
--- Day changed Wed Sep 02 2009
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genehackerare you up?01:11
genehackerever hear of a part classification table?01:12
genehackeror shape classification01:13
genehackeror group technology01:13
genehackercause that sounds an awful lot like skdb01:14
genehackermind telling me what skdb really is?01:15
genehackeror what the purpose of it is?01:17
Utopiahgenehacker: reading up that page and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_manufacturing , there is no mention of those in http://books.google.fr/books?id=oaBOuo4mId8C but leading principles seem similar . I guess the main purpose of SKDB related to this is to make it fully automated (or at least "automatable" by providing proper formats and related tools) rather than "just a philosophy principle" 01:37
Utopiah(but that's just my view)01:37
Utopiahskimming through http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/view.cgi?acc_num=ucin990649367 too01:39
Utopiah(very interesting, especially since I don't know most of those refs :-# )01:48
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kanzuregenehacker, the point of skdb is to be able to say "apt-get install me a robot army"06:48
kanzure"“Self-Assembled Single-Crystal Silicon Circuits on Plastic,” by Sean A.06:55
kanzureStauth and Babak A. Parviz, in Proceedings of the National Academy of06:55
kanzureSciences, 19 September 2006."06:55
kanzureoh, it's parviz06:58
kanzureother parviz papers: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/parviz/06:59
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kanzurehttp://xkcd.com/612/ <-- he must have authored scp too07:53
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CIA-32skdb: fenn * r df4c2dd /packages/lego/data.yaml: add ldraw id11:37
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 1846d85 /core/ (package.py skdb.py yamlcrap.py): split package into a new file, move load() into yamlcrap11:37
kanzurehow did you figure out the ldraw IDs?11:53
kanzurewas it from the book?11:53
kanzureyet another wonderful day of chemistry: http://heybryan.org/school/ch301/2009-09-02.html12:03
fenni looked them up on peeron12:18
fennnot quite as good as lego assembly instructions :P12:19
kanzureis that generated?12:23
fennsort of hard to believe i'm the first person to ever do this12:23
kanzurekind of lame isn't it12:23
kanzuretypical lego gallery-style instructions could be done if my screenshot mechanism worked12:24
kanzurebecause you already add the legos sequentially12:24
kanzureso you just show the images in a gallery in the order in which they were added12:24
kanzure(although that's not necessarily the most optimal sequence)12:24
fenn"most optimal" for generating instructions, or for some other metric12:25
kanzurewell the goal is assembly12:25
kanzureit's easy to generate a sequence of steps that are not conducive to physical assembly12:25
kanzurethis requires some testing12:25
fennyeah, i don't take that into account12:26
kanzuretoo bad we can't color-highlight the lego studs or something12:26
kanzureis there a way to color surfaces in opencascade?12:26
kanzurebecause if we can detect the most near surface to an interface,12:26
kanzurewe can change its color12:26
kanzureand then take an image of that and use it as the icon in the graph12:26
fennwell, i'll let you do that12:26
kanzuredoes it matter?12:26
fennit wouldn't be too hard to project the 3d interface coords to 2d coords on the icon12:27
fennbut then you're sort of leaving graph lala-land12:27
fennbah. ok i'm not the first http://journals.cambridge.org/download.php?file=/AIE/AIE17_02/S0890060403172046a.pdf&code=23e3638afdb973f190aecae20ceafeb112:28
fennwtf.. if there are all these papers on assembly graphs you'd at least expect ONE relevant google image result12:29
kanzureif you want some papers,12:30
fennbad packer!12:30
kanzureIIRC, you were the one who selected these12:31
kanzurealso your link is "file not available"12:31
kanzure(not even a proper 404)12:31
fenn'using assembly representations to enable evolutionary design of lego structures' by regli and peysakhov12:32
kanzurethat's just regli12:32
kanzureyeah we already say that in their repo12:32
kanzureremember? legoGA java bullshit?12:32
