
--- Day changed Tue Nov 03 2009
genehackerpricerange for manufacturing processes?00:01
kanzurefor a server00:03
genehackernot much00:07
genehackernot cheap though00:07
ybitgenehacker: he was asking bkero00:08
ybitbkero is offering server space i believe00:08
kanzurei don't need space, i need machiiiiinnneess00:08
ybit+with a good connection to teh nets :)00:09
kanzurefatter than an elephant's trunk00:09
any56576200what flavor machines?00:18
bkeroIt's a vm on a dual quad xeon, 16gb RAM, 2x1tb raid1 drives00:19
* any56576200 is wrapping up configuring 10 boxes on the one shelf00:20
any56576200got another 6gig of ram in the mail and another 10 300gig drives in the mail, will install when gets here00:20
bkeroGet some hot automation action, get them to roll out themselves00:21
bkeropxeboot, kickstart, puppet00:21
* any56576200 nods00:21
any56576200well, unfortunately for either me or all of you, it's entirely winxp00:21
any56576200 i discovered something: if i clone a winxp home edition using Seagate disk wizard, the cloned drive is a winxp Pro edition00:22
any56576200i allowed "automatic updates" to install a nvidia driver that trashed the machine, but i had an identical machine, so i cloned that one for to fix the first00:24
any56576200neither was winxp pro, the clone is, the original isn't00:24
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kanzureif anyone cares i'll be unavailable this morning07:14
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kanzurewow python makes it hard to parse html into a tree? http://codespeak.net/lxml/parsing.html09:58
kanzurei forgot about beautifulsoup, nevermind09:59
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kanzureheh he lists prices and percentages of various broken captchas: http://www.lafdc.com/captcha/10:42
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kanzuresad that we're all on .austin.res.rr.com11:14
kanzurewhy haven't we unrolled a geeknet yet?11:14
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ybit2kanzure, fenn: how do you propose we store usernames and passwords?12:05
ybit2salt, hash, and then store it where.. i know you two are opposed to databases12:07
ybit2even though you're building one :)12:07
ybit2or is it just relational databases you are opposed to, my mind fails12:07
kanzurejust go use a cherrypy openid module12:09
kanzureand if they don't have one, they should12:10
kanzureanyway why are we doing usernames and passwords right now?12:10
ybit2i'm going the long-way around12:11
ybit2eventually it will be needed, so might as well.12:11
kanzurei really like the 4chan/2chan/n-chan way of doing usernames12:11
kanzurebut i guess you're looking for some permanent identity thingy12:12
ybit2the point is so that tools, materials, and their locations are logged.. automating the process of having something made that you can't make yourself12:14
kanzure    if len(element.contents) == 0: contents = element.contents[0]12:15
kanzureIndexError: list index out of range12:15
ybit2so, unfortunately, i don't see how the N-chan model works12:15
ybit2..in this particular case12:15
kanzureyou know what, you should ask #cherrpy on oftc12:16
ybit2you're joking, right? :P12:17
kanzurefumanchu is very helpful12:17
kanzureno i'm not12:17
kanzurethey've been using cherrypy longer than i have12:17
kanzureand probably have some concepts as to what a "best practice" is12:17
ybit2heh, it's typically dead which is why i thought you were joking12:18
kanzureor what one might look like12:18
ybit2alright, i'll ask12:18
kanzurehttp://github.com/astraw/stdeb makes debian packages from python packages12:21
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ybit2so staticfile and staticdir tools, those would have been helpful yesterday evening :)14:05
ybit2hi genehacker, how goes it14:05
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ybit2kanzure: the only person which responded in cherrypy mentioned storing them in a db14:08
ybit2fenn, kanzure: how would you like to store usernames and passwords? do you really care? i can just put up something and then later, we can modify it14:09
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kanzureybit: i still don't know why you're doing usernames14:33
