
--- Day changed Sat Oct 31 2009
fennis that online?00:00
kanzureone sec00:00
kanzureuh, whoami00:00
fennhttp://adl.serveftp.org/app/web.py/package/lego/data/yaml  ?00:01
kanzureoh. no that's not recent.00:02
fennwell i have no idea where you are doing development now00:02
kanzurehold on, updating it. have to pull on /var/www/skdb/00:03
kanzureblah no module named templates?00:03
kanzureoh that's right this is the one with all the path errors00:04
kanzuregrumble grumble00:06
CIA-23skdb: kanzure * r aa30cd1 /packages/ (lego/metadata.yaml screw/metadata.yaml): there is no !files tag yet, so i removed it from the metadata00:10
kanzurei wonder why i can't access it externally00:12
kanzureit should be running on port 8080 on adl00:12
kanzurei just don't understand :(00:15
kanzureapache was easier to configure than this00:15
kanzurethe gnomes can fix this for me. g'night00:19
fennwith such tiny imaging elements why do they have to have a big goofy headset? http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/ces20051.htm00:24
fennhuh looks like michael vassar is actually intelligent http://sadtech.blogspot.com/2005/03/summer-vacation.html#comments00:53
kanzurei'm not sure if he and i are on good terms or not00:58
fennoh get over it00:58
fennyou broke an unspoken rule and he said go away00:58
kanzureno before that00:59
kanzureor after that, but it's more possible that the after-that was influenced by the go-away so i'm not counting it00:59
genehackerlenses fenn01:19
genehackeralso to make it look big and goofy01:19
fennthat's exactly what i don't want though01:39
-!- mason-l [n=x@202-89-188-136.static.dsl.amnet.net.au] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]02:01
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splicer_(good thing he found the singularity cult then)02:42
-!- splicer_ is now known as splicer02:54
genehackerfenn don't you want to become a gargoyle?03:39
fenni do, but those headsets just suck03:54
fennAR is supposed to be enhanced vision.. and 800x600 is not good enough to totally obscure any sort of natural face-to-face social conduct03:55
fennespecially if i can get 640x480 in a tiny little blob that hangs off my glasses03:56
fennactually the microopticals were 800x600 so there's really no excues03:56
fennoops maybe not03:58
fenni'm thinking little OLED icons for your eyes aren't totally out of the question03:59
fennyou'd have an IR camera eyetracker anyway03:59
fennpentagon puts out call for "Multi-Robot Pursuit System" that will let packs of robots "search for and detect a non-cooperative human".04:03
genehackernow the thing to do is to figure out how to stop packs of robots from catching you before they happen04:10
genehackerI wonder if EEstor capacitors will allow handheld herf guns...04:11
fennit's quite simple to make an EMP grenade04:14
fenndirecting the pulse can't be that much harder04:15
fennof course then you have explosions and stuff04:15
splicerit's easy to build defences against04:16
splicer(the emp)04:16
splicersomeone once said said "for every high tech threat there is a low tech solution"04:18
fennnever say never04:21
splicerworks for bin laden04:23
genehackerit's true actually04:23
genehackeryou know the military's new ambush proof vehicle?04:24
genehackerwell it's not ambush proof04:24
genehackerand can be taken out with some very simple explosives04:24
genehackerlike homemade explosively formed penetrators04:24
genehackeralso I just added "for every high tech threat there is a low tech solution" to my oneliners.txt04:25
splicerfor a while it was possible to blind tanks with graphite powder04:26
fenngood for you04:28
genehackerhow were tanks blinded with graphite?04:28
fenndoes a relativistic bombardment count as a high tech threat?04:28
fennpray tell, what sort of low tech solution is there?04:29
genehackerfor relativisitic bombardment?04:29
genehackerputting a lot of mass between the relativistic bombardment and you04:30
spliceri'm trying to understand what that means04:30
genehackerso how were tanks blinded with graphite?04:30
genehackerdid graphite cover up the periscope?04:30
genehackerand how was the graphite blinding problem resolved?04:31
splicerthey have viewports... and they could be clogged by graphite until they put high pressure washes on them04:31
genehackerwouldn't paint clog the viewports?04:32
genehackeror stickypaint?04:32
splicerbut there was graphite ordonance i think04:33
splicerwell spent money04:33
genehackerso one solution I heard for surviving a relativistic bombardment was being inside a submarine at the bottom of the ocean04:33
genehackera submarine is lower tech than a relativistic bombardment04:34
