
--- Day changed Wed Aug 26 2009
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drazak_kanzure: maybe in 10 years there will be a central synbio facility where scientists can come to, and everyone will define synbio the same way07:21
drazak_kanzure: maybe that's too much to ask for though, molecular biology has a definition rarely agreed upon07:22
kanzurehas been updated: http://pinkarmy.org/08:10
kanzuremember number: 3008:27
kanzureandrew made quite an impression on me last year08:27
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kanzuredrazak_: well again the "sfw" is the large amounts of money he has offered10:10
genehackerkanzure did I tell you about my email from guido?10:10
kanzurewhy did you get an email from guido?10:11
drazak_kanzure: safe for work :P10:15
kanzureoh, yes, it's safe for work10:18
kanzurehm apparently there's a project called "simple kernel debugger"10:25
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kanzurethis is boring11:58
kanzure3,880 words and absolutely nothing was spoken11:58
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ybityay, go pink army for charging to register12:57
ybitguess that's open source doing its bidding again12:57
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kanzurethe registration is not for getting access to anything in particular, ybit13:00
ybiton superkuh, you're in here. guess i don't have to PM you then :)13:04
genehackerare we trying to summon superkuh?13:08
superkuhI replied to his PM.13:08
* ybit is trying to gain access to files in http://superkuh.ath.cx/Library/Ferroelectrics/13:09
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ybitkanzure: where is neverness again?13:15
ybitand i never got a response from you, do you want me to send the hdd to you or retrieve at certain times of the day?13:15
ybitat a certain transfer rate, etc13:15
kanzureybit: http://heybryan.org/doc/ is where neverness is13:16
kanzure1 to 6 in the morning I guess13:16
ybitalright, and if you need me to setup a certain rate and wait time between retrievals, i can do that13:17
ybitsomething like every 20 secs between each fetch and no faster than 2K/s?13:18
ybitor no faster than..? up to you13:19
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ybiti'll just not worry about transfer rates and give a 20 sec waiting period between fetches13:28
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ybithttp://extratorrent.com/torrent_download/2119781/Life+in+the+Undergrowth+%28BBC+-+Complete+Series%29.torrent 14:41
genehackerhow do I torrent?14:43
genehackerI can't torrent in the dorm they [CONTENT FILTERED OUT]14:43
splicer_you can use a proxy server14:49
genehackerdoes proxify work14:58
genehackerI want to be anonymous too14:58
genehackerI don't want THEM to come after me14:58
genehackerTHEY have got people here14:58
genehackerTHEY come in the night14:58
ybitgenehacker: what are you talking about :P15:01
ybitwho is this they you speak of?15:01
kanzurethe university has student moles15:02
ybitgenehacker: setup privoxy and tor?15:02
genehackeroh yeah forgot about those15:03
genehackermakes me wonder if the girl who got caught was really caught or was paid to say so15:03
genehackerNO I WILL NOT USE TOR15:03
genehackernever ever, ever use tor to torrent15:04
genehackerit's just rude15:04
genehackerplus dissidents need to use it15:04
genehackerhmmm.... I should probably turn my computer into a node15:05
kanzureapparently iclicker operates at 915mhz15:11
ybitthinking of making some type of hack for it :)15:16
genehackerkanzure don't tell me15:17
genehackeryou got a clicker class?15:17
genehackerphysics I presume?15:17
genehackerwhat class then?15:22
genehackeryou're in chemistry this semester?15:23
genehackerwhat classes are you taking?15:23
kanzurechemistry and calculus15:23
kanzurethis is boring15:23
genehackerI'll say15:24
kanzurewhy am I paying for this15:24
ybitrenamepdf.py is on adl or heybryan?15:24
ybitkanzure ^15:24
kanzureit's a zotero script15:24
genehackerjust chemistry and calculus?15:24
genehackerwhy aren't you taking statics yet?15:25
kanzuregenehacker: because I don't have the prereqs15:25
genehackeranyway you know that you can specialize in computer graphics?15:25
kanzurewhy would you do that?15:26
genehackeror design or something15:26
genehackerCAD stuff15:27
genehackerthat's the specialization15:27
genehackerseems you're doing a whole lot of cad15:27
