
--- Day changed Fri Sep 25 2009
* ybit wasn't aware of specx dragon00:16
fennkind of amazing isn't it.. SpaceX will be taking over from the shuttle00:20
fenn... proving once again, computer geeks can do anything! :)00:21
fennor maybe it's just proving how bad governments are at doing anything at all00:22
katsmeow-afk In June 2009, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk stated that the company plans to conduct the maiden flight in 2009 <<== did they?00:31
katsmeow-afkhmm, the Falcon 9 reminds me of the missile in "First Encounter"00:32
fennyes, the first flight had a boo boo which was fixed for #200:36
fenni recall watching that live, quite a sphincter clencher00:36
fennthe spent stage 1 fairing klonked the stage 2 motor upon separation (unexpected wind shear or somesuch) which caused it to wobble, then the contro system overcorrected and went into positive feedback00:38
katsmeow-afkhow did they fix that?00:38
fenndont remember00:39
katsmeow-afkWind Shear [ON/OFF] (off)00:39
fennoh wait nm00:39
fennthat was 200800:40
fennnow i'm confuzzled00:41
katsmeow-afkoh i seem to remember something, they blew the side panels which separated the stages, and the top stage slowed down while the spent stage below it didn't00:42
fennok falcon_1 != falcon_900:43
fennfalcon_9 has 9x the same engine in falcon_100:43
fennbut they are both orbital vehicles00:43
katsmeow-afkmy solution was to install a couple JATO bottles to blow the two stages apart while the top stage engines lit00:43
fennthey use a pneumatic cylinder00:43
genehackersounds reusable00:44
genehackeris it?00:44
katsmeow-afkbut if the same condition exists, that the top stage engine isn't lit while the lower stage overruns it, the pneumatic piston is in one place, while the stages are free to move in 3D 00:45
fennwhat condition?00:45
fennseparation while stage 1 is still running?00:45
katsmeow-afkbefore stage2 lites00:45
fennyou want to separate before lighting stage 200:46
fennotherwise *BOOM*00:46
katsmeow-afki agree, but i don't think a point contact pneumatic piston will do it00:46
katsmeow-afkthe stage 1 can skew to one side and still overrun the stage200:46
genehackerone thing you can do with a pneumatic cylinder that's cool00:46
genehackeris you can hook it up a fluidic or pneumatic control system that doesn't have any failure prone chips00:47
genehackermaybe fluidic ICs but no semiconductor chips00:47
fennthat sounds totally unnecessary00:47
fennheavy and unreliable00:48
katsmeow-afki think i'd have a couple or 4 *small* selfcontained engines, like JATO, fire them at separation, guarantee some distance00:48
katsmeow-afkslow down stage100:48
katsmeow-afklet stage2 coast up, tho it will still slow while in the air00:49
genehackerjato introduces problems00:49
genehackerdo you know why?00:49
fennwhat keeps them from blasting hot exhaust onto the bottom of stage 2?00:49
fenngenehacker: they explode randomly?00:49
katsmeow-afkFenn, angles00:49
genehackerno they can though00:49
fennkatsmeow-afk: you need some distance for that to work00:49
katsmeow-afkall rockets *can* explode randomly00:49
genehackerdo you know what human rated means?00:49
fennnot really00:50
katsmeow-afkmeans no bats are allowed to nest uop in the solid boosters prior to deton,, i mean, ignition00:50
fennisn't that "bat rated"?00:50
genehackerit means really really really comprehensive testing00:50
genehackerbut the thing is a human would have to put the jato in00:51
fenn"no humans allowed to nest on top of the spacecraft"00:51
genehackerthat might be dangerous00:51
fennoh pff'00:51
katsmeow-afkwhat do you mean "a human would have to put the jato in" ,, isn't the rocket built by humans anyhow?00:51
fennif a technician dies they don't hold a national memorial00:51
genehackerbetter to fill the rocket up with fuel from far away00:51
genehackeryeah it is00:51
* fenn never understood that double standard00:51
genehackerhere's the thing fenn00:51
katsmeow-afkjato is standard equipment in short runway cargo planes00:52
genehackerwhen you take rockets apart and put them together you have to have 3 technicians00:52
genehackerto do one job00:52
fennno i don't00:52
genehackerone does the job00:52
katsmeow-afknot they *use* them in a often standard way, but they have them, there's mounting brackets etc on the aircraft00:52
genehackerthe other watches the technician doing the job to make sure they're doing it right00:52
genehackerthe third documents EVERYTHING00:53
fennthat sounds triply stupid00:53
genehackeror at least that's how NASA does it00:53
fennit should be a robot doing it in the first place00:53
katsmeow-afkGemini and Murcury had some stupid problems in the conenctions in interstage couplings, that's why they use 3 techs now00:53
genehackerthen that robot should be very very very very very failure proof and have pentuply redundant sensing systems and perfect code00:54
genehackerthat's why the shuttle uses old hardware00:54
fennno, you have a human check what the robot does00:54
