
--- Day changed Mon Nov 23 2009
genehackeranyway you have heard the term gargoyle haven't you?00:00
fennplease shut up00:00
katsmeow-afk might be able to use the batteries to shield your brain from the microwave transmitters00:01
fennkatsmeow-afk: it was a joke, people walk around with bluetooth headsets all day00:01
katsmeow-afk<cop> i don't care, it's illegal to use a projector to show videos on the back of 18-weelers while driving down the interstate00:02
fennit is?00:02
genehackerhow did you find that out?00:02
katsmeow-afki am not sure there is such alaw, except as "distracting other drivers"00:02
fennwhat if you have a permit for public performance? :P00:02
genehackerhave you or anyone you know done such a thing?00:03
katsmeow-afkthey use "distracting..." as reason to ticket for blinking lites to warn of speed traps00:03
fennwe used to project porn onto the university library00:03
fenn50 foot boobies00:03
kanzureso i can get trees from dulwich but i'm not sure how to figure out what directory that tree corresponds to..00:03
genehackerwhich university?00:04
fennindiana university00:04
fennnumber one party school!00:04
genehackerprojectors are ubiquitous nowadays00:04
genehackerthe library here has lots of flat surface area00:05
kanzuresorry fenn, your 1's just don't feel genuine00:05
genehackerperhaps we can project mind control movies on it00:05
fennthe iu library is this gigantic limestone cube with no windows00:05
fennlike 12 stories tall00:05
fenn(and no lights on the side facing the dorm)00:05
genehackersounds like it was asking for it00:06
genehackerthe library here looks vaguely like texas if you fly over it00:06
genehackervaguely, because the architects decided to change plans midway through the build00:07
fennthe large teaching building @ iu is shaped like a toothbrush, because a former school of dentistry alumn donated the money for it00:07
fennor so they say..00:07
kanzuremaybe it's because they want you to stay clean00:08
ybit00:05 < kanzure> sorry fenn, your 1's just don't feel genuine00:12
* ybit needs to automate00:12
ybit"how sleep deprivation fries your brain"00:17
ybitand on that note, gn00:17
genehackerthey found a workaround for that in mice00:19
genehackeran enzyme that reverses mental degradation00:19
katsmeow-afki wish they'd quit making mice smarter and make humans smart instead :-/00:20
genehackerthe first step is getting it to work in mice00:20
fenndon't be ungrateful; we wouldn't have those NIMH batteries without the supermice00:20
katsmeow-afk"that the primary species on Earth began devoting all their time to making smarter mice, which is why it's such a happy mouse planet now"00:21
genehackerI get it00:21
genehackerthe next couple steps involve monkeys and the FDA00:21
genehackerwhich can take a while00:21
katsmeow-afkthe FDA is already run by monkeys00:22
fennthe FDA will never allow human enhancement technologies00:22
genehackerthey allowed cosmetic surgery?00:22
fennsurgery isn't under their jurisdiction?00:22
genehackerit isn00:22
genehackerdamn, I guess we'll never get OTC adderal and nootropics00:23
fennhuh. "stem cell breast augmentation receives FDA approval"00:24
katsmeow-afki can just picture that being slipped into bar drinks all over the world00:25
fenni can just picture that backfiring horribly00:25
genehackerto make drunks smarter?00:25
katsmeow-afkno, bigger boobs on them00:26
fennbrain boobs?00:26
fenni've created a monster!00:26
genehackerkanzure you and your attempts to make taq polymerase by horrendously unconventional methods...00:27
kanzuretaq titties?00:27
fenni sense an hplus seminar topic..00:27
genehackeryeah, those00:28
kanzurenone of these python/git libraries make any sense00:29
kanzurenot terrible: http://www.last.fm/music/Vixro/_/Safari+Vol.+3+CD2+(Desert+Oasis)00:48
Phreedomybit: you barely have cli working for like months ;)01:04
kanzureaha: http://vixro.net/files/safari/201-vixro-safari_vol_3_cd2__desert_oasis.mp301:04
kanzuredulwich seems to only have Blobs and Trees01:25
kanzuremaybe i have to literally switch the branch via dulwich.objects.Repo01:26
kanzureah, repo.refs["HEAD"] = 'ref: refs/head/master'01:27
kanzureoops, s/head/heads/01:27
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genehackeryeah that isn't terrible01:37
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kanzurehere's the track in particular: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZknuCPa0vWU09:18
kanzureanyway, just liked it when i heard it09:18
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genehackerapparently there's software for semiautomatically selecting materials with respect to properties10:06
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kanzureyeah there's lots of proprietary data sets10:10
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kanzurein branch master you have this file: some/branch/name/here/blah.txt11:53
kanzurein branch some/branch/name/here you have this file: blah.txt11:53
kanzureso which one does github.com/kanzure/screw/some/branch/name/here/blah.txt refer to?11:53
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kanzurehey Juul 12:07
xp_prgkanzure is biostream going to be opensource/free?12:13
kanzurei'm not working on biostream. it doesn't look like it12:23