kanzureyes the automated design lab involves CAD15:27
drazak_kanzure: what kind of chem?15:28
kanzuredrazak_: the most lame class you can think of15:28
drazak_kanzure: genchem?15:28
kanzuregeneral chemistry15:28
kanzurethey don't offer generative chemistry here15:28
genehackerjust two classes?15:29
kanzurewell also programming and one on nuclear engineering, but the programming class doesn't meet, and the nuclear class is apparently just watching videos15:29
genehackerme205 then15:30
genehackerdidn't you take that last semester?15:30
kanzurebut remember, they erased the past year from my record15:30
genehackerthat sucks15:31
genehackerTry to brute force the passwords for units15:31
drazak_why'd they do that?15:31
kanzuremedical withdrawal15:31
genehackerwell on the bright side you've got time for H+15:33
genehackerI don15:33
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kanzuredoes anyone have some RSS feeds that I missed the other day?15:36
kanzureI just added in NASA:15:36
kanzurehuh the rss folder is 41 MB?15:38
kanzureoh 20 MB is git overhead15:38
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kanzurehey parolang 15:44
kanzurethe other day you said you were checking in or something?15:44
parolangHi...sorry, I think the server hiccupped.15:46
parolangYeah, just lurking.15:46
kanzureyou mentioned you were here a few years ago though?15:47
parolangNo, I didn't mentioned that...so you must remember.15:47
parolangBut I didn't contribute anything.15:47
-!- ybit [n=ybit@c-76-29-246-254.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:48
drazak_kanzure: what the hell were you addicted to?15:48
kanzureah so you were a boring lurker15:48
kanzuredrazak_: what?15:49
drazak_kanzure: you said medical widthdrawl15:49
parolangIf you don't want me to lurk just give the word15:49
kanzureparolang: no it's fine15:49
kanzureparolang: I was only kidding :)15:49
parolangah :)15:50
parolangI just thought that for you "boring" is a pretty serious accusation :)15:50
kanzuredrazak_: it wasn't addiction15:50
parolangBut I do have a question, since I've proken the lurker's code of silence for the moment, have you had any success with uzbl?15:51
kanzureI've been able to browse around the web with it, yes.15:51
parolangIs it super-fast?15:51
kanzureno it's about as fast as anything else15:51
drazak_kanzure: so it was medical widthdrawl from what?15:52
kanzuredrazak_: from the university/semester15:52
parolangHmm...okay, thanks.  Might still give it a try.15:52
drazak_kanzure: oh, ok, on what grounds though?15:52
kanzuredrazak_: dad died, mom thought I was depressed and mentally retarded15:52
drazak_ah, ok15:52
drazak_shit happens15:52
genehackerkanzure thinking of messing with the clicker?15:53
kanzuregenehacker: nah15:53
kanzurejust packing some knowledge for future reference15:53
genehackersome people have contemplated jamming it15:53
kanzurefenn mentioned an interest in taking the average of everyone's answer15:53
genehackerbut of course15:53
genehackerthat makes sense15:54
genehackeryou could totally game the system that way15:54
kanzurewell another algorithm would be to track who makes the correct answers15:54
kanzureand then compare the group of people-who-answer-correctly-all-the-time with the class average answer15:54
genehackerbut that requires know who makes correct answers15:54
kanzureyes but you can figure that out after three or four times15:54
kanzuresince the top percentile will always answer correctly15:55
genehackerheh if you could do that you could put the clicker company  in hot water15:55
kanzurethat's why they are the top percentile, I might add15:55
genehackernow if you could apply this clicker thing to something useful15:56
kanzurewhy do missiles know where I am located?15:56
genehackerthey don't it's all part of some huge conspiracy15:57
genehackerreference to anime forget it15:58
genehackerinvolved crowdsourcing15:58
drazak_oh man15:59
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drazak_it's like who wants to be a millionaire15:59
drazak_the audience clicker15:59
kanzurethe audience clicker is attached to the chairs, IIRC16:00
kanzureso you can't track who's who16:00
kanzureunless you have some sort of visual memory for what people look like and the ID of the clicker in the chair that they happen to sit in16:00
genehackerthings would get funny if you spoofed everyone's clicker and had them all input the wrong answer16:02
