
--- Day changed Sat Oct 10 2009
-!- nsh [i=sbp@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:58
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genehackerwhat's that doing of sourceforge02:55
genehackerthat's not supposed to be there02:55
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk03:45
fennoo this is cool.. webcam-based head tracking for 3d immersion http://www.k2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/vision/ptz_wz_headtracking/yamaguchi_chi2009.wmv03:58
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-43-193.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]04:49
fennmore on that line of thought http://www.k2.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/perception/ParallaxAugmentedDisplay/index-e.html05:12
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fennmore gargoyle tech.. it's too bad these things are flash.. wasn't this the point of quicktime vr?08:08
fennwhen i was thinking about this before it would instead be mounted _around_ the operator's head, not above him08:13
fennlike a helmet cam but pointing every direction08:13
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* kanzure runs into fenn in yet another search09:33
fennwhat this time09:34
kanzurewas looking if anyone has used ODE with OCC09:39
kanzurefor the past few months i have been keeping track of the origin of content stored on my computers09:40
fennyou mean like where you downloaded it?09:41
kanzurefor some reason i have stabilized on a standard of just throwing in urls into a file called url.txt in each dir09:41
fenni wish i had done that ten years ago09:41
kanzureme too :(09:41
fennbut urls die so quick it's kinda useless09:41
kanzureit's somewhat more useful than bookmarks 09:41
kanzuresince it's right where you might be wondering "wtf"09:41
fenni guess09:41
kanzurethe hdd-links file is the combined output of many "url.txt" files09:42
kanzurehttp://1centbp.com/ woot tito was good for something09:54
fenntito wrote that?09:58
-!- Trooem [i=Trooem@] has joined #hplusroadmap10:13
kanzurehe linked to it10:13
kanzurehello Trooem 10:13
kanzureare you a truism?10:13
Trooemwho is this bryan person from heybryan?10:13
Trooemi don't know what that is. no.10:14
kanzureme :)10:14
kanzurewhat can i do for you?10:14
Trooemi've been reading your website thoroughly10:14
kanzureit's kind of a black hole10:14
kanzurebe careful10:14
Trooemi am amazed.10:14
Trooemare you really 19?10:14
Trooemare you still 19 i meant10:14
Trooemdear lord..10:14
kanzurei feel old10:15
Trooemhow can you cover so much fields10:15
Trooemin such an early age?10:15
Trooem........i'm in online marketing,10:15
Trooemi'm 25.10:15
kanzureare you?10:15
kanzurei've been looking for a marketing person10:15
Trooemwell, i'm your man if you need information or making a quick buck10:15
kanzurei'm not the best at selling myself or explaining to investors what on earth it is that i am doing10:16
Trooemi'm planning on making 10k per day, that's my goal... don't know if it'll come true fast enought but...10:16
Trooemi see10:16
Trooemi'm not much of a salesletter person.. what i do is just hire people online to make the salesletter or10:17
kanzurehow did you find me?10:17
Trooemjust copy and paste their content10:17
kanzurewhat is a salesletter?10:17
Trooemmain .index page of any products-10:17
Trooemwhich is 1 page10:17
Trooemsales letter10:17
Trooemand they have a---10:17
kanzuresorry, i don't understand10:18
Trooempaypal acceptance or credit card payment processing link at the end10:18
Trooemi'll show you a example.10:18
Trooemthat's a information product.10:18
Trooemand what you see in there is a sales letter.10:18
kanzurelooks like spam10:19
Trooemjust a 1 page, sales letter- to persuade people into buying10:19
kanzuredo people seriously buy this shit?10:19
Trooemno there is a difference between spam and permission based marketing10:19
Trooemit depends10:19
drazakkanzure: you suffere from the same problem as I10:19
Trooemthat warcraft niche- is overflooded.10:19
kanzuredrazak: aging?10:19
Trooembut niches in medicine-10:19
kanzurei wasn't aware that there was a WoW niche10:19
drazakkanzure: "uhm well I have this great idea that will work, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH..." "oh uhm, what?"10:20
Trooemit's about quantity10:20
kanzuredrazak: i've started to just carry around a laptop and show them working demos10:20
Trooemthere is. you keyword research- and there is a whole volume millions per day-10:20
TrooemWoW became a success...10:20
Trooemwhat i do is,10:20
Trooemi promote info products, e-commerce related tangible products, and 'pharmaceuticals' per say with permission based10:21
Trooemi actually build a database of leads and lists of people10:21
Trooemwho are genuinely interested10:21
Trooemin the products10:21
Trooemthe niche10:21
Trooemand pound them with the information they ask for10:21
kanzureusually these lists of people are harvested from signup forms with checkboxes saying [x] yes i am interested in receiving ..10:21
kanzurethese are usually checked to "yes please" by default on web pages10:22
drazakkanzure: wtf is the deal with that anestisizing mice thread10:22
drazakpolitics much?10:22
kanzuredrazak: haven't read it10:22
Trooemi found you kanzure- because i was interested in that 'build a brain' article10:22
drazakmakes me want to shoot everyone who's involved heatedly10:22
kanzureTrooem: ah, neat10:23
Trooemhow plausible do you think it is- seeing that in reality-10:23
Trooem10, 20 years?10:23
drazakTrooem: build a brain, atleasts biologically, is probably 15 years away10:23
kanzureTrooem: i just got back from a conference about that10:23
kanzurei think less, drazak10:23
Trooemreally, what did they say>10:23
kanzureed boyden and many others are already doing transgenic brains10:23
kanzurein fact, transgenic brains have been around for more than a decade10:23
Trooemhow close are the experts on that10:23
kanzureone sec10:23
Trooemare they building an wetware based A.I out of it?10:23
drazakkanzure: well, I was talking about from cells on an ECM10:23
drazakkanzure: implantable, or something10:24
kanzureTrooem: no10:24
drazaknot in an animal10:24
Trooemhmm i see10:24
kanzureTrooem: which part about the "building brains" article are you referring to?10:24
TrooemAnybody in the know would realize just how hard it is to grow a brain, much less a noncontaminated tissue culture in the lab. It sucks immensely. Growing a full, beating brain would force us to face some issues of vascularization and other aspects of tissue engineering. Organ farms are going to have to solve this one day too, but let's ignore it. What's important about the brain is the interaction between the neurons and the growth of the neurons to c10:25
kanzureneuron tissue cultures are certainly possible10:25
kanzurebut it's hard to make the neurons not die10:25
kanzureclean rooms are a good start, but even academic labs get infected with viruses and all of the cultures just crash10:25
kanzuredrazak: didn't you say you had an infection the other day?10:25
Trooemthey'd need to bio-engineer quite a bit the neurons to be able to make them practical.... errr..10:26
Trooemkanzure, your covering so many fields, what is your ultimate scope, goal?10:26
Trooemi'm curious10:26
kanzuretranshumanism and then some, yes10:27
Trooemnot being pessimistic or trying to be, i'm all optimistic about --- anything.10:27
kanzuresounds dangerous10:27
kanzurebeing optimistic about anything, i mean10:27
Trooemi guess the best and sure way is --- cryonics?10:27
Trooemhave you made a account with alcor?10:27
kanzureno, i'm too broke10:27
Trooemor CI?10:27
Trooemi see10:27
Trooemyeah your 19, student.10:28
kanzurethey haven't thawed a human successfully yet (or ever)10:28
Trooemnot publically probably.... 10:28
Trooembut maybe somewhere lol10:28
fennhum i thought i read some article recently about reconfigurable FPGA's as something like HTM/neural net10:28
kanzurethey would publicize the hell out of that10:28
fenndid i imagine that?10:28
fennit was for an embodied robot10:29
kanzurefenn: you're missing an adjective in that sentence. what about FPGAs and HTMs and ANNs?10:29
fennfor "building brains"10:29
kanzureor a verb10:29
kanzureyes it's true you can implement all sorts of algorithms on FPGAs10:29
fennyeah but this is actually the right way to do it10:29
Trooemit's so darn weird, just about every topic you mentioned here: http://heybryan.org/transhuman/roadmap.html10:29
Trooemwhat i've been thinking about10:29
kanzureTrooem: that document is old10:30
kanzureplease ignore it10:30
Trooembut yours just far more detailed. i've been in online marketing...10:30
fenni mean biology sucks, we need to figure out how to implement the cortical algorithm on silicon10:30
kanzurei wish i could apologize to the internet for that "roadmap"10:30
kanzureTrooem: here's what i've been up to: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb10:30
Trooemyeah i was hoping i'd see some updates on it10:30
kanzureskdb is sort of like the roadmap except on wheels and gears10:30
Trooemso i'm guessing your ultimate goal is AI of sort?10:31
kanzureno, i don't know what intelligence is10:31
fenni'd settle for what hawkins describes10:31
fennsorry to geek out about it10:31
Trooemanything neurons can handle lol, maybe that's not upto you to understand... just force it?10:31
Trooemi'm really interested in A.I with wetware10:32
Trooemwilliam ditto's been experimenting with leech neurons10:32
kanzurefenn: please read some mountcastle and whatever markram references (though not necessarily what markram writes, he doesn't write explicitly on columns)10:32
Trooemand succeeded in that 1+1=2 10:32
kanzuresorry why would it be artificial if it's wetware?10:32
Trooemhmm... well, synthetic biology.10:32
Trooemi would assume they wouldn't let human neurons to screw around ethically10:33
Trooemso they'd need to make it artificial?10:33
Trooemi don't know10:33
fennthere's nothing spcial about human neurons10:33
Trooemyeah probably all neurons are similar i don't know jack about this field10:33
fennanyway you can make new neurons with stem cells10:33
Trooemi'm just starting to get into it10:33
fennthe problem is just doing tissue culture at all10:33
fennit's a pain in the ass10:34
kanzurefenn: have you ever set one up?10:34
Trooemi've mastered online marketing. i'm getting funds. heheheh10:34
kanzureTrooem: you're getting funds?10:34
fenni've done tissue culture but it's not like i ran the lab10:34
kanzurewhat does that mean?10:34
kanzurefenn: did they live? :)10:34
fennyeah for a few months10:34
fenni had beating heart cells and pigmented retinal cells etc10:34
Trooemi'm succeeding in online marketing that's what it means. i can get targeted traffic online anywhere for any niche, and turn that into legal money.10:34
kanzurepigmented? sorry, what?10:34
Trooemthat's what it means.10:34
fennit's pretty cool how they just start beating on their own10:34
fennpigmented = purple from the retinol10:35
Trooemthis also means, i don't need to worry about getting a job, spending time there etc etc...10:35
kanzurei wanted to make a microcircuit / microcolumn in a dish10:35
kanzurein the mouse brain these are 10k to 100k neurons10:35
Trooemi'm pretty screwed with academics so, i'm starting over again now.10:35
kanzurein a very particular organization10:35
kanzure(probably due to gene expression gradients during the neuron-phase of embryology)10:35
Trooemat a very late age... but hoping money will buy me time.10:36
Trooemand... cheat into schools.10:36
fennTrooem: learning is easier than ever these days10:36
fennschool is bullshit10:36
kanzureTrooem: you don't have to go to school10:36
kanzurefenn: stop reading my mind10:36
