
--- Day changed Thu Dec 10 2009
-!- branstrom [n=branstro@c-171ce055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #hplusroadmap00:01
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-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@ool-ad03fe34.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:45
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-50-194.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap02:28
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-!- Utopiah_ is now known as Utopiah05:15
-!- kristianpaul [n=kristian@] has joined #hplusroadmap06:16
-!- faceface [n=dmb@bioinformatics.org] has joined #hplusroadmap08:07
facefaceare these guys any good? http://www.clubofrome.org/eng/home08:13
faceface(the club of rome)08:13
-!- fface [i=c2b0692a@gateway/web/freenode/x-nlqjprlozfnebjpx] has joined #hplusroadmap08:16
facefaceHEY HEY08:18
facefaceI mean, hi lenny08:18
-!- WHOIS [i=c2b0692a@gateway/web/freenode/x-xadaavxfczemnvmj] has joined #hplusroadmap08:18
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facefacefface: now chose your own nick08:19
* faceface <wipsers>he's not competent to work a kbd08:19
facefacetype at the bottom somewher08:20
facefacetype at the bottom somewhere08:20
facefaceoff bottom in deed08:21
ffaceI can haz words!08:21
* faceface praizes08:21
ffaceNow what happens?08:21
facefaceso the people in this channel like to talk about projects related to transhumanism08:21
facefaceand there are other channels where you can discuss other topics08:21
ffaceWhen do the chicks get here.08:21
facefacesoon soon08:22
Utopiahfaceface: supposed to be very influencial on the political scene, nowadays... I can't say08:22
facefaceits early in the morning in the US08:22
ffaceand the drugs08:22
facefaceUtopiah: who?08:22
facefacefface: yes08:22
facefacefface: type "/nick something more original"08:22
facefacefface: type "/nick something_more_original"08:22
ffaceI want future drugs.08:22
facefacefface: I believe that that topic is valid in here08:22
Utopiahfaceface: the club of rome08:23
facefacei.e. what to take if you want to work 20 hours out of 2408:23
facefaceoh right08:23
Utopiahif you want to work 20h/24h you might wnat to check #polyphasers 08:23
-!- fface is now known as lemonface08:23
facefacefface: type "/join #polyphasers"08:23
facefacelemonface: try again08:24
facefaceUtopiah: I just wondered if they were worth paying attention to 08:24
facefacelike the copenhagen consensus centre08:24
facefaceanyone seen this? http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v462/n7274/full/462722a.html08:25
facefaceA guide to the day of big data08:25
facefaceso lemonface you see that this is better than wave right?08:26
facefaceI mean, you must see that?08:26
facefacewell... I got to work08:26
facefacelemonface: don't worry08:28
facefaceeveryone here is friendly08:28
facefaceahem.... 08:28
lemonfacefaceface: wave, at present, sucks.08:28
facefacebut the worst they will do is hack your cyberbrain and make you do unspeakable acts08:28
facefacetrue that08:28
lemonfaceis that all, the Russians already did that08:29
-!- lemonface [i=c2b0692a@gateway/web/freenode/x-nlqjprlozfnebjpx] has quit []08:34
UtopiahLeWeb main stage, start-up competition demos http://www.ustream.tv/channel/le-web-main-stage08:39
kanzure"Saw my Afghan neighbor Abdul on 5th flr balcony shaking a carpet & shouted up to him,"What's up Abdul, won't it start?""09:36
-!- strages [n=strages@] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]09:39
kanzureoh he's the one doing contraptor? http://www.flickr.com/photos/31697990@N00/sets/72157622475596037/09:48
-!- strages [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap09:52
-!- Phreedom [n=quassel@] has quit ["No Ping reply in 180 seconds."]09:58
-!- Phreedom [n=quassel@] has joined #hplusroadmap09:58
-!- rmond [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:19
-!- mason_l [n=x@202-89-188-136.static.dsl.amnet.net.au] has joined #hplusroadmap10:28
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-!- mason-l [n=x@202-89-188-136.static.dsl.amnet.net.au] has quit [Nick collision from services.]10:34
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-!- ybit2 [i=48922fa5@gateway/web/freenode/x-lrpwnnwtoesxarfj] has joined #hplusroadmap11:07
kanzurehm i need to outline the skdb documentation thingy that marcin wanted me to write11:32
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-41-71.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap12:11
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facefaceUtopiah: I just tuned in12:12
kanzurehi faceface 12:33
kanzurewho is the friend you brought in here? :)12:33
-!- strages [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:40
-!- ybit2 [i=48922fa5@gateway/web/freenode/x-lrpwnnwtoesxarfj] has quit ["Page closed"]12:44
-!- rmond [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]12:50