kanzurebut if you had someone always getting the answer correct in the audience, wouldn't that person be the one playing the game?16:02
genehackergood point16:03
genehackerhave everyone get the wrong answer16:03
genehackerand you can mess with the curve16:03
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r a468862 /paths.py: make the down lego actually be the down lego16:10
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r e470b22 /doc/proposals/files-vs-database: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb16:10
kanzurefenn: I'd show it to you but the z-buffer is still fucked up16:20
parolangkanzure: Actually, if you're monitoring everyone's answers, there will be certain clickers that will get the right answer more than other clickers.  Secondly, the clickers that get the right answers more often will more often agree with the other clickers.16:25
parolangSo, statistically, there is a way to find out what answer is most likely to be right.16:26
kanzurethat's what I said I think16:28
parolangOh, sorry :)16:28
kanzurewell did I say something different?16:28
parolangNo.  I just suck at lurking.16:29
genehackerlurk more16:29
kanzurefenn: is there a way to do a pointer in yaml to an instance of an object in the python session (not in the yaml file)?16:38
kanzureI guess you can have a proxy variable or something that you assign in the yaml file, and then later when you load it up you replace it with the actual variable or something16:38
fennyaml only points to a yaml node16:43
kanzureno I just mean in a post_init_hook16:44
kanzurenevermind I answered the question myself16:44
ybitwarning, a thought which was pondered while high is coming up: does anyone else recognize an oscillation of thought modes every few seconds?16:48
fennno, for me it's totally random16:49
ybiti was thinking that this occurs continuously, but that it's difficult for anyone which is high to recognize it, and that it also occurs in periods of time as well, not just every few seconds. then again, this could just be what a certain strand of weed does to the mind. 16:50
* ybit doesn't plan on using green for a long time, at least a year16:51
fennuh huh.16:51
genehackerdoes anyone ever notice that if close your eyes and move your hand you can see movement where it is 16:52
fennyou can pick up light through your eyes, and also your brain anticipates what you expect to see16:52
genehackereven if your hand happens to be behind a concrete wall which doesn't pass light?16:52
genehackerthe brain anticipation part is cool16:52
ybitthere's also other sensory organs which help16:54
fennyes like your pit viper infrared sensors16:54
genehackerhey don't be telling people about those16:54
ybiti was thinking more like your skin and ears but, those work too :P16:55
genehackerwell the implication that I can see where my hand is 16:55
genehackermeans that arm movement information is being could be processed in my visual processing sector16:56
genehackerhealthcare discussion?16:57
fenngenehacker: you don't necessarily need any sensory input to imagine your hand doing something16:58
genehackerso then in that case I'm keeping track of where my arm is16:58
fennno, you just think you are16:59
genehackeroh dear this seems to be heading for philosophy mighty fast16:59
fennnot really16:59
fennlook up ramachandran's mirror16:59
genehackeroh wow17:01
genehackerthat's interesting17:03
-!- xp_prg is now known as xp_lunch17:04
genehackernow if we only knew how it happened in the brain17:04
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r ab5152d /core/skdb.py: Package.makes_sense updated to help assist in package creation17:05
genehackerI need to commit that code17:05
kanzureare you on linux at the moment?17:06
drazak_kanzure: did you ever tell me who that josh guy is?17:07
kanzuredrazak_: no, but I don't know anyway17:07
genehackerI need to get the code off the server17:08
drazak_kanzure: ok17:08
drazak_kanzure: he seems to know stuff, or atleast have read papers, but he also seems like he doesn't have any wet lab experience17:08
kanzuregenehacker: do this: mkdir -p ~/code/ ; cd ~/code/ ; git clone http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb.git 17:08
genehackerthere are some comments in it too17:08
kanzurethat's better than no comments17:09
fennhow is he going to push?17:09
fennor make it available somehow17:09
fenngenehacker: i think you're supposed to make a fork on github17:09
