
--- Day changed Mon Dec 14 2009
technologicle1i met with les about a hackerspace - and no reply from the other lead00:02
kanzureah good00:03
technologicle1he said $250/month for a space00:03
kanzurehe never gave fenn a key00:03
kanzurehonestly i think we should put something together elsewhere00:04
technologicle1i was polite, but i think a diferent model would work better00:04
technologicle1well, there is some space at my place00:04
kanzureyeah i just don't have any funding00:04
kanzurehow much space?00:04
kanzureand what do you.. er, have?00:05
technologicle1the way i see it i already pay rent and the garage is unused00:05
technologicle1as well as the second living room00:05
kanzurehow big is the garage?? location?00:05
kanzuresorry for the double question marks00:05
kanzurei'm lagging over here (uploading more youtube videos )00:05
technologicle1but theres internet and infrastructure - kitchen water electric rest room00:06
kanzurei'm at south lamar and ben white (near les' shop)00:06
technologicle1spelling and puctuation are rules to be altered as one sees fit ; )00:06
technologicle1i'm off of stassney and 1st, pretty close myself00:07
kanzurethat sounds like expensive real estate00:07
technologicle1 a few things struck me as odd about the deal00:07
technologicle1and yes  250 for a cubicle that is yet to be built    and a questionable leadership is pricey00:08
kanzurethey still aren't built?00:08
technologicle1nothing  - and for someone who says they have been there for 20 years and is a woodworker - that seems odd00:09
technologicle1i could frame up a room out of scrap lumber in a day w/ a broken leg - and not all that much practice00:10
kanzurewell. i'm free tomorrow after noon if you want to hang out some. i just have to do this tech demo at the uni and then i'm hopping back home00:10
technologicle1helll   ya  -  is it dorkbot?00:10
kanzure(demo is at 8 in the morning, guh)00:10
kanzureno i'm not going00:10
kanzurei've been lamed out by them too many times00:10
technologicle1i would but i don't know about Uni parking  - College station scarred me00:10
kanzurethere is no parking, you'd have to show up by bus00:11
technologicle1ug - i wasnt kidding about the broken leg00:11
technologicle1thats fine - i don't need to see LEDs - it's all about the people00:12
kanzureso yeah, how about lunch? i'm cooped up in here all day. .00:12
technologicle1 this might be percieved as lame - but a facebook page could go a long way in bringing people together00:12
kanzureihave one and it hasn't done much for me00:12
technologicle1great - i can provide transport or meet anywhere00:12
technologicle1i'm working with a 'social media consultant' and artists and musicians - i might have just the thing00:13
kanzurewho? what?00:13
technologicle1her name is Meg Strout - she does this professionally00:14
kanzureanyway, i'll give you a call tomorrow00:14
technologicle1we are putting together this 'Artist Collective' type thing00:14
kanzurei'm falling asleep00:14
technologicle1but to me it is more than that00:14
kanzureoh boy.. more artists00:14
technologicle1rest up00:14
technologicle1 - i consider it practice for the Open Source Movement that is about to take off   ; )00:15
kanzuremarcin jakubowski's talk (1/2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpGyDjvTqaQ00:15
technologicle1 the artist musician stuff is my - helping the community - i do tech stuff for them when they need it - or inform them that they do need it00:16
kanzuremarcin jakubowski's talk (2/2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2mzNhQG0ug00:16
technologicle1  so  ya - i'll let you get to your presentation, then you can call or messege me whenever00:16
technologicle1i'll send my number by g chat00:17
technologicle1i have your number in my phone already - just in case ; 000:17
kanzurei've been really surprised by how few random internet calls i get (0)00:19
technologicle1riiight  - when i get an unlimited service i will proble be more free about posting it  -  gotta get a webphone - smartphone anything w/ linux00:20
technologicle1but then again i get random stuff anyway - so i might as well make better use of the service00:23
kanzurei'm serious. i get nothing. :(00:25
kanzuremaybe i don't know my own number?00:25
technologicle1i would say most of the calls i get (not many) i do not want00:26
kanzurehere's a list of all calls i have received:00:26
technologicle1but i'm not much of a phone person00:26
technologicle1how did you get that?00:26
kanzurei made it00:26
technologicle1and i want to know more about the 1000 tabs thing were mentioned00:27
technologicle1did you tether to a computer and download it?00:27
kanzureyour sentence broke (or i'm half asleep- watching the rest of star wars)00:27
technologicle1the bit about how you keep all your info and people organized00:28
kanzurein due time00:29
kanzurenight world00:29
fennhuh lee is from austin00:30
technologicle1hey fenn - been rading your posts for awhile - lots of good links00:32
