
--- Day changed Fri Oct 30 2009
* ybit would like to know where a cad file is for a baseplate00:05
fenndepending what you call a cad file... there are several on lugnet00:10
fennthere is also a step model for something like 8x12 flat brick00:10
fennbrick_thin.stp maybe00:12
fennit would be nice if we had a website with previews of cad files00:12
kanzureooh, advanced. they actually deny the processing of orders that have already occured! genius00:13
fennwhy did they deny it?00:13
kanzurefenn: btw that wasn't samrose this morning. sam putnam != sam rose00:14
fennah, thanks00:15
fennsam putnam is the makerbeam guy?00:15
genehackerthe makerbeam guy was here00:16
kanzurefenn: i've been doing stuff with cherrypy, if you haven't noticed00:16
kanzurei'm still getting confused about __getattr__ and some recursive issues00:16
fennif all this effort is so it can say part/edit instead of edit/part then you're wasting your time00:17
kanzureer wait maybe it's working00:17
kanzurei fixed it today and then got sidetracked on ISO00:18
kanzurebut the unit tests seem to be working00:18
kanzureno, this isn't for part/edit00:18
fennall the info you need is in machinery's handbook, fwiw00:18
fennISO is only useful for STEP documents (IMHO)00:18
kanzureISO seems to have lots of interesting tidbits, and i get randomly obsessed with bad websites every once in a while00:18
ybitbtw, lugnet wants money to actually post anything00:18
fennybit: huh?00:19
kanzureybit: if you want to do something, why not use my upload.php script and pipe the details to iges2png for me00:19
kanzureor figure out how stl2web works (it probably doesn't)00:19
ybitoic lugnet.announce.moc 00:19
ybitthat's probably not the oly newsgroup00:20
fenni dunno how you add things but it seems pretty noncommercial00:21
fennat least compared to peeron.com00:21
fennwhich is also rather noncommercial fwiw00:21
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 15a4d86 / (core/package.py web/web.py): web.py unit tests began to pass while i looked away for a few seconds00:21
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 38590c8 /core/package.py: clean up old skdb.PackageSet code (removed)00:21
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r bce6b50 /packages/screw/screw.py: Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bryan@adl.serveftp.org/var/www/skdb00:21
ybitkanzure: where is this upload.php script?00:22
kanzureit's really stupid and should be ignored00:22
kanzurethis was me spending 20 minutes doing it "the wrong way"00:23
genehackerI think I found an error in a paper or I'm doign something wrong00:23
kanzureso it should probably be avoided00:23
kanzurei have an Uploader class in web.py that replaces it00:23
kanzureybit: there's a .tar.gz in the parent dir00:23
kanzurefor stl2web00:23
kanzureout of curiosity, how many of us can run web.py in its current form? it works for me00:24
kanzurejust run python web.py00:24
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 6402f3e /core/skdb.py: er, skdb.PackageSet is no more00:25
kanzureok now it works :p00:25
ybitImportError: No module named PackageIndex00:25
kanzuredid you run cheetah compile in the templates directory?00:26
ybitoh right00:26
kanzurei thought you did that already?00:26
ybitcheetah-compile 00:26
ybitget it right ;)00:26
kanzure"cheetah compile" works just fine over here00:26
ybitsame here, but i also have cheetah-compile00:26
kanzureso does it run?00:27
ybitlooks good so far00:27
ybitoooh, so close00:27
kanzurei wonder what happens if you .gitignore .gitignore00:28
ybitcheck out http://ybit.ath.cx/misco_docs/crappers.txt00:28
fennit doesn't commit changes to .gitignore00:29
ybitoh, well that doesn't tell you anything (crappers.txt)00:29
ybitoh, misc_docs00:29
kanzurelooks like it works to me00:29
ybitanyway, here's the last lines..00:29
ybitb7f05000-b7f20000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 2330212    /lib/ld-2.10.1.so00:30
ybitb7f20000-b7f21000 r-xp 0001a000 03:01 2330212    /lib/ld-2.10.1.so00:30
ybitb7f21000-b7f22000 rwxp 0001b000 03:01 2330212    /lib/ld-2.10.1.so00:30
ybitbf7fb000-bf821000 rwxp bffd9000 00:00 0          [stack]00:30
kanzure"Ran 4 tests in 15.865s00:30
