
--- Day changed Fri Dec 18 2009
-!- davemenn1nger [n=davemenn@www.hive13.org] has joined #hplusroadmap00:07
kanzurehey davemenn1nger 00:09
kanzureare you from the ohio reprap group?00:10
davemenn1ngeri'm interested in fab labs etc - we have some cnc projects in the works at the hive13 hackerspace in cincinnati00:43
-!- katsmeow is now known as katsmeow-afk01:09
technologicleedavemenn1nger:  i would like to know more. what kind of cnc projects?01:25
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technologicleerandallagordon: whats new?02:47
-!- jasonwohlfahrt [n=chatzill@cpe-72-179-52-26.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap03:18
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-!- technologiclee [n=lee@] has left #hplusroadmap []06:09
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-!- jasonwohlfahrt [n=chatzill@cpe-72-179-52-26.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]06:23
fennso i had lots of cake and some mulled wine and explained skdb to tim anderson and liam+mara of shipyard06:25
-!- technologiclee1 [n=lee@] has quit ["Leaving."]06:25
fennand we burned stuff06:27
-!- technologiclee1 [n=lee@] has joined #hplusroadmap06:30
kanzure"I describe in terms off a dialog, imagining a magic mirror. (It is a wall-mounted flat panel with a face displayed.) The user is prompted to completed the phrase "I want a...." The response may also be "I want to....""07:22
kanzure"Consequence, if you say "I want an apple." You get directions to the nearest store with apples, you get directions how to print a hydroponic station, whatever way you get an apple."07:22
kanzurekristian chickey sent me a message suggesting that i'm missing an opportunity with skdb07:23
-!- kristianpaul [n=kristian@] has joined #hplusroadmap07:24
-!- technologiclee1 [n=lee@] has quit [Excess Flood]07:29
-!- technologiclee1 [n=lee@] has joined #hplusroadmap07:30
fennsounds like some lame art installation07:32
-!- jasonwohlfahrt [n=chatzill@cpe-72-179-52-26.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap07:44
fennalso saw http://orbswarm.com/  which apparently is open source hardware07:46
kanzurewhat did tim think?07:46
fenni dont remember :(07:46
fennhe seemed to understand what i was saying though07:47
kanzuredid you tell him "YOU SHOULD BE DOING THIS" or something to knock sense into him07:47
fennnot really07:47
fennmore like "here's the instructables-killer idea i'm working on"07:48
kanzureheh :)07:48
fenni actually said that07:48
Utopiah(btw regarding SKDB website and visualization, http://processingjs.org/ seems very very nice)07:48
kanzureprocessing came out of the media lab?07:48
kanzurenew rule: 90% of everything is from the media lab07:49
fenni met some guys from the media lab07:49
fennguh. too many names07:49
kanzurestory time07:49
fennanyway one of them was working at makani power07:49
fenni asked 'do you guys have anything yet' and tim thought it was funny07:49
kanzurehm? why was it funny?07:50
fennbecause i was so blunt about it07:50
fennapparently they do have something working but it's like a secret or maybe they just dont care about their website or something07:50
Utopiahkanzure: yep, think so, but so far I only saw the Java version and then the pyprocessing version but... having a js version is pretty neat, no loading time, can manipulate JSON easilly, etc... (but... need canvas)07:51
fennhe seemed more interested in talking about how his car's transmission broke and his girlfriend left him etc07:51
kanzureso what else?07:52
fennum, three different birthday cakes>07:52
fenna giant flame bird with whirling flame heart orb07:52
fennit wasn't flaming though which was sort of a disappointment07:52
kanzureare you tripping?07:52
fenni dont know whether to bring a camera and try to document stuff and get it wrong the second time around07:53
fennideally i'd just record whatever i see07:53
fennlike the guy with flaming crutches, someone kept trying to take a picture and it wasn't working07:53
fennuh, boxshop is where the flaming lotus girls are headquartered, if that clears things up07:54
fennthey have a big welding shop with lots of giant flame sculptures for burning man07:54
fennthere are like 50 shipping containers stacked up with either workshops or living spaces in them07:55
kanzurethat's worth a picture07:55
fennone of the guys i talked to was a professional diver, he does welding and inspection 60 feet underwater, i put on his dive helmet (super heavy)07:55
fennthe pictures on the website show the shipping containers ok07:56
fennoh tthey have the orb robot on there too07:56
fennhm ok actually the website pictures suck07:57
fennthis stupid netbook has a single piece of plastic for both mouse buttons so pasting is really hard07:59
