
--- Day changed Sun Dec 13 2009
-!- MrClif [n=clif@c-71-236-243-61.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:07
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-58-96.public.utexas.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]00:10
kanzurehello MrClif 00:15
MrClifHello hows it going?00:21
MrClifHeath told me about his channel.00:21
RedeemerGlad to see word has spread.00:22
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 34 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 34 normal]00:22
kanzureif you want there are channel logs from the past few years00:23
kanzurea list of links we've talked about: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/hplusroadmap-urls.txt00:23
genehacker2Hmmm... I should tell one of classmates who happens to be a microcontroller demigeek about this channel00:23
MrClifok I'll book mark those thanks.00:23
MrClifI'm also friends with some of the fab at home guys.00:24
genehacker2evan malone?00:24
kanzurescrew evan. we want hod :)00:24
genehacker2aren't they working on version 2.000:25
genehacker2have you read his recent work kanzure?00:25
kanzurehod's? yes00:25
MrClifDon't think I know him but... yes I've emailed even. but mostly Turlif and his dad Carl.00:25
genehacker2about digital materials 00:25
kanzurewait wait, don't distract me00:25
kanzurei'm writing00:25
genehacker2what class?00:25
kanzureno, it's a paper for a conference00:25
genehacker2what conference?00:26
MrClifSay, is there a problem with freefab.org?00:27
kanzureMrClif: you should probably just look at http://openmanufacturing.org/ instead00:27
kanzuregenehacker2: http://designconference.org/00:27
MrClifSo is freefab dead?00:28
genehacker2good luck00:28
kanzureMrClif: there was never any content on that site00:28
kanzurecheck the /topic for some links that aren't quite as dead00:28
MrClifgot it, thx..00:29
-!- MrClif [n=clif@c-71-236-243-61.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #hplusroadmap []00:35
kanzurei didn't mean for him to go away00:35
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-!- MrClif [n=clif@c-71-236-243-61.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #hplusroadmap []00:36
kanzureSpatiotemporal control of cell signalling using a light-switchable protein interaction00:43
kanzureNature 461, 997-1001 (15 October 2009) | doi:10.1038/nature08446;00:43
kanzureReceived 8 July 2009; Accepted 24 August 2009; Published online 1300:43
kanzureSeptember 200900:43
kanzurelead author: our friend anselm :-)00:43
kanzureyay anselm00:43
RedeemerSounds related to his talk at H+00:44
fennhe's doing awesome work, not surprised it's in nature00:44
kanzureweird i think he's the first lead author of a nature paper that i personally know.. or knew before i realized he was a nature paper author or something00:46
kanzureas if that means something. i guess it's just cool trivia00:47
kanzurehere it is: http://designfiles.org/papers/Spatiotemporal%20control%20of%20cell%20signalling%20using%20a%20light-switchable%20protein%20interaction.pdf00:51
kanzurehis talk: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/hplus-summit-2009/ansyem.html00:52
-!- technologicle1 [n=lee@] has joined #hplusroadmap00:54
kanzurehello lee00:55
kanzuretechnologicle1: we were just talking about http://designfiles.org/papers/Spatiotemporal%20control%20of%20cell%20signalling%20using%20a%20light-switchable%20protein%20interaction.pdf00:55
-!- Irssi: #hplusroadmap: Total of 34 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 34 normal]00:55
-!- MrClif [n=clif@c-71-236-243-61.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:04
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technologicle1how ironic - i was searching through my email and was looking at a similar thread http://groups.google.com/group/diytranshumanist/browse_thread/thread/113abbd0778f488?hl=en01:09
technologicle1actually i think it is about this article..01:10
kanzuresame thing01:10
kanzure#hplusroadmap is about 5 to 10 minutes ahead01:10
-!- EmbraceUnity [n=quassel@c-76-16-96-169.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap01:13
kanzurehello EmbraceUnity01:13
* kanzure sleeps01:13
technologicle1also my google alert for molecular assembler turned up this result for a cell blueprint http://biosingularity.wordpress.com/2009/11/27/first-ever-blueprint-of-a-minimal-cell-is-more-complex-than-expected/01:14
technologicle1my joke is that i am ahead of my time, but only by 2 minutes - so i gotta move quick01:16
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technologicle1ok - i read the article - now what to do with the information?01:33
