybitgenehacker: i brought up some philosophical questions... i'll link you to the log..00:36
genehackerwell if the grammar is written right the worst we'll get is an ugly looking machine00:37
fennugliness is not to be tolerated00:37
ybitgenehacker ^00:37
katsmeow-afkoh, reason repraps won't be widespread: emissions from the solvents used in the liquid plastics00:38
fennthere aren't any liquid plastics00:38
fenner, at least none with solvents00:38
katsmeow-afknothing dries, or outgasses?00:38
fennnot really00:38
genehackerkatsmeow-afk, I think reprap is an evolutionary dead end00:38
fennyou could make a reprap out of glass if you wanted00:38
ybitgenehacker: how so?00:39
katsmeow-afka glas menting glass curcible?00:39
fennkatsmeow-afk: no of course not00:39
genehackerprinted parts aren't nearly as good as parts produced by subtractive processes00:39
fennthere has to be some kind of orthogonal material transformation (for lack of a better word)00:39
fenntemperature is a basis vector00:40
fennsolvency is a basis vector00:40
ybitgenehacker: because it doesn't have a surf tree analyzing ai?00:40
fennuh.. i can't think of any other transformation vectors, sorry00:40
ybiter, maybe that's called agi00:40
genehackerno because it can't make good parts00:40
fenngood meaning what?00:41
ybitsurf tree analyzing ai == agi, si?00:41
genehackerread towards cyclic fabrication00:41
fennybit: not necessarily00:41
genehackerfor modular robotics and manufacturing00:41
QuantumGI think the problem with reprap is that it is all about making parts and not at all about assembling them.. or at least, last time I looked it was00:41
genehackerI think reprap needs to go subtractive00:42
fennybit: hidden markov models do what you mean (i think) but aren't obviously intelligent00:42
genehackerquantumG have you read that paper yet?00:42
genehackermaybe not a dead end00:42
genehackerdarwin is a dead end at least00:42
fennthe problem with reprap is they are mass producing them in factories00:42
genehackermass producing them? 00:42
fennwell, almost00:42
QuantumGthe cyclic fabrication one, yeah, pretty cool00:43
genehackermore like limited volume production00:43
fennit's a great example of an open hardware project00:43
genehackervery cool00:43
genehackerreprap needs to go in that direction00:43
fennah.. quenching (hardening) is another transformation basis vector00:43
genehackermake a wax mold, pour goop in mold00:44
fennand of course all of polymer chemistry00:44
ybitwww.roboticsproceedings.org/rss05/p16.pdf 00:44
ybit"Towards cyclic fabrication systems for modular robotics and rapid ..."00:44
ybitabout the only paper i found on cyclic fab00:44
genehackeroh cool00:45
fenngenehacker: you didnt see that yesterday?00:45
fennafter your rant about how cool matt moses was00:45
genehackerI did00:45
ybitgenehacker: what paper are you referencing? 00:41 < genehacker> quantumG have you read that paper yet?00:45
genehackerI didn't know the url00:46
ybitdidn't and do now or still don't?00:46
ybitjust verifying00:47
fennah sweet sweet rationalization.. 00:48
* ybit pokes genehacker with a tree branch00:48
fenn"Therefore despite being in a massive minority in modern societies, low dopamine people have healthy brains and are normal, and everyone else has been made unwell by the M0 parasitisation of their society."00:48
fennthis is much more poorly written than i remember00:49
katsmeow-afki've often thoght the world wold be better off, more advanced, without all those lacking the gift of Aspergers00:50
ybitthe quote is on ...http://www.datamodel.co.uk/Reciprocality/www.reciprocality.org/Reciprocality/r1/index.html00:50
fennyes that's the mirror i was looking for00:50
ybit00:42 < QuantumG> the cyclic fabrication one, yeah, pretty cool00:59
ybityou are referencing a paper i'm guessing, do you have a link?00:59
fennyou just pasted the link ybit01:01
ybitkatsmeow-afk: what are you trying to say? i don't think i have it.. what exactly are you getting at? :)01:01
ybitoh, okay01:01
katsmeow-afkdidn't answer the question, fenn01:02
ybitthat was re: 0:49 < katsmeow-afk> i've often thoght the world wold be better off, more advanced, without all those lacking the gift of Aspergers01:02
fenni wouldn't mind if they werent the ones with guns pointed at me01:03
katsmeow-afki'm sorry, having trouoble understanding, what was th question?01:03
ybityou think i should die is what i'm getting at ;)01:03
katsmeow-afknot what i said01:04
ybitgo bye-bye01:04
katsmeow-afkyou could also infer i wished you'd been born with aspergers :-)01:04
QuantumGor that you thought he had01:05
ybit00:05 < fenn> two people can see the same thing and understand it differently01:05
ybitoh, so true01:05
fenngood old natural language01:05
fenn"the future of computer programming" yeah right01:06
* ybit doesn't see anything unnatural about constructed languages01:06
ybiter, artificial*01:07
* fenn doesn't see anything non-ambiguous about lojban01:07
* ybit checks in on the lojban compiler01:07
fennthey got too hung up on being culture-neutral for anyone to be able to speak it01:08
genehackeresperanto has problems...01:09
fennesperanto has at least one person who can speak it :\01:09
ybiti don't think anyone would speak it anyway, just like esperanto, the majority of people will learn a language that is spoken by many others (eng,span.,etc.)01:09
fennhow about latin? nobody speaks latin except people who speak latin01:10
ybitwhich isn't many01:10
fenni don't buy the chicken/egg argument01:10
ybitlojban may potentially gain ground when we can change substrates and still have this need of communicating audibly?01:11
ybitdoesn't ring a bell01:11
fennsubstrate as in uploading?01:11
fennare we communicating audibly right now?01:12
fenni'm sure i'm missing the point entirely01:12
ybitthe assumption is that most people will, if uploaded, rapidly gain the knowledge needed to understand the advantage of using a language such as lojban so that they use it... maybe there's an advantage in having conversation and thought logs in lojban for this surf tree analyzation thingie? ..or maybe there will be similar windows/linux war where some uploaded transapiens use lojban (resource efficient), representing linux and others will just use more 01:16
fenn'will just use more...'01:17
QuantumGparsing english isn't really that hard.. 01:17
QuantumGwhat's hard is figuring out something useful to parse it into01:17
fennQuantumG: but english is so ambiguous as to mean almost anything01:17
katsmeow-afkor the correct intended meaning01:17
QuantumGeven if I tell you exactly what it means, I challenge you to come up with a useful representation for it.01:18
fennum, i mean, 'frsly'01:18
fennQuantumG: there may never be a theory of everything, but we can do a lot better than english01:19
ybiti now relate that sentence to bedtime01:19
fenngood night dear sir01:19
* ybit isn't going to bed though01:19
fennbut you should01:19
fennit's past your bedtime01:20
ybitgood point01:20
* ybit lost track of time01:20
ybitfenn convinced me to sleep :P01:20
* ybit waves gn01:20
fennvictory is mine! hahaha01:20
* katsmeow-afk waves gnite too01:21
QuantumGsay you make a brand new language that is easier to parse.. what representation will you parse it into?01:21
fennQuantumG: the idea was to skip natural languages altogether and start with the desired representation01:21
katsmeow-afk"internal language"01:21
QuantumGdefine that please :)01:21
katsmeow-afkthe crap Cyc is saddled with01:21
QuantumGand crap it is01:21
fenninternal language means basically "data structure" right?01:22
QuantumGtry to represent "last night I went to the movies" in it.01:22
katsmeow-afkfenn, rules and data and their relations to each otehr01:22
fennok, what's so hard about that?01:22