kanzurejata wrote a piece for h+ magazine: http://cp.revolio.com/issue/5039/4513:14
kanzureit's not all that interesting.. unless you're new to the internet.13:14
kanzurehttp://www.ehowa.com/features/acetyleneleak.shtml "Ernie, I got this today and had to send it on to you. Result of leaking acetylene bottle stored in plumbers van. Accidently ignited by activating a remote door lock device. Enjoy, Tyson"13:53
kanzureack i've been blogged :(14:40
kanzurehm there's two stories back-to-back on diybio.org on transhumanism14:43
kanzurewhat's going on here?14:43
-!- wulfdesign [n=chatzill@christy.violato.net] has joined #hplusroadmap15:16
kanzurehey wulfdesign 15:21
kanzurewhat's up?15:23
wulfdesignnot much, just checking out chatzilla, Makerbot, and RepRap irc.15:24
kanzureyou smell like a windows developer15:24
wulfdesignnot really.15:25
kanzureoh wait that's violato.net15:25
kanzurewho are you then?15:25
kanzure"dicky leonardo" ?15:26
wulfdesign3d design and print.15:26
wulfdesignpart of seattle's H+ group.15:27
kanzurei wasn't aware that they had a group15:28
kanzurehave you checked out my transcripts from h+ summit 2009?15:28
wulfdesignnope, checking it out now though...15:29
kanzurei also presented: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n39RK4inzg15:29
wulfdesigncool, civilization seed eh? just gave a small talk at our local H+ group about DIY space (getting into orbit without NASA)15:35
kanzureyou're in the right channel :)15:36
wulfdesignneed to watch the rest of the video, back in ~10 min.15:36
kanzurethere's two other parts btw.. 15:36
kanzurepart 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S9z6H_EFqQ15:36
kanzurepart 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Edl6uFn3_g4 (super short, just 2min extra that i couldn't fit on the last one)15:36
kanzureman it's kind of lame that my 2007 links on diy space tech are still valid.. i mean, that there hasn't been much else15:37
Utopiahsth more specific than http://heybryan.org/bookmarks/bookmarks-old2//Space/index.html#32 ?15:39
kanzureno that's it15:39
kanzureer wait15:39
kanzurethere was a list of teams15:40
kanzurehuh i wonder where i put these links15:43
wulfdesignthat was frick'en cool kanzure. I was putting forth that we need to 'Open Source' the technology we need to get into space. good to see there are other people on the same page. 15:49
wulfdesignfamiliar with cube sat (online research only)15:50
wulfdesignneed to watch the other 2 vids...15:51
kanzureso in particular there's been a lot more development that wasn't highlighted in the videos16:03
kanzurewe have lots of code written, but what we need most are CAD models (not STL) and information about different standards for parts and components16:04
kanzurei also need to write a small manual or something :p16:04
wulfdesignthere was a lot of cool, stuff. some of it I'm familiar with, some not.16:07
wulfdesignwe just started an hacker/maker space in seattle. looks like we'll be starting to teach classes in January.16:11
wulfdesignI'll me teaching workshops in 3d design and print (I've got a Makerbot).16:12
kanzurecool, then you might be interested in the open source hardware / transhumanism co-op we're building16:12
wulfdesignyep, where16:12
kanzurebasically the idea is to leverage all of these hackerspaces around the globe16:12
kanzurenowhere in particular- it's on the net mainly right now16:12
wulfdesignyep, rigtht there with you.16:12
kanzuremembers of the co-op help package up open source hardware16:13
kanzurethis way, users can get to what they want to be doing: making stuff.. not worrying about compatibility, feasibility, or where or what tools to get16:13
wulfdesignI'm trying to work on that locally.16:13
wulfdesignthe hack spaces that is.16:13
kanzureit would be great if the seattle space would like to join the co-op. joining at the moment doesn't really mean much other than wanting to keep tuned in with updates :p16:13
wulfdesignI'm a part of two artist/maker co-ops currently.16:14
kanzureah cool16:14
kanzuretell me about them16:14
wulfdesignJigsaw Renaissance just got a space in the last couple of weeks, it was born out of Seattle's H+ group. 16:15
wulfdesignthe other is a Viking Metal Foundry in Ballard (Seattle). they cast bronze. I've actually have a work space there of the first of next year.16:17
wulfdesignI  also started a WiFi co-op for the marina I live in. we all pitched in and bought business class dsl. that's been gouing on for about 5 years.16:18
wulfdesignI think Jigsaw will be teaching (outreach) classes by next month.16:21
wulfdesignSeattle H+ facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=4518594783816:22
wulfdesignthe fire foundry is more local, but has some of the same ideal, DIY, distributed, boot strap, ect.16:24
wulfdesignI got to take off for a bit. back later.16:25
wulfdesignthanks Kanzure for the links.16:26