fenni'm not sure that would actually work04:34
genehackerI don't know if it would either, though it's part of the plot of a book04:35
genehackerthat I haven't read04:35
fennif the projectile(?) didn't actually stop, the x-rays would keep going04:35
fenner, did04:35
fennfrom bremsstrahlung04:36
genehackeryeah, but the atmosphere likes to stop x-rays04:36
fennno it doesnt04:36
fennwe use x-rays because they go straight through most matter04:37
genehackerblargh there's a detailed description of what happens in a relativistic bombardment in the killing star04:37
fennyeah i know04:37
fennit's more like 'how to wipe out a solar system'04:37
genehackeris that in the library04:37
fennone moment i'll fetch the relevant passage04:37
genehackerfortunately the scenario presented in that book isn't realistic04:38
genehackerif one civilization launches a relativistic attack, then other civilizations know they are threatening04:39
spliceron the ambush topic; when I was in the army we used bury tank mines on top of each other, they weigh 7kg as I remember... 04:39
splicer... on top of the mines one was supposed to put metal04:39
splicerit punches a hole in anything04:40
genehackerI doubt that it would really punch a hole in anything04:41
fennhttp://www.projectrho.com/rocket/rocket3x.html   search for 'sri lanka tower'04:41
genehackerread that already04:41
fennwell why didnt you say so04:43
genehackerI haven't read the book04:44
genehackerI asked if it was in the 'library'04:44
fennand what does that mean?04:44
genehackersleep time04:44
splicerit's 15kg TNT in a hole propelling a metal plate... it does punch a hole in anything04:45
fennbut you have to be standing right on top of it04:46
splicerit's a mine so yes04:47
fennwhy not just dig a hole in the ground :P04:47
fennthen you shoot them while they try to get the tank out, and you get a brand new tank04:47
splicera better way is to cut trees about a meter up04:48
splicermines are cheap and effective... and a fast way to close a road for the enemy04:49
fennseems like something like this would work better (no need to be standing right on top of it) http://youtube.com/watch?v=IH0Hr1RrV-804:49
fennfsvo better of course04:50
genehackercan it punch a hole in 5 meters of metal?04:50
splicercan you put tracks on that?04:52
fenni'm not sure i believe some of those shape charge claims04:52
fennsplicer: tracks?04:52
splicerfenn: that was for genehacker04:52
splicer(fenn, that's for intercepting missiles I think)04:54
fennyeah but why not use it as a mine?04:55
spliceryou do that too... tripwire and AT404:55
fennseems kinda silly in 21st century to be using tripwire against tanks04:56
fenni mean how do you know it's actually a tank and not a mine-tripping robot?04:57
splicerkeeping with the low tech topic... and 'ambush safe'... it just doesn't work, because there is just too much overkill in the mines as it is04:57
splicerthe swedish invasion defence was based on mines04:58
fennand nobody invaded sweden so that means it worked?04:58
fennnot really05:00
fenni guess not being a target is about as low-tech as you can get05:01
fennwell i'm sure some enterprising bastard will come up with a counteroffensive05:02
fenn"no threat too small to take seriously" seems to be DHS's motto05:03
splicerthe beauty of tank mines are that they actually work.... they cost nothing, you can just litter the place with them... and they do kill anything that drives over them... and it's old.. reliable tech.05:04
splicer15kg TNT in a hole05:04
fennhow come the tanks don't see them?05:05
splicerthey are usually in a hurry05:05
spliceryou train to set the fields up fast05:05
fenni don't get it.. dont they map the whole place with satellites and UAV's etc05:06
spliceryeah.. they are starting to now05:06
fennand you still never said why you couldn't deploy mine-tripping robots05:06
fennhell you could just have a long stick on front of the tank with some kind of triggering device05:07
splicerthat's an old idea...05:07
splicerso you put the mines in depth... so the trigger is in a mine in front and it sets of mines further behind05:08
spliceri don't know what's next.. i guess decoy fields and things like that05:09
splicerin my time the problem was artillery05:09
splicerthe answer to that was sperading in small groups05:09
splicer(and dig in and hide)05:14
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ybitbattlocde registration is open, i had initially planned on participating sometime in feb10:50
ybitif anyone is interested in forming a team and as long it doesn't consume much of my time, i might be game10:50
