
--- Day changed Sat Dec 05 2009
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-52-191.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap00:59
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kanzureheh they're playing the megaman 3 OC remix09:07
kanzurethis A/V crew is awesome09:07
kanzurecool i got paid09:11
kanzureybit: get your ass over here, you can sneak in09:35
-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:47
kanzurehey JayDugger 09:47
JayDuggerHello yourself, Kanzure.09:47
kanzureyou're over in dallas?09:48
kanzurethat's kind of useless09:48
JayDuggerWe'll see how long I get to participate before my girlfriend exercises her weekend veto.09:48
kanzureright now i'm talking with michael from livly09:48
JayDuggerNo worries.09:48
kanzurepresentation:  http://tr.im/hplus09:49
JayDuggerPlease mention anyone you encounter from Genescient. I encourage my mother to join their human trials. She's interested, but distracted.09:49
kanzureah i met gregory benford up in new york a few months ago09:50
kanzurehe's pretty neat in person09:50
JayDuggerGlad to hear it. SS09?09:50
kanzureyou can see my presentation in the .pdf09:52
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kanzurealex lightman10:13
kanzuremichael someone from livly10:13
kanzurepeter voss10:13
kanzureno 10:16
kanzureJayDugger: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/meetlog.txt10:16
JayDuggerGot it.10:16
kanzurehave you ever seen that?10:16
JayDuggerThe file? No, by "Got it," I meant "understood."10:16
kanzurecheck it out :) i keep track of who i meet10:17
JayDuggerLooking now...that's an excellent practice.10:17
JayDuggerMuch more useful-seeming to have it in a text file vice trying to reconstruct who I met when from memory mush or activity streams.10:18
JayDuggerHoward Rheingold? 10:18
kanzureyeah i was talking with howard for a bit10:19
kanzurehe ran a "brain storms" message board for a while10:19
JayDuggerHow do you use the list's contents? Do it serve just as a mnemonic, or does it become one more data oubliette?10:20
kanzureit's yaml10:20
JayDuggerIt looked structured.10:21
kanzureso in python you can do this:10:21
kanzureand you get it in python objects10:21
kanzureit's serialization10:21
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ybitkanzure: dammit you were right, grr13:39
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ybit(i could have snuck in)13:39
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-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-55-90.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap14:21
genehackerkanzuure are you there?14:25
genehackerallosphere, wtf14:33
kanzureyes i'm around15:23
genehackerso what was that cellular automaton guy talking about15:31
genehackerjust barely missed the end of it15:31
Utopiahgenehacker: did you upload stuff up there? 15:45
kanzurei uploaded some stuff here: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/15:58
Utopiahyou do type a lot :)16:01
Utopiahoh wait, are those transcripts?16:01
-!- futuresoon [n=futureso@cpe-68-175-67-66.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]16:04
kanzureyes those are transcripts16:07
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genehackernot sure about the whole allosphere thing16:08
genehackerlooks interesting though16:08
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genehackerso the problem with seasteading is that you can disconnect16:29
genehackerlack of connection standards16:32
genehackerwell if you get in trouble with the law16:34
genehackerrun to another sea stead16:34
genehackerthat will protect you16:34
katsmeow-afkbut you called that a problem16:34
genehackerever read the diamond age?16:34
genehackerit talks about things like this16:35
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Utopiahhttp://fabien.benetou.fr/ReadingNotes/DiamondAge (dont' think I wrote sth about seastands though)16:35
genehackerwhere society breaks up into claves16:35
genehackersnow crash goes into this too16:36
katsmeow-afksounds like what all the southern usa militias have been talking about for 50 yrs16:37
genehackergo bryan!16:37
genehackerfenn those aren't true gears...16:49
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genehackerinternet people?16:55
ybitfenn, kanzure zure: well done, nice approach, i think the audience was certainly captivated most of the time17:02
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genehackerdang it isn't there anywhere I can watch these video's later17:22
katsmeow-afkhell, the page is just now opening here17:23
katsmeow-afki wonder that we will not know the singularity happened till well after it does17:26
katsmeow-afki expect a wave of media that will cast it in a good light, and polls to guage the public, and it revealed only after the polls look good17:27
genehackerI'm calling jevon's paradox on this guyt17:27
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-!- JayDugger [n=duggerj@pool-173-57-16-175.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:34
JayDuggerWho was that last speaker? Joesph?17:34
genehackerdallas texas?17:35
genehackerdo we have a texas transhumanist in here?17:35
JayDuggerNo, you have a carpetbagger. I have a Texas IP and location, but I hail from MO.17:35
JayDuggerWe say "Show me."17:35
JayDuggerReprap is not an Universal Constructor. Someone overstates the case. :)17:37
genehackerthat guy totally forgot the whole semiconductor fab process17:37