technologicle1i'm in austin00:32
technologicle1i moved here in part because a hackerspace was supposed to open - like last month00:33
technologicle1also this is the heart of the texas silicon valley00:33
technologicle1i figured there would be broken wafers and lab equimpent lining the streets00:33
technologicle1and a wealth of technically minded people00:34
technologicle1the way i see it - this is where everyones hard work comes together and takes off00:34
fennyeah i heard something about this top-secret hackerspace00:34
kanzureer, i mean, snore snore snore00:35
technologicle1tell me more - as for the moment - i want to use my place - i work around the clock anyway00:35
fenntechnologicle1: i think maybe you were thinking of singapore or shenzhen00:35
technologicle1MAN - if the shenzhen would get into reprap and all this Open Manufacturing - it would be done by now!00:36
technologicle1 - with a built in radio - ; )00:36
technologicle1oh and not that it matters but that is supposed to be technologiclee - whatev00:36
fennheh they are decades ahead of us00:37
technologicle1really thou - how could we get in contact with them00:37
fenner. learn chinese?00:37
technologicle1i did not see an email addy in the articles poster to Open Manu.  ; 000:37
technologicle1umm realisticly they can speak english better than i will ever speak chinease00:38
fennyou are probably right00:38
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technologicle1although i have thought it would nice to get a job proofreading their manuals and such00:38
fenni think a lot of the engrish comes from bad dictionaries00:39
fennits like whoever wrote the dictionary didnt know english00:39
technologicle1seems like babblefish would do the trick00:39
technologicle1who in austin has a rep rap or such?00:39
fennso to translate engrish -> english you have to use one of the bad dictionaries to figure out what they're trying to say00:39
fennhm. david treadwell has a makerbot, not sure if it's assembled yet00:40
fenni dont really know anyone in austin i guess00:40
technologicle1i pretty much understand everyone - regardless - i learned all the rules - i just don't think it is necessary to use them00:41
fennnah some of these are like code words00:41
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technologicle1well then - surely we (i) can order some parts   - ur just use a couple of scanners or printers00:41
fenni'd suggest not trying to build a mcwire - the design is bad00:42
technologicle1i saw the group Linux Against Poverty - put linux on about 300 computers and gave them away00:42
fenngetting people to actually use them is harder00:42
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technologicle1right here in Austin -    somewhere there is a pile of computer 'junk' that need some repurposing00:43
fenni always wanted to do a mesh wifi internet on given away junk computers00:43
technologicle1i don't know - give a computer to a kid and watch them go - or maybe that is just my crowd00:43
technologicle1MIT put together a mesh network that covers the city00:44
technologicle1they have antennas on roofs all over town and people donate their bandwidth00:44
technologicle1Austin has some free wifi - but with a 1 hour timeout00:44
fennits not that hard to spoof a mac address00:45
technologicle1i watched Corpuc Christ build a wireless network for the whole city and then turn it over to a private company...00:45
technologicle1i[m not into spoofing anything - i want straight up Open00:45
technologicle1no proprietary software - and as soon as i can get off of proprietary harware i will00:46
technologicle1at least i go with AMD/linux00:46
fennyeah the whole fucking planet should have free wifi by now00:47
fennthere's no excuse00:47
technologicle1riiiiight   - gee wilakers00:47
technologicle1exactly   - so i have this idea...00:47
fennwe should be shooting wifi cruise missiles into rural pakistan00:47
technologicle1you can put a satelite into low earth orbit for 8,000$00:47
fennuhm. no00:47
technologicle1how many would it take to give planetary coverage?    - i get the link..00:48
-!- El_Matarife [n=El_Matar@adsl-68-88-72-8.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #hplusroadmap00:48
QuantumGyou can get a nonsense promise to put a sat into LEO for $8k00:48
technologicle1maybe it is nonsense but the say they will put it up there - that is launch cost and all - note the orbit does degrade after a few weeks00:50
technologicle1i saw a page about sugar fueled amature rockets getting up to the edge of space00:50
QuantumGif all you want is a promise by someone with no track record, I can supply that for $8k :)00:51
technologicle1ok   - i'll have 24 please   ; )00:51
technologicle1well let me dig a little - see if they have any success - either way there are new avenues for getting somthing into space00:52
technologicle1or maybe that is not necessary - those Australian kids got up to the edge of space w/ a baloon for about $30000:53