Trooemfenn: that's why i want to cheat10:36
fenni think you're just predisposed to cheating10:36
Trooemkanzure: i know, with internet and networks everywhere on whatever you want to learn, research and learning depends on your will, not school, but------10:37
kanzurefenn: another good author is casanova10:37
Trooemi want a degree just in case10:37
fennkanzure: what's with these guys' names?10:37
Trooemi come from a family which values that jazz10:37
kanzure    The minicolumn-macrocolumn relationship may be linked in part to both the termination of projections from the thalamus, which span a fixed distance and may serve to link together minicolumns that receive input from the same thalamocortical fibers, and by the effects of serotonin, changing columnar development in the cortex during brain development (Casanova 2006).10:37
Trooemthat's why... 10:37
kanzurefenn: hm? 10:37
fenncasanova, mountcastle..10:37
fennwhy can't i have a name like that10:37
kanzureit's a theme10:37
Trooemotherwise if it was completly upto me, i wouldn't waste so much time on that.10:37
Trooemfor me, i absolutely know nothing about anything in academia,  just graduated high school so.........10:38
fennboo hoo hoo10:38
kanzuresuppose you could accurately write a general "minicolumn" class that represents a minicolumn in a brain10:38
Trooemi'm just going to have to study chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry.... etc etc...10:38
fennTrooem: http://en.wikipedia.org/ start clicking10:38
kanzurei want to know the parameters for different individuals, or different regions of the brain in different species10:38
Trooemto be able to scratch the surface of molecular bio and syn bio right?10:38
kanzureto be honest too many people "know" biology and "synthetic biology"10:39
Trooemfenn: there are limits to what i can understand without fundamental learning. hehehhe...10:39
kanzurei wish more bioinformatics people were into synthetic biology10:39
fennTrooem: nonsense10:39
Trooemfenn: really?10:39
fennTrooem: you don't have to know what a quark is to tie your shoelaces10:39
* kanzure does10:39
kanzureit helps to figure out the quirks in the knots10:39
Trooemi can always hire people smarter than myself i guess, make them do the work and all, but i'd gotta understand the mechanics at least...10:40
kanzureyou can figure out the mechanics10:40
kanzurethis is not magic10:40
Trooemkanzure, you in uni of texas?10:40
kanzureofficially, yes10:40
Trooemyou should goto MIT or something man10:40
kanzurethey rejected me10:40
Trooemwas it the grades?10:40
kanzurenah, i didn't kiss enough ass10:41
fennthey never say why, just to haunt your for the rest of your life10:41
Trooemi'm sure your smart enough though10:41
Trooemand then some10:41
Trooemor other prestigious schools...10:41
kanzurehonestly now i don't think i would want to go to MIT for undergrad10:41
kanzurethat's a hell10:41
Trooemi'm planning on cheating into one with help of a friend.10:41
kanzurei would rather be a lab tech or something at MIT10:41
Trooemi c..10:41
kanzuremaybe sneak into their machine shops?10:41
fennhave you ever actually made something?10:42
kanzurebesides bullshit?10:42
fenni mean, a functional device10:42
kanzurefenn: have you seen markram's talk ever? he had some good pointers for what to look up10:43
fenni saw something about blue brain10:43
kanzurewas it "the emergence of intelligence in the neocortical microcircuit"?10:43
fenni guess i'm not really that interested in the details of how it actually works10:43
fenni just want to play around and see what happens10:43
fenni have a feeling that a lot of crap is unnecessary10:44
kanzurei'm not denying that10:44
fennwhy should neuroscience be complicated?10:44
kanzureonly the literature is complicated10:44
kanzureit's because people look at the brain and go "oh shit wtf"10:44
fennhawkins is getting good results with his approach already10:44
kanzurebesides OCR?10:45
fenni dont suppose you know of any open source alternative development efforts10:45
fennfor HTM10:45
kanzurei had a list on my wiki once10:45
kanzureunder the "computational neuroscience" page10:45
fennit wasn't OCR, more like "what is this?" "it's a cat" what is this? "it's a boat"10:45
Trooemkanzure, what do you think of regenerative medicine, aubrey de gray's SENS approach and nanomedicine and all that, you think immortality is near us?10:46
kanzuregah why isn't djangit done yet10:46
fennthat was the hot young intern's job10:46
Trooemsay in 20 years?10:46
kanzureTrooem: i like aubrey but think that more people should do SENS-related-research in their own home10:46
kanzurefenn: i'd like to point out that we did not, in fact, get a hot young intern10:47
Trooemi c10:47
Trooemdamn... just reading your blog, i'm hesitant to wonder what you can do if you knew the skills i have and advance on it... 10:48
fenni have been watching high speed sensory fusion videos from ishikawa-komura lab today.. i've come to appreciate the need for realtime processing, which is why i'm rambling about FPGA's10:48
kanzureTrooem: i have a blog?10:48
Trooemi have trouble understanding technical concepts but you..10:48
kanzurefenn: this might be it? http://web.archive.org/web/20080525114029/heybryan.org/mediawiki/index.php/Computational_biology10:48
kanzureTrooem: most people suck at explaining things10:48
Trooemwell, the heybryan.org10:48
kanzurefenn: NEURON, PGENESIS, "emergence" from colorado, lots of software out there10:49
fennhttps://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=189617   <- those are the same images as Numenta uses10:49
kanzurethere's also a python group doing this10:49
kanzurewhat's their name? urhm..10:49
Trooemi'm trying to figure out if we can make a deal somehow and team up kanzure. legitimately if interested!10:49
fennkanzure: you're missing the point.. i don't want to simulate biology10:49
Trooembut then i'm an ignorant when it comes to academics so i have no idea10:49
kanzurefenn: do ANNs simulate biology?10:49
kanzureTrooem: okay10:50
kanzurefenn: few of the projects are "simulating biology", then10:50
kanzurealso the organization of the brain is helpful, even hawkins admits that10:50
Trooemcan we have a common goal?10:50
fennis this philosophy?10:50
Trooemwould you interested in a research to get willam ditto's plan working?10:50
kanzureTrooem: i'm starting a business, do you want to hear about it?10:51
Trooemyes please10:51
fennof course; i'm just against slavish imitation10:51
kanzureTrooem: fenn and i have been working on skdb, a free and open source program for downloading hardware over the web10:51
kanzureif you want to grow neurons in a tissue culture, you need tool10:52
fenna debian of hardware designs10:52
kanzureskdb tells you how to build those tools given what you have10:52
kanzureand if you don't have the tools, then it tells you how to make those tools- or how to buy them10:52
Trooemok... i c. how will this profit you in any way?10:52
Trooemin terms of money.10:53
kanzurewell, we're selling kits and technical support10:53
kanzuresome people are lazy and don't want to build their own screws (why would you?) or their own cars10:53
fennTrooem: it's hard to find something that is both worth doing and makes you money10:53
fennand often when you try to mix the two it fucks up both10:53
Trooemfenn, may i ask your age?10:54
kanzureso the six or nine month plan is to get a kit out the door for the diybio community10:54
fennso, the answer is "it will help you to build stuff" and stuff is usually worth money10:54
fennTrooem: i'm 2710:54
Trooemok, so how much in terms of money, monthly, are you expecting from this project?10:54
Trooemfenn: got it.10:54
kanzurei've been asking for $10k to get rolling10:54
Trooemi'm sure you have something behind this of course.10:55
fennTrooem: i've seen people waste more on a barbecue than i spend in a year10:55
Trooemare you planning to monetize with adsense or some affiliate products?10:55
fennif necessary, but i bet more interesting opportunities will arise10:55
Trooemhmm... is this out of pure love for your studies and the philosophy of "information grows when you give it out" type of thing?10:56
fennif i hold onto it too tightly it will wither and die, yes10:56
fennit's hard enough just to get people to understand it in the first place10:56
kanzureTrooem: we could rebuild civilization10:56
kanzurewe can make what we need and what we want10:56
kanzureskdb helps us do this10:56
kanzurein the mean time, other people are probably interested in various portions of it .. just like people buy ikea kits or shopbots for their machine shops10:57
fenna shopbot is not a machine tool :P10:57
kanzurefurniture toy?10:58
Trooemthis is my ability and what i've learned over the years, being in online marketing. i rank for any terms (keyword phrases on the net) specifically going for longtail (lower competition) keywords (because they rank easier on top 10, first page of google) and i make a landing page out of it to (build a email-database list) opt-in list. and i monetize it with various affiliate programs, 10:58
Trooemand send the traffic- to wherever i need10:58
TrooemCPA networks (they pay about 10 to 20 dollars per customer lead)10:58
fennhow's that working out for you?10:59
fenni'm serious10:59
kanzurefenn: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/meetlogparser.py i'm doing something wrong i think10:59
kanzureit wokrs but it sucks10:59
Trooemadsense (orphan pages blast toward the email listing)10:59
Trooemand information products from clickbank10:59
fennbtw kanzure you know you can do unordered sets in yaml with ? mark10:59
Trooemi've yet to test out the mechanics of cloaking, and linking structures and etc etc....10:59
Trooemerr but it's been doing well and i can collect the listing...10:59
fenn  ? bar11:00
Trooemat any given point---11:00
fenn  ? baz11:00
Trooemsorry i didn't read your post up there now reading11:00
Trooemrebuild civilization11:00
Trooembut errm... i'd rather go for money and research into my own projects 11:01
fennit's the magic behind the 'print anything machine' that everyone is always rambling about11:01
kanzurewhat good is money if you can't do anything?11:01
Trooemwhat would you do, if you can make 100,000 per day? (or 10k per day)11:01
fennyeah, how am i going to afford to build a space colony with earth money?11:01
Trooembut without money, how far do you think you can go with your research?11:02
fenni don't know11:02
kanzureTrooem: if i don't have any money, worst case scenario, i can just suck it up and do stuff11:02
kanzureTrooem: with $100k i would build a fabratory11:02
kanzurea fablab/fabratory is basically a machine shop crossed with debian11:02
kanzure"make anything" etc.11:02
Trooemhow do you guys plan on advertising and bringing traffic into your project? press release and magazines?11:03
kanzureword of mouth11:03
kanzureit's very effective so far11:03
Trooemi guess it's not search engine traffic since it's philanthropic almost. people would actually print it for free.11:03
kanzurethere are two parts to this11:03
kanzureskdb is the backend free software part, free hardware, etc.11:04
Trooemfablab=rapid prototyping? 3d printers CAD and all that?11:04
kanzurethe business- which i don't have a name for yet- sells the kits and the support11:04
kanzureTrooem: well the problem is that "3d printers" only do plastic. to do manufacturing you need to encompass a broader range.11:04
kanzuremetals, ceramics, plastics, etc11:04
Trooemyou contact casting companies with the plastic prototype and they make it into the material you want...11:05
fennmeetlogparser.py looks fine to me11:05
Trooemjust send them the CAD..11:05
kanzurefenn: it just looks bad i guess11:05
kanzurei feel unpythonic writing it like that11:05
