
--- Day changed Tue Oct 20 2009
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ybitkanzure: mind taking a look at a few links, i'm logged into adl but not seeing a download link on sd for some odd reason (probably something i overlooked)06:58
ybitmeh, don't worry about it, just grabbed them with my uni's proxy07:03
* ybit can't access "A scanning tunnelling microscope with a piezoelectric-driven inertial slider" though..07:07
ybitgrabbed the first assuming i could get the second, guess i won't assume again, and google scholar can't even find the paper07:08
ybit "A new design of piezoelectric driven compliant-based microgripper for micromanipulation"07:28
ybitalso check out http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/unsorted/?C=M;O=D07:28
ybitbtw, why is there a google ad there o.O07:29
ybitits' not the end of the world, just wondering why, who's trying to make a little extra $?07:31
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ybitkanzure: do you have Computational Fluid Dynamics by John Anderson in pdf format? 08:20
superkuh(I realize it isn't pdf, but that is not hard to fix)08:22
ybitthanks superkuh 08:25
Trooemwhat exactly are you guys doing and what is your ultimate goal (and what is your advantages in it?)08:27
Trooemyour current projects i mean.......08:27
Trooemi'm waiting on my software to develop and finish up in next few days... the programmer is an asshole..08:28
ybitstm software: http://gwyddion.net/ http://gxsm.sourceforge.net/ http://www.e-basteln.de/index_s.htm08:36
ybitTrooem: acquiring lab equipment to build stuff and experiment outside of uni. ultimate goal is to make some type of contribution to the greater conciousness of humanity08:40
kanzureTrooem: the goal is to make transhuman tech. so i've been working on skdb so that others can make the same tech too without a lot of effort.08:40
Trooemah ha! so it was all related to h+. awesome.08:41
* ybit wants "Chemically Tunable Nanoscale Propellers of Liquids" and "Powering an Inorganic Nanodevice with a Biomolecular Motor"08:43
ybitthere we go:http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/unsorted/Powering%20an%20Inorganic%20Nanodevice%20with%20a%20Biomolecular%20Motor.pdf08:46
ybit11:07 < Utopiah> any FOSS eye tracking library?09:55
ybit11:09 < Utopiah> http://www.cogain.org/eyetrackers/low-cost-eye-trackers09:55
ybit11:09 < hivemind-sb> Title: COGAIN - Open source gaze tracking, freeware and low cost eye tracking (at www.cogain.org)09:55
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stragesyou guys heard about bildr yet?  http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2009/10/bildr_componentized_crowdsourced_di.html10:29
Utopiahstrages: have to admit that the design is excellent10:35
Utopiahyet unless I missed something, it's the only thing available :-#10:39
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Utopiah(cf also http://adam-meyer.com/blog/10/18/2009/spreading-the-word/ )10:41
kanzure http://bildr.org/10:52
kanzureuh it doesn't seem to have anything10:53
kanzuream i missing something?10:56
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kanzureok i called him and talked with him11:21
kanzurerawr you will be assimilated11:21
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genehacker2are you trying to assimilate him or join the hive?11:34
genehacker2seems more oriented to electronics11:37
genehacker2but it might fulfill our needs11:37
kanzurewell if you look at code.bildr.org he's basically doing what skdb mostly already does11:38
genehacker2so assimilate him into skdb or join him on bildr?11:39
genehacker2so what about tooling dependencies?11:39
kanzurewhat about them?11:39
genehacker2he doesn't have that11:39
genehacker2does skdb have it?11:39
kanzureskdb is meant to be the brains behind stuff like bildr.org11:39
genehacker2is it usable?11:39
kanzurebildr.org isn't11:40
kanzurebut you can do stuff with skdb, yes11:40
kanzureskdb includes a full CAD geometry kernel, remember?11:40
kanzurewell.. it does.11:40
genehacker2so can I make stuff in some skdb cad program?11:41
kanzureno you make stuff in other CAD programs, skdb can import those CAD files11:41
genehacker2so what else does skdb do?11:42
genehacker2don't you have matweb data on there?11:42
kanzureno matweb is not in skdb11:42
genehacker2or materials data?11:42
kanzurethere is a little materials data but not a lot11:42
kanzurei think there's some friction information somewhere?11:43
genehacker2friction information is useless in the real world11:43
genehacker2friction depends on humidity, temperature, dustiness, whether or not you have touched the pieces in contact, and many other factors11:44
kanzurewell you asked11:44
genehacker2friction is a value that must be determined in the environment that the equipment operates in11:44
kanzurejust look around:11:44
