
--- Day changed Sat Sep 26 2009
genehackerjonathan__ do you know anyting about the soldering labs here00:17
drazakdoes kanure know?00:21
drazakyou could, you know, buy a soldering iron and some solder00:21
katsmeow-afktoo avant garde00:21
drazakI need to figure out if they'll let me use the ceramics lab at UB00:25
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genehackerwhat do you need to do?00:38
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kanzurehey jonathan__ 09:25
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jonathan__sudo make me a breakfast burrito09:26
kanzureskdb currently only does apple pie09:28
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jonathan__sudo get in the kitchen and bake me a pie!09:45
kanzureso uh, for some reason, people who like django seem to re-implement the same stuff over and over again10:09
kanzure"yet another twitter module for django!" and "yet another foaf module for django!"10:09
kanzurei thought the point of this was to /stop/ repeating work10:09
bzSmarikanzure, the problem is that people who develop Django stuff are way too lazy at distributing their apps.10:20
kanzurei think they get it all wrong10:23
kanzurethe point shouldn't be to write yet-another-twitter-clone,10:23
kanzureit should be to have a framework for dealing with whatever networks each individual user is from10:23
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nykodemusSo I'll be in NYC this time next week. Anyone have any suggestions on where to go/what to do? #maker wise, anyway... like nycresistor and such11:08
ybitthere are labs specifically for soldering? strange.11:09
ybitnykodemus: wrldpc2 might be able to help you out, i'm not sure who else though. you could try messaging one of the dorkbot or nycresistor people11:11
ybitnykodemus: is nycresistor having some type of meetup?11:13
nykodemusybit: not that I'm aware of11:13
ybitnykodemus: you are just going to nyc for the fun of it then?11:13
nykodemusybit: and it doesn't look like their space is "open" all the time like ours11:13
nykodemusybit: meeting with some old friends11:13
kanzureso i was reading through this: http://strategoxt.org/Transform/DecompilationResources11:28
kanzure    *  "Using a Decompiler for Real World Source Recovery", Mike Van Emmerik and Trent Waddington. In Proceedings of the Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, IEEE-CS Press, 2004. An extended version is available here.11:28
kanzuretrent waddington is QuantumG iirc11:28
kanzurehuh yep that's him11:30
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kanzurehm i wonder why solidworks has a gp_Pnt class12:41
kanzureCATgp_Pnt2d, CATgp_Pnt, CATgp_Pnt, CATgp_XYZ, CATgp_Ax1, CATgp_Ax2d, CATgp_Dir, CATTColgp_Array1OfPnt2d, CATTColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d, Handle_CATTColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d, CATTColgp_HArray1OfPnt2d, etc. etc.12:43
kanzuregee too bad the opencascade license isn't standard, else they might have a case here..12:44
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/solidworks_source_structure.txt (5 MB)12:52
ybitone thing i don't like is that google typically doesn't give decent results from forums13:50
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ybithi ve14:00
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kanzurehello jonathan__.14:52
jonathan__finally made it on campus14:52
jonathan__everyone decided to wear orange for some reason...14:52
kanzureit's required uniform14:53
jonathan__i'm wearing green.  which may be the opposite14:55
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r e6ce40f /doc/proposals/action.py: make it optional to build an oven if you can allocate an oven14:57
kanzuremight be getting too complicated14:57
kanzurein particular Pie's build method14:58
kanzureoops, affixed_pan is wrong (it doesn't point to some_pan and instead points to sterilized_pan)14:59
genehackerjonathan__ don't ever wear non-orange on non-gameday a drunken mob could attack you14:59
genehackerthough today's chances of a drunken mob are low14:59
jonathan__i will not yield!  freeeeeeeddooooooommmmmmm!14:59
genehackerthings that don't yield snap15:00
CIA-32skdb: kanzure * r acd7839 /doc/proposals/action.py: minor bug fix: some_pan is not the same thing as affixed_pan15:01
jonathan__and now for today's weather update, we have cumulus clouds forming off the coast of corpus today and in downtown austin, a drunken mob of orange shirts, so bring your umbrellas when you head outside today.  and that's all for the weather, back to you jamie15:02
