
--- Day changed Sat Oct 17 2009
-!- ve [n=a@94-193-95-252.zone7.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]00:02
bkeroybit: depends on if you like touchscreens00:07
bkeroi use it as a tablet web browser and media player remote in bed00:07
ybit00:00 <ybit> i think if there was something the size of a slim screen for a tablet  where when i want to type it makes a small vibration each time i  attempt to hit a key and it increases the pressed key icon when  touched...and there was a way to easily and quickly access this  on-screen keyboard such as button off-screen or continually on-screen 00:10
ybit (maybe somethng in the center near the bottom)...and  it was able to  have the graphics of modern day desktops, i would so be all-over one  of those00:10
ybit00:00 <ybit> for clarification: the tablet == the size of slim screen00:10
ybit00:02 <ybit> and let's say it the screen is about 12in. and it rols up into  something nicely00:10
ybit00:03 <ybit> but, by the time this tech comes out, we're probably advancing  nano-tech and that won't be pleasant to have, you'll want the eye  contacts00:10
ybit00:04 <ybit> though the eye contacts really need small wireless eeg tech attached  to the skull and something, maybe a computer that embedded in a  computer doing calculations of the brain and eye-output00:10
ybit00:05 <ybit> lol00:10
ybit00:05 <ybit> computer that is embedded in a watch*00:10
ybit00:05 <ybit> this is past bedtime grammar for you :)00:10
ybit00:07 < bkero> i use it as a tablet web browser and media player remote in bed00:12
ybitthe n900 could do this, and is probably the better media player remote 00:13
ybitbetter as in lighter weight, not as clunky00:14
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Utopiahanything like FreeCAD/Archimedes but dedicated to architecture?09:58
Utopiah(found brl-CAD, qCAD too)10:15
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-!- genehacker [n=thisisno@pool-173-57-48-104.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:14
ybit1http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/noframes/12813.shtml :: go me for being 'clean'11:16
ybitif the tickets are less than $540 to fly to and from l.a., i'll fly11:18
ybitguess i'm flying since they are all ~$34011:20
ybitUtopiah: blender maybe?11:22
ybitit has an arhcitectural design mode it seems11:23
Utopiahybit: guys in #blender nearly cried when I asked that11:25
Utopiahbut it does sound nice11:25
ybithttp://www.blender.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14358&sid=55d8136324cc3b67ad0747b7e9e8e7e6 ;; jesterking seems to suggest that the devs are considering architecture mode after 2.5, so arc.mode doesn't exist atm11:26
ybitqcad is probably the best route since it does simple 2d cad, and if you need 3d visuals, then go with blender11:28
Utopiahthanks, updated http://seedea.free.fr/persowiki/index.php?n=Cookbook.Objects#architecture with it11:31
ybitnp Utopiah 11:58
ybitkanzure: 11:58
ybitYour item is out for delivery or available at a PO Box at 8:55 AM on October 17, 2009 in AUSTIN, TX, 78704. 11:58
ybitso you should get the hdd today11:58
ybitfenn is mia o.O11:58
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ybitkanzure: right now, one guy has offered to stay in a hotel, i guess if you and fenn pitch in, we'd just have to pay $50 for hotel, though couch surfing is cheaper. what are you and fenn thinking concerning sleeping arrangements?12:26
katsmeow-afkwow, that's a bit personal12:29
katsmeow-afkwhere are you gyus going?12:29
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ybitkatsmeow-afk: it's not like that :P14:33
ybitthe h+ summit14:33
ybitkatsmeow-afk: http://www.humanityplus.org/read/2009/10/2009-h-summit/14:34
ybitblue brain on ted14:39
Trooemwhat does h plus mean?14:56
UtopiahBlueBrain didn't update their EFPL website for ages :/14:57
ybitTrooem: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumanism15:00
ybitkanzure: did you receive the hdd?15:10
ybitwhatever happen to percent and QuantumG15:22
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* ybit revisits paths.py19:06
ybitoi Noahj , flamoot 19:06
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ybitoi genehacker 22:10
genehackerdon't ever eat fried bacon22:16
ybithehe, what happened?22:16
ybitbut _do_ eat fried oreos, they are wonderful22:16
ybitas is fried turkey, squash, okra, pickles, and choco strawberries :)22:17
genehackerno more22:18
genehackeralso I need to do some genetic testing22:18
ybitdon't we all22:18
ybitgenehacker: you going to the h+ summit?22:19
ybitkanzure: daniel kottke responded back to me just awhile ago... (where is fennzr?)22:20
ybit"hi Heath, I have a guest room in my group house in downtown Palo Alto, up to 3 days at a time for friends passing thru, let me know if you'd like to reserve it..."22:21
ybitproblem with that is it's 6 hours away from irvine, very close to s.f.22:21
ybitthere have been some responses from couchsurfing as well22:22
genehackerybit I have school and a lab due22:30
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