
--- Day changed Thu Oct 08 2009
katsmeow-afkSearch results for intelligence (87 torrents)00:22
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fennchatty katty01:04
katsmeow-afkhmm ?01:05
katsmeow-afkhe asked01:05
katsmeow-afkand then he went to bed!01:05
bkeroAny of you guys use SAGE before?01:09
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genehackerwrong box01:51
genehackerwe all know sage goes into email01:57
fenni just think that thing looks really nice01:59
bkeroHaha awesome01:59
bkeroTHat it does01:59
bkeroThe acrylic cased d-shell connector01:59
fennthat's how you know it's a museum piece02:00
fennotherwise it'd just be a boat anchor02:00
genehackeroh yeah I saw that02:16
genehackerif you ever get a chance visit the computer history museum02:45
genehackerit's on of the essential nerd pilgirmiges02:45
bkeroThis scares the shit out of me.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-altitude_airship03:45
Phreedomkatsmeow-afk: lots of useful info. thanks :)04:00
Phreedomthis probably makes boat living not much better than rv04:00
fennbkero: it's unfortunate that the military is the first to do it, but all i can say is "it's about damn time"04:00
Phreedomkatsmeow-afk: you probably can't expect your small boat to safely cross the ocean too :(04:02
bkeroStephen Hadley, the National Security Advisor formed a new division in 2006, the US HAA Line, which took over operation of airship flights.  Airships will now prominently display the American flag on their fins and occasionally tour America to indoctrinate people with music and speeches from the air.04:02
fennwell i havent had a good indoctrination in ten years or so04:03
bkeroActually I just ripped that from04:03
bkeroHermann Göring, the Nazi Air minister, formed a new airline in 1935, the Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei (DZR), which took over operation of airship flights. Zeppelins would now prominently display the Nazi swastika on their fins and occasionally tour Germany to indoctrinate the people with march music and Nazi propaganda speeches from the air.04:03
fennso did you find a country to escape to yet?04:04
fenni was thinking iceland, brazil, thailand. but then iceland went into the shitter04:04
fennoh and finland maybe04:05
bkeroThey're all governed by religious folks, have terrible quality of life/abject poverty, or have draconian property laws.04:05
fennwhat does 'draconian propertly laws' mean?04:06
bkeroCountries aren't going to let me make a cruise missile if I want to :)04:06
fennoh.. i dont consider that property law04:06
bkeroAlso there's also the WIPO/IP thing04:06
fenni dont consider that property law either ;P04:07
bkeroWhat do you consider property law?04:07
fennright to own things04:07
fennnon-right to mess with other peoples' things04:07
bkeroAlso ideally I'd like someplace without an extradition policy with the Unitd States.04:07
fennnot many of those04:08
fennmars maybe04:08
fennok it's not funny04:08
bkeroI see Russia isn't on that list.04:11
fenni wish all the wikipedia images had some explanation exactly how they made them04:11
fennmaps and graphs etc04:11
bkeroChina, micronesia04:12
bkeroI'm beginning to think there's no place for me. :(04:12
fennnow you know why the idea of seasteading is growing in popularity04:13
bkeroHumans are land animals though04:14
fennactually we are amphibians04:14
fennhence the downturned nose04:14
fennbabies know how to swim etc04:15
bkeroWe might be innately amphibious, but that doesn't make us amphibian :P04:15
fennwell, um. do you have the buddha nature?04:15
bkeroWhat do you think?04:15
fennthat wasn't a very zen answer04:16
bkeroI laugh at the Buddhists too.04:16
fenni don't. i think they are probably the least dangerous religion, and as such it can be used as a sort of immunity to greater bullshit04:17
bkeroWith buddhism you'll come back as a duck.  With islam, if you're REALLY good you'll come back as a man.04:17
fennor maybe i just stole that from snow crash04:17
bkeroI do love my snowcrash04:17
bkeroand Buddhists are mostly useless04:17
fenni dont understand04:18
bkeroIf someone's going to punch you really hard in the face, you just stand behind a buddhist.04:18
fennmaybe i am confusing with taoists, but arent they allowed to fight back if it's the right thing to do?04:19
bkeroI've never known one to, but perhaps04:20
fenn“There are two schools. To the south we find Therevada Buddhism opposing any sort of violence because they see suffering as a means to liberate people from their own bad karma. On the other hand, the northern school maintains that a bodhisattva ought to be able to protect others – even if it brings suffering to the attacker."04:21
