
--- Day changed Fri Oct 09 2009
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fenni got 10/10 on the technology quiz but for some reason i don't feel proud04:16
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kanzure"obama wins nobel peace prize" http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSTRE5981JK2009100904:29
genehackerstill it's good stuff to know04:29
genehackermore interested in the other nobel prizes04:30
kanzurei think it's funny04:31
genehackerwait a second did he really win?04:31
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genehackerwe need those nukes you knoww04:32
genehackerfor in case of alien attack or impending meteor impact04:32
genehackerwoohoo enough time for 3 hours of sleep04:33
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fennweb scraping for profit? http://www.aggdata.com/about06:32
fenni can't believe they make money on this..06:33
fenn$39 for a list of all arby's restaurants.. how many people need to know this?06:34
drazakI dunno man06:46
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fennso drazak what made you decide to read anathem? and how far in are you?08:11
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fennkanzure: as requested, please come up with a list of things you want to talk about for h+ summit that are not things that I want to talk about08:41
fenni.e. diybio stuff08:41
fennor should i make a list of things i want and you can find the complement?08:41
fennand are we really last in the lineup?08:41
kanzurethere's a diybio talk too so i don't know if that's game for me08:43
kanzurei definitely want one of us to do a demo08:43
kanzure(whatever that means)08:43
kanzurei'll get a list i guess08:43
fennfwiw i think the talk should be more about the generic concepts and less about our specific implementation, or it will come across as a sales pitch08:47
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kanzurehttp://groups.google.com/group/diybio/topics huh a different view on google groups?09:51
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kanzuredoes anyone know what file format a sharepoint presentation is probably going to be in?10:26
kanzurefor instance, powerpoint is typically in ppt10:26
fenn"Personally my working theory is that Nepotism is the only way anything gets done, all declarations of meritocracy and transparency to the contrary." - joseph jackson10:46
katsmeow-afkkanzure , prolly more work than needed : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphabetical_list_of_file_extensions10:49
fennthat damn genehcker11:17
fennalways closing his laptop11:17
fennhere's your igem ripoff http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3063/2942143955_995c9f6a20.jpg11:46
fenni still think it's dumb though11:46
fennkanzure: the bjork robot video i was talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjAoBKagWQA12:08
fennwarning: cheese factor 0.612:14
fennmumble mumble transhumanist theme song etc12:17
fennthis page kept coming up repeatedly http://cscott.net/Projects/FabClass/12:32
fennas well as random people from cba: alex slocum, cynthia breazel, saul griffith, 12:33
fennand the OLPC is in the same clique12:35
fennwithout OLPC the whole netbook thing would never have happened12:36
fenni remember thinking it was really cool even if you ignored the whole 'humanitarian' aspect12:36
fennit's kinda scary i actually understand what this is saying now http://cscott.net/Projects/Mallard/12:50
bkerowtf http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601070&sid=aVcHn1Ig_M1E12:51
fennwell at least he agrees that he doesn't deserve it12:55
bkeroDidn't see that one coming12:57
fenni was under the impression that you had to campaign pretty hard to actually win a nobel prize (at least the science ones)12:59
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fennmy "holy crap" was in response to http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=113815459076713258356.000463b77495ac9c316f8&source=embed&ll=41.838874,-87.673645&spn=0.434828,0.58364914:41
ybitah, the tornado siren beside my house, nothing like the feeling that your ears may fall off14:51
* ybit badly wants to see a tornado14:52
ybitany suggestions for live weather radar updates? 14:53
ybitaside from the t.v.14:53
fennit wants java but overall seems to be the least annoying website14:54
ybitindeed, thanks for the recommendation14:55
fennis there sound in this video? any idea wtf is happening? http://ng.cba.mit.edu/show/demo/siljet.mpg14:56
ybitno sound14:58
fenni want to be this guy when i grow up http://ng.cba.mit.edu/show/video/09.04.Spirit_Chair.mpg15:25
