
--- Day changed Tue Nov 17 2009
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kanzuremorning world12:18
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kanzureblah you're all slackers anyway13:23
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CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r d0a472f /thirdparty/graphsynth.py: to_gxml for Node and Arc16:28
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r b5120da /import_tools/del_repo/repo-recover.py: minor fixes to repo-recover16:28
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r cc75d7a /import_tools/del_repo/repo-recover.py: changed the directory to componentbasis16:28
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-173-46.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]16:45
CIA-43skdb: kanzure * r 020a88c /import_tools/del_repo/repo-recover.py: import copy16:46
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-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-32-76.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap17:05
ybitkanzure: did you call jennifer|ashlee today?17:09
kanzureoh shit17:10
kanzurelet me leave a message17:10
kanzureok maybe not. need to hop a bus17:11
ybiti have another company that may be interested17:14
ybitall we really need is about 10 of them and we'll get the rest no problem17:14
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ybitkanzure: you know it's only 3:30, you can still call. i would but i left my cell at work :\17:32
genehackerwhich company are you calling?17:51
genehackeroh it's too late now I guess17:56
genehackeror is it?17:57
ybitit's never too late when you got the magic stuff...18:06
ybita voice mail was left, so it's okay18:06
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ybitgenehacker: you have ubuntu, si?18:08
ybiti think this .deb is going to be finished before i get my notebook (which is hopefully no later than another week), maybe you can test it out 18:10
genehackerhow big is it?18:12
genehackerwhat does it do?18:12
ybitnot sure how big the .deb will be but you are looking at installing about 1.5gb of files18:13
ybitthe pythonocc .deb is pythonocc, skdb is pythonocc+what fenn and bryan have written18:14
genehackerok might as well18:16
genehackera bit busy right now though18:16
genehackerhah creationists are going to be handing out free origins of the species books(with an introduction that says darwin is bad or something) on my campus on thursday apparently18:18
genehackeranyway PM what I need to install18:19
ybitgenehacker: nothing right now, i'll link you to the .deb when i get the blasted thing finished18:21
ybiti mean wtf: "Unable to find 822-date program!"18:22
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ybitit's just bad programming from the script i'm running18:26
kanzurei left them a message18:38
genehackercompany count so far?18:42
genehackeris this part of 3 day startup or something else?18:43
genehackerso what exactly are you getting the companies to agree to?18:45
kanzureto use the site18:50
* kanzure looks over http://www.cherrypy.org/wiki/StaticContent again18:50
ybitreally? i thought we were enslaving their secretaries :(18:50
ybitmaybe that is inappropriate considering enslavement still happens :\18:51
ybitkanzure: what are you have problems with?18:52
kanzureno problems, just reading18:52
kanzureusing apache+cherrypy isn't multi-developer friendly18:53
kanzurei mean, half the time it seems like there are caching issues18:53
kanzureand the other half the time, you have to go digging through weird error logs to figure out what caused a 404 or 50018:53
kanzurealso i'm trying to figure out how to make sure the server is thread safe18:54
kanzurei.e. shared global variables between all threads18:54
[ym]uptownwhat's cherrypy?18:56
[ym]uptownwhat's thread safe :)18:57
kanzurecherrypy is a miniature python server i'm using for my websites18:57
kanzureessentially i drop in a few classes from projects i have already written18:57
kanzureand it's magically turned into a website18:57
kanzurethread safety is where you might be running multiple copies of the same program (except individual subsets of the program (threads)) and you don't want them to do things at the same time that cause them to complain to each other18:58
kanzureor to complain about each other or various side-effects that they might cause18:58
kanzurefor instance if two threads are reading/writing the same file at the same time, there can be big problems18:58
[ym]uptownwhy not just go with php?18:58
kanzurebecause i'm not lame?18:59
[ym]uptowni don't get why people have a bad perception on php18:59
kanzurewell because i used php for about four years18:59
kanzurei wrote over 15,000 lines of php for websites18:59
kanzurei'm sorry but i'm just not interested in writing any more of it18:59
kanzurenow please go away18:59
kanzurenext you're going to tell me to use mysql right?19:01
kanzureand then import_request_variables or something19:01
[ym]uptowni wasn't telling you to do anything19:01
kanzureno i'm just guessing19:01
kanzurei know19:01
[ym]uptownpeople just ask question out of curosity19:01
kanzurebut a lot of php programmers do the same things in the same exact way for every single problem19:02
[ym]uptownnever heard of cherypy and wanted to find out why19:02
kanzureoh well i linked you19:02
[ym]uptownit's hard to get a good idea of why you are using cherrypy over php by glancing at a website.19:02
[ym]uptownand even now, all i know is you just don't like php19:03
[ym]uptownyou haven't explained the benefits of cherrypy19:03
kanzurei'm mainly familiar with using php via mod_php19:03
kanzureand frankly that's not really appropriate these days for large scale websites19:03
kanzurethere's no reason the entire application should be reloaded on each page request19:03
kanzurefor skdb, the entire code base is written in python19:04
kanzureso making a website for it with cherrypy was really really easy19:04
kanzurejust import skdb,and then use the modules as-is19:04
[ym]uptownthere we go :)19:05
[ym]uptownnow i understadn19:05
genehackerwhat are you working on at the moment?19:06
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kanzurehttp://www.last.fm/user/kanzure scrobbling up my huge list..22:12
kanzurewhy is last.fm always so slooow?22:18
-!- Uptownhr [i=_YM_upto@adsl-69-230-210-93.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap22:29
kanzurehey Uptownhr 22:45
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ybitwhat did we determine was the cause of /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lShHealOper23:02
Uptownhris this a question for me?23:06
ybitUptownhr: if you want to take a stab at it, sure23:08
kanzureare you sure you installed all of the dependencies?23:09
kanzurehttp://mvschandra.wordpress.com/ this guy is writing some grants to make an open source hardware-based clean room23:19
ybityes, i've installed all of the dependencies23:26
* ybit doesn't see the point in creating an skdb egg23:31
ybiti can see the importance for windows users though23:39
ybitkatsmeow-afk: i have a job for you :)23:40
ybitkanzure, fenn: for inventory management, do you want the user to input from the cli through an interactive prompt or through web.py?23:41
ybitall it will do is generate an inventory.yaml23:41
ybitunless you two are thinking of something more than that?23:43
kanzurelet's assume they give you a file23:44
kanzurewith one entry per line23:44
ybitwe can do that23:46
kanzurecan anyone find this?23:47
kanzure"  a banana jack that has a compatible strain relief boot23:47
kanzuresuch as this: http://ww2.jhu.edu/JLAB/IMG/jpg/Owl_Separation_Systems_B2_Gel_Electrophoresis_Box.jpg "23:47
-!- danielcc [n=trey@cpe-173-093-136-130.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap23:51
kanzurehey danielcc 23:51
kanzurejust so everyone knows, danielcc wants to do open source hardware for semiconductor fabrication23:51
danielccIs anyone else here interested in such projects?23:54
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kanzuregive them a few moments to respond23:55

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