-!- rmond [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap16:35
Utopiah( Artscience : Creativity in the Post-Google Generation by David Edwards http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/EDWART.html )16:35
-!- strages [n=strages@c-76-29-231-141.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]16:44
Utopiah(seems their related "innovation lab" either didn't last as long as most hacker space or at least didn't communicate after their opening...)16:53
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-41-71.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap16:56
kristianpaulUtopiah: http://kefir.wikidot.com/17:09
Utopiahheard about it few weeks ago actually17:11
genehackerhmmmm... they should at nitrate bacteria for producing gun powder to section weapons17:23
genehackeryou can grow em in fishtanks17:23
genehackersans fish17:23
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-41-71.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)]17:32
-!- wulfdesign_ [n=chatzill@christy.violato.net] has joined #hplusroadmap17:33
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kanzurehttp://www.cubespawn.com/ called me17:54
kanzurehe wants to do standard form factors for manufacturing equipment17:54
kanzureand throw in standard controllers and connections for power, etc.18:02
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-53-14.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap18:03
-!- Rick_P [n=Rick_P@cpe-76-190-203-110.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:05
wulfdesign_sweet deal with the cubespawn stuff. I like their form factor.18:10
-!- drgone [n=drgone@gir.seattlewireless.net] has joined #hplusroadmap18:11
wulfdesign_I've been looking at making a http://www.contraptor.org/ for my next cnc/printing platform.18:12
wulfdesign_keep us informed how that goes, either on here or website.18:12
wulfdesign_genehacker, wonder if you could use those nitrate bacteria for making rocket fuel. I know there is hydrazine (space shuttle fuel) in some poisonous mushrooms.18:15
wulfdesign_as well...18:15
-!- CubeSpawn [n=cubespaw@cpe-72-181-11-254.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap18:16
CubeSpawnGood evening, enhanced humans!18:16
genehackerso it begins18:18
CubeSpawnor continues...18:18
genehackerdo you have any CAD files?18:18
CubeSpawnnot as such...18:18
genehackerthat we can put into our open source hardware database of doom?18:19
CubeSpawnsorry only sketchup at this point, I'll be converting to a less obscure format soon18:19
wulfdesign_greetings CubeSpawn. nice format btw.18:20
CubeSpawngreetz wulf!18:20
genehackeroh wulfdesign, it make much more sense to make H2O2 instead and use that and algal oil for propulsion18:21
genehackeranyway CubeSpawn, your system uses all extruded aluminum bars correct?18:22
genehackerand you've been able to make a CNC machine, that is how accurate?18:23
CubeSpawnthat too, for the "little Cube-lettes"18:23
CubeSpawnaccuracy is poor, I think I'll be able to hold .001 in the prototype, hopefully better with subsequent versions18:25
genehackerif the accuracy of the CNC machine is better than the accuracy of the extruded aluminum, you should really consider making an EDM cube for making spider-dies and associated extrusion equipment for making the extruded aluminum bar from aluminum18:25
CubeSpawnlooking at Prototype-->mark 1-->Mark 2--Acceptable CNC18:26
CubeSpawnwell the goal is to fit a whole spectrum of small CNC stuff into standard cubes, get a system architecture thats community acceptable, then absorb improved designs into the distributed database18:28
genehackerand do cool flexible manufacturing stuff like is currently done in industry18:29
CubeSpawnI'm not smart enough to build it all, just want to pull everyone to a standard "form factor" to speed up the overall adoption of home-fab/distributed manufacturing18:30
CubeSpawnthat way YOU build an EDM and I can bolt it up to my system - as well as downloading and making it on my mill18:30
genehackerwell a standard for flexible manufacturing would be good, as one of the problems in the field is the lack of standards(and programming the robots, that too...)18:31
wulfdesign_cool. so you could mount a reprap Mendel in a cube to print parts, push them out to a pick and place cube, and assemble.18:33
CubeSpawnI believe that the working envelope on the first prototypes is pretty small - but a lot of useful parts are pretty small - so it works out - and a small cube can make parts for bigger cubes - because "Y" is unconstrained for length18:33
CubeSpawnyes exactly18:33
CubeSpawnthe 3 axis preliminary cube has 2 accessory cubes attached:18:34
wulfdesign_if you need bigger parts you can always build a bigger cube, or make a bigger y axis. (like cubeSat)18:34
CubeSpawna toolchanger for the milling spindle, and a head changer - so it can BE a RepStrap18:34
kanzurehello evil minions18:35
