
--- Day changed Fri Oct 23 2009
* katsmeow-afk gives Phreedom a ping now00:00
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kanzurehello nchaimov 08:32
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-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-44-175.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:07
genehackerkanzure on the .yaml files for skdb, could SKDB use the equations in the parameters section to  solve for values in them?10:08
genehackeras in I put the equation s_fm= (kE^n)/(n+1) in the parameters10:09
genehackerchange s to sigma10:09
genehackercould SKDB solve for n?10:10
genehackerif it was asked to?10:10
genehackeror do I need to write another equation for that?10:10
genehackeralso, I'm beginning to think we really need a program that can read graphs10:11
genehackeranyway, I'm going to put a .yaml in for metal extrusion(cold for now, hot maybe) by the end of the day10:13
genehackerI'd also like to know how to tell SKDB that the yield stress of the extrusion die needs to be less than the extrusion pressure for extrusion to work10:15
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r c4b1362 /doc/ (compile_pythonOCC hacking): updated the installation guide to reflect pythonOCC 0.311:01
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r e33545e / (.gitignore config.yaml core/settings.py doc/hacking readme): revamped skdb settings and configuration to use config.yaml11:01
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kanzureyeah i want to do a demo/example of solving equations with parameters11:08
kanzurewe've been using python "templates" to fill out equations with variables. example: http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/packages/screw/screw.py11:09
kanzurepipette information11:09
kanzureANSI/SBS 1-2004: Footprint Dimensions: http://www.sbsonline.com/msdc/pdf/ANSI_SBS_1-2004.pdf11:09
kanzureANSI/SBS 2-2004: Height Dimensions: http://www.sbsonline.com/msdc/pdf/ANSI_SBS_2-2004.pdf11:09
kanzureANSI/SBS 3-2004: Bottom Outside Flange Dimensions: http://www.sbsonline.com/msdc/pdf/ANSI_SBS_3-2004.pdf11:10
kanzureANSI/SBS 4-2004: Well Positions: http://www.sbsonline.com/msdc/pdf/ANSI_SBS_4-2004.pdf11:10
kanzurethere is 90 GB free on adl.serveftp.org (davinci). heybryan.org/books/Biology/ is 85 GB. what do people want on the server?11:18
kanzureManufacturing is 25 GB11:21
kanzure"teachers as sickness brokers for ADHD" http://www.plosmedicine.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pmed.003018211:53
-!- tnazmul [n=Tanin_Na@] has joined #hplusroadmap12:31
ybitgot to love how when you try to get a conversation back on track, it ends12:48
ybit(diy sem/fib)12:48
ybitmaybe i'll post a few more things about it though12:49
* ybit prefers cheetah over mako12:53
kanzureybit: rsync has been configured on davinci, enjoy12:56
kanzurethe rsync name is "papers"12:56
kanzureplease use something like this: rsync --verbose --times --progress --stats --compress --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh --recursive --times --perms --links --delete --exclude "*bak" --exclude "*~" . bryan@adl:papers12:56
kanzureand you probably want to change the last two parameters12:57
kanzureactually, switch it the other way around12:57
kanzureybit@adl.serveftp.org:papers /path/to/your/folder/12:57
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/papers/ for more fun12:58
kanzuredoesn't seem to be working for me.13:12
kanzurei have new local files but it doesn't upload them?13:12
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ybitkanzure: is this you? http://groups.google.com/group/skdb/13:35
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Phreedomhi guys13:42
ybitoi Phreedom 13:47
kanzureybit: not to my knowledge13:55
ybitkanzure: first project being developed for skdb?14:10
kanzuremy guess was thermocycler, but then i remembered dave rauchwerk's project 14:10
kanzurein particular the whiteboard drawing pulley thinger14:11
kanzurei don't remember what these are technically identified as14:11
kanzuremaybe "cool toy"14:11
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-172-171.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap14:18
ybitkanzure: which thermocycler?14:20
ybitthere have been so many mentioned on diybio14:20
ybithi genehacker 14:20
kanzureybit: well, it would have a lightbulb14:27
kanzurehm why are these folks implementing STEP for an ARM processor?14:27
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-!- Noahj [n=noah@ip98-182-59-157.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:55
katsmeow-afkhow to get $875 million in usa .gov loans for your projects : 1) call them "electric vehicle oem", 2) read http://www.abcnews.go.com/Business/print?id=890151016:04
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-44-175.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:13
genehackerkanzure, you wouldn't happen to have an inventory of tools in the ME machine shop would you17:38
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kanzuregenehacker: no :(18:29
genehackerI forgot how to use the lathe18:33
genehackeror at least what lever does the feedrate18:33
kanzurethe levers are stupid18:33
kanzurei couldn't stop laughing when the machinist was showing me it18:33
genehackerthat lathe doesn't make sense18:34
kanzurearen't they all like that?18:35
genehackeranyway I want to make some stuff on the lathe18:38
genehackeroh shit18:38
genehackerI think I know why I was having trouble machining stuff18:39
genehackerI was trying to machine pure aluminium18:39
genehackeryou know what I'm wondering?18:40
genehackerhow the heck did they machine weird curved stuff before CNC machines and tracing machines?18:41
kanzurestan on diybio gave a nice PCR purification protocol.. but wouldn't the ethanol destroy the DNA?18:46
kanzuregenehacker: a jig probably18:46
kanzuregenehacker: feel free to take an inventory of the ME machine shop.18:47
kanzureit would also be pretty cool to know which brands/model-numbers they are using down their18:47
ybitno django, si?18:47
ybitall cherrypy now..18:47
genehackeralso, I think a reprap might be able to make anything indirectly18:47