katsmeow-afkgo for it :-)01:22
katsmeow-afki feel humans have a limit to introspection, and to hard-code everything , and not allow the ai to self realise is inherently hugely and fatally flawed01:23
fennthe problem is we want a definite answer01:24
katsmeow-afkother than compatable rulesets, nothing must be unmodifieable , so the ai can grow and optomise and internalise unforeseen situations01:25
QuantumGyour representation is mostly determined by the operations you want to perform on the data, which is determined by the problem you're trying to solve.  When you try to solve "ai", the problem is so ill defined that you've got so little idea of the operations you need that you can't even begin to create a representation :)01:25
katsmeow-afksorta what QuantumG said01:25
fennmeh. i think people have just been making it too complicated01:25
genehackermumbles something about deep structures01:25
katsmeow-afklike said before, i dunno what my motivation is for half of what i do, like breathe01:26
katsmeow-afkfenn, i agree01:26
QuantumGso I gave you a trick question.. represent "last night I went to the movies".. why?  What problem are you trying to solve by representing that?01:26
fennthat's a trick question?01:26
katsmeow-afkQuantumG, that can evolve into a state in a timeline with "you" being "at" the "movies", and the "" cleared up later01:27
QuantumGif you don't have any idea what you want to do with that fact you could quite simply store it as is.01:27
katsmeow-afktrue, but i feel it must belinked somehow for backtracking, hence timeline01:27
fennwe'd probably want to store the date, other context info, imagined scenarios01:28
QuantumGif you're trying to figure out if I attempted to murder fenn last night, you might want to store it as a timeline and incorporate information about the average duration of movies or even the schedule of movies in my local area for last night, etc.01:28
katsmeow-afkwe cannot imagine other scenarios01:28
katsmeow-afkwe dunno the duration of the movie you saw01:28
QuantumGits all about the application.01:28
katsmeow-afkthe scedule, yeas, for verificatin, etc01:28
fenni bet it was 1.3+-0.5hr01:28
fennhmm ok longer than that01:29
QuantumGbut hey, if you ask anyone to define an exam for an intelligence you'll get the form:  fact, fact, fact, question.  The bastards provide it in the most difficult way possible.01:30
katsmeow-afki would not want a situation where a leading question could be asked, and illicit bad data due to guessing01:30
fennQuantumG: that's a poor definition of intelligence01:30
katsmeow-afk"how did the man get downstairs after stealing the jewels" , that sorta question01:30
QuantumGits a practical definition and I've come to only care about the practical definitions :)   "what can it do?" that's all that matters.01:31
fenncan it predict the future? that's all that matters01:31
QuantumGthat's practical01:31
katsmeow-afkit can tie up 100's of people and burn millions of dollars!01:31
QuantumGunfortunately, also practical01:31
katsmeow-afkin the right place, i spose so01:32
fennthey must not be paying them very well01:32
QuantumGso long as you're not paying01:32
QuantumGor you're being forced to pay, thank you government01:32
fenni dont mind being forced to pay as long as i'm guaranteed a job :)01:33
QuantumGslaves are guaranteed a job01:33
genehackerpredicting the future?01:34
fennbeing a slave isnt necessarily a terrible thing, it's being abused and lacking any choice that's bad01:34
genehackerwhy don't you go see a soothsayer01:34
fennany buddhists in the audience feel free to disagree01:35
QuantumGI think the lacking any choice is the part that makes you a slave :)01:36
katsmeow-afki remember when this channel had only 4 beings in it01:36
fennQuantumG: so i'm a slave to planet Earth because there's no choice but to remain here?01:36
katsmeow-afki wonder,, if you *thought* you had made the right choice, would that be slavery?01:37
* fenn steers the meta-craft periliously close to the philosophical black hole01:37
fennnevermind. i don't have the stomach for it01:38
* katsmeow-afk decides to make just one random ding in a thin piece of steel, just this once, and paints it with a rubber paint,, that's right, it's an isolated insident of an insolated isodent01:39
kanzureso suddenly genehacker reads a paper that says the same thing we've been saying, but only now he believes it?01:39
QuantumGso anyway, I prefer to define my ai as being able to participate in "what do you mean by?" conversations and "and then what happened?" conversations and "did you try?" and "maybe if you try.." conversations.. because that basically sums up 90% of the conversations I have as a programmer :)01:40
genehackersaying what?01:40
kanzureybit: it's on adl01:40
fennthat reprap is a dead end01:40
katsmeow-afkyeas to QuantumG01:40
fenni never actually said that, just that they aren't really trying to go anywhere01:40
kanzurefenn: there's a copy of reciprocality on archive.org01:40
QuantumGbut even without that ability.. I think an ai that could do some reasoning and work towards goals would be sufficient for "fix this bug" problems.. couldn't be any worse than the jr programmers I put up with.01:41
genehackeroh well I didn't really see how reprap was a dead end until now01:42
QuantumGdid you mention why?  I might have missed it01:42
genehackernow how do we make polyurethane?01:42
QuantumGthe lack of assembly?01:43
fennyou can't make an extruder out of melted plastic01:43
fennhow do you explain the concept of "closed space" in non-mathy terms?01:43
genehackerclosed space?01:44
fenner, no, that was from haruhi suzumiya01:44
genehackeroh that was what that was from01:44
QuantumGdraw a circle, say "the inside is an open space, but once you include the border, it is closed."01:44
QuantumGthen you can explain getting closer and closer to the border but never reaching it01:45
QuantumGand how you could zoom in forever if the world was continuous.01:45
genehackerwhy explain it in not mathy terms?01:45
fennif all you have are vectors on the X-axis, adding and subtracting them will never get you on the Y axis01:45
QuantumGif they keep listening, explain limits01:45
fennIn mathematics, a set is said to be closed under some operation if performance of that operation on members of the set always produces a member of the set.01:46
fennwell, the same idea applies to vector spaces01:47
genehackeroh shoot I remember that01:47
genehackerI guess I need to reread my matrix math stuff and unzip the datafiles in my head01:47
genehackerdidn't really understand it01:48
fennin this case, "operation" would be something like casting or machining01:49
fennall the machining in the world won't add metal back on01:49
genehackerso reprap is a dead end because it will never be able to make the extruder with just printing01:50
genehackercould you explain the operation and what is being transformed in mathematical terms01:52
kanzureare you asking for fenn to be even more vague?01:52
genehackerI want to see the algorithm01:52
fennhere's how i see things01:53
fennthere's this big physical world out there with a large number of possible states01:53
QuantumGisn't this why some of the reprap guys are trying to make that metal extruder?01:53
fennthere are so many states that we can't possibly imagine how to represent all of them, so we simplify and throw away some data by doing analysis01:53
genehackerhow are they represented numerically?01:54
QuantumGhow you're going to make that one is just fun with regression01:54
fennthe analysis yields a set of "dimensions" which are things like charge, length, time.. or even more abstract quantities like color or cost01:54