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fennthis looks pretty simple to make http://ng.cba.mit.edu/show/video/09.04.electro_stepper.mpg15:33
fennbased on the same principle as a hypocycloid gear15:33
any54251606ybit http://www.wunderground.com/radar/radblast.asp?ID=BMX&region=c4&lat=33.51913834&lon=-86.80933380&label=Birmingham%2c%20AL16:21
any54251606pic your own zip16:21
ybitany54251606: is it updated more often than nws?16:30
ybitwhat's different16:30
kanzurenot sure how to organize the presentation16:32
kanzurei have this large section on gnu, fsf, osi, linux, debian, ubuntu, etc., 16:32
ybitplease do a better job than i did16:32
kanzurebut i'm not sure if i should put all this 'diy' stuff before or after it16:33
bkeroI know some stuff about open source :)16:34
ybitjust because you work in an open source lab? oh come on! ;)16:35
kanzurehuh where did this come from? http://blog.raamdev.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/apt-get-wife.png16:35
any54251606ybit, i didn't time either16:36
any54251606you can zoom with the wunderground one16:37
any54251606neither will update with my FF16:37
kanzureybit: i don't get it. http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs24/f/2009/248/b/6/Sudowoodo_apt_get_by_Lexino.jpg16:37
ybitguess that's on the minor todo list at some point, to figure out which online weather service has more up-to-date radar images, and which one tells me if i'm about to be tossed a good ways off my chair16:38
any54251606ybit, the wunderground yo can also recenter by clicking where you want the center to be16:38
* any54251606 is roughly under the 'm' in "bham"16:39
ybitkanzure: maybe they are saying the grown-up one has super powers the younger one didn't, don't know16:40
kanzurethis is not a good job: http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/blog/entry/images/apt-diagram-simple.png16:41
kanzureybit: sudowoodo.. i just don't get it. sudowodoo wasn't a good pokemon anyway16:41
* ybit has to find the 200 links that were open, but are now lost to oblivion16:41
ybitright, i can't even think of a good joke about him carrying 6 balls 16:42
ybitoff to deposit stock money and hopefully have the freerunner on the way16:43
kanzurei just want a little diagram of a machine sucking up this giant web of dependencies and spitting out a "hello, dave, what would you like to do today?" login screen16:43
kanzureis this too much to ask for?16:43
ybiti can draw something real quick.. later though16:43
* any54251606 wants an animation of a robot driving down a divided interstate, with a gps telling it to turn left, and a camera zoom out showing the left side of the car being ground off by the divider, the robot looking left, it's nose being ground off my the concrete divider, saying that option is greyed out16:45
any54251606everyone who remembers that ibuprofen is ototoxic, raise your hand16:50
any54251606ican't hear you, what part of "it's ototoxic, raise your hand " didn't you understand?16:51
kanzuremaybe we need a penguin opening up lots of packages and unpacking stuff16:53
drazakI am motherfucking exhausted17:08
fenni think yoko ono should have won the nobel peace prize17:19
fennwhat happened at something:30 on october 9th?17:24
drazakalso what the fuck17:25
drazakmy computer won't play music17:25
drazakugh I hate doing reverse transcriptase18:02
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ybitsoft tiles and reflectix insulation, two neat technologies i just became aware of19:33
ybitvinay gupa or however you spell his name just told me also that hexayurts with this type of tech can survive -6C easy, any54251606, comment?19:34
* ybit is about to post an email to the hexayurt mailing list concerning price comparisons on alt building methods19:35
ybitand apparently the death star i keep seeing is an inflatable satellite dish19:40
kanzuredum de do19:43
kanzurehttp://prezi.com/ eh?19:49
ybitnothing there really, the poster just makes me feel rich and 21st centuryish if i go the hexayurt route19:53
any54251606ybit, it's an abbreviated house, conservation of surface area, but reflecting heat doesn';t work worth a pee if the air is moving, which it almost always is20:04
any54251606i think it's benefits are it's airtight right at the insulation surface,and the foam is closed cell, more than anything else20:11
any54251606you can get sheets of osb done the same way, altho osb itslef isn't airtight; they put two sheets of osb in the form, and shoot expanding foam tween them, you get heavier structural 3 to 6 inch thick sections of that foamboard20:13