kanzureTrooem: do you know about free software?11:05
kanzurefree as in libre/freedom, not "free beer"11:06
fennthere is probably some zip(map(lambda:)) magic you could be doing instead.. but why11:06
Trooemnot sure... with your brain powers, i would rather get into online marketing, go for about 10k to 100k per month, (which i'm 100% sure you will be able to, given enough fundamentals and tips) and go for bigger projects.11:06
Trooemgo for nobel prize or something.11:06
kanzureyeah i'm sure lots of people have lots of money to throw at me to do stuff11:06
fennTrooem: how much do you earn from online marketing?11:06
fennnumbers please11:07
Trooemi'm only making about 10 to 20k ( in between) but it's quantitative.11:07
fennper what11:07
Trooemi'm about to incorporate serious macro into the project and get indian outsourcing,11:07
Trooemso that will increase 10x at least. i'm positive.11:07
Trooemper monthly.11:07
fennhow long have you been doing this? and how many hours a day do you spend?11:08
Trooemi studied for 4 years. i used to spend 8 hours a day ritually, but since now i've got a partner, he does the management for me, given the fact that i have to give him the directions, and new scope, next strategy,11:08
Trooemwhich takes time.11:09
Trooemmarketing isn't rocket science like you guys do.11:09
fennno.. i just have an aversion to it11:09
kanzurei don't understand, who is writing you checks?11:09
Trooemit's about getting that piece of info, which most 'gurus' on the net keep hush hush about. once you know that formula(which unfortunately can be taught in just a week or two) it's smooth sailing from there.11:09
Trooembunch of affiliate companies, various.11:10
Trooemcommission junction11:10
Trooemhydra network11:10
Trooemyou name it.11:10
Trooemor private affiliate companies11:10
fennfrom what examples i've seen or been stupid enough to buy, it doesn't matter if it's a real secret or not (many people sell info you can get for free with 5 minutes of google searching)11:10
Trooemor (sorry to say) porn. if you want.11:10
Trooemthat's why you goto seminars and make networks with individuals and never ever buy those fucked up information products.11:11
Trooemreal 'secrets' come from word of mouth, and the insight-knowledge11:11
fenni don't see the connection11:11
Trooemoften times, they do come in form of subscription to private forums11:11
Trooemsee the connection between what?11:11
fennwhy does it have to be a secret in the first place?11:11
fennas soon as you sell the info it is no longer a secret11:12
Trooembecause for 1, what they mainly do is: 'blackhat' 11:12
Trooemthe term is frequently used for practices of internet marketing which is quasi-legal in nature11:12
fennyou sell zero day exploits?11:12
Trooemthe most information so called gurus sell is 'white hat' and don't work, or you need serious, serious capital to even start making money.11:12
Trooembut the real fact is that-11:13
kanzurewtf is clickbank? you log in and then go write on your blog that you logged in?11:13
Trooemthose people who actually succeed,11:13
fennprobably a pyramid scheme11:13
fennaffiliate program = pyramid scheme, more or less11:13
Trooemthey begin making their money from quasi-legal spamming. (but not complete, email spamming, which will get you in trouble) but rather in the realm of messing with search engine algorithms.11:13
fennexcept somehow it actually makes money at the bottom instead of just screwing the people at the bottom11:14
Trooemno no.11:14
Trooemclickbank is a company which distributes information products based on a niche,11:14
Trooemthey have thousands of information products,11:14
kanzurei'm listening11:14
Trooemand you sign up to promote this info product, and they give you a affiliate link11:14
Trooeman affiliate link is:11:14
Trooemonce peope click on that,11:15
Trooeman 'cookie' goes into their browser11:15
Trooemthis cookie is a script11:15
Trooemwhich goes into their browser and when they make a purchase,11:15
Trooemyou get 50% from the amount they pay,11:15
Trooemand this amoutn is immediately shown on your stats,11:15
Trooemand you are sent a notification you just made a sale11:16
Trooemetc etc...11:16
Trooemthe same principle works with,11:16
Trooemcpa networks (cost per acquisition networks)11:16
Trooemin which they pay you for,11:16
Trooeminformation of people.11:16
Trooemtheir phone numbers,11:16
Trooemtheir interests,11:16
Trooemwhich people willingly sign up for,11:16
Trooemin exchange for a incentive11:16
fennso, what are you going to do with all this money?11:17
Trooemsuch as a information on whatever they were looking for in the first place11:17
Trooemfenn: well, i'm here.11:17
fennso am i11:17
Trooemand i want to learn academics.11:17
Trooemwhat i'm planning to do11:17
kanzuredo you know what a patron is?11:17
Trooemis the first thing,11:17
Trooemi'm going to make a cheating device-11:17
Trooemerr... outsourced11:17
Trooemand cheat into a school.11:18
Trooemnext, i gotta learn learn.11:18
Trooemand so on11:18
Trooemmy business will expand.11:18
Trooemwhat is a patron?11:18
Trooemplease don't be pessimistic if you are planning to be, i'm not trying to sell you guys anything. just sharing information.11:18
Trooemenglish, is my second language by the way.11:19
Trooemso i could be a little off-tune and the words i use may be elementary. or something like that.11:19
kanzurea patron is a person who funds another person who "does really neat stuff that will probably end up making a few billion dollars in the future"11:19
fenni am pessimist/skeptic by nature, but people trying to sell me information especially raises alarms11:19
Trooemoh why didnt you just say investor.11:19
kanzurei don't speak money too well11:20
fenninvestors expect monetary return on investment11:20
fennpatrons reap 'psychic rewards' or some such11:20
Trooemfenn: don't worry, i'm not going to ask you to buy anything. whatever i'm giving you here is just facts, and information for your pleasure.11:20
fennthink michaelangelo11:20
fennwhat is the value of the sistine chapel?11:20
fennit's just some paintings11:20
kanzurewhat is the value of debian? it's just some code..11:20
Trooemi'm thinking, you guys should learn to earn this money by yourselves. i could teach you from beginning to end.11:21
Trooemfor 50/50? i don't know11:21
Trooemi don't know how it would work.11:21
fennTrooem where are you from?11:21
Trooemthis is south korea11:22
Trooembut i'm a canadian citizen11:22
Trooembut i speak korean natively.11:22
Trooemand i'm guessing both of you are white.11:22
kanzurei have some contacts in korea that i do not understand, maybe sometime you can check them out for me11:22
Trooemhaha :)11:22
Trooemsure np11:22
fennyes, i am of european/russian descent and grew up in indiana11:23
Trooemok 11:23
kanzurei am of internet descent and grew up in texas11:23
fenni am of the hacker/scientist ethnic group11:23
fennhowever i do not have a beard or wear flannel11:23
kanzure(he's a bad hacker)11:23
kanzureno cookie for you11:23
fennyour cookies were awful anyway11:24
Trooemi'm just a ignorant high school graduate, who decided to study online marketing since 2005. err, and succeed just a couple months ago. now thinking of using money to get my life back academically, among other things i've lost for the sake of online marketing.11:24
kanzurei wish it had a warning on it: "terrible cookies inside"11:24
fennTrooem: have you heard of appropedia?11:24
Trooemfenn: no11:24
fennhttp://www.appropedia.org/  it's a bunch of technology "how to" articles for third world stuff, mostly11:25
Trooemwhat is it...11:25
fennthe interesting thing is you can do a lot of good with a tiny amount of money, but people just don't bother to for some reason11:25
fennthat's why i asked where you are from.. to understand your perception of the world11:26
Trooemthis stuff is way over my head11:26
fennwell at some point you will have so much money that you don't know what to do with it11:26
Trooemi just believe in science and power of using people smarter than myself in a sense to accomplish something, and give something as a trade-off such as money.11:26
Trooemyeah, that is plausibly the case, i have a indian partner, and we are splitting 50/50. both of us, we plan on going for 100k per DAY11:27
Trooemand i think it's a good possibility11:27
fenni just believe in using technology to accomplish something11:27
fennbut i'm trapped in this awful place where people will shoot me if i don't give them some absurd amount of money every month11:28
Trooemare you in debt?11:28
fenn(that was slightly exaggerating011:28
fenni've never actually stuck around long enough without paying rent to see what would happen11:28
fennbut supposedly the sherriff comes out to evict you eventually11:29
fenn100k per day is not realistic11:29
Trooemok that sounds serious11:29
Trooemmaybe not now, but 10k per month was not realistic when i started.11:30
Trooembut it is.11:30
Trooemwith outsourcing ecommerce products from china, making my information products in such a way that is just quantitative,11:30
Trooemcollecting list, and managing all that,11:30
fennthere are scaling limits.. people only have so much disposable income and the market gets saturated etc.11:30
Trooempharmaceuticals, etc etc. i'm pretty sure.11:30
fennmaybe i am just a pessimist11:30
kanzureout of the people that click your links how many buy something?11:30
Trooemno less.11:31
Trooem0.15 is the right percentage11:31
Trooemi think 11:31
Trooem400 to 250 to 1 sale11:31
fennyou focus on information only? or do you link to physical products too?11:31
kanzurewhat is the sample size? i.e. how many people is 100%?11:31
Trooemfor 140 dollar product11:31
Trooemwhat is the figure on that11:31
Trooemright now, i'm focusing on information, but i've been dabbling on electronic products as an affiliate11:32
Trooembut monetization is not importantn11:32
Trooemif people are remotely interested, and the salespage is ok,11:32
Trooempeople buy if you send LOTS of visitors related to the topic11:32
Trooemwhats important is:11:32
Trooemhow do you get this targeted traffic?11:32
Trooemand that's the thing.11:33
fennis that a secret?11:33
Trooemi've figured it out.11:33
fennok :)11:33
kanzureso 400 to 1 sale? at 0.15%? so you have to get 26 million unique visitors?11:33
Trooemhaha once you know it, it's like...hmm..11:33
kanzuresorry i find that hard to believe11:33
Trooem26 million uniques?!11:33
Trooemwhat are you talking about?11:33
Trooemi didn't say i make 100k per day right now!11:34
kanzure1 sale per 400 people is about 0.25% click-thru11:34
Trooemwhat of it?11:34
kanzureso you have about 166 buys per day?11:35
Trooemof a 140 dollar product ?11:35
Trooemno way11:35
Trooem20 dollar products from clickbank, and few of 140 dollar ones.11:35
Trooemthere's a list of database i have from aweber.com11:35
Trooemand it send an autoresponder.11:35
Trooemwith the affiliate link.11:36
Trooempeople purchase.11:36
kanzure500 buys per day of $20?11:36
Trooemonce i blast them the message. but then i have to gather new ones.11:36
Trooemi make about 300 to 1k per day, depending on the days11:37
fenn500 buys / 0.15percent = 333,000 visitors11:37
fennthat's per month11:37
kanzureno per day11:37
kanzurehe said $10k per day11:37
fennhow many hits does heybryan get?11:37
Trooemno no11:37
kanzureabout 300k per mo11:37
Trooemi'm aiming for 10k per day!11:37
fennoh, whatever, i'm fine with $10k/mo :)11:37
Trooemi'm making between 10k to 20k per month, and that's just beginning.11:38
fennkanzure: how many hits are human?11:38
kanzurefenn: dunno11:38
kanzureTrooem: so you send a link out to 333k people per mo?11:38
kanzurejust wondering11:38
Trooemi don't understand what you mean by link out but11:38