ybitbf821000-bf822000 rw-p bffff000 00:00 0 00:30
kanzurethat's not on the page00:30
* ybit pets dino00:30
kanzurei guess that was stdio and you pasted stderr here?00:30
ybityeah i know, thus 00:29 < ybit> oh, well that doesn't tell you anything (crappers.txt)00:30
fennwhy is there a stack trace?00:30
kanzurefenn: do you get a stack trace when you run it?00:31
ybiti figured python web.py &> crappers.txt would grab all the text00:31
fennhang on i'm still installing crap00:31
* fenn wonders if laptops die of old age00:32
fennmine makes interesting noises through the headphones00:32
kanzurenot just noise?00:32
kanzureperhaps it's crying00:33
fennlike i can hear a noise every time i press a key, or when it is sending wifi or rapidly changing video on the screen00:33
ybiti get that as well00:33
ybitwithout headphones, mine sounds a lot like a rocket test00:34
ybitkanzure: so what's the diagnosis doc?00:35
kanzureybit: is that from trying &2> ?00:35
kanzurenevermind, i thought that's how you redirect stderr00:35
kanzuremaybe it's 2&>00:35
fenn  File "web/web.py", line 244, in <module>00:35
fenn    application = cherrypy.Application(Root(), script_name=None, config=None)00:35
ybitit looked the same, i didn't give it a good stare down though00:35
fennAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Application'00:35
kanzurefenn: where did you get cherrypy from00:35
fennapt-get install python-cherrypy00:35
kanzuresudo easy_install cherrypy00:35
kanzureor go get the latest development version and python setup.py install00:35
ybitthat's what all the cool pythonistas are doing00:36
fennhow about you fix your broken code00:36
kanzurefuck you, cherrypy.Application is totally valid00:36
fennwhy is cherrypy 3 not in debian?00:36
kanzurewhat version is?00:37
fenni have to get Package python-cherrypy300:37
kanzurethat's the latest release. there you go00:38
fennhmm it's much larger00:38
ybitis the motion path planner necessary for the most basic of examples, e.g. two brick_thin.stp ontop of each other00:41
fennwell this is a 500 internal server error for some reason: ImportWarning: skdb.geom not loaded. load_CAD not available.00:42
ybiti.e. two identical pieces stacked on each other00:42
fennwhat motion path planner?00:42
ybit        assembly planner: #aka assembly sequence planner, assembly operation planne\00:42
ybitr, etc.00:42
ybit            motion path planner:00:42
fennum. your call00:42
ybitthe motion path planner depends on collission detection which is pyODE i'm guessing00:43
fenni've never written a path planner00:43
fenni can imagine ways to do it without collision detection tho00:43
fennjust not 100% reliably00:44
ybitrecommended path planners?00:47
ybithttp://carmen.sourceforge.net/getting_carmen.html seems too large, but maybe a few snippets of code couldn't hurt00:47
ybit"Kapal is an open source path-planning library written in Python. Its intended use is algorithms research and navigation tasks in games and robotics."00:50
ybitQ: Why Python? Isn't Python too slow for path-planning?00:51
ybitA: I couldn't find a full-featured path-planning library for Python, so I decided to write my own. And yes, Python isn't as fast as compiled languages, but if you are already using Python for your game or robot, then you probably don't need the fastest path-planner. If you need a faster (and more complicated) path-planner, check out OOPSMP. 00:51
kanzurefenn: that's probably the unit test00:55
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kanzureif you disable the print statement in skdb, it's no longer an internal 500 error01:03
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kanzuretodo: file objects in skdb packages so that /package/lego/data/ and /package/lego/data/yaml does something01:04
fenni guess /yaml would spit out the raw file?01:08
--- Log closed Fri Oct 30 01:37:46 2009
--- Log opened Fri Oct 30 01:37:51 2009
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kanzureapparently i know someone working here: http://www.rle.mit.edu/avbs/09:21
ybitkanzure: what are you currently working on in skdb?09:25
ybitthink i'm going to work on the motion path planner09:25
ybitkapal might be of use09:26
