
--- Day changed Mon Dec 07 2009
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jasonwohlfahrtI'm going to bed, but if anyone out there knows the link to bryan's presentation, please send my way!01:07
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-!- Freyburg [n=warrenfr@64-46-24-60.dyn.novuscom.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:20
Freyburghello all11:21
Freyburghow was the summit?11:21
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ybit2oi jasonwohlfahrt 12:03
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* fenn extends a feeler14:09
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fennwelp off to stanford i guess. any ideas for cool places to visit in SF proper?14:58
xp_prgfenn I live right by stanfrod15:10
xp_prgwant to hang out with me?15:10
xp_prgI could show you around Palo Alto if you want :>15:10
QuantumGI used to "live" around there15:35
QuantumGwhen I worked for VMWare.15:36
QuantumGright next to Stanford.15:36
xp_prgcool QuantumG, want to help me understand hydrogels in an inkjet cartridge?15:45
QuantumGwhat progress have you made since you asked days ago?15:46
QuantumG(and what's a hydrogel?)15:47
xp_prghere is the link showing the video of the printing of a heart with an inkjet printer: http://singularityhub.com/2009/06/08/growing-organs-in-the-lab/15:51
xp_prgit is the video at the bottom15:51
xp_prgsomeone gave me this link to how to make an inkjet based necleotide printer:  http://www.bioinformatics.org/pogo/15:52
xp_prghere is a list of hygrogel recipes: http://blog.khymos.org/2007/08/14/hydrocolloid-recipe-collection/15:54
xp_prghere is a way to print pcb's with an inkjet printer: http://hackaday.com/2009/09/02/direct-to-pcb-inkjet-printing/15:55
xp_prgare you happy with my research? :>15:55
QuantumGso are you going to buy an inkjet printer and give any of these a go?15:56
xp_prgI have two of them15:59
xp_prgone is new and the other is used15:59
xp_prgI need helping coming up with the hydrogel15:59
xp_prgcan you assist?15:59
QuantumGseeing as I'm just learning the term, no :)16:00
genehackerhydrogels are like gello16:01
genehackermake some gello16:01
genehackerunderstand hydrogels16:01
genehackerthere's already a company selling an organ printer16:01
genehackerDO IT16:02
genehackerYOU WON'T REGRET IT16:02
genehackerthey have a giant mechanical computer16:02
genehackerthey have a difference engine16:02
xp_prggenehacker for how much?16:03
xp_prggenehacker would standard jello work?16:03
genehackerI'm just saying to make some gello16:03
genehackerto eat16:03
genehackerthe jello process will help you understand hydrogels16:04
xp_prgI already know how to make jello16:04
genehackerhow do you make jello?16:04
genehackerthink about temperature16:05
genehackerdoesn't it involve some sort of HEATing and COOLing process?16:05
genehackerif you're going to san francisco look up the wave organ, also avoid the golden gate bridge16:07
xp_prgyes you boil it, pour it into an ice cube tray, then put in the fridge16:08
genehackernow why is that useful for organ printing16:08
genehackerI'd recommend the tech museum if you have time, they have a wetlab with GFP gene and e.coli that I'm sure you could take home...16:09
xp_prggenehacker where is this organ printer?16:10
xp_prggenehacker it is useful to organ printing because you need biopaper which the jello is most like16:11
genehackeranyway before you make an organ printer you need to learn some microbiology and biology16:11
genehackerI don't think you are getting the point16:11
xp_prggenehacker the cells needs to eat something16:12
xp_prgthe hydrogel is that something16:12
xp_prgit is the scaffolding16:12
genehackeryeah but you can make scaffolding out of other stuff too16:13
genehackeranyway I really can't help you with this16:13
genehackerI have to study for some finals16:13
xp_prggenehacker where can I find out about this commercial organ printer?16:14
genehackerI'd start by googling the last 3 word you said16:16
genehackerfirst link should give you what you're looking for16:16
