
--- Day changed Fri Aug 28 2009
xp_prgdrazak_ you here?00:28
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@dsl081-249-107.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit ["This computer has gone to sleep"]00:43
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-45-98.public.utexas.edu] has quit []02:45
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kanzure"    * Jorge Quiroga - Former president of Bolivia. (Texas A&M University)08:46
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kanzure'todojobs' sounds more useful than 'cronjobs'10:03
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kanzureI don't actually care "when" it is done, only that it is done10:09
kanzureand usually these todo tasks are dependent on the tools that I have around me10:09
kanzure"illustrate the bug. for some reason one of part2's coordinates are negative"10:21
kanzurewhich one?10:21
kanzurehow do I find all strings in a file that match this pattern? CS-406-1-20043510:32
kanzure(they are all on the same line unfortunately)10:32
kanzureblah grep has -P disabled / not compiled into it10:36
fenn-E is close enough10:37
kanzuredoesn't seem to work10:37
kanzureI have stuff like this in the line:10:37
kanzure<a name="some 6 digit number (\d{6} right?)" />10:37
kanzuregrep -o -E "a name\=\"\d{5}\" \/\>" ContentTOC.asp\?Sect\=CS-406-1-200462\&Session\=6CC1CAAE-A660-43A7-8998-A4AABF93713710:38
kanzuredoesn't pick up anything10:38
fennso i can see a pattern here, but i don't know why it's happening10:38
fenni1: -20.00 -5.50 -4.0010:38
fenni2: -20.00 0.00 9.5010:38
fennthey're supposed to be the same10:38
fennsometimes it just swaps the y and z10:39
kanzuredoes \d{blah} work in grep?10:39
fennsometimes it swaps y and z and negates one coordinate10:39
fennapparently not10:40
fenn[0-9]{6} works though10:40
kanzureyeah you're right10:40
fennhmm so i've got it to where the Y and Z are simply negated every time10:49
fennwhat does negated mean in terms of transformations?10:52
fennand why only Y and Z? WTF!10:52
kanzureis that a good aha?10:58
fennso it was a combination of rotating about the wrong point and multiplying in the wrong order (understandably of course since you rotate around a different point depending on what transforms have been applied)11:00
fennanyway i can officially say it works now11:00
kanzurepics or it didn't happen11:01
kanzureor a commit11:01
kanzurea commit is preferable11:01
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 6b6bdbb /paths.py: load STEP beforehand to reduce spam so i can see the interface coordinates, and add some angle to the starting position11:05
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r c3ca4e7 /geom/geom.py: interface alignment works. finally.11:05
fennhttp://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/lego_snapping.png http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/lego_snapping2.png11:10
fenni'm not sure why the second brick is upside down in the second pic but not in the first11:10
-!- any35690734 is now known as katsmeow-afk11:26
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fennwhat are the legal status of patent illustrations12:09
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-45-98.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap12:13
genehackerkanzure you know you can have your ID card RFID chipped to get access to the ME building?12:14
genehackerwhen it's locked?12:14
fennsupposedly RFID is more secure than a magnet strip?12:15
fennwhy can't you just use the card as-is?12:16
fennpatent illustrations might be a good source of basic images12:17
fenn"the text and drawings of a patent are typically not subject to copyright restrictions. The inventors' right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States for a limited time is not compromised by the publication of the description of the invention."12:18
genehackerI don't know12:19
genehackerbecause the building doesn't have mag readers12:19
genehackerangular rate gyro12:19
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:25
xp_prgdrazak_ you here?12:25
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/school/ch301/2009-08-28.html this is worse than going to a church12:25
genehackerthe church of chemistry no doubt12:27
fennno paragraphs :(12:27
kanzurefenn: I put a dimensioned lego fig on the not-quite-a-kitchen table12:28
genehackerlearned some memetics today in my medical terminology class that kills my fine arts cred12:28
xp_prgwhat is that?12:28
kanzurethe medical terminology class sucked last time I took it12:28
genehackera class I'm taking to get rid of my fine arts credit12:28
kanzureit was with nethercut12:28
kanzurehe had no microphone and was older than dirt12:28
genehackeryou took it?12:28
kanzureyears ago12:29
kanzurei have some extra medical terminology books if you want them12:29