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kanzureweb.py doesn't distinguish very well between /package/lego/data/yaml and /package/lego/data/yaml .. er. i mean, right now it ignores extensions on the filenames, but if there's both "data" and "data.yaml" in the package, you're not going to be able to see "data.yaml" from the web view11:45
kanzurei think it would be confusing to show "data.yaml" through /package/lego/data/yaml but show "data" at /package/lego/data11:45
kanzurethe solution is to show "data.yaml" at /package/lego/data.yaml and "data" at /package/lego/data/ but honestly i think it's cleaner to say /package/lego/data to refer to data.yaml11:46
kanzure(also, /package/lego/data.yaml/ (whatever that ends up being) should be the loaded page of parts, or something, and the 'yaml' view should use genshi syntax highlighting)11:47
kanzuresetting up a mail server would be so much easier if everyone didn't blacklist you by default11:51
ybitSorry, This got caught in my span box.12:07
ybitSomeone else from SKDB also contacted me. It's a really really cool project.12:07
ybitBut I think very different in may ways.12:07
ybitAdam Meyer12:07
ybitIndustrial + Interaction Designer12:07
ybitAdam: "Bildr is actually just focusing on people who work with physical computing or who sketch in hardware. But I belive that what works for them will in fact work well for many others. There isnt much about bildr that deals with manufacturing, or making anything that isn't code or electronics based."14:22
-!- ve [n=a@94-193-95-252.zone7.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Connection timed out]14:59
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kanzurei think adam is crazy15:31
kanzure"In the OCC.KBE.Level2API you will find the work-in-progress module for15:33
kanzurethe high-level ( read pythonic ) API.15:33
kanzurewasn't this what they were supposed to be doing15:37
fennwhy is it in KBE?15:38
fennpythonic != KBE15:38
kanzurewhat's in KBE?15:58
kanzureis KBE a part of OCC?15:59
fenni dont think so16:01
fennhmm too bad splicer left.. http://xkcd.com/652/16:02
ybithe doesn't mention food, just a food jar. http://www.moonminer.com/Lunar_Industrial_Seed.html16:02
kanzurei like today's.16:02
fennfood is already self replicating16:03
kanzureybit: i don't know why dietzler is doing all this "privately"16:03
kanzurehe doesn't seem to have his stuff togethe16:03
kanzureso what's the deal?16:03
kanzuremaybe he just doesn't know anyone interested in this16:03
ybitthere's tons of stuff missing, at least he attempted, didn't know he was trying to do it privately, that's lame 16:08
ybiti should be arriving to austin @ 10:50am on the third16:19
ybitif we don't crash and burn16:19
-!- genehacker2 [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-32-67.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap16:30
ybitoi genehacker2 16:30
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-32-67.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]16:36
fennhmm idont reember anything like this16:45
fennfor f in Topo(theCylinder).faces():                                                                  16:45
fenn## do_something_with_the_face() 16:45
fennthat's certainly easier than theh TopExp crap16:45
kanzureybit: genehacker is in the area and we can catch him if we swing by campus16:50
kanzurewhy did i suggest that. nevermind.16:51
kanzurealso the mcmaster.com website is javascript bloatware16:52
fennfo rizzle16:54
fennused to be you couldn't even give someone a link to a product page16:54
kanzurei can't view a product page16:56
kanzuredoes mcmaster play nicely with konqueror?16:56
kanzureit keeps on refreshing 16:57
kanzuretotally unusable16:57
fennworks fine with 3.516:58
kanzuremaybe it just hates me16:58
kanzuremom says angel investors post on craigslist, but i looked and i can't find evidence of this17:00
fennthat's ridiculous17:00
kanzurei thought so too, but she was very adamant about this17:00
fenn'free money, call 555-suckers'17:01
kanzuremaybe the problem is i've been acting like this is hard :p17:01
ybit00:45 < bkero> I can give anyone here IBM employee pricing on any Lenovo laptops.17:09
ybitbkero: is that still true?17:09
fennwow pat rawlings has a hell of a lot of space paintings17:13
bkeroybit: yea, but you'll have to find the link to the IBM employee store, they moved it17:26
ybitpaths.py uses geom.primitive collision detection?17:40
ybiti don't understand how it matches up two 'mating vectors'17:41
ybit09:26 < fenn> sweep the volume of the added brick along the interface vector; boolean intersect with all the other bricks; if you get a volume back it must have collided with something17:43
