
--- Day changed Tue Dec 08 2009
wrldpc2Alex Lightman says to email him (alex@innofone.com) with any requests/suggestions regarding archival/presentation of videos from hplus summit.00:01
wrldpc2He's having lunch with TechZu Efren tomorrow.00:01
QuantumGare there any from day 1?00:01
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fennxp_prg: saw you were logged in from hackerdojo...01:00
ybit21:32 < kanzure> and maybe ybit if he stops pronouncing everything wrong01:05
ybitkanzure: you have that backwards01:06
ybitthis is silly but entertaining, who here pronounces SQL as S-Q-L, or do you pronounce it like most people as 'sequel'01:07
ybitjust like GUI is gooey and not G-U-I, ick01:08
ybitnow SKDB needs a name like 'sokadab' or something :P01:09
ybiti got the job btw01:09
fennmoving to palm springs?01:16
fenni say S-Q-L but i've heard both01:17
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ybitfenn: yep01:23
ybitnot sure when exactly01:23
ybiti want to be there now, as does the guy, but there's family crap to deal with for a few days before heading back01:25
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strages http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8400222.stm she surgically removed her fingerprints, flipped them over, and reattached10:15
UtopiahI wonder if , like blind people apparatus to mimic pixel reader, one could make "fingerprints" on demand system :-#10:16
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-35-101.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap10:37
ybitgood morning friends10:53
genehackerperhaps I can get the world on my sleep schedule using solar mirrors10:59
genehackeror not10:59
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xp_prgfenn and?12:15
xp_prgfenn when you coming to Stanford?12:16
xp_prgI worked on the bioprinter stuff last night12:17
xp_prgwe are going to use an epson stylus 128012:17
xp_prgI could really use help understanding the hydrogel I need to use12:18
-!- superkuh [n=hukrepus@c-24-245-50-49.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:25
genehackercan you drive it without violating the driver patent?12:26
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-!- Utopiah [n=libre@rps7452.ovh.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:28
kanzureinteresting stat from the conference: on average google queries are 5 words in length12:32
genehackerare you still considering that spam king thing?12:54
ybitconsidering, what?12:57
ybitkanzure: ueah, found that interesting as well12:57
xp_prggenehacker drive what?13:02
kanzureybit: are you busy at the moment?13:03
kanzurei need someone to figure out the distribution of super-frienders on facebook13:03
kanzurei.e. the top 1% of users on facebook with "the most friends" have how many friends, and the bottom 50% on average have how many friends?13:04
ybityeah, i'm about to be on the phone for awhile13:04
kanzureer i think this is a good case for a logarithm but i'm not really sure how to make it13:04
kanzureok maybe someone else would like to do that13:04
genehackerthe inkjet13:05
genehackerepson has a patent on the inkjet driver13:06
genehackerwhich is why one company can't sell them13:06
genehackerthough if you can drive it, good job13:07
genehackerare you talking about a probability distribution?13:07
genehackersounds like a job for the normal distribution13:07
kanzurebut i'm not sure what the distribution looks like for facebook, twitter, or whatever13:15
kanzureon twit13:15
kanzureon twitter it's probably more of a sausage fest or something13:15
ybitthat would be interesting, but where does it come into play?13:15
ybitwhat's its purpose13:16
kanzurecommunication matrix transhuman tsstuff13:17
kanzureuploading youtube videos, so i'm lagging right now13:17
ybityou talk about uploading vids.. so where are these vids going?13:23
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genehackersomething to do with memeing perhaps?13:32
kanzureybit: youtube13:48
kanzureybit: still uploading 1/3.. blah13:48
kanzurehttp://whenisgood.net/ vs. http://doodle.com/ .. looks like doodle at least shows you when everyone else is available, but whenisgood.net has easier select-the-times stuff (you just click on a day/time in the table cells)13:53
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kanzurei wonder why http://kyra.desire.se/ is connected to me14:03
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kanzurewtf i just uploaded it.. how do we have 50 views? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg15:17
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kanzurepart 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg16:16
kanzurepart 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S9z6H_EFqQ16:16
kanzurepart 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edl6uFn3_g416:16
QuantumGheh, couldn't cut out the scientologist dig at the beginning?16:27
QuantumGblue on black slides, fail16:32
QuantumGmaking me sit up in my chair so I can read it on my lcd16:33
QuantumGkanzure and fenn, making your posture better.16:33
kanzureyeah my posture sucked16:39
kanzureand i forgot to breath half the time16:39
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QuantumGheh, no, *my* posture was being improved by the slides.. there's basically invisible on my lcd monitor when viewed from my regular slouching posture16:40
kanzurethe slides on the video suck16:41