genehackerthe history of scientific and medical terminology or something like that12:29
kanzureone is worked, the other is mostly clean12:29
genehackerlet me take a look at those12:29
kanzurei'm not going to bring them if you're not going to take them12:29
genehackerprobably won't work12:30
genehackerre using new books12:30
genehackerthis guy'12:30
kanzureyou suck at typing12:30
genehackers not old and is slightly interesting12:30
genehackeryeah i d12:31
fennthe trick is to not press return until you're done12:31
genehackerI'm suffering from a bit of fallout from an energy drink I had yesterday12:32
genehackerthat could be the reason12:32
genehackeralso what ever happened to the austin fab lab you guys were working on?12:34
kanzurehmm http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/lego_snapping4.png12:36
kanzurefenn: crossposting usually involves adding multiple recipients to the email12:38
kanzurenot copy-pasta12:38
fenncrossposting is stupid12:38
kanzurewah you're stup1d12:38
fenn56MB of public domain book titles? http://inventblog.com/2008/06/did-you-know-that-most-books-published-between-1923-and-1963-are-in-the-public-domain.html12:39
kanzurethat's just an index?12:39
fennyeah, lots of non-english books12:43
fennkind of unwieldy trying to skip around in a 350MB XML file12:43
kanzureshould I bother with it?12:43
* kanzure is about to go into a calculus class12:43
kanzurehrm. http://heybryan.org/books/Mathematics/Calculus%20from%20server/calculus.txt12:46
fennso i am sort of bored. should i return your graph theory books to longoria?12:48
fennkanzure: *poke*12:51
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ybithttp://www.api-assembled.com/ that's the company which i will soon be working for13:36
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kanzurehttp://www.opencascade.org/org/forum/thread_16519/ overlapping detection using Common operation14:20
kanzurehe was probably using BRepAlgoAPI_Common14:24
drazak_can someone get me http://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v2/n5/abs/nprot.2007.135.html14:24
fenndrazak_: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/unsorted/adeasy_recombinant_adenoviruses.pdf14:25
kanzureok fenn wins14:25
fenndrazak_: why can't you access nature from wherever you are?14:25
drazak_fenn: we don't get nature14:26
kanzurewhat do you read? a rock?14:26
drazak_we get nature but not nature protocols14:26
drazak_I tried to get it through adl14:26
kanzurewhy couldn't you?14:26
kanzureI just ran wget on adl just fine14:26
drazak_I dunno14:26
drazak_I tunneled through adl and couldn't get it14:27
kanzureyou suck at stealing literature14:27
drazak_oh well14:27
fennit's not even stealing14:27
fennyou probably just don't know how to use your own network14:27
drazak_I tried to get it through ours14:28
fenn"and couldn't get it" right?14:28
drazak_I looked in our hubnet, we don't get nature protocols14:28
drazak_couldn't get it14:28
* fenn remains skeptical14:28
kanzurewonder how that fellow was able to get the volume from this operation14:29
kanzureBRepAlgoAPI_Common doesn't have any useful methods really14:29
fennyou get a resulting solid14:29
fennvolume is probably ShapeAna or something14:29
kanzureXCAFDoc has a volume attribute 14:35
kanzurethis looks as close as I'll ever probably get: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/ModelingAlgorithms/html/classBRepGProp.html14:36
kanzureok yep14:38
kanzurehttp://www.opencascade.org/org/forum/thread_4685/ confirms BRepGProp.VolumeProperties() is what I want14:38
kanzurefenn: can you try this real quick? http://coe-jaguar.engr.utexas.edu/mediasite/Catalog/pages/catalog.aspx?catalogId=d3a7e32a-f790-43a8-ba6d-b9aa15b0e91c14:50
ybithttp://heybryan.org/books/papers/A%20%20thermal%20infrared%20imager.pdf is a 40415:18
kanzurethat's because it's really secretly over here:15:19
kanzuresee, you did some funky scripting15:19
kanzureand your script thought you meant $1015:19
kanzureand you didn't have $10 defined15:19
kanzureI guess bash or zsh or whatever you were using lets you do variables that start with numbers15:20
kanzurein most scripting languages that's invalid15:20
bkero$10 - $315:20
kanzure$ $1015:21
kanzurebash: 0: command not found15:21
kanzureok guess I was wrong actually15:21
kanzurein perl you can use $1 etc. to refer to some local variables15:22
kanzurebut perl is evil like that15:22
kanzureit's also on the web: http://www.research.ibm.com/ecvg/pubs/sharat-foot.pdf15:24
kanzureer, elsewhere on the web I mean15:24
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xp_prgdrazak_ you here?15:36
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 9d429de /geom/geom.py: volume interference methods have been written15:46
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 4010035 /geom/geom.py: n squared collision checker - not tested.15:51