bkeroSeasteading seems a lot easier than researching and terraforming something on Barnard's Star04:22
fennterraforming is so 1940's04:23
fennactually bernal had the right idea in 1920 even04:23
bkeroWhich was that?04:23
fenncustom built space habitats04:23
fenndo you want to live in a cave?04:23
fennno? then why do you want to live on a planet?04:23
bkeroBecause planets have tons of fuel04:24
fennbut you have infinite sunlight in space04:24
fenninfinite beats lots by a lot04:24
bkeroMTBF of solar collectors isn't forever :P04:25
katsmeow-afkther realestate in space is the priciest there is tho04:25
fenni'm not talking about PV04:25
bkeroBackground radiation?04:25
fennsolar thermal and other wacky schemes04:25
fennthough i bet in 40 years we'll have the whole PV issue wrapped up04:26
bkeroSeems a lot harder than finding some combustables :P04:26
fennnot when you don't have an atmosphere to begin with04:26
katsmeow-afki bet in 40 yrs the air will be so polluted the pv won't work at sea level04:26
fennyou're thinking about it all wrong04:26
fennbkero: imagine growing algae on orbit is 100% free lunch. should you use it for rocket fuel?04:27
* bkero isn't sure he's following04:29
bkeroUse what?  Compounds in the atmosphere?04:29
katsmeow-afkso if i have a "price FOB" from China, how close does that get the items thru customs and to me here where i live?04:29
bkeroYou can save a bundle if you go to an economic free trade zone :004:30
katsmeow-afki do not know how to do that04:30
katsmeow-afki am not there, where ever it is, to accept delivery, i am here04:31
bkeroThere are 3000 free trade zones around the world04:32
bkeroOtherwise you get to pay whatever your countries trumped up import taxes are04:32
katsmeow-afkbut i am here, iam not there04:33
bkeroThen you get to pay whatever your countries trumped up  import taxes are04:33
katsmeow-afkit's sure to be cheaper than flying there and back to get delivery :-|04:35
bkeroThere's probably one near where you live.04:35
bkeroIf you just want one thing from china, you request a demo unit, pay a little extra, and they send it to you without import taxes.  If you want to buy a shitload of something you find something already in the country, or you go to a free port.04:37
katsmeow-afklike http://ia.ita.doc.gov/ftzpage/letters/ftzlist.html  ?04:37
bkeroThat's the list I was looking at04:37
katsmeow-afk80 tapered roller bearings, saves me 30% over buying made-in-usa parts04:37
bkeroThe scale probably isn't worth the effort then04:38
katsmeow-afki am not sure i want to go with that however, because none i can find are strong enough, but i cannot find a way to keep a single ball type bearing/sleeve lubed under various loads, and not leak grease/oil04:39
bkeroIt's mostly to avoid the import, duty, and excise taxes.04:39
bkeroWhen we had to use something like that on the solar challenge car we just used a brake master cylinder and a silicone boot.04:40
katsmeow-afksomething like what?04:40
katsmeow-afki need bigger than this: http://www.vxb.com/page/bearings/PROD/HR/Kit7381#  04:44
bkeroThat's a curious part04:45
bkeroThat looks like an axle carrier04:45
katsmeow-afkwith a 3 inch ball, i can count on 100,000lbs per coupling, in any direction04:45
katsmeow-afkbut the cost gets outrageous04:45
katsmeow-afkand commercially made ones are very limited range of motion04:46
bkeroIs this just to keep a big spinning rod in place?04:46
katsmeow-afkthe 3 inch ones are rated 10 degrees side to side, i want +/- 20 at least04:46
katsmeow-afkthey don't make the center ball a true ball, it's flatted04:47
bkeroWould a CV joint work?04:47
katsmeow-afkso the seals open up whent he "sleeve" passes over the flat04:47
fennwould a truck driveshaft work?04:47
fennit's basically just a spherical bearing right? 04:48
katsmeow-afkcv wold have roller bearings rated 5000lbs, 2 for 10,000lbs,, long way from 100klbs04:48
katsmeow-afkdriveshaft universal, same problem04:48
fennum.. universal joint i mean04:48
fennwhat about a really big truck04:48
fennif you lived in bangladesh you could go to the ship breaking yard04:49
katsmeow-afki calculate 60,000 lbs side force on the side hulls of my boat, average worst case broadside wave04:49
katsmeow-afktwo 5000 lb capacity bearings won't make me happy04:49
fennwhat does this do again?04:50
bkeroTripod joint?04:50
katsmeow-afkfenn, instead of ridgid ama-hull-ama spars, i use thos ball joints and let the amas float in a controleld manner04:50
fennwhat is an ama spar?04:51
katsmeow-afki have a design i can allow the ama to run 10ft out of position, and not break off04:51
katsmeow-afkumm,, arms holding side hulls to the center hull of a trimaran04:52