genehackeroh no15:03
jonathan__everybody knows the cool kids ditch the game15:03
kanzureare apple pies more complicated than i thought? or did i just make it overly complex15:06
kanzureyou can basically see my steps by looking at the comments rather than the code15:06
ybitjust serve apple, minus the pie, and be done with it15:12
kanzurenono, i think this is a good demo/example to hash out15:13
genehackerto make an apple pie from scratch the first step is inventing the universe15:13
ybitthe windcar named 'nemisis' from the 'zerocarbonista' guy is kind of neat15:13
kanzurenot if you can allocate a universe first, genehacker15:13
kanzurewe luckily happen to be in one15:13
genehackeranyway what type of apple pie?15:13
* kanzure snipes the philosophers lurking in the channel15:13
genehackergeneric or fancy?15:14
kanzurewell right now just apple pie, but i guess i can add in an option to add cinammon o something15:14
genehackerI'm assuming generic15:14
jonathan__"anyway what type of apple pie?"   yo mama15:14
kanzuresudo make me yo mamma's apple pie?15:14
ybitto build a universe or not, that is the question. /me ducks15:14
jonathan__make:  yo mama not found15:14
kanzurei don't think yo mamma is going to be too happy about that15:14
genehackerthat apple pie universe thing was from carl sagan15:14
kanzurehuh. "If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe."15:15
kanzurealright. that's kinda cool.15:15
drazakkanzure: do you have a copy of the Art of Electronics?15:16
drazakin .pdf?15:16
drazakwhat's .djvu?15:18
drazakand how do I read it in linux15:18
kanzureit's like pdf's less hot cousin15:18
kanzuredjviewer or something15:18
genehackerit is bullshit15:20
genehackerit's an obscure ebook format yay!15:20
ybitwow, everyone one of the companies or guys went down at some point15:21
genehackerthat's not surprising15:21
* ybit never bothered looking at water powered vehicles before, but it's kind of funny to read15:21
drazakkanzure: got any good books on opamps?15:22
kanzurewtf how did michael jackson get into my trance stream >:(15:22
ybittheir claims break down when @ the part of breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen15:23
kanzuredrazak: nothing specifically devoted to the opamp15:23
ybitkanzure: discovery has a remix of a m.jackson song that's pretty sweet15:23
ybithow do you carry out electrolysis of water without some form of energy, hrm? impossible maybe?15:24
ybitquestion really doesn't even need to be asked 15:25
ybit"impossible maybe?" was sarcasm ftr15:25
genehackerI need to check out your music kanzure15:28
ybithehe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Nucleon The Ford Nucleon was a nuclear-powered concept car developed by Ford Motor Company in 1958. The design did not include an internal-combustion engine, rather, the vehicle was to be powered by a small nuclear reactor in the rear of the vehicle.15:36
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jonathan__I found one of those in warehouse 2315:43
genehackersigh if we only had the giant nuclear powered car houses of the 50s retrofuture15:47
jonathan__go play fallout to see what happened to THAT future15:50
genehackernuclear powered cars that are so big they are houses, that never need refueling, just oiling15:52
genehackerkanzure did you guys in the ADL ever reverse engineer a water gun?15:55
kanzurefenn drew some boxes-and-arrows of a water gun15:56
genehackerdo you have the gun and most importantly do you still need it?15:56
genehackerthat is fine too15:57
kanzureit's lab property afaik15:57
genehackerjust needed what you sent me16:02
fenni don't think anyone is going to use it16:02
fenni mean you can have the pieces if you want them16:02
kanzuregenehacker: oh then you probably want the gxml file (not the png screenshot) http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/squirtgun.gs2.gxml16:03
fenni accidentally broke the high pressure hose manifold16:03
kanzureyou can open this file with "graphsynth" http://adl.serveftp.org/gs2/GS2.zip16:03
kanzure(windows only)16:03
kanzureunless you are a mono ninja16:04
ybitwho is using the computer from the squitgun image? hehe, notice the firefox windowbar title "How to Take a Scree..." 16:05
ybitit's as simple as 'print screen' :)16:05
fennwell excuse me for not knowing how to use windows, sheesh16:07