kanzureit's on /mnt/maxtor/software/legoGA/ on leibniz if you want to take a look12:33
fennactually i really doubt regli wrote any of the code12:33
kanzureyeah it was just peysakhov12:33
xp_prgIt is confirmed, the father of synthetic biology is presenting tomorrow12:47
kanzurehe's not the father of synthetic biology12:53
kanzurefenn: where is igraph in debian?12:55
xp_prgyes he is12:56
xp_prghow dare you12:56
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kanzurexp_prg: ask him12:59
xp_prgHe is, you seriously, seriously, seriously don't know what your talking about right now12:59
xp_prgvery surprising to me actually12:59
xp_prghow could you get that wrong?13:00
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kanzurecouldn't find package python-igraph13:27
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fennwtf it's not in debian?13:39
fennnow i'm really confused13:39
kanzurethought you said it was?13:39
fenni thought it was.. it's in ubuntu :(13:40
kanzureha ha13:43
fennso anyway, why is clear() not resetting all_bricks (or cgraph)13:43
kanzuredo I have to answer13:45
fennlooks like it never did13:46
kanzurewhat's wrong with that?13:47
fenni dunno13:47
fenni also tried global all_bricks on its own line13:47
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kanzurefenn: your bug will be fixed if you do "import paths" and access it as paths.all_paths14:27
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kanzurewhat? http://erights.org/14:29
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kanzurefenn: 14:58
kanzurein add_key, what you want to use functools.partial(clear, my_argument=blah)14:59
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r a4c0919 / (gui/gui.py paths.py): partially fix global with functools.partial15:04
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CIA-32skdb: fenn * r ee8fd0a /core/interface.py: pretty lego graphs15:11
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r b167b67 / (gui/gui.py paths.py): Merge branch 'master' of ssh://adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb15:11
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 571a690 /gui/gui.py: grunt.15:11
CIA-32skdb: fenn * r 9e70a4c /packages/lego/grammar.yaml: claw->clip to match ldraw terminology15:14
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fenn"the Technical Ref Manual for the OMAP3530 is 3517 pages long"15:57
genehackerwhat are you doing with processors?15:59
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genehackerlinkage based linear motion guides might be able to make themselves16:07
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kanzurehey ve :p17:05
vehey :p17:07
kanzurehow goes it?17:07
veok apparently17:08
-!- wonklab [n=jeargle@angara.scs.uiuc.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:26
xp_prghi wonkylab person :>17:34
* bkero omnoms17:35
kanzurehey wonklab17:38
kanzurewonklab: check the link in the /topic :)17:38
kanzurewrldpc2: why not talk in here17:38
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 33 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 33 normal]17:39
wonklabkanzure: What is all that?17:40
wonklabpython stuff17:40
wonklabWhat's hplus?17:41
kanzurewonklab: it's like apt-get but for real stuff17:41
wrldpc2I wonder how to write this email.17:41
kanzurehplus stands for "transhuman". it's like transsexualism except for being human.17:41
kanzurewrldpc2: in english?17:41
wrldpc2"Dear Uncle Steve, I'm currently seeking to assist an elite group of transhuman geniuses ..."17:42
wrldpc2"They are not bound to this earth ..."17:42
kanzureare you sure about that17:42
wrldpc2yea ..17:42
wonklabI saw an article about novel genes in the human genome today.17:43
kanzurewas it the mutation article?17:43
kanzureyay it gives a DOI17:44
kanzureah but the DOI is not found17:44
wonklabIt's about totally new genes that humans have and chimps/gorillas/macaques don't.17:44
kanzureRecent de novo origin of human protein-coding genes.17:44
wonklabI tried to citeulike it, but it didn't work.17:44
wonklabI got the paper, though.17:45
kanzuretry this: http://genome.cshlp.org/content/early/2009/08/31/gr.095026.109.full.pdf17:45
kanzureand for future reference: http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/Recent%20de%20novo%20origin%20of%20human%20protein-coding%20genes.pdf17:47
