
--- Day changed Sat Nov 21 2009
drazakok, using a motor to generate electricity, how do I get the most volts? with speed or with acceleration (angular of course)00:29
katsmeow-afkdoesn't rpm = angular acceleration (on the rotor perimeter)?00:31
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fenncavemanchemistry.com is nowhere near as cool as i expected09:32
fennit's all a bunch of animist bullshit ramblings09:32
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ybithttp://gael-varoquaux.info/computers/posters/tex_to_pdf_py 11:02
ybitkanzure: is "Synthetic biology: Engineering Escherichia coli to see light" in the nature grab?11:05
kanzurethat sounds like an ellington paper11:08
kanzure/mnt/maxtor/all/papers/igem/Engineering a mevalonate pathway in Escherichia coli for production of terpenoids.pdf11:10
kanzurewell.. is that it?11:10
ybitwhere is the ut austin site that has this same template? http://designengineeringlab.org/11:36
kanzureyou're probably thinking of http://repository.designengineeringlab.org/11:38
kanzurealso apparently VOICED has a wikipedia page11:38
ybityeah, i edited it just now11:38
kanzurehah whoever just edited11:39
kanzuresaid "skdb - apt but for hardware"11:39
ybitchanged apt-get but for hardware to 'apt but for hardware'11:39
kanzureso we're apt for everything /but/ hardware? haha11:39
ybitadded the link to 'apt'11:39
kanzurecool, dpkg runs on the iphone11:39
kanzure:) as it should11:40
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ybithave you used functioncad?11:40
kanzurehey jasonwohlfahrt 11:40
kanzureybit: yes it's terrible11:40
jasonwohlfahrthey there, im an idiot and stil managed to take down the wrong phone #11:40
ybiti've refreshing my mind, actually reading emails that mentioned psl instead of skimming11:40
ybithi jasonwohlfahrt 11:41
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: 214 364 633411:41
kanzureblah i wish i had a gallery for all ADL-related stuff11:41
kanzurethere's this image that shows why functioncad is so terrible and why you shouldn't care about it11:41
kanzureyou have this grid, you add boxes, you type in the boxes, you connect the boxes to each other11:44
fennis there a debian distro for iphone?11:47
fenn(is it just ARM?)11:47
fenni hate that we have to describe a package manager as 'like the app store'11:49
fennit's like tesla going around saying 'you know, like what marconi did'11:49
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fenngolly i dont even know what to think about this "allowing interchangeability of CNC functions and tractor operations like posthole digging"11:56
ybiti propose we setup a 'standards organization' ourselves and promote whatever the fsck we want and make it freely available, grr at ISO12:09
kanzurethe problem is that we'd have to actually know something12:10
kanzuresome standards are bullshit, others are because of what we know about the world12:10
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ybittake notes at the meetup if someone will, i'm curious what goes on12:47
kanzurerandom fantasy language generators12:48
kanzuregod we're geeky12:48
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ybit- I think setting up a common, shared development12:59
ybitframework/environment 12:59
ybitshould really only take a few days once we have12:59
ybitsomeone else (i.e. someone other than me) interested in it.13:00
ybitkanzure: could you expand upon that in brief13:00
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kanzureybit: making sure everyone knows how to use git13:53
fenni don't really see anything wrong with what sam and marcin are saying14:19
fennPCB's are pretty cheap already and there are a lot of environmental laws in the US that would make it hard to do it cost competitively14:19
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fennbeing able to make extruded aluminum profiles from scrap would be a neat project14:20
kanzureso is ISO a standards body fenn, or not?14:36
ybitit is but it's proprietary14:47
ybitbkero: if you get a chance, please PM on details for the server14:47
ybiti'm ready to implement!14:48
ybitokay, enough reading for the time being14:48
ybitfenn, kanzure: want to use psl or not?14:48
ybitit doesn't describe everything we want, but it's a start?14:49
ybitassembly instructions?14:49
ybitsome rules for assembly instruction generation: take a ground-up approach if at all possible, that is, if14:49
ybitsomething is encased you build what's inside first. if there are two parts connected, you take from what's14:49
ybitclosest to the base first14:49
ybityou canspecify what the base is by tagging parts as such in the yaml14:49
ybit*maybe for instruction generation, there shouldbe tagsfor each brick?or justtake the name of the part and dependingon14:49
ybitwhat type of14:49
ybitconnection|fastening: twist|torqueing > screwsand nuts interference fit adhesive14:49
ybitthose were my ADH-Disorded notes from yesterday14:50
ybitbefore passing out on the bed14:50
ybitmaybe relevant maybe not14:53
ybitmy grandfather is dying :\15:04
ybithas there been a thread on why open manufacturing and open hardware are important?15:04
ybiti'm sure there has been, i've thought it out and discussed it several times, I'm just wondering which thread on the OM list others have discussed it on15:05