fenni'm pretty sure i tried 'print screen' and it did nothing16:07
kanzureit does do nothing16:07
kanzureyou have to go paste somewhere16:07
genehackermeh that's replaceable16:08
ybitgraphsynth run on linux?16:08
genehackerI'm thinking of making my own watergun for the ASME assassin contest16:08
kanzureybit: gs1.9 runs ok. gs2's gui doesn't run on linux, but everything else does.16:08
kanzurebut you can only run it under .NET, so it's useless16:08
ybitoh :\16:08
kanzurefor this reason i began rewriting graphsynth in python http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/thirdparty/graphsynth.py16:09
genehackercan graph synth be used to make just graphs?16:09
genehackerlike reaction diagrams?16:09
kanzureyes but why would you16:09
kanzurei mean, there are other tools for doing chemical reaction graphs16:10
genehackerbecause I need to organize the reactions I have for making stuff for the dna synthesizer16:10
kanzureplease write down the reactions in SMILES/SMIRKS/FROWNS. you'd be my hero.16:10
genehackerI don't know what you mean but ok sure16:11
kanzurethey are notations for writing down a chemical reaction 16:11
kanzureso you do something like HO2->H2O (except this isn't valid SMILES, i'd have to check wikipedia)16:12
genehackerbut I was going to organize it in graph form so I can show the need for catalysts16:12
kanzureok sorry, SMIRKS is the one that is like SMILES except includes reaction notation16:12
genehackerstep one: combine ammonia and isopropyl alcohol in presence of Ni catalyst16:13
kanzuretodo: http://www.daylight.com/dayhtml/doc/theory/theory.smirks.html implement smirks reaction grammar with graphsynth.16:13
genehackerstep two seperate out diisopropylamine16:13
drazakman this is some smack shit16:17
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ybitgrr, took 57m 48s to download AoE.djvu and djvu refuses to open. what exactly is that file anyway?16:19
ybitdjview fefuses to open the file*16:20
fennart of electronics?16:20
ybitoh, i've got that in pdf format16:22
ybitchmod -R 75516:22
ybithrm, kanzure that was meant for you16:23
fennwas i right?16:23
ybitfenn: i don't know.16:23
ybitfenn: you are, it was kanzure's response to drazak's request for it16:24
fenni finally found something better than debian http://hannahmontana.sourceforge.net/Site/Home.html16:26
fennit even has a theme song!16:26
ybittux needs a beard and a hard-on and that would be a great tribute to linux users :P16:27
ybitand maybe he needs to be peering from a peephole16:28
drazakybit: you have it in pdf?16:32
drazakybit: gimme it16:32
ybityeah, one sec...16:35
ybitmore like a couple mins, firefox is restarting after another xmonad crash in this distro16:36
drazakhate that16:36
drazakI hate vuze for my torrents16:36
drazakit wants to reboot every 10 minutes with updates16:36
genehackerfenn you've never heard of hannahmontana linux?16:40
ybitdrazak: pm16:50
ybitwhen you grab the file, let me know, server will go offline then16:50
kanzurethere's also christianlinux or something16:56
kanzurei think HML is just more evidence that kde 4.2 sucks16:57
kanzureno i haven't actually used 4.2 yet16:57
drazakybit: done17:03
drazakybit: where's page 14-60?17:11
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ybitdunno, it was from some torrent17:25
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ybitso much for the wind turbine idea17:50
ybitkatsmeow-afk on the other hand, you might be able to do something with the wind17:51
ybit..if you planned to stay in the states for very long :P17:51
jonathan__command set for the FIALab Microsia 8 valve syringe pump:  18:07
genehackerybit get the wind up higher18:08
genehackertry acouple kilometers18:08
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kanzureprint "hello %s" % (name)18:16
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ybitThe tallest wind turbines in the U.S. have been installed in Texas ? the Vestas V90 turbines are 345 feet high, and are rated at 3 megawatts each.18:50
ybitgenehacker: a couple of km you say? :P18:50
katsmeow-afkyea, way to do distributed wind energy!18:50
katsmeow-afkwhat's the payback timeframe on it?18:51
kanzurecan anyone find the personal website of "tan yee siang" ?19:18
kanzurehttp://lazymonkey.info/ aha, another coauthor of the ODECAL system19:21
kanzureoops nevermind19:22
genehackerthe energy payback is surprising19:36