kanzurewonklab: so, the idea of skdb is to be able to download hardware over the internet17:47
kanzureplus the ability to generate instructions for making various parts17:48
kanzurefor instance, here is an assembly diagram that was made today (beta) http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/lego_cgraph.png17:48
kanzurepre-alpha I should say17:48
wonklabWhat's that supposed to make?17:51
kanzurewell when you run paths.py, the demo presently randomly adds legos together17:51
kanzureso that diagram makes whatever random creation was on fenn's screen17:51
kanzurethere are some screenshots in this presentation:17:52
wonklabYou want to make a standard way of describing diybio experiments?17:57
kanzurethat's one part of this project17:58
kanzureone of the "packages" in skdb is going to be a simple thermocycler, for instance17:58
kanzurethere are some CAD models for an AFM floating around .. those are definitely going to be added. maybe a parametric atomic force microscope package? :)17:58
kanzurethere's already some descriptions of common materials and tools in biology labs, let me dig up the links17:59
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/doc/BOMs/analytical-instrumentation (this isn't complete)17:59
kanzureit's just a list .. doesn't currently contain CAD information or instructions on how to build those devicesz17:59
kanzuresame with this PCR document: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/doc/BOMs/pcr17:59
wonklabI'd like to try out the diy pcr one of these days.18:04
wonklabI read that cheapo thermocycler paper.18:04
kanzureah, good18:05
kanzurethere's a few other on the server if you stare long enough18:05
wonklabBut I've got no lab skillz as of yet.18:05
kanzurewait, I thought you were a wet lab guy?18:05
wonklabAnd no real plans to learn any on the job.18:05
wonklabNope, I'm computational.18:05
wonklabAbout to move one of my simulations over to the TeraGrid.18:06
xp_prgwow what is TeraGrid?18:07
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wonklabThe US, mostly-academic grid of supercomputers.18:17
wonklabIt includes NCSA, SDSC, PSC, and TACC.18:18
wonklabkraken and ranger are on the teragrid.18:19
kanzureranger is local to me18:25
* kanzure has ssh access to horseshoe (I think)18:25
wonklabI can use ranger and lonestar.18:30
wonklabThere's some other one.18:30
wonklababe and lonestar are on the top 100, too.18:31
wonklabranger's crazy.18:31
wonklab63,000 cores.18:32
wonklabThe TACC is great.18:32
wonklabIt makes me want to do a postdoc at UT.18:33
kanzurethey have a visualization center at UT18:33
kanzurehave you seen it?18:33
kanzureit's wall to wall monitors and projectors18:33
wonklabI have time on it, but it's no good to me.18:33
wonklabWe've got a GPU cluster up at NCSA called lincoln.18:33
wonklabThey're building some petascale machine.18:34
wonklabIt's going to have its own building.18:34
wonklabNear the power plant.18:34
xp_prgwonklab how do you get time on it?18:36
wonklabYou apply for a computer time grant.18:37
wonklabIf you're accepted, you get a certain CPU-hour allotment for a year.18:37
wonklabIt's funny working that out into CPU-years.18:38
wonklabLast year I used something like 60 CPU-years.18:38
wonklabThere's other machines, though.18:39
wonklabLots of universities and computational groups have their own clusters.18:39
wonklabThe big national labs have clusters, too.18:39
wonklabroadrunner is at Los Alamos.18:39
wonklabIt's funny using these machines when there's so much hype about the "cloud".18:41
kanzurethe cloud is bullshit18:41
wonklabBut the cloud is only really good for embarrassingly parallel stuff.18:41
wonklabLots of problems aren't embarrassingly parallel.18:42
wonklabBasically, the hard ones.18:42
xp_prgwonklab tell me about your program and what it does18:46
wonklabIt's not really my program.18:47
wonklabI'm most just a user.18:47
wonklabI've added some small things to it, though.18:47
wonklabIt's NAMD, an atomic molecular dynamics simulator.18:48
kanzureanything like CHARMM?18:48
wonklabYou basically put in a bunch of molecules.18:48
wonklabThen calculate the forces per atom and move everything one timestep.18:48
kanzureso you configure a program and pop you get a phd? is that how it works?18:48