ybitwhatever you feel like?09:27
ybitkind of like 01:04 < kanzure> todo: file objects in skdb packages so that /package/lego/data/ and /package/lego/data/yaml does something09:27
ybiti'm guessing yes09:27
kanzurewell i just woke up, so nothing09:30
kanzurein general just random stuff until things look like they are working09:34
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-!- any61240585 is now known as katsmeow11:27
kanzurewhere in skdb did we use an implicit resolver with yaml?11:57
kanzurei thought somewhere certain attrs were automagically assumed to be of a certain type.. doe sthis only work with yaml_pattern?11:58
katsmeowBuilding Microfluidics Devices 12:05
katsmeowBiomedical engineer Michelle Khine uses Shrinky Dinks straight from the toy store to build microfluidic devices. 12:05
kanzuredidn't we show you that last year?12:19
katsmeowhmm, no date anywhere on that article12:26
katsmeowi have noted that some news sites also do not date pages12:26
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kanzureanywho.. turns out node.value is the key name and value pair for the current node in from_yaml12:44
katsmeowi hadto write code to find x.y.z() as well as y.z.x() and x.z.y()12:47
katsmeowgreen.apple and apple.green can both be relavant12:47
kanzureit's not the citation web that matters, it's the tech web12:54
katsmeowwelllll,, citation leads to veracity/truth/reliablity factors12:56
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk13:30
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kanzurefenn: any hot tips on implicit path resolvers?14:37
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kanzureyay slashdot comes through for me14:39
kanzurehttp://hardware.slashdot.org/story/09/10/29/1955236/How-To-Enter-Equations-Quickly-In-Class?art_pos=21 "how to enter equations quickly in class"14:39
kanzure"Of course, I don't practice what I preach: my own lecture notes are in text files. But that's because to me, "block ramp friction mu=0.2, 1 kg 30deg 1m long, find final v. U=4.9 Wf=1.7 v=2.5" is a complete set of notes for a 20-minute segment of lecture."14:51
kanzureand this: http://yro.slashdot.org/story/09/10/30/1713258/Facebook-Awarded-711-Million-In-Anti-Spam-Case?art_pos=314:51
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ybitre: equations in class: org-mode14:59
ybiti waited two days in the prices are jacked $40 higher14:59
kanzureah, add_path_resolver15:03
ybitgrr, that was a 72 hour sale15:08
ybitooh, a slightly more deceptive spam site: http://thaiclinic.com/board/cache/store/airline/airline.php?page=southwest-airlines-discount-code.html15:22
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ybitwhere is mate_connection(connection)15:35
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fenngeom i think15:36
kanzurei can't seem to get add_path_resolver working15:49
kanzureat best i can make this happen: >>> yaml.load("yes: haaaaa\nno: nooooooooo")15:49
kanzure{False: 'nooooooooo', True: 'haaaaa'}15:49
kanzurewhich is totally useless15:49
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kanzureyaml.add_path_resolver("!some_tag", [], dict) .. ok. i think i got it.15:58
kanzurenot sure how to make it relevant only within certain objects though.. for instance,15:58
kanzurelet's say you had a list of parts15:59
kanzureand these !part objects are loaded up, and maybe you use !some_derived_part instead15:59
kanzurein different cases the "path" (the [] second parameter to add_path_resolver) is going to be completely different15:59
kanzurebut you don't know what that different/unique path is going to be, until you start loading up the objects16:00
kanzure(because you should be able to tell by what type/object they are)16:00
kanzureguess this can be done in from_yaml by using node.value[0] to get the attr name, and use that in the path. gah.16:03
kanzureer, wait that doesn't make sense.16:04
katsmeow-afkybit is about to be hammered.weatherly16:21
fennplease add a simple example of path resolver to dice.py16:21
kanzureadd_path_resolver is meant to be called before load_yaml according to #yaml16:30