CubeSpawnnot a big leap from there to make the 3 axis a 5 axis mill18:35
kanzurehey Rick_P 18:36
kanzurehey drgone 18:36
kanzurehm who are all these people18:36
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 34 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 34 normal]18:36
CubeSpawnminions, perhaps?18:36
genehackerwell we got the CubeSpawn guy here, I don't know why they're all here18:37
genehackerperhaps that presentation of yours is propagating through the blogosphere?18:37
kanzureybit: is the .deb ready?18:38
wulfdesign_there was a post on Makerbot forums, that's how I found the place. 18:38
CubeSpawnafk a short while, brb18:38
kanzuregenehacker: do you still have those links to the multiple mini cnc routers?18:42
kanzurei think there's a folder in the papers/ directory on /var/www/ on adl18:42
kanzureminituarization is a neat concept, especially from a transhuman perspective18:42
genehackerthis is annoying, my favorite music streaming website decides to go bankrupt before I can get my music off of it18:42
kanzurebecause you don't really need /big/ lab equipment 18:43
genehackeroh yeah18:43
kanzurebut you do need big equipment if you want to do mass production.. however, mass production isn't actually the goal (is it?)18:43
genehackerI think in my huge bookmark list18:43
kanzurewhen are you going to share that list?18:43
genehackerit can be the goal18:43
genehackersure, but I don't think very many of those things actually worked18:44
kanzurewhat things?18:44
CubeSpawnthe ability to di it at all takes precedent, THEN being able to do it on volume comes in - then doing it fast is next18:44
genehackerI still want a milling machine that can fit in my backpack though18:44
wulfdesign_distributed manufacturing...18:44
genehackermachining centers do it all and very fast18:44
kanzureto be honest i'm not a big fan of distributed manufacturing18:44
kanzurei mean, i don't dislike it18:44
kanzurebut it seems perpendicular to what i want to do18:45
kanzureto me it is already distributed.. distributed away from me :(18:45
genehackerlink rot18:46
wulfdesign_ahh.. distributed manufacturing... for large quantities. but you could do everything in house yourself.18:46
CubeSpawnmachining centers do it well, but thier costly and heavy, and can't male themselves, mostly...18:46
kanzurewulfdesign_: if you're going to do everything in house, why not make it "small"?18:46
genehackerthere's a reason why they're heavy18:46
kanzurebecause fenn hasn't finished hextatic?18:46
genehackerit's so the machines are stiff enough not to deform under load18:46
genehackeryeah or the NIST hasn't finished the hexapod18:47
kanzurethat's just because people don't know how to distribute loads properly18:47
genehackeror because we don't have carbon nanotube composites18:47
kanzurefenn: are you awake?18:47
kanzurewe don't need CNT composites18:47
genehackerstiffness has to do with the youngs modulus of the material used18:47
genehackeryoung's modulus is a fundamental property of a material that can't be increased with various processing techniques only decreased18:48
kanzuredoes anyone know where iceweasel/firefox puts its locks? there's no other process running but it claims there is18:48
genehackerit depends on the attractive forces between atoms18:48
wulfdesign_in the H+ video used geodesic structures to provide rigidity (triangles make things more stable) 18:49
CubeSpawnwell in the mid-term - I'll settle for being able to machine in my garage with cheap, light gear - even if its slow, and I can't cut over .015 a pass18:49
kanzurewell that's what i'm wondering about, CubeSpawn 18:49
kanzurefirst, if you manufacture small stuff, you need a slightly different toolset18:49
kanzureso would it be more convenient to manufacture with the "standard sizes" 18:49
kanzurebecause there's stuff floating around out there18:49
genehackerthat's good enough cubespawn18:49
kanzureor are we equally screwed in either case, and might as well make things small?18:49
kanzurefor instance, instead of a 5 foot lathe, how about one that fits in your backpack?18:50
CubeSpawneverything in my system wil be buyable first, then self manufactured - I can't re-create the vast infrastructure of civilization all at once18:50
wulfdesign_yea, just one step at a time.18:51
kanzuremakes sense18:51
kanzurewulfdesign_: in particular i'm thinking of transhuman projects on my todo list18:51
genehackerkanzure don't you have my bookmark list?18:51
kanzurewulfdesign_: there's no reason to do them in mass volume. just make one-offs for yourself (but make them to the specs/designs)18:51
genehackeryou do I gave it to you18:52
genehackerOh I did find this though18:52
genehackersome time ago18:53
genehackerseems my links to mini cnc machines have died18:53
CubeSpawnso the cubes start out with a light mill, we make the more expensive parts for additional cubes with that, and use software compensation to push the accuracy as high as possible18:53