genehacker2alloy composition of various alloys would be good to add11:45
kanzurethere's even a readme file to figure out what the files are all about11:45
genehacker2and also heat treatment data11:45
genehacker2though I am yet to find heat treatment data in a good form11:46
genehacker2you don't even have a list of various materials processing techniques in packages?11:48
genehacker2so I have a bunch of notes with formulas for various materials processing stuff in them11:50
genehacker2your processes file is annoying11:51
kanzureyou're not supposed to read it anyway.. skdb is supposed to load it up11:51
genehacker2it just is11:51
genehacker2I can't tell if you're using a geometry classification system11:52
kanzurea what?11:52
kanzurethese are processes not geometries11:52
genehacker2different processes can make parts of varying geometric complexity11:53
stragesjust thought you'd all like to know about that website.  yeah it's new and doesn't have a lot but they're looking for help populating the site11:53
genehacker2there are some systems for determing this11:53
genehacker2anyway if you can find a good alloy composition database11:53
kanzurestrages: have you looked into skdb yet?11:54
genehacker2I can write a little program that will calculate carbon equivalent which determines the feasibility of making something by welding11:54
genehacker2I guess I could write up stuff for welding11:55
kanzurehow does ":carbon equivalent" determine the feasibility of making something by welding?11:55
genehacker2and deformation processing11:55
genehacker2which is how 80% of all metal parts are made11:55
genehacker2carbon equivalent determines if the materials being welded need to be preheated and/or postheated11:56
genehacker2also welding material deposition rate calculation is hard11:56
genehacker2as far as I know11:57
genehacker2I think I should start on casting first though11:59
genehacker2does maintenance go under consumables?12:01
genehacker2for example, a forging machine will need material removed from the compressing plates periodically to insure that the tolerances are right12:02
strageskanzure: yeah.  I know they're very similar12:03
genehacker2kanzure am I doing it right?12:46
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ybit2any45050298: i'm on my break right now, i was thinking about your problem, obvioulsy you have a serious saturation problem, but i can't recall the specs on the transformers, didnt' you tell me last night?12:53
ybit2i'll have about 2 more hours to sit and think about it :P12:53
any45050298some specs13:14
any45050298been reading too13:15
any45050298seems a lot of small motors, under 10hp (small??), exhibit such distortion when unloaded13:15
any45050298some distort even when loaded13:16
any45050298for unknown reasons, 3phase motors are worse, but care less13:16
any45050298remembering what i have seen of the insides of motors, cheap 3phase motors have thinner iron on the circumference, so do very small singlephase motors13:17
any45050298like the coils are inductances on electrons, i suspect the thinner iron is making "inductances" to the magnetic field, which feeds back/interacts with the other bits of the motor and the coils, and that makes a mess of the *voltage* when lightly loaded13:19
any45050298if not the current when heavily loaded13:19
any45050298where the displacement/slip of the rotor becomes dominant13:19
any45050298however, the transformer iron shouldn't slip like a motor does13:19
any45050298so iam still unsure, except http://designerthinking.com/transformers.html looks like the peak that forms when the transformer is loaded may be because the harmonic's sine-low-point is occuring at the 60hz fundamental's peak, and the load damps the harmonic13:21
any45050298so the peak isn't opposed by that harmonic13:21
any45050298BUT again, that load i used is resistive, it's not the voltage-clamping action that a battery charger would do13:21
any45050298i need a <20v variable load good for 20amps :-/13:29
any45050298maybe on a 488 buss13:30
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kanzuregenehacker: not terrible 14:47
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ybitany90993287: ah. well, ac or dc? i suspect you are dealing with inductive kickback, i'm actually going to be tackling that problem myself later this week at work16:25
ybitkanzure: but there are plenty of how-tos on fixing the problem, here's a decent example: http://www2.electronicproducts.com/Conquering_inductive-load_demons-article-surr_phoenix_aug2007-html.aspx16:26
ybitkanzure: what conclusion did you and adam meyer come to?16:26
ybitadam has a name, a nice design, and appropriate marketing, nothing else though16:27
kanzureybit: we came to the conclusion that he should finish lunch first16:34
any90993287kickback occurs whenthe voltage is suddenly removed, i am not removing any voltage in those traces17:51