ybitif this is the case, where are you specifying volume?17:44
kanzurethe volume can be computed through opencascade as the "mass"17:45
kanzureit's not actually the 'mass' but that's the term occ uses17:45
kanzureanyway, it's a really really slow method17:45
kanzureboolean intersect takes 40sec on any model more geometrically complex than a prism17:46
kanzuremating vectors are matched up by a "control point" or "interface point" specified in the data.yaml files usually17:47
kanzureso you transform one vector into the coordinate frame specified by the other17:47
kanzure(one of them is "primary" or already in your assembly graph)17:47
kanzureer technically the mating vector isn't a single vector, it's two vectors making up a small coordinate frame.17:48
kanzure(the third vector can be deduced from the two given)17:49
fennsweeps don't really work either17:56
ybitwhere is 'mass' specified in the api?18:52
* ybit should be at phreaknic tonight, ohwells18:57
kanzureybit: search for Mass in geom.py19:45
kanzureactually it's the one file next to geom.py19:45
ybitthanks kanzure 20:11
ybitas a modeler, narocad wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't based on .net20:11
ybitoh, and if it was for linux20:12
kanzure so why is jelle making a call for *others* to do the work of the pythonocc project?20:14
kanzurei mean, what is he doing?20:14
kanzurewasn't that the whole point to begin with, and why do other people have to do it for him?20:14
kanzurei'm perfectly willing to help, but it's just weird20:14
fennwell it's probably easier for people to work on the API than some obscure SWIG stuff that takes a lot of expertise20:20
fennybit: what does narocad have that heekscad doesn't? (besides a shitty microsoft dependency)20:20
ybitnothing, it's just a not-so-bad cad modeler written in a terrible lang.20:24
* ybit has been reading through logs20:24
fenni'm looking at the spec document, looks like they have figured out how to use a good bit of opencascade 20:25
* ybit thought occ was a csg modeler, what's with all this brep?20:25
fennit's not true csg, but you can do csg operations20:25
fennboolean operations actually20:25
fennbetter than csg anyway i think20:26
ybithow so?20:26
fenneven if it's horrendously slow20:26
fennbecause you can do arbitrary shapes20:26
fennlike an stl file20:26
fenntrue csg uses planes and spheres and stuff20:27
fennuh.. one is not better than the other, but i'd rather be able to import a shape and subtract/add to it, rather than some funky mathematical manifold20:27
fennall right how the fuck did they do that screw thread helix20:29
ybitwho? where?20:31
fennhttp://narocad.com/doc/aplication%20design%20document.pdf page 1220:32
fenni wonder who is behind this20:34
kanzurethe germans20:35
fennwhat country's flag is blue lightblue and dark blue? :P20:39
kanzureevidence: http://narocad.com/pics/20:41
kanzure"Die angeforderte Seite darf nicht angezeigt werden."20:42
kanzurehow is that /not/ german20:42
kanzureanyway, you probably want http://narocad.blogspot.com/20:43
fenni think the dev is from UK (low confidence assertion)20:43
fennaha madrid20:46
fenni think this is the dev http://www.blogger.com/profile/0540960502835335656920:46
kanzureCiprian Mustiata?20:47
kanzureyes that's the link i gave you20:49
fennwell i found it in my roundabout way20:50
kanzurethe power of google?20:50
fennstalking his various internet handles20:50
kanzurei had his name in my paste buffer :(20:51
* kanzure goes back to doing other stuff20:52
fenn"And here comes the fun part: I am in a Microsoft Gold certified company. I am using of course Linux (Ubuntu). Our customer uses RedHat Linux, and a JEE stack (JBoss). At home I have another Ubuntu box.20:53
genehacker2this is annoying, apparently Alibre design, doesn't know what undo means20:58
fennif you will want to see Naro under Linux, I recommend to you to use VirtualBox for now or help us to port the UI code to Qyoto and wrappers to C and C# bridges instead C++.NET. This could take around 2 months in developer time and can be done in two phases: first to run with Mono on Windows, second to port the UI to Qt. If you can help on this, we will see NaroCAD on Linux.20:59
fennthis is kinda interesting; draw is sort of like a cli to opencascade? http://narocad.blogspot.com/2009/09/draw-test-harness-quick-tutorial.html21:09
kanzureha ha ha21:13
kanzureansi allows you to download one "free standard" on their website21:14
kanzureby pointing to http://fileopen.ansi.org/FreeStandards.aspx?sku=ISO-number-here21:14
kanzureby craftily changing the ISO number, you can make them all "free"21:14
kanzurealthough i'm not so sure about the mapping between sku numbers and their filenames21:15
