
--- Day changed Fri Oct 16 2009
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk00:27
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kanzureso the skdb website is now running opencascade simultaneously01:32
kanzuresuprisingly the site doesn't take forever to load01:32
bkeroI'm eating kittens.01:32
kanzureyou're eating dirt01:32
kanzureand you like it01:32
bkeroThese kittens are probably a bit dirty01:32
bkeroSo yea01:33
kanzureyou planning on heckling me at the conference?01:33
kanzuredid you decide it's too far?01:33
bkeroIf I make it down there01:33
bkeroOh wait!01:34
bkeroI might have winter break then01:34
bkeroIn which case I'd just drive down01:34
* bkero makes a mental note of looking at a calendat next time he's next at a computer.01:35
genehackereating kittens01:42
genehackerseems you've been spending too much time online01:43
genehackerI want a tundish01:47
genehackerdoes skdb have a list of refractories?01:47
genehackerif not01:59
genehackertime to add one01:59
-!- ve [n=a@94-193-95-252.zone7.bethere.co.uk] has joined #hplusroadmap03:05
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kanzurehello lazzareth__ 09:46
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kanzurefenn: do you know how to pass locals() to a cheetah template?10:06
fennthat's a good idea.. but no10:25
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CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 640fa5d /clients/web.py: really bad unit tests for cherrypy12:58
fenn'/home/some/page/new/' should be '/home/some/page/new' or '/home/some/page/new?foo=123&bar=456'13:03
fennhow do you know 'new' is the command in the second example? (/x/y/z/new/1/2/3)13:05
fenni dont like the reserved keywords.. for example what if i have a directory 'source'?13:06
fenni like the @cherrypy decorators13:12
fennwhat is 'vpath' in PackageFront? and what is PackageFront?13:13
fennwhere does PackageIndex come from?13:15
kanzurePackageIndex comes from templates/13:15
kanzuretemplates/ is currently not committed13:15
kanzurevpath in the "default" methods is the second argument..er.. i mean, def blah(stuff, goes, here, *vpath, **keywords)13:15
kanzurethis sets positional arguments into vpath13:16
kanzureand keyword arguments into keywords13:16
fennfrom templates import *13:16
fennImportError: No module named templates13:16
kanzurepositional arguments in http://blah.com/blah/goes/here/ are "blah goes here". the keyword arguments are the GET or POST variables.13:16
kanzurefenn: i told you it's not committed13:16
fenni was debugging concurrently with the explanario13:16
kanzureif you want to quickly make templates/ do this:13:17
kanzuremkdir templates13:17
kanzuretouch templates/__init__.py13:17
kanzuretouch templates/IndexTemplate.tmpl13:17
fenna primitive invertebrate organism resembling a proper explanation13:17
kanzurecd templates; cheetah compile IndexTemplate13:17
fennwell i still wouldnt have PackageIndex or whatever13:18
kanzureeasy_install Cheetah; easy_install TurboCheetah;13:18
kanzureoh, well, touch templates/PackageIndex.tmpl13:18
fennyou can apt-get cheetah13:18
kanzurethey are not interesting13:18
kanzureand contain just "foo" and "bar" respectively13:18
kanzuremy output on CherryBase.default should be helpful13:21
fennis the _url stuff from cherrypy?13:21
kanzureno that's me13:22
kanzureclass Url is totally me13:22
fennshouldnt you do somethink like: for (k,v) in url.__dict__: setattr(self, k, v)13:23
fennerm. copy(v)13:23
fennthat whole thing is sorta confusing13:24
kanzuresorry, where?13:24
fenni dont think you should call it a url, whatever it is13:24
fennyou've got commands and paths and so on13:24
fenn"a url is parsed into a Url." is just weird13:25
kanzurecherrypy gives the *blah argument as a tuple to a method13:25
kanzureso then i convert this tuple and play around with it with Url13:25
kanzurebut i'm open to calling it something else13:25
fennurl = Url(extra)13:25
fennthat's where you're getting the data13:26
kanzureok and extra was the *extra argument13:26
fennwell it's weird because it's not a url anymore, it's a path and a command right?13:27
kanzureit wasn't a url to begin with i guess13:27
kanzure#cherrypy says it is a "virtual path" or "path segment"13:33
kanzure(#cherrypy is on oftc)13:35
kanzure13:36 <@fumanchu> that's a term from http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt13:40
kanzure13:36 <@fumanchu>       path-abempty  = *( "/" segment )13:40