fennpff that article is so last week01:43
fenntechnologicle1: ok now take a bunch of mutated dna polymerases and make a light-controlled in-vivo DNA synthesis machine01:46
-!- genehacker [i=genehack@wireless-128-62-36-194.public.utexas.edu] has joined #hplusroadmap02:35
technologicle1oohhh  - nice !02:42
technologicle1but,   what would the light control be used for?02:43
technologicle1also - i was not clear which part induced the light sensitivity - what is the sequence for that?02:49
technologicle1is this within DIY capability?02:49
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fennit's standard restriction enzyme stuff, so depending on your definition of "DIY capability" probably not04:26
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-!- MrClif [n=clif@c-71-236-243-61.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:41
ybithi MrClif 11:49
ybitfenn: what was anselm talking to you about11:50
ybit..at the party11:50
ybithe was intense11:50
MrClifHowdy Hackers. :-)11:53
MrClifI was just watching the youtube SKDB series.11:53
kanzureMrClif: cool :) like?11:57
MrClifYes very cool!11:58
kanzurefor some reason people in france and the netherlands like the videos11:58
Utopiahyes, we do11:59
kanzureUtopiah: where are you from?11:59
MrClifSay I mentioned this to Heath, I have some pretty capable servers over at Paul Vixies place (ISC) that are very underutilised.11:59
ybitswitzerland, no?11:59
kanzureUtopiah: aha11:59
kanzureso it's you :)11:59
kanzurewell you guys are 13% of the views11:59
kanzureMrClif: neat, servers are always wonderful11:59
Utopiahwell, I watched the 3 videos but only once11:59
Utopiahprobably shared it with some local friends but not 500 11:59
ybitMrClif: would you mind hosting papers and books on those servers? :-)12:00
Utopiah(guess I could with the local H+ chapter though, doing it now then)12:00
MrClifnot at all bring it on.12:00
ybitokie doke, prepare for the onslaught then 12:00
kanzureMrClif: a mirror of http://bio.cc/Bioinformics/papers/ would be hot12:01
ybitwell, i'm off on a 4 hour trip, fingers crossed i finish up the .deb today -_-12:01
Utopiah(regarding Switzerland I hope my CERN booking will work out, fingers crossed)12:01
MrClifummmm those papers woundn't have any (C) intaglements woud they? :-/12:01
kanzureyou people and your fingers12:01
kanzureMrClif: and you think books wouldn't?12:01
kanzureMrClif: but anyway, skdb hosting would be cool too.. right now it's on a lab server12:01
kanzurejoe rayhawk and some other peeps were offering hosting, but i think we need some mirrors and places to let people work12:02
kanzurethe web framework is based off of people having .git repositories for their hardware12:02
MrClifyep... 12:02
kanzureand lots of people don't really have shells12:02
kanzureare you a linux sysadmin dood?12:02
MrClifI provide shells to responsable people.12:02
kanzureok neat12:02
Utopiahkanzure: actually I subscribed to your YT channel after watching, hopefuly more videos coming (fingers crossed, yes that one is just to be annoying)12:03
MrClifbut ISC gets real twitchy when the port scans start.12:03
kanzurewhat is ISC?12:03
MrClifwhere im hosted isc.org. the home of the F.root nameserver.12:03
kanzureoh shit12:04
MrClifthey are a 501(c)3 and under some scrutney and that gets passed along to the sites there.12:04
kanzurewait does ISC host all 13 of the root name servers?12:04
MrClifno I'm sure they are all over the world12:05
MrClifbut I have lots of disk space and free BW power etc. 12:06
kanzureprops :). i'm really busy today (writing a paper)12:06
kanzurebut i want to look into this12:06
MrClifok We'll talk later then...12:06
kanzureand get some skdb documentation going real soon now12:06
MrClif(RSN) TM ;-)12:06
kanzureyeah :(12:07
MrClifYeah I have to clear my stack of side projects which will take awhile *sigh*...12:07
Utopiahhttp://blog.unptnt.com/ down? relocated? http://www.actualhardware.com/ ?12:21
kanzureunptnt.com probably won't happen.. dave seems to be happy with skdb :)12:37
kanzureactualhardware.com is dave's latest, yeah12:37
Utopiahyou mentionned OSHBank too, what is that?12:37
Utopiahah ok, then I guess there was a typo in the PDF< thanks12:38
kanzureoops :(12:40
Utopiahkristianpaul: ping12:43
-!- randallagordon [n=randalla@c-76-115-127-7.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap12:56
kanzurehey randallagordon 12:58
randallagordonstumbled in via a post to diybio...I feel like I've found home...12:59
kanzureyou probably have. what's up?12:59