kanzureregressional analysis is sometimes known as "functional synthesis" for some weird reason01:54
genehackermore than 3 dimensions01:55
fennas many dimensions as you like01:55
genehackerI really don't like things with more than 3 dimensions01:55
fennthe point is they have to represent things you are interested in, as QuantumG was saying01:55
genehackerbecause I don't have eyes to see such shapes01:55
fennstop thinking about it as shapes01:55
fennwhat i just did was transform reality from state space to parameter space01:56
fennso anyway now we have a data structure with parameters like 'sphericalness=0.8' 'color=reddish'01:57
fennthis represents an actual physical object01:58
genehackerI'm hung up on the whole transformation thing01:58
genehackerhow that's done on something that isn't exactly numerical01:58
fennif you've designed your parameters correctly then each operation should modify one parameter only01:58
genehackerwhat is being transformed?01:59
genehackermetal into cylinders?01:59
fenndo you know what principal component analysis is?01:59
genehackercylinders into cones via machining?01:59
fennnot that sort of transformation01:59
fennthis is more like.. the magic eye optical illusion02:00
* QuantumG waits for you to hit the intensional/extensional inheritance roadblock.02:00
fennyou're staring at all this mess and then suddenly it turns into a dolphin02:00
genehackernever got those02:00
genehackerI am confused02:00
genehackermaybe I'm operating in lunatic mode02:00
fennit is 2 am after all02:01
genehackerit is02:01
QuantumGextensional inheritance: inheritance between sets based on their members, intensional inheritance: inheritance between entity-types based on their properties02:01
fennall these AI people are confusing me02:02
kanzureQuantumG: I suggest you stfu02:02
genehackerI should probably too02:02
fennok so an operation does something to one of your parameters02:03
fenna turning operation reduces the diameter of a cylinder02:03
fenna painting operation changes the color of the object02:03
genehackerand that operation doesn't have to be a matrix multiplying another matrix?02:03
fennuh. sometimes matrix math just makes everything more confusing02:04
genehackeryeah I think that's what confused me02:04
genehackerfenn quick question02:05
fennok so now we have a set of parameters that represent our state, and a set of operations that can modify the parameters02:05
genehackerare you a mill demiexpert?02:05
genehackerare there any mills with rack and pinion drives?02:05
fennthe trick is to define a sequence of operations that gets you from the original state back to the original state02:05
genehackeranswer second question if first is yes02:05
fenngenehacker: depends what you call a mill.. i just built a CNC router several months ago with rack and pinion drive02:06
fenngenerally they suck because there's too much backlash and not enough force to cut metal02:06
genehackerbacklash can be compensated for02:07
fennnot true02:07
genehackerwith encoders?02:07
fennif it could be compensated for, it wouldn't be a problem, but it can't02:07
fennthe spindle will bounce around faster than your motors can keep up02:08
genehackerhow fast?02:08
fennfast enough to break your tool02:08
fennessentially the material/tool bit turns into a rack and pinion02:09
genehackerI'm not cutting metal02:09
genehackerI'm reading over that moses paper again02:09
genehackerI'm cutting wax02:09
fennanyway are you satisfied with my explanation about closed process loops?02:10
genehackerwinblows media player just died02:14
genehackerquicktime just died02:15
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]02:29
fenn"The mapper wants to move from a large mass of software to a smaller one that is more robust because of its necessary and sufficient structure. The packers are not practiced at seeing the proposed new structure, and see only a maniac who wants to change every single file in one go."02:32
fennyay mappers, woo!02:32
fenni often have to fight myself not to edit every single file in a single commit02:33
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 198b6d8 /doc/todo/TODO: note to self02:39
fennA classic mapper/packer battleground in programming consists of the mappers seeing that with what they know now, a reimplementation could be done in a fraction of the time, and would not suffer from maintenance issues that they see looming in the existing code.03:20
fennThe packers see the mappers insanely trying to destroy all their work b(as if there weren't backups), and repeat the last few months, which have been terrible because they obviously didn't know what they were doing anyway (they kept changing things).03:20
fennThe intelligent organisation wants the most understanding and the least source code it can acheive. The organisation stuck in inappropriate physical mass production models doesn't count understanding, and counts its worth by its wealth of source code, piled higher and deeper.03:20
fennYou will nearly always have to do a cleanup - the code that most organisations put in their repository is usually the first that passes all test cases. This does not matter. Do your own cleanup for this phase, regression test and don't even discuss your own deltas until you can see straight.03:24
* fenn sleeps furiously03:29
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kanzurefenn: did you go into the lab today?09:58
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fenn_adli was abducted by aliens10:27
kanzurea likely story10:28
kanzurebut how am I going to deliver chocolate to entice you to write teh codez?10:29
kanzuressh darmok@tanagra10:35
fenn_adlwhen the walls fell10:36
kanzureanything exciting?12:05
fennwhat is the angle between (1,0,0) and (1,1,1)?12:12
fennit's some funky number i can't make sense of12:12
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-129-174.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap12:16
kanzureqalculator has a fractionalizer12:18
fennaw now this can't be right12:20
kanzurewhere are these classes?12:21
fennAngle is an OCC method12:22
kanzureOCC.geom or skdb.geom?12:23
fenndamn acos(dot(d1,d2)) gives the same thing12:23
fennskdb.geom of course12:23
kanzuremaybe you don't know your angles12:24
fennit's quite possible12:26
fennso 1,1,0 to 1,1,1 is not the same as 1,0,0 to 1,0,1?12:27
kanzurearen't angles in 3-space called steradians?12:28
fennnow that i'm looking at it in heekscad it sems to be correct12:28
fennno a steradian is a solid angle, like angle * angle12:29
fennlike square meters12:29
fenn"solid angle" doesn't really convey that does it12:29
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fennwell what?13:06
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 3cd4763 /paths.py: this didn't do what i meant anyway13:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 4d7be59 / (geom/geom.py paths.py): ooify Arrow, remove gp_Ax1 stuff13:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 8e7acd4 /geom/geom.py: redo doc string formatting with named parameters13:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 6a7e91e /geom/geom.py: clean rot13:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r b0928da /geom/geom.py: remove unused code. Translation/Rotation are replacements?13:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r ceba733 /unittests/test_geom.py: remove unused tests13:09
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 1e706dc /paths.py: test_coordinate_arrows works13:09
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fenni'm still trying to test build_trsf13:12
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kanzuretest_coordinate_arrows works?13:21
