
--- Day changed Mon Sep 14 2009
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kanzurefenn: why is paul smashing together revision control into his pointrel project?08:01
kanzureit seems like he's munging a lot of different things together needlessly08:01
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fenn"I'm curious if your local robotics group is in a frenzy? Things from the virtual end look as if they are really kickn in that area."08:03
fennhmm how do people get these flawed perceptions i wonder08:03
kanzuremaybe he meant "kickin the bucket"08:04
kanzurethat would be closer to the truth08:04
fennzero status updates or evidence of activity for 5 months == really kickn08:04
kanzurepay me $100,000 08:05
fennit's called "investment"08:10
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kanzurefenn: did we ever test Point(TopoDS_Vertex()) ?08:42
kanzurethe other day i was doing TopoDS_Vertex() -> Point for some reason08:47
kanzureguess i didn't merge08:47
kanzureis there a way to do that with OCC_triple fenn?08:47
kanzureoops, it was: Point(BRep_Tool().Pnt(TopoDS_Vertex()))08:48
kanzurehuh that leads to a segmentation fault08:48
kanzurefor the record I had the code in the make_point function in import_tools/surf.py08:53
fennTopoDS_Vertex() points to nothing, essentially, so when you try to do a cast, it accesses some random memory location. make sense?08:58
kanzurevertex is a TopoDS_Vertex09:02
kanzurelocation = vertex.Location()09:02
kanzure(I do that because I don't have TopLoc_Location imported and i'm lazy)09:03
kanzurebut it's always 009:03
kanzureso this tells me that these vertices aren't being given any values09:03
kanzureah guess I have to explore wires09:11
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kanzurewhy can't you add two dictionaries together?10:06
kanzuredictionary1.extend or dictionary1.append or dictionary1.add would be nice to have10:06
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fennum, those methods exist10:10
fennsorry it's called update10:11
kanzurehow do you determine whether or not to overwrite the dictionary?10:12
kanzureI mean, if there's a key conflict10:12
kanzureI guess there's "setdefault"10:12
fennwhat's "setdefault"?10:16
fenni guess it's whether you do a.update(b) or b.update(a)10:17
fenn"The dot option corresponds to attributed dot output, and is the default output format. "10:23
fennthey add layout attributes to the existing dot file, hence "ATtributing"10:23
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fennhmm how did it become monday already11:25
kanzuresaturday ate friday and sunday looked the other way11:26
fenndamn you sunday!11:26
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genehackerthe arrow of time11:46
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kanzurewhat's the control code for the windows newline '^M' ?11:55
kanzureescape sequence, sorry11:55
kanzureI guess it's \r11:55
genehackertry sacrificing a goat11:55
genehackersometimes it works11:56
fennjesus hates you11:56
kanzureon a related note, BRepTools_WireExplorer worked when it wasn't OOified, but now that it is, it's not? wtf?11:57
kanzureexplorer.More() is telling me there are no more points 11:57
kanzurebut .. but..11:58
genehackerwhy are you using winblows anyway?11:58
kanzurepythonOCC is written by windorks11:58
kanzureso they save these stupid files without any newlines11:58
kanzureso it's all on one line11:58
kanzurehad to do a regular expression to fix their shit11:58
kanzurewonder if windows 7 fixes this. my guess is no.11:58
genehackerwindows 7 takes 20 hours to install11:59
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kanzurenot quite, huh12:07
genehackerwhat's that weird line?12:08
kanzurethe program takes in a mesh and converts it into a point cloud12:09
kanzurein this case the mesh is a cube12:09
kanzurethe weird line is an attempt at a boundary representation12:09
kanzurei'm doing something wrong (i know what it is)12:09
fennlooks like one correct control point and a bunch of random control points12:13
kanzurewell i'm assuming the mesh is a single face12:13
fennmaybe you shouldnt start out with a cube then :)12:14
* kanzure throws a rancor at fenn12:14
fennso fablab.af is no more?12:15
kanzureworks for me12:15
kanzurecheck your /etc/hosts 12:15
kanzuredid you set it to be me?12:15
fennoh it moved12:15
kanzurenot a bad living arrangement: http://scripts.mit.edu/~emu/fab/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/beds.jpg12:16
kanzurehowever the computer in the room is weird12:16
kanzureguess they're all awake at the same time12:16
kanzureand where'd they find matching bed spreads anyway?12:17
genehackerthe local market I guess12:18
kanzurehah the email from the engineering library is funny12:19
kanzure"The McKinney Engineering Library is hosting two special events on Thursday, September 17 to commemorate IEEE’s 125 Birthday!"12:19
kanzure"Research Bites: 11:00 am- noon"12:19
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE407B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:19