kanzureyour link11:38
kanzureyou send a link to 333k people/mo ?11:38
fennwe are going on the assuption that you spam email or forums or something11:39
Trooemif you mean could i get 333k traffic per month from various niches, a resounding YES>11:39
Trooemno no11:39
Trooemi do not spam emails.11:39
Trooemthat is illegal11:39
Trooemwhat i do is permission based marketing11:39
Trooemin which i make a landing page,11:39
kanzuresorry i just don't understand11:39
Trooemwith a video,11:39
kanzureyou said you get about 0.15%11:39
kanzurewho actually buy11:39
kanzureso if you're making $10k/mo11:39
kanzurethen you need 333k people to see your link11:39
kanzure(on a $20 product)11:40
Trooem? i opt them into a email database11:40
kanzureyou opt in 333,000 people?11:40
fennthe truth comes out at last11:40
Trooemwhy is that so hard to believe?11:40
kanzurebecause there's only 6.5 billion people in the world11:40
Trooem333k people? hmm...11:41
kanzurei guess that's 19,000 times that you could do this11:41
kanzurethe numbers just aren't making sense, sorry11:41
Trooemi am very confused myself.11:41
fennthe numbers make sense, but i can't believe 333k/mo would sign up for marketing emails11:41
Trooemyou want to see how it works?!11:42
Trooemok wait.11:42
Trooemhow do i do this without revealing what i do.11:43
Trooemok you have this landing page. like you saw in warcraft niche11:43
Trooemyou got a video, you got a model from livefaceonweb.com11:43
Trooemyou got a good headline.11:43
Trooemthen you have a opt-in11:43
Trooemsuggesting if you opt-in,11:43
Trooemyou get a guide or a incentive on what you were looking for.11:43
Trooempeople look at that and they sign up.11:44
Trooembut if you're asking,11:44
Trooemi use google, bing, yahoo and the lesser search engines11:44
Trooemto rank for the keyword terms provided by wordtracker.com11:44
Trooemwhich shows the data of every keyword,11:44
Trooemwhat the search volume is for that keyword,11:45
Trooemthe competition i havve to win out11:45
Trooemin order to rank for top 10 listingl11:45
Trooemthe search term,11:45
Trooemthe search volume.11:45
fennthis is all vaguely familiar from 4 hour workweek11:45
Trooemtype in any keywords in there11:46
Trooemand they show you the search volume per day. the competition, etc etc.11:46
Trooemi make about 400 to 600 pages per day.11:46
Trooemi've been making it for quite a while.11:47
Trooemthat's 400 to 600 keywords per day.11:47
Trooemdo the math.11:47
fenncould you explain what you just said?11:47
Trooem10k per month isn't much in this business.11:47
fenn400 pages a day means what exactly?11:47
Trooem400 landing pages a day11:47
fenndifferent keyword <meta> tags?11:47
Trooem1 keyword = 1 page.11:47
Trooemon top 10 search engine.11:48
Trooemi mean ranks.11:48
Trooemno meta tags.11:48
Trooem1 keyword = 1 page.11:48
Trooemeach keyword brings in the search volume, mostly lesser than expected or shown on google's tools, or wordtracker,11:48
Trooembut it brings in what i need.11:48
Trooempeople sign up,11:48
Trooemi don't exactly know what the conversion rate for opt-in is.11:48
Trooembut i know the sales conversion, and that is what i said.11:49
Trooemi people NEVER buy the product, which it often happens,11:49
Trooemi send them a adsense page.11:49
Trooemin which they pretty much HAVE to click on,11:49
Trooemand it's legal.11:49
Trooemwith about 50,000 database, i get about 300 to 500 dollars. from 10 cents per click or less.11:50
Trooemit's NOT THAT HARD.11:50
Trooemthe pessimissm. the skepticism.11:50
kanzureno just learning11:50
Trooembut then if i taught you from beginning to end,11:51
Trooemhow easy for you guys to probably bash out 100k per month in like few months?11:51
Trooemyeah you guys are smart, but too smart for your own good maybe11:51
fenni am just lazy11:51
Trooemif you have more questions i am happy to answer, but please don't make it in the form of a accusation. it's very heart wrenching(?) i don't know the proper term11:55
fennthanks for answering my questions11:56
fenna lot of people just flake out when i ask hard stuff like "what do you actually sell?"11:56
Trooemand i'm sure there is a way to make a deal of sort, without resulting you guys to pessimism or skepticism or nontrust or whatever. 11:56
kanzurei'm sure we can be mutually helpful11:56
Trooemif it's the trust issue, i'm willing to just give out the information from my side first, until you see results.11:57
Trooembut then afterwards is the problem,11:57
Trooemwhat if you just ditch me?11:57
Trooemi just wasted 2 months. 11:57
Trooemand so on.11:57
kanzureyou're welcome to hang out here11:57
kanzurewe've been doing this for years11:57
Trooembut i am willing.11:57
fennwell according to you i just need to get some ridiculous amount of unique visitors11:57
kanzuremost people idle in here until something interesting comes about11:58
Trooemtargeted visitors.11:58
fenni can think of lots of ways to get visitors11:58
fenn'targeted' is almost meaningless when you can sell anything you want11:58
Trooempeople searching for acai berries wants a products on acai berries. etc.11:58
Trooemviagra applies to all search terms, but then the moment you do that,11:58
Trooemit becomes spam.11:58
Trooemyou have to give people what they need, and what they ask for.11:59
Trooemthis is legal. and thus it's called permission based marketing...11:59
fennkanzure: remember when i was talking about psychosis inducing drugs? well this would be a perfect application12:00
fenni just need to make an "evil fenn" split personality that will do all my web-based marketing drudgery12:00
fennso trooem you buy 400 adsense words per day?12:02
Trooemmy partner does the adsense, but no, we mostly use the same keyword list. adsense appears automatically depending on the content you have on the page.12:07
Trooemyou.... should try adsense...12:08
Trooemeverything we do is almost auto once setup. minus the people who do the data entry which i hire from elance.com or rentacoder.com12:09
Trooemkeyword research is very simply done.12:10
Trooemi'm wondering if that was enough of information to get you guys making money in this game already LOL.12:13
Trooemi fear you two are too smart and absorb everything i have and go beyond in few days. ROFL.12:14
fenni already had enough info to get started before you showed up.. but it's hard to believe in the entire concept12:14
fenni mean, i don't know anyone who actually makes a living on this style of commerce12:15
Trooemit's harder than you'd think. but yes it's all true.12:15
Trooemyou can always enter a internet marketing seminar. texas often has marketing seminars, you build networks from there12:15
Trooemhear stories, successes.12:15
Trooem17 years olds making 100k per month...12:16
Trooemthen you get jealous.12:16
fennit's seductive to someone with my hikkikomori lifestyle, so i want to believe in it, but that makes my rational part overcorrect..12:16
Trooembecause you're overeducated and believe firmly in just over broke jobs.12:16
Trooemget paid for your hourly wages.12:16
fennsomething like that12:16
fenni'm actually a hippie idealist12:17
fennnobody should have to work12:17
Trooemhaha infotech, I.T industry, whether your in bio or online marketing, it's heavily dependent on tools and information. bringing traffic isn't that hard if your smart. i wasn't. took me 4 years to master the concepts and the laws. and finally started making money. 12:18
Trooemnobody should be working, just studying and experimenting.12:18
Trooemthen we'd achieve physical immortality no problem12:19
Trooemin like .......12:19
Trooem10 years.12:19
fennheh 'hikkikomori' links to 'Delayed sleep phase syndrome'12:19
Trooemso you guys are doing something very noble.12:19
fenni'm pissed that there is still no moon base12:20
fenni guess you could call it insomnia.. http://fennetic.net/sleep/  the blue parts are sleep, one day per line12:20
Trooemyup they launched a rocket to the moon yesterday was it? to check out if there is ice or something..12:20
Trooemis that somekind of gene analysis data or something lol12:21
Trooemlooks complicated12:21
fennlife log12:21
fenni write down everything i do, to the minute12:21
Trooemwhat is your ultimate goal, 12:22
Trooemin science-12:22
Trooemmine is.... 12:22
fennum.. that's sort of a broad question12:22
fenni don't pretend to know the answer12:22
Trooemlongevity, life extention or A.I of sort....12:22
fennthat's just the beginning12:22
Trooemyou gotta have a goal haha12:22
fennwhat do you do for the rest of eternity once you're immortal and superintelligent etc12:22
Trooemi can only think of that once i get that longevity...12:23
Trooemthey got that iPS stem cell thing now so who knows, it'll speed up regenerative meds12:23
Trooemif i can make 100k a day, supposing,12:24
fennyeah that is amazing12:24
Trooemwhat could a person do with it?12:24
Trooemi feel my brain is empty. rofl12:24
fennfund an army of researchers12:24
Trooemand i don't want to become another donald trump12:24
Trooemand invest in real estate and make more money that's just... 12:24
Trooemthat's the plan, but i gotta know some stuff. lol..12:25
fennrecruit chinese high school students from internet death camps to do amazing things12:25
fenni need to learn chinese12:25
Trooemchinese... for all their population they're not getting the nobel prizes12:25
Trooemand... that's because they can't afford12:26
Trooemthe research12:26
fennwhy not? because they work on assembly lines all day plucking chicken feathers12:26
Trooemchinese? i guess thats goood12:26
fennthat's robot work.. wtf12:26
fenni say chinese because they are just as intelligent as any other people, but i can hire a zillion of them12:26
Trooemyeah... but the educated you need to pay more haha12:27
Trooemotherwise you gotta train them12:27
fennand they all speak chinese, unlike, say, africa, or malaysia12:27
Trooemi'd want a A.I to do my bidding12:27
Trooemhow about indians? they speak english and cheap :)12:28
fennyes india is good too12:28
Trooemnot that trust-worthy though..12:28
Trooemculturally very very smart people, but they have their devious sides.12:28
fenndon't we all12:28
Trooembut then again, koreans are worst of them all so. lol..12:28
Trooemfastest connection in the world in terms of high speed internet. but no SINGLE skill in information technology. lol12:29
Trooemall they do is play outdated starcraft and they've got a tv channel for it.12:29
fenni'm trying to do starcraft for realz12:29
fennthat's what skdb is sorta12:29
Trooemhow is it related?12:30
fennwell in starcraft you have to build a refinery before you can build a tank factory12:30
Trooemhaha the management of troops12:30
Trooemyup haha12:30
fennand once you click 'build' the robots assemble the refinery and then you just wait around12:30
fennso it's a high level approach to manufacturing, really12:30
Trooemthat's almost literal-12:31
Trooemto your project12:31
Trooemthe analogy12:31
fennthe same kind of constraints apply in real life too, it's just nobody has bothered to write them down yet for some reason12:31
fennyeah i should use the starcraft analogy more often12:31
Trooemcause when you mention the word video game it automatically becomes childish, but it's a good visual analogy for today's generation like us...12:31
Trooemi was thinking warhammer (much like starcraft) with -----nanorobotics in nanomedicine12:32
Trooemone troop for repair of cells12:32
Trooemthe other types for white blood cell enhancement,12:32
Trooemthe other for getting rid of the waste deposits in the cells12:33
Trooemetc etc12:33
fenni think kanzure linked to this beforre http://www.gamespot.com/pages/tags/index.php?tags=starcraft%20tech%20tree12:33
Trooemso you graduated from uni already? 12:33
