
--- Day changed Sat Sep 12 2009
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wrldpc2can i get the patent breaking links?01:59
wrldpc2You guys have to see this:  http://stickam.com/member/loadChatRoom.do?roomId=129996602:00
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ybitbkero, any84775927, fenn_adl, do you all use esd mats?09:58
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 1135eee /thirdparty/graphsynth.py: EmbeddingRule class for graphsynth10:18
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 1b5fe0e /packages/threads/generate.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb10:18
fennesd is only a problem if you have cats or carpet10:49
ybitthat's essentially what my dad said10:53
ybithe's the first goto person for my questions10:53
ybitbut i like to have second opinions10:53
ybithrm, when you guys are editing yaml, you type our four spaces? o.O10:55
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ybitsome of this seems useless11:02
ybit        equipment:11:02
ybit                safety glasses with side shields11:02
ybit           dry, hole-free insulating gloves11:02
ybitesd mats11:02
ybitventilation fan or vacuum11:02
ybitfire extinguisher11:02
ybitear protection11:02
ybitbutton shirt collar11:02
ybitoil free protective clothing:11:02
ybit    leather gloves11:02
ybit                    heavy shirt11:02
ybit                    cuffless pants11:02
ybit                    high boots11:02
ybitbuttoned shirt with collar for instance11:03
ybitfrom the safety guide: Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) can affect11:11
ybitImplanted Medical Devices.11:11
ybitwonder how it might affect someone with an rfid tag implanted11:12
* ybit stops blogging in irc11:13
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* ybit is becoming overwhelmed with standards and specifications11:54
* ybit needs a central repo for this, hmm...11:54
* ybit is looking up the welding helmet which is being used here12:04
ybithttp://www.jacksonsafety.com/linkdetails.cfm?groupid=3023293 kicks mine's ass12:04
ybithere's mine: http://www.jacksonsafety.com/linkdetails.cfm?groupid=300250712:06
ybithttp://www.jacksonsafety.com/images/WeldingTopBanner.jpg the guy looks like he has a computer screen mounted to his head :P12:07
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ybitkanzure: didn't you jot down an inventory list for the adl?12:41
* ybit wants it :)12:41
kanzureadl has no inventory12:41
kanzurejust a bunch of chairs12:41
fenn10 comfy chairs, 6 computers, twenty eight legos12:41
kanzure10 broken comfy chairs12:41
kanzurebroken or in the process of breaking12:41
ybitaka, comfy ;)12:42
fennactually it was the new guy, he stole my chair and substitued the broken one :(12:42
ybiti'm wanting to have all the equipment my school supplies at my the mancave soon 12:42
fennkanzure: http://www.opencascade.org/showroom/demos/# click on "Approximation"12:43
fenni think it goes through every point though12:44
ybitam aware of invenotory lists for fablabs, pcr, and...?12:44
fennreally what is the point of this inventory crap12:44
fenninventory is useless unless you have a model of what it does12:45
ybitbecause i can't keep up with it all in my puny head12:45
ybityes yes, we realize the importance of skdb :P12:45
ybithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cutting_torch.jpg ..looks dangerous12:47
ybit..from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazing_torch ..just trying to figure out what welding processes are used for what and why12:50
* ybit drools12:53
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* ybit wants to know wha the price of a laser cutter is and how many mW is used13:03
kanzurenot sure how to convert from Geom_BSplineSurface to Geom_Surface13:05
kanzurethis just casts a Geom_BSplineSurface as a Geom_Surface via Handle() http://www.opencascade.org/org/forum/thread_3984/13:05
fennabout the same as laser cutter of the same capacity, slightly less because you dont have to deal with so much metal vapor13:06
kanzurebut how do I do that?13:06
fennis that Geom.Handle?13:07
fennGeom stuff has a GetHandle or GetObject method13:08
kanzurethere is no Geom.Handle13:08
kanzurebut this just gives you Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface13:08
fennit's an instance of Handle_GeomSurface no?13:09
kanzurewhat is?13:09
fennHandle_Geom_BSplineSurface is a subclass of Handle_GeomSurface13:09
kanzureisinstance(Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface, Handle_Geom_Surface)13:09
kanzureoh 13:09
kanzurewell it's not an instance13:09
kanzureso that's the first problem13:09
kanzurebut yes help() shows that you are right13:09
fenndoes whatever you're trying to do actually fail if you pass a Handle_Geom_BSplineSurface instead13:09
kanzurefenn: what's the point of all these TColgp_Array20OfXY classes?13:20
fennthese = what?13:21
kanzureTColgp_Array and then every possible iteration you can imagine13:21
fenni have no idea13:21
kanzurewell luckily jelle somehow figured out that TColgp_Array is just an array but with this extra index parameter that it always insists on13:32