fenncan you use a ginormous piece of rope?04:52
katsmeow-afkcan't push a rope04:52
fenna coil of rope04:53
katsmeow-afkspecially after wet04:53
katsmeow-afkhow willa  rope push the ama back out?04:53
fenni'm thinking of how to practically make a 50 ton flexture04:53
genehackerhave you taken into account rogue waves?04:53
bkeroHighest CV joint rating I can find is 10.5k04:53
katsmeow-afkgene, yeas04:53
katsmeow-afkbkero, hence i am not using CV joints04:53
fennkatsmeow-afk: something like a tensegrity04:53
bkerokatsmeow-afk: Find something better?04:54
katsmeow-afkgene, i counted on 20ft of a wall of water near vertical slamming into the side at 90 degrees, and not breaking the ama off04:54
katsmeow-afkbkero, i already did,i gave the url to a smallversion of it04:54
fenndoes the spacing have to be exact or can it be a squishy joint?04:55
katsmeow-afkfenn, define spacing04:55
genehackera flexure joint?04:55
fennthe distance between surfaces the strut holds apart04:55
bkero.ne skeeos04:55
katsmeow-afkfenn, it will be in ocean water04:56
katsmeow-afkstranded wire rope is contraindicated04:56
fennok.. how about a tire with two plates bolted/sealed on either side to make a big pneumatic bladder04:56
fennlike an oversized truck air spring04:56
fennum.. like the constant volume joints on 1950's spacesuits04:57
katsmeow-afknot enough movement without overstressing the rubber04:57
fennor some other hydraulic bellows thing04:58
katsmeow-afktechnically, the usa coastguard has banned the use of tires in water, even as dock bumpers04:58
katsmeow-afkas of last yr04:58
fennbecause of mosquitoes?04:58
katsmeow-afkthey leak oils and such as they break down04:58
fennwhat about the gigatons of poison they spray on boats04:58
katsmeow-afki didn't ask04:59
katsmeow-afksome bottom paints are illegal now too04:59
genehackerit's much cheaper to not use tires than to get rid of the gigatons of poison04:59
katsmeow-afkok, what gigatons of poison?04:59
genehackerI am assuming boat hull paint05:00
katsmeow-afkyeas,, Califonia is trying to eliminate all toxic boat paints inthe popular big marinas there05:01
katsmeow-afkthey are saying the marina silt is a toxic waste dump from paint chips05:01
genehackerhmmm... hope my water doesn't come from a popular marina then(though there are national standards on water quality that dictate the safe amount of heavy metal)05:06
katsmeow-afkeven this little one has a strength of 9 tons : http://www.qscomponents.com/34fr.html05:07
genehackerwith what safety factor05:15
katsmeow-afkthat one? i dunno05:16
katsmeow-afklike i said, if i build for 50tons in the coupling, and it's backed up with a 1 inch thick bulkhead to distribute the load thru the hull  plating, i want the coupling pin to break before the hulls are distorted05:18
katsmeow-afkdistorted hulls, probably cracked and leaking,  will be a pain to fix, but roping the hulls together and making new pins is alot less of a pain05:20
fennhmm why don't i have a command line japanese dictionary yet06:08
fennpreferably an actual dictionary06:09
fennwhy can't it just use unicode i wonder06:10
genehackerwhy would you need that?06:14
NoahjMaybe you hate gtk206:18
NoahjI don't have a unicode terminal at the moment06:19
NoahjI thought I compiled mrxvt with unicode 06:20
NoahjBut I guess not06:20
NoahjOh, I think I need to re-do it with ja set 06:21
NoahjI think you might be able to use links and Google translate06:21
fennyah it's called surfraw and died a pathetic death06:22
NoahjSurfraw looks like some scripts that interface search engines 06:23
NoahjAh, it has babelfish support 06:24
genehackerargh, the imperial system of measurements is killing me06:24
fennanyway google translate is based on massive data mining, not actual human input06:25
fennso it isn't guaranteed to be even close to correct06:25
genehackerif they datamine enough eventually they'll have something correct06:25
NoahjEventually's a bit of a wait06:31
NoahjThere're CGI interfaces to... er... edict and such 06:31
NoahjWhich maybe you could prod a bit with curl into doing what you want 06:32
kanzureedict is in debian06:33
kanzurenot by default but it's there06:33
Noahjhttp://www.vultaire.net/software/jben/jben2.php.en < maybe this is what you want 06:34
NoahjIt parses kanjidic06:34
kanzuremasten space videos: http://qik.com/NGLLC (they apparently won a recent competition?)06:35
genehackerLCROSS impacts the moon on the 9th06:44
genehackerstill trying to figure out a name?07:10
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kanzurenovodex physics08:13
kanzurehttp://novodex.com/ seems to go to PhySX08:18
fennmaybe they got bought out08:18