kanzureso if you have three different packages, how do you know in advance what their paths are going to be (their attribute names)16:30
kanzurei know that all packages have a "source data" attribute, but i can't add_path_resolver for that because they are deep in the yaml dictionary16:31
kanzurei guess having people type "!filelist" isn't the end of the world. kind of sucks though16:36
fennwhat is the point of all this again?16:38
kanzureto load up files without having to type !file16:38
fenncan't you just make a function get_files() that returns a list of file handlers?16:38
ybitholy bejeebus, it looks like a tornado should be forming just by looking outside16:38
ybitkatsmeow-afk: 16:38
* ybit checks the radar16:38
kanzurefenn: the user shouldn't have to call it16:38
ybitnope, just one below me, phew16:39
kanzureybit: have you tried not living in alabama?16:39
ybitonce, i lived in the country capital of the world (aka, nashville)16:39
fennisnt texas "tornado alley"?16:39
ybitwhy is there a motion path planner in the todo, wasn't collission detection already implemented in paths.py|geom.py?16:42
katsmeow-afkthere's 2 tornado alleys16:42
kanzurecollision detection doesn't really exist at the moment16:43
kanzurethere's a bounding box check that's being used as some glue16:43
ybitwhat's this BoundingBox class?16:43
kanzuremotion path planning was going to be used for checking whether or not your hand could fit into the orifice to tighten a screw16:43
kanzureBoundingBox is something i did and i think fenn deleted it16:43
kanzurehe rewrote it, or something16:43
* ybit considers going purchase an apple pie in the rain16:44
ybityep, my future obesity calls out16:44
ybitafk for a bit16:44
* katsmeow-afk already ate the obesity card :-((16:44
fenni didnt fix your busted bounding box stuff16:46
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 2d3c1c3 /dice.py: dice.py example of add_path_resolver16:48
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CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 19058e6 /dice.py: cleaned up the inheritance a bit, not repeating everything everywhere now16:49
kanzurefenn: what's the "module" attribute in packages/lego/metadata.yaml about?16:52
kanzureand why is it needed if you say "lego:" under "classes"?16:53
kanzurehey how did we do this without add_path_resolver16:53
kanzurethe "classes:" i mean. that's basically the same thing..16:53
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kanzurehm it was done in the post_init_hook of Package16:54
kanzurei guess it wouldn't be terrible to load file handlers in post_init_hook too16:54
ybitwhere's this how to start a civ. seed presentation? 17:15
* ybit wants to have a look17:15
ybit                play:17:18
ybit                    circular peg in a square hole:17:18
ybitfuture automated sex bots are on their way it seems 17:19
ybit                    positive: a little bit of slop17:19
ybitmy mind is in the gutter17:19
ybitpart mating works, paths.py shows this, so what's next in getting the ass. planner to work?17:21
* ybit takes a look at techniques.py17:21
kanzureODE joints.17:23
* ybit thought ODE was for mot.path.planner17:25
ybithmm, i suppose that works though17:25
ybitwhat the pyyaml path resolver for?17:26
ybitwhy is the sky gray?17:26
kanzureybit: it would be cool to be able to mix and match materials and booleano expressions like in skdb/tests/test_parser.py17:50
kanzureright now you can only say stuff like "package1 and package2" as a dependency17:50
kanzurebut saying "package1 (where gold>20kg) or package2" is way more useful17:50
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kanzuredon't know if that would stick. it would probably be temporary17:51
ybitneato: python-epydoc 18:01
kanzurecan't help but notice that skdb packages are loaded twice when you call Package("screw")18:07
kanzurethere we go. just cut load time in half for Package("lego") :p18:08
kanzureit was loading the CAD models twice18:08
ybitkanzure: so what's the plan on getting instructions. i'd like to see it in the form of, we need this, then this, then this, and voila we now generate instructions18:13
ybitgeom.py confuses me18:13
kanzuregeom.py is not for instructions18:13