ybitany90993287: ac or dc?18:47
ybitand did you check with speedevil or tetracomm?18:47
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any90993287yybit, you do not know how to read a oscope?18:52
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* katsmeow copy/pastes from the webpage :18:53
ybitkatsmeow: yeah, i use them everday18:53
katsmeowTransformer output waveforms18:53
katsmeowThese are fed with 117vac 60hz sinewaves, the o'scope is set at 20v/div.18:53
katsmeowno load18:53
katsmeow1/2 amp resistor load18:53
ybiti'm bringing the issue up in ##electronics...18:53
katsmeowthey are transformers, they are fed with sinewaves, and there's harmonices,, how do you get dc?18:53
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katsmeowybit, thos people are guessing out their asses19:15
katsmeowand picking at me over and over to see if i'll change my answers?!19:17
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ybithttp://www.physorg.com/news128600196.html :: "Are nanobots on their way?" (2006)20:12
ybit"AFM is the most commonly employed approach for top-down nanomanipulation research, explains Gorman. However, AFM suffers from a number limitations, as the nanoparticles stick together during manipulation and cannot be lifted from the substrate. This means that nanodevices constructed using AFM may be aesthetically pleasing and provide insights into what might be achievable but it cannot build practical nano machines."20:12
ybit""Our micro-scale nanoassembly system is designed for real-time imaging of the nanomanipulation procedures using a scanning electron microscope," explains Gorman, "and multiple nanoprobes can be used to grasp nanostructures in a cooperative manner to enable complex assembly operations." Importantly, once the team has optimized their design they anticipate that nanoassembly systems could be made for around $400 per chip at present costs. This is thousan20:12
ybitpaper mentioned in article: http://www.isd.mel.nist.gov/meso_micro/GormanIMECE2006_16190.pdf20:18
ybit"Control of MEMS nanopositioners with nano-scale resolution20:18
genehackerseems a bit exagerated20:20
ybitthe nanopositioners mentioned in the paper: http://www.isd.mel.nist.gov/meso_micro/Bergna2005.pdf (2005)20:22
ybitactually, they may not be it20:24
* ybit prepares to sleep20:24
ybitbtw, this is really neat: http://www.nanovip.com/research-news/tiny-test-tube-experiment-shows-reaction-of-melting-materials-at-the-nano-scale ..from UT Austin20:25
ybithttp://www.isd.mel.nist.gov/meso_micro/GormanISNM2006.pdf :: the paper mentioned in physorg, "Design of an On-Chip Micro-Scale Nanoassembly System"20:29
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kanzurehello Goose|Laptop 20:37
Goose|Laptophello kanzure!20:38
genehackerkanzure so about the casting thing I sent you, is it in the right format?20:41
ybitgenehacker: looks like yaml to me20:43
* ybit thought it was nice20:44
ybitgenehacker: you are referring to the pastebin right?20:44
Goose|Laptopif one of you built a workshop, what would you have in it?20:44
kanzureGoose|Laptop: everything here: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/doc/BOMs/20:45
genehackerhaving some trouble with how to describe casting processes20:45
Goose|Laptopaha! perfect! Ty kanzure20:45
kanzuregenehacker: it looked ok20:46
ybitkanzure: what's with the advertising?20:46
kanzureybit: might as well20:46
ybitlet me know how that goes20:47
kanzure0.84% click-thru rate. i'm not expecting this to actually work.20:48
genehackerclick thru rate?21:10
ybithow many people actually click the links21:12
ybit.84% of people that visit his site so far actually click the links21:13
ybitkanzure: if you will, let me know what adam decides, i'm interested to hear what he thinks about collaborating, or at least using skdb for the backend21:22
kanzurei suspect he's not interested in collaboration otherwise why would he write that code without checking what's out there first?21:25
kanzure(but he was friendly)21:25
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ybitthe orionids peak tonight22:16
ybit The peak is at 6AM,22:17
ybitso after midnight as Orion gets higher and higher you should see22:17
ybitmore meteors,  Note that for meteor watching you don want to stare22:17
ybitat the constellation where the radiant of center of the shower is located.22:17
ybitInstead you should let your eyes wander over about 1/4 of the sky near the22:17
ybitradiant.  The Orionids are from Comet Halley.  The weather should be good.22:17
ybitfrom the resident astrophysicist at the uni22:17
ybitwhom i've had the pleasure to work with to no avail :P22:18
katsmeow-afktonite? oct 20, 09?22:23
katsmeow-afki saw a rising moon tonite, first moon i have seen in a month, i think22:23
ybityeah, it's tonight22:24
genehackerargh too cloudy22:29
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