kanzurehave you read gingery's books?18:53
CubeSpawnmy first cube is 500mm to keep cost down18:53
genehackerhere's what I googled to find them: any combination of mini, micro, cnc, mill, milling machine18:53
CubeSpawnactually only a couple18:54
CubeSpawnthe vacuum former book, and something else - been a while18:54
kanzureok just making sure18:54
genehackerwell I'm not sure how far you can take software, but if you have infinite computational power anything is possible I guess18:54
genehackerI need to get some gingery books18:54
kanzuregenehacker: i gave you a link to download them18:54
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org/books/Manufacturing/gingery.zip has everything i think18:55
genehackerheh, manipulating the machines vibrations in such a way as to get the right shape18:55
genehackerI think I might get some meatspace gingery books in case of zombie apocalypse18:55
kanzurei need to restart Xorg, brb18:57
CubeSpawnhave you guys gone and looked? www.cubespawn.com18:57
genehackerhere's something that might be useful for tiny machining18:57
wulfdesign_yep, already knew about you as soon as your website came up.18:57
genehackerI know some japanese company uses a machine to make tiny tiny molds for tiny tiny anime robots18:58
genehacker*err the process18:58
CubeSpawnit (will perpetually) needs work and I'm no copy writer so we can only hope for improvement over time18:59
kanzureCubeSpawn: have you seen http://replab.org/ ? i think sam putman threw it up18:59
kanzurehttp://openmanufacturing.org/ is another good resource18:59
CubeSpawnerik de bruijn actually18:59
kanzureerik hasn't talked with me yet even though we've been running into each other since late 200819:00
kanzureoh well19:00
genehackerwell look what I found19:00
CubeSpawnI emailed him - seems like a nice chap - I looked up a dutch joke and added it to the end of an email as an ice breaker19:01
genehackererik de bruijn's a reprap guy, I think he might even be part of the reprap core group19:02
-!- wrldpc2 [n=benny@ool-ad03fe34.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #hplusroadmap19:02
CubeSpawnyep early adopter, big time promoter of it19:02
genehackerhere's the palmtop cnc machine19:04
genehackerit doesn't look like it works though19:04
kanzureaha it's in ~/.mozilla/firefox/<randomcrap>/.parentlock19:04
* kanzure fixed it19:04
genehackerI'd really like to have a working milling machine that could fit in my backpack that would be really accurate and capable of cutting metal19:06
genehackeror at the very least wax19:06
CubeSpawnwell just as ANOTHER cubespawn plug, if you assemble little cubes in bigger ones, and the onscreen process stays the same regardless of scale - how small could you go before the materials handling physics changed to much to do the work?19:06
genehackermy original idea for doing something like this would be to use CD drive linear actuators and probe to do really accurate electrochemical machining19:07
genehackerwell what's your cutting process?19:07
CubeSpawnand try this: if each cube can make the components for the next larger size (which they could) then how small of a cube is reasonable to start with to build a new facility?19:09
genehackerthere comes a point where traditional cutting processes start to get inaccurate19:10
CubeSpawnwould depend in the materials of course but machining aluminum probably has a lower reasonable threshhld19:10
CubeSpawnactually one of the early projects I'd like to get past theoretical is to get an open source linear motor design in circulation19:11
genehackeryou know they make lenses for DVD/bluray/optical media readers by really really accurate milling machines19:12
genehackerreprap could really use a linear motor too19:12
CubeSpawnfor the 500mm cubes this would simplify building the motion part of things, potentially improve accuracy, and simplify things mechanically19:13
genehackerbe nice to make one with air bearings19:13
genehackerwell I'm not so sure about accuracy though19:13
CubeSpawnif well designed they have very accuratly sensed positioning19:14
genehackerhow accurate?19:16
CubeSpawnaccording to this article 1 micron resolution19:17
genehackerpretty fair19:18
genehackernow how do you make them?19:18
CubeSpawncoil winder and a milling machine19:18
CubeSpawnseries of staggered coils stacked between 2 plates19:19
CubeSpawndecent picture here : http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/ph/p/id/13319:20
genehackerand there's no need to make precision milled motion guides?19:20
CubeSpawnusually linear bearings - need to be ground19:20
genehackerand you have a way of making those?19:20
CubeSpawnallow me to show you over here to the surface grinding cube.....  no. not yet19:21
genehackerlooks a bit expensive, don't you have to have a hall effect sensors?19:21
genehackergrinding hmmm... 19:21
kanzureyeah a linear motor would be nice :)19:22