randallagordonnot much, just figured I'd stop by and see how active the channel is, looks to be quite well used13:00
kanzurewe're really busy trying to come up with more documentation for skdb13:00
kanzurethe response from the conference videos has been more than i expected13:00
randallagordonjust watched the SKDB videos from H+, I'm floored13:01
kanzurei wish i was smart enough to do documentation *before* the conference :)13:01
randallagordonhindsight, right? ;)13:01
kanzureright right13:01
randallagordonI've been loosely follow 3d printers and self-replication for several years, but never did much deep digging... So, seeing all these CNC projects at this maturity level has opened my eyes to the fact that I should have been paying closer attention for a while now!13:03
kanzurewhat were you doing? waiting for the future to happen?13:04
randallagordonOh, no! ...I'm one of those people with too many hobbies to pick just one to focus on13:05
kanzuresure. me too. http://heybryan.org/13:05
randallagordonJust paying attention to other areas13:05
kanzurediybio maybe?13:06
randallagordonhehe, actually I've been digging through your site since I joined the chan ;)13:06
randallagordonNah, diybio I came to recently as well.13:06
MrClifSame here I just joined yesterday after running accross a diybio posting on SEM/FIB.13:07
kanzureit will take me a while to learn what each of you are interested in.. but there's a lot of neat work going on13:08
randallagordonThe past few years I've focused on a combination of user experience/user interface design, getting a bit more serious with graphics design as well as trying to fill in the gaping hole of economics and business that I thoroughly ignored all my life...all in an attempt to try and make a living off what I love to do--work with the web13:08
kanzureybit has taken up making a .deb for skdb, and we need more people making STEP models of awesome hardware13:08
kanzureew, UI :p13:08
randallagordonhehe, UI is important ;) even if it is a struggle13:09
MrClifa good UI will get the projects out into the mainstream. :-)13:10
randallagordonbingo ;)13:10
kanzureoh i shoudl show you the skdb web server thingy i was working on before the talk.. let me turn it on13:10
kanzurehttp://heybryan.org:8081/ have fun13:10
randallagordonplus, I'm getting old...I'm not as quick to jump straight to "RTFM" as I used to be ;)13:10
kanzureas soon as i put up the icons in the "packages" view, people started to understand13:10
kanzurewhich i find amazing.. it's just a few icons. but whatever.13:10
randallagordonmany people have a hard time visualizing complex ideas, even tiny seeds grow into amazing ideas13:11
kanzureyeah i've been looking for a diagram to explain "downloading hardware from the web"13:12
randallagordonit is just timing out on my end13:12
randallagordonI'd say show a video of the RepRap or other CNC equipment in action...seeing it happen speaks volumes13:13
randallagordonI was explaining SKDB to a buddy two days ago for about 10 minutes...simply no clarity was coming around...loaded up the video of the RepRap in action and he immediately put everything together13:13
kanzurerandallagordon: try now13:13
MrClifSay in the talk you guys mentioned a $2000 version of the shoptech router, do you have some links to that?13:14
kanzureshoptech? do you mean mechmate? or shopbot?13:14
MrClifyes either I think.13:15
kanzureshopbot is $10k+. mechmate can be thrown together for a few thousand.13:15
MrClifYes that puts it within reach. :-)13:16
kanzureyou can buy used stuff dirt cheap13:16
kanzure.. as long as you can haul.13:16
MrCliffrom ebay for example?13:16
kanzuredunno. i haven't bought anything "big" off of ebay- i guess i'd be careful about shipping rates13:17
kanzurebut if you have a truck, and you have craigslist in the area, and local machine shops, you should be good13:17
randallagordontry metal recyclers...they tend to try and sell off "working" parts rather than melt them down13:17
MrClifok I guess I would be looking for old XY tables.13:18
kanzurehey just a word of warning, many of us in here are totally broke13:18
kanzureso our concept of money and how much stuff should cost is very warped13:18
randallagordonI feel ya there13:18
kanzureso to me mechmate is ridiculously expensive, and shopbot is absurd13:18
kanzureeven though shopbot is technically one of the cheapest deals out there13:19
MrClif;-) got it. I've lived like a starving collage student for most of my life I can relate.13:19
kanzureer wait, it isn't, but it's ranking there13:19
kanzurecollage student huh13:19