* fenn comforts his dying laptop12:33
fennyes i studied molecular biology12:34
fennthey didn't teach anything in school. like i said, it's bullshit12:34
Trooemmust be the 'field experience' that tested your mettle12:35
Trooemno idea im using that correctly my english is weird12:35
fennalso i sort of expected genetic engineering to be like 20 years further along than it was12:35
Trooemi see 12:36
Trooemguess we got long ways ahead of us12:36
fenni never did anything real with bio, got fed up with science during my undergrad research12:36
Trooemdid you get the degree?12:36
Trooemyou can probably follow syn bio now, since you learned upto the point of molecular bio 12:36
fenncan't get funding unless you're a professor, can't do anything interesting if you're a professor because you're an old fart, have to be an old fart to be a professor, once you're a professor you have underlings do meaningless bullshit instead of real research.. blah blah blah12:37
Trooemfollow craig venter if you like hahah12:37
fennsyn bio is actually pretty pathetic12:37
fennthey don't have enough empirical engineering work12:37
fenni'm sure jonathan cline can rant all day about this if you want12:38
Trooemi guess so. everything in biology except maybe agricultural biotechnology is not practical and all....12:38
Trooemso you think they're not close to making that artificial lifeform?12:38
fennall that monsanto stuff is just penicillin all over again12:38
fennif you define artificial lifeform as copy + paste, then yes, it's right around the corner12:39
fennlife is so poorly defined though12:39
Trooembut not upto the point of producing oil from plants?12:39
Trooemi see12:39
fenni define life as cells that use the same amino acid coding scheme12:39
fennproducing oil from plants already works.. what are you talking about12:40
fennwhat do you think canola oil is :)12:40
Trooemim ignorant nevermind12:40
Trooemmotor oil lol12:40
fennplants are poor PV panels, their only advantage is cheapness12:40
Trooemi'm trying to figure out what the best route to longevity is... follow aubrey de gray or leave it upto them and go straight for wetware stuff... haha12:41
fennwetware meaning what?12:41
Trooemwetware meaning... synthesized intelligence through computer interface?12:41
Trooemfrom neurons12:41
Trooemneurons to computer connection12:42
fennso "gradual upload"12:42
fennnanobots swimming around in your brain, right?12:42
fenna chip won't cut it12:42
Trooemor just a 'being' to do your work for you. lol12:42
fennbut that's not "really you"12:43
Trooemno i don't me in there i mean-12:43
Trooemi want separate neurons,12:43
fenna neural prosthesis.. i get it12:43
fennbut you were talking about longevity12:43
Trooemto be communicating as a artificial intelligence12:43
Trooemhaha yeah12:43
Trooemyeah i was thinking12:43
Trooemsuperior intelligence with serious amount of neurons = solutions to longevity?12:44
Trooemthe bio A.I doing the work for you12:44
fennkanzure likes to call this "brain pods"12:44
Trooemaubrey de gray and his poor team12:44
fenni'm not convinced that more neurons = more intelligence12:45
kanzurei dunno what intelligence is12:45
fennoh shush12:45
Trooemthe same quote12:45
Trooemwho knows12:45
fenns/intelligence/ability to find techniques for increasing longevity/12:45
ybitTrooem: who are you? are you using tor?12:46
Trooemybit who are you? no im not using tor.12:46
ybityour ip is korean12:46
ybiti'm heath matlock12:46
Trooemare you guys organizing my ID into a folder in your website?12:46
Trooemi am korean in south korea, im not using tor.12:46
Trooemwell canadian.12:47
Trooemspeaking korean12:47
kanzurean ID on a folder? what? communication error12:47
fennmake up your mind :P12:47
Trooemwhat the sorry12:47
Trooemi mean idea12:47
Trooemybit confused me12:47
fenni think ID was correct12:47
fennyou can submit a freedom of information request to one of our regional offices12:48
kanzurewe have offices in san francisco, austin, chicago and boston12:48
kanzureone of our local hplusroadmap representatives will be with you shortly12:48
kanzureplease remain seated12:48
Trooemwhat how did you guys afford all that?12:48
Trooem........your joking.12:49
kanzure:) but we do have people in here from all around the world12:49
ybitdamn, nobody ever mentions my office in the third world country which katsmeow-afk and myself live in12:49
Trooemthe beauty of internet :)12:49
Trooemyou can pull up a tent in mountains of korea and call it a office. people would come.12:50
fennybit: if we say "florence" they will think Italy12:50
ybitTrooem: almost what i'm planning here12:50
Trooemthis place has it's advantages when it comes to bot outsourcing but...... other than that. useless.12:50
* ybit hugs CIA-32 12:51
* CIA-32 hugs ybit12:51
fennbot abuse!12:51
Trooemno im not talking botnet dont worry12:51
Trooemi dont spam12:51
* fenn abuses CIA-32 12:51
ybiti didn't rub it inappropriately.. yet12:51
katsmeow-afkbotnet != spam12:51
Trooemtalking different type of macro bots12:51
Trooemjust to make the data entry work for me12:52
Trooemor at least make the outsourcers cheaper12:52
Trooemi just figured out how to do that few months ago12:52
Trooemwhile playing that stupid game on facebook, farmville12:52
Trooemi got fed up clicking the damn yards12:52
fennwhat sort of data entry?12:52
Trooemwhat to tell you 12:53
Trooemtrying not to reveal myself12:53
Trooemthere are BUNCH 12:53
Trooemof different data entry work12:53
fennit's all already on a computer, so you aren't reading forms or something12:53
Trooemactually you do12:53
ybitmy #1 concern about forming this org. is finding people interested in it, if it's just me and family members and friends signing off as board members, i'm fucked. probably need to find some bio and chem students from the uni interested in this type of stuff12:53
Trooemthere is a limit to what the computer can handle, and you need human eyes12:53
kanzureybit: why are you doing something separate?12:53
kanzuredo you not like me? :(12:53
ybitno no, i just have 5 acres of land12:54
kanzurein the middle of nowhere12:54
ybitand your point? :)12:54
* kanzure fixed git-import-folder12:55
kanzureterrible documentation12:55
ybitthe only way to make decent money is through a) finishing school and working in a lab or b) going after some of these open-innovation prizes12:55
ybitand then forming a npo/npo/business on the land12:56
ybiti can start building now, but it will take a few years12:56
katsmeow-afkon the other paw, i am so pissed at this section of his 3rd world site, i'll be burning my place down after leaving it12:56
fenndoes creating new facebook accounts for my internet marketing schemes count as "role playing game"?12:57
katsmeow-afkwhen everything you do is enforced by some one else's rules, it's all role playing12:58
ybitkatsmeow-afk: or you could just give it to me :)12:58
katsmeow-afkybit, you would not like it here, i think12:58
ybitthe materials you don't need that is12:58
ybiti have access to trucks and trailers to haul just about anything12:59
katsmeow-afkyou cannot use this place as a turcking hub, it's not level enough12:59
Trooemi want an A.I so bad12:59
Trooemim so childish12:59
ybit..don't we all have access to this stuff, but i mean, i'll probably only have to pay gas as opposed to renting fees12:59
Trooemi don't know what intelligence means13:00
Trooemyou raised a good point i wasn't thinking of13:00
katsmeow-afkTrooem, look deep into my,,, umm,, putr lab down the hallway13:00
katsmeow-afk"pay gas" ?13:00
ybityeah, pay for the gas to get there13:00
fennkatsmeow-afk: what do you do with your AI anyway?13:00
Trooemi guess there is no way of knowing where and how intelligence is forming even though you may connect batches of neurons13:00
Trooemor something13:00
katsmeow-afkfenn, atm i stay up til 5am wondering why th ehell both my ubuntu boxes are slower than win3.1 on a 28613:01
fennit's the desktop effects13:01
fennand not enough ram, probably13:02
katsmeow-afki turned off effects, it still takes concentration to click a window close 'X' and then minutes for it to actually close13:02
katsmeow-afktook 20 min last nite to redraw desktop icons13:02
fennthat's seriously broken13:02
katsmeow-afk512meg ram on a 2.6hz p413:02
katsmeow-afkthe other ubuntu is faster, but still 2x as slow as the slowest winxp box13:03
ybitkatsmeow-afk: because ubuntu has too much crap installed13:03
fennlook at top, ps -ef, lsof13:03
katsmeow-afkk, soon as it is done "upgrading"13:03
ybitif you are using 286, you'll need something more modular such as debian, arch or gentoo13:04
fennit's not a 28613:04
katsmeow-afkybit, i am not using a 28613:04
Trooemkanzure what are you upto?13:05
Trooemwhat do you plan on doing in the future?13:05
katsmeow-afki wass hoping nix was faster, so i could better use the puters sitting around that are under 2ghz, but it might take the rest of the year to even get it installed :-/13:05
kanzureTrooem: i'm using skdb to build transhuman tech13:06
ybitkatsmeow-afk: htop is pretty as well: http://ybit.ath.cx/images/htop.png13:06
ybitkatsmeow-afk: it can hog less resources if you are careful what you install and run, but you are ultimately limited by your hardware, but you know this13:07
Trooemlet me know if you guys have a deal in mind. you know what i want and all...13:07
ybitwhat do you want? 13:08
fennybit: what she described isn't "too much crap installed", it was something broken13:08
kanzureTrooem: we could make something for you13:08
kanzurebut i need money so that i don't have to go to school etc.13:08
* ybit didn't read 13:08
ybit:02 < katsmeow-afk> i turned off effects, it still takes concentration to click a window close 'X' and then minutes for it to actually close13:09
kanzureright now my time is split down the middle13:09
ybit13:02 < katsmeow-afk> took 20 min last nite to redraw desktop icons13:09
fennTrooem: the biggest things you can do for longevity: eat healthy, fast regularly, stop smoking, get regular exercise, don't live in a warzone13:09
katsmeow-afkse,, this is what bugs me, at the speed these are running, this is a useless deal , a waste of time, effort , and money:13:10
katsmeow-afkDell Dimension 2400 Desktop Computer  13:10
katsmeow-afkSpecifications, Programs: Xubuntu OS, 384 RAM, 40GB Hard Drive, Pentium 4 2.66 GHz, CD RW, 5 USB13:10
katsmeow-afkThis computer comes fully loaded, tested, and ready-to-go with the Linux-based Ubuntu operating system13:10
katsmeow-afk$28 + S&H13:10
Trooemwonder if aubrey is going to get the SENS approach working some day13:10
Trooemhow much would they need...13:10
fennkatsmeow-afk: that should be plenty to run ubuntu.. maybe more ram would be good but it should work fine13:10
katsmeow-afkor this for $11 : Dell Dimension 2350 Pentium 4 1.8 GHz 512 Ram Desktop PC. Please note that this computer has a 1.8 GHz processor, 512 RAM, onboard video display, CD-RW drive13:10
kanzureTrooem: they have started doing a lot more research, yes13:11
katsmeow-afkbut that puter, running winxp, is plenty fast13:11
Trooemgreat i'm sure they'll do something in next 10 years13:11
Trooemi gotta get ready to hop into the opportunity they have...13:12
ybit13:10 < katsmeow-afk> Specifications, Programs: IXubuntu OS, 384 RAM, 40GB Hard Drive, Pentium 4 2.66 GHz, CD RW, 5 USB13:12
Trooemso fenn studied molecular biology13:12
ybiti want it13:12
Trooemkanzure, what do you major in?13:12
katsmeow-afkit's broken, it takes too long to DO anything13:12
* ybit is guessing the ram can be upgraded, will want to look at it13:12
kanzuremanufacturing engineering and design (it's a subspecialty of mechanical engineering)13:12
Trooemwould you quit school if you were making a lot of money?13:12
katsmeow-afkthe ram can be13:12
kanzureTrooem: yes13:12