kanzure"NOTE: All binary PhysX SDKs are free for commercial and non-commercial uses*"08:18
kanzure"Source Code access for each SDK is available for a fee of $50,000.00 USD per platform and per game or application for the following platforms:"08:19
fenni think physX is the "do calculations on the gpu" idea08:19
fenni'm surprised they didnt say 'call for a quote'08:19
kanzureis $50k below the "call for quote" mark?08:20
fennno not at all08:20
fennoddly enough it seems the more expensive things are the easier to find the price08:20
fennbecause they arent ashamed of it or something08:20
kanzurehttp://nxogre.org/ "what the back of your head looks like"08:22
kanzurei guess i could make a swig wrapper to this if we really wanted one08:25
kanzurebut the source code to the sdk is not available ($50k is far from "available")08:25
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kanzurechristopher kelty10:14
fennthanks lazyweb10:15
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kanzurebugs in ode? http://floatingorigin.com/python/physics.html12:38
kanzurearen't unit tests supposed to check for this?12:39
fennthe proper way to submit a bug report is not to write a webpage about it12:43
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kanzurefenn: he sent it as an email to the pyode developers too12:49
kanzureanyone know how to check this out? https://svn.zeitkunst.org/viewvc/MSThesis/trunk/Creature/simulation.py?view=markup12:50
kanzuregasp someone who wrote code for a thesis12:50
kanzureoh but he's from the media lab12:50
kanzurevarious collected samples13:02
fenn"college is a waste of time and money" as true today as it was in 1975: http://www.grossmont.edu/bertdill/docs/CollegeWaste.pdf13:02
fennprobably more so13:02
kanzuresome of them crash on my laptop but i suspect it's for the same reason that pythonocc crashes13:02
-!- ekaterina [n=chatzill@207-172-104-170.c3-0.avec-ubr9.nyr-avec.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #hplusroadmap13:04
fennhello immunology person13:05
NoahjOr immunology cat13:07
kanzurethat's not a cat noise13:07
ekaterinaIt so is.. unless it's a fat cat..then it's Meuf.13:07
fenni was sort of hoping the other cat would respond13:07
kanzureekaterina: hi13:08
kanzurewhat's up?13:09
ekaterinaSo, I heard this is a group devoted to world domination?13:09
fennmore like world un-domination13:10
kanzuresometimes it's easier to just go build something else13:10
ekaterinaYes, i would have to agree.13:11
NoahjWorld deposition13:11
ekaterinaI don't particularly want dominion over the earth , since there is really nothing to be proud off.13:11
kanzureone idea is to use free and open source hardware for that13:11
ekaterinaMaybe we just need to start with a clean slate.13:12
kanzure(otherwise the tech is all hidden and murky)13:12
kanzureit doesn't look like anyone else is going to get us off this rock so we'll have to do that too13:13
ekaterinaNo, they're not..which is why extending our lifespans is goal Number 113:14
ekaterinasolving the unified theory..and intergalactic travel comes later.13:14
fenngah why is everyone PM'ing me13:14
kanzuresorry fenn13:14
kanzurewas just wondering when i wrote this: http://heybryan.org/notes.html13:14
fennbefore 2006 apparently13:15
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fennFriedhofszwang == cremation?13:20
fennwhy is that filed under "personal freedom"?13:20
kanzureekaterina: so here's our "evil plan": http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb13:21
-!- mason_l is now known as mason-l13:25
fennheh "Partial immortalization"13:43
fenn"i'm not dead yet!"13:43
fenn"[DNA barcoding techniques] will ultimately crack down on the widespread and growing international trade in bushmeat, a market estimated to be worth as much as $15 billion"13:48
fennbushmeat is random wild animal meat13:49
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kanzurefenn: http://www.humanityplus.org/read/2009/10/2009-h-summit/14:41
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fenni will send you all personally targeted spam!14:53
fennpew pew pew14:53
fenn'blue light hazard'15:20
fenni ran across it while researching how to fix my busted sleep clock15:20
fennspeaking of which, good night :015:24
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kanzureis anyone going to join fenn and me up at h+ summit?16:13
bkeroIrvine, CA, huh?16:16
bkerokanzure: You're giving a talk, huh?  Awesome.16:17
bkeroSKDB :)16:17
bkeroOh damn, $15016:17
kanzurebkero: you know a speaker16:18
kanzureyou should be able to get in for free16:18
kanzurein fact, we could say that you're a speaker16:18
kanzureyou've been with us since the beginning, right?16:18