kanzurethe openservo project is halfway fail19:22
genehackerif you had to I guess you could use toothpaste and a rag to do that...19:23
genehackermight take a while19:23
genehackerlinear motors are nice, but they're a bit resource intensive, an open stepper motor might make more sense at this stage19:24
CubeSpawnwell back to the earlier comment - one step at a time - the 3 axis cnc prototype is assembled on salvage priced 15mm ballscrews, I'm trying to select a path that will be 100% recursive - and fortunatly I can do it from the existing huge store of readily available components and technologies19:24
CubeSpawnit won't happen in the first step, or the first 100019:25
kanzurepeople tend to be bad at selecting recursive paths or replicable paths19:25
kanzuredo you have a particular metric you can share?19:25
genehackerwell in order to get 100% replication with store bought components and conventional assembly techniques you need smart robots 19:26
genehackersmart robots need chips19:26
kanzurewhat does smart have to do with it?19:26
CubeSpawnbut our combined efforts can pull this huge existing store of stuff out of the old world of control and into the world of open source - if we're relentless about it19:26
genehackerand fortunately there is a push for lights out computer chip fabs19:27
kanzuregenehacker: chips aren't magical. also if mm-scale circuits are too wonky we can always do analog electronics19:27
CubeSpawnoh I agree there a hugely superflous variation in current manufacturing practice19:27
genehackerwhich could close the loop19:27
genehackerhow do you make the laser for the laser rangefinders that jigless assembly robots need?19:28
CubeSpawnif a lot of people pick a standard, put some hardcore effort into it I can see VLSI level IC's in the garage in 3-5 years19:29
genehackeranyway I have to go, here's an old tome from high precision machinists: "on a mill, everything is a thermometer"19:29
kanzurewell remember the chips originated from garages in the first place19:29
kanzureer, or at least some of them did19:30
genehackerdon't forget the maskless lithography process that uses a MEMS chip that was made with 70s era fab equipment...19:30
wulfdesign_see ya gene.19:31
CubeSpawnSee ya!19:32
CubeSpawnanyhow, dinner calleth to me so I'll bbl! no taking over the world while I'm away!!19:35
kanzurei'm busy hacking away at some code, don't worry 19:35
wulfdesign_thanks Cube, 19:36
CubeSpawnoh, main() 19:37
CubeSpawn{ 19:37
CubeSpawn    printf("hello, world, Submit!\n"); 19:37
kanzure"Lego also did a mosaic product for a while where you could upload an image and they would send you parts and instructions for making the image with 1x1 Lego plates."19:39
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kanzurehey maxbots 19:40
maxbotsSaw this groupl mentioned in the makerbot Yahoo group, thought I'd see what it's about. :-)19:40
kanzureour main project was recently featured in a video19:41
kanzurethe idea is to make hardware "downloadable"-- think of thingiverse on steroids and instructables mated with a cluestick19:41
wulfdesign_hmm... I wonder if you could have a 'local' parts lister. something that would search what parts you are looking for and find a local source for them.19:47
kanzureso, first of all, there's a website in the code repository that we're working on to take advantage of all this software19:48
kanzureone idea is to let the user type up their inventory19:49
kanzureand then map it to pre-existing packages19:49
kanzureso that we can then figure out how they can build something based off of what they already have19:49
kanzureor what they have to build in between where they are now and where they want to be19:49
kanzureanother idea is that next to every package there's a "make" button but also a "buy" button19:50
kanzurenot everyone wants to make their own screws :)19:50
wulfdesign_if businesses opened up their inventory database to search against. it would help bring them out as well.19:50
kanzureso there are certain "outs"19:50
kanzureyeah that's actually one of the problems.. a lot of people have really terrible data19:50
kanzureoctopart.org is the only thing happening in that scene really19:50
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wulfdesign_yea, tell me about it (databases). I came from being a dba (many years back).19:52
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kanzureoh so you're pure evil :-)19:52
wulfdesign_not any more. I found salvation in open source.19:52
wulfdesign_only with Xerox for a few years....19:53
wulfdesign_before chapter 11...19:53
kanzurewulfdesign_: are you a programmer?19:55
kanzurei'd love to show you around the skdb source code some time19:55
wulfdesign_no. I have programmed in the past. but don't consider myself a programmer. skill set is a few years old.19:55
wulfdesign_sure thing.19:55
kanzurehttp://designfiles.org/skdb/ is some of the code laying around19:56