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xp_prgthey mention a hydrogel16:27
xp_prgthat is what I need help with!16:27
QuantumGI guess search for microbial hydrogels16:30
genehackerwell hydrogel formulation probably depends on what's going to be living in it16:32
xp_prgwhat plant cell would you recommend for what I am doing?16:32
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QuantumGwhy don't you just try using regular jelly?17:09
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QuantumGI'm sure being able to print arbitrarily shaped tasty treats has a direct commercial application.17:14
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xp_prgwow I didn't think of that!17:19
xp_prgdo you think jelly would work?!17:19
QuantumGthere's only one way to find out17:19
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jasonwohlfahrtanybody out there know if bryan's presentation is archived for viewing?17:44
QuantumGwhy don't you email him?  kanzure@gmail.com17:46
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genehackeryou visit the computer history museum?21:19
kanzureno, but i did visit the beaches21:20
kanzurefenn: you around?21:20
genehackerwhere'd you go?21:20
kanzurehuntington, newport, laguna, all of them21:21
genehackeroh you're in los angeles21:22
genehackeryou see that building from blade runner?21:22
kanzureno i was in los angeles21:23
kanzurenow i'm in austin21:23
kanzurei had a really fun time though21:23
genehackerdo anything interesting?21:23
kanzurebesides ride in a lamborghini, visit the beaches, and trance out to akira?21:23
JayDuggerOther than the conference?21:24
kanzurethe anime21:24
kanzurea dj was busting out the tunes21:24
kanzureand had some visuals to go with it21:24
kanzuredr. strangeloop21:24
genehackeryeah I know which akira21:24
kanzurefenn might know21:24
kanzuregenehacker: did you see todd or anselym's presentations?21:25
kanzurehi JayDugger 21:25
JayDuggerWelcome back to Texas. I hope KLAX didn't beat you down too much.21:25
JayDuggerI hate that airport.21:25
kanzureit sucked21:26
kanzuretheir security bottleneck is terrible21:26
JayDuggerIt sucked before TSA, too.21:26
genehackernot sure21:26
kanzurei saw that TLA printed all over everything, who is TSA21:26
JayDuggerThe nice people who do the no-warrant searches.21:26
kanzuretransportation safety authority?21:26
genehackerthe austin TSA isn't very good....21:27
JayDuggerDr. Strangeloop? drstrangeloop.wordpress.com21:27
JayDuggerThat him?21:27
kanzurelooks like it21:27
genehackerTodd who?21:27
genehackeroh that todd21:28
genehackerany so how goes SKDB21:29
kanzuredid you see the presentation?21:29
JayDugger"Break's over. Back on your heads!"21:29
genehackerI saw it21:29
genehackerpretty good21:30
kanzureJayDugger: :) i read that as "bryan's back, back on your heads!"21:30
kanzuregenehacker: we've split up the packages into separate repositories finally21:30
kanzuremarcin suggested i write a lot of documentation and an overview of the system architecture21:30
kanzureand he's kinda right, it's not really written down anywhere yet21:30
JayDuggerI've done technical writing for an employer. I can help edit, if you like.21:31
kanzurethat's great21:31
genehackeranyway we need to put some useful stuff in there21:31
genehackerthe stuff fenn presented21:31
kanzurei've never done good documentation (or bad documentation) so a few pointers would be hawt, jay21:31
JayDuggerYou only say that because you've not worked with them.21:31
JayDugger"Is this a redlined copy or a gore-soaked bandage?"21:32
kanzureyes most people suck at documenting their work.. that's why we need "package maintainers" to be trained professional ninjas21:32
kanzureaka fenn and me21:32
kanzureand maybe ybit if he stops pronouncing everything wrong21:32
genehackerok then I'll have to throw some packages at you to maintain21:33
kanzuredo you have anything?21:33
JayDuggerkanzure: All right. I'll assemble some pointers for you and send them to you in the morning.21:33