kanzurei would put school on hold13:12
Trooemyou don't care for a degree?13:12
kanzurenot really13:12
Trooemoh on hold13:12
ybitkatsmeow-afk: then i want it, that's twice as fast as the current machine13:13
fenndegrees are only useful for getting a job13:13
katsmeow-afkit's got two slots, you can put 333/400 DDR into it, not DDR2 or DDR3 tho13:13
kanzureif i'm making money why would i need a degree?13:13
Trooemif i pay you, would you help me cheat through school?13:13
fennwhy do you want a degree?13:13
katsmeow-afksheepskins impress13:13
fennimpress who?13:13
ybitkatsmeow-afk: well that's lame, but that's what this comp has as well, but it'r process speed is 1.1ghz or something like that13:13
Trooembecause of my peers. that's all there is to it. koreans are insane.13:13
katsmeow-afksheepskin readers, personell depts13:13
kanzureTrooem: it's a possibility but honestly i think i could just tutor you and you could learn more13:13
Trooemall they do is measure people by their degree.13:14
fenni don't understand why you would care what stupid people think13:14
katsmeow-afkstupid people have money13:14
Trooemkanzure: i'll hold on that offer and think deeply about it seriously.13:14
Trooemkatsmeow: yeah i'm stupid. what's it to you.13:14
* katsmeow-afk regets the url for ybit13:14
katsmeow-afkerrr, Trooem, that's not what i said 13:15
katsmeow-afk[13:15] <fenn> i don't understand why you would care what stupid people think ; [13:16] <katsmeow-afk> stupid people have money  ; that is, you need money to live on earth, and one soruce is stupid people who read diploma13:16
kanzureTrooem: we can discuss it in more detail. give it some thought.13:16
fennkatsmeow-afk: well.. going on my assumption that degrees are only good for getting a job, i don't see why someone with money would want a degree13:16
fennbut apparently they are also good for getting more money? or something else?13:17
Trooemkanzure: yeah i'll be thinking deeply about it. by next year, i need to prepare for admission into a uni, but i can probably handle the high school courses (which i need to upgrade) but not the uni. i've got the cheating tools, in which you can sit at your home and see my exams, send me what i need to write down etc. LOL.13:17
fenni mean nobody is throwing money at me because i have a degree13:17
katsmeow-afkthis is a circular discussion with misunderstandings i did not intend13:17
Trooembut yes, cheating may not be a good way to go through 4 years of uni.13:17
fennthe town i lived in the last decade or so has the highest concentration of unemployed PhD's in the midwest13:19
fennthey are all doing stuff like working in a grocery store or waiting tables13:19
fennit's absurd13:19
* fenn blames the energy vortex13:19
* katsmeow-afk wonders if it's because the sheer numbers of grads with no real life experience is polluting the market13:20
Trooemyeah probably..13:21
Trooemno real life experience. school is so protected from outside.13:21
Trooemnot that i have much experience..13:21
fennthere was no job market at all.. main employer there was the university and the elevator factory13:21
kanzure"ELEVATOR FACTORY: because what goes up must come down."13:21
fennall the limestone quarries went out of business13:22
katsmeow-afkimporting Italian limestone is cheaper13:22
fennwho the hell knows13:22
katsmeow-afki cannot get sperical bearings made in the usa, but a co in India will do it, and for cheaper13:22
katsmeow-afkit's nuts13:23
fennbearings actually :)13:24
katsmeow-afkonly thing cheaper than buying from India is making them myself,, tho China may be cheaper, i seem to have a language barrier13:24
fennwe lost our bearings13:24
katsmeow-afkstore down the street tries to sell me $300 body grinders, when i can buy $20 from China, and am pleased with the $20 ones, but the usa oem would rather go bankrupt than sell decent stuff for $2013:26
katsmeow-afkreally, a machine makes all the components, a human assembles them in 2 minutes (30/hour), a machine boxes them up, and the oem process is done, i don't see the $300 worth of anything in there13:27
ybitthe company trying to offer benefits such as health insurance to its employees?13:30
katsmeow-afki dunno, but the labor cost is so small, why not throw that in too?13:30
katsmeow-afkat 30 units an hour, 240 a day, tack on a dollar per unit for $250/day in health coverage, ok13:31
katsmeow-afksee, the math for a $300 body grinder just does not work13:31
katsmeow-afkdrat, bot just found another 650 urls it needs13:32
fenn$300 is a holdover from when tools actually cost money (labor) to make13:32
fennin 1930 it was rare for a "handyman" to own a power tool13:33
* katsmeow-afk nods13:33
ybitthen there's taxes on the business itself, it's property, and more benefits to cover, vacation, sick-leave, etc.13:33
fennsame reason people still earn the same wages they did in 1970, because it's what the assholes who are screwing everyone over can get away with13:33
ybitand the bills to run the building itself13:34
ybit$300 may still be too much, but how much business do they get? can they sell enough to maintain their standard of living? that's where it comes into play, the workers have to pay for themselves and their kids13:34
fennwe already went over the fact that the labor doesn't cost very much per item13:35
fennthe $300 die grinder is actually made in the same factory as the chinese crap, it just has better quality control so it seems higher quality13:36
katsmeow-afkybit, at $1 per aseembled unit, they can get $30/hr, and at $1 per unit, they get nearly $10k paid towards insurance per month, is that not enough?!?13:36
ybithow do you figure this katsmeow-afk? fenn, when was this? i missed it :-\13:36
fenn"human assembles them in 2 minutes, (30/hour), a machine boxes them up, and the oem process is done"13:37
ybitoh crap, my stiry fry is about to burnt, brb.13:37
katsmeow-afkand he misses it again13:37
fenn"house on fire, brb"13:38
katsmeow-afki once did "tornado, brb....... i hope"13:38
katsmeow-afki slid down the stairs to the cellar, it ripped all the siding off one side of the house13:38
katsmeow-afklotta trees came down13:39
katsmeow-afkputer was fine 13:39
Trooemanyone know how i can buy this? or make one?13:44
Trooemweight loss low laser device13:45
katsmeow-afk"eight-mile-long plume of TCE within the Ogallala Aquifer"13:46
Trooemis stem cell research generally an undergrad program at universities or... do you need to get a degree on something else first?13:48
Trooemlike biochemistry?13:48
fennyeah you need to get an undergrad first13:49
Trooemi wonder what it takes to get into a really prestigious school like MIT or yale or something13:49
Trooemdidn't know that13:49
Trooemi guess biochem must be it13:50
fennall bio undergrad programs are boring and equally useless13:50
Trooemis molecular biology an undergrad program?13:50
Trooemyeah... i know i just want a degree...13:50
fennprobably not.. it wasn't at IU13:50
fennmy degree is actually microbiology13:50
fennthey have a new 'biotech' program though so maybe it's changing13:51
fennbasically it depends on what school13:51
Trooemi see13:51
Trooemwould it be impossible to enter and graduate from a place like MIT?13:51
fenni have no idea13:51
fennask someone who goes to MIT13:51
Trooemall human confined limits are we so different. haha..13:52
Trooemso are you guys going to go ahead with the skdb project?13:53
Trooemcan you please tell me how this is going to affect bioinformatic communities?13:53
fenni've been working on it for about a year and apparently i'm giving a talk about it in two months, so yah looks like it..13:54
ybitIt's worth noting that the poor person who asked the original question13:54
ybit-- about the legality (presumably in the US) of an independent group13:54
ybitadministering anesthetics to mice -- dropped out of the thread about 313:54
ybitweeks ago.13:54
fenn"bioinformatics" is more about data analysis13:54
ybiti'm still there, just idling as usual13:55
fennthreads last too long on diybio13:55
Trooemfenn: do you think biochemistry is the single most important thing one needs to learn as fundamentals in order to engage in stem cells?13:56
fennTrooem: skdb is not about doing original research, it's about aggregating what we already know into a usable format. synbio simply doesn't have enough information to go on at this point13:56
Trooemi see13:56
Trooemi guess it applies for mechanical engineering related principles...13:56
Trooemopen design CAD stuff13:57
fennmechanical enginering is a lot easier to see what went wrong13:57
Trooembasically rapid prototyping package13:57
ybitmy last message was actually 2 months ago o.O13:57
fennthere's a lot more to mechanical engineering than "rapid prototyping"13:58
fennoddly it's the simple stuff that is hard.. like how do you represent a bolt13:59
fennor what is a color13:59
fennthe professor likes to use 'what is the purpose of a spring' as his example13:59
-!- ve [n=a@94-193-95-252.zone7.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Connection timed out]14:00
fennit can even out shock loads in a car suspension, or return a system to its starting state, or provide a constant friction force to regulate motion, or or or14:01
Trooemsounds complicated14:02
katsmeow-afka spring is a coiled torque storage device14:04
katsmeow-afkVW beatles had uncoiled ones in the rear :-)14:05
fennbeatles had leaf springs?14:05
fennanyway a coil spring is just one type of spring14:06
katsmeow-afkthey had spring steel rods , non-coiled springs14:06
fennany device that behaves as F = -kx can be substituted14:06
katsmeow-afkif you find a car with a anti-sway bar, and fix the center of the rod to the frame, you could possibly remove that axle's suspension springs,  tho the anti-swap bar isn't optomised for much travel14:10
Trooemfenn: can you sequence DNA and all that should you have equipments? you know what to go for and mix in genes and all that jazz?14:10
katsmeow-afkerr, anti-sway14:10
Trooemi have no idea what i'm talking about but if you know what i mean14:10
TrooemDIYbio can you guys follow it?14:11
Trooemwonder what it takes to learn and follow all this.14:11
* katsmeow-afk is into other things14:11
katsmeow-afkand atm, i need to be outside to be into them14:11
fennTrooem: i know how DNA sequencing works, cluster analysis, sequence alignment etc14:12
fenndo you mean synthesis? like genetic engineering stuff?14:12
Trooemsay to make a new cell14:12
Trooemwhich has mixes of different genes14:12
Trooemthrough...... electropolation?14:12
Trooemi dont know lol14:12
fennthere's a lot of details you don't know you have to know until it messes up14:13
fennso i guess i don't know14:13
fennbut i think i do14:13
fennmake sense?14:13
Trooemyeah i'm hearing, if you had the equipments14:13
Trooemand the testing results-14:13
fennin theory, there's no difference between theory and practice14:13
Trooemyou can complete it14:13
Trooemin theory. haha yeah.14:13
Trooemi guess brillance is overshadowed by money as always14:14
Trooemtee hee hee14:14
fennanyway if i had anything i wanted from invitrogen catalog and a couple years i could probably whip up something interesting14:14
Trooeminvitrogen catalogue must be a list of tools you use to sequence DNA and all that14:14
fennalways wanted to make a pesticide resistant dandelion that expressed THC (the active ingredient of marijuana)14:15
fennthen spread the seeds over courthouse lawns everywhere14:15
Trooemeveryone in politics would be high14:15
fennoh, and add GFP too, so you can identify them14:15
-!- ve [n=a@94-193-95-252.zone7.bethere.co.uk] has joined #hplusroadmap14:15
Trooemso i guess i gotta learn biochem in order to understand biology in general14:16
Trooemthats a lot of learning in chemistry14:16