wonklabI use NAMD to study certain proteins and RNAs.18:49
wonklabMost MD people don't do much programming on MD code.18:49
wonklabMy systems are in the 100,000-200,000 range.18:50
wonklabBut some people have pushed NAMD up into multiple millions of atoms.18:50
wonklabThey've done whole ribosome simulations.18:50
kanzuredo you have the config files?18:51
wonklabAnd small viruses.18:51
kanzurecan you upload them or send them to me?18:51
wonklabEveryone makes their own config files.18:51
kanzureno, for the viruses18:51
kanzureor ribosomes18:51
wonklaboh, no18:51
wonklabThose large systems are a pain to deal with.18:51
wonklabOnce you actually manage to simulate something, the data analysis is difficult.18:52
wonklabActually, just doing stuff like preparing the water box and putting in ions gets difficult.18:52
wonklabAnd assigning histidine protonation states.18:53
drazakhow does that work?19:02
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kanzuregenehacker: did you see the skdb presentation yet?19:21
genehackerwhat skdb presentation19:22
genehackerso can we compete with thingiverse?19:26
kanzurehell yes19:26
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genehackerI have some ideas on how we could make a profit on something like this19:26
kanzurethe first step is getting somebody to fund us19:27
genehackerso how do you want to make a profit with this?19:28
kanzureselling kits19:28
kanzurefor people who are too lazy to do it themselves19:28
kanzuredidn't I tell you this before?19:28
genehackerjust making sure19:32
kanzurewhat were you thinking?19:32
genehackerso what would we sell as a kit at this point?19:32
kanzurethermocycler kit might be a good start19:32
kanzurebut I'm open to suggestions19:33
kanzuremaybe an AFM19:33
genehackergood idea19:33
genehackerperhaps a CNC mill?19:33
genehackeror is there already too much competition in that field19:33
kanzureno there's only one open source cnc mill (mechmate)19:34
kanzureand it's really just a giant router19:34
kanzureand it kind of sucks a lot19:34
genehackerso why not redesign it?19:34
kanzureyeah I think that's reasonable19:34
genehackerADL research gave part mating a probability curve?19:35
genehackerthat's amazing19:35
kanzureit sucked immensely19:35
kanzureit was six if statements19:35
kanzurethis is the part where you go "LOL"19:35
genehackerLOL indeed19:36
genehackerdid it work though?19:36
kanzureer.. sort of. let me dig out the code for you. give me a few seconds.19:36
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genehackerhey if you can compute part interfacing tolerances that would be awesome19:37
genehackerbecause that's determines some of what puts the parts together19:37
kanzureyes we're working on that in skdb19:37
genehackerthat matt moses paper called that part entropy or something19:37
kanzuremaybe you should come in to the lab to see a live demo some time19:38
kanzurefenn is there all day tomorrow19:38
kanzureso just stop by some time19:38
* kanzure is uploading the probability code19:38
kanzureour current method is somewhat better though19:38
kanzurewhat we're doing is checking whether or not two interfaces or two parts are compatible19:39
genehackeranyway on the processes19:39
genehackerwould it help if I input data into the system on them19:39
genehackerI'm taking materials processing19:39
kanzurethis is taking forever to upload19:40
genehackerwhat do you mean by general geometry constraint language?19:40
kanzureoh it was already on there19:41
kanzureoh it was already on therehttp://adl.serveftp.org/lab/2007-05-04_manasi_tamhankar.zip19:41
kanzureso anyway19:41
kanzurewell a geometry constraint language would be useful to say that a band saw can only go in certain directions19:41
kanzureand no 90 degree turns, for instance19:41
genehackerso my materials processing book talks about using geometry classification tables to figure out how makeable something is by various processes19:43
genehackerdo you mean something like that19:43
kanzurenope, this was fenn's idea19:43
kanzurehis plan was to take a process and then make it randomly generate shapes19:43
kanzureshapes that it can most definitely manufacture19:43
kanzurethen by doing that a lot, you can make shapes that match the thing that you want to make19:43
