
--- Day changed Sun Oct 25 2009
ybit00:12 <ybit> what file takes the yaml and converts it to step?00:14
ybit00:13 <ybit> does it exist...00:14
ybit00:13 <ybit> so what paths.py was doing was grabbing the step files from the lego packages and simply trying to match them up00:14
ybit00:14 <ybit> you two haven't gotten to converting yaml to step00:15
ybityou two == kanzure, fenn 00:15
kanzurestep as in iso 10303-21?01:00
kanzurestep and yaml are doing two different things in skdb at the moment01:01
kanzurethere is no yaml representation of CAD elements if that's what you mean.. all of the geometry is in the .step files01:01
genehackera thin liquid jet traveling at mach 1 is safe amirite?01:33
bkeroConfirm/deny: Everybody loves a loser.01:42
NoahjDeny, there's no one everyone loves02:09
bkeroevery1 luvs jesus rite02:16
-!- ve [n=a@94-193-95-252.zone7.bethere.co.uk] has joined #hplusroadmap02:24
katsmeow-afk@ bkero02:30
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ybitkanzure: if there is no yaml representation of cad elements, what exactly were you meaning by mockup then? 07:58
kanzurea mockup is a template page with filled in data not necessarily dynamically generated08:01
kanzureso for instance a mockup of a lego package view might show a picture of the lego step file (a screenshot, for now, even)08:01
ybitthat's still confusing to me, because you already have pictures of lego step files at skdb.freefab.org (skdb.html)08:10
ybitthe pictures showing part mating08:11
ybiteach part is an individual step file (you know this)08:11
ybitping, kanzure 08:15
ybit21:37 < kanzure> the idea was to show an image of the cad file on the package pages and part pages08:23
ybitso you are wanting package and part pages with screenshots/mockups of the different lego parts available atm..08:23
kanzurejust one page.08:45
kanzurenevermind. this is easy and doesn't require this much overhead.08:45
-!- mason_l is now known as mason-l08:50
ybithaha, there's no overhead, i just didn't understand what you were saying09:05
ybitirc, ya know, it happens09:06
kanzurewhere are my days going?09:12
ybittoward saving humanity, i thought09:17
ybityou're not considering Brain's thinking are you? ;)09:18
kanzurei think the last time i checked it was september09:19
ybitkanzure: how up-to-date is /doc/todo?09:21
kanzureit doesn't include cherrypy todo but otherwise it's good09:22
kanzure"fix BoundingBox" is a little old, fenn sorta did that09:22
kanzurethe "stuff to package" is still very accurate :)09:23
kanzure>>> "hello world".rstrip(" " + "world")09:38
kanzurerawr! wtf09:38
kanzuresame with "hello world".rstrip(" world")09:39
kanzureoh well. split and join it is..09:42
ybitsudo apt-get install libopencascade-visualization-dev libopencascade-ocaf-dev \ opencascade-wok opencascade-draw scons python-gccxml gccxml 09:52
ybitpython-gccxml needs to go, it isn't even in debian09:53
ybitpytyonocc needs a .deb09:53
* ybit is working on autoinstall09:53
ybiti.e. skdb.deb09:53
kanzurei updated the installation notes for pythonocc in skdb/doc/compile_pythonOCC to reflect latest experiences and info on the dokuwiki09:54
kanzureskdb.deb would be neat but it might be easier to do a python egg (i.e. just deal with setup.py)09:55
kanzureand then there's an easy_deb python utility to autopoop .deb's of python eggs09:55
ybithttp://www.8bitpeoples.com/discography/zip/8BP098 :: not bad09:58
kanzurehave you been reading http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/music/8bit ?09:58
ybityou need to include 8GB on that list10:00
ybitand cornbeast: http://www.8bitpeoples.com/discography/zip/8BP09410:01
kanzure8bit trash is a BAD idea10:02
ybitvim - microchips10:05
ybiti created a stupid video back in the day with vim's 8bit xmas mix10:06
kanzureiayd "physics" isn't bad though.10:06
kanzurei didn't expect anyone to actually listen to this10:06
kanzurei'm surprised you know them10:06
ybiti'm surprised there aren't more people that listen to it10:07
kanzureit's kind of for robots only10:07
ybitskdb-dev@freefab.org forwards to yours and fenn email as well10:07
kanzureoh joy10:10
kanzureany progress on a .deb?10:15
ybitsorry, was reading wired10:18
ybitkanzure: but feel free to edit this as you see fit: http://pastebin.com/mc3f5afe10:19
kanzureer are you just making the description file for the .deb? there's actually a fairly involved sequence of commands the debian peeps want you to follow10:20
kanzurei was following their tutorials but got sleepy10:20
ybitno that's the description, i figure you know the dependencies better than myself 10:21
kanzureanyway, the first sentence in the description sounds lame. how about "open source hardware package manager" or something10:21