kanzureybit: yes, just cherrypy18:48
genehackerwhere's that PCR protocol?18:48
kanzurebut to be honest that doesn't mean much[Bin an email from stan. it wasn't for PCR.18:48
kanzurein an email from stan. it was n't for PCR.18:48
kanzurejfajfadl;f so apparently i can't type18:49
* ybit is wanting to work on the wiki and have it running tonight18:49
kanzurewhich wiki?18:49
ybitwas afk,18:49
ybitum.. didn't know there were more than one 18:49
genehackerit looks like he wants to sell PCR stuf18:49
ybitthe skdb wiki?...18:50
genehackeralso, drazak said that the problem with pcr is getting it consistent18:50
kanzureso which part is going to be all "wikied out" and which part isn't?18:50
ybitya know, what djangit was supposed to be18:50
kanzurethe way that i was thinking of doing it was let different views exist on site.com/package/lego/blah/yaml18:50
kanzureand then you could do something like: site.com/package/lego/blah/edit18:50
kanzurewell i don't know if every page is supposed to be editable or not18:50
kanzureit would certainly rock if that was the case but 18:51
kanzureconsider editing python over the web maybe18:51
ybitthat would be a pita18:51
kanzureperhaps that's not the best idea? since that would let them load up code immediately18:51
kanzureand to be honest, i don't think anyone is going to dump instructions like that anyway :p18:51
kanzuremaybe they will. who knows.18:52
kanzurewhat if we let people upload instructions in a cheetah template18:52
kanzurethis way, parametric instructions are still possible (since cheetah can have some logic embedded in it)18:53
kanzureideally the logic would never be in the template but i don't think this is going to be the case18:53
kanzureoh wait, i forgot18:54
drazak /q genehacker 18:54
drazaker, sorry18:54
kanzureso yeah, let them upload whatever they want there18:54
kanzurepackage maintainers can come by and scoop it and polish it up18:54
kanzureanywho, i don't know how to relate this to the wiki model18:55
kanzureyes everyone should be able to edit any piece of data in any package if they want to18:56
kanzureno, not everyone wants to use your stupid changes to the cnc machine package18:58
kanzure(gah got disconnected)18:58
kanzureso how do you sandbox changes but let certain users pick certain commits for their usage? 18:59
kanzuresay you go in and you edit the lego package18:59
kanzureand you want to add a new custom lego piece to the lego package library of parts19:00
kanzurenow, you might be a total moron (or you might not be) and you add something19:00
kanzurea package maintainer, sometime in the unknown future, would come by and yell at you and totally laugh at it19:00
kanzurethe reason you put it there in the first place was so that you could use it19:00
kanzureso supposedly you want to go include it in another project maybe19:00
kanzureand using the skdb package creation wizard (which doesn't exist yet) i guess you would specify the commit hash of your latest changes to it? how would this work19:01
kanzurei guess it could be like github: you clone/fork the entire part, and then make your changes, and refer to your clone19:03
kanzuredifferent distributions will have different versions of parts19:03
kanzureso "skdb main" will have whatever the skdb package maintenance task force super team decides is "suitable for use"19:03
kanzurebut others might want to use a distribution of parts that are from the bleeding edge of the iron presses19:04
kanzuresite.com/distrib/main/, site.com/distrib/kanzure/screw/catalog/yaml, and then site.com/package/screw/catalog/yaml would really be like going to site.com/distrib/main/19:05
kanzureok cool19:05
kanzurecan anyone poke a hole in that19:06
kanzurethe "distribution" would be specified in the package metadata. "this package is part of the __blah__ distribution" (in less words)19:06
ybit" the skdb package maintenance task force super team" made me laugh :)19:11
* ybit was playing around with hatta just now19:11
ybittrying to figure out the default template to work for our needs19:12
kanzuredefault template is "plain text" my friend..19:12
kanzurewhy would people use this site again?19:15
kanzuredo people actually use thingiverse for anything? jeebus19:20
kanzuregenehacker: why do you use thingiverse19:22
kanzure"I used to tell people I was majoring in 'nuclear forestry' and watch19:25
kanzuretheir faces puzzle over that. "19:25
ybitthe only reason i come back to a site is a:) i've yet to download it or b:) i'm too lazy to open a terminal 19:25
kanzureybit: have you ever met a machinist?19:25
ybitand i just feel like clicking away for a few mins19:25
kanzurea real one19:25
ybityeah :)19:25
kanzure(not like fenn)19:25
kanzurethey can't even open a file19:26
kanzureso, again, why are people using thingiverse19:26
ybitthen again there are machinists on linuxcnc and cnczone19:26
kanzurei said not like fenn :)19:26
ybitthen there are a bunch of fenn clones running around the web it seems19:27
kanzurecnczone is a weird anomaly, where woodworkers intersect the internet or something and signals cross (things explode)19:27
kanzurewhy are people using instructables, for that matter19:27
kanzureoh lookie i have a giant fucking <textarea> oh i know i'll paste instructions!19:27
* ybit is making the site look purty with css19:28
kanzureybit: hey could you make a default package view mockup for the lego or screw package?19:29
kanzurefeel free to include a random png image or something, you can assume that my iges2png and stl2web scripts work19:29
kanzure(dangerous assumptions huh)19:29
kanzurepreferably by basing your data off off of metadata.yaml in those packages19:30
ybitkanzure: maybe tomorrow, today i'm going to put up a site and you are going to either hate it or just go along with it (or maybe a combo of the two)19:31
ybiteither way, it's going to need some editing 19:31
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kanzurehello metarife22:05
El_Matarifeoh hey man22:49
El_MatarifeDidn't notice you said anything22:49
El_MatarifeYou see what I said in #EMC?22:50

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