genehackerit's also in .m17:10
kanzurethat's fine17:10
kanzureas long as it's not a binary format17:10
genehackerdo you know how I get things off the server?17:11
genehackeryeah the me server17:11
genehackerdo you know if citrix works on linux?17:14
genehackerand how do I install software in a tar file?17:15
genehackerthink I got it17:16
fenngenehacker: why don't you just put it on pastebin.ca?17:20
genehackerthe code?17:22
genehackerthink I will17:22
genehackerthat's why I'm trying to get to it on the appserver17:22
genehackerI need to install some software to do that17:22
genehackerin the form of a tar.gz file17:23
genehackerhaving trouble installing17:37
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-!- xp_lunch is now known as xp_prg17:44
xp_prgI have my weekly meeting tomorrow at the Tech Shop in Mountain View, CA, I am trying to find a speaker, anyone interested?17:45
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genehackercode bin isn't working17:55
genehackergives me 404 not found17:56
genehackerI'll email it to you kanzure17:56
drazak_`are any of you big tea fans?17:57
ybitcan't say i'm a fan, but i do like tea17:58
drazak_someone suggested ti kuan yin oolong, and I can't remember who it was or what channel it wsa in17:58
ybitxp_prg: make sure the speech is recorded so that i may scrutinize it ;)17:58
drazak_I think it was in #xkcd but I can't seem to find the person from there that suggested it17:59
drazak_xp_prg: yeah, I'd like to scrutinize it too, how's that primer designing program coming?17:59
xp_prghaven't had a chance to get to it, but I will :>17:59
ybitdrazak_: haven't tried that variant18:00
xp_prgso you guys don't know anyone who would be interested?18:09
fenngenehacker: i said pastebin.ca because other sites tend not to work reliably18:11
genehackerpastebin.ca failed18:11
genehackersent it to kanzure18:12
fennhow did it fail?18:12
genehacker404 file not found18:12
fennwhat was the link?18:12
genehackerworks now 18:20
genehackerhave fun18:20
genehackerhaving trouble with it though18:20
fennwhat are the colons in angle*(m-1):0.1:((m)*angle)18:22
* fenn wonders if he should convert this to python18:23
genehackeroh that18:24
genehackercolons like that mean make a matrix from a to b18:25
fenntheta is a matrix?18:26
genehacker1:3 makes  [1,2,3]18:26
genehacker2:2:8 makes [2,4, 6, 8]18:26
genehackernot smiley face18:26
* ybit wasn't aware of http://rsi.aip.org/18:26
genehackerbut 818:26
fennso theta is a matrix from angle*(m-1) to angle*m in incrememnts of 0.1?18:27
genehackersomething like that18:28
genehackerI'm having trouble with cycloidal gearing18:28
genehackerI forgot why I did the rb/z thing18:29
fennthat's the gear module i think18:29
genehackeroh yeah18:30
genehackeroh thanks18:31
genehackerthis can't be right...18:34
genehackerThe paper I got this gear design from didn't say much about the design18:35
fenngenehacker: what paper was that btw?18:37
ybitah, http://heybryan.org/books/papers/Print%20your%20atomic%20force%20microscope.pdf18:38
ybitthought only http://heybryan.org/books/papers/How%20to%20build%20a%20plastic%20AFM.html was available18:38
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kanzureguh? http://www.memebox.com/futureblogger/show/1741-a-brain-implant-for-artificial-motivation19:23
kanzure"Reclaimâ„¢ Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Therapy received a Humanitarian Device Exemption from the FDA for the treatment of chronic, severe, treatment-resistant OCD."19:26
ybithttp://heybryan.org/~bbishop/docs/diybio.png :P19:32
ybiti'm guessing that's the number of redundant questions on the y axis and the number of new members on the x?19:33
kanzureit was actually used once to plot the rate of my posting19:36
ybitBut still, let's say we're splurging, and not sharing, here: 500 for the Neurofeedback device. 250 (for nice round numbers) for the TMS device. Both of which can produce nootropic effects. So, ask yourself: is 750 dollars worth the ability to periodically sleep for only 2 hours for the day, increase your IQ by up to 30 points, and be effectively 'stress-free'?19:37
kanzurefrom the html file in the docs folder?19:37
kanzureI was actually re-reading that yesterday.19:38
kanzure"how much would it cost to become transhuman"19:38
kanzureoh, well it's in the docs folder too19:38
ybitit was from the docs, but i didn't want to link to your server19:38