kanzurefor instance, this should work: http://webstore.ansi.org/FreeStandards.aspx?sku=ISO+10042%2fCor1%3a2005&sdo=ISO&deptid=280&filename=ISO%2b10042-2005.pdf&name=21:15
kanzurethis should also work: http://webstore.ansi.org/FreeStandards.aspx?sku=ISO+10042%2fCor1%3a2005&sdo=ISO&deptid=280&filename=ISO%2b10042-2005.pdf&name=21:15
kanzuresku=ISO 10042/Cor1:2005 filename=ISO-10042-2005.pdf ?21:16
kanzurehaha "*.pdf"21:17
kanzure"vanilla owner password: panther"21:17
fennhow the hell do you find this stuff21:19
kanzurei find things21:19
fennit doesnt seem to work21:21
fennthose are the same url btw21:21
kanzuredoes it say "download unavailable"?21:21
fennthere's a 'download file' button and it's grayed out21:22
kanzuredoes it say "transfer complete" above the button?21:22
kanzurebrowser issue.. it's a redirect anyway21:22
kanzureto something like this: http://fileopen.ansi.org/encservice/DeliveryManager.aspx?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:22
fennyes it redirects there, which is the grayed out button21:23
kanzureoh hm.21:23
fennwhat am i supposed to see?21:24
kanzureyou click the button and it spits out a .pdf file21:24
* fenn fires up the pig21:24
kanzurethat's not a very vegan thing to do to the poor pig21:25
ybitthe ansi webstore links worked here21:26
fennok it works with ff21:26
genehacker2I used the wrong angle21:27
* kanzure needs to figure out the mapping between sku and filename21:28
kanzurehttp://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/ <- always handy21:32
kanzurehm the filenames seem to be random21:34
kanzureaha, not true21:40
kanzureso they are organized into groups 21:41
kanzurehey aren't there export regulations on DOD documents?21:43
genehacker2I think so...21:43
genehacker2oh well, life's not fun if you don't get on at least 5 federal watchlists21:44
kanzure(10:01:27 PM) ciprian.mustiata: The spec is not done by me, is done by the person that was the mastermind of the project22:00
kanzure(10:01:42 PM) ciprian.mustiata: I really don't think that he did them in OCC22:00
ybiteh? narocad's spec?22:03
kanzureyeah, i asked him how he did the helix22:04
-!- ciplogic [n=opera@111.Red-88-30-108.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:04
kanzurehello ciplogic 22:04
ciplogicHi Kanzure22:05
kanzureybit, fenn, meet ciprian22:05
ybitbtw, "Mass" and "mass" isn't located in geom.py22:05
ciplogichow are you guys!?22:05
kanzureybit: it's in the file next to it22:05
ybito hi ciplogic :)22:05
ybitwe were just talking about narocad :)22:05
ciplogicI'm glad then I met you22:06
ybitso how comes the conversion to linux ;)22:06
ciplogicThe Linux is a half of story22:06
ciplogicBecause is .NET based and we are only two devels22:06
ybitsi si, i saw that22:06
ciplogicI'm not the first develioper, I still consider bxtrx as being the first, but I'm the close second ;)22:07
ybitwe have quite a few devs in this channel from various projects22:07
ciplogicOk, so regarding Linux, I did tried, the bad thing is this: the interface is the least problem22:07
ciplogicThe biggest one is wrappers to be made mono aware22:07
kanzurehonestly i have worked with .net and prefer native C++ libraries 22:08
ciplogicThe interface can be iterated via reflection and created the .ui files for qt22:08
kanzureheekscad is one example22:08
kanzurehave you seen heekscad yet?22:08
ciplogicYes, of course22:08
ciplogicC++ is just great until you want fast prototyping22:08
ciplogicand fast design/debug phase22:09
kanzurewe've been using python for skdb22:09
ciplogicI think I know why22:09
ciplogicAnyone hates long compiling times22:09
ciplogicNaroCAD so far it has around 800 (small) classes22:09
kanzureclean code is one priority i think.. not making a mess of things like OCC has22:10
ciplogicSometimes Naro is lacking on this respect22:10
ciplogicRegarding Naro also we had (and can be put back) IronPython22:11
ciplogicSo if just Python is the problem, can be fixed22:11
ciplogicThe single problem is just to make wrappers to be mono aware22:11
ybitthe only two people i know who use windows in here are genehacker2 and katsmeow-afk 22:12
ybit..aside from you ciplogic 22:12
ciplogicI use Linux in my free time22:12
ciplogicI have access to OS X too :)22:12
ybitoh yeah, that's right, there was mention of ubuntu earlier22:12
ciplogicHonestly, in the past when Naro was in pre-alpha stage we tried to do it with Qt22:13
* ybit is about to fall asleep, think i'll dive into volume_collision.py tomorrow. kanzure, fenn, is there anything else i might want to look at?22:14
ciplogicBut we considered that the downsides are much bigger than the ups22:14