kanzureskdb does the same thing (and aims to do it better IMHO) and skdb is already free and open source12:23
kanzurehm one other solution is that you must always specify the branch name in the ur12:43
kanzureand as a last resort it tries to find your file in branch "master", but if it thinks you already gave it a branch, then too bad12:44
CIA-33skdb: kanzure * r 43ac593 / (4 files in 2 dirs): do not allow a period ('.') in package names13:02
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xp_prghow do you spell precapis of a cliff?13:42
xp_prgI hate DNA orgagme 13:52
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ybitfenn, kanzure: argh, this is the fourth week since i've been paid last.. supposedly i get paid in a couple of days, which means it should be doubled, we'll see.. but.. this means i won't get around to purchasing the rooms until around thursday. i'll send an email out to you two and marcin just to see if you want to purchase the rooms before then just in case the prices get jacked higher15:04
kanzureyou're the only one here with a job15:19
fennwhy do you think the price will go up?15:20
ybitbecause it already has15:20
ybiti have a little over 3 hours worth of ksrm in mp3 format if anyone wants it15:21
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ybiti'll just go ahead and make a dedicated directory to tts audio books on my server15:21
kanzurenow that i think about it, google docs is a pretty smart move by google15:22
kanzurelots of people only use windows forthe microsoft office suite. soffice/oo.o isn't on anyone's radars either15:23
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fennone thing the t-slot brings up is a problem i had considered before.. not all interfaces are points, they can be lines too16:04
fennwe dont have a way to define a line interface yet16:05
ybitre:xmas presents, early ones: (1) have fabhow.com up and running (2) pythonocc and skdb .deb (3) gene bay ftw! have at least ten business partnering with us... (4) finally visiting the west coast.. JIT presents: (1) diy-h+ research paper and book archive (2) an onslaught of newsgroups signups and email sorting which means.. (4) i really need to work out whatever problem it was which made me push aside the emacs setup sasha described + other scripts (5)16:12
ybitwhat's the point of the empty file web/images/index.html?16:58
ybiti'm going to guess they are placeholders so code doesn't break somewhere17:00
ybit"Suspected US drone attack kills eight in Pakistan"17:06
ybitguess I should get used to seeing these headlines :\17:06
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fennsuspected, can't they just ask?17:42
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kanzureybit: when are you getting into austin? the hour19:46
kanzurefenn: "excuse me sir, are you dead?"19:47
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kanzurehello tim_ 19:52
kanzurefenn: i thought replab@googlegroups.com wasn't supposed to be for talk19:52
tim_hey kanzure19:52
tim_I'm working on building stronger / better / faster / more japanese RepRaps tonight.19:53
xp_prgtim_ how much are the raw materials?19:53
kanzurexp_prg: why not ask #reprap19:55
kanzuredon't waste tim_'s time19:55
tim_xp_prg: depends on the design you're basing your work on, and how much work you're able to do yourself.  A makerbot costs ~$750, so that's a reasonable top-end.  It can be done for nearly $0 if you have enough of the right sort of junk and tools.19:55
tim_kanzure: I'm touched that you think my time is valuable enough to conserve.  :P19:57
ybitkanzure: Thu Dec 10  # 2749  Depart NASHVILLE TN (BNA) at 8:25 AM20:00
ybitArrive in AUSTIN TX (AUS) at 10:50 AM 20:00
kanzuredec 10?20:02
kanzuremight want to get that checked out20:03
ybityeah, it should be the 3rd20:04
xp_prgkanzure want to hear what I heard?20:04
ybitdamn, it's going to be an extra $99 -_-20:33
ybitanyway, it will be the same time20:35
ybitxp_prg: he probably doesn't, but go on20:35
xp_prgyou can do microfluidic etching on a dvd with the dvd laser!21:03
ybitdrazak: care to explain this issue which we've discussed once before?21:07
drazakxp_prg: DVD's and CD's that are writable work by dye21:07
* ybit drum rolls21:07
drazakxp_prg: there's no actual groove made21:07
drazakxp_prg: the laser changes the color of a dye, that another reads and it think it's a groove21:08
drazakdoes nobody read what I say?21:08
drazakI post on diybio about this same thing21:09
drazakalso people don't understand how it works21:09
drazaklightscribe comes in color21:09
drazakIT"S A DYE21:09
drazakITS NOT AN ETCH21:09
drazakalso the diybio thread about it is rediculous21:10
drazakthey completely ignored what I said, apparently they think I'm wrong even though I've done research on it21:11
drazakxp_prg: if you have any more questions you can ask my answering service, it's called google21:12
ybitkanzure: i noticed you were working with git yesterday, are you messing with it today? because i don't want to do the same crap you're doing and waste my time21:24
tim_the assortment of various size nuts, bolts, washers and bearings one collects merely by working on RepRaps is astounding.21:37
kanzureybit: i'm adding in dulwich into web.py21:38