genehackerI will...21:33
kanzureJayDugger: neat.21:33
genehackeroh wait there is something21:33
kanzurei need to go yell at some sys admins over at a few hosting companies21:34
genehackerthis bearing thing I posted on thingiverse21:34
kanzureare there STL/IGES files?21:34
kanzureSTEP or IGES21:34
genehackeron thingiverse21:34
genehackerI can generate step21:34
genehackeror whatever you want21:35
genehackerI guess I could design the band making machine first21:35
genehackerbut to do that I have to figure out how to make advanced composites21:37
genehackersilicone and nylon threads21:40
genehackerso what happened to fenn?21:42
genehackerdid he go to san jose or something?21:42
genehackerfocus fusion has some problems according to some big national laboratory21:44
genehackersomething about breaking radiation cooling things down too much21:44
genehackerdigging it up21:45
QuantumGblah, they say that every time it is brought up21:45
JayDuggerYeah, but that doesn't mean it's untrue.21:45
QuantumGat least Lerner's team is bending some metal now21:45
JayDuggerAnd, yes, the national lab might have a vested interest in critiquing Lerner's team's work.21:46
QuantumGbut it is the only thing that will prove them wron21:46
JayDuggerYes. Let the hardware show the truth of it.21:46
JayDuggerThank you.21:46
JayDuggerGood night, all. I have to leave for work soon, and still have to make dinner.21:55
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* fenn blinks21:55
fennkanzure: did you check the mail?21:56
genehackerstill in california fenn?21:58
fenngenehacker: i'm visiting my brother in menlo park21:59
fennthe tap water here is very good22:06
fenntoday i was thinking about why different cities have a different vibe - maybe it really is something in the water22:06
genehackerperhaps you should save some for analysis22:08
genehackerbetter tap water than here?22:08
fennyup; austin tap water makes me emit mucus22:08
fennhi jason22:09
genehackerI don't seem to have any problems22:09
jasonwohlfahrtwhat's up fenn, you go to cali too?22:09
fennyeah i'm staying longer22:09
fenn(maybe forever :P)22:09
jasonwohlfahrtwell, not cool that you're leaving austin but .. ,22:10
jasonwohlfahrthey bryan, welcome back! Can I watch your presentation ever?22:10
fennme too!22:10
genehackerwell just as long as you keep in touch22:11
jasonwohlfahrtyes, do keep in touch22:11
jasonwohlfahrtwait a second, I've met you genehacker, right?22:11
fennhe was the guy with the bag full of reprap pieces22:12
jasonwohlfahrtOk yeah22:12
kanzuretodd huffman video: http://www.justin.tv/clip/46e7d71831d36f0122:13
kanzurethe numbering is weird22:14
kanzurehow do i know which video is which?22:14
jasonwohlfahrtsounds like you had a great time, kanzure. I'll definitely have to join you on your next trip22:14
kanzurelemme find the video for you22:15
jasonwohlfahrtI google waved you about my recipe generator22:15
jasonwohlfahrtI have time to code again now that school is basically finished for me22:16
genehackeris that aubrey degray hosting?22:16
genehackerno it doesn't appear to be NVM22:17
kanzurethat's todd huffman22:17
fenngosh you'd think they could at least add names to the videos22:17
kanzuremost of the videos seem to be static noise "be back at 2:00pm PST"22:17
genehackerI'm not very good with names/faces22:18
fennoh it's not even divided per talk, i think it's just one every 15 minutes22:18
kanzurewell i found joseph's talk22:18
kanzureand edward's22:18
* fenn cringes22:19
fenni hope my talk was better than theirs :x22:19
kanzurethan who's?22:19
kanzureright now i'm not getting audio on that last link22:19
QuantumGlooks like it has just been cut up arbitrarily22:19
QuantumG15 min chunks of whatever they recorded22:20
jasonwohlfahrtis that your pres, fenn?22:20
genehackerthat'd be justin.tv's fault22:20
jasonwohlfahrtsounds like you22:20
genehackerit is fenn22:20
fennstop talking! i'm trying to highlight this url on an OSX bullshit terminal22:21
fennthere we go22:21
fennyeah that's me22:21