ybitpython-occ is generating its api as we speak18:13
ybitsince ffox can't handle it18:13
kanzurethey have a zip file to the API btw18:14
kanzurebut it's not helpful18:14
kanzureyou should just learn to love bpython18:14
ybiti just did python generate_APIREF.py 18:14
kanzureanyway, for instruction generation we need a way to represent parametric actions, to assemble "inverted trees" where nodes correspond to actions and edges to states, and most importantly some way to write instructions without having to be a cunning computational linguist18:15
kanzureone idea is to just screw the parametric action representation idea, and just write in plaintext for all instructions18:15
kanzurefenn and i both think it's a good idea to pursue the dependency resolution aspects first though. like: "you need x, y, and z to do this project" and compare that to the inventory18:16
ybitwhat file is working toward dep.resolution?18:22
kanzurefeel free to completely rewrite that18:22
kanzurelooks pretty neat: http://opensource.scitouch.net/indigo/19:08
fennif you say so19:10
kanzurehow do i test my File object?19:13
kanzurethere's really nothing special going on other than some logic to close the file handler when it's done, and such19:13
fennsee if the file exists and is readable.. didnt i already write functions for that stuff? package_file etc19:15
kanzurethis is for cherrypy integration19:16
kanzuresee we just had lists of file names19:16
kanzurebut it would be better to load up the files on demand when we want to read their contents (instead of just keeping a string)19:16
fennok, so.. do that? what's the prob?19:16
kanzureunit tests?19:17
kanzurejust wrote it and was doing my post-write-code check19:17
fennsee if the file exists and is readable19:17
kanzurethat's a unit test?19:17
fennwell you'd need some example files to really test it19:17
fenni'm not sure i really care that much though19:18
* ybit notes to self, probably a bad idea to generate the python api docs while actually using the computer19:19
ybitabout the only thing i can do right now is type :-|19:19
ybit100% memory, physical and swap is being used19:19
kanzurewhy not download the zip file?19:20
kanzureit's not that useful.. i don't know why you're generating the files19:20
ybittoo late19:20
ybitwe're in it for the long haul19:20
kanzuresrsly you will regret this19:20
ybitfine, i'll quit19:20
ybitit has an hour and fifty mins left19:20
kanzuredid you check the docstrings?19:21
ybiti just figured the api would be quicker19:22
ybitit's an api ref19:22
kanzureare you wanting to know how to do something in particular19:22
ybitno, i'm just looking at all these .py files you two have created and i keep wondering what this and that do19:22
ybitOCC.gp for instance19:23
kanzurefenn has a file that explains that19:23
kanzurehm it might be in skdb/doc/19:23
kanzureanyway the documentation on http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/doc/ReferenceDocumentation/ is as good as you're going to get19:24
ybitdo we want the users to select from a list on the site, which machines they have?19:25
ybitor they could manually edit machines_owned.yaml19:25
ybitthanks for the link19:25
kanzureeither way, but i was hoping they would type in a preliminary list separated by new lines 19:25
fennybit: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/occ19:25
fennlook at that first19:25
kanzureand then we would bring up possible packages that sound close to what they named19:25
fennadd acronyms as necessary19:25
fennalso you really ought to be using bpython19:26
ybitah, very nice19:26
kanzure"is this what you meant? [sears bandpathon] [yes] [no] [go away]"19:26
kanzurehm.. *bandsaw19:27
fennsounds painful19:27
fenn... and this here is my ouroboros machine19:27
* ybit really needs a mecheng geek gal around tomorrow so we can both do some part-mating roleplaying 19:28
ybitit's halloween after all19:28
kanzureoh noes, i need to go buy candy19:28
fennthe kids arent allowed to eat my candy anyway19:29
ybitit's okay, just hand out the nasa ice cream :P19:29
kanzurescrew the kids, it's no secret it's all for me19:29
fennit has to be sealed and nucleonically sterilized then stamped certified by the surgeon general19:29