wulfdesign_I'm more of a hack than a programmer.19:56
kanzureoh btw does anyone know of (1) an osx guy who can help get a .dmg for skdb made, or (2) how to get osx running under vmware?19:56
wulfdesign_I have the ability to make things work, but mostly it's my voodoo skills.19:56
wulfdesign_no, but will keep my eyes open.19:57
wulfdesign_python? been meaning to pick that up. skeinforge uses it. be nice to hack my own code. I like it when I can get programs to do redundant work.19:59
kanzureyep it's all in python20:00
wulfdesign_what (open) format do you want designs in?20:10
kanzureIGES, STEP, not STL20:13
kanzuremy eye hurts20:13
ybitpythonocc 0.4 is being released in about a week20:14
ybitthhis coming from thomas paviot20:15
kanzurei find it funny that he had the same problems i did with taking screenshots without X1120:16
kanzurealso how he completely ignored my notes on the topic :(20:16
wulfdesign_with either IGES, STEP. is both better? or either one... I'm using Rhino3d. which is proprietary. unfortunately I'm having trouble getting Open Source software to work on my current (old) computer system20:19
kanzurein general i've found that i can convert from iges->step and from step->iges20:20
wulfdesign_I think I could provide both. let me look.20:20
kanzurefor something in particular?20:21
ybitwulfdesign_: step's cad spec was intended as a replacement for iges, so step is preferred20:21
kanzureybit: other way around i think20:21
kanzurebut nobody has the STEP docs20:21
ybitThe development of STEP started in 1984 as a successor of IGES, SET and VDA-FS [1]20:22
CubeSpawnfiggers, right after I dropped out of machining and cam the first time...20:23
CubeSpawnjust read through what here since I left - must all be pretty bust multitasking... ;-)20:24
CubeSpawncrap the ole degenerative typing disorder is setting in - makes me sound COMLETLEY illiterate20:25
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CubeSpawnI see a bit of mention above about revealing the architecture, or philosophy or maybe what bones you cast into the pentagram that lead you to SKDB?20:28
CubeSpawnI believe the cogent phrase was "show you around the source code sometime..."20:31
kanzureoh lookie, it's made it to the web: http://harkopen.com/news/skdb-presentation-h-summit20:31
kanzureCubeSpawn: yeah20:32
kanzurehttp://adl.serveftp.org/skdb/ if you get bored of waiting and want to explore it on your own20:32
wulfdesign_I just exported a test file from Rhino3d to IGES and STEP. When I re-imported them the IGES object was fragmented into all the surfaces and the STEP was a complete object.20:32
kanzureunfortunately i'm about to be picked up to go to a meeting20:32
kanzurewulfdesign_: huh. i haven't had those troubles with iges before. anyway, step it is :)20:32
wulfdesign_so, at least with Rhino3d (version 3.0) STEP is the way to go.20:33
kanzurefenn might show up, or you can pester ybit for details20:33
CubeSpawnah kewl, I'll explore, but I'll have lots of questions - are there any diagrams?20:33
kanzureyeah there are many diagrams.. one sec20:33
kanzurehere's a recent presentation:20:33
kanzurehere's the one that was in the youtube video: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/presentations/hplus-summit-2009/hplus-summit-2009-how-to-make.pdf20:34
CubeSpawnkewl thanks20:34
kanzureanyway, i really do need to get around to writing about the architecture20:34
wulfdesign_eh? I had my twitter feed turned off...20:35
kanzurethe core themes and concepts are: packages, git and distributed revision control, object serialization (YAML), units and physical dimensions, and stuff on the near horizon like dependency resolution (if i have x, y, z, how do i make a, b, c)20:35
CubeSpawnI'd like to help - and as a noob - I'll ask questions your familiarity might blind you to20:35
kanzureyay that's perfect20:35
kanzureright now installing skdb is a pain in the ass except if you're on linux.. we need to fix this20:35
wulfdesign_sure. some cross platform documentation...20:36
CubeSpawnor wipe out all non linux users..oops it too early for that (he types from mirc on windows)20:36
wulfdesign_I could maybe do that for windows since that is the platform I'm currently using.20:36
kanzurethere are some tricks that you can do on windows to make things move faster20:37
kanzurefor instance, there's a download for pythonocc from http://pythonocc.org/ meant specifically for windows users20:37
wulfdesign_hey, MOST of my machines are Linux...20:37
kanzureit includes python, pythonOCC, etc20:37
kanzuregreat then20:37
kanzurei'd rather not have to deal with windows right now20:37
wulfdesign_eh? I've Linux installed on one of my machines. I can use it for skdb. prob good idea to keep it up and VNC into it.20:39
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CubeSpawnI run 4 out of 8 VMs at work that are linux flavored - cmon - the First computer I used was a trash 80 and I went to a PET after that, then Amiga - I only do microsoft as a digital prostitute20:40