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ybitif anyone happens to have "the step by step guide to screen process printing" or a similar resource, i'm sure i'll need it here soon20:49
* ybit still wants the basic book for my ebook collection: Fundamentals of Microfabrication: The Science of Miniaturization21:02
katsmeow-afkjust found my reciept for a 540 megabyte harddrive, for $185 , which was a great deal at the time, because the 528 meg barrier had been broken21:03
kanzuredidn't i give you that, ybit?21:03
ybitkanzure: i don't recall, if you have it, go right ahead and linky again plz :)21:04
ybitand if you happen to have handbook of microlithography micromachining and microfabrication.. i'm game21:04
kanzurei'm not going to be able to find this one in my collection because it had an obscure file name21:05
ybitthe first or second?21:05
katsmeow-afki also ran across a hardcopy of Newscientist 1994 on self replicating mirco machinery21:05
kanzurefundamentals of microfabrication21:05
ybitgrep fundamentals | grep microfabrication > largelist.txt && pastebinit largelist.txt21:06
ybiti'll search through it myself21:06
genehackerself reping micromachines?21:08
* katsmeow-afk points up to the line she just said21:11
genehackerwhat month?21:12
katsmeow-afkhold on, it's in the otehr room........21:12
genehackerwas it nanotech stuff or something else?21:12
ybitkanzure: did you ever get http://ybit.ath.cx/books/Freitas%20R.A.,%20Merkle%20R.C.%20Kinematic%20Self-Replicating%20Machines.pdf21:16
ybitnot sure if i linked to the book before21:16
kanzureno, but it's on the web in non-pdf form which is preferable21:16
kanzurealso are you sure merkle was an author on KSRM?21:16
katsmeow-afkScience News ; Nov 26 1994 Vol 146 No 22 Pages 353-368 "Artificial Self-Replicators"21:16
* ybit wants21:16
kanzureybit: http://rfreitas.com/ enjoy.21:17
katsmeow-afkthe name of the article itself : "Darwin in Vitro"21:17
katsmeow-afkThe quest to make synthetic self-replicating molecules21:18
katsmeow-afkBy Richard Lipkin21:18
* katsmeow-afk has been oddly interested in this stuff for decades21:19
ybitoh, i meant to direct the pdf to katsmeow-afk since she mentioned the self replicating stuff, my bad21:19
ybitanywho, kanzure did point to the book which is in htm format and that makes me happy21:20
* katsmeow-afk slaps ybit with the largest feather she has21:20
kanzureybit: now that i look, this might be it: http://heybryan.org/books/papers/Microfabrication-and-nanomanufacturing-Pulsed%20water%20drop%20micromachining.pdf21:20
kanzurenot quite "fundamentals of microfabrication". also, it's 26 MB21:21
kanzure(pulsed water drop micromachining is just a subchapter)21:21
ybiti already have microfabrication and nanomanufacturing, the book21:26
ybitit's alright, was wanting these other books though. /me is reminded of how important a book scanner is again21:26
kanzurea book scanner is nice, but more important is a zero-day distribution team. i have quite a lot that i'd be willing to distribute, but none of the "networks that matter" seem to care21:27
fenntried flakk.org #bw ?21:30
fennor was it #bookwarez21:30
fennthey are kinda weaksauce actually.. just server bots21:31
kanzure#bookwarez died before i was born or something21:31
fenni expect you want someone willing to seed torrents21:31
kanzurei don't mind if there's a pre-torrent-seeding stage21:32
kanzurehm strrchr is not defined in strings.h?21:33
kanzureoh. string.h21:34
kanzurehah. ./configure --with-cal3d=/usr/ 21:36
ybitwhat about the diyh+ mirrors? that should work21:36
kanzurewhat a terrible "--with-" arg21:36
kanzureybit: sorry but our transhuman network is totally lame21:37
kanzurewe don't even have any transhumans21:37
ybitguess i will install the 1tb and start grabbing from you @ crazy hours of the day21:37
kanzureyeah i just need to remember to disconnect the external hard drive and bring it with me one of these days21:38
ybitkatsmeow-afk: what was the process of you building your house? did you stay in a friend's house while building it?21:43
* ybit has considered camping on site during the process21:44
katsmeow-afkno, i pitched a 16x16ft shack for the first winter, and got the top floor bathroom enclosed during the winter, and the kitchen layout and wiring/plumbing, moved into that the next Spring21:45
katsmeow-afkgot the utility room enclosed pronto, which was really quite empty and 8x16, and put the bed in there while i got the big bedroom done 16x2421:46