kanzurethe slashdot summary sounds very clueless: http://science.slashdot.org/story/09/11/03/1450211/Scientists-Build-a-Smarter-Rat?art_pos=714:42
kanzuremore so than they usually do14:42
kanzurein this edition of "terrible format A, meet terrible format B", ..14:52
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ybiti figure with user information, others can more easily find other users if they need help in building something15:53
ybit12:14 < ybit2> the point is so that tools, materials, and their locations are logged.. automating the process of having something made that you can't make yourself15:53
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genehackeryeah but I doubt that people will just let you use their state of the art machining center...16:28
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ybitthat's their choice, but if they know what skdb is while they are signing up and advertising what equipment they have, there's a good chance they will16:57
genehackerwho says they will?16:59
ybitthey do17:06
ybitit's not guaranteed, i'm sure we'll work out the details later though17:06
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ybitdamn ex-girlfriends getting in the way of productivity17:54
katsmeow-afkdepending on the definition of "productive"17:56
katsmeow-afkconsidering how much trouble men are to women are to men, and vice versa, it's mindboggling that they still get together, it's just not logical17:57
ybiti agree, but 'love' is illogical and without it, most people are miserable18:00
katsmeow-afkbut isn't "love" biochemical, often triggered after "lust" ?18:00
katsmeow-afkand there's tons of cultural overtones too18:01
katsmeow-afkmany , in all cultures, based on ownership, or greed, or dependancies18:01
katsmeow-afki studied it because i can't see why some humans want robots to emulate human emotions, because most make no sense and are mostly trouble18:02
ybitthat chemical reaction in the brain is complicated, you're miserable with and without it, and i'm not sure how to deal with it at this current state. how can you deal with it, say, in the future. if you can trigger that reaction anytime, i'm sure having too much of it isn't good for your body, and how would you know what to trigger it with. maybe you get this feeling the more productive you are, but then it sure would suck if you are run into a bug whi18:11
kanzureybit: how about you work on the inventory representation like fenn and i have asked you to do a million times by now?18:13
katsmeow-afk if you are run into a bug whi <<== cut off, irc has a length limit per line18:15
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ybitkanzure: i'm going the long way around it for the millionth time. i.e. allowing users to login to site of preference, specify machines owned via a form, and a yaml is spit out which states which machines are owned. i'm guessing that we will only support whichever machines we can get our hands on, and reprap seems like a logical candidate atm18:24
kanzurewhy are you going the long way around?18:24
ybitit's probbaly because it's something simple that i can see myself finishing quickly  18:26
kanzureif you want to finish things quickly, why not use django?18:27
ybitthat is website design with simple scripts, and it's somewhat related in that if the design is to be implemented i'll have to face that problem at some point. so maybe this will save us some drudge work later on.18:28
ybitbecause you and fenn switched to cherrypy..18:28
kanzureif you want to get things done fast why not just do a "get things done fast" implementation18:30
kanzurewhere we don't break things18:30
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-61-15.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap18:31
genehacker"We have a published protocol for describing changes to the ride -- it's built on Git3D's system for marking up and syncing three-dee models of objects"18:49
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kanzurei still haven't made much sense of this yet: http://adl.serveftp.org/lab/opencascade/solidworks_source_structure.txt20:16
kanzureit would be cool to map out what their architecture is20:17
kanzurebut doing that just from names is patently absurd20:17