kanzureneed to run.. who the heck schedules meetings for 9pm20:40
wulfdesign_see ya20:41
CubeSpawnok guys gonna go swim in the technical literature - and bake some bread - makes the house smell great - and keeps the heating bill low20:43
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CubeSpawnthanks for the virus infested site utopiah21:03
UtopiahCubeSpawn: eh... I recommend you use a proper system to browse the net21:05
katsmeow-afkvim ?21:05
UtopiahVimperator is a good start yes ;)21:05
UtopiahCubeSpawn: if you use Firefox http://noscript.net/ and http://adblockplus.org/ are pretty useful21:06
CubeSpawn3 script attacks - nothing gets through, but its not a "nice" neighborhood... ;-)21:07
ybituzbl ftw21:14
Utopiahsurfraw? well anyway point is you can go in dark place if you have the right tools ;)21:15
CubeSpawnactually, I use IE in a VM - mainly since thats what I use at work - and its pretty foolproof - blow it up, and you can be running again in 2-3 minutes, tops ;-)21:15
CubeSpawnI'm not an MS fan - just have to deal with it a lot21:15
ybityay http://www.jython.org/archive/21/docs/zxjdbc.html21:15
ybitjdbc for jython, and it appears you can use jdbc directly without even having to use zxjdbc21:16
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wulfdesign_got to run22:08
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kanzureinteresting stuff on the openmoko: http://hardware.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1473068&cid=3038375823:19
fennhow am i supposed to read this huge scrollback23:28
kanzurewhat do you think about cubespawn's idea of standardizing manufacturing equipment form factors23:28
genehackerthat's annoying23:33
genehackershould be done23:33
kanzurestandardizing power, data, microcontrollers, minicomputers, etc. is understandable23:33
genehackernot sure if it will succede23:33
kanzurein personal computers, form factors are easy to enforce or standardize since it's all a matter of putting stuff in different places23:34
kanzurein manufacturing sometimes people claim you really do need all that space23:34
genehackerwhy minicomputers, why not just the data processing they do?23:34
genehackerthe software23:34
kanzureno the software has to run on something23:34
genehackeranyway manufacturers of factory equipment tend to want their equipment to be only compatible with their equipment23:36
kanzurefenn: the thing i'm worried about re: the paper is that i don't actually have anything to say23:37
kanzure"well we tried to convert matt. that didn't work. uhh."23:37
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fennre: cubespawn; ethercat is overkill for 99.99999% of all DIY manufacturing23:50
fennit's fucking retarded to make that the interconnection standard23:51
fennand it's sort of proprietary (sort of)23:51
kanzurei'm more concerned about "everything's a cube! er, or at least should fit into that form factor"23:52
kanzurei guess the size can scale up for bigger things23:52
kanzurei'm no sizist (yet)23:52
fennanyway i dont really "get it"23:52
fennwho cares if it fits into a cube23:53
fennthat's the least of our problems23:53
kanzurethe guy is in san antonio btw and wants to meet with us.. er, me, at some point23:53
fenni understand for something like MUOL, but in a guy's basement the management overhead just isnt that high23:54
genehacker2maybe cubes aren't the way to go23:54
genehacker2I'm wondering what he's going to do about the transfer system23:54
kanzurewhy did computers come in a box originally?23:55
kanzurethere were two issues with "form factors" back in the day:23:55
fennwhat is a flexible manufacturing system and why should i care?23:55
kanzure1) whether or not they had the right interfaces (i.e. PCI)23:55
kanzure2) whether or not there's enough space in the box for a big giant board23:55
kanzurebut #2 is defeated by asking why it's in a box in the first place23:55
fennmagnetic shielding, i guess23:55
genehacker2a flexible manufacturing system is a manufacturing system designed to make multiple products23:56
kanzureoh noes the bits on my floppy are going to be flipped? 23:56
genehacker2or easily transition to making a different product23:56
fenngenehacker2: what's wrong with a cnc machine with a pallet changer?23:56
genehacker2that's a component of a flexible manufacturing system23:57
genehacker2nothing is wrong with it23:57
fennit just seems to me that we could do it all in one cell, in which case the whole system is superfluous23:57
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fennthe only advantage is tool change time?23:58
fennno, i dont get it23:58
fennanyway t-slot sucks for machine tools23:59
genehacker2are you going to do coordinate measuring and machining in one step23:59

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