ybitsuch as?22:14
kanzureybit: core/interface.py maybe for assembly graph stuff that isn't-quite-working22:14
katsmeow-afkwell, windose runs with no learning curve, i want to write programs to do stuff, not spend all my time learning linux22:14
ciplogicMostly the compiling time and the C# language22:14
ciplogicWhich arguable is quite friendly22:15
ybitjust to be clear, there's a learning curve for all OSs22:15
ciplogicand don't get as messy as sometimes as C++22:15
kanzurehow is locking you into mono friendly?22:15
kanzurei have a lab professor who wrote his entire career's work in .NET basically, and now it's stuck there22:15
ciplogicI think there are two views: one to make software done and other that talk politics22:16
kanzurewell hopefully we can do better than OCC :)22:16
kanzurei think that's a good standard to go by22:16
katsmeow-afkybit, windoes doesn't care where your executeable is, or tell you there's no difftween c: and d:, etc22:16
ciplogicReally, Mono locks you in22:17
kanzureyeah you can't run it without mono22:17
ciplogicI hope that Qt locks me in to be such a great thing that to not look to .NET when we start Naro22:17
ybitwindows also doesn't allow you to tinker with its core libs, so, whatever floats your boat, so to say22:17
ciplogicOr Java, or etc.22:17
kanzuresorry i don't understand22:17
kanzureyou don't have to use qt. there's gtk and others.. is that what you mean?22:17
katsmeow-afkybit, i do not want to tinker with the OS, i have other code i wanna be working on :-)22:17
ciplogicNo: I said the lockin is sometimes by merits22:18
ciplogicIf Java brings everything at the tip of my finger, I will use Java22:18
ciplogicHonestly, who use a Linux computer with zero proprierary things in it22:19
ciplogicLike no nvidia or ati driver22:19
ciplogicor no wifi driver22:19
kanzureit's hard to find a computer without nvidia22:19
ybitrichard stallman ;)22:19
ciplogicTo not say that your CPU is pattented22:19
kanzureciplogic: actually there's opencores.org for open hardware CPUs22:19
ciplogicWho use them? :)22:19
katsmeow-afkthe latest M$ "autoupdates" include an nvidia driver that stuffs up severalputers here22:19
kanzureciplogic: arduino22:19
ciplogicOk, so almost no one :)22:20
ciplogicThere can be once an unknown patent22:20
kanzuresorry what?22:20
ciplogicThe single problem is that almost every 1000 lines may break a patent22:20
kanzurein which country22:20
ciplogicI live in EU22:21
ciplogic(Spain to be more precise)22:21
ybit(madrid to be even more precise)22:21
ybitwe like to stalk around here :)22:21
katsmeow-afksomeone made a new cpu in here?!22:21
ciplogicNo, my point is that no one use pure PC22:21
* ybit wouldn't mind living in a coruna, espana22:21
genehacker2the latest winblows update killed firefox22:21
-!- ve [n=a@94-193-95-252.zone7.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]22:21
kanzureciplogic: only because the pieces aren't there yet22:22
genehacker2I wonder if they're trying to get revenge22:22
ciplogicOk, we talk about real life22:22
katsmeow-afkgenehacker2, i bet it's that nvidia driver22:22
kanzureciplogic: sorry i was talking about a fake world22:22
ciplogicI am not Miguel's brother, but I use Flash on Linux when I use it22:22
genehacker2firefox works22:22
katsmeow-afki have 2 puters that won't boot now22:22
genehacker2it can't connect to the internet22:22
ciplogicAlso I install NVidia drivers22:22
ciplogicI'm a sane person22:22
ciplogicI hope you too22:23
kanzuredo you have an alternative?22:23
ciplogicNo, there is none22:23
kanzuredoomed forever22:23
* katsmeow-afk is pondering the alternative to sanity22:23
ciplogicWhen you talk about real life, you talk about cars that are patented22:23
ciplogicThink that you listen music on radio22:23
ciplogicor see a clip on youtube22:23
ciplogicthere is a big chance to be copyrighted22:23
ybitor scanning electron microscopes which costs hundreds of thousands :\22:23
ciplogicWhy not stop listening music22:24
ciplogicI agree that GPL (3) applies on compilers as GCC is22:24
genehacker2the alternative to sanity is madness, I have some booklets promoting it, would you like to read them?22:24
ciplogicbut cannot apply completely all over the world22:24
ciplogicWhy not22:24
ciplogicplease send them to email ( ciprian.mustiata@yahoo.com )22:25
ciplogicWho use FF may consider that FF may break something22:25
ciplogicOr OpenOffice22:25
ciplogicOr anyway, I am not anyway encouraging you to use closed source22:26
katsmeow-afkgenehacker2, no thanks, humans who think science is majoc, also believe logical thought is heresy and madness22:26