kanzureooh.. http://doc.spatial.com/qref/ACIS/html/classSWEEP__ANNO__VERTEX__LAT.html20:18
kanzureACIS library ref?20:18
kanzureisn't this proprietary?20:18
kanzurenot many users: http://doc.spatial.com/index.php?title=Special:ListUsers&limit=50020:20
kanzureanyway, i'm ripping a copy so someone should ask for a zip in a few hours20:31
kanzure20:51 < kanzure> making skdb dependent on OCC might have been a mistake :)20:54
kanzure20:52 < Bluntz_> you think?20:54
kanzure20:52 < Bluntz_> lol20:54
kanzure20:52 < Bluntz_> 1.5 gb build20:54
kanzure20:53 < Bluntz_> lmao20:54
ybityeah, just got through reading that20:54
ybityou also forgot.. "<kanzure> i have this strong urge to just yank it out and write my own cad kernel.. but i know this will take a long time, and i am too eager"20:55
kanzurefenn: can you join #emc?21:00
genehackerWTF? all it takes is a 30 watt laser to temporarily blind a spy satellite21:02
genehacker30 stargazers with 1 watt green lasers and steady hands could temporarily blind a spy satellite21:03
kanzuresounds like you need very steady hands21:04
genehackeror a telescope with laser mounted on it21:04
katsmeow-afkand a place to do it, so you can go home and blend back in21:06
genehackerwe did't mean to blind your satellite we were just star-pointing!21:07
kanzureyeah at the MC31419 galaxy cluster to be specific21:07
kanzurewhich you just so happened to be blocking 21:07
genehackerit's just ridiculous21:08
kanzureit's sad when the little RNG in your head spits out the digits of pi21:08
genehackeryou can be an evil genius for less than the price of a car21:08
ybiti'm through with web design for the night21:29
kanzurei told someone i get 40k hits/mo to my website and they're pressuring me to get a better template/design going21:30
kanzure"to show that i care"21:31
ybitabout what?21:34
ybitthat's lame21:34
kanzurenot when you get volume..21:35
genehackerwhat is there to install from skdb21:36
kanzureall of it21:36
genehackerdo we have some useful hardware yet21:36
ybitgenehacker: no21:36
ybiti suck at css21:37
kanzurealso, the skdb installation process is way too fucking complex21:38
kanzurefor code that is so simple21:38
genehackerwhat does skdb do at the moment21:38
genehackerdoes it do anything more than lego blocks?21:39
kanzurepart packaging, mating, bounding box collision detection, metric/imperial screws, legos, dependency representation, CAD, ..21:39
genehackerhow does the dependency representation work?21:40
genehackerhow is it determined?21:41
kanzurewhoever writes it down21:42
kanzurebasically it's in the form of "(x and y and z) or (A and (B or C))"21:42
genehackernot manufacturing processes21:43
kanzureyes actually.21:43
kanzurethe items can be skdb packages or just generic manufacturing processes21:43
kanzurefor instance, screw's metadata uses processes i think21:43
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/packages/screw/metadata.yaml near the bottom21:43
genehackerI need to add something to the screw meta data21:45
kanzurewhat do you need to add?21:45
kanzurei wish github was written in python..21:45
kanzure(instead of on rails)21:45
genehackermachined screws fatigue faster than rolled screws21:46
genehackerit's very important21:46
kanzureis there an equation for this21:46
genehackerit's completely dependent on how the screws are made21:46
kanzureand there's no way to tell?21:47
genehackerwhat metal fatigue?21:47
genehackermetal fatigue times?21:47
genehackernot really21:48
genehackerit's just a fact21:48
genehackerusing machined screws in high fatigue places causes lots of trouble21:49
genehackerespecially on airplanes21:49
kanzureit's not magical though21:49
genehackerof course it's not21:49
genehackerit's standard somewhere21:50
genehackeralso predicting metal fatigue is very hard without some very proprietary and under the wraps software which we don't have and requires the extensive usage of electron microscopy of processed parts.21:51
genehackereven then then it's a mythical beast to me21:54
genehackeranyway this is a social engineering knowledge base21:57
kanzurei always thought it was societal21:57
genehackerwhat ever21:57
kanzurewell it's not a knowledge base about social engineering21:57
genehackerthis is fairly important data21:58
kanzurei wasn't doubting that21:58