fennhttp://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/coordinate_arrows.png http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/coordinate_flags.png http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/coordinate_flags2.png13:26
kanzuredevil magic13:27
kanzurehow'd you manage this?13:27
fennit's basically the same code i had originally13:27
kanzureare you using SetTransformation?13:27
fennusing point_shape (now called point_along)13:27
fennno, not using SetTransformation13:27
fennstill working on that13:28
fennit seems to be correct so far but i dont really know how to test it rigorously13:28
fenni guess i could just throw some legos at it, but you can never tell which part of the code is broken13:29
fennright now i'm just trying to make 4 legos around the origin but that's not working so well (it only makes 3?)13:30
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genehackernetwork trouble14:01
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kanzurethe institute of physics has a journal of neural engineering? huh14:13
genehackercloneoQUANTUM NEUROSCIENCE!14:14
genehackercloneoprobably has something to do with MRI machines14:15
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genehackerclone2network is going mad14:21
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 7a47b06 / (geom/geom.py paths.py unittests/test_geom.py): redo build_trsf to not use SetTransformation, not working yet14:25
fennkanzure: i hope you can figure out why the green and yellow bricks overlap (are my vectors correct?)14:26
fennrun paths.py14:26
kanzurehow do I rm a file with a ^M in it?14:31
fennrm ./foo*14:31
fenni guess14:32
kanzureeh, I got it, but I had to move some other files around because the difference between those files and the one file that I wanted to delete was the special character in the spot where * would have been, but anyway14:32
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fennkanzure: *poke*14:58
fennany idea?14:58
kanzuresorry was on the phone with alex15:06
kanzureer my brain is in talking-with-a-millionaire mode atm15:07
kanzurehe got three or four calls in a one minute thirty second time span15:08
fennpoor guy15:08
kanzureso now I'm on like meta-hold or something15:09
fenni guess that puts me on meta meta hold15:13
* kanzure hangs fenn up15:13
* fenn drips on the floor15:14
kanzurea phone doesn't drip on the floor15:14
genehackerclone2it does when it's turned to liquid15:14
genehackerclone2by either heat or solvent15:14
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drazak_I'm making cDNA15:38
kanzurethe million dollar callback15:47
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xp_prgI need help design my biopython synthetic biology class, anyone want to help me?15:52
kanzuredid you write a synthetic biology module for biopython?15:53
xp_prgbut I will probably do so :>15:53
kanzurewhat will it include?15:53
xp_prgprobably inference routines to design the genese necessary for certain chemical pathways15:54
xp_prgKanzure are you aware of any good opensource design tools for synthetic biology?15:54
kanzurebut you're doing a class before you write the code?15:54
kanzurewhy not do it the other way around?15:54
xp_prgso I can get people to help me make the code15:55
kanzurethat's not what a class is for15:55
xp_prghttp://openwetware.org/wiki/Endy:Notebook/BioBrick_Studio-List 15:55
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xp_prgthis was supposed to show programs for synthetic biology and nothing is there15:55
xp_prgKanzure I can show them how to work with dna etc...15:55
kanzuretry celldesigner and taverna15:55
xp_prgwith biopython, it won't be a waste of time15:56
kanzurebut biopython already does that15:56
xp_prgright I am going to teach a class on biopython, what is hard to understand?!15:56
kanzureyou said something about a synthetic biology class15:56
xp_prgyes using biopython for synthetic biology15:56
kanzureand then I asked if you had a synthetic biology module written15:56
kanzureand you said no15:56
kanzureso then I asked shouldn't you do it the other way around15:56
xp_prgthere are libraries I can use for synthetic biology but are not necessarily packaged in that way right now15:57
kanzurelibsbml looks fine to me imho15:57
kanzurehonestly I think you should write the code first, then offer a class after you released the source code15:57
kanzureotherwise you're just stealing these people's money15:57
xp_prgits going to be a free class15:58
kanzurewell you haven't written any of the code that you claim the class is about15:58
kanzurehonestly I'm skeptical15:58
xp_prghelp me make the lesson plan, I will write the code, I am a python programmer etc...15:58
xp_prgI did write some code for you if you recall15:58
kanzurearen't you supposed to be the teacher15:58
kanzureof this class?15:59
kanzureand you don't have a lesson plan?15:59
kanzureand you don't have any synthetic biology module code written for biopython?15:59
kanzurehonestly I don't see the point15:59
kanzureyou have nothing apparently15:59
kanzureso why did you announce it on the mailing list already?16:00
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xp_prgdude I will have something16:00
kanzurebut you already announced that you did16:00
xp_prgpeople are asking me to teach classes16:00
kanzurewhy? you're hardly qualified.. sorry.16:00
xp_prgthey think so16:00
xp_prginstead of being difficult, how about helping me for a sec?16:00
kanzureI'm trying to show you that you're lying to them16:01
kanzureyou made a fake announcement, you don't have any lesson plans, and you have no code16:01
kanzurewhy should I help you?16:01
xp_prgbecause it is the fist time in the history of diybio a class will be taught at the Tech Shop specifically for synthetic biology16:01
xp_prgwho cares if I am the person who teaches it or not16:01
kanzureit sounds like it's going to suck16:01
kanzurebecause you've offered a class without any substance16:02
xp_prgit won't suck if I have a good lesson plan16:02
kanzuremaybe you should come up with a lesson plan before you promise them a class?16:02
xp_prgdid you see my last diybio virtual meeting?16:02
xp_prgI spent 97 minutes talking about stuff16:03
xp_prgsomone requested I write an article on gfp for their magazine16:03
xp_prgdude if you don't want to help me then don't, but stop waisting my time16:04
kanzureyou're wasting *my* time by saying you have a class but you don't16:05
kanzurewho's wasting who's time?16:05
kanzurehow about you write some code first, then show it to me?16:06
kanzurethen maybe I can help you debug it ok?16:06
kanzureotherwise you're just bullshitting me16:06
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xp_prgI have written code for you16:07
kanzurehonestly I don't think they need to be taught biobench.swf16:07
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xp_prgbut the ideas are useful, I can teach those, they are real, its not just nothingness like you think!16:08
xp_prghow about being more constructive and helping me?16:09
kanzureyou ever hear the phrase "you can't help he who doesn't help himself" ?16:09
xp_prgbio bricks, codons, gfp, designing genes etc...16:09
kanzurewhat about it?16:09
xp_prgI will teach that16:09
kanzureyou will teach what?16:09
xp_prgtrying to think of the right way to present that in a lesson plan16:09
xp_prgyes I will16:09
kanzurewhat are you going to present?16:09
xp_prgsynthetic biology common practices using bio python16:10
kanzurewhat common practices?16:10
xp_prgdesign of proteins and reverse engineerinng the dna to transcribe such proteins16:10
kanzureIMHO it sounds like you're just spouting out buzzwords16:11
xp_prgkanzure I know these concepts16:11
kanzureI know how to do reverse transcription, but do you really need to teach people how to do rna.to_dna() ?16:11