kanzurethis way, you can only make stuff that is actually possible19:43
kanzureand you'll never end up with something fucking crazy19:43
genehackerat the left end of the table you start out with primitive shapes19:43
kanzuremaybe you could scan in the page?19:44
genehackerlike uniform cross sections19:44
genehackerbut there's no standard method of doing this19:44
genehackereveryone has there own method19:45
kanzurecan you give me a link?19:47
genehackerscan was not successful19:50
genehackershoot it's now in a document19:51
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genehackerdid you present that kanzure?20:22
genehackerdid you present that kanzure?20:24
genehackerto who?20:24
kanzurecampbell, rob stone and matt bohm. rob and bohm are up at oregon state uni.20:24
genehackeroh at adl conference20:25
kanzureno it was just a telephone call a few weeks ago20:26
genehackerWhat do FS, CFG, and DAM stand for20:28
kanzureignore it for now20:28
kanzurefs is "function structure"20:28
kanzureCFG is "configuration flow graph"20:28
kanzureDAM is "design assembly matrix"20:28
kanzureyou'll get it when you go into your machine elements class probably20:28
kanzureor whichever one campbell does20:29
kanzureit's basically just this way of using arrows to point from one thing to the other20:29
ybit01:14 < genehacker> mind telling me what skdb really is?20:29
ybit01:16 < genehacker> or what the purpose of it is?20:29
genehackerthat's sort of why I quit machine elements20:29
genehackerbecause I didn't have a very good professor20:29
kanzurewell if you have any questions I guess I can answer them20:29
kanzuresince I've worked in the lab for about a year now20:29
genehackermind explaining each20:29
kanzurewell I can tell you what they are, but not what they are good for, because they are bullshit20:30
kanzureso, a function structure is this graph with nodes and edges20:30
kanzurethe nodes are tagged with a "function name" like "translates mechanical energy into electrical energy"20:30
kanzurethe edges in the graph are "flows"20:30
kanzuregraphsynth (and maybe soon skdb?) translates these function structures into CFGs, which are more like ..20:30
genehackerthe lines connecting nodes?20:30
kanzure"use a gear to change mechanical rotational motion"20:30
kanzurethe lines connecting nodes are called "edges"20:30
kanzureunidirectional edges go from node A to node B20:31
kanzurebidirectional edges go from node A to node B and node B to node A20:31
kanzurethere's also hyperedges but they are hyperbullshit20:31
kanzureanyway, a CFG is kind of like an assembly graph20:31
kanzureexcept not as advanced20:31
kanzurea DAM is even more weird and I doubt you'll ever encounter it20:31
kanzurebasically it's a way of saying "this component is adjacent to this component and secures it"20:32
kanzureit's an adjacency matrix or incidence matrix usually20:32
genehackerwhere can I learn about that?20:32
kanzureDAMs? probably by emailing campbell, to be honest20:32
genehackerwell all of this20:32
kanzurethere's a paper actually20:33
kanzurelet me find it20:33
kanzurepaper: http://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/campbell/Exploring%20the%20worth%20of%20automatically%20generated%20design%20alternatives%20based%20on%20designer%20preferences.pdf20:34
kanzureanyway I hope that helps20:34
kanzurecampbell wrote a paper this year that goes over the basics, but I don't seem to have a digital copy20:35
kanzureif you want, I can bring it tomorrow for you20:35
kanzureit goes over the basics pretty well20:35
genehackerok cool20:35
kanzureok let me throw it in the pack20:35
ybit18:01 < kanzure> there are some CAD models for an AFM floating around .. those are definitely going to be added. maybe a parametric atomic force microscope package? :)20:35
* ybit wants the cad files20:36
kanzurethey are in the papers-dir20:36
kanzurealso I sent an email to diybio about it20:36
genehackerhow do you make the probes?20:36
kanzurecontents of the zip file: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/AFM/20:36
kanzureyou can make a probe via a few different methods20:37
kanzureone method is the flame method20:37
kanzurewhere you put the tip in a flame20:37
kanzureanother method is this acidic drip method20:37
kanzurewhere you dunk your tip into some acid20:37