randallagordon...far, far less than commercial/industrial solutions13:19
MrClifby the way I every one teases me about my spelling.13:20
kanzurei literally busted out laughing when i learned that haas stuff costs $100k minimum13:20
MrClifHey, a bit more about me, a long time ago I worked on this project: http://www.bhutan-notes.com/clif/13:22
randallagordonTo play devil's advocate, the flipside is that if you've got a good idea, $100k for a piece of equipment can be made back quickly. The machine then becomes an investment...13:23
kanzureMrClif: so were you using commercial antennas?13:23
randallagordonBut, you've gotta ensure that your idea will generate at least that much in return...which is the difficult part13:23
kanzuresome of us aren't interested in money at all13:23
MrClifyes in that project we were.13:23
kanzurei know that's a bad thing to say. i'm cool with balancing the books, but honestly i just want to make stuff13:24
randallagordonoh, that I get13:24
kanzurecool, cool13:24
kanzureso i'm not going to tell you i'm going to get a trillion percent ROI on blah blah blah13:24
MrClifyou know the Poynting yaggies are only about $14 each.13:25
kanzureMrClif: what is this document? doesn't look quite like a howto13:25
kanzurea report. hm. you wrote it up?13:25
MrClifyes for the ITU you are required to finish a report to get paid. :-)13:25
kanzureyou're my hero: http://www.bhutan-notes.com/clif/images/No_1.jpg13:26
MrClifIt took me foever to get it done but I was somewhat motivated...13:26
randallagordonI would have quoted that word for word several years back...I'm just finding that I can build faster and get further by finding methods to use my ideas to produce the cash up front that I need to pay for equipment to finish the job...the business world, rightfully, gets a bad rap, but there's a need to separate the fact that commerce/business can be a tool just as much as a CNC router...business isn't evil, some people pr13:26
kanzuremy future setup: http://heybryan.org/shots/inspiration/notstevebutjoe/IMG_0872.JPG13:26
randallagordonbusiness methods which doesn't create dependencies within the market they serve13:26
kanzurerandallagordon: yep i think we're on the same wavelength13:27
randallagordon...but most people certainly haven't been given a reason to trust corps13:27
randallagordonmmm, wall of data13:28
MrClifWell its been fun chatting but I have some code to finish before the day is done... 13:29
MrClifCatch ya later.. :-)13:29
randallagordonHave fun :)13:29
kanzurefenn: http://www.ladyada.net/library/kits/kitmaking.html13:29
-!- MrClif [n=clif@c-71-236-243-61.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #hplusroadmap []13:29
kanzurewho was it that was working on the solarnetone project? shogunx? where is he these days13:30
randallagordonPersonally I'm toying with the idea that the "proper" place for an ethical business is one which educates its customers to be able to provide for themselves. So profit begets more profit, rather than draining a market. But making that a reality is the difficult part...certainly not impossible, however.13:32
randallagordonHere's my current project: http://picasaweb.google.com/randallagordon/DIYHydroponics13:53
kanzureneat :)13:54
kanzurei'll look into that more thoroughly later (busy), but someone was in here a few months ago doing hydroponics with a styrofoam cup13:55
randallagordonbeen interested in hydroponics for a while, then got to reading about some of the Controlled Environment Agriculture work being done at Cornell and U of Arizona and now I'm an addict13:56
randallagordonenjoying a sandwhich with some of that home grown lettuce right now :)13:56
randallagordon...and I actually got involved so I could assist a buddy who is selling niche LED lighting products...I'm also an LED addict, so it fit in naturally! See, too many hobbies... ;)13:57
kanzurerandallagordon: do you do web design? CSS/XHTML crap?14:13
-!- danielfalck [n=chatzill@pool-71-111-79-148.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]14:14
randallagordonI do14:14
randallagordonfeel free to abbreviate my name to rag, ranbot or rb3k...randallagordon is a bit...lettery...14:16
kanzurethere's an IRC trick where you can press tab after typing the first few letters to complete the name automagically14:17
randallagordonthat works too14:17
randallagordonhoorah for autocompletion14:17
randallagordonI haven't really used IRC since about 2001ish14:17
randallagordonnow that I'm getting back into the development side of things, I'm finding myself here more and more often, though, heh14:18
