
--- Day changed Wed Oct 21 2009
bkerofsv is the linux equivalent00:11
bkeroIt's old00:11
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ybit2any91027138: why do you care what it looks like?12:37
ybit2the transformer wave output on the oscopes that is12:38
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ybit2any91027138: it's been bother me today, you're prob. so i just asked my boss who it seems has worked at a business dealing with transformers specifically, we were able to replicate your output as well12:49
ybit2you are probably picking up stray voltage from fluorescent lights in the room12:49
ybit2you need to ground the opposite tip of the probe12:50
ybit2and i'm out12:50
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genehacker2is jonathan cline here?13:13
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-!- Goose|Laptop [n=evan@utdpat242007.utdallas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap14:47
kanzureany ideas on doing this with gnuplot?15:16
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genehackerlearned why needles vary in diameter15:35
Utopiahkanzure: did you upload it all or is it through djangit?15:39
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kanzureUtopiah: what?16:01
Utopiahdid you copy the content of heybrian on your github account?16:27
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ybitthe latest paths.py error: http://pastebin.com/m2cc1db5918:48
ybitkanzure, this may be of interest18:48
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genehackerkanzure got any papers on asteroid mining?19:54
kanzuregenehacker: no, just LOX orbital mining19:54
kanzureybit: 3001.png and friends are harvested from the web, you should just touch the files for now and be happy. i can send the images later i guess19:55
kanzurebut the pngs are definitely not in the skdb.git repo, so that should explain why you got the error that you did19:55
-!- kardan_ [n=kardan@p54BE349E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:56
genehackerwhat's lox orbital mining?20:00
genehackermining asteroids for LOX?20:00
genehackerif that vasimir thing works, it might be better to mine the hydrogen and use the oxygen to breath20:00
ybitomfg, paths.py worked :)20:07
ybitshould i rename that to "bryan sucks a matrix math again.png" ;)20:12
ybitlooks like it's identifying a hole correctly, but not recognizing that there's an object in the way20:14
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genehackerhmmm.... rare earth's aren't so rare on asteroids20:23
genehackerwhat does paths.py do?20:24
ybitit just shows simple part mating of two bricks, iirc, for presentation purposes20:27
genehackerwhat does it do?20:30
genehackerand how does it do it?20:31
ybithttp://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/_media/fschemerawsmall.jpg :: i like how the tag-line here is "apt-get for real stuff" those floating submarines don't look real to me :P20:31
ybitgenehacker: it takes two bricks and combines them and you get to watch, how? i've yet to decipher all of the code, yet, so that's a question for kanzure 20:32
ybitor fenn if he ever gets back back from his top-secret mission to the galapagos20:33
kanzurewhat is the question?20:41
genehackerthe galapogos, really?21:07
kanzuresomething about training under turtle master roshi21:08
kanzureybit: eventually i'll turn the lego interfaces into ODE joints so that rotations can happen21:09
kanzurealso a better picture of the interesection problem would be hawt (also the graph exported in yaml)21:10
genehackerso do you specify the possible lego connection points?21:26
genehackeror does some program of yours figure that out?21:27
kanzureyou specifyi t: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/packages/lego/data.yaml21:28
kanzurealso: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/packages/lego/grammar.yaml21:29
genehackerpaths.py does what?21:29
kanzureit lets you visualize what's going on so you other people can go "oh now i get it"21:30
genehackerif you're just showing the mating of two bricks, you are reinventing the wheel21:30
genehackermaybe there's something I'm not seeing21:32
genehackerit seems like you're doing something every lego cad program does21:33
kanzuregenehacker: i'm tired of explaining it to you21:34
kanzurewhy can't you be more like ybit21:34
genehackerfrom what I can tell it looks like your program is randomely putting together lego bricks21:38
genehackerI am having trouble seeing the use of this21:38
kanzurewell if you tell people "legos are being connected" they don't believe you21:38
kanzureyou have to show it to them21:38
genehackerso it randomely assembles lego bricks and shows them being moved into position, correct?21:39
kanzureno it does not show them being moved21:40
genehackerthen what does it do?21:40
kanzureit shows the assembly21:40
genehackerdoes it randomely appearify lego blocks at interface points?21:41
kanzurelooking at a list of what's connected to what is sometimes hard to figure out21:41
kanzureyes but that's just because it's a demo and unguided21:41
genehackeror is it actually putting some preassembled shape together21:41
genehackerlego cad programs can automatically generate assembly instructions already if that's what you're trying too do21:42
kanzurenone of them are open source21:42
kanzurealso their instructions suck21:42
genehackerhow is this better?21:43
kanzureit's open source21:43
kanzurealso it's based on real CAD data21:44
kanzurenot STL files like most lego programs21:44
kanzure(there's one that uses povray files but i consider it suspect..)21:44
genehackerso have you figured out how to automatically generate assembly steps for a lego block assembly?21:44
kanzureyes but what i haven't figured out is how to do it for the general case21:45
genehackerwhat do you mean how to do it for the general case?21:45
kanzurefor anything that's not legos21:45
genehackerdo you have a demo that shows automatic lego block assembly instruction generation?21:46