-!- jasonwohlfahrt [n=chatzill@cpe-72-179-52-26.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)]07:59
fennshift insert never seems to do quite the same thing as middle click07:59
fennit's very confusing08:00
fennhadine the birthday girl was probably the cutest 45 year old i've ever met08:01
fennnothing a camera would capture anyway08:02
technologiclee1i got skype going - how does one join the teleconference?08:03
fennmore containers http://boxshopsf.org/files/michelle197865804_6c5daadf5d_o.jpg08:04
technologiclee1nice junk - reminds me of the ranch08:05
fennthere was this 8mm film of eye surgery playing the whole time too, which i decided not to watch08:06
technologiclee1they are right on the water - thay could do all kinds of interesting things08:06
fenni think there is a park between their little compound and the shore08:07
fennyesterday at noisebridge the guy who runs tinkerhack.com talked at me for like 5 hours about lasers and high vacuum and led self-excitation and lots of "JUICE" eight oh EIGHT and TEN-sixty-four08:09
fennso that's how i learned how green laser pointers work08:09
fenn(that's only funny if you hear michael talk)08:10
fennhe has quite an impressive photo collection, something like 200k photos, and proud of them all being labeled08:10
fennthis was neat, he built an electron beam sputtering setup for coating dichroic mirrors (something to do with power beam splitters for holography) http://www.tinkerhack.com/photos/lowres/Projects%20and%20Expriments/Optical%20coater/all.html08:12
fennthe wheel with six holes in it is a water cooled copper crucible that holds the quartz/rutile powder.. the e-beam goes up and over the claw thingy which is an electromagnet08:13
kanzuretechnologiclee1: doesn't look like it's going to happen, rehmi backed out yesterday :(08:19
technologiclee1for was the Les shop?08:19
kanzureno it was for russell hanson and rehmi just re: skdb in general08:19
kanzurerehmi is from the media lab08:19
kanzureand russell hanson and i need to catch up in general08:20
fenn" Moldover's CD packaging itself IS a new musical instrument! The CD is mounted on a custom designed circuit board, intricately patterned and powering a "light-Theremin"."08:20
fennwho is rehmi? an austin fablab wannabe like the rest of us?08:20
technologiclee1are you saying skdb is not going to happen?08:21
kanzuretechnologiclee1: huh? no i'm saying the conference call isn't going to happen08:21
kanzurefenn: no08:21
kanzurefenn: http://web.media.mit.edu/~rehmi/08:21
kanzurei'm pretty sure he lives in boston near russell08:21
kanzurerussell just wanted to introduce rehmi to me08:21
kanzurethat's all.. skdb still exists08:21
fennugh these people and their fabric electronics crap08:21
fenndon't they know electronics is supposed to go in black plastic clamshells08:22
technologiclee1ohhhhh - ok   i was like what --   no one is holding up anything  !08:22
kanzurehttp://web.media.mit.edu/~rehmi/pengachu/v3_document.htm "project pingachu - cheap wireless for everyone"08:22
kanzurehaha pingachu08:22
fennmems accelerometers are cool though08:23
technologiclee1cool   i'm rady for a different call then   - and all ugraded and everything - i just use opportunities as..... incentive08:23
technologiclee1well   reschedule if you can - or whatever it takes to make and keep the contact08:24
kanzureyep, will do08:25
fennhow does russell know rehmi?08:25
fennoh he lives in boston nm08:25
kanzurerussell has his fingers in a lot of pies i think08:25
kanzurebut he doesn't act like it08:25
kanzuregraduate school does that to you i guess?08:26
fenn"Our Little Skunkworks08:26
fenn(or how to do this without Neil knowing)"08:26
kanzurethe guy with a lathe in the back of his car at h+ summit said that neil is an ass08:27
kanzure"you have to watch out, or he'll gersh up your paper"08:27
fennmeaning what exactly?08:27
kanzure"he thinks he is the best thing to happen since god created the earth"08:27
kanzuretakes copious amount of credit, etc.08:28
fennthat comes with the job08:28
fennyour hard-on for hod lipson is misdirected08:28
kanzuredunno. was funny though. "before he gershes up your paper"08:28
kanzureso now i say "matt is campbellizing my ideas"08:28
fennthat's a different phenomenon08:29
kanzureno kidding :/08:29
fennreality-distortion field08:29
fennwell pengachu is pretty cool too08:29
fenni wonder if exists or is vaporware08:30
fenni guess it exists08:31
fenn"show me the cad files" is like my new mantra08:31
kanzuredoes anyone ever show you the files?08:31
technologiclee1did you catch the 'transbody transmission of power and info' paper off that guys parper list? http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=/netahtml/PTO/srchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=6211799.PN.&OS=PN/6211799&RS=PN/621179908:32