-!- danielfalck [n=chatzill@pool-71-111-79-148.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #hplusroadmap14:28
randallagordonHello danielfalck...fellow Oregonian?14:30
danielfalckBeaverton area14:30
randallagordonRight on, I live in Lebanon14:30
randallagordonSodaville, specifically, if you're familiar with the area...Albany would be the next largest town, if you're not :)14:31
danielfalckAlbany will do-I'm not too familiar the area14:32
danielfalckare you a programmer?14:32
randallagordonI am14:33
danielfalckI'm not, but I dabble in python14:33
randallagordonNice, I'm a bit on the oldschool side, I still prefer good ol' C ;) Although most of my efforts these days are with the web, mostly on the design side, so little programming14:35
danielfalckmost of my efforts lately have been just trying to get software to play together nicely on my mac14:36
randallagordonBut, my fiance is learning Python at the moment, that's good fun. She's a biology geek, and is at least partially responsible for my showing up here (since she got me interested in bio, eventually I subscribed to the diybio list, and a post there led me here...)14:36
danielfalckso I'm having to learn a little more about make files and other stuff that's just not too fun14:36
randallagordonahh, yes, but all that knowledge will come in very handy down the line14:36
randallagordonbut, yeah, quite boring up front14:37
danielfalckI sure hope so14:37
kristianpaulUtopiah: pong15:06
Utopiahkristianpaul: check the http://oshwbank.org/ shared here earlier15:07
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kristianpaulUtopiah: yes i knew it, is just dont like atmel15:30
kristianpaulother non atmel kits are okay15:30
Utopiahkristianpaul: do you know of similar initiatives?15:30
kristianpaulUtopiah: nope15:31
kristianpaulbut this i dont like at all, looks tooo comercial more than collaborative15:31
kristianpaulis my personal opinion15:31
kristianpaulUtopiah: but there is a lot of FLOSS hardware desgins out there15:32
Utopiahopenbiscuits yes15:32
kristianpauli remeber you pass me thank link time ago too15:34
kristianpauland there is no need of have all that just in one place !15:34
kristianpauland i relly love this  http://en.wikiants.org/ Utopiah 15:35
Utopiahkristianpaul: well, maybe not everything in one place but, having a global view can lead to interesting crossover projects/ideas15:37
Utopiah(and also less inefficiency from redundancy)15:37
kristianpauli hope thats why i'm here .p15:37
* kristianpaul waching permaculture 40min documental from http://permaculture.org.au/2009/12/11/greening-the-desert-ii-final/15:38
Utopiahdamn, I had permaculture links for you but I forgot... will share them later on15:41
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kanzurewhat? http://p2pfoundation.net/?title=file:tangilebit.png&diff=0&oldid=prev/15:48
kanzurei wonder why samrose is working on that..15:48
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kristianpaul /win 1117:13
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kanzurehttp://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/12/diy-book-scanner/ eh not automated.17:34
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kanzurehttp://eztv.it/ for television show torrents. so on second thought it's probably worthless17:40
Utopiah(if you are into TH shows http://www.casttv.com/online-tv-guide > *)17:41
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Utopiahhmmm, did the EFF (or sth related) already defend some DIY cases on the basis of intellectual property infringement?17:46
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kanzurefenn: which spaces have you checked out? hackerdojo? noisebridge? langton?18:17
Utopiahwould be pretty amazing to have every hardware stuff with IPv6 providing API and queue but also geolocation information and cost of running... it will instantly make an entire production network...18:18
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genehacker3geez my internet connection is going wild18:23
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kanzurehey Redeemer 18:25
Redeemer Mornin18:25
genehacker3kanzure so you can log into computer lab machines and use software on them?18:26
fennkanzure: just noisebridge, i've mostly been sick and playing video games18:26
genehacker3hope you didn't get swineflu18:27
genehacker3dang happened to miss the vaccinations here...18:27
fennswine flu doesn't start out as a sinus infection18:27
RedeemerSwineflu sucks, but is definitely beatable.18:27
fenni dont kiss cardboard vampires either, regardless what happens in my dreams18:27