ciplogicBut I recommend you to use closed source if this is the best way to contribute for your freedom and to do it in a 1/2 of time22:26
ciplogic(where applies)22:27
genehacker2it's a joke of course22:27
genehacker2no one in there right mind would actually go mad on purpose22:27
fennholy crap where did you come from22:28
ciplogicfenn: who?22:29
ciplogic(I just looked to your project, and is interesting)22:29
ybitfenn, i think ciplogic came from a mother's womb if i'm not mistaking 22:30
kanzureno he came from an alien infested world (earth is it?)22:30
ciplogicQuestion: OCC is proprietary or not? or Python?22:31
ybitno, madrid 22:31
ybitcompletely different22:31
ciplogicPython as far as I know, is mastered by Google22:31
ciplogicOCC is free only in public version22:31
ciplogicthat do not include bug fixes22:31
ybitciplogic: python is free open source software, aka non-proprietary22:32
ybitocc has a funny license22:32
kanzureOCC has a weird custom license22:32
genehacker2also fenn, I finished manna22:32
genehacker2it was an interesting read22:32
ybitgenehacker2: good stuff, right? 22:32
fennmono has a problem in that you have to run everything in the .NET sandbox22:33
genehacker2yeah, not quite sure about the whole no one is anonymous thing22:33
fenni think this is why you can't just import ironpython as a regular python module22:33
fenni may be mixing things up22:34
* ybit takes his lego halloween costume off and readies for bed22:34
fenngenehacker2: i'm looking for full text of 'the transparent society' right now22:34
ciplogicIronPython as far as I know it can import the Python modules22:34
ciplogicBut may not be so interesting22:34
kanzureno the other way around22:34
fennybit: pics or gtfo22:34
ciplogicit also can use the .NET classes22:34
kanzurethat's using ironpython22:34
ciplogic(but without generics as far as I used it)22:34
kanzurewe're talking about using ironpython as a module22:35
kanzurelike "import ironpython"22:35
ciplogicNope :)22:35
ciplogicOf course not :)22:35
fennwhy 'of course'?22:35
ciplogicBecause is based on DLR22:35
ciplogicWhich is a dynamic language kernel22:35
ciplogicon top of .NET22:35
kanzurei haven't heard this22:36
fennsure you did, from me22:36
ciplogicDLR = Dynamic Language Runtime22:36
katsmeow-afkwant us to repeat it?22:36
ciplogicWith DLR you can create abstract syntax trees22:36
ciplogicand a rule to compile them22:36
ciplogicand it creates IL (.NET / mono bytecodes)22:36
ciplogicand .NET it simply JIT them22:36
ciplogicIronPython from version 2.0 is based on DLR22:37
fennwell i dont care so much about using DLR as just accessing .dll's22:37
fennbut i guess it needs DLR to translate from python to .NET idioms?22:37
ciplogicIPy transalates to abstract syntax tree and via DLR gets to .NET idioms22:38
ciplogicIn the past IronPython creates directly IL code and uses Reflection.Emit method22:38
ciplogicthat gets bytecode (IL) and it JIT it22:39
katsmeow-afkis there any rule of thumb about esoteric risc cpu design and instruction bitwidth?22:39
fennwell ciplogic i am impressed with how far you've come, it's too bad you had to use .NET22:41
genehacker2kanzure want the cad file for a gear for a printable stepper motor?22:42
kanzuresure why not22:42
* fenn has a terrifying thought.. what if campbell used narocad's c# bindings in graphsynth22:42
kanzurewonder what this is22:43
genehacker2now I have to design the stator gear22:44
kanzureciplogic: yeah because of lockin22:46
ciplogickanzure: ok, OCC is lockin as is the single OSS kernel :)22:47
kanzureno, it exports to STEP/IGES22:48
kanzurehm.. stupid network-only addresses22:48
kanzure"search engine for standards provided by ANSI"
ybitgenehacker2: send it my way as well: heathmatlock@gmail.com22:50
fennciplogic: wildcat-cad is a good start.. nothing besides OCC can read STEP though..22:50
ciplogicfenn: wirdcat-cad is a dead project22:51
ciplogicWhen you will see updates newer than 1 year, send me an email :)22:51
fenni really hate OCC :)22:51
fenni wish someone would chop out all the fat22:52
kanzurewowza homeland security standards db22:56
genehacker2uh oh22:59
fenncool ventus is creative commons: http://www.kschroeder.com/Ventus/23:01
genehacker2this isn't illegal is it?23:02
ybitooh, aah23:02
* ybit likes bpython23:02
genehacker2argh, I made the gear the wrong size and it doesn't look very printable...23:03
fenngenehacker2: are you still doing the cycloidal gears?23:09
genehacker2I finally figured out that weird profile23:10
genehacker2I'm using a composite involute profile23:10
genehacker2the one with cycloids on the end of involutes23:11
genehacker2though now that I look at it the cycloidal profile might be more printable23:11