bkeroI have16:18
kanzureso there you go16:18
bkeroHeh heh16:18
bkeroI'm not sure I can get down to Irvine16:18
bkeroDecember might change the situation16:18
drazakHm, sunday I think I'll do some PCR and start an elisa incubating16:35
drazaktomorrow I'll isolate RNA and get the conditioned media for the ELISA 16:36
* ybit is game for the h+ summit, looks like a fun time17:08
kanzureok that's 3 of us17:11
ekaterinawell, if enough people attend we can surely have our own secret meeting of doom ...17:11
kanzurewe must17:11
kanzureit's a requirement, now17:11
ekaterinaonly 3...?17:11
kanzureok, 417:11
ekaterinaI'll bring the err......17:12
ekaterinanuclear warhead?17:12
kanzureok, i'll bring the uranium17:12
kanzurewhat are we holding the world hostage for?17:12
ybiti'll bring my clone-o-matic just in case we need more attending the secret meeting17:13
ekaterinaclone-o-matic!!!....i want one of those..17:13
kanzureectogenetic chamber plus IVF? or what?17:13
ekaterinareally would speed up my photographic storing of information17:13
ekaterinacan we kill them all even if they give us what we want?17:14
kanzureno, we have to be nice17:14
ekaterinaFine, the wait will make that eventual day so much sweeter17:14
ekaterinais there going to be some dress code?17:15
kanzureno clothing17:15
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ekaterinaI'm not sure the focus would be towards the logistics of our plans if that were to happen17:16
kanzureoh, right17:16
kanzurewell anyway, the h+ organizers seem to say to wear whatever17:16
ekaterinaright...i guess I'll stick to the mini skirt and knee high leather boots then..17:17
ekaterinalets not forget the whip17:17
ekaterinareally throw people off when i open my mouth17:17
* ybit starts to wonder what this secret meeting is about while kanzure is going nude and ekaterina is dressing like one of my many prostitutes17:19
kanzurewait, wait, what?17:19
ybitis this one of those afk-meetings because i can pass :)17:20
kanzurei guess i have no problems with this17:20
ybitass-fucking-kanzure, really?17:20
ybitin the secret meeting of doom17:21
kanzurethe secret meeting of doom is a take-over-the-world meeting17:21
ybitfor a sec it sounded like a swinger's club17:21
ybitthere's no way asterisk is taking up more mem than firefox17:24
kanzurewhat are you using asterisk for?17:24
ybitnothing right now, but on occassion i mess around with it since i'm sure it will be handy one day17:25
kanzurehow is it?17:26
ybitit works17:26
ybitno complaints so far17:26
ybitah, htop was sorted by time17:27
* ybit is off to do one of those ritualistic acts of celebrating someone's birth17:28
kanzuregorging yourself with cakes?17:28
ybitthat's the plan :)17:28
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-50-252.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:29
genehacker2singularity summit, now h+ summit17:29
genehacker2how do you have time for this sort of stuff17:30
kanzurei skip school17:30
kanzureyou should try it some time17:30
genehacker2I am a sleepless zombie17:30
kanzurethat doesn't sound healthy17:30
genehacker2I've had 3 tests so far and a lab report and I'm studying for the 4th one17:31
genehacker2it's educational17:31
kanzurei've had only two tests17:31
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ekaterinaGrah, I had to go actually eat something17:32
ekaterinasuch a waste of time.17:32
genehacker2two tests, didn't you go to sing sum over the weekend? I have forgotten the details of what happened before tuesday due to the fact I'm a sleepless zombie17:32
kanzureyes i went to thes ummit17:32
kanzure*the summit17:32
kanzurei met ekaterina there among other mortals17:32
kanzurefor a list of people i met: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/meetlog.txt17:33
ekaterinawe'll see who's a mortal once Derya analyzes my blood!17:33
genehacker2also fluid equations are fucking awesome17:33
kanzurenavier stokes?17:33
genehacker2it makes sense17:33
kanzureyes they can be fun17:33
kanzurewhen i first discovered the basic rectangular cross section explanation i freaked17:33
genehacker2yeah I had that today and acouple days ago17:34
genehacker2still trying to understand the tensor thing17:34
genehacker2think I'm going to derive some stuff over the weekend for fun17:34
genehacker2anyway you're not dropping out of school are you?17:35
kanzurei dunno17:35
kanzurei'm definitely finishing up this semester17:35
kanzuremaybe i'll take a break17:35
genehacker2seriously you really ought to take some of the hard engineering classes17:35
kanzurethey won't let me17:35
kanzuremaybe i should just show up17:36
ekaterinayou two go to the same school together?17:36