genehackerhow do you know that human isn't slacking off?00:54
katsmeow-afkmagnetic ring memory landed the astronouts on the moon even00:55
fennyou hang him by the balls if the rocket explodes00:55
genehackerhow do you it was him?00:55
fennit doesn't matter if it was him00:55
katsmeow-afkwhat if she doesn't have balls?00:55
genehackerthat's what the other two techs do00:55
genehackerthey make sure they do the job00:55
* fenn considers various possibilities00:55
genehackerdon't you know anything about NASA?00:56
fenni guess you'd have to make her hang by someone else's balls00:56
fennproving once again women are twice as inefficient as men :P00:57
katsmeow-afkno, the rule to hang her by balls is inefficient00:57
genehackerthe thing is rockets tend to carry critical cargo00:57
fennok but someone has to take responsibility!00:57
genehackerit's much cheaper to do a bunch of inspection than have something not reach orbit00:58
fenngenehacker: but what would motivate the techs to make sure they're doing the job right?00:58
genehackerthe other techs, the documentation, the ability to make money if they get the other techs in trouble01:00
genehackerI don't know exactly how nasa does it01:00
genehackerall I know is they're absolutely crazy about safety01:00
fennwhole lot of good it's done01:01
genehackergot us to the moon01:01
fenn"our spaceships are 94% reliable!"01:01
katsmeow-afkgot us to the moon and cooked lotsa astronauts to!01:01
genehackersuch is the case with complex technology01:02
* katsmeow-afk points out the explosion on the way tot he moon, the Cahallenger, and the 100% O2 fire01:02
genehackerthere will always be unanticipatable mistakes01:02
fenni love how people try to not count the exploded shuttles in reliability figures01:02
katsmeow-afkthey were NOT unanticipated, they were stupid 01:02
genehackerso were some nuclear bomb accidents01:03
katsmeow-afksure, but no trained humans volunteered to sit on the nukes while they were set off01:03
fennnuclear bomb accidents?01:03
genehackeryeah nuclear bomb accidents01:04
fennexample plz01:04
fennwith > 1000 nuclear tests i'm sure there were some accidents01:04
fennbut i've never heard about it01:04
genehackerthere was a thing on the history channel about it01:04
katsmeow-afki've not heard of a nuke that went off that wasn't intended01:04
fennalso lots of people got hurt but it was through idiot generals calling the shots even though the scientists knew better.. is that an accident?01:05
katsmeow-afkthere's been planes carrying them,  drop them, crash with them01:05
katsmeow-afkand i heard a booster detonated in a silo with nukes on it, they didn't go off01:05
fennnukes only go off if you want them to01:05
fennvery hard to get it to work at all01:05
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genehackerwell when nukes fail they don't make a big nuclear explosion, the conventional explosives detonate making an effect similar to a dirty bomb01:06
katsmeow-afkand i heard of a ladder being in an access hatch on a missile boat when the crane was given the go-ahead to lift eh missile ot of the tube01:06
genehackerdropping the nukes has resulted in the conventional exploding01:06
katsmeow-afkwrecked the ladder,, and the missile01:06
katsmeow-afkand the silo01:06
katsmeow-afkand a few carreers01:06
katsmeow-afkbeen a few nuke subs sink while tied up to dock due to stupidity too01:07
katsmeow-afkand several deep-sixed due to the reactor scramming and leaving the boat unpowered in a dive01:08
katsmeow-afkone still in the Pacific, two still in the Atl that i know of01:08
fennu-235 isn't all that radioactive01:08
genehackersome even had nuclear bomb torpedoes01:08
fennpu-239 is more radioactive but is it really that bad?01:09
fennyou can hold it in your hand and not die01:09
genehackerbut not to worry, Pu-210 is insoluble in ocean water01:09
katsmeow-afki heard it said that one atom of Pu0239 inhaled *will* cause you cancer, but it's unlikely you will find an atom of the stuff01:09
fennnot true01:10
katsmeow-afki didn't say in your hand01:10
katsmeow-afki said inside you where it will stay a while01:10
genehackerholy cow01:10
genehackerit's green01:10
genehackerIT'S REALLY GREEN01:10
fenni know someone who inhaled a grain of plutonium.. not sure what isotope or even if it was a single isotope01:10
fenngenehacker: it's not green, it's dull silver01:10
katsmeow-afkand krypton is a gas01:11
genehackerwell if it's just a grain, then they fish it out of you using a geiger counter01:11
genehackerlooks sorta green01:11
fennapparently it wasn't possible to fish it out01:11
katsmeow-afkpraps he coughed it upin slime01:11
fennhe had it stuck in his lungs for 10 years, was in the process of suing los alamos01:11
genehackerplutonium microstructures are cool01:12
fennanyway i don't think a nuclear bomb hitting the ground is all that big of a deal01:13
fenni mean you have to clean it up, but it's not a dirty bomb disaster01:13