kanzureand as you slowly pull it vertically,20:37
kanzurethe acid has to drip in a way that constraints the tip into becoming a sharp tip20:37
kanzurealso there's a way to do it like sharpening a knife IIRC... :)20:37
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genehackerflame method?20:38
kanzureI may have been mistaking that for the acid method20:38
genehackerthat's surprising20:38
genehackerI though it involved some weird 3d photolithography20:39
kanzureit could, but no20:39
genehackeranyway what would you use an AFM for at this point?20:39
kanzureDNA sequencing?20:39
kanzureoh shit :)20:40
kanzuresympy solves my calculus homework just fine20:40
genehackerso what makes skdb better than thingiverse?20:40
kanzurewith skdb you can say "I want a milling machine, what do I need to make one?"20:40
genehackerI wonder if it's ok to show the work by posting the code20:41
kanzureand it will automatically download everything you need20:41
kanzurethere are a lot of reasons I guess20:41
kanzurethingiverse is just this website where you upload some CAD files20:41
genehackerso we don't have files for a milling machine20:41
kanzureso what? we can make them20:41
kanzureand once we do,20:41
kanzurewe say that the milling machine works in such-and-such-way20:41
genehackerwe need to develop the machine20:41
kanzurefor instance right now we have some legos in skdb20:41
kanzureand the legos have these holes, studs, and anti studs, etc.20:41
kanzurethese are labeled as "interfaces"20:42
kanzureso that they can be automatically mated with other parts20:42
kanzurethis way you can say "find me a bearing that is compatible with this flywheel"20:42
kanzureor something20:42
kanzurebut yeah, someone needs to make a milling machine20:42
genehackerthe point is how could we make this into something that somebody will fund?20:42
genehackerheh I've got some ideas for that...20:43
kanzuredunno. I have a hard time explaining it to people.20:43
kanzurethese days I'm just telling them "it's a way to download hardware over the internet, and no I'm not talking about drivers"20:43
ybitgenehacker: what book is that scanned page from?20:43
genehackerI want to make turn those ideas in that moses paper into something real20:43
genehackerTHE MECHANOMICON20:44
kanzureyou should install skdb20:44
kanzureor at least come by the lab to see it in action20:45
genehackerhow do I install skdb?20:45
kanzurewell right now you have to install opencascade and pythonOCC first,20:45
kanzurefenn wrote some instructions for this20:45
kanzureonce you do that, skdb is ready to work20:46
genehackerI'll have to go to my linux partition to do that20:47
genehackerbtw why does linux make my laptop's battery last shorter then when it's running winblows?20:48
kanzurehow much shorter?20:48
ybitcould be that you have wifi turned on unknowingly20:49
genehacker4-5 hours shorter20:49
kanzurehave you ran it down to 0?20:49
ybit19:27 < genehacker> so how do you want to make a profit with this?20:49
ybit19:28 < kanzure> selling kits20:49
genehacker6 hours with winblows 2 hours with linux20:49
genehackerdown to zero20:49
ybiti am trying to convince my boss to take a different direction with the company eventually to see skdb kits20:50
genehackerI think it has something to do with the drivers20:50
kanzuregenehacker: yes it probably does20:50
kanzuregenehacker: ubuntu has to pack in so many different drivers20:50
genehackeranyway if we want to make skdb kits how shall we make them?20:50
kanzureit might be using something that is not optimal for your hardware20:50
kanzureprobably manually at first20:50
kanzuresee, skdb solves that problem20:50
kanzureby telling us how to make the kits20:50
genehackerthen contract out to china?20:51
genehackerit may tell how to make the kits20:51
genehackerbut it may not tell us how to make them economically20:51
kanzureeconomically like what?20:51
genehackeras cheap as possible20:51
kanzureoh that's easy we can just include price information20:51
genehackerthere are many ways to produce essentially the same part20:51
kanzureand make it minimize for price20:51
kanzureyeah 20:51
kanzurethat's kinda the point though20:51
genehackerprice changes over time20:52
kanzureso we'll see20:52
ybitgenehacker: what was the name of the book?20:52
genehackerTHE MECHANOMICON20:52