fenn"edge of space" is totally useless00:53
fennthe only magic number is orbital velocity00:54
randallagordonnote that that is only a half pound payload too...while that has great applications for tinkerers, it would be a real feat to do something "useful" with...props to anyone who pulls it off though00:54
QuantumGits not *totally* useless, sounding rockets are a real market00:54
fennwho uses sounding rockets?00:54
technologicle1they claim that it can handle a radio repeater - for HAMS00:54
fenna tiny handful of atmospheric and plasma researchers00:54
QuantumGand anyone who manufacturers parts for space00:54
randallagordonindeed, you could do some nifty stuff with APRS00:54
fennQuantumG: what can you possibly learn with a sounding rocket about a part's performance in space?00:55
technologicle1right   packets over radio...00:55
randallagordonBut you can do more with a surplus weather balloon...00:55
technologicle1its in the linux repository..00:55
QuantumGfenn: minutes of exposure to space environment are better than no minutes of exposure to space environment.00:55
randallagordonQuantumG's got a good point there00:56
randallagordonActually, speaking of balloons, anyone heard/seen any new tidbits about Google's involvement with SpaceData?00:57
technologicle1for my next shpeil.....    there are all these ideas and projects, being a systems engineer - is there anywhere that organizes them into a heirchy - as in - if we had x than we could do Y - and then have free space based wifi  - abundant food and clean water for everyone?01:00
technologicle1oh and i would contribute to SKDB or whatever - but i'm an engineer with a smidgeon of programming - so if i just knew where to put the data...01:01
technologicle1hey rag - sent you a link about your plants  -  no i did not hear about G-SpaeData01:02
technologicle1here it is http://www.google.com/search?q=google+space+data01:03
fenntechnologicle1: um. you just described skdb, asking if it existed, then said you'd contribute to it?01:03
randallagordonyeah I've googled it plenty of times, just curious if I may have missed something past the original announcement...personally I think it is a far better bet than using sats01:04
technologicle1yep   ; )   but to me    you guys are still working on it   and it does not change my world yet01:05
fennso you are asking if we're done yet?01:05
randallagordonand, sent me a link? I saw you favorited me on Picasa?01:05
fennthe answer is no, we're not done01:05
technologicle1so this is the part   where i see that it is what i have been looking for all this   and start helping out - 01:05
technologicle1it was a picassa comment aout growing tubs and fighting algea01:06
fenni'm supposed to be writing documentation "how to get started" but i dont know where to start :)01:06
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technologicle1hahah   - i know the .deb is on the way for us mere engineers..01:06
randallagordon"Step 1:" ;)01:06
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technologicle1ya - i've followed the link to skdb every time it has been posted01:07
technologicle1just did not know what to do with it01:07
fennwell it doesnt do anything yet01:08
fennbecause there's no data01:08
fennand nobody contributes data because you can't do anything with it yet01:08
randallagordonterrible situation01:08
* fenn looks around for more chocolate01:08
technologicle1really i would like to have contributed - but i see myself being  a data adder01:09
fennfwiw trader joes' chocolate sucks01:09
* randallagordon doesn't have a lick of real CAD experience...needs to learn...01:09
technologicle1hey - i'm not trying bust any chops - i just ask everyone for the things i am looking for01:09
fenni hope this guy stanley knutson meets up with me01:10
fennhe worked on a knowledge based engineering project in the 80's and 90's01:10
fennso if anyone wants to help me write how-to documents that'd be great01:11
technologicle1i volunteer   -  this is my life!01:12
fennok so what is the first thing you try to do with the software01:12
technologicle1so it is supposed to print stuff right?01:12
technologicle1or maybe i need to back up01:13
fennso you go to the website, currently at http://designfiles.org/dokuwiki/skdb01:13
fennclick on installing_skdb01:13
fennnow pretend you know nothing.. is that enough information to get started?01:14
technologicle1yes i need flying submarines   -     ok  check01:14
randallagordonfor most people who are going to be able to contribute, yes01:14
randallagordonfor most people who are going to be interested in using the package, no01:14
randallagordonyou've got a hurdle setup that can act as a great filter if you want to use it that way right now...01:15
fennok good enough for now01:15
fenni tend to dislike barrier to entry01:15
randallagordonas do I01:15
technologicle1that is a good asumption - but i'm up to navigating with  ls, cd    and the make   make install routine01:15