fennan active reactor releasing into the environment is a lot worse01:13
* katsmeow-afk is going to keep looking up anyhow,, err,, that was a slogan in the cold war01:13
genehackeryou have to clean it up, it's more of a political night mare01:13
fennmedical equipment is probably more reactive01:14
genehackermedical equipment also has to be human rated01:14
katsmeow-afki wonder if we can still buy americium in the hardware stores01:14
genehackeryou can use it to make a nuclear rocket if you have enough01:15
fennyou can still buy tritium keychains01:15
fennyou can make .. a keychain01:15
katsmeow-afki considered that briefly01:15
genehackerI still want one01:15
katsmeow-afkany safer than thorium?01:16
fennalpha particles don't go through glass01:16
katsmeow-afkthey don't use thorium in vac tube emitters or in watch dials anymore01:16
fennyou would have to crack it open and purposefully inhale it (hydrogen is lighter than air)01:16
katsmeow-afknot that i have a clue what all this nuke mumbo jumbo you guys are discussing <whistle><whistle>01:17
* fenn waves to CIA-32 01:18
fenni thought it was radium on the watch dials01:19
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ciayep, we heard you01:19
fennhello someone01:19
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fenngee i wonder who that could have been01:19
genehackerhey guys want to harvest plutonium from a sunken nuclear submarine?01:20
katsmeow-afki freaked out some noob doing that one day01:20
genehackerit's like weapons grade01:20
katsmeow-afk*want* to? not really01:20
fennwhat would you do with it?01:20
fennbesides die of radiation sickness01:20
katsmeow-afki wold not mind having the reactor and engines/generators in working order tho01:20
genehackermake a nuclear rocket, what do you think I'd do with it?01:20
fennbut nuclear rockets made from plutonium kinda suck01:21
fennnot gas phase01:21
fennlow exhaust velocity01:21
fennit's something like 2x the performance of LOX/H2 but you get to lug around a nuclear reactor and heat exchangers too01:21
katsmeow-afkthe pulse bomb roctet worked on paper, and in models using firecrackers01:21
katsmeow-afkeasy way to put 2000tons to Mars in one stage01:22
fennorion was based on an assumption that never panned out.. the ability to make cheap hydrogen bombs without having to use a fissile starter01:22
genehackeroh dang01:22
genehackerdon't need plutonium01:22
fennalso it never would have gotten off the ground politically 01:22
genehackerscrew the nuclear sub01:22
katsmeow-afki thought they *hadto* use fissile to get propulsion outside the atmosphere, from the ablative disk01:23
fennjust say you're a poor developing nation in need of small nuclear reactors01:23
genehackeranyway this one proposed nuclear rocket had so much power it would be VTOL01:23
genehackerand could land on any suitably flat surface01:23
genehackerlike a walmart parking lot01:23
katsmeow-afkand remain radioactive for 50k years?01:23
fenneh? don't all rockets do that?01:23
genehackera VTOL rocket01:24
genehackerVTOL from fucking orbit01:24
katsmeow-afkbeen done, genehacker01:24
katsmeow-afkoh,, from orbit?01:24
genehackerhas it been done?01:25
genehackerVTOL rockets that go to orbit and back?01:25
katsmeow-afknot from orbit, unless you count the mon landings01:25
fennhuh.. quite a lot of info here http://www.projectrho.com/rocket/rocket3c2.html01:26
fenn"The trouble is the uranium shoots out the exhaust as well."01:26
katsmeow-afki hate it when that happens01:27
fenn"In some designs the reaction chamber is spun like a centrifuge. This encourages the heavier uranium to stay in the chamber instead of leaking into the exhaust. This makes for a rather spectacular failure mode if the centrifuge's bearings seize. "01:27
katsmeow-afkoh shit yea01:28
genehackerforgot about projecthro01:28
fennanyway i wasn't terribly impressed with nuclear thermal solid01:28
fennthe lightbulb concept has a lot going for it though01:29
genehackerhere it is01:30
genehackerVTOL SSTO01:30
fennthe sad thing is we don't even need heavy lift rockets, if someone would just put up a rotating tether01:30
genehackerno nanotubes?01:30
fennjust polyethylene01:30
fennfishing line stuff01:31
katsmeow-afkwhat if the rocket was large enough to use magnetic containment for the fusion/fission components, while the propellant leakes out of the magnetics?01:31
genehackersomeone proposed that01:31
katsmeow-afkyeas, i just did01:31
genehackerhow much polyetheylene?01:31
genehackerhow long how thick?01:31
fenn100km long, uh.. i forget how thick01:31
fennit's tapered01:31
fennsomething like 1 ft wide by 20 micron thick ribbon01:32
genehacker20 microns thick?01:33
genehackeras thin as a garbage bag?01:33
fennhang on.. it's one of these papers01:33
genehackerdoesn't that go into the atmosphere01:33
fennonly the very low end, which is made of a different material01:34
fennsomething heat resistant.. titanium i think01:34
fennblah all these links are wrong01:35