* katsmeow-afk listens to songs so old they specify "jet plane" to travel on21:48
fennpre-singularity culture21:49
katsmeow-afki saw Bond movie Quantum of Solace a few days ago, finally, and was nostalgic over the DC-3(4?)21:50
fennso i'm making a list of stuff that happened in 1969 with the argument that the singularity actually happened in 196921:50
katsmeow-afkthe engines were sure new tho, it wasn't a vintage plane21:50
fenni know there's a lot more than what's on there already: microprocessor invented, internet begins, engelbart demo, unix invented, moon landing, woodstock21:51
katsmeow-afkhow did the singularity happen then, when almost nothing has changed since then??  :  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-maher/new-rule-if-america-cant_b_299383.html21:51
fennkatsmeow-afk: it only seems like nothing has changed since because things were changing so fast21:51
kanzurefenn: how are you getting past the singularitarian's argument that "singularity is only about ai"?21:52
fenni guess 'woodstock' doesn't really capture the whole civil rights thing21:52
katsmeow-afkonly per Moore's law in semiconductors, i've seen little else advancing at any speed21:52
fennkanzure: just by using definitions of the terms21:52
fennkanzure: if someone wants to redefine a term then they're just being a body part21:53
fennit's only obvious in retrospect what happened21:53
katsmeow-afknew automobiles look different that 1960's models, but it's still a gas burner with gears, belts, etc21:53
kanzureboo hoo. kats didn't get her flying car.21:54
katsmeow-afkso the Japanese showed us a beter way to make Vega and Pinto engines, what else is new?21:54
katsmeow-afkkanzure, no, i am only trying to see where fenn sees the "rapid improvements"21:54
fennit was a point of rapid change which had unpredictable outcome21:55
katsmeow-afkyou must be speaking of the social goings-on21:55
fenni guess.. everything is social in some sense21:55
kanzurei'm not21:55
ybitchemical suppliers, i need a good site which links to them. i know of one which i've shown Phreedom 21:56
ybitjust need to find it in the bookmarks archive21:56
katsmeow-afkMaher's editorial is supporting my hypothesis that the collective total world IQ remains the same, even as the population increases21:56
katsmeow-afkthe cause of that, i don't know21:57
fennsubstrate overload in the universe simulator21:57
ybitit's so odd how that works, if true, because the information is much more prevalent than it was so many years ago21:57
fennit just runs low res copies of the humans :)21:58
fennmatter only exists if you perceive it right?21:58
katsmeow-afki found my olde Berol rapidesign green plastic template R-542 , it's different than the one i bough a few yrs ago because i coldn't find the original21:58
katsmeow-afkybit, i think it's because there's no value on a human knowing anything,, fast food places now hire people who don't even speak rudimentary english21:59
fennhmm i think maher is really talking about "the revolution of lowered expectations"22:01
katsmeow-afkshe actuially did a poor job of spanish too, she said "es mal", i said "por que es mal?" ,, and she looked stunned and went away22:01
katsmeow-afkhad to wait on a english speaker to get my Frosty (tm) pseudo-food-stuff22:01
ybitthen again, i notice from logs from certain family members using this computer that maybe tech such as txt messaging, web-browsing, and other tech enables/encourages stupidity as well22:02
katsmeow-afkand i am "unemployable"22:02
katsmeow-afkforking soie ;o4n284y5n8ykhsdk,bgx, humans22:02
katsmeow-afkybit, that's been suggested as well, leading to add22:03
fennwill your boat have a frosty generator?22:03
katsmeow-afkturns out, forced multitasking doesn't help22:03
ybiti called customer service for some company the other day and the guy who answered wasn't able to understand my clear english, he had to turn the phone over to what seemed like a boss22:03
katsmeow-afkfenn, no , i intend to be healthy 22:03
ybitwe have a frosty generator at work :P22:04
fennit's true, and drug addled "ADHD" kids don't have any baseline experience to compare distraction-land to22:04
ybitjust put it together this week22:04
ybitwhat's wrong with adhd, huh? we're just immune to the parasite 0, that's all :)22:04
ybitm0 or whatever it was called22:05
fennwell it's a problem when you pretend to be writing code and watching tv and IRC and checking your email22:05
kanzurewhat the hell is my sister up to?22:05