ybittim_: you plan on selling some components from your reprap, is there anything that needs to be done to the design before it being shipped, are there fragments that needed to be chipped off, etc.?22:13
ybiti noticed in some videos that the parts looked like that needed a good scraping or brushing before being presented22:13
ybiti'm going to assume that i'm right22:14
tim_talking about printed parts here - yes, generally holes need a drill bit of appropriate size run through them (by hand works fine), and occasionally sides need to be sanded or cleaned up with a box cutter.22:14
tim_that's about it22:15
tim_Both steps could be left as optional (for the recipient to complete)...  nothing challenging about it.  The only hiccup I could see is the need for a few different size drill bits.22:16
ybiti'm just thinking about how you can automate the entire process from order to shipping of reprap parts22:18
ybitthe conveyor belt on the y-axis coupled with a robot hand such as http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeY_KkZRlDc sounds nice, but how practical, and if it's not practical then what can we do to fix this..22:19
ybitfor drilling holes though, that robot hand would be worthless22:19
kanzurehttp://mangafox.com/ hm22:20
ybityou don't need someone there to inspect the part before it's packaged, take pictures on all sides22:21
tim_ybit: it takes so long to print a part that handling time doesn't amount to much.  One of mendel's corner brackets takes ~2.5 hours to print.22:23
ybityeah, but this is also why 5-10 repraps in the lab for part orders would be nice.. and you automate so you can do other stuff, and you're right it's nothing, but if you have, say three hundred to a thousand orders of a certain part, it start to amount to a lot of your time ..i haven't looked into it but i'm not aware of a any diy robot hands that can hold much weight22:28
ybite.g. i'm looking at the make magazine robot arm and it can only handle 100 grams22:29
tim_right.  I'm working toward that 5 - 10 repraps number for our hackerspace in Holland, MI.22:29
tim_Right now I'm less concerned with the amount of time it takes me to finish a part, and more concerned with my extruder MTBF.  My first one lasted ~ 14 hours.22:31
tim_with 10 of them, I'd be doing nothing but fixing extruders.22:31
tim_I'm building an experimental extruder from all-steel parts (mostly gridbeam).  Still a pinchwheel, so I can apply much of what I've learned.22:33
tim_Also doing much experimentation with the heater component.22:33
ybiti think make magazine has done their homework this year and realizing people want lab equipment: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/gift_guides/22:35
tim_screw lab equipment, I want a waterjet22:39
ybityeah, forget the service, i want that machine22:40
ybitwith downloads22:43
tim_Used to work at a place that had one.  Was nice.  Until the water basin got full of aggregate, then you have to jump in and shovel it out.  Still...  I want one.22:43
ybithttp://www.engadget.com/videos/how-to/robot_hand.dxf    http://www.engadget.com/videos/how-to/robot_hand.dwg      http://www.engadget.com/videos/how-to/robot_hand.eps22:43
tim_That's about a 5min drive away from me.22:45
tim_thinking about bidding on it...  but have no idea what I'd use it for.22:45
ybitwow, $10 22:48
ybiti'll but it for that22:48
ybitwould they really let me have it for a little more than $10 though22:48
tim_I suspect it will go or more.22:49
tim_or = for22:49
ybitheh, always does on sites like this22:49
ybiti want my robot to hand to handle the weight this arm can handle: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ym5SzKC03zw&feature=player_embedded "hand of man at makerfaire"22:50
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tim_well...  this _is_ michigan we're talking about.  bankrupt auto manufacturers and record unemployment @ ~ 20%.  Buying tools for scrap price is the norm these days.22:51
ybits/arm/hand i will definitely keep an eye on that hand.. you could reverse engineer it if you need to, but it would be nice to build it from the ground up with open standards22:57
ybitgrr, s/hand/arm|limb|robothingy22:57
tim_tentacle discriminator22:58
tim_I am so happy bluetooth headphones have finally started to work out of the box on Ubuntu / Fedora.23:02
genehackertentacle discriminator23:19
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kanzureoh wonderful23:30
kanzurecherrypy converts "." into "_" 23:30
kanzureok so _ and / are invalid characters in branch names, from now on23:30
kanzureer sorry23:31
kanzure"." and "/" are invalid23:31
kanzureand "." is invalid in package names23:31
kanzure("/" was already invalid in package names)23:31
kanzurethis doesn't actually solve the problem. uhrm..23:31
kanzureok, semicolon. i'll use a semicolon23:32
kanzureor maybe a colon?23:32
tim_genehacker: masterfully played.23:35
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kanzureso, one branch per anonymous edit?23:51
kanzurewith a lot of anons this will make for a ton of branches23:52
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genehackerwhat's a tentacle discriminator?23:53
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