genehackeryup yup17:37
genehackereveryone does17:37
JayDuggerI'll keep watching. He might yet have something good to say.17:37
JayDugger</cynic> 17:37
JayDuggerHeh. I'd like to see those numbers. I hope he's right.17:38
genehackerwhat about the lifetime cost?17:38
JayDuggerExactly. How long does a RepRap last under heavy use?17:38
JayDuggerPerhaps he did those numbers. I'd like to see them.17:39
genehackeroh oh how do you get rare europium ore for stuff?17:39
JayDuggerWar becomes obsolete?17:39
JayDuggerAh, Crusades anyone?17:39
genehackeror rare earths that can only be mined practily in several places in the world17:39
JayDuggerI'm all for high-tech back-to-the-earth, but a little less hard sell, if you please.17:40
JayDuggerOh, really? A UC? Can it build a human? No?17:41
genehackerthe humans are part of it17:42
JayDuggerFair point. I withdraw that detail.17:42
JayDuggerWhat if I want to build a fission reactor? 17:42
JayDuggerOr a solar cell?17:42
genehackernot so sure diy steel production would bring you closer to nature17:42
genehackersolar cells are easy17:43
JayDuggerReally? Don't you need semiconductor fabrication equipment?17:43
genehackeryou make it17:43
genehackerbut really why'd you want to make silicon solar cells when it's easier to make a solar thermal plant17:44
JayDuggerI imagine a counterexample, that's all.17:45
genehackerso for making solar cells you need silicon as a major component17:45
JayDuggerSolar thermal might serve better, if I had a real-world case. 17:45
katsmeow-afkfor making *silicon* cells, yeas17:45
genehackeryou need boule pullers17:45
JayDuggerI don't know how to build those, but those sound hard to make.17:45
genehackerthey're simpler than they look17:46
katsmeow-afkthermal has higher demonstrated efficeny in the real world, if you can find sunlite unfiltered by pollution17:46
JayDuggerWithstand high-temperature?17:46
JayDuggerOkay, Dr. Hughes does good work, but I have better things to do right now.17:46
genehackertank of molten silicon you want to purify17:47
genehackerdip a purer crystal in and pull17:47
genehackerthey's a better ways to make solar cells though17:47
JayDuggerYeah. I know what a boule puller does, I just don't know what design constraints they have.17:47
genehackergravity provides a constraint17:47
genehackerto the amount you can do 17:48
genehackerat a time17:48
genehackerwhich is why we should put em in space17:48
genehackeror the moon17:48
JayDuggerNever mind the advantages of cheap hard vacuum?17:48
JayDuggerReturn later--GF exercises her veto.17:49
genehackerwait sunlight filteredb by pollution17:57
genehackeraren't there few places with that problem?17:58
katsmeow-afka few17:59
genehackerI don't live there17:59
katsmeow-afkthere's been days here when in noon sun with no clouds, there's neen no shadows, because the light has been diffused by the smog18:00
katsmeow-afkand, consequently, no heat could be felt on skin exposed to the sun either18:00
katsmeow-afkblack objects in direct sun did not get warm18:00
genehackerthat's annoying18:02
genehackerso the not only does coal pollute, it makes it so that solar isn't viable18:02
genehackerdamn you fossil fuels!18:02
katsmeow-afkand cleaning up point sources like that doesn't help if people burn trash at home, because that is even dirtier18:04
genehackeroh and that's anectdotal evidence18:04
genehackerI don't trust itt18:04
katsmeow-afkand harder to track, because no one wants to track it 18:05
genehackerthen they should implement burn bans18:05
katsmeow-afkfor the record, i did n't blame it all on the 3 coal power plants in the next county over, i do blame burning stuff away from those 3 tho18:05
genehackershit that sucks18:06
genehackeryou should really where a gas mask18:06
katsmeow-afkburn bans? it's already illegal to burn garbage here, but most people do it, and no way to enforce it18:06
katsmeow-afki DO wear carbon filtr masks18:06
genehackerthermal imaging uav's18:06
genehackerthat bad18:06
genehackerand this is in america18:06
genehackerhmmm... does the city get to fine people for burning garbage?18:07
katsmeow-afkthey won't,, they train low level C130 flights here, and like the EP3 crews, but mostly for coast guard and such, and i wrote them, they never replied18:07
katsmeow-afkit's like: if they would use the training flights to find IR sources here, they'd be better at it in Iraq and Afghanistan and everywerhe else18:08
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genehackerif there wasn't a war in afghanistan, then maybe thermal camera's would be cheaper18:09
genehackerand UAVs and carbon fiber and many other things18:10
genehackerthey're damned expensive18:10
genehackermainly because the military buys em so much18:10
katsmeow-afkor just the neighbor calling it in18:10
genehackerand they require some rare ore18:10
genehackerthat'd work too18:11
-!- majma [n=nihilus@c-76-125-146-206.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:15
katsmeow-afk<judge> did you burn trash18:16
katsmeow-afk<defendant> yes, it's our heritage, very one has done it backt o recored history18:16
katsmeow-afk<judge> did you analyse the smoke on your property?18:16
katsmeow-afk<me> no18:16
katsmeow-afk<judge> case dismissed18:16
genehackeris that an actual court case18:39
genehackerkanzure you there?18:49
katsmeow-afki was so stupid i actually tried to use the law to stop the 24-7 of home and business garbage by rednecks on adjoining property, fronting the next street over18:56