ekaterinaOh, how i miss the wonders of Imperial biochem students.....not17:36
kanzurei stumbled across genehacker sometime last year17:36
kanzurewe were talking about transhumanism, repraps and world domination17:37
ekaterinajust your everyday stuff...i see..17:37
kanzurepretty much17:37
genehacker2well one way I've to get their attention is to do really well on the tests and then show up and eat the final17:37
genehacker2I'm not really myself at the moment17:37
ekaterinathat's the only way to do it..17:37
ekaterinajust absolutely ace some test at the beginning of the year17:38
ekaterinahow I got by without constantly being reprimanded for reading magazine and not paying any attention17:38
genehacker2but I want to make DNA synthesizer capable of synthesizing more than 3 gigabases in one go using a DLP projector17:38
genehacker2if you happen to know anything about the protecting groups used to protect the bases during oligonucleotide synthesis, that would help17:39
ekaterinaUnfortunately that's not in my database of information right now17:41
ekaterinaI'll really have to pick up pace if i plan to be this data entity you mentioned bryan17:41
genehacker2SKDB stuff?17:42
kanzureand the data integration entity17:43
ekaterinaAlthough i suppose the fact that i know more immunology than Derya after 2 weeks  is encouraging.17:43
kanzurewait, is it? that sounds more scarry than anything else17:43
kanzuredoes he know much?17:43
ekaterinahe knows a lot17:43
genehacker2immunology eh?17:44
ekaterinahe's purposely trying to slow my progress17:44
ekaterinaby encouraging me to brainstorm random subjects and not continue photographic absorbtion17:44
genehacker2got a question then, how the heck do antigen binding sites work17:44
ekaterinawell, that depends what antigen binding site you're talking about17:45
ekaterinaon which cell of the immune system17:45
* kanzure goes to the grocery store17:45
ekaterinaand what antigen is binding..17:45
kanzurei think there might be a hydrogen bonding motif involved in some cases?17:45
ekaterinathere are non covalent interactions involved basically17:46
ekaterinaelectrostatic, yes hydrogen, 17:46
genehacker2and how are antibodies for x antigen generated?17:46
ekaterinavan der walls17:46
kanzureusually by inoculating a bacteria culture17:46
kanzureor a rabbit17:46
ekaterinayou mean in vivo or in vitro..17:46
ekaterinayou mean for clinical use?17:47
ekaterinathen kanzure is correct.17:47
genehacker2after the innoculation part how do cells make the antibody, specifically how do choose the antigen binding site, surely they can't have a library of all possible antigen binding sites and they generate them on the go?17:48
ekaterinathe cells you are talking about are called B cells17:48
ekaterinaand each B cell is only specific to one antigen17:48
ekaterinaor epitope of the antigen17:48
ekaterinaa series of amino acids.17:48
ekaterinaB cells have immunoglobulins/antibodies on their surface that recognize these antigens, however their activation and differentation into cells that can then produce secretion antibodies requires T helper cell activation.17:49
ekaterinaso..they must also meet a T cell that is specific for the antigen they are specific too17:50
ekaterinaand the library you mentioned is generated via genetic recombination of the receptors on both B and T cells.17:50
ekaterinathey have these segmented genes/modules V, D, J, C..17:51
genehacker2and they recombine them into different sequences?17:51
ekaterinathat are recombined to give a repetoire around 10 to the power of 6 different kinds of B cells and T cells17:51
ekaterinayes..obbiously this is very condensed17:51
ekaterinathe process itself is extremely complicated17:51
ekaterinalots of details....I like details :)17:52
genehacker2so the modules determine the shape of the antigen binding protein correct?17:52
genehacker2and allow antibody for almost every protein correct?17:53
ekaterinanot quite so specifically, but yes17:53
ekaterinathe receptors for the antibodies dont actually differ that much17:53
ekaterinaits select amino acids that are changed.17:54
genehacker2how many amino acids are changed?17:54
ekaterinawell, once again this depends what cells we're talking about17:54
ekaterinafor example...antigen presenting cells.17:55
genehacker2what is the lowest amount of antibodies changed17:55
ekaterinaie dendritic cells, macrophages, B cells, present via MHC molecules that pick up the antigent17:55
genehacker2*amino acids changed17:55
ekaterinathe MHC mols all only really differ by about 50 amino acids.17:55
ekaterinait key anchor residues that make the different17:55