fennand end up doing all of them poorly22:05
fenns/irc/your preferred text based communication medium/22:06
katsmeow-afkand to think i been adding task switching to my code to give it adhd22:06
fennand s/code/work-like activity/22:06
ybitsuperkuh: maybe it was you that i talked to about sites for purchasing chemicals, i can't remember who it was now, and i'm not tempted to look through these 50bajillion usb drives atm22:07
katsmeow-afkis superkuh talking in here?22:08
fennnot often22:08
katsmeow-afk superkuh has been idle 2hrs 55mins 16secs22:08
katsmeow-afki was afraid i may have inadvertently put him on ignore22:08
fennkanzure: unfortunately that chinese transliteration doesn't really tell you how to pronounce it, because chinese is a tonal language22:09
kanzureis there some particular reason there's this random chinese and random lego set on these pages?22:09
ybitthanks for the utex.org link kanzure22:09
fennis summer glau supposed to be chinese?22:10
ybitbtw, kanzure, that's probably normal for children to do. i remember it was fashionable to do this at some point as a little kid22:10
kanzurewhen i was 13, my websites were way better22:10
kanzurepokemon totally rocks serenity and firefly22:10
fenni'm pretty sure pokemon is worse22:11
kanzureoh. hm.22:11
fennat least i generally don't have to shield my eyes from firefly22:11
kanzureoh man. how terrible.22:16
kanzuremaybe she has it right after all22:16
ybithttp://www.mae.cornell.edu/mpeck/ found it after reading an article entitled 'starship on a chip' which mentioned him22:26
drazakfirefly is good22:27
fennbased on the requirement for an ionosphere to complete the current loop, i think so-called "lorentz force" drives are really just a form of ion propulsion22:29
-!- spm_ [n=spm@194-144-23-6.du.xdsl.is] has quit [Remote closed the connection]22:30
fennit's still cool because you don't necessarily need to store propellant22:30
genehackernot sure about that fenn22:38
genehackerlorentz force drives work by lorentz force22:38
genehackera charge moving through earth's magnetic field experiences lift22:38
fennan equal and opposite charge moves back through the ionosphere, imparting an equal momentum to the ions in the opposite direction22:39
fennsound familiar?22:39
genehackerit's not necessary though22:40
fennyes it is22:40
fennuh huh22:40
genehackerthat's a tether22:40
fennyou can't have current flow in one direction indefinitely22:40
ybithttp://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4579860 :: 1800 Mechanical Movements, Devices and Appliances :: brought to you by timshmidt22:40
genehackerin djvu22:41
genehackerdownloaded it22:41
genehackerit's good22:41
fenngenehacker: how is that not exactly what i just said?22:42
fennalso i don't get why it matters that it's a capacitor22:43
genehackerfenn what did you learn in highschool about electrons moving in a magnetic field?22:43
fennthey curve, why?22:43
genehackerbecause they experience a force!22:43
fennoh, that "other" lorentz force22:44
genehackerthough I wonder if this works:22:45
fenni still don't see how being charged will increase your momentum22:45
kanzureybit: "1800 mechanical movements" was a library on cmu.edu wasn't it?22:47
genehackerno this is a book22:47
fennyou're thinking kmoddl22:47
genehackerkmoddl has files to make some of the movements22:47
genehackerwhich I find cool22:47
genehackerwas also made by our friend Hod Lipson22:47
genehackerfenn second link is the paper on how that charged thing works22:48
fenn'essentially, a current loop exposed to a non-uniform magnetic field will experience a net force'22:49
fennis that the idea?22:49
genehackerthey make the magnetic field nonuniform though22:49
genehackerwhich has me suspicious22:49
fennearths' field is non-uniform around the poles22:50
genehackerbolonkin published a paper on essentially the same thing22:50
fennof course that would restrict you to a polar orbit22:50
genehackerI suspect he stole from this one22:50
genehackerkeep reading the paper22:50
fennit's an obvious idea22:51
fenntreat the earth as a giant AC motor stator22:51
genehackerthe idea is to shield part of the current loop so that it experiences less force than the other unshielded part22:51
fennno, that's crap i'm afraid22:51
fennyou're trying to make a magnetic monopole22:52
fennthe field will leak out somehow22:52
genehackerthe field may leak out but it can't get in?22:52
fennno, shielding works both ways22:53