xp_prgI am not an expert at them but I know them16:11
kanzureso what if you know them?16:11
kanzureyou're just giving me a list of words16:11
xp_prgthey want to kno them!16:11
kanzurea list of words?16:11
xp_prgits a class16:11
kanzurethey can read the dictionary16:11
xp_prgwell I want to make it more than just words and stuff, can you help me to make it better?16:12
xp_prgI will give you credit in the class for your help :>16:12
kanzurethe problem is that it seems like you only know the words16:12
kanzureI can't help you if this is all you know16:12
xp_prgwell ask me questions if you think I don't know anything16:12
xp_prgI know more than you think, go ahead16:12
kanzurebut I don't want to ask you anything16:13
kanzureI just want you to write the damn code you're telling these people you have16:13
xp_prg*sigh* I will man, maybe not in the first class but there is enough biopython to teach a first class on16:13
kanzurewell ok then we'll wait until you're ready.16:14
xp_prgyou can't give me any ideas on synthetic biology concepts for my lesson plan?16:14
xp_prgoops wrong window16:15
kanzuremaybe you should read the wikipedia article16:15
kanzurestring grammars and biobrick compatibility analysis would be a good topic16:16
xp_prgI am looking for more current stuff, the latest techniques, you know more than I do on that stuff, I was hoping you could fill me in a little on it so I could at least present on it16:16
kanzuremetabolic network xenotransplantation16:16
xp_prgoh cool, I was thinking of that as well!16:16
kanzuregenetic dependency analysis and transplantation16:16
xp_prgexcellent ok!16:17
xp_prgwould it be ok if I came up with my lesson plan and you reviewed it for correctness?16:17
xp_prgit will be opensource16:17
kanzureyou mean it will be GFDL?16:17
xp_prgI only know gpl16:18
kanzuregpl is for software16:18
kanzureif you email me something, I'll probably read it16:19
xp_prgsweet thanks for these ideas16:19
kanzuredo you know what they mean?16:19
xp_prgIt would be awsome if I could like show them some example of microfluidics in synthetic biology16:19
kanzureI thought you were doing biopython?16:19
xp_prgdid I tell you I saw the lazer at the tech shop cutting arcylic?16:20
xp_prgI can make a microfluidic arcylic solution16:20
ybitshould i toss copper wire away or store it? /me is curious what others think16:20
kanzurehow much?16:20
kanzurehm is there a way to get LWP::Simple to follow 302s?16:22
drazak_kanzure: do you know how to read spectometer readings of RNA?16:23
drazak_kanzure: I know that 260/280 is purity, what's 260/230?16:23
ybitoh right, so it's about 20awg and about 609cm in length16:24
kanzuredrazak_: no, I don't even know what units those are16:24
drazak_kanzure: wavelength16:24
ybitevery little bit helps?..16:25
kanzureybit: 6m sounds substantial16:25
kanzuredrazak_: what does 260/280 refer to? which one is the wavelength?16:25
kanzureare you saying 260 is shifted to 280?16:29
drazak_you take the response at wavelength 260 and divide by wavelength 28016:30
drazak_angstroms, for both16:30
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genehackerso you got a callback?16:34
kanzurehttp://science.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1345099&cid=29171455 "This is not to say that there isn't come magic genetic 'sudo' command that allows you to ask for a left kidney, medium size, but we haven't seen any sign of it yet."16:34
kanzureno, not yet16:35
kanzure"Hello, this is tech support. We are seeing a large number of not-auth entries in your sudoer's log file. There are a great deal of entries for 'lolcat' for commands like 'get treat,' 'clean box' and 'tummy rub'..." "16:41
bkeroom nom16:41
kanzurethe image: http://www.flickr.com/photos/xeni/2453834326/16:42
genehackerI really need some phosphoramidite nucleosides16:42
genehackeror at least protecting groups to make em16:42
kanzurewhat the fuck?16:44
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r baef9be /doc/proposals/make_bot.py: pull yourself together, bot!16:56
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genehacker243251dang it17:33
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genehacker243251matlab won't let me make a bigger matrix17:33
genehacker243251kanzure can I commit matlab code?17:38
fennmatlab code?17:39
drazak_I am swimming in coffee17:39
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genehackerfor making cycloidal gear profiles17:46
kanzuregenehacker: yes you can commit matlab code17:54
kanzureit's just two or three commands if you're on linux17:54
kanzureare you on linux?17:54
genehackercan't run citrix in linux17:54
kanzurewell when you are, I can walk you through it I guess17:54
kanzuredo you have the code on your hard drive?17:55
kanzureoh, well a first step would be putting it on your hard drive17:55
genehackeroh wait17:55
fennjust put it on pastebin18:00
kanzuregenehacker: do you have it?18:26
ybitwhat chemicals are produced during sexual intercourse?18:38
ybithuman sexual intercourse*18:38
ybitoxytocin and dopamine i'm aware of, but aren't there others?18:39
ybit"The science of sex"18:43
* ybit wants to know where the papers are18:46
ybit"These studies have generated testable hypotheses regarding the motivational systems and underlying molecular neurobiology involved in social engagement and social bond formation that may have important implications for the core social deficits characterizing autism spectrum disorders."18:48
ybit^ http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/361/1476/2187.abstract :: "Oxytocin, vasopressin and pair bonding: implications for autism"18:49
ybitjust trying to find an alternative to regulating these chemicals aside from sexual intercourse18:50
ybithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_steroid maybe?18:58
kanzureoxytocin and dopamine have broad and general targets19:00
kanzurehm my women folder is down?19:00
ybitalright, enough of that. anyway, the reason i was asking about e-bombs yesterday is because i was thinking of future substrates for the mind and protecting the from destruction19:01
kanzurehad various papers on bartholin's glands and breast SNP papers or something19:01
ybitenough of that because masturbation has too many benefits that we may not be able to facilitate atm19:02
ybitjust read a study showing that guys in their 20s who do it ~4-6x week had about 1/3 less chance of having testicular cancer19:04
ybitmostly though, i'd like to know every chemical associated with any type of sexual intercourse what their specific functions are </me wishes>19:05
ybittime to get cracking on the bran.yaml19:05
fenncracklin oat brain19:06
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: ANGRY. I'm an ANGRY scientist. ..but, am I angry enough?19:08
ybitis the angry scientist comment from some presentation?19:09
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ybitreference please?19:09
kanzureSheep in the Big City19:09
drazak_tarbo2_: serotonin is increased by dopamine19:10
kanzureserotonin and dopamine are implicated in almost everything19:10
kanzuresorry, you'll have to be more specific than that19:11
drazak_that was for ybit19:11
genehackerkanzure it needs to be commented and cleaned19:17
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CIA-32skdb: fenn * r d396130 /doc/proposals/files-vs-database: blarg19:57
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 89bd4ee / (4 files in 4 dirs): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb19:57
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ybitis anyone working on an flos exoskeleton?20:11
ybitfree/libre open source20:12
ybityou know of someone?20:12
kanzurefenn: http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-deb20:13