ekaterinalike MHC class I molecules, usually anchor residues are amino acids 2 and 9 because they make the contact with the peptide.17:56
genehacker2so can specific antibodies for any protein be made?17:57
genehacker2using just the set of amino acids that change17:57
ekaterinayes, the immune system is technically capable of generating antibodies for any type of antigen17:58
genehacker2ok thanks17:58
ekaterinaso, how was the grocery shopping kanzure?18:00
kanzurenot done yet :)18:02
ekaterinaor are you just teleporting it all over using your mind?18:03
genehacker2nah here we download grocery assembly instructions from an online database and have our automatic robot factories make them 18:05
ekaterinaI would have expected as much18:05
genehacker2unless of course the grocery in question requires materials which have been depleted, in which case a team of automatic material requisitioning robots is sent out18:06
ekaterinawhat!!...you don't have the nanotechnology to generate these materials from their individual atoms yet??...How very unprogressive..:)18:06
ekaterinathats really the final step..18:07
ekaterinathen every material gain will become obsolete.18:08
genehacker2we don't need nanotechnology to do this18:09
genehacker2though individual atom manipulating nanotech would be great18:10
genehacker2it's just that it's nearly impossible to bootstrap18:10
ekaterinakey world being nearly..18:12
ekaterinawhere theres a concept theres a way..18:12
ekaterinai'll just be sitting around wating for a while so best work on my anti-aging theories.18:13
ekaterinaor help out in crygenics...one or the other.18:13
ekaterinacan't help but want the easy frozen for 50 years way out.18:13
genehacker2actually by nearly impossible, I mean it can be done, it's just that it might take a long time to get there18:19
genehacker2have you read about making tool tips for nanoassemblers?18:20
ekaterinanot in detail anyway18:21
genehacker2some step involved require a lot of human intervention18:23
genehacker2and that the human intervention be done in a short time period18:23
genehacker2I think the figure is that the tool tips made last only about 17 minutes(due to degradation from the few air molecules that weren't removed from the vacuum) and the yield of tool tips is very low18:25
genehacker2actually if you get frozen now theres a good chance it could take more than 50 years to revive you...18:26
kanzurestill not gone yet :(18:27
kanzurefake mom here..18:27
genehacker2due to cracking and other annoying process that occur during vitrification that could make informatic recovery harder18:27
genehacker2anyway if you can figure out how to make cells not die or degrade for long periods without oxygen that'd help...18:30
ekaterinaill just add to to the list of things to do..18:31
genehacker2and a cryoprotectant that isn't poisonous... that too18:32
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* kanzure nom nom on sushi19:41
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bkeroI want sushi :(20:27
kanzureno sushi for you until you write 10k lines of code20:27
drazakI get to do something new on monday!20:28
katsmeow-afkthe idiot software?20:28
kanzureno that's eliza20:28
drazakkatsmeow-afk: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay20:29
katsmeow-afki know i entered 3 minutes in the microwave, because i can't do that to the refridgerator20:31
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drazakkanzure: give me the abstract on openvirgil?20:58
kanzureit's us21:05
kanzurewe're fucked :(21:05
kanzurebasically openvirgil morphed into openmanufacturing21:05
kanzureskdb is openmanufacturing except "we're actually doing it"21:05
drazakI kinda figured21:06
kanzurei like how when google made "project virgil" paul fernhout immediatley jumped on it and started "doing it for reals"21:06
kanzurego open source21:06
kanzureexcept he doesn't actually do anything21:06
drazaksomeone was telling me about it21:07
drazakand I'm like21:07
drazak"I know this bryan bishop guy..."21:07
drazakand theybasically said I didn't21:07
kanzurethat you didn't know me?21:08
kanzureplease go on21:08
drazakI kinda pointed to diybio and this channel21:08
drazakand they were like21:08
kanzuremaybe i have a dopelganger?21:08
drazakI've known you for like 2 years21:08
drazakI dunno man21:08
drazakbut on and off for two years I've been hanging out here21:09
kanzureoh shit ieee president at usc 21:45
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kanzurehello trey22:03
danielcchey there22:04
danielccwho all is here?22:04
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kanzurelots of anonymous folks. 22:04
kanzureNoahj is in the fab academy22:05