genehackerfuck this argument22:53
genehackerI'll try simulating this set up22:53
fennok have fun22:53
genehackerand surely that will prove it doesn't work22:54
katsmeow-afk"SpaceX announced recently that it would be integrating a stripped-down test version of its own Dragon cargo capsule as the payload for its first Falcon 9 test launch. The Falcon 9 rocket is currently scheduled to launch on November 29 of this year if everything goes according to plan. However, Elon Musk admits that launch day will likely slip to sometime early next year.22:54
genehackerbut yeah I see what you mean22:54
fennan idea i just came up with is to have two spacecraft in opposite orbits that mutually attrach each other with magnetic fields to increase speed22:55
genehackerin that paper they claim that because a current loop that had both current contours shielded experienced less torque that his would work22:56
katsmeow-afkwouldn't they spin up beyond reasonable?22:56
fenncan't quite reach geocentric orbit though22:56
fennerm. geostationary orbit22:56
genehackerfenn do you know what retrograde orbit is and why no one has ever put a satellite in retrograde orbit?22:57
fennwhy do you say no one has ever done it?22:57
katsmeow-afkit's been done22:57
fennit just means you launch west instead of east22:57
katsmeow-afktake a bit more fuel, and the orbit decays a tiney bit faster22:58
genehackerit has22:58
genehackerthat's surprising22:58
fennyou lose about 2000mph due to earth's spin22:58
genehackerit's hard22:58
genehackersupposedly if stuff in retrograde orbit collides with stuff in normal orbit you could get a lot of space junk23:00
fenni guess23:00
fenni'd expect polar/non-polar to be worse23:00
kanzure ImportError: ./_cal3d.so: undefined symbol: __cxa_guard_acquire23:01
kanzurei think that means i need to add -lstdc++ to my gcc line, but that doesn't fix the problem23:01
kanzureok adding -fPIC seems to help it along, but now it's complaining about __gxx_personality_v023:05
kanzureaha. and to fix __gxx_personality_v0 i have to use g++, apparently gcc ignores -lstdc++23:06
kanzureer. nevermind.23:06
fenncal3d doesn't have a makefile?23:07
fennalso i wonder why you're doing character animation23:08
kanzurebecause you told me to23:08
kanzurecal3d has a make file23:08
fennno i told you to make some simulation of pies and apples flying about23:08
kanzurepycal3d doesn't, it's old 2002 swig stuff that is for 2001 cal3d stuff which is outdated23:08
kanzuredamn it jim23:08
fennor teleporting if you prefer23:08
kanzurewhat's the point of that23:09
fennwell flying would be better of course23:09
fenni just think trying to animate a human is too much work at this point23:09
fennbut go ahead and do whatever you want23:09
kanzurejust seems lame to move around a giant cube23:09
kanzurecan't you visualize that yourself?23:09
kanzurewhy not?23:10
fennthe computer is supposed to visualize it, thats why23:10
kanzureno it's not..23:10
kanzureit's supposed to put a pie in a kitchen23:10
kanzureor something23:10
fenni wouldn't trust a robot that can't tell me what it's about to do23:10
kanzurei'm so confused23:11
genehackerI wouldn't either23:11
kanzuredo i have to ld cal3d_wrap.o together with libstdc++.so or something?23:12
fenndoes libstdc++ have the symbol __cxa_guard_acquire?23:13
* kanzure nods23:14
fennhow do you know that?23:14
kanzureit seems to resolve the __cxa_guard_acquire symbol error23:14
fennstrings libstdc++.so | grep __cxa_guard_acquire23:15
fenntry that with gxx_personality (it probably doesn't have it)23:15
fennthe whole gcc/g++ thing is pretty lame really23:16
kanzurethis is the first time it's bitten me23:16
ybitkanzure: there's now way i'm going to be able to diff the svn repos on this comp23:16
ybiti'm just going to ask for help on the python-occ mailing list23:16
kanzureybit: just be sure to look at my changes to setup.py and src/environment.py23:17
ybitwere you operating in the svn or release dir?23:18
kanzurefenn: yes libstdc++ has the symbol __cxa_guard_acquire according to strings and grep23:18
kanzureybit: i was in /home/kanzure/local/pythonOCC/pythonOCC-0.3/ or something.23:18
ybitright, but you were initially in /home/heath/builds/pythonOCC or pythonOCC-0.3?23:21
ybitdo you recall?23:21
kanzurei preserved the directory name so whatever the dir name says, that's what i copied23:21
fennare past singularity summit talks/transcripts/fallout online?23:27
genehackerkanzure you see that graph?23:27