kanzurebabak? sounds familiar08:32
-!- jasonwohlfahrt [n=chatzill@cpe-72-179-52-26.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #hplusroadmap08:33
kanzureno it lists in the "inventors" some guy named babak08:33
fennkanzure: no usually they get all offended when i ask to see their so-called open source code08:34
fennor simply don't write back at all08:34
fennfuck even my aunt sort of brushed it off08:34
fenncouldnt find the source for "flowerpower"08:35
technologiclee1yes, rehmi is also listed08:35
kanzureit's too bad we can't punish individual developers for lying about their "open source" projects08:35
kanzure"dave rauchwerk owes me one open source bicycle design"08:36
kanzureactually any design at this point08:36
technologiclee1fenn:  what is the electron beam source for that mirror coater?08:39
fennguh.. one of those bits of gunky metal08:39
technologiclee1 i see that  ,   is it like an electron gun from a CRT?08:40
fennit's not in the photo labeled 'e beam source' - that's for cleaning the glass before coating08:40
technologiclee1 ok thanks - that explains it08:41
fennoh i'm looking at it wrong.. the titles are above the thumbnails08:41
technologiclee1that dosn't look like one either...08:42
fennin the very last picture it is probably that gold cylinder with the yellow cap08:42
technologiclee1who knows - anything can be made into a cathode / anode08:42
fennsupposedly that was a 1kW e-beam08:43
-!- branstrom [n=branstro@c-171ce055.438-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #hplusroadmap08:44
technologiclee1 sure - the t.v.s   i've opened have trandformers for that much and more08:44
fennwhat kind of tv?08:44
fenn1kw is like a toaster08:44
technologiclee1all    kinds   i've opened many to get at the electron gun08:44
technologiclee1i've  openud up unity from several decades08:45
fenneh well i ought to go to bed08:45
technologiclee1my google alert for diamond synthesis turned up an expired patetent for Carbon Vapor Deposition08:46
technologiclee1alot of basic tech is going into the public domain now08:46
fenni'd love to see your captcha breaker figure out this email addy http://www.tinkerhack.com/male.htm08:47
technologiclee1you know - we have trains running thu austi  - shipiing containers can be had fairly cheap08:47
fennshipping containers are like $2k08:48
fennand then you have to ship them08:48
kanzuretrey says he can get us a semi-truck for <$5k08:48
fenni think it only makes sense if you are right on a port, like bay-area is08:48
fennLA is also a port city tho08:48
technologiclee1i already have trouble w/ captchas - and i'm supposed to be human08:48
kanzurei'm working on a captcha breaker08:48
technologiclee1i've seen them for $500 w/ teak floors08:49
kanzureat the moment it is wired up to http://decaptcher.com/08:49
fennyou can see the dock cranes from boxshop08:49
Utopiahtechnologiclee1: you can have people fill them for you (not free though)08:49
technologiclee1if you know a trucker....08:49
kanzureUtopiah: that's what i do :)08:49
technologiclee1Utopiah:  fill them with what - just goods?08:50
technologiclee1i've worked on the docs - i uloaded containers for 2.5 days solid once08:50
kanzureutopiah is talking about captchas i think08:51
kanzureyou can have people fill in the captchas for you08:51
technologiclee1heck   i couldn't get someone to urinate on me if i was on fire - 08:52
Utopiahtechnologiclee1: (I think most of those links were shared here before) http://pixprofit.com/ http://www.blackhat.com/presentations/bh-usa-08/Grossman/bh-usa-08-grossman-evans-getrich.pdf http://captchaking.com/ https://www.getafreelancer.com/projects/Data-Entry/capcha-night.html http://www.lafdc.com/captcha/ (and the classic https://www.mturk.com/ )08:52
fennyou can pay an indian to urinate on another indian for $0.01/hr08:52
kanzureUtopiah: are those cheaper than http://decaptcher.com/ ?08:53
technologiclee1anyway - one would still need a place to put any structure - and then all the utilities08:53
kanzurehaha craigslist captcha entering service08:53
fenni dont know if they offer fire putter outing services08:53
kanzure1k for $39/mo? wtf08:53
kanzurethat's so extremely high08:53
kanzureholy shit i should just hook that up to decaptcher and make a fortune08:53
Utopiahkanzure: I didn't really use them, I just keep them as an example of new business model based on human/robot distinction08:53
kanzurehow do i become someone to enter captchas for captchaking.com ?08:53
fenn1) fly to malaysia 2) have a plastic surgeon transform you in to a 12 year old girl 3) get abducted by human traffickers 4) ??? 5) PROFIT!08:54