genehacker3do you atleast tell twilight fans the spoilers?18:28
fenn"bella dies"18:28
genehacker3so kanzure can you log into the lab machines over the internet18:28
RedeemerEdward kills dumbledore.18:28
genehacker3it's worse than bella dies18:29
kanzuregenehacker3: yes18:29
* genehacker3 throws down a change the topic to something other than twilight card before we even go there18:29
genehacker3can you use solidworks on them?18:29
kanzureno my lab machines are linux18:29
kanzurewho's flextronics?18:30
genehacker3I want do some FEM stuff over the break in solidworks, but I don't have solidworks18:30
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genehacker3that stuff takes a really long time...18:31
QuantumGwget 'http://torrents.thepiratebay.org/4857163/SolidWorks_2009_for_64_bit_based_systems.4857163.TPB.torrent'18:31
kanzuredanielcc1: i hear you have equipment?18:32
QuantumGor, ya know, whatever is appropriate for you18:32
kanzurelet's hear it :)18:32
danielcc1i have a shop with vacuum equ.(10^-7 torr) tools and whatnot18:32
genehacker3quantumg, I can't torrent here it's not safe18:32
kanzureQuantumG: eh doesn't run well under vmware, wine, etc. 18:32
danielcc1welders drills vices18:32
QuantumGkanzure: ya, I work with 64-bit windoze machines, so it'll be going on one of those18:33
fenndanielcc1: where at?18:33
kanzuresouth carolina18:34
QuantumGand I'm sure I'll be "meh, too hard" and forget about it :)18:34
fenni wonder if it's cold there too18:34
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kanzurefenn: have you tried using a blanket18:35
Redeemer10 degrees here in Minnesota.  Warm out.18:35
genehacker4it's rather nice here18:36
genehacker4not even jacket weather18:37
fennremember how i said video game graphics never improve? well "call of duty: modern warfare" has certainly improved18:37
genehacker4never improved?18:37
kanzureoh noes fenn has found out about video games18:37
RedeemerI like that game, fun times18:37
genehacker4you must be playing those anime game thing18:37
QuantumGas long as you're meta about the whole thing, video game graphics do never change18:38
QuantumGfirst you're dazzled by the eye candy18:39
QuantumGthen you adjust to it18:39
QuantumGand then something else comes out with more eye candy18:39
fennmaybe it's just that still screenshots don't really do it justice18:39
kanzurestalk: stephen nabholz18:39
kanzurestalk: nigel bosch18:39
QuantumGall the time striving for photorealism and you think "ya know, is photorealism really the right goal?"18:40
genehacker4pah you and your 3d games18:40
genehacker4I much prefer 2d sometimes18:40
fennQuantumG: um, yeah. wtf18:40
genehacker4whoa those greek busts must be using subsurface scattering rendering18:41
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fennphotorealism is the right goal18:41
* fenn notes the holodeck was not rendered in anime style18:42
QuantumGthe holodeck wasn't exactly good entertainment either18:42
QuantumGfor the fictional characters or for the poor viewers who had to watch the fictional characters.18:43
QuantumGshame they never put WoW in the holodeck.. it would be the ultimate in non-fun gaming18:43
QuantumG"you mean I *literally* have to level grind?  wtf?"18:44
kanzureguh? http://www.adafruit.com/blog/2009/07/20/apollo-11-command-module-code-goes-open-source/18:44
genehacker4argh, I can't find the anime game nerd rant that made me lose faith in humanity18:45
QuantumGpeople have already hooked up treadmills to WoW18:45
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QuantumG.. as if the "OMG, how does running around == gaming?"  conundrum wasn't already bad enough.18:46
danielcc1lol gaming in the real world18:47
RedeemerKeeps them from getting totally overweight.18:47
genehacker4maybe with wearable setups life can be a game18:47
danielcc1oh wait it already isnt?18:47
genehacker4MAKE A 3D PRINTER FOR 1000 POINTS18:47
QuantumGya know what else does that?   Not playing a game for 80+ hours a week18:47
genehacker4Well I want to get a highscore18:47
fennQuantumG sure likes to argue18:48
RedeemerLife: The Game sucks, constantly losing.18:49
QuantumGyup, so trying to make your game "more life-like" sounds like a lose to me :)18:49
kanzurei think you should try to make your life as real as possible.. QuantumG i think you have your priorities all out of whack18:49
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fenni reject your reality18:50
kanzureand substitute what? your mom?18:50
fennwhat does that even mean? "make your life as real as possible"18:50