ybitguess i could grep for 'importance'15:07
ybitand if anyone wants to seed 'the diamond age' audio book, that would be nice15:12
ybitsomething to listen to while chugging away at work15:12
kanzurewhat are all these notes?15:17
kanzureinstruction /assembly/ works just fine already15:19
kanzurethe problem though is that for each package in skdb, there needs to be instructions written somewhere15:19
kanzureand you can't expect everyone to be a computational linguist15:19
kanzurebuy an octopus from "aqua tech"? this doesn't look like the place: http://www.aquatech.com/15:36
genehackerhey kanzure15:57
kanzuregenehacker: ?15:57
genehackerI'm using IRC16:01
ybitreally now?16:02
genehackerfrom not far away16:02
ybitcongrats :P16:02
ybitbut please my mum's room is off limits16:02
ybitanyone aware of a libsvg-graph-perl16:05
ybiti meant to just post the package16:06
ybit? that was it ^16:12
ybityou are supposed to do apt-get now :)16:12
kanzurespindle bearing basics: http://www.sme.org/cgi-bin/find-articles.pl?&00no0052&ME&20001107&&SME&#article16:21
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kanzurelegos, tinkertoys16:47
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xp_prghi all, I really need some help, anyone here?16:54
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katsmeow-afki do not understand the hoopla over "skateboard" bearings, unless you just need the metric version of the almost-same-sized inch bearing17:06
genehackerxp_prg what sort of help?17:07
genehackerdo you need help disposing of something17:07
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kanzuremobile.css alternatives17:18
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kanzuremanufacturing-process-based cad file format18:39
kanzurerandomly generate part metadata, and then force vendors to choose which ones they actually have (because they don't give you datasheets)18:42
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kanzurecybertron glasses18:46
kanzureoctopart api http://octopart.org/18:47
kanzurehttp://amazon.com/ amazon industrial api. doesn't seem to have a lot of data18:47
kanzureno incentive for manufacturers to make good computer-format datasheets?18:47
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genehackerthey're everywhere19:08
genehackerhordes of them19:08
genehackerI made it to the safehouse19:09
genehackerthere are hordes of football fan zombies here19:11
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genehackerfenn do you remember that rc plane helicopter thing you showed me a while back?22:09
genehackernvm found it22:11
genehackernow how does that thing work without a cambered wing?22:12
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katsmeow-afkbeats the air into sumbisson22:50
katsmeow-afkany andom bison will do22:51
katsmeow-afkwtf is with this eybd?22:51
kanzure_if i see one more article praising smuttphones, i'm going to puke22:54
genehackeri don't know what smuttphones are22:58
genehackerwhy are they so praised?22:58
kanzure_iphone, android, etc.22:59
genehackeris that what you call them?23:04
genehackeranyway, I want a vtol UAV23:04
ybitnot sure what's taking gandi so long but http://ybit.ath.cx/openmanufacturing/index.html is what is what should be up on openmanufacturing.org any second now23:10
ybiti want to put an explanation why skdb/oscomak/tangible bit are important23:14
ybitbut i'm feeling lazy atm23:14
kanzure_ybit: why not list some of the topics from http://heybryan.org/om.html on that page?23:14
ybitGood idea23:15
ybitkanzure_: and hows about you be the non-lazy part of me that writes why skdb is important :)23:15
kanzure_after spending the day with charlie and others23:16
kanzure_i'm not sure any of you know what skdb is about23:16
kanzure_people disappoint me23:16
kanzure_also how do i run rest2web?23:16
genehackerI understand skdb, I just don't understand how what you are doing will get us there23:19
kanzure_what am i doing?23:20
ybitget us where?23:20
ybitto a diy fablab?23:20
ybitto the moon?23:20
genehackerpretty much23:20
ybitthere are alternative ways of building a fablab or getting to the moon, it just isn't open source23:21
ybitand so maybe you need to understand the importance of open source if you don't already?23:21
genehackeroh shit23:31
genehackerthe singularity just happened23:31
genehackerI can't believe it23:31
genehackeryou know that one IBM project?23:31
genehackerwell it became sentient...23:32
genehackerit has fortunately been terminated23:33
ybitwtf are you talking about?23:34
ybitlink please23:34
kanzure_oh please.23:34
kanzure_i uploaded the papers yesterday. big deal23:34
genehackerbut let me link you to this article about consciousness require less neurons than we thought23:34
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genehackerits sort of been giving me nightmares23:36
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genehackersmaller conscious brains means boltzman brains are more likely23:39
-!- You're now known as kanzure23:40
kanzureonce i master the art of selling a business, i'll be selling all of you dirty hotdogs for $2/dog23:49
-!- Phreedom_ is now known as Phreedom23:56

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