kanzurego jelle13:32
kanzureis it something about being french that helps you understand wtf is going on in OpenCASCADE?13:32
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fennybit: why are there no photographs of welding done close up through a welding mask, like what you'd actually see when welding?13:37
fennthis is pretty cool looking http://www.paul-binns-swords.co.uk/Pattern_welding.htm13:41
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ybitcreating a hackerspace is more difficult than one would think16:53
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genehackerkanzure are we still starting a hackerspace?17:02
ybitof course17:03
ybitwhere @, dunno17:03
ybitfenn_adl, i'm guessing you two aren't doing the h+ l.a. facility for awhile17:03
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kanzureybit: no, we do not type four spaces18:34
kanzureybit: set your tabwidth18:34
kanzurefwiw, http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/explore_opencascade.py doesn't entirely work yet but it sorta kinda works.18:35
kanzureit helps plot paths from one opencascade object to another18:35
kanzureso you're not left sitting around thinking "wtf"18:35
kanzuregenehacker: btw I was working on some surface model reconstruction code today18:39
kanzureit sort of works18:39
kanzureit takes a mesh and tries to make a brep18:39
kanzurewell, it takes a point cloud actually18:40
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ybitkanzure: i thought that18:57
ybit's what ya did18:57
ybit..at least after i asked, was hoping you wouldn't bring that back up ;P19:06
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ybittell me what you think20:02
ybitthe two circles are balconies, one shows what the top looks like, the other shows what's below20:02
any84775927can you financially afford balconies at this time?20:03
ybitit's not going to all be built at one time20:03
ybitthere's also a parking spaces, trees, and small gardesn decorating the outside to keep the view from being run-down 20:04
ybitsuggestions are welcome20:09
ybitbtw, it's a little scary, it's taken nearly 24 hours to sync my imap server with gmail, last i checked it was on ~70 thousandth message20:10
any84775927well, i dunno what humans want in any topic, so i don't know what they'd want in a machining facility20:11
ybitcome on, you've studied our species long enough, you're bound to know a little about the humans :P20:14
ybitas i've mentioned to someone... i'm kind of going for a co-working hackerspace type place20:15
any84775927regardless of being in here under a yr, i been alive over 1/2 a century, and i can still say i don't know20:15
ybit(for those who might not be familiar with the term)20:16
ybitthe presentation area is also a gaming zone or whatever the heck geeks want to do for fun20:17
any84775927i recommend a line of sight from the bug-free eating space to the machine you left running, somoene at the door to accept food and parcel deliveries in your name, and lots of floor space to rearrange office and equipment 20:17
ybitnow that's something i forgot, clean rooms20:18
ybitcan turn one of those photlith rooms in such a space20:18
any84775927"bug-free" includes the indoor gardens, btw20:18
ybityeah, i thought about plants such as the ones mentioned on some ted speech which produce oxygen and remove other stuff20:19
any84775927and you haveto make it intrinsically impossible to put a 10 ton manufactuing equipment up on the balcony20:19
any84775927yeas, reasearch indoor "waste" recycling to reduce recurring costs to city/county infrastructre20:20
genehackerspirulina be your plant20:20
genehackerfor space20:20
ybitmy dad and i were thinking about alternative energy sources20:20
any84775927and you need a lan room and ups/generator room20:21
ybitany84775927: ah, the data server room as well20:21
ybitnot sure what goes at the entrance just yet20:21
any84775927feed from your solar panels to the ups batetries, which can override the incoming ac lines and power at least the smaller loads while the shun sines20:22
any84775927i think i got the flues20:22
ybitmy dad was thinking wind turbines, but as we both soon found out, that may be, um, a little expensive :P20:22
any84775927yeas, and lightning attractors20:23
ybitdata storage and ups/generator room.. ty any84775927 20:23
any84775927can i has a grahm cracker, please?20:25
kanzurereconfigurable walls please20:26
any84775927i said that20:26
any84775927and lots of floor space to rearrange office and equipment 20:26
kanzureeverything on pallets20:27
any84775927err,,,, everything?20:27
kanzureincluding you20:27
any84775927oh,, and no parking under the balconies, so robots running amuck and crashing down, won't ruin the new investor's Mercedes20:28
ybitreconfigurable walls, haven't seen them before, ty20:29
any84775927everything remotely structural must take into account fire and thermal effects from fire20:30
kanzurepicked it up from this guy that stalks me around austin20:30
kanzurehe goes to all the conferences and events in austin that I do20:30
kanzureso we end up talking every once in a while20:30