fennso apparently they took down some papers because of ITAR01:36
genehackerwhat's that?01:36
genehackerdang if I could only find my solar balloon calculations01:37
genehackerI have how much area a garbage bag produces01:37
fennso apparently hypersonic planes are sensitive information now01:39
fennok '3 braids of 3000 denier Zylon fiber'01:40
katsmeow-afki wonder if that means they actually made one work01:40
fennhah no way01:40
fennwe would be able to see it01:40
katsmeow-afkthe military wanted them really badly, for cruise missiles01:40
fenncruise missiles from space?01:41
katsmeow-afklaunch and hit anywhere on earth in 2 hrs01:41
fenner.. i dont see how that has anything to do with tethers01:41
katsmeow-afkremember the Clinton cruise launch that took hours to reach some site, and everyone left while the missiles were in transit?01:41
genehackerno way01:42
genehackerI don't believe it01:42
katsmeow-afkoh,, i thought you were replying to what i said01:42
genehackerI can't believe it fenn01:42
fennwell genehacker i guess this is the least sucky paper still online http://www.tethers.com/papers/MXERJPC2003Paper.pdf01:42
genehacker100 kilometers by 1 foot of polyethylene01:42
genehackeris 9 373.82827 garbage bags01:42
genehackerat 20 garbages bags per container at ~$201:43
genehackeris 937.38282701:43
fennweird how the numbers work out01:43
fenntether mass is 9370 kg01:43
genehackerthis can't be right01:43
genehackersurely it'd be cheaper01:44
fennbut that number comes from 8870 kg zylon = 500 kg copper01:44
genehackerif you could find a factory willing to produce an 100 kilometer long strip of garbage bag plastic01:45
fennno, it's not the same stuff01:45
fennnot all polyethylene is created equal01:45
genehackeris this electrospun polyethylene01:46
fennwelp there goes the ol' browser01:46
genehackerstill launch cost $500 per kg01:48
fennsaul griffith at it again? "The world kite altitude record for a single kite is being attempted in Australia using (11 km and 10 km long) lines of this material"01:48
fenn$5M is peanuts for international space infrastructure01:49
fennit cost $40M to renovate my high school01:49
genehackeronly $5M?01:50
genehackerdid it really cost $40M01:51
fennwell launch cost isn't actually $500/kg is it?01:51
genehackerwell more importantly does it work?01:51
fenn"nobody knows"01:51
genehackerwhat about radiation?01:51
fennthe experiments seemed to work as expected01:51
genehackertether degradation in space?01:51
fennnot that much radiation in low earth orbit01:52
fennanyway i don't think it's a problem01:52
fennthe big issue is foreign object damage01:52
genehackerand deployment01:52
fennand simulation, oddly enough01:52
genehackerwe can't even get a damn sail to deploy01:52
fennthe tether is long enough that you can't model it as a point mass01:52
fennalso you have to take into account the differing values of gravity along its length01:53
genehackerso cost of this thing is about 5 mil right?01:54
fennno, more like $50M i guess01:54
fennand then it can bootstrap itself01:54
genehackerstill less than the budget of some small cities01:55
fenni'm not good at estimating costs01:55
genehackerhmmm... get celebrity01:56
genehackerinterested in this, get celebrity to get divorced with other celebrity,??? profit!01:56
genehackerscam the mormons get to space!01:57
fennyou know they would probably fund it if persuaded properly01:58
genehackeroh I know start a cult or something01:58
fennoops the earlier density values were wrong01:59
fennactually 8*3*3000 denier + 14*3*1000 denier = 0.012kg/m02:00
genehackerwhat values02:00
genehackerdoes that increase the cost?02:00
fennbut that doesn't add up to 9370 kg does it02:01
genehackerdo the math02:01
genehackerI'm studying for a test at the moment02:01
fenndid you take chemistry last year?02:01
genehackerI took that 2 years ago02:02
fenni'm wondering if teaching quantum mechanics in introductory chemistry is normal02:02
fennwell it doesn't seem terribly relevant to most chemistry problems02:02
genehackerwhy do you ask this?02:03
fennkanzure was whining about it02:03
genehackeris it that energy shell stuff diagram thing?02:03
fennuh.. no02:03
fennit's what you use to generate that diagram02:04
fennand other stuff02:04
genehackerthe spdf stuff?02:04
fennyou know what, nevermind02:04
genehackeror that what's it called diagram with bonds and stuff02:04
fenndid you actually pass chemistry?02:04
fenndoes "principal quantum number" sound familiar?02:05
genehackeroh yeah02:05
genehackerfuck even had to use that in materials02:06
genehackerit's pretty useful02:06
fennone of these days i'm going to sit down and figure this stuff out02:08
genehackerfor what?02:09
fennso i don't have to take it on faith that "The wavefunction of the Schrödinger wave equation reduces to the three equations that when solved lead to the first three quantum numbers."02:09
fennaw man this is just awful.. wikipedia fails at math as usual02:13
genehackerhmmm... to use wikipedia or not to use wikipedia02:13