technologiclee1cptchas suck - if i have to solve something i want to learn somthing from it like a vocabulary word08:54
Utopiah(plus also http://googleresearch.blogspot.com/2009/04/socially-adjusted-captchas.html )08:55
technologiclee1ya i've seen thats what they call micro work now08:55
fennok bedtime for realz08:56
Utopiahtechnologiclee1: like AWS Turk, have other platforms? maybe crowdsourcing ones?08:56
kanzureUtopiah: i was thinking of using turk for entering in datasheets and getting out "well-formatted" data08:56
kanzure$1/pg of a data sheet. what do you think? will the turkers do it?08:57
UtopiahAFAIK as it costs you 0 to post the tasks so you can "check the temperature" freely08:57
Utopiahalso consider (link coming)08:57
technologiclee1heres a search - i do not think you would bother after doing 1K tho http://www.google.com/search?q=micro+work+captch08:58
kanzureoh they cost 0 to post? didn't know08:58
technologiclee1but this means that these people have access to the net....   so how do they get started08:59
UtopiahHow to run experiments on Mechanical Turk The technical details, tutorials, walk-throughs, Decision Science News December 2009  http://www.decisionsciencenews.com/?p=120608:59
kanzureUtopiah: i have been playing with fivesecondtest.com today08:59
Utopiahkanzure: double check but I think so, you only pay when you validate a task and then amazon get its share08:59
kanzureit can be slow at times but i got some good data like this: 09:00
davemenn1ngertechnologiclee1: to answer your question for earlier:09:05
davemenn1ngerwe have a makerbotcurrently and are working on a mendel09:06
davemenn1ngeralso we are trying to design and build a tabletop size cnc router09:06
Utopiahlike for cloud technology, Im afraid that Amazon while cast a shadow on every competitors, i.e. now micro-work = Amazon Turk09:06
davemenn1ngerone of our memebers actually designed a new stepper motor driver board to use on various reprap and other cnc projects09:07
davemenn1ngeri am currently working on fleshing out this overview page:09:07
technologiclee1davemenn1nger:   niiice09:09
technologiclee1what kinds of things do you plan on routing at a tabletop size?09:12
kanzuredavemenn1nger: have you heard of mechmate?09:12
davemenn1ngeri was thinking thin plywood, like the makerbot frame is made out of09:13
technologiclee1have you seen this little router robot> it has speed and precison - and walks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quN37YskoaM09:13
davemenn1ngeralso someday maybe lasercut acrylic, but not sure about that one09:13
davemenn1ngerhmm, mechmate, no i dont think i've seen that one before09:13
kanzureit's an "open source" 11x6 router table09:14
davemenn1ngeroh yeah, the hexapod rules - really cool09:14
kanzureyou can get a PDF of DXF diagrams from that site. but not the raw DXF files09:14
davemenn1ngeri see09:15
technologiclee1in that vid - it routes a face out of syrofoam09:15
davemenn1ngerdoes it self-replicate?09:15
davemenn1ngerwhat material is it built out of?09:15
kanzurethe mechmate does not self-replicate.. it requires some controllers, etc.09:15
davemenn1ngerok, still cool though09:16
technologiclee1what we need is a bot that can be turned loose at a garbage dump and can replicate - the segulls have mastered this09:18
technologiclee1that also know how to hang out at a taco stand09:18
technologiclee1really  - all the parts and materials are there09:19
kanzuresegulls can live and breed on a garbage dump?09:19
kanzurelike have we tracked segulls that are born and die and never leave the dump?09:19
technologiclee1ohhhhh  ya   like a flying cloud09:19
technologiclee1i did not track them but they are always there - rodents too i bet,   cats dogs - 09:20
technologiclee1they have no reason to leave09:20
technologiclee1but i'm serious - here is the chew chew gastrobot - runs on converting meat to electricity http://www.seanbaby.com/news/gastrobots.htm09:24
technologiclee1so take that and the heaxabot router - and replication can not be far away09:24
kanzureso, fenn and i started skdb because we wanted self-replication09:26
kanzurethe problem is that when you add a new item to a self-replication design, you might be importing new unknown dependencies09:26
kanzurefreitas wrote a book on this actually09:26
kanzureand he showed that if on average you are importing dependencies that import additional dependencies that are not already satisfied, then the series is unbounded09:26
kanzurehe represented it as a power series, in particular a p-series09:27
technologiclee1the one with rabbits on the cover09:27
kanzureso what skdb helps us do is write an algorithm to go over the data and figure out which tools can build which tools09:27
kanzureinstead of randomly choosing09:27