ybitthat's what vinay suggested i build the hexayurt out of20:13
any54251606paint the osb, seal the stuff with the paint, and it's entirely a scaled up version of that 20:13
ybitthere are already these types of hexayurts20:14
any54251606ok, but anyone can put anew door into your space by cutting the tape20:14
any54251606you going for cheap? or durable?20:14
ybitcan i has both?20:15
any54251606not if the entire house is only foam20:16
ybitit's osb or plywood20:16
any54251606all i saw was foil-covered foam20:16
ybitfourth video down from hexayurt.com20:18
any54251606well, i have no audio, and the movie is choppy20:22
any54251606keep in mind, osb is not airtight or watertight20:23
any54251606it's draft, and will not keep rain out20:24
any54251606if it gets wet, it warps to no end20:24
any54251606in some places, it is not rated for any structural strngth at all20:25
any54251606and it will outgas glue fumes for  a year or more20:25
ybitanother plywood hex.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fwlIxWomyw20:26
ybit20:24 < any54251606> it's draft, and will not keep rain out20:26
any54251606http://a7.video2.blip.tv/0630002046593/Hexayurt-PlywoodHexayurtConstructionDetails992.MP4?bri=9.7&brs=4233  is the same one you gave earlier20:26
ybitre:^ it's water-proof20:26
any54251606ybit, i have seen water run right thru the stuff20:27
ybiti think it has waterproof paint20:27
ybiti _think_ that's why it's called waterproof20:27
ybitdrazak: get back to work! :P20:28
any54251606i dunno...... the guy smoking the joint, vs the guy who can't operate the drill/driver on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fwlIxWomyw doesn't inspire me20:28
ybithaha, will view it when the download is complete20:29
any54251606tv here is now replaying entire evenings of shows,, tonite is a rerun of last nite20:29
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any54251606re: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fwlIxWomyw   ; get some power tools, seriously20:32
any54251606it's not efficient to use labor and feed laborers for days, when one saw will do all the work in one hour20:33
any54251606he's doing a event to teach how to make a yurt and live on $1000's yr in the woods?20:34
any54251606i've lived in a communte before, this isn't working for me20:35
drazakybit: I'm home20:35
drazakybit: I don't o back to the lab until monday20:35
ybiton columbus day, blasphemy!20:35
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ybitlol, i see what you mean about the need for power tools 20:42
ybitit's almost unbearable watching this20:43
genehackerI stay off of IRC for one day and miss a whole bunch?20:45
drazakybit: psh20:46
drazakybit: there's going to be like, everyone that normally comes in20:46
ybithttp://openfarmtech.org/weblog/?p=527 :: CEB, Hexacube, and Hexayurt: Side by Side20:48
ybitgenehacker: what'd you miss?20:48
genehackergot some emails from fenn and kanzure20:48
genehackerfenn, so you have something that can hover, now how do you land it and control which direction it's going it?20:49
genehackeralso let's not forget about what would happen if the package was loosely secured in something spinning like that20:51
genehackerit'd wobble like crazy20:52
genehackerit's a cool design though20:56
genehackerreminds me of this:20:56
any54251606ybit, how much floor area can you cover with a hexayurt, with 4ft tall walls, using 7 sheets of 4x8 plywood/osb ?21:08
genehackerdang can't find it21:10
any54251606ybit, for a square: 4 sheets to make the walls, 2 to make a roof, 1 to raise the roof 2ft on one edge and make it slope21:12
any54251606(the rest of the 2ft x8ft piece is made into two wedges to fill in undr the sloping sides of the roof)21:12
any54251606so with 2 cuts, you get a 8x8 with a peak ceiling of 6ft, with 7sheets, which you can layer up 4x8 insulation against inside, and only one oddball multi-angled cut is needed, and it's only one cut off 90degrees21:14
any54251606a hexayurt with 4x4 wall panels has many odd lumber cuts, has a floor space of 41sqft (vs 64 for the 4sided box)21:16
any54251606if you want more room, make a round house, big enough diam that you don't need to cut the exterior sheathing, just bend around and screw into place, subdivide as needed21:19
any54251606last thing you need, trust me, is a comforter/blanket falling off the bed at night against a hot wood heater21:19
any54251606put the wood burner in the other room21:20
genehackerah here it is21:23
genehackerhmmm.... now I wonder would a water gun with a 3000 psi jet be safe?21:50
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