kanzure"Get search tips and give product suggestions to IEEE representatives.  "12:19
kanzure"Free Pizza for the 1st 30 attendees. "12:19
kanzureso give the ieee guy a great product idea12:19
kanzureand get free pizza12:19
kanzuregot it12:19
kanzure(not that your idea is useful anyway)12:20
kanzureon second thought maybe it's worth at least two slices12:20
fenn"look a BOM!" http://scripts.mit.edu/~emu/fab/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/dsc_8873.jpg12:21
fennthe paper says "kenny and amy's shopbot install kit"12:21
kanzureoh my god that's almost useful12:22
kanzure"here's a picture of the tools you need"12:22
kanzure"and a picture of a list"12:22
* kanzure asks amy sun12:23
kanzurebah she left12:24
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fenni am sort of wondering where the cad files (or whatever passes for CAD in fab-dom) for FabFi are12:30
kanzurebtw there's a fab-lab-gurus mailing list12:31
fennoh. 'download'12:32
kanzureit's smari acting as an interface between some fablab runners he knows and openmanufacturing12:32
kanzure(because apparently "they can't handle it")12:32
kanzure(it, being the truth.)12:32
fennmaybe "it" is the signal to noise ratio12:33
kanzurethat there are people with the ideas that are presented on om12:33
fenn.png is a cad format?12:33
kanzureit is for cutters :(12:34
fennno, it isn't12:34
fenni dont understand why they don't use SVG12:34
fennit was obviously exported to DXF from some other drawing program12:35
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fenni dont know if autotracing the png is a good idea or not12:36
fenngod this DXF is terrible12:36
kanzurekanzure: but that's just CAD file format conversion right?12:38
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kanzurekanzure: that's not very useful12:38
kanzurekanzure: how does a PNG capture constraints?12:39
kanzureAmy: each pixel is meaningful, you just scale12:39
kanzureAmy: it depends on the object12:39
kanzureAmy: sometimes only a sepcific thing matters12:39
fennask why she doesn't use SVG12:39
dirahey there12:39
kanzurefenn: that was back in march12:39
kanzureshe did mention SVG before i did though12:40
kanzurethough not why it's not the first suspect12:40
kanzureoh yay she emailed me12:40
kanzurefenn: ok fwd'd it to you12:41
fennactually it's sort of hard to tell who is doing what, despite them blogging constantly12:41
kanzure"ps - important to have power drill, too"12:42
fennoh i don't really care about the shopbot install kit in particular12:42
fenni would like to make a package for FabFi assuming licensing is ok and files exist12:43
kanzureall these photos from afghanistan from fablab.af are fun12:44
kanzurebut in the back of my mind i'm laughing, "we make bomb now yes?"12:44
fenni guess.. i was looking at post-flood destruction12:44
kanzure"we make BOM now yes?"12:45
fenni sort of wonder how the afghani are so clueless in the fab lab when their brothers are out there making IED's12:45
kanzureprobably has something to do with "being extreme"12:45
fennisn't there some sort of reverse tech transfer from the militants? or are they actually all just foreigner12:46
kanzurelike, if you don't think your extreme, you thus try less or something?12:46
fenni dont think it has anything to do with trying12:46
fennthey have these shape charge thingies made from a machined cone of cast copper..12:46
fennnow, copper is rather difficult to machine, especially if you're in the middle of the frickin desert with no tools12:47
kanzureyou think IEDs are machined?12:47
kanzurewhat's improvised about a machined IED?12:47
fennso i'm looking at these kids with fancy CNC machinery who don't know what a drill bit is and wondering where it all went wrong12:47
fennuh, i saw some webpage somewhere which i'll probably never find again12:48
fennsigh. i'm off to have lunch12:48
kanzureanything in particular?12:48
kanzureme me me me12:48
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kanzurehm so sometimes a wire has points, but sometimes it wont and what you really want is an edge14:30
kanzurebut an edge only sometimes has points14:30
kanzurefenn: I'm really really tired of swig telling me that I can't pass something to something else15:01
kanzureit breaks dynamic typing15:01
kanzureany way around this?15:01
drazakkanzure: tito is lulz15:09
kanzurethe wangan midnight ost isn't terrible15:38
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drazakfenn: are you ben lipkowitz?16:13
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kanzureoo way: 0 points on all wires16:19
kanzurenon-oo way: 36 points on all wires16:19
kanzurehowever when I let the oo-way consider edges, oo way: 72 points from all of the wires and edges16:19
kanzure(and if I let the oo-way to consider only edges and not wires, it's still 72)16:20
kanzurewhich one is the wrong one?16:20
kanzureseems to me that all wires are turned into edges in the oop version (even though I'm not doing that)16:21
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 59f7165 /import_tools/surf.py: committing before some big OO changes16:59