kanzure13:37 <@fumanchu> so in '/foo/bar/baz' there are 3 segments13:40
kanzure"extra" is the "virtual path" 14:40
fennx/y/z/ is the virtual path, but is it also command keyword arguments?14:41
kanzurebut in this case: http://adl.serveftp.org/app/web.py/units123/x/y/z/   the virtual path is units123/x/y/z14:41
kanzurethe reason why /units/x/y/z did not have "units" in the virtual path was because "units" was in the object tree14:41
kanzurein the case of /x/y/z/ there are no commands in the virtual path14:41
fennwhy would i want "extra"?14:41
kanzurei consider "edit" to be a command14:41
kanzureas a cherrypy developer?14:42
fennwhat does "extra" represent?14:42
kanzureit is the "virtual path" that cherrypy gives the "default" method (CherryBase.default in web.py)14:42
fennwhy not web.py/units?x=inch&y=furlong14:42
kanzureer that works..14:43
fennx and y are keywords14:43
kanzurenot positional14:43
kanzureplease note14:44
kanzurethe keyword variable names do not matter in my example14:45
kanzureso don't confuse it with /units/x/y/z14:45
fennok.. i understood that14:45
fennwhat does units/x/y/z mean?14:45
fennwhat are x/y/z14:45
kanzurein this case they are random mashings of my keyboard14:45
fenni just dont get what avirtual path is supposed to be14:45
fennit's not an object, it's not a file, it's not a command.. wtf is it!14:45
kanzurelook again14:46
kanzurein one case "units123" is part of the virtual path14:46
kanzurein the other "units" is not a part of the virtual path14:46
fennthat's just because units123 wasn't found14:46
kanzureso it "goes as far as it can"14:47
kanzureand then it calls farthest_matched_thingy.default(virtual_path, keywords)14:47
fennyou have no idea what a virtual path is, do you14:47
kanzurei just told you14:47
kanzurethe virtual path is everything that was not matched to something in the cherrypy object tree14:48
fennit's "something that's not there"14:48
kanzurewell it doesn't have to be a "something"14:48
fennsounds more like a "nonexistent path" to me14:48
kanzureit can be whatever farthest_matched_thingy wants to interpret it as14:49
kanzureso for instance one valid "virtual path" is a SHA string14:49
kanzure(you shouldn't/will not have an object with the same name as that SHA ;-))14:49
fenndo you actually have a valid use case in mind for this?14:49
kanzureyes specifying the SHA 14:49
fennnot the SHA thing, but vpath in general14:49
kanzureoriginally yes but now that /package/screw/data/edit has "data" as a File object, File.edit can probably take over 14:50
kanzureoriginally i was going to use virtual paths to figure out what page a user wanted to edit14:50
fennwhy doesn't it say "path is: (14:50
fennwhy doesn't it say "path is: ('web.py', 'units')"14:50
fenninstead of x, y14:51
kanzurethat made sense until you asked "instead of"14:51
fennsince x, y is the "virtual path" (thereby implying there is a real path)14:51
kanzureweb.py is "broken off" by cherrypy i think14:51
kanzureor possibly apache?14:51
kanzureprobably cherrypy14:51
fennfine, then just "path is: ('units')"14:51
kanzurethe output is misleading14:52
kanzurereally that should say "virtual path is: "14:52
kanzurehm that probably screwed you up14:52
kanzureit has great screwup potential14:52
kanzurei'm not sure if "default" is going to be used like this now that fumanchu has shown me __getattr__, which makes much more sense for what we want to do14:54
kanzurethough it is peculiar that cherrypy insists on hijacking the getattr of a class for its nefarious purposes..14:54
kanzurewhy not just a "__cpgetattr__" or something14:54
fennhow does it hijack __getattr__? i mean when does that get turned on?14:56
kanzureif there is a custom __getattr__ defined, it uses it14:56
fennok, so you just do that manually14:56
kanzureright i figure that some packages might want their own custom __getattr__ for something 14:56
kanzure(who knows)14:56
kanzureso it wouldn't be nice to force cherrypy upon them14:57
fennhaving a hard tim following the restfuldispatch example14:57
kanzurea hard who?!14:57
-!- Noahj [n=noah@] has quit ["Leaving."]15:27
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r f1aaea9 / (clients/web.py core/package.py): working on Packages view for keeping packages together15:46
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 387957a / (clients/web.py core/package.py core/skdb.py): rename Packages to PackageSet15:50
* kanzure configures apache for local testing15:54
kanzurebetter than pushing code that i haven't checked15:54