kanzureunderstandably :(19:38
ybit2 hours of sleep per day and increase iq by 30 points with eeg and tms? really? please citate blogger!19:39
ybitthat doesn't sound very researched :P19:40
fenngenehacker: is it supposed to look like this? http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/cycloidal.png19:40
ybitbut if anyone has links to certain papers claiming this...19:41
kanzureyou might want to look in http://heybryan.org/books/papers/open-rtms/ but I'm not entirely sure I recall any papers claiming that19:41
kanzureif you do find it, be sure to update human-brain.yaml19:42
fenntry again19:42
ybit"Various resources, uncovered during my research, indicated that the 'best' site to acquire adrafinil within the US is a site called Biogenesis.com. There, one can acquire a 1-month supply for $33.25. Thus, a one-year supply would be in the order of 350 dollars."  ~350 is the cost of one month supplies (without insurance)19:43
kanzureare you sure you said that correctly?19:44
kanzureit says 350 for a year19:44
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ybiti meant to say that's the cost of modafinil19:45
ybit$30.20 is the price of adrafinil from the link now, that's a $3.25 reduction19:46
ybitso we can expect it to be free in 10 years? :)19:47
fenngenehacker: or like this? http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/cycloidal2.png19:51
fennew that looks terrible as a png19:52
kanzurefenn did you see my fix to paths.py?19:54
genehackerlike what?19:54
genehackerdid you get the code to work?19:54
fennhttp://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/cycloidal4.png looks like it as sort of a lump where the arc flips over19:55
fenngenehacker: i rewrote it in python19:55
kanzuremaybe I'll get something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Sharper-Image-Personal-Cooling-System/dp/B000XO2LNC19:55
fennkanzure: was my vector wrong?19:56
fenni rechecked that like 5 times19:56
kanzureit's entirely possible that my vector is wrong but it shows the wrong thing19:57
kanzureer, but it shows the right thing19:58
kanzureyou had: build_trsf(point,[0,-1,0],[1,0,0])19:58
kanzureI put: build_trsf(point,[0,-1,0],[-1,0,0])19:58
genehackercycloid 2 is right19:58
genehackerhow'd you do plot?19:59
genehackerdoes python have plot?19:59
kanzurepython has everything20:00
genehackeris it making lines?20:00
genehackerand could you extrude it to 3d using some python?20:01
genehackerlet me find it fenn20:04
genehackerConstruction Principle and Torque Solution of the 20:05
genehackerTranslational Meshing Motor 20:05
genehacker 20:05
genehackerQiang Xu, Qizheng Liao, Shimin Wei, Xiguang Huang, Xin Wen 20:05
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fenndo you have a url for me?20:15
fenni write an svg so i could import it to heekscad and extrude20:15
kanzuregee you totally just blasted my work for albert's thesis out of the water20:16
fennum, assuming heekscad didnt crash every time i run it20:16
kanzureheekscad still crashes on extrude?20:16
genehackerwell anyway to make really small lines in heekscad with python bindings?20:17
fennheekscad crashes on my debian machines upon launching, somethin to do with wx20:17
genehackeranyway mind sending me the script you used to generate those .PNGs?20:18
genehackerpython version20:18
fennyou'll have to get python-cairo20:22
genehackerpython has a surf command, sweet20:24
fennthat's a variable name20:24
genehackerben lipkowitz?20:25
fenni'm not a lawyer20:25
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genehackeryou're writing it to png?20:27
genehackeras in turning it from svg to png?20:28
fennomg heekscad is so slow on my laptop20:28
fennit writes two files20:28
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genehackerone in svg?20:29
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kanzureyou people suck at lurking20:32
* fenn waits20:40
genehackerbefore I get into that python though I need to figure out how to make 1 tooth difference gears20:41
fenncycloidal(99); cycloidal(100)20:42
genehackernot so fast20:42
genehacker1 tooth difference gears that interlock20:42
genehackeror mesh with one inside the other20:42
fennoh i guess it wouldnt work actually20:45
fennyou need to specify the modulo, not the radius20:45
fennthen figure out the radius based on the number of teeth20:45
genehackerI know20:46
genehackerI'm doing that right now20:46
fenn"too few computrons available"20:50