ybitboooh to skype 20:14
ybitalso get the skype call recorder why your at it20:15
ybitthink it's in one of the ubuntu repos 20:15
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genehacker243251NETWORK MADNESS20:17
ybitso... genehacker243251 do you know of someone who is working on such an exoskeleton?20:18
ybitlong time since i've seen this20:19
ybiti still want it20:20
fennis skype substantially different from VOIP/SIP besides being a pain in my ass?20:20
kanzurejust dpkg -i the deb20:21
fennwhy am i using skype again?20:21
kanzurebecause someone might give you or me money?20:21
fenni don't really see the connection there20:21
ybitbecause the guy who may give you money uses skype?20:22
ybitalternatives: sip | mumble20:22
fennit's so past my bedtime20:23
kanzurefenn: stay up for maybe one more hour?20:23
fennawake != intelligent and useful20:23
genehacker243251sleep is for slackers20:24
fennwhy does everyone have to pounce on me at 7 pm on monday20:25
fennwith 0 warning20:25
fennthis is stupid20:25
fennfuck telephones20:25
kanzureit turns out he would prefer not using the telephone20:25
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genehacker243251now should I give matlab more memory or not?20:28
kanzurecut it off 20:28
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kanzurehey Joseph20:29
genehacker243251If I give matlab more memory then I risk crashing the appserver20:29
genehacker243251otherwise I risk not having my part20:29
JosephOk I am in here20:29
Josephnothing very new to report on the pcr, I am trying to see if the chem prof has the old prototype that was done in 0720:30
kanzureso I was hoping to make sure we're all on the same page20:30
kanzureIIRC, this was the $10 thermocycler paper right?20:30
genehacker243251pcr machines?20:30
genehacker243251oh that20:30
Josephwe need to either get this old demo or build something comparable20:31
Josephfor showing in San Diego and or Bay area20:31
fennthe light bulb + flower pot?20:31
fennor the resistor + teflon tubing?20:31
genehacker243251got the design for the old demo?20:31
kanzurehold on I'm finding the link20:31
-!- parolang [n=user@keholmes.oregonrd-wifi-1261.amplex.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:31
JosephI don't know the status of the other diy projects was actuall going to hear from Mac about whatever Tito's group was doing20:31
genehacker243251I got access to a machine shop20:31
kanzurehey parolang 20:31
genehacker243251unfortunately others don't20:31
kanzure"A pocket sized convective thermocycler"20:32
parolangSaw an article with transhumanist theme on slashdot, rekindled my interest for the moment. Thought I'd lurk to see what's going on :)20:32
kanzureby Ugaz @ tamu20:32
genehacker243251oh dear god what have I done20:32
kanzuregenehacker243251: Joseph has bought the licensing rights to the device20:33
genehacker243251do we have someone from a&m?20:33
Josephwe have the original inventor Nitin20:33
Josephwho has moved on20:33
genehacker243251and what do you intend to do with them?20:33
kanzuretypo fenn?20:33
fenni didnt typo it20:33
genehacker243251yeah I know that paper20:33
Josephat a lab now at Washington, then prof Ugaz is supposed to do some work with us20:34
JosephOk so we got the option to license it, 18 month period20:34
kanzureanyway it was just a battery and some plastic capillary IIRC20:34
Josephand informal agreement to give TAMU 3% or something on each unit that is eventually sold20:34
ybitso what's the big deal about licensing the device?20:34
kanzurea heat block assembly, a flow loop, a small PCB20:34
Josephwe had to go through them to get it--they followed up the provisional patent, thought it had potential20:34
Josephotherwise could have just picked up the design20:35
Josephbut if it became popular, they would find out and shut us down20:35
genehacker243251so is anything being done with it or is it stagnating?20:35
Josephjust blackmail money pretty much20:35
JosephIt was sitting there 20:35
Josephuntil I found some folks to make them an offer20:35
genehacker243251was or is?20:35
JosephMost university tech is like this20:35
kanzurethe idea is that the flow takes a longer time to go through the extension portion of the process on the extension portion of the tube20:36
JosephNow we have our group together but trying to replicate the prototype and improve from proof of principle20:36
Josephto commercial ready20:36
Josephand we've not raised any money yet20:36
fennwho is "our group"?20:36
kanzurenot sure how the flow control works though20:36
JosephJim Harday, Guido, Rik Weihberg, and Rob Carlson20:36
JosephBiodesic is the company Rob/Rik20:37
genehacker243251didn't think there was any flow control kanzure20:37
genehacker243251did you read any of that microfluidics book I sent you20:37
fennJoseph: are there any engineers in the group?20:37
kanzuregenehacker243251: then how do you make sure it moves? just thermal convection?20:37
JosephRob is microfluidics20:37
JosephRik is electrical20:37
Josephwe initially thought they would do this phase at cost20:37
Josephnow there are cold feet20:37
Josephrumblings of not being able to work for free20:38
Josephtrying to sort this out20:38
fenni can understand.. you want people to do free work and then sell the result20:38
Josephwe want to all be on board 20:38
Josephto share any upside20:38
JosephI am happy to bring anybody in20:38
Josephwith equity20:38
Josephor contract stipulating20:38
JosephX %20:38
Josephof revenues20:38
Josephbut we have to hammer that out up front20:38
Josephit is unclear how many units it will sell, if any20:39
fennso, how much percentage is designing, programming, and building it worth? :P20:39
Josephcould work on it for 12 months and go nowhere20:39
Josephwell I don't know, since Jim and I are 50/50 we can then form another LLC20:39
Josephperhaps in vermonth20:39
Josephhas a new virtual triple L20:40
Josephlor profit LLC20:40
Josephsplit % that way20:40
kanzuredon't you think that the magic happens in making it work, joseph?20:40
Josephbut everybody has to feel like they get what they want20:40
Josephotherwise it degenerates20:41
fenni want a pony, and some cookies, and a heart transplant20:41
Josephha ha20:41
genehacker243251there are some algorithms for doing such things20:41
kanzurefenn: we've already gone over this, you have no heart20:41
genehacker243251I believe they are called pie cutting algorithms20:41
fennwhat's that then, an implant?20:41
kanzuregenehacker243251: it doesn't matter. imho, he who does not bake the pie, shouldn't get the pie just because they were thinking of the pie20:42
kanzurethat's called "intellectual property bullshit"20:42
fennuh oh20:42
fenni feel compelled to start philosophizing20:42
JosephI agree but am unfortunately still compelled to deal with people wanting return on investment 20:42
kanzureJoseph: but really, I'd like to make this device, and I'd like to make it happen too20:42
kanzureJoseph: what investment though?20:43
Josephand needing to raise capital20:43
kanzurebut this device just costs 10 bucks20:43
JosephWe will have to specify this20:43
JosephRob/Rik are giving radically different estimates20:43
Josephfrom what you think is feasible20:43
fenni don't really get why you need my help to wrap some plastic tubing around a resistor?20:43
Josephwell this is more of a rush job to have something to show20:43
Josephin 8 wks20:44
fennon the other hand, it probably doesn't work as advertised and i'll end up re-engineering it from scratch20:44
Josephit is also valuable to replicate20:44
JosephNitin's result20:44
fennbut if i'm going to do that i would probably choose a different methodology20:44
Josephwhich needed to be our first step20:44
fennso. yeah.20:44