fennthere is a lot of stuff on that install page which may or may not be useful01:16
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fennanyway.. so we've installed yaml and units at least, that should cover the core functionality01:17
randallagordon(I almost hate to ask) has anyone been running/developing skdb from a Windows environment?01:17
fennit "ought to work" but i really really dont want to deal with that headache01:17
technologicle1being ignorant - this seems like it could be made into an install script...  which i guess is what the .deb is about...01:18
fennthat is an install script... (that's why it's an included file)01:18
randallagordonI was thinking maybe I could take on that headache...although at the same time I really do need to simply determine why virtualizing Ubuntu is running agonizingly slow01:18
fennnot enough memory?01:19
randallagordon8GB on a Phenom II X4 955BE...01:19
technologicle1does windows recognize all 8 gig?01:19
randallagordonI need to do some tweaking...that, or set things up properly and run things in the opposite direction and put Win in the VM ;)01:20
randallagordonyeah, 64-bit Win701:20
fennok so you both can open up python and do 'import skdb' without errors?01:21
technologicle1if you can do it - go for it!01:21
randallagordonI think I just need to tell ol' VirtualBox to use AMD-V01:21
technologicle1do i need to do the sudo apt get for yaml and all that first?01:22
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fenni just had a delicious user interface idea01:30
fennyou can do head tracking with a webcam, and from that make an immersive 3d viewport with a plain old monitor01:30
fennnow make all the windows halfway transparent and stacked up along the z axis01:31
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fennwhen you move your head around they'll move slightly on the screen, so you can look 'through' the top layers at windows below01:31
fennsomething like this for 'screen' would be nice too01:32
technologicle1nice,   - did you see Johnny Lee's headtracking using the wiimote?01:32
fennthat's where i got the idea01:32
technologicle1well   maybe talk to him - he has quite a following01:33
technologicle1is this normal?01:33
fenni dont want to rely on a particular piece of hardware01:33
technologicle1E: Couldn't find package libigraph01:33
technologicle1lee@EV007:~/local$ bzr get -r330 http://bzr.bugseverywhere.org/be01:33
technologicle1Branched 330 revision(s).01:33
fenni guess01:34
fenni havent installed bugseverywhere actually01:34
technologicle1oh - it's about the software - a webcam would work fine - i have seen where they can even track eye movement or detect people looking over your shoulder01:34
technologicle1well   i'm just going down that list on the install page01:34
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fennyeah a laptop in a computer store the other day tried to recognize my face to log in as admin01:34
fennif you can open python and do 'import skdb' with no errors then i consider it installed01:36
technologicle1scary cool   -    i just did this step sudo python setup.py install 01:36
fennactually if you run the unit tests you will know what works and what doesnt01:36
technologicle1i guess i do not need thcommented out stuff like cherry.py  ?01:36
fennno that is for the website01:37
randallagordonheh, my vm is still plugging away installing the packages...01:37
technologicle1this has similar dependancies to NE-1 that i spent so much time learning to install01:37
technologicle1E: Version '3.1.2-1' for 'python-cherrypy3' was not found       is this version not in the standard ubuntu repository?01:38
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fennwhy is it expecting 3.1.2-1 in particular?01:42
randallagordon...aye, something is goofy...I have VirtualBox set to use AMD-V, but when I run the VM it is telling me it is disabled...01:43
randallagordonThat would explain why it isn't exactly fast on its feet, heh01:44
technologicle1because that is what i cut and pasted?01:48
technologicle1ok     this  line   -   sudo python setup.py build -NO_GEOM       gives            NameError: name 'classic' is not defined01:49
technologicle1git clone http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb.git           =                 lee@EV007:~/code$ git clone http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb.git01:51
technologicle1Initialized empty Git repository in /home/lee/code/skdb/.git/01:51
technologicle1/usr/bin/git-clone: 374: curl: not found01:51
technologicle1vim ~/code/skdb/config.yaml     this file is empty..01:52
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technologicle1dam it   -   i went to do crt w q  to close vim and closed the  chat channel  - i was using that to make notes....01:54
technologicle1anyway   now how do i see if this thing works?   python import skdb  ?01:55
randallagordonyay, git is done finally...import skdb gives me "You probably don't have pythonOCC installed correctly"...sweet, a useful error! :)01:55