any84775927ybit, "reconfigurable walls" IS "wide open space so everything can be moved"20:30
kanzurehis employer's hq's programmer's building is made of reconfigurable walls20:30
genehackerwait a minute20:30
genehackerrobots running around?20:30
genehackerwaht's happening?20:30
kanzureany84775927: no, you need walls for sound proofing everything20:30
kanzuregenehacker: did you see that I have been doing surface reconstruction of meshes?20:31
any84775927many many office spaces use cubicles with 5ft walls, but make all them moveable20:31
kanzurethought you'd get a kick out of that20:31
genehackersurface reconstruction?20:31
kanzurecubicles do not good walls for machine shops make20:31
kanzuregenehacker: yes, like "a point cloud -> 3D CAD"20:31
genehackeryou making a robot car or a 3d scanner?20:32
any84775927i agree, i was not limiting wall size, only sugegsting wide open spaces with no preconcieved limits wo that can me moved in them20:32
genehackerkanzure the next step is to use tri stereo cameras to make point clouds20:34
kanzurewell right now I'm just doing a single boundary surface from a group of points20:34
kanzureI need to stick together multiple patches next20:35
kanzuremaybe we can finally get all these damn STL files fixed20:35
kanzureand deleted forever20:35
genehackeryou know the robot car team might draft you if you can do it in real time20:37
kanzurehuh, opencascade jython scripting for OCC 1.3? http://www.opencascade.org/about/news/issue62/20:37
kanzurenobody will draft me20:37
kanzurethey will just tell me they want to20:37
kanzureand then not..20:37
genehackerwell I don't think there is another darpa challenge20:45
genehacker so it's unlikely20:45
any84775927but there is a darpa challenge, just not for driverless vehicles20:46
any84775927they want a 4cu ft computer, using less than 60kw, that will top the supercomputer list20:47
genehackerare you participating in said challenge?20:50
any84775927i did think up a 300ps cycle time for sustained instructions in a risc cpu, but cannot figure how to get data/instructions to it from memory, and that's not a big noteworthy accomplishment anyhow at state-of-the-art levels20:51
genehackeris this for pattern recognition and stuff20:52
any84775927ummm,,,, so? ok? and? huh?20:52
genehackeror just a general all purpose super computer?20:53
any84775927still has the same data bandwidth problem20:53
any84775927the darpa challenge? i didn't read up or rememeber it, it's outa my capability to compete in it20:53
any84775927i believe, since it would haveto run the speed tests to place, it's generalpurpose20:54
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 8633e31 /import_tools/ (STL_read.py STL_write.py stl.py): merged STL_read and STL_write into one file20:57
kanzureso who wants to guess what daniel's password is?21:06
any84775927daniel ?21:07
any84775927danielspasword ?21:07
any84775927that's a hell of  password21:11
kanzureno you should look at the file to see the password21:12
genehackermy password makes a really cool pattern when you look at in the unicode table space21:14
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genehackerkanzure are you using point cloud packages?21:29
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ybithttp://filebin.ca/fydbrv/hackerspace.png and i'm spent for tonight21:42
ybitthought about it21:46
ybitthat wouldn't be too hard to add into the drawing21:47
any84775927unfortunately, thoughting about it won't get me or steven hawking up tot he balcony21:47
ybiti'm through with plans for the time being, now i need to budget out for all of this + equipment21:47
ybitbut i happen to be a manly man with muscles, so problem solved ;)21:48
ybitalright, alright, elevators21:48
any84775927yeas, but i don't feel like being carried21:48
any84775927i'd rather sue you21:48
ybiti couldn't carry you but maybe two steps anyway due to my back 21:48
ybitback problems run in the family21:49
* any84775927 nods21:49
kanzurehey uhh21:57
kanzurewhere is cvsroot usually?21:57
-!- any84775927 is now known as katsmeow22:03
kanzurehttp://autoopencas.sourceforge.net/ hm..22:05
ybithttp://filebin.ca/ksrvgj/hackerspace.png only upon katsmeow's request. _no_more_ drawing for me tonight :P22:11
bkeroTHat's a bunch of space22:18
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katsmeowspecially costly considering the 12 inch think concrete floors in the heavy machinery space22:19
ybiter, i had uploaded the wrong pic last time. http://filebin.ca/fvbvkc/hackerspace.png22:26
ybit12 inches thick, aye?22:27
katsmeowless vibration!22:27
katsmeowi once say a 6 inch slab at a Home Depot that bounced an inch when forklifts ran over it,, you could distort a lathe bed fast that way, i suspect22:28
katsmeowoh good, stairs this time too, no more rapelling :-)22:28
katsmeowyou left out the library again22:29
katsmeowi am going to hurt IE,,, i could open png on win95b, and cannot on winxp, cusswords22:30
katsmeow ok, going to find dinner again22:31
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk22:31

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