jasonwohlfahrtso how was the quality of the conference overall?22:22
kanzurepatri friedman: http://www.justin.tv/clip/005477732ab6bf6422:22
jasonwohlfahrtoh sweet22:22
kanzureend of patri's talk and presumably the start of our talk: http://www.justin.tv/clip/33ab85ea27c8499f22:22
jasonwohlfahrtDamn, I'm so jealous. Wish I would've gone22:22
kanzurehm can't seem to fast-forward 22:22
kanzureit doesn't seem to be switching between the speaker and presentation22:23
QuantumGwtf is justin tv.. why do people use stuff other than google video / youtube?22:23
kanzuredunno :(22:23
QuantumGor hell, just put up an avi22:23
genehackerlive bloggers like it22:23
jasonwohlfahrtboo live bloggers22:24
fennthe audio is all fucked up.. words just sort of disappear22:24
QuantumGlive blog.. that's just another term for idiot right?22:24
jasonwohlfahrthey genehacker, I'm taking an act lab class next semester. Weren't you the one talking to me about this?22:24
genehackerthey're ok22:25
jasonwohlfahrtshould be fucking crazy22:25
jasonwohlfahrtyeah, i hear mixed things22:25
genehackerwhat do you mean by fucking crazy22:25
genehackerwell they tend to do crafty type things22:25
jasonwohlfahrtwell i watched the soundscape presentations yesterday and they were really cool22:25
kanzurei think our presentation starts at around 7min in that video22:26
jasonwohlfahrtIt seemed pretty art heavy22:26
kanzurefenn: rip away?22:26
kanzuregah someone needs to just fix all this bullshit for them22:26
kanzuretorrent the hell out of this..22:26
jasonwohlfahrthey kanzure, you gonna be in austin over the break?22:26
kanzuregoing nowhere22:27
genehackerthough if could find the actlab's reprap guy...22:27
jasonwohlfahrtcool, we'll have to meet up soon22:27
genehackerI haven't got a response back from him22:27
genehackersupposedly he has a working extruder and electronics22:28
genehackerthough those actlab people can sometimes be lacking in common sense22:29
jasonwohlfahrtThe instructors are really interesting22:29
jasonwohlfahrtwhich class did you take22:29
jasonwohlfahrtor have you taken one?22:29
genehackerI haven't taken an actlab class22:29
kanzurethis isn't that bad22:29
kanzurei thought i was terrible :)22:30
genehackerit's what I was watching22:30
genehackeroh I thought you were talking about the quality22:32
fennwtf they blurred the url's out at the end?22:32
genehackerwhat URLs?22:32
genehackerthat might be an automatic feature of justin.tv22:33
jasonwohlfahrtthis presentation's awesome!22:34
jasonwohlfahrtsans justin.tv22:34
fennwatch the first part too, do you know the url kanzure?22:34
kanzurethis is the first part: http://www.justin.tv/clip/33ab85ea27c8499f22:34
kanzurei have 30sec left before i'm done watching it22:34
genehackerwhat URL for the projects?22:34
genehackerI'd really like to see the sources for your presentation22:35
kanzureok: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/presentations/hplus-summit-2009/22:35
fenngenehacker: links for the pictures are here; you can probably derive the website from the url http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb_presentation22:36
jasonwohlfahrtAbout to watch part one22:37
genehackerall that open source stuff22:37
jasonwohlfahrtHey kanzure, my actlab class is on death, so I'm counting on you to write me code that will re-animate dead bodies22:37
genehackeryou made that trefoil fenn?22:37
jasonwohlfahrtjust kidding22:37
kanzurei want to steal DNA from graves of geniuses22:38
kanzuredoes that count?22:38
jasonwohlfahrtIll help you22:38
jasonwohlfahrtand yes that does22:38
kanzureok neat22:38
jasonwohlfahrtwe can start a brain farm22:38
kanzuregreg benford will manufacture some drugs to make your brain express whatever genes they were22:38
genehackerhow about just releasing a virus that turns people into zombies22:39
kanzuregenehacker: how about no22:39
jasonwohlfahrtthat would work too :)22:39
genehackerhmmm... I suppose we run of a couple of newton and einstein clones to see if it was really in the genes22:40