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fenncurl not found eh01:57
fennodd, because git-core explicitly depends on libcurl01:59
randallagordonbah, I need sleep, I'll work on getting it running tomorrow02:00
randallagordonneed to find out why AMD-V isn't enabled anyways02:00
fenntechnologicle1: did you install git using apt-get? or some other method?02:01
technologicle1i copied each instruction02:02
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CIA-52skdb: fenn * r d4ac23e /doc/installing: remove all those damn #### marks, and reorganize the file so that newbies dont have to install lots of useless crap and get hung up02:04
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fenntechnologicle1: you're using ubuntu? (which version?)02:05
technologicle1i made a script that gets part way through  a  NE-1 install    this seems like it would be straightforward   -  this is an old hardy heron install on my resurected desktop02:06
fennah ok maybe hardy has an old version of git.. but i would expect it to give a different error, something like "http not supported" instead of just dumbly failing02:07
fenncan you do apt-get install curl ?02:07
technologicle1yes  - w/  sudo02:08
fennok now try the git clone line again02:09
technologicle1yep thats doin a lot of somthin02:10
technologicle1soo.. do the 'environment config again?02:11
technologicle1ok so i got this02:14
fennit should still be there02:14
technologicle1#where are skdb packages stored?02:14
technologicle1#url: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/fhs/fhs-2.3.html02:14
technologicle1package dir: /usr/local/share/skdb/02:14
technologicle1#where are packages available from the web?02:14
technologicle1    - http://adl.serveftp.org/skdb-packages/02:14
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fennwhat did you do that printed that?02:15
technologicle1vim ~/code/skdb/config.yaml 02:16
technologicle1do ineed to set a Path?02:16
fennoh, duh.02:18
fennwhat an annoying thing to do, causing newbies to enter vim02:18
technologicle1ya   that can be a deal breaker if they make it that far - oh that's me - i still cant navigate it well02:18
technologicle1but if you do they might need little clues like open another tab in teminal so thay can go backif they mess it up and a link to the caommands02:19
fennwell just forget about that step for now. :q! will get you out of vim02:20
fennor just mash escape and ctrl-c a whole bunch :P02:20
technologicle1haha - i always botch that  - check02:21
technologicle1ok so ami running the skdb yet  ; )02:21
fennrun python (type 'python'02:22
fennyou should get a >>>02:22
fennthen type 'import skdb'02:22
technologicle1oops  that ws not a joke02:22
technologicle1You probably don't have pythonOCC installed correctly02:23
CIA-52skdb: fenn * r 1427604 /doc/installing: defuse vim newbie deathtrap02:23
fennok so you're more or less up and running02:24
fenntry lego = skdb.Package("lego")02:24
technologicle1great - i remember there is a command that will show all packages installed...02:24
technologicle1like this   lego = skdb.Package("lego")   ?02:25
fennit should whine about pythonOCC but still work mostly02:25
fennoh oh02:25
technologicle1all i have  is        >>>02:25
fennyou have to install the packages separately now02:25
technologicle1i spent a year on NE-1   - let's do it!02:26
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fenni dont know the proper way to do that, but you should end up with this in your /usr/local/share/skdb/packages   http://designfiles.org/packages/lego/02:26
fenngit clone should work for now, there's some fancy way to do it with skdb-get.py which i havent played with yet02:27
fennso, for the simple instructions: cd /usr/local/share; mkdir skdb; mkdir skdb/packages; cd skdb/packages; git clone http://designfiles.org/packages/lego/.git/02:28
technologicle1well   to bring this back full circle  - i started a google doc for a tutorial  - i can share it with you or some other way02:28
fennum please no02:28
fennif you want to make changes please do it on the wiki02:28
fenntoo many scattered places to find help is a hindrance02:29
fenni have to go eat something, bbl02:30
technologicle1ok   thanks for the help   - see ya'02:30
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genehacker9000this is really annoying02:33
genehacker9000I keep getting disconnected, but part of me doesn't02:33
technologicle1these are primitive times - why do you keep getting logged off?02:33
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technologicle1i just lost connection - i don't know if it is because i 'flooded'02:34
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technologicle1if it is any help, you are timing out  ï»¿genehacker9000 left the room (quit: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)02:59
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-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk04:00