kanzurethe dependencies are basically everything in the pythonocc install notes plus: units, python-graph (python-igraph?), i think that's it10:22
kanzurei'm pretty sure you're right about python-gccxml not being needed?10:22
ybitthat pastebin was wrong, my bad10:24
ybitoh well10:24
* ybit backtracks10:31
ybitprobably should follow prcisely what debian.org says and not tldp.org 10:32
kanzureincomplete notes on debian packaging: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/debian-packaging10:33
ybit0% [1 libc-bin 40960/694kB 5%]      3413B/s 1h18min24s10:45
kanzurehm i wish i could nest optfunc.run() calls10:57
kanzurepaul fernhout sends: http://clojure.org/10:57
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-38-205.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap11:09
ybityou know with such rapid development, i don't know if a debian package makes sense11:12
ybithi genehacker 11:12
ybitgit clone is the way to go imho11:13
kanzuremost projects have a script that builds a debian package for them11:14
ybitgood, and i'll just create an autoinstall.sh real quick11:14
kanzurei dunno if autoproject and python's setup.py are compatible or if they play nice11:15
ybitscons wasn't needed was it11:32
kanzurei used it for pythonOCC<0.311:32
kanzurebut setup.py worked on 0.3 for me11:33
kanzurehrm how do i turn off your css12:12
ybitnow look at it12:13
kanzureit's too hard to read the actual text.12:13
ybiti.e. Refresh that mo'12:13
ybitthe text is too small?12:13
kanzureit's like size pt 812:13
ybiti think the default was 1112:13
ybitwait, no it's 1212:14
kanzurebtw you might want to edit http://freefab.org/autoinstall to put the user in a new directory so we don't tarfuck them12:14
* ybit takes a look12:14
ybitheh, alright12:14
ybitwait, pythonocc extracts into its own dir 12:15
ybitand the script changes to that dir12:15
kanzureeventually we'll clean up the script12:17
kanzurei'd like a ./configure, make, make install (i.e. autoproject setup) pattern going on here, since there are some values you have to configure, like where to put things12:17
ybittodo later today (after yet another bday party): mv freefab to cherrypy and cheetah13:15
-!- Utopiah [n=libre@rps7452.ovh.net] has quit ["testing unicode+layout config"]14:08
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kanzurejijiutoBUtopiah: do you know nonifier.ovh.net?14:14
Utopiahwas that a sentence?14:16
kanzuremaybe. davinci was acting up. anyway, what is ovh.net and why are you on it?14:17
Utopiahcheapest most reliable french (and maybe european) host for dedicated servers14:18
Utopiahnever had any problem and pay 13e/month for 1,2G/512MB/50Gb without quota14:18
Utopiah(dedicated, not VPS)14:19
Utopiahnetboot, own kernel, whatver you want, works well14:19
Utopiah(plus I might be bias but there is no recommendation for me so I won't gain anything if you use it or not)14:20
Utopiahcf http://www.ovh.com/fr/produits/rps1.xml (100mbits line)14:21
kanzurei see. i recognized it because opencascade.org is hosted on ovh, IIRC14:25
Utopiahvery likely, I think since few years now it became a major datacenters in Europe14:26
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-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-121-106.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap16:24
ybitoi fenn 16:27
Utopiah(Beyond Tomorrow: 3D printers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-oW_kRST0o June 2009)16:32
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-62-251.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:25
kanzureybit: http://freefab.org/17:37
ybityeah what happened?17:38
kanzurei de-fucked it17:38
kanzureon that note, why is the banner 1024px wide?17:38
ybitthat isn't defucked17:38
kanzuredidn't yo momma ever tell you to never use absolutes in CSS?17:38
ybit"why does this site's layout suck so much?" because you f'd it good and hard a few mins ago?17:41
kanzurei think it looks better.17:42
kanzureless absolutes17:42
kanzureless massive 1024x400+ image17:42
kanzuredunno why you made it 1024px when it doesn't even fit on your screen though17:42
ybithaha, it fit fine before17:43
kanzureyou're welcome to mess it back up if you want to17:45
ybitthe navbar css is suckage17:46
ybitand the footer needs to extend to the edges17:46
ybitalso the the buttons need some type of highlighting method17:46
ybitthe plan was...17:47
ybitmv ff to cherrpy/cheetah17:47
ybitmochikit ajax transitions or the css transitions kanzure mention17:47
ybitlogins and nowwiki17:47
ybita walkthrough on building stuff and editing docs17:47
ybitvideo explaining what ff is17:47
ybitwhen mochikit or css transition gets thrown in, the buttons/links are being edited17:48
ybitand i think another page called 'build' needs to between 'install' and 'share'17:48