kanzureno i don't care 22:40
kanzurei mean i don't care about the clones22:41
kanzureit's going to get really cheap to sequence genomes22:41
genehackermacdonald dollar menu cheap?22:41
kanzurei don't think you remember anything22:41
genehackerwell I do sort of like that DNA seperator and tags method of doing cheap sequencing22:42
kanzurewhat about AFM/STM sequencing22:42
genehackerI remember that22:43
genehackerbut there are some problems with that22:43
fennwhat about 'squeegee STM' synthesis22:43
genehackerunless you mass produce AFM/STM22:43
fennerm s/synthesis/sequencing/22:43
genehackerI suppose it's do able22:43
fenna wide flat tip makes an edge that squeezes the dna against a flat surface22:44
kanzureyou just need to mass produce the probe tip, if anything22:44
genehackerhmmm... forgot about that one22:44
genehackerwell for some spacecraft they make the whole thing using MEMS22:44
genehackernot sure if it's a LIGA process or something super expensive like that22:44
genehackerbut it's one way to make AFM's cheap enough to be encorporated into children22:45
genehacker's toys22:45
jasonwohlfahrtI'm still trying to figure out what toys to buy22:46
jasonwohlfahrtgot about 3k to spend22:46
genehackerthat's about how much a fab@home cost22:46
genehackerhmmm... I think there's a 3d printer or laser cutter that cost that much22:47
genehackerand by 3d printer I mean something a bit more professional than reprap22:47
jasonwohlfahrtthat would be really cool22:47
fenndon't get a fab@home .. blah22:47
kanzuredon't buy a 3dprinter22:47
jasonwohlfahrthey, my email is jkwohlfahrt@gmail.com22:47
jasonwohlfahrtsend me toy ideas everyone22:48
jasonwohlfahrtbryan already has22:48
fennsrsly.. go steal genehacker's bits and build the fucking thing already22:48
genehackerI don't have all the pieces22:48
QuantumGwow, this justin.tv is incredible FAIL22:48
fennjasonwohlfahrt: do you like making stuff? what is meant exactly by "toy"?22:49
jasonwohlfahrtepic fail22:49
QuantumGkanzure: any idea how I can get a list of all videos titled Humanity Plus x/3622:49
jasonwohlfahrtthat's up to you to define, fenn22:49
genehackerI lack the important stuff like the x-carriage, y-carriage, so even if I wanted to start making the cartesian robot22:49
jasonwohlfahrti like to make stuff, yes22:49
genehackerI'd only get to about step 222:49
fennjasonwohlfahrt: well the droid phone is quite a toy22:49
fennor is it a toybox22:49
jasonwohlfahrtyes, i want one22:49
QuantumGoooohh.. I discovered the "Next Clip" button.. now all I need is a "previous clip" button22:50
kanzureQuantumG: http://www.justin.tv/techzulu/all22:50
kanzurebut for some reason they are out of order there22:50
QuantumGwell, I can at least find 122:50
genehackerooops my bad you're 11,900 short of stratasys's professional desktop 3d printer22:50
QuantumGyou'd think22:50
QuantumGhttp://www.justin.tv/clip/3a073af4c8b8fda8  is 1/3622:51
kanzureQuantumG: are you fixing their fail?22:51
kanzureor should i do it22:51
genehackeryou could contact the techzulu guy22:51
QuantumGI can start from there and press "next clip" 36 times22:52
QuantumGhttp://www.justin.tv/techzulu/all?kind=all&filter=all&order=most_recent   <- is sensible order 22:52
kanzureno i mean ripping the videos22:53
kanzurei can do it but if you're already working on it, screw that :)22:53
QuantumGripping flash .. I tried my one way I know of and it didn't work.. so no22:53
jasonwohlfahrtim sending your pres to daniel, kanzure22:54
jasonwohlfahrthe wanted to see it22:54
kanzureQuantumG: wireshark?22:54
genehackerpresents are we doing some sort of secret santa thing?22:54
QuantumGnever done it kanzure22:54
kanzureblah okay22:55
kanzurei'll fix..22:55
* kanzure grumbles22:55
genehackerit's in .flv isn't it?22:55
genehackeroh it is22:56
genehackerI could download it22:56
jasonwohlfahrtsuper cool presentation, ben and bryan22:56
jasonwohlfahrtjust finished22:56
kanzurefenn: we could just rip the audio and lay it over the real slides22:57