technologicle1anybody up? - what other projects are going on?04:03
facefacetechnologicle1: what do you want?04:06
facefaceproject wise?04:06
fennhey faceface do you know kimmen sjolander at berkeley?04:16
fenni am just sort of wondering how big the bioinformatics bandwagon is04:17
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facefacefenn: no I don't know kimmen sjolander04:51
facefacefenn: there is a fair few of us ;-)04:51
fennok i get the point04:53
facefaceI don't know what the threshold is, but with 33 journals, it feels 'reasonably large'04:54
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technologicle1i want to see what is going on in the community and where peoples interests are - and a diamond synthesis machine05:08
fennwhat community?05:08
fennaustin weirdos? :P05:08
fenngenehacker claims to be building a reprap and a maskless DNA synthesizer, though i have yet to see any actual progress05:10
fennsome UT people are doing localization based on wifi signal strength comparison05:11
technologicle1everyone who shows up here - and austin weirdos - bucky fuller would call that the gestgation period05:11
fenndave rauchwerk is setting up a cnc bridgeport to make bicycle parts05:11
fennthat's all the community i can think of :\05:12
fennoh and you should probably meet max and natasha05:13
technologicle1well there are 33 people online now - many i do not think i have seen on Open manufacturing or otherwise - just checkin it out05:13
technologicle1i had not seen the term Maskless DNA Synth before - i'll take a look05:14
fenni should probably poke emil and steve while i'm out here05:14
technologicle1hmmm only 1 google hit http://www.fraunhofer.org/lse/IndexProjects.html05:16
technologicle1this sounds like the using a projector method i saw on Open Man05:17
technologicle1i could use a projector or the parts myself...05:20
technologicle1is anyone familiar with diamond synthesis techniques?05:39
kanzurefenn: email annasalamon@gmail.com to meet steve and anna05:51
kanzurei think anna has emil on speed dial or something05:57
fenndo i know Paul Boehm? i can't disentangle my vague sense of familiarity vs all these weird small world effects06:34
fenni'm blown away by all the familiar names on the bay area quantified self group06:37
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facefaceCalling International Rescue: knowledge lost in literature and data landslide! - lame, but perhaps entertaining?07:42
Utopiahfaceface: http://getutopia.com/ = well packaged semantic wiki?07:45
facefacetechnologicle1: my projects are 'softer'07:46
facefacety Utopiah 07:46
-!- kristianpaul [n=kristian@] has quit ["leaving"]07:47
facefacetechnologicle1: seqwiki / biodatabase / pdbwiki / 07:47
facefaceI'm planning a 'conference wiki' 07:47
facefacejust to make some cash07:47
facefaceUtopiah: I've seen that stuff before07:48
facefaceI mean that kind of stuff07:48
facefaceits so lame it hurts07:48
facefacethey match terms in your document to an ontology, and allow you to look up those terms by clicking...07:48
facefacelike ZOMOAPFG!07:48
* Utopiah likes PLoS "bonus"07:49
facefaceI'll read this to check its what I think it is though, so thanks for posting.07:49
Utopiahlinks, search, annotation07:49
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Utopiahit's not "invasive" and most of the time useful, it's not revolutionary though07:50
facefaceddid you see that ... urg ... what was it called07:50
facefacepart of wikiprotins... or rather wikiprotins was part of it07:50
facefacewhat did they call it ... knowlets or some such07:50
facefacethey had a database of over 1 million knowlets! JMFC!07:51
facefaceturns out they had uniprot07:51
facefacewell... who cares? I have uniprot!07:51
facefacethey had this funky desktop in a browser... lots of words, but no idea07:51
facefaceok, sounds good... just reading what you wrote above07:51
Utopiahthis? WikiProtein http://proteins.wikiprofessional.org/ A concept is a ‘unit of thought’ and is in essence not ‘lingual’07:53
Utopiahsounds like yet another choice of words for a (user friendly design) semantic web07:55
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* fenn snarls like a sleep deprived animal08:53
fenntrader joe chocolate, never again!08:54
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kanzurethat's what steve uses09:14
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kanzurehttp://www.itaggit.com/ what?09:43
kanzuretoo bad i don't use java10:10
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kanzurehi klafka 10:32
kanzurehi technologicle1 10:32
kanzurewhat's up?10:38
klafkanot much i've been reading about this new AI thingie that MIT is pushing http://mmp.cba.mit.edu/10:38
klafkatheir synthetic neurobiology lab is part of it http://syntheticneurobiology.org/ which is super cool10:38
kanzureed boyden is awesome, yes10:39
klafkaI need to actually read his papers in more detail though10:41