fennalso have to build/acquire some way to verify that it works20:44
fenni haven't really looked into how hard it is to get PCR kits20:45
fennbut then if it's easy, what is this thing for?20:45
genehacker243251make magazine has some information on how to do PCR20:45
kanzuregenehacker243251: we know how to do pcr20:45
fennmake magazine is bullshit20:45
genehacker243251and most importantly how to obtain the chemicals20:45
JosephStuff may be easy for you guys20:46
fennno, nothing is ever easy20:46
Josephbut most kids are not gonna do this20:46
Josephidea is to introduce a very cheap machine20:46
Josephfor those that aren't going to start out hacking20:46
Josephtheir own20:46
kanzureJoseph: I would find it very hard to justify spending more than $10k on this project *overall*-- all the way to production of the first few kits.20:47
fenngenehacker243251: is this what you were thinking of? http://makezine.com/07/fingerprinting/20:47
Josephbut would buy one for lets say---right now we think 50$20:47
genehacker243251they didn't even use restriction enzymes20:47
kanzureso my point is that if you guys are getting so much money built up,20:47
kanzurethen it shouldn't be too hard to just let fenn and/or me do it well20:48
Josephsure, well20:48
fennwhy would you pay for a patent that hasn't been replicated?20:48
JosephThe patent is pretty much because you have to have this to play the game right now20:49
fennbut you don't even know if it works20:50
Josephit is a self fulfilling prophecy more than anything else20:50
Josephthat is the absurdity20:50
Josephof the system20:50
fennyou don't have to tell anyone you built it20:50
Josephinvestors will not talk without you clearing the patent20:50
Josephyou could build the thing for your own testing I guess first20:50
fenni thought the point of the investors was to pay for all this licensing crap20:50
Josephbut if it works and you want to offer them for sale then you got to go through the rights holder20:50
kanzurebut you don't even know if it works yet20:51
kanzureor if it can be repeated20:51
Josephwell we have a good indication from the paper20:51
fenni'm skeptical about the whole convection thing20:51
kanzurethe guy who wrote the paper also got the patent20:51
Josephbut I agree, I'd prefer TAMU and others had put more into this and then we pick it up--no the patent is assigned20:51
Josephto the University20:51
Josephwe just contacted the inventor because he is most familiar with it20:52
Josephwe have not obligation even to deal with him20:52
Josephit just sits with TAMU20:52
Josephunless somebody gets it out of purgatory20:52
JosephNitin has moved on to a new lab, wants to continue work on his machine20:53
Josephso we will make him part20:53
Josephof the enterprise20:53
fennthis is ridiculous20:53
Josephyeh well the process of forming companies is kind of ridiculous but the alternative20:53
Josephis to just throw the thing out and hope it gets made20:53
Josephand I do not think there is incentive to scale production of it20:54
Josephjust by users and DIY folks20:54
fenni don't see where the market is20:54
Josephthats what we have to gauge20:54
Josephthere are multiple markets20:54
katsmeowusa Defense Dept??20:55
fennthey're going to use some plastic tubing wrapped around a resistor to test for anthrax?20:55
JosephDOD and such have looked for cheap portable pcr for years20:55
Josephwell the end result has to substantially more than20:55
Josephthe plastic tubing20:55
Josephhence Rik/Rob's estimates20:55
Josephof 6.5 months development time and quite significant cash 80-100K20:56
fennhow are you coming up with these numbers?20:56
JosephI've not asked for a break down yet but we can do that20:56
kanzureyou can do that when?20:56
Josephjust based on their industry rates20:56
Josephthis is what they estimate20:57
Josephparts + the contracting rates20:57
fennrik/rob estimate they will charge 80-100k to develop a usb coffee heater?20:57
Josephwhich are not cheap evidently20:57
Josephha ha20:57
fennwhich one of us is disconnected from reality?20:57
JosephI've not pushed them to break it down but we'll do that this week, line by line20:57
JosephWell, perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle--currently the need for profit drives costs up20:58
Josephall down the line20:58
Josepheach supplier20:58
Josephhas to charge above cost20:58
Josephto pay his debts20:58
Josephand it all goes back to the debt money interest paradigm20:58
Josephso indeed all this PHYSICALLY can be done much less20:58
fenni thought factories were supposed to make things cheaper20:58
JosephECONOMICALLY it doesn't yet work this way20:58
kanzurewhat do you mean by that?20:59
kanzurefor the past month I have been working on a pcr thermocycler20:59
Josephso any supplier of any widget20:59
kanzureand it has had nothing to do with my economic situation20:59
Josephhas to enter a market in which he's up against20:59
Josephothers charging beyond cost20:59
kanzureI've done simulations and some preliminary designs20:59
Josephthis is the essence of profit20:59
kanzureand this has costed me nothing except a few moments of my time20:59
JosephYou are making for your own use20:59
JosephUSE Value20:59
fennyou'd have to sell 10,000 just to make up for development cost..20:59
Josephnow if you are to enter and try to start making these for others21:00
Josephyou will soon21:00
Josephsee that you can't keep pace and fill these orders21:00
kanzureyes I can21:00
Josephwithout then requiring more21:00
kanzureI have factories21:00
kanzurebtw here's the simulation work I mentioned: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPY84NelFO421:00
* fenn notes that sarcasm doesn't transfer very well on the internets21:01
kanzureok anyway21:01
kanzureJoseph: I think that you're being scammed significantly21:01
kanzureand for half of what the estimates are,21:01
kanzureyou can get a lot done21:01
kanzureby you I mean we21:01
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]21:02
JosephOk let me press Rik/Rob and get detailed break down21:02
Josephwe will compare notes then21:02
ybitso genehacker243251 you never answered.. you know of someone building an exoskeleton?21:02
kanzureJoseph: ok sounds like a plan21:02
kanzureJoseph: who is rik?21:02
ybitsome electrical guy he mentioned earlier21:02
JosephCarlson's partner21:03
Josephelec engineer21:03
kanzureis that all we know about him?21:03
Josephat their design company21:03
kanzureoh they have a design company?21:03
Josephpretty much21:03
JosephRob's company21:03
Josephdoes boutique engineering21:03
Josephit seems21:03
kanzureso they go around making these scams full time?21:03
JosephHa ha21:03
JosephI dont know that they think of it as a scam21:03
Josephbut they do "specialty"21:03
ybitgrrs, i'm going to go out on a limb and so nobody is developing an exoskeleton that is free/os21:03
Josephengineering I take it21:03
kanzureybit: fenn is.21:03
fennybit: fraid not21:04
fennit's been pushed down the priority list a ways21:04
kanzuremeh, skdb is part of it21:04
kanzureybit: frikin' download the repo 21:04
kanzuregit clone http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb.git21:04
ybitkanzure: already got it 21:04
kanzurehave you installed pythonOCC yet?21:04
ybitbah, i think it's more like git fetch these days21:04
ybitkanzure: sometime last month21:05
ybitalong with occ21:05
JosephOk I gotta get some good, we will flesh out the estimates and can hash it out21:05
JosephI meant21:05
kanzureJoseph: okay. cya :)21:05
JosephOk talk soon, let me know how it goes with the LA stuff21:05
kanzureyeah sure21:05
fennkanzure: this is why we need a real fab lab in austin.. i could have this done by the end of the week21:06