wrldpc2is there higher quality video from the summit?  a vimeo account?  what's the deal?  I'm ready to rip the skdb talk and stitch the two parts together but I'd like to know more first.22:58
wrldpc2Great job btw fellas.22:58
kanzureno it's cool i got it22:58
kanzurethe quality is kind of lame, yes22:58
genehackerit's good enough22:59
kanzurehow do i stich with mplayer?22:59
QuantumGkanzure that video could do with a lot of editing22:59
jasonwohlfahrtbtw, whens the next world dom task force meetup?22:59
QuantumG1/36 is just music.. 2/36 is so far the first speaker working on his slides23:00
jasonwohlfahrtcan i shoot a video for your website, kanzure?23:00
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: haha that would be awesome (potentially)23:01
jasonwohlfahrtit would be in glorious full frame hd23:01
kanzurewhat do you have in mind23:01
kanzurejasonwohlfahrt: well think about this: http://spacecollective.org/23:01
jasonwohlfahrtanything you want23:01
kanzurewatch the first video on there23:01
kanzureer trying to find it23:01
kanzurei guess it's the "introduction" video23:02
kanzureer nope23:02
jasonwohlfahrtfirst i need to close half of the 50+ windows open on my comp so stuff will load23:03
kanzureok let me find the right link23:04
genehackerthe space collective thing?23:04
genehackerthat crashed my firefox before I closed a couple windows23:04
jasonwohlfahrtcould we start an h+ ut chapter, or would that even be worth the time?23:04
kanzurei thought we already are a chapter?23:05
kanzurehttp://spacecollective.org/?ep=1 <-- start here, and watch until at least episode 423:05
genehackerUT gives out money if you ask the rightway23:06
QuantumG3/36 + 8 mins the conf actually starts23:06
jasonwohlfahrtyeah, isee what you're saying kanzure23:06
jasonwohlfahrtyou could frame capture the pres and edit it23:07
jasonwohlfahrti have camtasia, which can do this really well23:07
kanzureoh start with chapter 2 actually23:07
jasonwohlfahrtwill do23:07
kanzurehm i don't actually know23:07
kanzureit's quick to start at 1. whatever23:08
kanzurei wish this was easier for me to remember what we were shown23:08
genehackerare we editing this stuff or downloading it23:08
genehackerI can download all those videos23:08
genehackershould I?23:08
kanzurethe conference videos? no, i've already done it mostly23:09
kanzurei mean i have the two for our presentation23:09
kanzurethe others can wait i guess?23:09
genehackerthe space collective videos23:09
genehackergot one23:11
fennso i've spent about ten minutes trying to post a comment on justin.tv23:12
kanzureit's number 523:12
fennis this obvious and i'm just blidn or something?23:12
genehackerget five?23:13
kanzurefenn: no justin.tv just sucks and probably uses javascript that you're not turning on23:15
genehackergot 523:16
jasonwohlfahrtI just now brought my computer back from a catatonic state23:16
genehackerI do that every time I turn on or of my computer23:17
jasonwohlfahrtI need more ram!23:17
QuantumGdid you know that you're allowed to take firearms onto planes in checked bags?23:20
QuantumGits gotta be unloaded23:21
QuantumGbut the ammunition can be in the same case23:21
genehackeryeah yeah but they're still not going to find all those ceramic bullets and rifles anyway23:22
QuantumGI guess they only care about carry-on23:22
genehackerwhat's going to happen, the gun's going to automatically load itself and then commandeer the airplane?23:23
jasonwohlfahrtI should relay some of these ideas to my screenwriter friends23:24
QuantumGwell, its just nice to know you only have to get down to the baggage to get your gun if your plane is hijacked ;)23:24
genehackerI'm sure there's away around using a gun23:24
genehackerperhaps that patriotic guy sitting next to you will find an altruistic solution23:25
QuantumGI'm not terribly interested in taking down a plane.. pretty sure I could figure it out if I was.23:25
QuantumGradio jammer in a cell phone would be sufficient I expect.23:26
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