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katsmeow-afkA team of engineers and artists working at the University of Washington's Solheim Rapid Manufacturing Laboratory has developed a way to create glass objects using a conventional 3-D printer.03:33
katsmeow-afkThe "spaser-based nanolasers" created in the research were spheres 44 nanometers, or billionths of a meter, in diameter - more than 1 million could fit inside a red blood cell. 03:49
genehackeroh shit03:53
genehackerI didn't realize they were that small03:53
genehackerwonder if one could make a phased array of those...03:54
* katsmeow-afk crawls off to bed03:55
katsmeow-afkgoogle will stay up to feed you more data :-)03:55
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fennkanzure: you're baking the surface as well as the pie05:24
fennthe whole affix thing isn't really that important i guess05:24
fennthe point was supposed to be that you merge contexts when you put two things together05:25
fennbut you aren't even keeping track of context05:25
fennyou might say "but i kept the pie together with surface!" but i'd argue that's wrong because you're not supposed to bake the surface05:26
fennyou should put the pie in a new context in order to bake it, see?05:26
fennand just call it Action ffs05:27
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fenni think i prefer 'operation' instead of 'action'05:34
fennbut something has to perform that operation eventually05:34
fennthe act of being performed makes it an action, i guess05:35
kanzurei usually put a pie in a bowl06:05
kanzureand then bake the pie in the bowl06:05
kanzureguess i wasn't thinkin06:05
fennbut 'surface' isnt a bowl06:05
kanzurethat's true06:06
kanzureobviously this needs some work06:06
fennit's a table which is connecte to a floor which is what the agent is standing on, providing relative positioning06:06
kanzurei think that this is an easy modification06:06
fennso i don't really care what the surface is, but you can't put the whole kitchen inside the oven06:06
kanzureif you can't stand the heat, don't put the kitchen in the oven?06:07
fennno, you can't, because the oven is in the kitchen and we have locally flat spacetime06:07
kanzuremaybe it's a möbius strip06:08
kanzurewe call this "topology with kanzure at 6 am"06:08
kanzure(posted in august)08:12
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kanzurehello mquin 09:15
mquinhello kanzure 09:16
kanzurewhat's up?09:17
mquinnot a whole lot, just drinking coffee and listening to an old podcast09:19
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kanzure"mealmaster files" ? haha09:30
kanzureseems to be more about a gui than the actual class structure09:37
kanzurebut gourmet.GourmetRecipeManager.recipeManager.gourmet.reccard might have some useful classes (maybe not)09:38
kanzureoh, gourmet.recipeManager09:39
kanzureand if you install via the .deb on the sf download page you have to do import sys; sys.path.append('/usr/share/gourmet');09:40
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kanzurean internet connection is wonderful in class...11:57
kanzurei have no idea why magnesium is showing up in those diagrams11:58
kanzuredoes anyone in austin want some metal roof construction work with "john griessen"?12:05
kanzurehe wants to eventually hire for "some engineering circuit design and fab work"12:06
kanzurejohn runs "ecosensory" in austin12:08
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r a312db3 /doc/proposals/action.py: refactoring the build method in the pie example12:45
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ybithttp://heybryan.org/school/ch301/2009-09-25.html 13:45
ybitwhat are you doing here?13:45
ybitare you typing out everything the prof. says during class or recording it and then typing it out later?13:46
kanzureduring class.13:50
kanzurefor anyone interested, john is paying $10 for stacking shingles and $12/hr for roof assembly at 39th and bailey (near 38th and lamar)13:51
kanzureguess genehacker isn't going to want to do that13:51
kanzureis an ODE always "steady state" or is a steady state equation always an ODE?14:06
-!- bzSmari [n=spm@194-144-23-6.du.xdsl.is] has joined #hplusroadmap14:35
bzSmariThis one?14:35
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kanzure hey AchiestDragon 14:40
kanzureybit: you may be interested in this: http://library.ncrtm.org/AT/RESNA_2007/StudentDesign/Other/Keena.html14:40
kanzureit's a page-turning machine. the designs are sitting in a giant 8 inch binder in front of me14:40
AchiestDragonhmmm  interestingly as a solution to a problem  its not an effective one ,, ie the pages you may struggle on by hand as you can sort of tell that 2 pages are stuck together ,  that machine would skip so you could miss a chapter 14:43
kanzurewe were thinking of debinding books and scanning them14:43
kanzurewhen you debind them i imagine you'd want to "fan" them. if there is a missing page, you can detect this by OCR of the page numbers (this is about the only thing that you're capable of OCRing)14:44