kanzureif you need copies, they're on http://designfiles.org/papers/10:44
klafkacool, well they are on his site too, that's a ton of papers there though10:44
kanzurejapanese hackerspace: http://twitter.com/freaklabs11:14
klafkaa hackerspace just started recently in my city11:14
-!- MrClif [n=clif@c-71-236-243-61.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap11:17
kanzurehi MrClif 11:17
MrClifI'm skypeing with Turlif right now.11:19
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MrClifI'm explaining who and what HPlus is. ;-)11:19
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MrClifA couple of notes from my conversation with Turlif, Evan was the primemover on the FaH project Hod was the Prof so he took a lot of credit.11:55
MrClifAlso the back end of SKdb should (probably does anyway) support different file formants and dependency/relationship extraction methods.11:59
klafkafolding @ home?12:04
MrClif:-) Fab at Home.12:05
MrClifrelated to reprap etc...12:06
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MrClifJust wondering, do any of you guys present or have a booth at Makers Faire?12:28
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ybitbest ocr software again/14:34
ybithttp://code.google.com/p/ocropus/ isn't mentioned though14:38
ybitsupposedly google further developed tesseract14:39
ybityou can plugin tesseract into ocropus14:41
bkeroybit: ?14:51
bkeroOnly decent ocr out there is the tesseract/ocropus combo14:52
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ybiti'm here, in a web conf atm. just know that i'm going to have to throw some pdfs to this software soon14:57
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genehacker2humans are the best ocr software15:18
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fennturlif = japan fablab?16:34
fennwhat an awful website16:34
MrClifTurlif is part of Hyperfun and Nextfab. He's from the US but lives in Norway.16:35
MrClifI havn't heard him talk about Japan yet.16:36
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fennwtf nextfab, don't want me to see anything?16:56
MrClifI think its just getting started, it's a spinoff of FaH.16:56
MrClifYeah don't know whats going on with their site. I don't think they have much content yet though.16:58
fenni see nextfab.org and nextfabstudio.com which seem to be totally different16:59
MrClifprobably are.16:59
fennbut they're both related to F@H somehow16:59
MrClifwell you can ask Turlif he would know turlif@turlif.org17:00
MrClifHe is also on skype and seems to be online.17:01
fennactually getting an answer would be anticlimactic17:02
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kanzurehi world18:01
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kanzurehey drgone 18:03
kanzureyoutube says skdb is popular in mongolia18:16
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kanzurethis is a pretty big netsplit19:28
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kanzurethat was a pretty big netsplit19:38
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kanzuregod damn it20:33
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kanzurebkero: is niven dying?20:55
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kanzurematt just linked me to: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=dubrovnik+%22INTERNATIONAL+DESIGN+CONFERENCE%22&as_sdt=2000&as_ylo=&as_vis=021:17
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randallagordonslow night, eh?23:15
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kanzurerandallagordon: eh we keep being disconnected23:20
genehacker2kanzure know of a good program for solving a bunch of equations over and over again?23:21
genehacker2as in I type in the equation to be solved and which variable I want solved for23:22
genehacker2is there a python module for that?23:22
genehacker2now I just need to learn how to use python, recommend any sites/have any books?23:24
QuantumGgoogle: learn python23:24
QuantumGits like, the no1 newbie language these days23:24
kanzureopen up an interpreter and get to work23:24
kanzureQuantumG: ruby is, actually23:25
genehacker2or matlab23:25
kanzurenot matlab23:25
kanzurethat's just isolated to universities because it's proprietary23:25
randallagordonI'm attempting to get skdb installed properly and everything appears to have installed save for pythonOCC23:26
kanzurewhat instructions are you or were you following?23:26
randallagordonlooking at the wiki it states that the version in the Ubuntu repo is incompatible, but I also note that the wiki refers to 8.04...23:26
kanzureyeah the ubuntu repos have the latest version of opencascade23:26
randallagordonJust using the install script on the site, fresh Ubuntu 8.10 install23:27
kanzure6.2.7 is the old version of opencascade23:27
kanzurerandallagordon: actually check out skdb/doc/installing in the repository23:27
kanzuremight be more helpful?23:27
kanzurethe 9.10 repos should have opencascade 6.3.0 packaged up23:27