kanzureyou can download the pdf though16:41
QuantumGbtw, you can link your videos into a series16:41
QuantumGor do the "post a video reply" to link them16:42
kanzurehow do i link them into a series (other than post a video reply)16:42
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QuantumGyou probably want the "From your Account:" 16:45
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kanzure"James:  she sees you like a little brother who doesn't have anyone telling you how things are or helping steer you"17:11
kanzurehm he wants me to go work for dean kamen17:13
kanzurewhy does dean kamen sound like a fragrance-product-for-men instead of the evil mad scientist that he is? hell he even has his own island17:14
genehackerwork for dean kamen?17:15
kanzureyeah.. i don't think so.17:15
genehackerperhaps you should consider working for danny hillis instead17:16
kanzurei don't want to work for anyone17:16
genehackerwho suggested you work with kamen17:16
kanzurejames clement17:16
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genehackernever heard of him17:18
genehackerI don't see how dean kamen has anything to do with skdb17:19
genehackerheh he might even be against it17:20
genehackerespecially if it allows people to pirate segways17:20
genehackeranyway I got some stuff I want to put into skdb17:21
genehackerit's in .stl though17:21
genehackerit's not on thingiverse either17:22
kanzurei would rather not deal with .stl17:23
genehackertoo bad it's in .stl and I don't have the original file17:24
genehackeror I could get the original file, but it will be a while17:24
genehackerI've done some documentation on it though17:25
genehackerhasn't been tested in the real world17:25
genehackerer.. two things17:25
kanzurehm instructables started with k'nex?17:32
genehackerthey did?17:35
genehackerthat explains a lot17:35
kanzureaverage twitter user has 126 followers?17:45
Utopiahmore like 12 I think17:47
kanzureneat, distribution of follower counts: http://bit.ly/sotwitter17:49
kanzurepage 5 of the pdf17:49
Utopiahlong tail?17:50
kanzurelooks like it 17:52
kanzurei wish their graph was better though17:52
kanzure10 people having 9k followers? what about the twitter superstars with 100k+ followers17:53
kanzuresome people have a few million followers17:53
kanzureobama has 2.8M for instance17:53
Utopiahunit might be x1000 on the x axis17:53
kanzurei don't think so, followers max out at 4M17:54
kanzureaccording to twitterholic.com17:54
kanzurei think looking at the "friends" count will give a much smoother longtail plot17:56
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Utopiahopinions on http://shop.lenovo.com/us/notebooks/ideapad/ ?18:04
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bkeroSome are OK, most are crap18:55
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Utopiahok, just wondering, I have an X31 now but if it were to break (... unlikely but, just in case) I was considering buying one of those19:01
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb http://heybryan.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg19:17
Utopiahopening with a quote on Scientology, bit less brillant :P19:18
Utopiahanyway, thanks for sharing19:19
Utopiahbtw on the seed metaphor, have you watched  ? (anime on terraforming)19:20
kanzureno? can you find the name?19:22
Utopiah(yes, was looking for the intro with nice but scray visuals)19:23
Utopiah( use http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xGoR23Wouk&fmt=18 to force HQ)19:23
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kanzurehm andrew has some contacts at autodesk19:54
Utopiahin part 3, the host talk about locally available pieces19:58
kanzurehost was todd huffman19:59
Utopiahis it planned to have a "localized" version of the design/blueprint then? could be a nice automated addition19:59
Utopiah(maybe based simple on the list of available items/tools)19:59
Utopiahwell I guess it would be the case anyway in a fully integrated system when you just have a "build" function, forget it20:02
-!- kristian1aul [n=kristian@] has joined #hplusroadmap20:19
Utopiahhi kristian1aul ;) saw the channel on the video I suppose20:20
kristian1aulUtopiah: ;)20:21
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katsmeowi hate to see a kay with mindspillage20:27
katsmeowi hate to see a kat with mindspillage20:27
katsmeowi hate this keybd to :-|20:27
* mindspillage raises an eyebrow20:27
* katsmeow watches it intently20:28
mindspillageForgive me for not finding your original nick distinctive -- have we met?20:28
katsmeownono,, i see you have "Kat" in your irc signon stuff, nevermind20:29
katsmeowanynumbers i pick when loging back on after a disconenct, ignore that,, err, me, sorry, no botehr 20:29
mindspillagekatsmeow: ah, OK. Just wondering if there's something I ought to remember and don't. (Kat is my name, but "mindspiallge" is much better for search...)20:30
* katsmeow hides20:30
mindspillageeven better not typoed.20:30
* katsmeow is so sadly aware of h ineptness with this new keybd20:30
katsmeowweo;ribrhyt;owehfl;iaendfh k;20:31
-!- thesnark [n=michael@ppp-69-221-9-225.dsl.toldoh.ameritech.net] has joined #hplusroadmap20:31
kanzurehey thesnark 20:32
kanzurehi mindspillage 20:32
katsmeowi was going to pull chips off these 200 cable boxes for selling on ebay, but since there's people sellng 300 chips for as little as $10, i think i won't botehr20:33