AchiestDragonwell for that application yea ,, but not to hold the book infornt of you and have it turn the pages 14:44
AchiestDragonexept ofr disabled use i guess14:44
bzSmarikanzure, why?14:44
kanzurebzSmari: what?14:45
AchiestDragonsmme reson a printer may occasionaly take 2 pages though if you had not fanned the paper before putting it in the tray 14:45
kanzurebzSmari, AchiestDragon is working on a cnc machine that i thought you might like to hear about14:45
bzSmarikanzure, ah14:46
bzSmariI'm actually working on an articulated arm with a thermoplastic extruder on it.14:47
AchiestDragonftp://adl.serveftp.org/home/achiestdragon/all machine 3d.pdf        14:47
AchiestDragonall one link 14:47
bzSmariThe idea is that a few of these can cooperate.14:47
AchiestDragonbig file for one page  though 14:48
kanzurebzSmari: you have an account14:48
kanzurenothing seems to be in there14:48
kanzureah maybe it's taking a while to load14:49
bzSmariFairly good kgcm/$ ratio.14:50
ybitthat's a a large pdf AchiestDragon, mind telling what machine that is while this historic computer loads the file?14:51
AchiestDragonhttp://www.arceurotrade.co.uk/Catalogue/Stepper-Motors/Stepper-Motors    14:51
AchiestDragonthe 220Ncm ones with the 10mm shaft  about hlaf way down that page are the ones i use 14:52
AchiestDragonsmaller dia and about the same  touqe 14:52
bzSmariAchiestDragon, nice! Thanks!14:53
AchiestDragonthat machine has a travel of  800mm * 400mm * 300mm   (32" * 16" * 12")  and should be able to machine  aluminium (at about a 4mm square cutting apture) 14:57
AchiestDragonso nice things like  fully sculptured  19" rack mount pannles could be machined from 20mm thick  aluminium plate14:58
ybitinteresting things to do with an stm14:59
kanzureooh. http://www.kirtas.com/15:00
ybitwhere can i purchase (or be given freely) neural stem cells?15:03
kanzurecarolina probably has some cell lines growing15:04
AchiestDragonwhat makes me laugh is  on 90% of all books printed in the last 20 years  are all electonicaly pre pressed  so the publisher should still have basicaly a high def pdf of it they could distribute anyway 15:04
kanzurebzSmari: do you know if all ODEs are steady state, or if all steady state systems can be described by ODEs? which way around is it15:05
ybitcarolina doesn't carry stem cells :P closest thing they have is a video about it15:11
ybitmaybe i should contact a few professors asking if they would be willing to share15:11
ybitbecause it's hard to cultivate them from mice15:11
ybit(as opposed to just growing them)15:12
-!- jonathan__ [n=jonathan@] has joined #hplusroadmap15:13
kanzurehey jonathan__.15:13
kanzurefeel free to rant about features that you want to see in your codebase15:14
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jonathan__one next step is creating the database format for the physical object measurements and the vectors for handling the objects.  i.e.  "griener-96well-plate x,y,z 96 wells" etc 15:16
kanzurewhat's the proper name of the library btw?15:17
jonathan__either using the datasheet measurements or using the robot itself to measure15:17
jonathan__just "Robotics"15:18
jonathan__or perl Robotics15:18
kanzurekinda ambiguous15:18
bzSmarikanzure, no, I don't think all ODEs are steady state...15:19
bzSmaribut I might be wrong.15:19
kanzurewell i guess search.cpan.org brings it up immediately15:19
bzSmariI haven't done any ODE stuff for years.15:19
kanzurejonathan__: i opt for hiding away the BS that the manufacturer has used as a protocol, and instead make the internal database and input/output file formats clean yaml15:20
* kanzure wonders if jonathan is aware of the emc project15:21
jonathan__there's multipple yaml databases..   the internal vendor one, is for the language parsing only, not exposed to user15:21
kanzureno funny business?15:21
jonathan__the user application will use either "robotic english" to control, or very high level api's.   not dependent on vendor concept.  the low level robot commands are very scalable.  the windows gui scripting language from the vendor is where they messed up and fit everything into a narrow user model.15:24
kanzurecan't help but think that you might be re-implementing some emc features15:25
kanzure(for the more general features)15:25
AchiestDragon the main problem with emc is its need for a real time kernel 15:26
jonathan__most software is a re-implementation of something else...15:26
jonathan__perl robotics is very high level.  the robot does all the real time.15:27
AchiestDragonjust makes it a bit impractical where the pc controling the cnc is usualy the same machine you would use for cad , and other desktop stuff ,15:27
jonathan__it could be that perl robotics sits on top of all that other stuff15:27
jonathan__exactly, the primary goal of using perl is easy client/server protocol to the local PC15:28