kanzurethere is one line in the skdb/doc/installing file that is wrong. in particular i think it is line 108 (a sed line that fixes line 144 in wrapper/environment.py in pythonocc-0.3)23:29
kanzureif you're able to edit a single line in a python file then you should be able to work around it23:29
kanzureif not i'll figure out a way to get it fixed (i should be doing this anyway soon)23:29
kanzureReal Soon Now23:29
randallagordonokay, yeah, that's what I ran23:30
randallagordonimport skdb gives me "You probably don't have pythonOCC installed correctly"23:30
kanzureyeah did you go through the doc/installing file and do the stuff for pythonocc?23:31
randallagordonI take it that script isn't "polished"?23:31
kanzureright :(23:32
kanzureit's a hack until we make a .deb23:32
randallagordonno prob23:32
kanzurethink of it more as a guide23:32
kanzurealso, i'm probably sleeping right now. fenn are you around?23:32
randallagordongotcha...I just assumed it was ready to rock and ran it :)23:33
randallagordonso who knows what I've got going on now? ;)23:33
kanzurei'm so confused23:33
randallagordon"#copy and paste this into a shell to watch the magic happen"23:34
randallagordonhence, I did23:34
kanzureoh okay23:34
kanzurei would just follow it step by step and see if any errors happen23:34
kanzureand if they do, yell at me, or something23:34
randallagordonit appears that the ubuntu repo didn't gift me with the inc's and lib's...everything else appears to be in place23:35
randallagordon(at least, thus far)23:35
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kanzurewhat's missing?23:35
ybitgod i want to cry dealing with mssql23:35
* kanzure ended ybit23:36
ybit</money> please23:37
randallagordonI have no /usr/local/inc...and /usr/local/lib just has ./python2.6, nothing about OCC23:37
kanzureybit: can you help randall? i'm falling sleep here. early meeting in the morning23:38
randallagordon(I must admit, I only know my way around a *nix filesystem to be dangerous)23:38
ybitrandallagordon: start from the beginning because i'm lazy 23:38
randallagordonmaybe a +well too23:38
randallagordonFresh Ubuntu 9.10 install in VirtualBox, installing_skdb off the wiki said "#copy and paste this into a shell to watch the magic happen"...so I did23:39
kanzureybit: make him use skdb/doc/installing :p23:39
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ybitlet's hope you didn't copy and paste comments23:40
ybitone sec..23:40
randallagordonoh I just C&P'd the whole thing, lol...now I'm seeing that wasn't a good idea23:40
ybiti'm going to walk him through it23:40
ybitkanzure: sleeeeeeep23:40
ybitso randallagordon..23:40
randallagordonskdb/doc/installing appears to be either the same or similar?23:40
ybityou've done sudo apt-get install git-core python-yaml units python-numpy bzr docbook-to-man python-pyparsing graphviz python-setuptools23:40
ybitit's the same doc23:40
ybitthen you do made the ~/local dir and cd ~/local yes?23:40
ybiti'm assuming you have read through this and copy and pasted... let's skip ahead.. where did you get to?23:41
randallagordonI see one of my problems...I see sed is updating /usr/local/inc to /user/local/include/opencascade...I was looking in the wrong spot, heh23:41
randallagordonliterally c&p'd the whole install script, ran it through to the end23:42
randallagordongit repo cloned just fine, I've got the skdb code23:43
randallagordonyeah, that line, "#copy and paste this into a shell to watch the magic happen", is a bit misleading ;)23:46
randallagordonlike I said, this is a *fresh* install in a VM, so there's no huge loss if I need to start over23:47
ybiti installed skdb last weekend in virtualbox with ubuntu 9.0923:47
ybitnot a problem and strangely the graphics actually work.23:47
ybit..in pythonocc23:47
randallagordongood to hear23:47
ybitso here's my lame advice, go through the install process again and this time do each step manually, i.e. don't copy the entire document into a shell script :P23:47
randallagordonhehe sounds good...I'd suggest taking that line out of the script until it is c&p ready ;)23:47
ybityou can slap kanzure with a large trout for that and feel free to do the same to me for not having the .deb created just yet23:48
ybitwhat do you call optogenetics when you are dealing with the brain?23:49
kanzurei don't see the "copy and paste" here: http://adl.serveftp.org/dokuwiki/installing_skdb23:49
kanzureybit: optogenetics is for everything23:50
ybitoptogenetics for the _ i guess23:50
ybitthen someone edit wikipedia23:50
kanzuresynthetic neurobiology optogenetics?23:50
kanzurewikipedia is lame23:50
randallagordonhah, damn, you're right...23:50
ybitomg it keeps getting worse (silverlight and .net)23:50
kanzureer, i'm sleeping23:50
randallagordonmaybe add a "don't copy & paste" then ;)23:51
* ybit takes it to the bed23:52
ybitrandallagordon: keep us updated23:52
ybitPhreedom: get back to work dammit 23:52

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