genehacker2wait a second, quantumg are you a game addict?18:50
kanzurefenn: groundtruthing can be hard18:51
fenndon't tell me you're an existentialist18:51
QuantumGgenehacker2: actually, no, I don't play many games at all.. 18:51
kanzurei don't think so18:51
kanzureenough philosophy18:51
kanzurefenn: we need to figure out what to do with all the wonderful newbies18:52
genehacker2we should set up an educator bot18:52
RedeemerEven with the gaming I do (plenty of it) they still happily remind me that even there I shall fail.18:52
kanzureyou're already a bot18:52
genehacker2I already know that18:53
fennat the very least, they could each pick a hardware project, describe its fundamental physical legal and performance characteristics, throw that in a yaml file, and aggregate all the design files in a directory18:53
genehacker2excellent idea18:54
kanzurei don't think people know how to make folders anymore18:54
fenni tried to make it simple18:54
RedeemerHeretic!  Simplicity is heresy!18:55
fennthis would actually be sort of an experiment.. to see if volunteers can assimilate information into a form i can deal with more easily than directly assimilating it myself18:55
kanzureIMHO these volunteers aren't maintainers quite yet18:56
fennyeah that's why i didnt say "have them make an SKDB package"18:56
kanzureneed i remind everyone of the .. er. well someone sent in a file18:56
kanzureand it was about something. welding?18:57
fenngenehacker's process files?18:57
kanzureoh they were process.yaml stuff?18:57
kanzuremaybe that explains it18:57
fenni think that's what they were supposed to be.. it was just lists of equations with unlabeled variables though18:57
fennoh, there's lots more process data to ... process18:58
fennthe scans are still on adl somewhere18:58
kanzurethe book?18:58
kanzurei thought you dried it up18:58
fennyeah 'manufacturing process reference guide'18:58
fenni only did like 12 out of 15018:59
kanzurethe big problem i still see is that nobody is bothering to try heekscad19:00
kanzureand for some reason openscad has been gaining momentum from thingiverse and makerbot19:00
kanzurebut you can't get data out of openscad easily19:01
kanzure(or at all at the moment)19:01
fennyeah it is sort of like pov-ray19:02
fennthat's not necessarily a bad thing19:02
fenni do hope they make some python bindings19:02
kanzuremy mesh to boundary representation code doesn't work yet19:02
fennyet? hah19:02
fennthat's a "Hard Problem"19:02
kanzureactually it seems harder to code than it is to solve. i see lots of half solutions in the literature, but not much working demo stuff. (probably because everyone goes commercial)19:03
fenni bet it will be a human-assisted process for a long time to come, like OCR19:04
kanzuremaybe the mesh fetism won't last19:04
fennit's not "fetishism" it's just way easier to write code to deal with meshes19:04
kanzureno i think the issue is that more tools export meshes19:05
fenn^^ see what i said19:05
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kanzurethe users don't write the code19:05
fennsomeone has to write the code19:05
genehackerwhat about inputing the data?19:05
fennplease restate the question in the form of an answer19:05
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kanzureisn't it kind of a cheat that stl-machines don't care whether or not the model is closed volume?19:07
kanzureer nevermind19:07
kanzureclosed volume is pretty useless in IGES, you can import meshes but it's useless19:07
fennstl has to be a closed volume19:09
fenni dont know what you're talking about i guess19:10
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kanzurehuh? i've made lots of stl models where there were some triangles hanging off19:10
fenni'm sure it's possible to screw up just about any format19:11
kanzurebtw your shoes arrived19:18
fenndid i get a little red box from sparkfun?19:35
randallagordon...I have a sudden urge to quote..."These, are not your pants."19:36
fennwas that a seinfeld reference?19:37
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kanzurefenn: probably. i haven't opened either of the packages. but i'm geussing the bigger one is shoes.19:40
kanzurewait, didn't you already get them19:40
kanzureoh. pants.19:40
kanzureok now i get it. carry on19:40
kanzurefenn will probably be sad that this page even has to exist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_file_database19:43
kanzurehaha a mysql csv storage engine19:45
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kanzureaha! killed a 5-day bug.19:58
kanzureone of those one liners though :(19:58