fennis it easier to set up cherrypy with its own web server?15:58
kanzurei tried it and it didn't work15:59
kanzuresudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi, then edit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default and add in AddHandler wsgi-script .py for a certain <Directory> element in the config file16:00
kanzurei need a better way to deal with extra_paths at the top :(16:04
fennwhat is all that for?16:05
kanzureapache doesn't have the right pythonpath variables apparently16:06
fenn/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages should already be in sys.path16:06
fenni thought you werent using mod_python16:06
kanzurei'm not16:09
* drazak sits on kanzure 16:28
fenni just want to point out that web.py is a server, not a client16:28
kanzureit is not a server16:32
fennis too16:32
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-39-225.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap16:32
kanzurecherrypy has a built-in server if you want16:32
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* drazak is still at the motherfucking lab18:31
drazakI should do some inventory18:31
drazakbut I'm tired as hell18:31
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kanzure    metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases20:23
kanzure    metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases20:23
kanzureTypeError: Error when calling the metaclass bases module.__init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)20:30
kanzurewhen you request /packages/lego/part/1 from web.py,21:31
kanzureyou can see the opencascade "loading step file" message crap (like how long it takes to load each step file) in the server logs21:31
kanzurepretty cool :)21:31
drazakkanzure: what do you think of a primer on pipetting and other basic techniques?21:37
kanzurei have never seen a primer on pipetting21:38
drazakI've seen a couple21:39
kanzurewhat's the normal HTTP response code? not 302, but what?21:42
kanzureah, 20021:44
kanzureheee unit tests :)21:44
ybitbkero: know of anything better, you're always up on this kind of stuff :-)21:53
ybit..for this price or less21:53
ybitlast time we talked about laptops, you suggested the t4220, but i want performance from the lappy21:54
kanzureWriting memories with light-addressable reinforcement circuitry21:54
* kanzure tries to hook up to heybryan.org:8080 but finds a wild gnurd living there21:58
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r ca0e58e / (6 files in 3 dirs): partial package view on cherrypy server22:02
bkeroybit: ew core solo22:30
bkeroybit: http://cgi.ebay.com/FUJITSU-P1620-CORE2-DUO-1-2GHZ-2048MB-40GB-VISTA-WIFI_W0QQitemZ290360066579QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLaptops_Nov05?hash=item439acf021322:33
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ybithuh, i was thinking it was dual22:40
bkeroCore Solo22:42
bkeroBig ol' pile of horse shit22:42
ybiti just don't see me paying that much for those specs when for $75 you can get 210 more gig of storage and an extra gig of ram22:42
bkeroHigher resolution, tablet22:42
bkeroBetter battery life22:42
bkeroIt's an ultra-low voltage22:42
bkeroHigher PPI22:43
bkeroDual battery charger, case22:43
ybitwonder if that's the screen made for outdoors, because there were two screens for that model22:44
bkeroI have one.  It's resistive touch, matte22:45
bkeroYou can get active digitizers on ebay for about $5022:45
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drazakkanzure: I haven't been flamed for bitching about synbio... yet22:53
drazakI need to put together a more well written bitch about synbio22:53
ybitbkero: the only reason i can think to have a tablet notebook (unless it's the n900 touch tablet/phone/gps/camera) is for drawing a facial hair on my personal pictures 22:54
ybitthough i imagine it is useful, sometimes, in reducing prototyping in something like inkscape22:55
ybitbkero: anything else it's useful for?22:57
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r f5f329e /clients/ (templates/PackageView.tmpl templates/__init__.py web.py): PackageView, another template, etc.23:07
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 633a0f7 /clients/web.py: forgot to include the right template23:10
ybiti also forgot to mention that the tablet is ddr2, most notebooks at that price now have an extra gig and are running on ddr323:17

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