AchiestDragonwell there is a emc related hardware and software problem that needs to be addressed 15:28
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AchiestDragonok so as it stands its set for stepper motor opperation ,, to make fast machines you do away with steppers and use dc motors  with  optical encoders 15:30
katsmeowof course15:30
AchiestDragontheres no  opensource  dc motor stepper simulation  drivers  15:31
katsmeowprolly very low duty cycle, high current, little gearing15:31
katsmeowall motors are diferent15:31
AchiestDragonwell think say a  36v dc electric scooter motor ,,  like  10A and 300W    would give you a high feed rate  sort of like 12" per second 15:32
katsmeowthat would be a lot of torque15:32
katsmeowi assume you mean to ramp it up to max rpm as well15:33
katsmeow300watts is nearly 1/2 hp15:33
AchiestDragonideal sort of speed for routing  pcbs , but would need something  faster and with a bit more power than a dremil at the end  15:33
katsmeowyeas, a plunge wall zip-tool15:34
AchiestDragoneven a 500w router  would be a bit low 15:34
katsmeowthink so?15:34
AchiestDragonmaybe 2 or 3hp at that feed rate  min 15:34
katsmeowwill a .035 bit take a hp?15:34
AchiestDragonif the hp is in the form of speed  well just 15:35
katsmeowhmm, ok15:35
AchiestDragonbut it would be close to the point where the bit would fall apart at that rpm 15:35
katsmeowi was going to use a 18v Ryobi zip-router thing15:37
katsmeowit has a 1/4 collet, comes with a 1/8 as well15:37
katsmeowand it's reversable, for easier automated bit changes,maybe15:38
kanzureapparently adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb is blocked to peeps in the DOD network15:38
katsmeowkanzure, do we pretend that's a bad thing?15:38
kanzurewe pretend it's funny :)15:39
katsmeowok :-)15:39
katsmeowi picked up 10 gigabytes of 10ns or faster 32kx8 rams , which i hope to hook to avr and other small beasts, for $5415:40
katsmeowi think i therefore may also be getting an addtional 3gig for free later15:41
bzSmariI'm off.15:41
AchiestDragonmy exisiting  cnc uses a  500w bosch router  that has a 1/4" collet   and does about 27,000 rpm 15:41
katsmeowthat's ~12 cents / chip , i think15:41
AchiestDragonit needs a  120 to 240 ipm feed rate on 20mm thick ply 15:42
katsmeowAchiestDragon, i was merely gonna drill holes in a  not-hurry in pcb15:42
kanzurehm, someone sent an email to the chem class saying "e=mc^2 is not the correct answer to the homework". i tend to concur and will be spending a link out to the timecube soon.. heh.15:42
katsmeowi figured the 18vdc would be easy to make and control15:43
AchiestDragonyou would be supprised   how slow they can be though ,, when using steppers  the steppers may only be able to give you a feed rate of about 30ipm  if using 1.5mm pitch  threaded bar as leadscrews 15:43
AchiestDragonalso if you have the feed rate too low then you get schorching on wood and if doing plastic you find it starts  to half machine and half melt out  whatever your cutting 15:45
katsmeowif you want speed and accuracy, use $60 HF 12inch calipers for position, and dc motors for driving the screws, and let 'er fly15:45
AchiestDragonsattelite jacks have quite good qualaty screws in them   £27 for a 10" and £60 for a 24"  they do other sizes also 15:47
katsmeow<customer> hi tech support, the allthread on my reprap is getting so hot the oil is smoking, is this normal?15:49
AchiestDragonwell anyway i finished that drawing on wednesday  this week  and started to think about a smaller machine for just pcbs and platics ,,   made the frame  yesterday  and made the gantry and carrage  for it today 15:50
kanzuresteve recommends McNerney et al "The Role of Design Complexity in Technology Improvement". 15:54
katsmeowaka "make everything so complicated that no one understands it untill it's obsolete"15:55
katsmeowaka "tie up the engeenering staff so they never get to the competition's products"15:55
kanzureengineering staff? we have a staff?15:56
* katsmeow points to fenn and ybit15:56
* kanzure waves to the oompaloompas15:57
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CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r 7dfe4e8 /doc/proposals/action.py: move some lines around, make it optional to put the pie crust in a pan if it may already be there15:59
katsmeowif it already there, can you put it there?15:59
AchiestDragonwhats the project 16:00
katsmeowhelp, i feel into a quandry, and i can't get out!16:00
kanzureAchiestDragon: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb16:00
kanzurekatsmeow: it checks if it's already in a pan16:00
kanzureand if not, it tells you to put it in a pan16:01
kanzurei mean, in the instructions it will tell you to pan it16:01
* katsmeow pans it16:01
kanzureit might not be the most simple though.. fenn?16:01
AchiestDragonha  beeten to it   so who has a nc file for the mould for those lego bricks 16:02
kanzurewe have IGES and STEP files16:02
kanzurewe can generate gcode if necessary i guess16:02