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 69bc292 /geom/geom.py: worked on Shape, Face, Wire classes in geom module16:59
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 2ed1805 / (4 files in 4 dirs): changed surface approximation code over to oo, plus some unit tests16:59
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kanzureshould i continue as if i only had a point cloud?17:16
kanzureor take advantage of the faces?17:16
kanzureif i assume i only have a point cloud then it will be more generally applicable, although it will likely take longer to figure out17:16
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drazak36 kanzure 17:19
kanzureactually i decided i was ok with 72 and i'll just have to filter out the dupe points17:19
kanzurefenn: ok set requires both __eq__ and __hash__ to be defined for its elements17:24
kanzurewhy didn't it throw me an exception?17:25
* katsmeow-afk knows only GATTACA17:42
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genehackerrepair person made my laptop worse17:57
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katsmeow-afk Gadsden Alabama: man uses hospital equipment to beat on and break out 7th floor window, leaps out, dies. The police say it was an accidental death, determining the man did not intend to hit the ground.18:03
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bkeroI don't expect to hit the ground18:10
katsmeow-afkwhen leaping from a 7th floor window?18:11
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wrldpc2hey rook18:20
fennmaybe he thought he could fly. was it a mental hospital?18:23
fennit's surprising how often the answer is obvious18:25
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kanzureis rook some sort of anonymous root?18:36
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ybitfenn: you're my hero18:38
ybitat least for a second before strange looks start coming my way18:39
ybithttp://web.mit.edu/2.810/www/lecture/Gutowski - Thermo Analysis.pdf18:39
ybiti was thinking about this for the first half of the day today18:39
wrldpc2nah rook is my friend brian, coder from RI19:13
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kanzuregenehacker: paul rothemund is presenting at noon tomorrow20:27
genehackerWOAH THANKS20:28
kanzureif you want all of his papers, try this: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/rothemund/20:31
katsmeow-afk"As a research fellow at Caltech, Rothemund has developed a technique to manipulate and fold strands of DNA known as DNA Origami." , so if he wanted, he could make a virus to unfold the mad cow prions and fold them back up properly?20:36
katsmeow-afkpraps he shold run a spell checker before he uploads his creds to wikipedia : "The DNA created would be able to devour certain pollutents in the air"20:37
kanzuredont think he put those there20:39
kanzurehe's kind of popular these days20:39
genehackerand that is why I can't use wikipedia anymore20:41
katsmeow-afki find, if nothing else, it gives me a narrower error window to refute20:43
ybitkatsmeow-afk: :)21:24
ybitanyone used freecad?21:24
ybitocc is not gpl compliant iirc, how can you base software (skdb, freecad) on it and make it gpl21:24
ybitArchimedes, gcad3d,BRL-CAD, varkon from the open cad group21:27
ybithaven't tried 1,2 or 421:27
ybitarchimedes looks 2d21:29
ybiti like how in the vokron's documentation, the 2. Why Varkon? section is completely empty21:30
ybithttp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/graphics/sced/ Sced is a modelling program that makes use of geometric constraints to edit objects in a virtual world. The scenes created can be exported to a variety of rendering programs, including:21:32
ybit* POVray * Radiance * Rayshade * RenderMan(R) compliant programs, such as the Blue Moon Rendering Tools * VRML browsers 21:32
ybitgcad3d looks the most polished21:32
ybitof the unknown cad programs21:32
ybitwhy? please just contribute to skdb already :P21:33
ybitso says someone who hasn't21:34
ybitI'm afraid some day you're going to start forwarding skdb commit messages21:38
ybitdirectly to the diybio list...21:38
kanzureis that a suggestion fenn?21:43
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ybitdavid nunez is located in austin?21:57
* ybit is off to bed21:58
katsmeow-afknite ybit21:58
ybitgn katsmeow-afk 21:59
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wrldpc2name: a good free irc client for linux?22:24
kanzureirssi, bitchx, thousands of others22:25
genehackerI here you can't use irssi in public22:25
QuantumGXChat is actually usable :)22:25
genehackerbecause people think you're an 3vi1 h4x0r 0h n035!!!!!22:26
fennkanzure: definitely NOT a suggestion22:35
fennhence the "snarkily yours"22:36
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genehackerkanzure have you ever turned in a program as a way to "show work" and did you get away with it?23:37
genehackerlike for a class assignment23:38

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