genehackergot anything for making graphs like that?23:27
fennnot graphsynth, no!23:27
fenngraphviz, yeah that's it23:28
genehackerthe online one23:28
fennyou can run it locally23:28
ybitoh right, kanzure, mind doing a chmod -R 755 on /home/ybit/irclogs since i'll need to refer to the previous conversations when typing this email23:28
kanzurefenn: singularity summits are lame like that. jata claimed to be trying to kick them into gear..23:28
fenn'dot' would give a result sorta like that recipe tree23:28
kanzureybit: done.23:29
fennapparently only kurzweil's video is online?23:29
ybitkanzure: ty23:29
genehackerfuck singularity summits23:29
genehackerthey don't get anything done23:30
fennoh, and drexler23:30
kanzureed boyden is doing some pretty cool stuff, genehacker.23:30
genehackerlike what?23:30
kanzureoptical control of neurons23:30
kanzure"synthetic neurobiology"23:30
genehackercan you get em to glow back?23:30
kanzuregrow black?23:31
fenngenehacker: i tend to agree that conferences are a waste of time, but how else is anyone supposed to put together a good video presentation?23:31
genehackerok good point23:31
genehackerbut this reminds me of the fate of the technocrats23:31
fennpoor technocrats23:31
fennwait a minute, who?23:31
genehackerthe technocrat movement23:32
kanzurejames hughes?23:32
fennthey had bad pr and so nobody remembers them?23:32
genehackeroh wait23:33
genehacker nevermind that was politics23:33
genehackerthis is tech23:34
fennhay guys u gotta use my new super powerful Technocracy Technate design, it's the best23:34
kanzureanother gnurd in austin: andyhowell@austin.rr.com23:34
kanzure(he apparently asked a question about __cxa_pure_virtual)23:35
fennheh "membership is open to any citizen of North America, except politicians"23:35
genehackerI've heard that23:35
genehackeroh wait23:35
genehackerI think I've met with him23:35
genehackernot sure23:36
genehackerI know I've heard that name before23:36
fennapparently it's the only thing he's ever posted on the net23:36
fennRe: Static library for gcc compiling23:36
kanzurenah, there was another one for something with gEDA and another for valgrind23:37
* kanzure wasn't aware that anyone took valgrind seriously23:37
fennapparently it's useful23:37
fennstill not clear on whether it's any better than gdb23:37
fennfor backtraces at least23:37
kanzureer wait, i'm thinking of something else sorry23:37
kanzurewhat is the weird CAD library with a name similar to valgrind?23:38
kanzurehm. not quite close.23:38
fennnobody takes varkon seriously23:38
kanzurebut it's swedish, it must be good!23:38
* kanzure leers at nsh_ 23:38
fenni thought he was british and living in finland23:40
ybiti thought he died23:41
fennapparently back in .uk23:41
fennbranstrom is swedish23:41
fennand splicer23:42
kanzureanyone from europe is obligated to be swede23:42
ybittrying to poke as many people as possible? you should probably list each nick and we can then play a guessing game of what countries they are from ;)23:43
fennwho is zvader?23:43
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 33 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 33 normal]23:43
ybiti dunno, but i don't like him, my nick was the last on the list of nicks until that punk showed up :P23:43
kanzurelooks like UT's IP block23:44
fennfirst logged in from heckle.icmb.utexas.edu23:44
kanzureyeah, institute for cellular and molecular biology23:45
fennodd, only ever said one thing23:45
kanzureanything interesting?23:46
kanzuredo we really have 33 nicks in here?23:46
kanzuredidn't we used to be only four plus or minus one bot?23:46
fennthe channel of dreams.. "if you ramble they will come"23:47
kanzurehow do i choose which library to link in? lots of different libraries match for __gxx_personality_v0 but i'm sure some of them are bad choices23:51
kanzurei'm guessing libvtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets.so.5.0.4 is the wrong choice23:52
kanzurehm libstdc++ matches, but i'm already linking it in23:52
genehackeryeah who is zvader?23:54
fenngoogle says "use g++ instead of gcc"23:54
kanzurefenn: but i am :(23:54
kanzurei have to admit i like zvader's "real name"23:54
genehackerwhich is?23:55
kanzuregenehacker: do: /whois zvader23:55
fennfunnily enough this is more or less the same conversation you had last time zvader said something23:57
genehackeroh forgot that23:59
genehackerusing a new client23:59

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