* katsmeow hasto go do things irl again16:02
kanzureanyway, i need to hop a bus16:02
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk16:02
AchiestDragonyea mastercam should do that 16:02
katsmeow-afk<bus hops down the street>16:02
ybit$100k, eek16:03
jonathan__medical equipment costs so much basically due to liability issues16:06
jonathan__if lawsuits were outlawed against the equipment then the price could drop dramatically16:06
AchiestDragonyea , to the point that 90% of all semiconductors  come with a waver of responcablilatiy if used in medical kit 16:07
ybit"EC/TDS/PPM Meter On Limited Budget"16:07
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kanzureybit: jata claims to have the hots for tcTDS or something17:04
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ybitfenn, you: "Injection molded plastic lens molds are made on diamond turning lathes,19:18
ybittypically out of aluminum. You might as well just forget about it."19:18
ybiti don't understand why you can't do this yourself19:18
ybitplenty of people making their own flycutters19:19
ybitnot bad: http://www.5bears.com/index.htm19:24
ybitthe cnc is what i'm looking @19:24
ybiter, cnc mill19:24
ybitwouldn't mind if this guy gave me his machine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPo0PJiEqHQ19:25
ybitnothing new, i know, but i still want it19:26
jonathan__one of the postdocs from another lab is following my project now, that is based on work in his own lab.  muahahaha19:32
any92111444http://www.5bears.com/index.htm ?19:32
any92111444the domain is 404 here19:32
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ybitany it's yet another cnc conversion of a miller 19:38
ybitany92111444 19:38
ybitand cad files for their turbojet project which i can't find and am too tired to even bother19:40
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ybithttp://hackedgadgets.com/2007/06/21/home-made-cnc-machine/ :: the table seems a bit small19:41
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wrldpc2Anissimov is being stingy in granting press access19:42
wrldpc2to SingSum09 ... not that I care, but I really would rather like to see Goertzel, and Aubrey, and hear what Wolfram thinks.19:43
ybithttp://cq.cx/pcb-router.pl :: pcb router with cad files19:44
ybitor not19:44
ybitschematics, board layout, and code though: http://cq.cx/dl/pcb-router.zip19:45
kanzurewrldpc2: anissimov is like that believe it or not19:46
kanzurei still think he's a scater in disguise (after having met him)19:46
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ybitwrldpc2: you know, ice skating, it's obvious he does this on his spare time19:52
wrldpc2got it19:52
wrldpc2oh well19:53
wrldpc2i'm sure aubrey will be at some local pub, networking.  maybe i'll catch him there.19:53
genehackeryeah I've heard he frequents those a lot19:55
wrldpc2from what i gathered of last year's summit, it was basically a dog and pony show for the investors19:56
wrldpc2emtech09 was like that19:56
ybitis it really necessary for me to purchase rats to harvest their neural cells? surely _some_ uni is willing to share19:58
wrldpc2Robert Langer was great to hear from but Ben Veerwaayen is a total douchebag with no formal science training whatsoever.  19:59
wrldpc2If you want a laugh: https://www.technologyreview.com/emtech/videos/login.aspx?ETCEvent=95&y=200919:59
wrldpc2you  might need a techreview acct19:59
ybitt works without one20:00
xp_prgwhy is this funny wlrdpc2?20:08
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wrldpc2because he demonstrates no functional knowledge of his product from an engineer's perspective and provides very little insight in to where he thinks technology is headed ..20:23
wrldpc2contrast him with the Michael Idelchik VP from GE ..20:23
wrldpc2who has an actual background in engineering ..20:23
xp_prgyes I am seeing that20:25
xp_prghe seems worthless20:25
ybitif anyone can, i don't know why konq failed to rename the sdarticle-#.pdf files in my adl home dir, but feel free to change the names and upload to papers/unsorted like i just did through the konqueror interface (though nothing was changed which is odd) kanzure, fenn, AchiestDragon20:28
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genehackerkanzure do you know how I can use the soldering labs around here?21:15
genehackerI need to do some soldering21:18
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genehackerand desoldering21:52
genehackeralso I require some easy graph software, I'm gonna make a reaction tree for DNA synthesis21:54
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jonathan__microcontroller syringe pump / peristaltic pump with 8 selectable inputs controlled via valves.  communication protocol is thru short serial commands at 9600bps.  http://www.flowinjection.com/Brochures/microsia.aspx23:52
jonathan__costs several thousand $23:55
drazakthere's something like that in the next lab over23:57

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