ybitbtw, i know that was an odd combination, but like i stated, they wouldn't let me cancel since they had already packaged it19:30
fenncustom ordered icecream?19:30
ybit"let's poke ourselves and watch the blood drip while we eat ice cream!"19:30
fennhmm reminds me of high school19:30
ybitfenn: did you get any or did kanzure eat it all? :P19:31
fennhe ate it all apparently19:31
kanzurenews to me19:31
ybiti have it in the logs 'save some for fenn, they are for both of you'19:31
kanzurewait, what?19:32
ybitdid you get the presents from thinkgeek?19:32
ybitwell, i just ruined it if you didn't19:32
ybityou should have gotten it just a few days after you recieved the hdd19:32
ybitthey were a 'thank you'19:32
ybiti'm taking that as a no, that you hadn't recieved it19:35
kanzurewhere's my fucking ice cream19:35
ybithave you checked the mailbox yet?19:35
fennso ybit, based on my analysis of the contents of the two packages, i can only assume you were fucking with whoever is searching through my mail19:36
fennbecause they make almost no sense19:36
kanzurethe person searching through your mail is me19:36
ybitso wow, you never recieved the package?19:36
fennthere was a hard drive with a bunch of crap that looked like it was whatever was in your pockets19:37
fennand another package with some bubble wrap and two five dollar bills19:37
ybitright, but you never recieved the thinkgeek stuff :|19:37
ybiti have to run and get pizza, i'll call tg when i get back and complain19:38
kanzurefenn why doesn't data.yaml ever have attribute names for the parts19:38
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ybiti'm going to waste time for about 4 hours watching a movie20:10
ybitfirst movie i've watched in over a year20:11
katsmeow-afkhow was the storms?20:11
ybitminus 'wall-e'20:12
ybitkatsmeow-afk: fun20:12
katsmeow-afkthey aren't here *yet*20:12
katsmeow-afklite rain starting soon tho20:12
katsmeow-afkhad inflow earlier, i stayed up on the roof adding more tin20:12
katsmeow-afkas slow as it's going, the squall line won't get here till tomorrow20:13
ybitstar trek better be good if it wastes a few hours of my time20:13
katsmeow-afki have not seen any 2009 movies yet20:14
ybitoh, wall-e was sometime last year20:15
katsmeow-afkyeas, saw it20:16
genehackerybit, are you a fan of the old star trek>20:16
katsmeow-afklocal blockbuster hasn't gotten in the latest ST or the Terminator movie20:16
ybitgenehacker: i watch it, growing up, a friend and i were big into star wars20:16
ybitlocal blockbuster?? :P20:16
ybitkatsmeow-afk: er, torrent20:17
katsmeow-afkyea, none a one of the puters has a sound transducer device on it20:17
ybiti'm pretty sure buying one will save you money in the long-run20:17
katsmeow-afki got a terminator.vob and it wouldn't play in anything20:17
katsmeow-afkbuying one what?20:18
ybityour sound transducer device :)20:18
ybitgenehacker: are you a fan of the old star trek?20:20
ybiti've wasted quite a few hours watching them, can't say i'm the biggest fan, but they weren't terrible20:20
ybitthe brain from planet arous was funny :P20:20
katsmeow-afkplanet arouse?20:21
ybiti watched a few mins of it, kept skipping it just to get the gist of it20:21
ybitkatsmeow-afk: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=the%20brain%20from%20planet%20arous&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&client=iceweasel-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wv20:21
katsmeow-afkand i just told you, no sound devices20:22
katsmeow-afkiceweasel , eh?20:23
katsmeow-afkon a serious note :  if i have ( manyputers - switch - router&internetmodem - puter ) , how can i get puter to see manyputers?20:23
ybitkatsmeow-afk: iirc in windows, going to the screen properties via right click on wallpaper background, click properties and it's in one of those menus.. or obviously it's hiding somewhere in control panel20:26
katsmeow-afkhow is the switch/router control hiding in the OS settings?20:26
genehackerwhy'd you watch the brain from planet arous?20:27
ybitgenehacker: you guys quoted it so i skimmed over it20:27
katsmeow-afkthe brains on other planets were alseep?20:27
ybiti laughed20:27