ybitgetting same output with ./wpro -r -l1 --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092416 Firefox/3.0.3" -A pdf http://personalrobotics.intel-research.net/papers.php21:06
ybitanyone want to take a stab at it?21:07
ybitalright so nobody is developing exoskeleton, just need to grab a few papers then..21:08
kanzuresuperkuh had some21:08
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/21:11
fenni would really like to at least finish the lego snapping simulator before jumping into homebrew pcr21:12
fenn<- does not multitask21:12
kanzureyeah I know what you mean21:12
kanzureI think that's reasonable21:12
ybitkanzure: i need an address to send the 1tb hdd to 21:13
fennJoseph: the spiral microfluidic pcr plate looked like a much better idea.. sorry if you wasted money on a patent21:17
fennyou can control the number of cycles simply by changing the number of turns of the spiral21:17
fenni still can't figure out how you're supposed to load a sample into the TAMU device21:18
fenn"PCR reagents are pipetted directly into 9cm long tubing segments and then the free ends are joined together by a small sleeve of larger diameter tygon tubing to yield a loop"21:19
fennbut how do you get all the air bubbles out?21:19
ybit..unless you don't mind me mirroring fetching at certain hours21:23
bkeroDid somebody say homebrew pcr? :)21:23
bkerokanzure: Your site's down21:24
ybitnew unread papers: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/unsorted/?C=M;O=D21:24
bkeromysql server's down really21:24
kanzurebah 21:26
kanzuremy site is always online21:26
kanzureyeah it should be up21:26
* ybit fetches the lie detector21:26
ybit       Multi-Fingered Exoskeleton Haptic Device21:29
ybitusing Passive Force Feedback for Dexterous Teleoperation21:29
ybitDesign of a Haptic Arm Exoskeleton for Training and Rehabilitation21:31
drazak_kanzure: So, the blackbox idea works with plasmids in mammilian cells, however it does not work with organelles, rna alone, and protein alone in other cells21:41
drazak_kanzure: IMO if you want a blackbox system you do it with plasmids in mammilian cells, we understand quite well how to make a plasmid, how to activate a plasmid, and how to insert plasmids21:42
kanzureare you talking about your idea or the email on diybio21:43
drazak_email on diybio21:44
kanzurethen I don't see how your comments from just a few seconds ago matter21:45
kanzureI never said to treat an organelle as a black box21:45
drazak_what I'm saying is that if you're going to try and use a biological component as a blackbox, a plasmid is the way to go, not some other component21:45
-!- nchaimov [n=cowtown@c-24-21-45-17.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit []21:54
kanzurethe plasmid isn't the black box21:55
kanzurethe black box is computer data21:55
ybitcan't access http://jvc.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/12/12/131121:57
kanzurei <3 pubmedcentral22:06
-!- superkuh [n=hukrepus@unaffiliated/superkuh] has joined #hplusroadmap22:07
kanzurei <3 pubmedcentral22:08
superkuhkanzure: My website will be down for a week or two until I can get a proper internet connection at my new apartment. (I think you were one of those mirroring /Library)22:11
kanzureNo, haven't been mirroring it recently. ybit in here has been asking about it recently though.22:12
ybitsee: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/unsorted/?C=M;O=D22:19
ybitquite a few exoskeleton papers and others that i just haven't moved to the folder for some reason22:19
ybitand i think one of them is a repeat of what might be in microfluidics dir or the papers dir22:20
ybitcreated an exoskeletons dir in papers/ but couldn't write to it for some reason22:22
ybiteither it needs to be deleted or i need write permissions to it?..22:22
kanzureyou're already a part of the "lab" usergroup22:23
kanzuredrwxr-sr-x  2 ybit   lab          4096 2009-08-24 22:10 exoskeletons22:23
kanzureyou have write permissions now22:24
ybityeah, it just did it22:24
ybitkanzure: would you consider setting up a proxy?22:25
kanzureadl isn't good enough?22:25
ybitit would be much less time consuming browsing using konqueror over ssh22:25
ybittook me forever to grab those papers22:25
kanzuresorry, what?22:25
kanzureX should work22:26
ybitoh, guess that is confusing22:26
ybit-X -Y works, it's just very slow22:26
kanzurethen just use the CLI22:26
ybitright, links is fast but it can't grab certain pdfs22:26
ybitand the problem with links is i don't have a quick way of copying/pasting titles when naming the downloads22:27
kanzurelike sciencedirect?22:27
kanzurethis is why I suggested writing scripts actually22:27
ybithaven't tried using screen + links, but it still would be alittle slow..22:27
ybitanyway, i'm wanting to grab visual prosthesis papers now22:28
-!- davidnunez [n=davidnun@209-6-203-217.c3-0.smr-ubr1.sbo-smr.ma.cable.rcn.com] has quit []22:29
kanzurevim trick: " perform a substitute on every other line22:30
kanzure:g/^/ if line('.')%2|s/^/zz /22:30
fennwhy not just %s/\(.*\)\n.*/foo/22:31
kanzurebecause that replaces the entire file with foo22:32
kanzureanyway I ended up using: g/^/ if line('.')%2|s/\(.\)*//22:33
ybitwhat is http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/exo22:36
kanzuresomething about "a force-feedback arm exoskeleton for haptic interaction in virtual environments"22:38
* ybit does need an address to send the 1tb to, it should be here by.. ?Friday?22:38
ybithrm, maybe it's a pdf..22:38
kanzureit's a PDF22:38
QuantumGso what's the deal with frame dragging being experimental science now.  22:40
QuantumGguess it took so long because nuclear research was taking up all the big science dollars.22:40
QuantumGhttp://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/0806/0806.2271.pdf  for example22:41
-!- Joseph [n=chatzill@adsl-157-138-244.cae.bellsouth.net] has quit ["ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.13/2009073022]"]22:42
QuantumGwonder if they'll do an even bigger scale experiment next, try something new, or just sit on their hands until the theorists can explain their results.22:43
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk22:46
fennaether drift theory22:48
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@dsl081-249-107.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:02
kanzurenew batch: http://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/rss/journals/springerlink/rss/23:02
ybitwhat file(s) in skdb deals with finding other shops who might have the machines to manufacture whatever it is you need?23:09
ybitdoesn't smari's code do this?23:09
ybitwherever that is23:09
fennit's in inventory/23:10
ybitright, saw that23:10
fennit's all django stuff unfortunately23:10
fenni still don't really like django23:10
fenntoo much "heavy infrastructure" fwiw23:11
ybitit doesn't seem usable23:13
ybitit == smari's code23:13
ybitgood start though23:14
ybitoh, it is usable23:16
-!- genehackercloneo [i=genehack@resnet-47-46.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap23:17
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genehackerso you're going to make a thermocycler kanzure?23:19
kanzureok here we go:23:20
kanzurethat directory contains links to all feeds for all 2,099 journals published by springerlink23:21
ybitit's not hard to make the thermocycler, i am curious what type of box will be used though. 23:23
genehackerwait the DOD wants a cheap thermocycler?23:25
genehackeryou can detect anthrax with PCR?23:35
genehackerone can23:35
kanzure$ find * -name '*.rss' | wc -l23:37
-!- genehackercloneo [i=genehack@resnet-47-46.dorm.utexas.edu] has quit []23:41
ybithaven't read yet: Is M0 A Racist Hypothesis? http://www.buildfreedom.com/content/reciprocality/r1/health.html23:54

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