fennit's good to have a ground up understanding of complex systems14:16
fennotherwise you get lost in magical thinking14:16
Trooemic put yourself down to earth by looking at complicated stuff 14:17
Trooemgot it14:17
drazakkanzure: yeah of the 80 some dishes I've done culture with 2 60mm dishes got some budding yeast14:17
drazaknot the end of the world14:17
fennno i mean if you don't understand how the simple stuff works, how can you possibly try to understand the complex things?14:17
fennchemistry is simple14:17
fennbiology is made from chemistry14:17
Trooemis there physics and mathematics in molecular or synbio?14:18
Trooemi dont want to learn those14:18
fennnot enough14:18
Trooemso if you know none of it, you can go through it anyway?14:18
fenni had to take physics for dummies14:18
fennit was useless14:19
fennthere ought to be a class on 'how to check your work'14:19
Trooemi think i'll just stick to chemistry related things...14:19
Trooemno need to waste time understanding physics and realize synbio dont need them haha14:19
fennteach about units, error analysis, numerical methods, all that fun stuff14:20
Trooemthey should make that stuff into a game14:20
Trooem3d game14:20
Trooemlike doom 3d14:20
Trooemall the learning.14:20
fennlike FoldIt?14:20
Trooemdont know what that is14:20
fennit's a biology game about protein folding14:20
Trooemi mean, you gotta pass a exam in order to pass the stage,14:20
Trooemget upto next level,14:20
Trooemand the PDA's in the games reveal what you need to study14:21
ybitTrooem: http://fold.it14:21
fennyeah i agree, school would be more fun if it were a video game14:21
Trooemsounds good14:21
Trooemno drama or suspense in studies, people with attention deficit disorders can never learn14:21
ybitvideo games are lame, i just want the info uploaded when needed :P14:21
fennnot going to happen14:21
Trooemmake it focus with a storyline and amazing graphics, people would want to study aye. lol14:21
ybit14:21 < Trooem> no drama or suspense in studies, people with attention deficit disorders can never learn14:21
* ybit is diagnosed adhd14:22
Trooemoh sorry14:22
fennybit: everyone builds their own unique mental model of the universe.. this is reflected in the structure of their brain14:22
ybit14:22 < Trooem> oh sorry14:22
ybitlol, don't be14:22
fennybit:  the only way knowledge uploading could ever work is if everyone thought exactly the same way14:22
Trooemjust saying it would increase concentration in today's internet age. where people browse through info rather than reading it in detail14:23
ybiti'm thinking more of facts, algos, and metadata14:23
Trooemeverything is so visual i like it14:23
fennwhy not just use a book14:23
fenner, that was to ybit14:23
ybitnothing wrong with that, it's just a little time consuming14:23
fennthere's a huge difference between knowing something and having rapid access to it14:24
ybiti think you are referring to the diff of knowledge and exp14:24
fennmost people don't know anything though.. they just store facts in their brain14:24
fennno i'm referring to packing vs mapping14:24
Trooemasian education = packing14:25
Trooemwestern education = mapping14:25
fennTrooem: you only say that because you're asian14:25
Trooemwhy you see so less nobel prize winners in asia14:25
Trooemif you see people studying here,14:25
Trooemyou'd know too14:25
ybitoic, mapping, slightly diff from exp14:26
Trooemi mean they study like 10 hours a day14:26
Trooemand get no real results14:26
Trooemit's just bullshit learning14:26
fenni've noticed westerns admire asian culture more than asians, and asians admire western culture more than westerners.. blah14:26
Trooemthey have no abstract thought14:26
fennfamiliarity breeds contempt14:26
Trooemin reality, asians have petty skills generally speaking. more 'rounded' with general information and overall skills,14:27
Trooembut nothing they 'master'14:27
Trooemis in their culture-14:27
Trooemhence no nobel prizes14:27
Trooemthere is a limit to their information,14:27
Trooemin their language as well14:27
Trooemeverything up to date is in english too14:27
Trooemnot to mention the access to that information 14:27
fennas much as english sucks, it's the most complete language (that's why it's so hard to learn)14:28
Trooemin asia, uni is the only place where you can learn14:28
Trooemso people naturally think degree is the best thing in the world14:28
ybitthere is something called the internet..14:28
Trooemand it's mostly english14:28
fenni'm a fan of "just in time learning"14:28
Trooemif you see korean sites, it's bullshit info everywhere14:28
Trooemwhat is that fenn?14:29
fennthe procedure is as follows: go out and do something you dont know how to do.. then figure out what you need to learn in order to do it14:29
Trooemis that a group of something?14:29
Trooemi got problems with that equation14:29
fennthen do it again, and succeed this time :)14:29
Trooemi fear new things and sticking to it14:29
Trooemi get so hollow- lonely when i study14:29
Trooemi can't stand the silence14:30
fenntalk to people who know what you want to learn14:30
Trooemif only i can motivate myself consistantly14:30
Trooemlike having someone force-feeding me with information14:30
fennwell, that's difficult for the person force-feeding14:30
Trooemtutoring perhaps14:30
Trooemhence why i need to pay up14:31
Trooemi wouldn't mind if they do their job14:31
Trooembut rarely people would want to spend 8 hours a day14:31
Trooemwhich is the rate i want to learn14:31
fenntake it slow.. you aren't going to die of old age before you need to learn quantum mechanics14:31
ybitre: everything in english, Trooem, http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/위키백과:대문 http://google.com/translate and http://google.ko.kr might be some of your best friends then... 14:31
ybitbtw, how did you find the building brains page?14:32
fennenglish language wikipedia is still the best14:32
Trooemybit who are you talking to? me?14:32
ybithmm.. does this adl comp not support foreign characters?14:32
fennprobably doesn't have korean fonts installed14:33
ybitTrooem, yeah, i was wondering how you found building brains page14:33
Trooemi speak english ok. rest of the korea is in peril though14:33
Trooemhmm i dont know it wasnt in the search engines i dont think14:33
Trooemi must have.... stumbled on it14:33
Trooeminside the website14:33
ybitjust curious14:34
Trooemwas this confidential information?14:34
Trooemdid kanzure write all that?14:34
fennthe internet is a small world14:34
Trooemwow pretty good analysis14:34
ybitnot sure if there quotes in there, but aside from that, it's kanzure 14:34
fennliterally speaking, it's a small world network14:34
fenn(which is a type of network structure)14:35
fennbut i meant the social structure, which is also a small world network14:35
* fenn stops babbling14:35
fenni wonder if it's possible to go to a purely random web page14:39
fennor at least something random in google's map14:39
Trooemnot sure14:41
Trooemno that's just list of search engine queries14:41
Trooemwhat is the goal of http://heybryan.org/ ?14:42
Trooemisn't it just revealing lot of information to others?14:42
Trooemis that a good thing to you personally?14:42
Trooemor is it a waste of time?14:42
Trooemto be making a archive like this14:43
ybithttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-90_Orlyonok http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hughes_H-4_Hercules http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2200021317530929051#14:45
ybitone day...14:46
Trooemfenn: that's cool14:46
fennTrooem: what's the purpose of a personal home page? or what's the purpose of writing down summaries and linkdumps?14:46
ybiti'll let katsmeow-afk and Phreedom build theirs first14:46
fennboats are lame.. i want a flying saucer14:47
Trooemfenn: i've always found that facinating14:47
Trooemwhy show yourself so much14:47
ybitfenn: you should upgrade to starship14:47
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Trooemyou guys would like the EVE online game14:47
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fennTrooem: it's a cultural thing.. there's no a-priori reason to do things one way or another14:48
fennhackers tend to share information as much as possible14:48
Trooemfenn, is kanzure and you planning on going into online marketing?14:48
Trooemi guess so14:48
fenni have no idea what he's thinking, but right now i'm sort of dead in the water14:48
fennso i will look into it14:48
Trooemlet me know if you want to split percenta and team up i could use technically savvy experimenters..14:49
Trooemi'll put you upto date.14:49
ybitwhat do you mean dead in the water? you both are working at campbell's lab still right?14:49
fennybit: no14:49
Trooemyou guys were working in a lab?14:50
fennybit: that was only a summer thing for me. campbell wants me to go to germany maybe, but i don't know how serious he is, or how serious he thinks i am, or something14:50
ybit.de for what?14:50
fennhe said 'i need to know you are able to work on the things i a interested in'14:50
ybiti would take that opportunity14:51
fenni think he is taking a sabbatical14:51
ybitoh, nm14:51
fennbut he will be collaborating with people at university of munich14:51
fenn2000 euro/mo or so14:52
ybitokay take it :)14:52
fennsounds fun.. but not if i have to use microsoft crap14:52
fennmy brain is warped enough from campbellism already14:52
fennTrooem: a computer lab. it's not as cool as it sounds14:52
ybitTrooem: search for "automated design lab"14:53
fennhere is what i accomplished, for the most part: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/14:53
Trooemkanzure deleted the roadmap,14:53
Trooemdamn i wanted that page14:53
ybitit's not really a roadmap14:54
Trooemkanzure, send me that page to save in my HDD14:54
Trooemi know14:54
Trooembut i liked the outlines14:54
Trooemgot some interesting references14:54
Trooemsaves me time researching14:54
Trooemwhats with the lego stuff14:55
Trooembuilding bricks14:55
fennlegos have standardized interfaces that can connect to other parts14:55
fennit was a test of the interface representation14:56
Trooemnice.. 14:56
fennyou can use the same code to say 'this plugs into a usb port' or something like that14:56
ybitTrooem: if you like incomplete outlines, here's two more for you:14:56
fennskdb was supposed to build these things automatically14:57
fennwe just havent entered the data14:57
ybitnap time14:58
Trooemme too gtg peace 14:58
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kanzureTrooem: if you just want the degree why not get a fake degree?15:02
fenninterchangeable parts http://craphound.com/?p=234015:14
kanzurehow does it work?15:16
kanzurewhy is this a toy?15:16
fenndid you click on the link to the flash game?15:17
kanzureno, it's flash15:17
fennevery tile has 4 edges that look something like two lines some distance apart.. then they fill in the center of the tile with goofy drawings of snake and factories and stuff15:18
fennso when you move it around, it still looks like a complete drawing but in a different arrangement15:19
fennwhy am i bothering to explain this15:19
kanzureso it's just puzzle pieces15:19
fennnot really15:20
fenna puzzle only goes together one way15:20
fennthis is the opposite of a puzzle15:20
fennwhy do you use firefox and not have flash installed?15:21
kanzurei do have flash, i just want to avoid it15:21
fennwould you prefer it were javascript?15:22
fennwhat if it's js with no permissive license?15:22
fennultimately if it boils down to not looking at any content you can't reuse, well.. that's just silly15:23
fennbecause the content itself is not important, it's the idea15:23
kanzurebut didn't we already have this idea15:23
fennyes but you're looking for visual analogies, remember?15:23