ybitthe acting was great :)20:27
ybitand what's with them running straight into a rock like they couldn't see it and pretending that it was the end of the road :P20:28
genehackerso it's that funny20:28
ybitk, movie is fully downloaded, official waste of time begins now20:29
genehackeruh oh you're illegally downloading a movie MAFIAA IS GOING TO SEND A NINJA HITMAN TEAM TO KILL YOU20:30
genehackeroh noes!20:30
genehackerotherwise enjoy the movie20:34
genehackerkanzure are you actually setting up skdb to have atomically accurate parts?21:00
kanzuresomeone named "katherine" sent me this: compatibility issues for mechanical system modelling with standard components http://adl.serveftp.org/papers/Compatibility%20issues%20for%20mechanical%20system%20modelling%20with%20standard%20components.pdf (pg 7-9 are the interesting ones)21:13
kanzuregenehacker: uh if you show me a data representation for atomically accurate parts, it will be included yeah21:14
kanzurefenn: do you have a favorite syntax highlighter? i haven't settled on one. gensho/genkshosos keeps popping up21:29
fennno, but genshi looks ok21:31
kanzurekinda "default by popularity"21:31
fennwell how many different syntax highlighters do we need21:32
kanzurejust one as long as it doesn't suck21:32
kanzureif it can read vim syntax files that would be awesome21:32
kanzurewhat's the international standard syntax highlighting format21:32
fennit really annoys me that every text editorr hass its own highlight syntax21:32
fenn"xml" :P21:32
kanzuresecond result on google is "comprehensive walkthrough of genshi and cherrypy" http://genshi.edgewall.org/wiki/Documentation21:33
kanzureok i'm sold :p21:33
genehackerI don't think we need atomically accurate parts22:09
genehackeralso .pdb would be what you'd use22:09
kanzureprotein databank files?22:10
genehackerthere are .pdb's of drexlershit bearings22:16
kanzureer did drexler lose his cluebone?22:17
genehackerwell I don't think some of those nice looking bearings are makeable22:20
genehackerstickyfingers be damned22:20
genehackertime to play the approximate an involute curve game, woo!22:22
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ybiti'm such a softy23:23
ybitit was beautiful23:23
ybitre: syntax highligther, i was looking at http://pygments.org/ the other day because of hatta23:24
fennahh marshall brain is my hero: http://marshallbrain.com/star-wars.htm23:28
kanzurei'm afraid to view the page23:31
fennit's too bad he didn't say anything about the space battles23:33
genehackerseems like he isn't too thrilled about robots23:33
fennbtw on the topic of marshall brain, kanzure: http://marshallbrain.com/dogcost.htm23:34
genehackerseems like he likes robots23:34
fenngenehacker: if you haven't read his book 'manna' it explains his stance on robots23:36
genehackerno I haven't read his book23:37
fennwell it's a short book23:40
genehackerall those help buttons look like they could be misused23:42
genehackerdoes he talk about automatic design at all?23:44
fennyes sort of, in the second half23:44
fenngod i can't believe the gall of some of these peak oil doomers23:46
fenn"If you're lucky, your descendents will sit around a campfire flaking flint to make tools while telling their children incredible (and unbelievable) myths of indoor plumbing, cars and aeroplanes."23:46
fennbecause all the oil's gone! oh noes!23:46
genehackerflint? pah we'll mine the sky scrapers for steel to use in our swords!23:47
fennyeah no shit, that metal isn't going anywhere (except china)23:49
kanzureok individual file views are working. time to integrate genshi23:50
fenndid you know they make premium razor blades from old train tracks23:50
genehackerno, but I do know they made a battle ship from some of the remains of the twin towers23:52
kanzurescrew it, the cssgeeks can figure out syntax highlighting for me23:53
kanzureshould i leave debug messages in the source when i commit?23:54
fennnot with the way your debug messages are worded23:59
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r 50c4424 / (4 files in 4 dirs): worked on individual file view. /package/lego/data/yaml works now.23:59

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