kanzureno but fenn wrote a graph maker that shows how a lego assembly goes together (it's not the same thing as instructions though)21:46
genehackera lego assembly graph?21:47
genehackerthat has already been done21:47
genehackerso you can't generate instructions for any arbitrary assembly of the lego blocks that are in skdb?21:47
kanzurethe code for that hasn't been written because it won't apply to things that are non-legos21:48
kanzureit would be totally useless since legos aren't what we're aiming for21:48
kanzurei mean, they are part of the subset of what we are aiming for21:48
kanzurebut a general solution for instruction generation is the gold here, not just lego pictures one after another21:48
genehackershow me that you can automatically generate instructions for legos then I'll be impressed21:49
kanzurewhy would you be impressed by that?21:50
kanzureadd this brick, add that brick21:50
genehackerbecause it might allow for totally automatic assembly of lego structures which would be cool21:51
kanzurei think we should focus on more general assembly instruction generation21:51
kanzureso that we could cover more than just legos21:51
genehackerhow would automatically generating instructions for just legos work?21:52
kanzurelet's say that you construct an assembly in skdb by connecting parts together21:53
kanzurethe simplest way to generate pamphlet-style instructions would be to render the assembly at each stage21:53
kanzureand highlight the latest brick that has been added, from a standard isometric view21:53
kanzurebut these are not really "instructions", they are just pictures21:53
kanzureto me instructions would be "append this lego brick to that lego brick by the upper two rows of studs"21:54
genehackerhow do you know how to add the next brick where?21:54
kanzurethat information is in the assembly already21:54
genehackercan you generate logical instructions though21:54
genehackerfor example, if you're constructing a lego pyramid, how does the program know to start at the bottom of the pyramid and work it's way to the top instead of the other way?21:55
kanzurei could ask the same for you21:56
kanzurewhy would you start from the bottom anyway?21:56
kanzureyou can start just about anywhere21:56
kanzuresince you could lay the pyramid on its side21:56
genehackerwhat if it's a really large pyramid and I don't have construction equipment21:57
kanzurei guess the guy who added the pyramid to skdb would have to check that21:57
genehackercheck what?21:58
kanzuremaybe he would make sure it always started from the bottom and worked its way up21:58
kanzurecheck that the instructions look ok21:58
kanzureand aren't i.e. totally fucking ridiculous :)21:58
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genehackerthere are many ways to generate instructions for the same object, however, only a couple will actually make sense or be practically useful in the real world21:59
genehackerI guess you could specify a ground plate that tells the program which way is the bottom22:00
kanzurealso some common checks/guidelines can be executed on instructions or the instruction generator22:01
kanzureto make sure it doesn't cause impossible scenarios22:01
genehackerwhat common checks/guidelines need to be performed?22:01
kanzurei think we'll learn that with time22:02
kanzurewhen we get back funky results and say "hmm that's not right"22:02
genehackerI'm worried this could be a problem for automatic instruction generation of general objects22:03
genehackerand how do you generate instructions for a puzzle type object where several pieces need to be positioned at the same time?22:07
genehackeranyway if you can generate instructions for lego pieces that make sense, it shouldn't be too hard to make instructions for general objects22:12
genehackerespecially if you can generat instructions for any lego assembly consisting of any lego piece22:13
genehackerwhat is the point of automatically generating instructions for humans to carry out, an exploded view cad model works just as good. 22:31
genehackerI need to teach myself python22:36
genehackerso I could write a program to determine which molding process would work for which metal22:37
genehackerand part22:38
kanzureexploded views don't tell you how to use a lathe22:42
genehackeryeah, so...?22:43
genehackerdo you have a program that can automatically generate instructions on how to use a lathe to make a part?22:43
kanzureno but i need one22:44
genehackerand if said part can be lathed?22:44
genehackerargh, why can't there be a list of phase diagrams that aren't in graph.pdf for every alloy?22:46
genehackeralso for making .yaml files for casting processes where does mold material and mold material data go?22:48
genehackerHow do I denote subsets of a generalized casting process?22:49
kanzurelet me check22:50
kanzuretechnically it would go under taxonomy.yaml somewhere22:51
kanzureso for example "grinding" is under "abrasive" and so "grinding" inherits all of the parameters to "abrasive" but can choose to over-write them with its own custom values22:52
kanzurei think that's what you're talking about?22:52
kanzurei think material data probably belongs somewhere else.. but the process should be able to determine what characteristics of the material matter how, or whtaever22:53
genehackerfor example investment casting can use several different types of lost-patterns(wax, plastic, styrofoam) and several different types of slurries22:54
genehackerthere are also several molding process modifiers 22:55
genehackerlike centrifugal casting and thixocasting that might be appliable to several different molding techniques22:56
genehackershould I just make yaml files for each of the branches in the casting part of the tree for now?23:01
genehackerand work the othe stuff out later23:01
kanzuresure, we can work it out23:08
genehackerso I just dump in tons and tons of useful data?23:19
genehackerif you have a good format for putting in mathematical relations I could put some useful stuff in23:20

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