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 3f41163 /paths.py: added some comments15:52
fenngenehacker: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/cycloidal_gear.png15:52
fennerm. http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/cycloidal_gear.png15:52
kanzuregah when I try to double click with my laptop-mouse I totally miss the left mouse button15:53
kanzureand I feel especially retarded when this happens15:53
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r c111892 /demo.py: removed old pymates demo15:55
kanzurewe should probably do some spring cleaning to get everything to use Transform and Connection again15:59
kanzureas it is now there's somewhat of a sprawl of things in paths.py15:59
kanzureguess I'm becoming campbell now15:59
fennnothing ever used Transform16:00
fenni'll move some from paths.py to packages/lego/demo and others to geom/something.py16:01
kanzureblarney() for instance16:01
kanzuregah, almost everything16:02
fenngo away16:02
kanzurewell it is about that time of day I suppose16:02
fenndelete pymates while you're at it16:02
drazak_xp_prg: yes16:07
drazak_well kindof atleast16:07
drazak_4reading a bunch of papers16:07
drazak_uh huh?16:08
xp_prgwe are discusing your problem you gave us :>16:09
drazak_ok, so how's the program coming?16:09
drazak_it's a rather simple program16:09
xp_prgstill haven't had a lot of time to work on it, I will try this weekend, my apolagies16:09
xp_prgjust learned more of the biopython last night16:10
drazak_it's cool16:10
drazak_I was writing it myself at some poiint, but you offered16:10
xp_prgI will do it, don't worry16:10
xp_prgonce again thanks for giving me something real to do with biopython16:11
drazak_xp_prg: I'll watch it in a couple minutes16:13
xp_prgsweet man!16:13
drazak_xp_prg: it would be nice if the  end result of the program could be displayed in an easy to read,yet easy to copy format16:17
drazak_xp_prg: you realize thateverything before the primer3 you can do with an entrez.get or whatever16:21
xp_prgno I did not know that16:22
drazak_xp_prg: and then just array manipulation16:22
drazak_xp_prg: you jsut do like, blah = entrez.search(db=nucleotide, term=blah(species:blahblah)) blahblah = entrez.read(blah)16:23
drazak_and it'll have the first 20 acension numbers or whatever that it returns, irrc16:24
drazak_in an array16:24
xp_prgcool thanks!16:25
drazak_and then those values can be inputed into entrez.fetch(blah) to fetch them, but I think you'll have to do to it recurssively because it only fetches one at a time16:26
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xp_prgdrazak_ did you watch it yet?17:52
drazak_uh huh17:57
xp_prgwhat did you think man?!!17:58
xp_prgare we not the coolest group ever?17:58
kanzurexp_prg: what can I possibly say to make you go away forever?18:02
xp_prgthat love and respect our group and want to be apart of it18:03
kanzurebut I hate you18:08
kanzurewhy won't you go away?18:08
xp_prgcuz I am helping people so chill18:10
kanzureno you're doing more harm than good18:10
xp_prgno I'm not18:10
drazak_xp_prg: I sort of have to agree with kanzure18:10
kanzurefuck off18:10
xp_prghow am I harming people?18:10
kanzurenobody said that. go away.18:11
drazak_xp_prg: you can't bother to look shit up on your own, you ask people after putting cnone of your own effort into it18:11
xp_prgright, I have my own diybio group, my own fridge, going to teach classes and I am not doing anything on my own18:11
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kanzurexp_prg: that's not your own group, sorry18:12
drazak_you have a fridge! OMG NOBODY ELSE EVER HAS HAD A FRIDGE18:12
kanzureeveryone has a fridge18:12
xp_prgnot open to the public to use for bio experiments18:12
genehackercampbell could have been my machine elements teacher18:12
kanzurexp_prg: sorry, you're wrong18:12
xp_prgwhere is one?18:12
kanzurexp_prg: go away18:12
drazak_xp_prg: if you understood the real mentality of DIYBIO you'd realize that saying you have your own group is counterproductive18:12
drazak_xp_prg: your group is everyones group18:12
genehackerhow cold does your fridge get?18:12
xp_prgdrazak_ that is what I meant18:13
genehackerwhat temperature?18:13
drazak_xp_prg: no it's not18:13
drazak_xp_prg: you said what you meant, you can't change what you said just because someone proved you wrong18:13
genehackeror temperature difference18:13
drazak_xp_prg: you can't stick by your own shit18:13
xp_prgthe temperature is cold18:14
xp_prgdrazak_ dude my stuff is opensource18:14
kanzurewho cares18:14
drazak_dude you're bullshi18:14
xp_prgI am giving away my stuff, my meetings, helping guys for free this Saturday18:14
kanzurewhat does that have to do with what I am saying18:15
drazak_kanzure: nothing18:15
xp_prgI bought the gfp experiment18:15