genehackerdo I need to add it or will you take care of it22:00
kanzurei don't know what to add22:00
genehackernow how can I phrase this22:01
genehackerscrews produced by machining processes are not suitable for usage in high vibration, high fatigue, or critical applications22:02
genehackeruse screws produced by rolling instead, OR ELSE22:02
kanzurecan you characterize high vabration22:02
kanzureand high fatigue22:02
kanzurein terms of units please22:03
kanzurevabration is optional :)22:03
genehackeroh look at this22:03
genehackerwikipedia has some meta data22:03
genehackerMECHANICAL 22:04
genehackerYield and shear yield stress increased22:04
genehackerFatigue resistance is increased22:04
genehackerDuctility is decreased22:04
genehackerthat data22:04
genehackernot sure at this point22:04
kanzurehey world, please give me data22:05
ybitworld: fuck you and all your neurons22:05
genehackertime to search through my notes22:05
kanzurewhy don't you put your notes on a website22:05
genehackerthey're in .docx22:06
kanzurethey can be converted22:06
kanzurealso why are they in .docx :p22:06
genehackerwith the equations intact?22:06
kanzurei think there's a doc-to-latex conversion thingy but i'm not sure22:06
genehackerbecause I use winblows equation editor to make nice pretty equations in my notes22:07
kanzuredo you do it in real time22:07
kanzurelike while they are being written on the overhead22:07
genehackersemi real time22:08
genehackeris latex faster and does it work in open office?22:08
kanzurelatex can be faster but it has a bit of a learning curve at first22:08
kanzurethere's something called lyx which is a graphical frontend to latex22:08
kanzurelyx: http://n2.nabble.com/file/n2469116/LyxSumProblem.jpeg22:09
kanzuremicrosoft windows equation editor: http://static.rbytes.net/fullsize_screenshots/e/q/equations-for-windows.jpg22:10
genehackerwait do I have to select stuff from a list to do everything or can I just type it in22:11
kanzureyou can just type it in22:11
kanzurebut if you don't know how to do something you can select it from a list22:11
kanzurei think lyx runs on windows too22:11
kanzurelatex is what people use to make all of their science papers, etc.22:11
kanzureexcept matt.. matt has to be the only guy i know who avoids LaTeX22:12
genehackercan it convert the latex code to nice looking equations with a key stroke?22:12
kanzurelyx does that automatically while you type it in i think22:12
genehackerin openoffice or word?22:12
kanzureand you can add a shortcut key i think. most kde apps let you just assign a key stroke to just about anything..22:12
kanzurelyx is separate22:12
genehackerthat won't work22:13
genehackerthat's why I use winblows equation editor22:13
genehackerbecause I can type the equation in, press alt= and bam I have a nice looking equation22:13
kanzurethat's the idea, yeah22:15
genehackeralso, my laptop runs longer on winblows and I like to have BOINC running while I take notes 22:15
kanzurehey why do you call it winblows22:16
genehackerbecause it blows22:17
genehackerright now firefox is broken22:17
genehackerwindows explorer can crash22:18
genehackerand 1000 other things22:20
genehackerok here's what you put22:23
genehackerrolled threads have increased cyclic loading fatigue resistance22:23
genehackeractually that might go in thread making process22:31
genehackerkanzure awhile back you said you got a book on manufacturing correct?22:35
genehackerit didn't happen to be schey did it?22:36
kanzurei'll check in a few minutes22:36
genehacker over manufacturing processes?22:37
genehackerif so that book has almost everything worth putting in processes22:39
ybitkanzure: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=winblows23:42
ybitit's been around awhile, that entry was in 200323:43
kanzureit was around that same time that people started to think it was newbish to say that though23:43
ybithehe 23:43
ybiti think 'lol' got old sometime in 2007 as well23:43
ybita little before maybe23:44
kanzure2007? much earlier.23:45
* ybit is trying to get festival to speak wikipedia entries clearly so i have decent podcasts to listen to 23:45
ybitmore than likely, i'm slightly delusional atm23:45

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