fennapparently turning off wondershaper doesn't have the intended effect20:51
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fennhttp://fennetic.net/irc/cycloidal_pocket1.png http://fennetic.net/irc/cycloidal_pocket2.png20:56
genehackerthis is annoying20:58
genehackeraddendum and deddendum radius are the same20:59
genehackerso I'm not so sure if this will work20:59
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fennwell this looks like crap http://fennetic.net/irc/cycloidal_3d.png21:45
ybitsudo make me a pancake21:57
ybitlinked from http://www.alphaonelabs.com/wiki/index.php/Projects21:58
genehackerfenn I think the profile I chose won't work as well22:00
genehackerI don't think I can get the 1 tooth difference I need 22:00
genehackerbetween the inner and outer gears22:00
ybithad these the other day: http://www.twistentertaining.com/portal/Portals/0/strawberry on a stick.jpg22:00
ybitthat's a fried choco strawberry22:01
fenngenehacker: why not?22:02
genehackerI can't adjust the module with this design can I?22:02
fennone moment22:02
genehackerso I am bashing my head against the not very well documented gear profile used in the pneumatic wobble motor22:04
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katsmeow-afkHow-to-Make-Carbonized-Fruit/ may be more exciting22:11
genehackernot really22:11
genehackercarbonated fruit taste better22:11
katsmeow-afki used the qualifier "may"22:11
katsmeow-afkbut carbonized fruit would make a better filter than fizzy fresh fruit22:12
fennhow about we encase the fruit in carbonite22:13
fenngenehacker what's the prob with this? http://fennetic.net/irc/cycloidal_9_10.svg22:16
genehackerwhat did you do?22:17
genehackerhow did you do that?22:18
fennor even http://fennetic.net/irc/cycloidal_8_10.svg22:18
fenni just moved it over a bit in inkscape to look like it's meshed22:18
genehacker1 tooth difference is better higher reduction ratio22:19
fennhow does addendum/dedendum work with cycloidal gears?22:19
genehackerit's equal to the diameter of the rolling circle22:20
genehackerI think22:21
fennoh, i changed it to use module btw22:21
genehackerevery time I mess with the module22:21
genehackerI get something bad22:22
genehackertry a 35 in a 3622:22
genehackerif it involves moving svg's you needn't bother22:22
fennug. this laptop is too slow22:22
genehackerthat makes sense22:25
genehackerso it looks like it will mess22:27
genehackerthere needs to be some gap22:28
genehackerthere is zero gap with one tooth difference22:28
fenni guess subtracting a cylinder from the center of the ring gear wouldn't hurt anything22:28
fennlike imagine you're boring it out on a lathe22:29
fennok maybe not22:30
genehackerwhat would that do?22:30
fennwhat if you just scaled it up a little bit?22:30
genehackerwhat then the module wouldn't be the same22:31
fennonly by a tiny bit22:31
genehackerthat might work22:32
genehackerthough this other gear profile looks more promising22:32
genehackerit's just driving me nuts22:32
genehackerwell I'll just add more teeth to deal with the decreased number of steps22:34
genehacker72 gear teeth hmmmm....22:37
genehackerhow does one calculate reduction ratio?22:39
genehackergot it22:42
fennfor "vernier" gears it's number of teeth/difference22:44
genehackerjust making sure22:45
fenni think you use the smaller gear22:45
genehackerthat's really irritating I need twice as many teeth with this design22:45
genehackerI can't22:45
fenni mean for the ratio calculation22:46
genehackerthat's out of the question22:46
fenni suggest building a model with zero clearance and see if it's as bad as you think22:46
fennalso try scaling the pinion 0.9922:47
fennand 0.9522:47
genehackerso this is for a stepper motor22:47
genehackerfor reprap22:47
genehackerminimum number of steps is 20022:48
fennuh, why 200?22:48
genehackerbecause that's what reprap requires22:48
fennO RLY22:48
fennwell anyway you get 3* number of teeth right?22:49
fennnumbe of bladders * number of teeth22:49
genehackeryeah 2*3 *reduction ratio22:50
genehacker*2 because of half stepping22:50
genehackerwtf is a stub involute?23:10
-!- mason_l is now known as mason-l23:14
fennscaling the inner gear by 0.99 seems to look ok23:19
genehackerI'll try printing off a copy and seeing how it works23:22
genehackeralso figured out I might be able to aproximate this other gear profile23:23
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