kanzurekatsmeow-afk is some chick living on the high seas22:05
kanzuredrazak is in a biology lab somewhere22:05
kanzurefenn is sleeping in my closet atm22:05
kanzurevarious other people22:05
kanzuregenehacker is a mechanical engineering student at ut austin22:06
danielccsince this is involving biology so heavily, i know another guy that might be worth bringing into this project...22:06
danielcca friend of mine is currently at clemson with a 4.0 in micro biology 22:07
kanzureactually i would greatly appreciate anybody you know who knows about "feeds and speeds"22:07
danielcche he really up to par with how all of these things work22:07
kanzuresure, bring him on in :)22:07
kanzuremanufacturing people are desperately needed22:07
kanzureit's hard to find open source software people with experience in manufacturing or engineering22:08
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kanzure(and not software engineering)22:08
kanzurehey wrldpc2 22:08
danielccmost anyone engineering has some experience with manufacturing since it mostly revolves around it22:08
kanzuresome people have this "magical thinking" where they just expect manufacturing "to work"22:08
kanzureand thus you get the crappy designs that machinists scratch their head over22:09
kanzurehopefully this can be mitigated22:09
danielcci might should add i have access to the machine shop at usc..22:10
kanzureoh cool, i'd love to look at the equipment inventory sometime22:10
danielccas in i have the key to the front door of one of them...22:10
kanzurei have some lists of different tools and machines in various environments22:10
kanzurefor instance, for fablabs:22:10
kanzuretechshop: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/doc/BOMs/comparison/techshop.yaml22:11
kanzureand in general: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/doc/BOMs/ultimate-tool-buying-guide.yaml22:11
danielccits mainly a lath and mill for this one... and a random silicon wafer slicer lol22:11
kanzurebut it's always good to learn about alternative ways to outfit a shop22:11
kanzurecool. not a crystal puller, though right?22:11
danielccno that is kept in another part of the lab22:12
danielccwe grow outside of that room22:12
kanzurethe ut has too many machine shops to count across campus, but the mechanical engineering shop has a few CNC machines, a row of lathes and mills, a casting area, etc.22:12
kanzureneat, i wasn't expecting that22:12
danielccand bring the ingots to the machine shop to slice22:12
kanzurei don't think we grow our own crystals22:12
kanzureor if we deal with them at all (not sure)22:12
danielccthe main machine shop has alot more than the sic one but it costs $22:13
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danielcchave you ever worked on any semiconductor projects?22:15
kanzurejust some microprocessor architecture design22:15
kanzuretried to route out the whole semiconductor manufacturing process once for the hell of it22:16
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kanzurehuh according to that page i knew QuantumG in 2007?22:17
kanzure(he sometimes shows up in here)22:17
danielcchow did this project turn out?22:19
kanzurethe microprocessor architecture work ended up being a high school presentation in my sophomore year22:19
kanzuregot to present to some UT professors, had a blsat22:19
kanzuredidn't do any simulations, it was mostly boolean algebra and a little VHDL/verilog22:19
danielccthe majority of my projects in highschool involved alternative power and high temp furnaces22:20
danielcci once managed to power a small radio off of a long antenna22:21
danielccit was kind of neato 22:21
kanzurei need to sleep for a while but i'll be back in a few hours22:21
kanzureybit should keep you entertained for a while :p22:21
danielccit is 11:30 here so i will be leaving soon as well22:23
kanzurefeel free to idle22:24
danielcceither way i'm sure i will catch up with you soon enough22:25
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* ybit is through entertaining danielcc23:37
ybit23:33 <ybit> please improve pv for me will ya?23:37
ybit23:33 <danielcc> already on it23:37
ybit23:34 <ybit> $20k just isn't worth it23:37
ybit23:34 <danielcc> yeah23:37
ybit23:34 <danielcc> we have a direct bandgap polymer on the way23:37
ybit23:34 <danielcc> it is pretty baller 23:37
ybit23:34 <danielcc> also some nice quantum dot cells23:37
ybit23:35 <danielcc> which use quantum wells and junk...23:37
ybithe promised to tell me more later, so someone hold him to this :P23:37
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ybitoi wrldpc2 23:38
* ybit is off to bed23:38
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