fennOMG somebody's wrong on the internet!18:15
kanzurewell he is wrong and I want him to go away18:15
drazak_kanzure: I know, me too18:15
drazak_kanzure: we could put him on ignore and pretend like he went away18:15
kanzuredrazak_: that's cheating18:16
kanzurehe will still send me emails18:16
kanzureand I'd have to filter that, too18:16
xp_prgdon't hate the playa, hate the game18:16
drazak_kanzure: I guess18:16
kanzureI'll hate everyone.18:16
kanzurenow go away18:16
drazak_yeah :(18:16
drazak_xp_prg: what plasmid did the gfp come in?18:17
kanzuredrazak_: please don't ask18:17
drazak_kanzure: ok fine18:17
genehackerthe temperature is cold18:17
genehackerthat doesn't help18:17
genehackerI lost the game18:18
drazak_genehacker: if you didn't know, but you probably do, the standard fridges/freezers used in biology are 4C, -20C, -80C18:19
xp_prgthat all the info drazak_18:20
xp_prgit has a freezer part, it is a dorm fridge18:20
xp_prgwhen I watched the edge video the other day it said that biobricks are specifically geared toward undergrads and are easy to use18:21
xp_prgthat is what I am going to concentrate on18:21
xp_prgdrazak_ it came in an ecoli plasmid18:22
kanzureso what part of go away do you not understand?18:28
kanzurejust type /exit and never come back18:28
genehackerI didn't know drazak thank you for the info18:47
genehackerxp_prg you can do that at the tech museum18:47
drazak_genehacker: certain reagents and samples need to be stored at different temps19:11
drazak_genehacker: -80 for long term reagent/short AND longterm rna/long term dna/long term tissue19:11
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 1d6d886 / (21 files in 3 dirs): remove pymates19:15
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r c5ccd5b / (geom/geom.py gui/__init__.py gui/gui.py paths.py): separate geom and gui code from paths.py19:15
kanzurefenn: ok your turn. I didn't move the lego stuff.19:16
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 46f701a /readme: update readme to reflect new gui module19:16
genehackerdrazak what do they do for snake antivenom?19:26
genehackerI hear it's really hard to keep19:27
genehackerand is really expensive to get bitten by a snake19:27
xp_prgwe will manufacture venom in ecoli cells soon19:28
xp_prgthe venom is a protein19:29
genehackernow then let's find a way to make rattlesnake venom19:30
genehackermy l key is becoming irresponsive19:31
xp_prgok your going to need a promoter, an rbs component, main dna to encode the venom protein, then a stop codon19:31
genehackerthis is bad19:32
kanzurexp_prg: at least spell it correctly19:33
kanzureif you're not going to leave19:33
xp_prgwhat did I mispell?19:33
genehackermy l key is inoperabie19:34
* xp_prg hugs genehacker to help him with his 1 key operability issue19:35
genehackerl key19:35
genehackerold case of soda on the keyboard19:37
genehackerscrew rattlesnake venom let's produce coneshell venom that can be used to take down dinosaurs19:46
fennwas that the stuff they put in the velociraptor egg?19:47
genehackerI don't know19:48
genehackerI forgot19:48
genehackernow if we could only had some decent dna samples from dinosausrs19:49
genehackeror an awesome entropic reverse19:49
kanzure"optfunc. Command line parsing libraries in Python such as optparse frustrate me because I can never remember how to use them without consulting the manual. optfunc is a new experimental interface to optparse which works by introspecting a function definition (including its arguments and their default values) and using that to construct a command line argument parser. "20:04
kanzuregit clone git://github.com/simonw/optfunc.git20:05
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kanzurewtf bitmap?20:42
kanzurewhat sort of camera takes bitmaps?20:42
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 64b2c89 / (clients/skdb-get.py core/optfunc.py): worked on skdb-get.py21:04
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r f9b485a /doc/proposals/make_bot.py: documentation link for make_bot.py21:04
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r c908683 /clients/skdb-get.py: skdb-get now pulls packages from git repositories22:19
ybithttp://www.solarimpulse.com/en/documents/challenge.php?lang=en&group=challenge :: "In a world depending on fossil energies, the Solar Impulse project is a paradox, almost a provocation: it aims to have an airplane take off and fly autonomously, day and night, propelled uniquely by solar energy, right round the world without fuel or pollution. An unachievable goal without pushing back the current technological limits in all fields..."23:14
ybitwas watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcWSI03NKo0 which led me to http://esoaring.com/index.html and yes, i want a glider23:21

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