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk20:33
kanzurehello kristianpaul 20:34
kristianpaulkanzure: hola :)20:34
kanzurewhat's up?20:35
kristianpaulwell... for now printing a reprap :)20:38
kanzurealright. fair enough.20:38
kristianpaulkanzure: what's the status of skdb?20:42
kanzurewe need more people who have IGES/STEP models to spontaneously show up :)20:42
kristianpauli see :p20:42
kanzureright now we have screws, bearings, threads and legos in skdb20:43
kanzureand there's a website (think thingiverse on steroids, crossed with instructables mated with a clue stick)20:43
kristianpaulwhat about electronics?20:43
kanzurenothing in there yet.. but there should be20:43
kanzurein fact electronics are even easier than most of this other crap20:44
kanzurei have been thinking about writing a scraper to extract data from electronics datasheets20:44
-!- kanzure changed the topic of #hplusroadmap to: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/skdb http://heybryan.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/20:45
kristianpauland well, repraped parts could help if you get how to build one first of course20:45
kanzurewell i've been having something of a philosophical or technical crisis or something20:45
kanzurei'm pretty sure it's better if we all reject STL20:46
kanzurewe can convert from solid geometry to STL easily20:46
kanzurebut we can't convert from STL to anything else20:46
* thesnark laughs20:46
thesnarksounds familiar20:46
thesnarkSTL is really not that great20:46
kanzureso if you give skdb STL, nobody can edit it too well20:46
kanzurethesnark: unfortunately that's what everyone uses :(20:46
kristianpaul21:46 < kanzure> we can convert from solid geometry to STL easily20:47
* kanzure nods20:47
kristianpaulhow easily?20:47
kanzureopen, save20:47
kanzureyeah it's a common function in any CAD program :)20:47
kristianpaulokay may be i tought other think20:48
kanzuresorry a train wreck just hit me in the face20:48
kristianpaulkanzure: about 3d modeling stuff20:49
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kanzuremindspillage: i was talking with a lawyer from EFF the other day about open source hardware20:49
kanzurehe didn't know much (and he admitted this immediately).. hard to find good lawyers20:50
mindspillageAh, yeah--EFF has "staff technologists" to translate though.20:50
thesnarkit's a relatively new legal phenomenon 20:50
mindspillage(kanzure: was reminded of this channel seeing your h+ summit transcripts; thanks for putting those up!)20:57
kanzureno problem21:04
kanzuremy fingers hurt afterwards though :(21:04
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QuantumGso kanzure, was it you or fenn that has the lathe?21:18
QuantumGhow big is it?21:21
kanzurei saw it once. it looked like it wouldn't be wrong to call it "desktop-size"21:21
QuantumGfor some reason I got the idea fenn was your housemate?21:22
kanzurehe's staying in california for a while21:22
kanzureit makes sense: who the hell (besides me apparently) goes to california for only three days21:22
QuantumGahh ok21:22
QuantumGI met a machinist in my welding class.. he's buying a lathe and a mill for xmas (or shortly after) and has indicated to me that he would be willing to teach me some stuff.21:23
QuantumG.. and if not will do work for me cheaply.21:23
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katsmeow-afk hope ybit left his windows down, they are getting pounded up tehre atm, weatherwise21:35
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kanzuremarcin's talk: http://www.justin.tv/clip/7c40a8bf7e293dd522:21
wrldpc2What does everyone think of RU Sirius' marginalization of DIY at the HPlus Summit?22:49
kanzuremeh, eventually someone has to do something23:16
kanzurei hitched a ride with him at one point. he was saying "we would love to have you write an article."23:17
kanzurehe quickly added: "with an editor."23:17
QuantumGI really wish more people would use gmail.. or at least a threaded email program.. when replying to mailing lists.23:20
QuantumGsomeone makes a trivial mistake and 10 people jump on him with the same correction.23:21
ybitbooks mentioned in the sci-fi lunch session with alex lightman:23:46
ybit1) Blood Music by Greg Behr23:46
ybit2) Suicidal Tendencies23:46
ybit3) The Notion of Markets23:46
ybit4) Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom23:46
ybit5) Reputation in the Social Economy23:46
ybit6) Excelerando by Charles Stross23:46
ybit7) Haulting State by Charles Stross23:46
ybit8) Rainbow's End23:46
ybit9) The Age of Spiritual Machines23:46
ybit10) Beggars in Spain by Nancy Crest23:46
ybit11) Spark (ref. exercise and the brain)23:46
ybit12) Kill People, by David Bryn23:46
ybit13) Superman (idea of U.N. Men --> clone brothers)23:47
ybit14) Malcolm Gladwell's Outlyers23:47
ybit15) The Talent Code. 23:47
ybitBeggers, etc. ignore spelling errors23:47
QuantumGread Accelerando23:47
QuantumGand 423:48
QuantumGstarted in 8 a few times, but it was an ebook, meh23:48
ybithmm.. i know i have more that were just mentioned in passing written down somewhere...23:48
QuantumGoh and 9, yes, read the whole thing in the library one day, didn't feel the need to read it slower23:48
-!- xp_prg [n=xp_prg3@140a.hackerdojo.com] has quit [Client Quit]23:50
-!- any69080042 [n=someone@75-120-217-211.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #hplusroadmap23:52

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