drazakare you still running windows?19:59
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kanzurevery weird20:18
kanzurei wonder why someone bothered to add in all that text20:18
kanzureholy shit20:19
kanzure122,000 results for this spam bot.20:19
fenni'm sorry but spam is just boring, kanzure20:21
kanzureso is money..20:22
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flamt_i apologize21:13
flamt_for my outburst21:13
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fennshe stole your headphones  http://www.flickr.com/photos/glasser/2552302771/sizes/l/21:34
drazakwho is that chick?21:51
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drazakI want her so bad now21:51
fennsomeone at langton labs ("laurel")21:52
drazakI'd tap that21:54
fenngah http://www.flickr.com/photos/415monkey/4140441550/21:55
fennno drazak you aren't supposed to know who that is21:56
drazakthat chick's seriously not as hot21:57
QuantumGshe's only like 2 beers difference though21:58
fennrupa's hotter imho http://www.flickr.com/photos/mkpix/1377191977/21:59
QuantumGshe would be if she put some effort in22:00
fenneffort is wasted22:00
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kanzurefenn: did you visit them?22:01
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QuantumGwhat kind of effect would a year of 100g acceleration have on solid state hardware?22:02
kanzurethis external hdd mum gave me is just clicking.. doesn't seem to want to tell me what's wrong with itself22:02
QuantumGyeah, I saw one similar22:04
QuantumGWD no doubt22:04
QuantumGok then22:04
QuantumGgenerally I plug it in under the linux.. if there's errors in the syslog that prevent it from being detected in lsusb then I declare it dead, call the manufacturer22:05
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QuantumGbunch of times I've had it work just fine though.. bit of ntfsfix makes it all good again.22:06
kanzurei should just take out the hdd22:06
QuantumGyeah, that's the second step if the usb controller fails22:06
kanzureit's a 500GB tombstone.. no point in physically carrying that /anywhere/22:07
QuantumGbut if linux is seeing the usb controller but not the drive, no point22:07
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fennwell you can use the usb controller for something else22:08
QuantumGyeah, I meant from a "can you get my data back please?"  perspective22:08
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kanzurenote to mums: don't gift me with my old hard drives.22:19
fennso i've actually been using OSX for the last week or so.. it really isn't all that great22:20
kanzurewhat does it do22:20
fennwell it doesn't really do anything special22:21
fenneverything's just slightly different enough to piss off non-mac people, that's all22:21
fennlike no alt-f4 for example22:21
fennand alt-tab switches between applications and not windows, so you have to fuck around with the menu bar if you want to switch windows in an app22:22
fennif i have two terminals open for example22:22
fennand copying in X11 is broken22:22
kanzurewho's mac are you using?22:22
fennanyway i could whine all day, the point is that it's nothing magic..22:23
fennmy brother gave me his old busted laptop22:23
fenntrying to install git right now22:24
kanzuretake notes i guess22:24
fennit's a powerpc and i'm not sure how good the debian support is, or i probably would have wiped the thing and put ubuntu on it by now22:24
fennone or the other22:24
kanzurelivecd check?22:25
kanzurenever too bad to have an extra spare22:25
fenna regular livecd wouldnt work anyway22:27
fennalso i think the drive is broken22:27
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fennthe new kde control panel looks exactly like the mac control panel.. i wonder who copied who22:31
kanzuresomeone at hplus summit was trying to convince me that .NET wasn't evil because mono is open source22:32
fennyeah that was pretty lame22:34
genehacker4obey your microsoft overlords22:37
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fenni do like that "actually transparent console background" though22:50
fenni.e. not totally lame like konsole22:50
kanzureis ext4 out yet or worth using?22:50
fenni would never use a filesystem that hasn't been common for ages22:51
kanzureso.. fat16?22:51
fennor ext2 if it's a flash device22:51
kanzuresadly it is not22:51
fennmy experience with reiserfs wasn't great22:52
kanzurecame and murdered your data, huh22:52
fennhar har22:52
fenni still dont believe he did it22:52
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