fenneasy to cut out with an endmill too23:12
genehacker2so I need to figure out how to make that profile work with a 1 tooth difference23:13
genehacker2also I wonder which profile wears down less23:13
genehacker2now how do I send the file I have to skdb?23:14
fenni bet you can just scale one of them by +-1% 23:14
genehacker2I'm worried about wear fenn23:15
fennyou'd have to make a new package23:15
genehacker2ok then, I'll upload it to thingiverse23:15
fennthat works too23:16
fennhow are you making the profile?23:16
genehacker2anyway the reason I'm worried about wear is this, what's the point of having a printable gear if it wears faster than it takes to make itself and more23:16
genehacker2by using cad software23:17
fennthat's no fun23:17
fennugh did you really do all that? most cad software has gear profiles built in23:18
genehacker2I'd love to make a script that can make any composite involute gear I want, but I can't figure out why some of the math in the paper is giving me negative values for the radii of the arcs on the ends of the involutes23:19
genehacker2unfortunately the software I have doesn't do that23:19
fenni should try that out some time23:20
fennthere are gear scripts for blender23:21
genehacker2you have to be kidding me?23:21
fenni think inkscape too23:22
genehacker2can blender generate just an involute curve then let me find points of tangency to the involute?23:22
fennum, i don't know my way around their API enough to say23:22
* genehacker2 achieves a FACEPALM COMBO23:22
genehacker2anyway I'm not trying to generate gears, I'm trying to generate gears with an obscure gear profile23:23
genehacker2well I think I need to figure out blender then23:25
genehacker2when did blender become a cad tool?23:25
fennit didn't23:25
fennthere were several attempts which eventually gave up23:26
genehacker2oh dear23:29
genehacker2people still attempt to use it to design things though, as in real things like reprap parts23:29
fennsure it's quite powerful23:30
fennsome things would be really hard to do with a typical cad program23:30
kanzurebig fat pink bunnies23:31
fennanything involving deformations for instance23:31
fennor that weird stuff bathsheba grossman does23:31
genehacker2yeah those are legitamate uses of stuff like that23:31
genehacker2but PARTS, you must be crazy!23:31
fennsome people like funky shaped parts23:32
fennnarocam.com just redirects to narocad23:33
genehacker2I'm not talking about funky shaped parts23:33
genehacker2oh well23:33
genehacker2not really my problem23:33
genehacker2anyway did you every figure out how to get SVG files to import into heekscad or something and not turn out all blocky?23:34
fennit's not easy to specify an exact dimension in blender23:34
fennare you using an old version of heekscad?23:35
fennbezier curves are somewhat recent23:35
genehacker2I'm talking about the what happened awhile back so yes23:36
fennprocedure for making this image http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/fenn/pngs/cycloidal_gear.png23:36
genehacker2so it works now correct?23:37
fennrun cycloidal.py, import to inkscape, do 'simplify', save as plain .svg, import in heekscad, extrude23:37
genehacker2I think I need to learn python23:37
kanzurethe quickest way to learn python is to type python at the terminal and start mashing buttons23:38
fenni liked 'instant python'23:38
kanzureis that a cooking recipe?23:39
fennapparently achim is a dev too23:39
fennkanzure: you'd miss out on a lot of neat stuff if you just poked around with bpython23:40
kanzurehuh? i play with ipython a lolt23:40
fenni mean language features, like list slices or generators or whatever23:41
kanzurebpython does list slices23:41
kanzureor i mean it allows it23:41
kanzureer.. what?23:41
fennbut you have to know they exist23:41
kanzureand i happen to know they exist23:41
fennwell that's good for you, but no good for learning23:41
kanzurebe quite while i learn you good23:41
genehacker2pic related23:44
ciplogicgood night and bye all 23:44
-!- ciplogic [n=opera@111.Red-88-30-108.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #hplusroadmap []23:44
genehacker2uh oh not again23:52
fennnot 3000 years?23:52
fennor was it 500023:52
genehacker2oh man this reminds me of test question I once had on the texas state wide test23:54
fenn'how old is the universe'?23:54
fenna) 3000 years, b) 5000 years, c) 12 billion years, d) none of the above23:55
genehacker2it was over evolution and it asked a question about a species of squirrel branching off 10,000 years ago23:55
genehacker2and that's what it takes to get science standards here in texas23:57

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