katsmeow-afkthe following yr, the rednecks discovered they could not hunt on anyone else adjoining property with rifles and shotguns, so they moved18:58
katsmeow-afki accosted them on my property, they withdrew only when i fired a shot, they stepped back onto a neighbor's property and emptied their guns onto my property, the neighbor followed them home and presented himself and his guns on their front door18:59
katsmeow-afkcops got involved, basically said "shot shooting up property that doesn't belong to you",, or within 200ft as stated by law19:00
katsmeow-afknevermind everything they were shooting with travels more than 200ft, and they were in a subdivision19:01
genehackerwhat about engineers...19:01
genehackereveryone forgets us19:01
genehackerwho's this guy presenting about the 90s?19:02
JayDuggerYou mean R.U. Sirius? 19:03
JayDuggerYou're kidding, right?19:03
genehackerI don't know these names19:03
JayDuggerOkay, fair enough.19:04
JayDuggerOnce upon a time, pre-www, there existed few ways for people of like mind to communicate: phone, print, conference, and television.19:04
JayDuggerR.U. Sirius wrote a 'zine, then the magazine MONDO 2000.19:05
JayDuggerThink of him as presenting the oral traditions of the "cyberculture" zeitgeist.19:05
JayDuggerMuch of what he says might seem dated or obvious, but that happens because he wants to make a contrast. The avant garde turning normal.19:06
genehackeroh he did stuff with fraunfelder19:06
JayDugger(yeah, my GF still says no to the video.)19:06
JayDuggerAnd I will not turn into one of those annoying people who talk about how great the '60s, I mean '90s, were. ;)19:07
majmais the video feed down for everyone or just me? (btw hello)19:08
genehackerwhat do you mean? the 90s had some of the best videogames ever19:08
genehackeryeah down here to19:09
genehackerhello and welcome to the hive19:09
majmamondo 2000 predates me, i started following these things in maybe 2002 but i listened to some neofiles podcasts that r.u. did19:09
JayDuggerYeah, but go talk with an ex-hippy. "Did I ever tell you about the Sixties?"19:09
JayDuggerI hated hearing that, so I promise not to do the same.19:10
genehackeryeah me too19:10
-!- zhmort [n=mirc@c-67-161-42-51.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:10
JayDuggerGenehacker--do you know anyone near DFW with a RepRap or MakerBot?19:10
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genehackerbut their's don't work 19:13
genehackerI have some of the printed parts for one19:13
genehackerif I could only get all of them before the end of the semester19:13
JayDuggerI keep thinking of buying the kit, but RL keeps interfering.19:13
genehackerone of my friends has a ponokorap19:14
genehackerlast I heard he's having firmware troubles19:14
genehackeryou could ask him19:15
genehackerhe's in #reprap19:15
genehackergoose is he nick19:15
JayDuggerWhat's a ponokorap? Yahoo & Google failed.19:15
genehackerkeltor's another guy doing reprap stuff, I don't think he has a working reprap, but he has access to a bunch of cool tools19:15
genehackera laser cut reprap from a company called ponoko19:16
JayDuggerThank you.19:16
genehackerI have most of the darwin printed parts19:17
genehackerbecause where I am, I get free 3d prints19:17
JayDuggerThat's a NICE perk.19:17
JayDuggerBelieve I'll stick to either CloudFab or CupcakeCNC.19:18
kanzurewhy cloudfab19:18
kanzurethey're just a startup with a giant image19:18
JayDuggerThat's fine.19:18
genehackerat the downside of getting them very slowly19:18
genehackerhuh what's going on?19:18
JayDuggerI've more money and patience than free time.19:18
genehackervideo feed died19:18
kanzureyou have money?19:18
kanzuredid i send you the "cool toy" list?19:19
JayDuggerFor sufficiently -- GF veto, BRB.19:19
genehackerif you have money just buy a stratasys or an already made 3d printer19:19
JayDuggerThat's out of budget.19:20
kanzureconsider getting a used lathe or cnc of some other sort19:21
JayDuggerI'd like the cool toy list, but "more money than free time" says little about absolute values of either, just a comparison.19:21
genehackeryou need a garage otherwise you're going to annoy your girlfriend19:21
JayDuggerNo thanks. I turned down my mother's ex-husband's ShopSmith.19:22
JayDuggerA small CNC is fine, but there's a limit. CloudFab services or eMachIneShop keep the noise and mess far from me.19:23
kanzure#bpcs ?19:24
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genehackerdang missed aubrey's talk19:29
JayDuggerHis talk from ss09 is on Vimeo.19:29
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ybithi JayDugger 19:31
JayDuggerHi, ybit.19:31
ybitare you @ the conf19:31
JayDuggerkanzure attends.19:31
ybitas does fenn 19:31
ybit...and myself19:31
JayDuggerDid you see C. Peterson's talk?19:32
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ybitJayDugger: i've seen them all19:37
JayDuggerWhat did you think of her presentation?19:37
genehackeralex lightman's in the videochat19:37
genehackerthanks for the link19:49
genehackerwonder if they have any self-replicator projects19:49
genehackerdamn too much flash19:50
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katsmeow-afkkanzure that url has a link to  http://www.fantasticcontraption.com/ which has a fake security full screen popup20:48
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