ybitbut i'll take a look at your source17:48
ybitit might be less thrown together then mine17:49
ybitkanzure: you did get the footer the entire width, wtf did i do wrong17:59
ybitbooking from southwest.com is cheaper than travelocity and kayak17:59
ybit$134 each way18:00
kanzureyou can set margin-left and margin-right to 0, for instance18:00
ybiti just set the width to 100%18:02
ybitit wasn't in a container either18:02
ybitkanzure: so you just don't like the whiteness?18:03
ybitit would be nice to find a happy medium, something we both like18:03
ybitsame with AA, $13418:05
kanzurethe whiteness?18:08
kanzureif you're trying to go for the web 2.0 look, you have to have rounded corners around your content i think18:09
kanzureit's like a rule18:09
ybitrounded corners was big in 2004ish?18:36
kanzurewhat's big now?18:36
ybitsmashingapps.com usually tells me18:36
ybitthe font i used for the header is 'in' this year18:37
ybitthe font size and and layout was standard good practice18:37
ybitanywho, /me gets to reading 18:38
* ybit hopes the site is presentable, i.e. it has everything mentioned above by nov.18:46
kanzurehah: http://www.psdcore.com/tutorials/web-layouts/modern-web-20-web-layout/19:20
kanzureoh man. you people are still using photoshop for this? http://sixrevisions.com/web-development/how-to-design-the-web-in-a-high-def-world/19:20
kanzuresome of this is flash, sorry19:24
ybitnot sure but i think that's the website i used to go to for examples19:25
ybitor that?19:26
ybitdunno, but there are some good write-ups on minimal web design19:26
-!- fenn [n=fenn@cpe-72-177-121-106.austin.res.rr.com] has quit ["wah"]19:26
kanzurewhy does either one of us have a background in web design?19:26
kanzurei hate the webs :(19:26
-!- fenn [i=fenn@dhcp-84-36.me.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap19:27
kanzurefenn probably crashed his poor laptop on your ginormous 1024px banner, ybit19:27
ybitnetbooks have a res of 102419:29
kanzuremy cell phone doesn't19:29
kanzureneither does links219:29
ybitif you get a chance, check out the silkscreen font19:29
ybitit works wonders19:30
kanzureis that its name?19:30
ybitgreat for viewing on screen and on the phone19:30
kanzureso do people still make psd templates and then cut it up into individual images for their CSS files?19:31
kanzuredo kids still do that these days?19:31
ybiti made a template using inkscape19:32
ybitit would be nice if browsers would just read my svg, it is xml after all19:32
ybithttp://kottke.org/plus/type/silkscreen/ :: silkscreen19:33
fennthe hard drive kept spinning up, logging your inane yammer to disk19:34
ybiti would really dig a minimalist design with pixel fonts19:34
fennso i switched to davinci19:34
ybitbut i'm not a power css user atm19:34
ybitand yui's grid layout is nice, great for ensuring support for multiple devices19:35
fenni wish people would focus more on making webpages work correctly, rather than look pretty19:36
ybitwell, i guess you mean when you resize a window and there are overlapping elements 19:37
ybithttp://webshots.org is nice too19:39
fennbet: 1 cookie that in 5 years web pages will commonly be SVG19:43
ybitan svg site: http://svg.nicubunu.ro/19:51
ybitanywho.. kanzure, do you want to agree on a template or site that we may both try to replicate with a twist?19:52
ybitfenn: are you willing (nobody's wanting to) to do a little web dev?19:53
ybitfavs from the picks: http://www.howhost.com/en/ and http://www.piipeonline.com/19:55
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kanzuresomeone did a nice render of iron man: http://forums.cgsociety.org/showthread.php?f=132&t=642540 "in 6 days"20:00
fennybit: i dont even want to look at those links20:03
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* fenn looks .. yep just as awful as i expected20:05
* fenn likes his gray on gray 20:05
fennapparently "minimalist" means "words words words"20:09
fennhah "nobody really wants websites anymore. they want answers"20:10
bkeroNo, they want solutions20:11
bkeroCatch up on your buzzwords20:11
fennmust.. capture.. market value20:12
bkeroMust...shit all over your buzzwords.20:13
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kanzureybit: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/web/test.html23:33
kanzureplease use that for your template23:33
katsmeow-afkgreat open source hardware?23:34
kanzureit's a reference to the GOSH! conference, "grounding open source hardware" (it did anything but)23:36
kanzurehuh kuniholm is making an osh search engine. wonder why he hasn't said hello in a while..23:37
genehackeris there even that much open hardware to search23:42

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