kanzurei am?15:23
fennto communicate to stupid people who pay $120 to attend a conference15:23
kanzureum, er, right15:24
kanzuregood job15:24
ybit15:23 < fenn> to communicate to stupid people who pay $120 to attend a conference15:24
ybitwell fsck you too fenn :)15:25
fenni'm sorry you have buyer's remorse15:25
kanzureybit: we could have made you a speaker15:25
ybitit's you two who have done all the coding so far, so it only makes sense that you two speak. though, if you are talking about hacking the system, is that still possible? :D15:29
fennhacking what system?15:29
ybitpaying $120 to see people in person15:30
fennoh, i have no idea15:30
fenni don't even know who is running the show15:30
ybitjata seems to be organizing most of it15:30
* ybit does the nap ting finally15:31
kanzuretodd, jata and alex seem to be running it, yes15:31
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fennwell that was disappointing15:53
fennapparently these guys only made a tree for zerg: http://www.flickr.com/photos/starfeeder/2598542907/sizes/o/15:53
bkeroI'm at the drupalcamp pdx16:02
fennkanzure: https://dnacore.mgh.harvard.edu/synthesis/index.shtml16:14
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fenn"Flashbake." This is a set of Python scripts that check your hot files for changes every 15 minutes, and checks in any changed files to a local git repository.17:41
kanzurehey spurserh 17:51
kanzurefenn: i'm sure vim or emacs has bindings for committing changes or something17:51
kanzuretoo bad git/mercurial isn't made for rapid commits17:51
kanzurei wrote a long email to maria catalina about the attacama research project17:54
kanzureso hopefully she'll reply and abuse me17:54
fenni've come to the conclusion that it's much harder to do stuff on earth than in orbit17:55
fennso i don't really see the advantage to doing stuff in the middle of a desert17:56
fennwho am i kidding.. good night17:57
kanzurenight fenn17:57
katsmeow-afkdesert : cheap land, solar power?18:12
katsmeow-afkhmm, Chile18:15
katsmeow-afkhight altitudes18:15
katsmeow-afklil less enthused18:15
kanzuremichelle bachelet is the most awesome president ever18:22
kanzuredon't fuck with her18:22
genehackeratacama research facility?18:36
genehackerthe nasa thing?18:36
kanzurenot nasa18:38
kanzurefwd'd to open manufacturing19:01
drazakare any of you knowledgeable about getting ubuntu to go though both my laptop monitor and svideo?19:04
kanzureno but look at xorg.conf and xrandr19:07
ybitdrazak: i think it's on a case-by-case basis in that it all depends on your graphics card, #ubuntu, #xorg, #ati, #nvidia would be your best bet19:07
kanzuredon't try to set up a presentation 5 minutes before you're supposed to give it19:07
kanzurei really screwed up my xorg.conf file :(19:07
ybitor make backups at least :)19:08
ybitspeaking of backups, kanzurrrrre19:08
ybitdiy-h+ mirror please?19:08
ybitalright, alright19:08
kanzuremy connection is too slow19:08
kanzurestop raping it :'(19:08
ybitheh, i haven't raped it in ages19:09
drazakkanzure: I've done that19:09
drazakkanzure: but no, my mom and I want to watch Fringe on my laptop on the tv19:09
drazakjust gonna try a couple lines in my xorg.conf... brb19:10
drazak(famous last words)19:10
genehackerwait a second kanzure are you at that conference thing19:29
ybitgenehacker: that's bkero 19:29
-!- Trooem [i=Trooem@] has joined #hplusroadmap19:50
Trooemquestion: could you guys build a portable text scanner like the docupen, but silent, shorter in length, (about 7cm) and very thin?19:57
Trooemor would that be too much hanking?19:57
genehackercool how much money will you pay us to do so?19:59
Trooemnot too sure...20:00
Trooemi guess it's a service..20:00
Trooembut i want to know if you guys can make it.20:00
Trooemi was talking to kanzure though lol20:01
drazakwell kanzure, fenn, and genehacker are all within a mile of eachother20:04
genehackerit's more than a mile20:04
genehackeranyway, the point is we have higher priority projects than portable text scanners20:04
Trooemok. your right20:05
kanzurea portable text scanner would be useful i think20:08
kanzureOCR still sucks though :(20:08
genehackeroh I know20:09
genehackerwhy not use a neuron tissue culture to do the letter recognition20:09
drazakuh huhh20:11
genehackerneuron tissue is great at doing such things20:12
genehackerthough keeping something like that alive would be hard20:12
genehackerit's more on the ridiculous side of doing things20:14
TrooemOCR=optical character recognition? yeah..20:14
Trooembetter than a portable scanner, just picture the text with a digicam20:15
Trooemthats probably better20:15
Trooemim talking about making a cheat device lol20:15
Trooemgot to send the image of the exam to someone 20:15
Trooemso the verdict so far is a button camera20:16
Trooembut i thought it won't deliver the text very well... so i thought of a mini text scanner but...20:16
Trooemthat may be too revealing in the end..20:16
genehackerok well that's not really our sort of thing20:17
Trooemnow... if i had a ultrasonic text scanner. ROFL20:17
Trooemi see ok20:17
Trooemjust asking suggestions then...20:17
Trooemhow big is your team anyway?20:18
Trooemi see kanzure, fenn, genehacker so far20:18
genehackerteam what team?20:18
Trooemskdb project20:18
Trooemno team?20:18
Trooemok nvm20:18
kanzureyes it's a team20:19
genehackerskdb is not intended to help people cheat on tests20:19
ybitteam dexter family go!20:19
genehackerok I guess you could call it a team then20:20
genehackeranyway kanzure so I'm wondering, how would you go about representing an LED throwie in SKDB20:21
genehackerafter all it is one of the coolest projects on instructables20:22
Trooemgot it of course lol20:24
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genehackeranyway on cheating for test, studying tends to be easier than building a miniature pen sized scanner20:28
Trooemi'm not the one building it. i'm the one paying for it.. so there is a difference..20:30
Trooembut then yeah, time spent waiting around would be better to use in studying. not to mention following the rest of the courses.20:31
Trooembut grades are grades. marks are marks if you can learn and get the grades in such a way is sure-fire20:31
Trooemwhy not...20:31
genehackerwait did you'd pay us?20:31
genehackeryou'd pay us?20:32
kanzurewhat is an LED throwie, anyway?20:32
genehackercyberpunk graffiti devices of the present20:32
genehackerleds that stick to anything ferromagnetic20:34
kanzureshould be pretty easy20:35
kanzurefirst step would be to represent LEDs20:35
kanzurewhich are needed20:35
Trooemkanzure: to answer your question above, i don't want a fake degree because it's well, fake. would a person going for the awards in science need a legitimate degree?20:36
Trooemyeah that's why.20:36
genehackerhow would you automatically generate the diagram for that kanzure?20:37
genehackerTrooem what class is this for?20:37
genehackerif it's english class I'll consider it20:39
Trooemsorry, it's all areas. plus i would need to pay for accomodation +rent+ monthly fee for your stand-by services20:40
Trooemim thinking what the best way for is to make a deal amongst kanzure and myself or others20:40
Trooemway i see it, it's a 1 on 1 type of thing20:41
Trooemeverybody seems so knee-deep in their relations here20:41
Trooemi dare not budge in and start a partnership20:41
Trooemwith 1 specific person20:41
Trooemthe things i do is hush-hush20:41
Trooemand i need to know if i can trust 1 person not to tell the secret on others20:42
Trooemand make me look like a fool20:42
Trooemnot talking just cheats........20:42
Trooemso yes kanzure, i'm thinking deeply. your talents and interests are on par with what i am pursueing.20:42
Trooemthe only problem is that dedication wise, your loyalty belongs to others. :(20:43
Trooemif, you could make 10k per month guaranteed, would you be interested in teaming up with myself, and myself only, and pursue same/similar goal? money/academia/science project. etc...20:45
Trooemand ditch the rest.20:45
Trooemno disrespect to others here.20:45
genehackerdid you say money?20:45
Trooemwho are you genehacker, do you have a website like bryan?20:46
Trooemheybryan.org ?20:46
Trooemi want to know your interests and what you are capable of.20:46
genehackerI prefer not to give much information about myself20:46
Trooemok nvm then20:46
genehackerbut seriously who are you20:47
genehackerI'm confused20:47
Trooemi'm not going through all that again so never you mind :(20:47
Trooemway too much pessimism in everyone.20:47
genehacker10k per month for working on a science project(as in a diy DNA synthesizer?)20:49
genehackeranyway a portable document scanner would be very easy to build20:50
genehackerthe pen approach is not the way to go about it20:50
Trooemi can't answer the origination of the money :(20:52
Trooemonly shown to my partner20:53
Trooemyeah ok20:53
Trooemi was thinking about a hidden spy device though20:53
Trooemlike on your wrist or something20:53
genehackernow you aren't part of the CIA are you?20:53
Trooemguess it'd look weird if i'm suddenly scanning a exam20:53
Trooemno way lol20:53
genehackerit's ok if you are I'm still willing to help20:54
genehackerseriously if you're going to pull out a pen out of your pocket that glows across the page, that's going to look suspicious20:55
Trooemso no glowing pen20:56
Trooemattached to your wrist20:56
Trooemso it looks like part of your clothing20:56
Trooemcompletly black20:56
Trooemit would still make a sound, it would need my arm-movements20:57
Trooemit would look weird20:57
Trooemit was just an abstract thought never you mind.20:57
genehackerthat's going to look weird20:57
Trooemgtg eat bbl20:57
genehackerthere's a much better way to do it20:58
genehackerto find out, please give me large sum of money20:58
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genehackerwho the heck was that?22:12
genehackerhow the heck did he find skdb?22:12
genehackersounds an awful lot like he's doing something very illegal22:13
kanzureillegal in which country?22:14
genehackermoney from an undisclosed source, that's mighty suspicious22:14
genehackerillegal everywhere but somalia22:14
katsmeow-afkis alkyd and acrylic paint the same stuff? it's being used interchangeably in places22:33
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CIA-23djangit: kanzure master * r3eda9e9 / (templates/index.html wiki/views.py): fixed up the views some more- working on subdirectories - http://bit.ly/FBtPw23:05
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ybitlame: http://openwetware.org/wiki/DIYbio/FAQ#USING_ANIMALS :: "Overall: Don't do this at home. Please. Stick with microorganisms and insects. Please. For the sake of the animals, for the sake of your own health, and for the sake of your research."23:37
ybithuh, interesting, ctl-j == send in irssi23:37
ybitanywho, get a uni involved in research, problem solved without having to worry about specifics which seem to be absent23:38
ybit21:35 <ybit> will have to make one of these things: 23:39
ybit21:35 <ybit> http://www.teamwavelength.com/products/product.asp?part=6&view=specs#tabs23:39
ybit21:36 <ybit> then the recording device: 23:39
ybit21:37 <ybit> then the mea device mentioned in 23:39
ybit21:37 <ybit> _then_ i can carry out the experiment23:39
ybit21:37 <ybit> there are two papers on construction of the mea, that paper isn't it,  it's the actual work i'm trying to replicate23:39
ybit^general overview of what's to take place before i get to work on mice23:39
katsmeow-afkhmmmmmmmmmmm ,, for 20% phosphoric acid in water : Boiling Point: 216º C (420.8º F)23:45
katsmeow-afkybit, where is Madison , Ala ?23:50

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