ybitit wasn't THE MECHANOMICON from what i gather20:52
ybitit seemed interesting20:52
kanzurethe title seems interesitng20:52
ybiti don't know if that's the title or just the title chapter20:53
ybitbecause a search for it shows nothing but papers20:53
genehackerintro to manuf processes schey20:53
ybittitle of the chapter*20:53
kanzurewell I just totally lost motivation to do my homework20:53
* kanzure writes a program20:53
genehackerwhat sort of problem?20:53
* ybit wants to see how sympy solved your cal homework, kanzure :)20:54
ybitand schey's books isn't in ebook format on the interwebs from what i gather20:54
genehackerI dare you to turn in a copy of the code show as work20:54
genehackerthat sucks20:54
kanzureblah = exp(1)**(3*x)20:55
genehackertry your local library20:55
kanzureblah2 = Derivative(blah)20:55
kanzureresult: 3*e^(3*x)20:55
genehackeryou don't need a sympy to do that20:55
kanzureyeah I know20:55
genehackerthat's easy20:55
kanzureit was just a simple test20:55
kanzureyou don't want to test it on the complicated stuff first :)20:55
genehackerderivers don't really work for complex stuff20:55
kanzuregive me something commplex20:56
genehackeron those problems you have to show work20:56
genehackerand the teacher will probably count off points if you use an autoderiver20:57
genehackerdoes sympy have a solve function?20:57
kanzuredon't worry, I'm not an idiot20:57
genehackerthat can find zeros?20:57
kanzureand series20:57
ybitfirst project for skdb: a book scanner20:57
ybitbased on legos20:57
genehackerwell then once I get my fluids homework back I'll give it something that gave my calculator trouble20:58
ybitscrew afm and others :)20:58
genehackerybit a lego universal constructor would be far more useful20:58
* ybit wants to know what military grade soldering circuit board work is20:58
ybitmaybe i should have asked the boss man, supposedly that's what i'll be doing tomorrow20:59
ybitmaybe he just means strictness in how much solder is applied to the components..20:59
genehackerwhen it needs to work after being shot at or shot out of a gun20:59
ybitgenehacker, you work on that. i'm going to scan a few books with this lego scanner 20:59
ybitquite a few of those type projects here, but i don't think that's what he was referencing21:00
genehackerwhat lego scanner?21:00
ybitGrouping parts based on geometrical shapes and manufacturing attributes using a neural network 21:05
ybitthink that was on adl21:05
ybitit's what google found when searching for genehacker's book21:06
ybitis a neural network necessary, what's the advantage...21:06
ybitRetrieving of parts with geometric similarity21:06
ybitthat's a chapter from the book Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms21:08
wrldpc2has anyone seen the television show "the colony" ?21:11
ybitkanzure: oh.. the plastic afm21:11
ybitright.. i don't think it was an entire afm21:12
ybitwrldpc2: no21:12
ybitwhy do you ask?21:12
wrldpc2lots of neat diy shit, they assembled this team of various specialists from different disciplines ... marine biologist, electronics specialist, martial artist, doctor, mechanical engineer, etc.21:13
wrldpc2it's a post-apoc Fallout type of situation. They cordoned off a sector of LA and shot the entire series there.21:13
kanzurewrldpc2: yes I've seen "the colony"21:13
genehackerI don't have a TV21:14
kanzureI watched one episode21:14
wrldpc2you have a comp you don't need a tv21:14
kanzurenot sure how likely it is that they just so happen to have an 80-bajillion-year-old mechanical and electrical engineer laying around21:14
kanzure"oh we simply make a particle accelerator"21:14
kanzurefuck that21:14
wrldpc2the electrical engineer is awesome21:14
kanzurehe was probably planted21:15
wrldpc2he looks like Dr. Wiley ... only anefarious21:15
genehackerTV what is this obscure techonoly21:15
genehackerso what did they have and and what did they make?21:18
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genehackerI wonder if they could've grown chorella...21:20
genehackeroh wait no water21:20
genehackera solenoid valve21:25
genehackerwhat'd they do for growing food?21:57
genehackerwhere'd they get the oranges21:58
ybitthere was a post-apacolyptic orange tree planting festival22:01
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