technologiclee1the problem with replication seems to be the metal parts. there was mention on Open Manufacturing about high voltage metal sputtering - i forget the term used09:38
technologiclee1if we took scrap metal and disolved it in acid - maybe it could be used as a feed stock - that would cut out the whole smelting and casting steps09:40
technologiclee1also the technique is reversible like electroplating/ and whatever the opposite of that is called09:41
technologiclee1i saw a system somewhere that could deposit very small ammounts of metal - or if the voltage was reversed - electrochemically etch a similar small volume09:43
-!- jasonwohlfahrt [n=chatzill@cpe-72-179-52-26.austin.res.rr.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]09:50
technologiclee1well - we started off with hands stick and rocks and made it to computers and spacecraft - but now we know and can take a shorter path - so what is the shortest path?09:55
-!- nchaimov [n=cowtown@c-67-170-144-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]09:58
kanzureyep that's the right question09:59
technologiclee1all the makebot and all that are dealing with bulk material at the macroscopic level - the oly things we know to replicate - life - operates at a much smaller level10:07
-!- nchaimov [n=cowtown@c-67-170-144-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #hplusroadmap10:07
technologiclee1which suggest a cellular approach10:09
technologiclee1here is the optical tweezer blog - the newest article is about a conveyor for molucules - which i think they have been doing for awhile10:14
technologiclee1anyway once one does have replication - then the question is ho to make macroscopic objects out of it - coral does a good job - you can see them from space10:15
technologiclee1here is that Open Manu thread - one of it's names is thermal spraying http://groups.google.com/group/openmanufacturing/browse_thread/thread/2e6085649d174e38/3d93407d8daf8f8c?lnk=gst&q=metal+beam#3d93407d8daf8f8c10:17
technologiclee1nasa has started using it - i think - so we can make parts and tools in space10:18
technologiclee1ok so - if you have a cnc thermal sprayer - it should be able to make most of it's own parts - what would be missing? transformers (magnets)10:19
technologiclee1looking at the electro plating and electro chemical etching i saw this atricle on STM tips http://www.mse.engin.umich.edu/research/projects/23210:25
technologiclee1are you sure - google doesnt find10:26
technologiclee1gnasha - gunsha?10:26
technologiclee1maybe it is just down right now10:27
kanzureit hasn't propagated yet10:27
kanzurebut it looks like this: http://fivesecondtest.com/test/nR5qw7_w10:29
technologiclee1ok i did 3 - i think i failed   ; )10:31
technologiclee1am i a micro worker now?10:32
kanzurei think so :(10:32
technologiclee1actually all these searches and conversations and thinking - i consider my work10:32
kanzureyou're a migrant micro worker10:32
kanzurelee, i was going to have some people over at noon to work on an unrelated project, you're welcome to show up if you want some company while you're typing10:33
technologiclee1yep    born in the back of a greyhound bus  - not really but close enough10:33
kanzurewe even have a separate room10:33
technologiclee1sweeet    no - i'm in therapy for aspurgers - i need to be around pplz  ; )10:33
kanzurewhat's wrong with aspergers?10:34
technologiclee1if you could send your address tho - i'm best when i see a map10:34
kanzuretechnologiclee1: http://bit.ly/2cxPYj10:34
technologiclee1nothing - it's a joke and i do not think it is a disease - it think it is a state of mind10:34
technologiclee1perfect   whats the project?10:35
technologiclee1i guess i'll   find out...   )10:36
kanzurehaha yes :)10:36
technologiclee1damn -- wish the laptop would wake up10:36
technologiclee1maybe a nice drive will do it good - it likes the truck10:36
technologiclee1but i  have take the desktop to cofee shops and bars before ...10:37
technologiclee1i'll   bring some chips and whatnot10:38
technologiclee1(for me)  ; )10:39
technologiclee1a rep rap could not handle the conditions of thermal spraying....10:42
technologiclee1hey   mahbe hplus roadmap should be logged and popsted somewhere10:43
technologiclee1just an off the cuff remark could count as prior art10:43
kanzureit is10:43
kanzureit's not posted on a regular basis though10:43
technologiclee1and there are not many patents that truly are non - obvious10:43
technologiclee1thats fine as lond as the folks at   Articleone.com can find it  ; )10:44
technologiclee1man - i tried doing some patent de....bunking  for them  -   boring10:44
-!- gnusha [n=bryan@] has joined #hplusroadmap10:45
technologiclee1gnusha is bryan?10:45
kanzureyeah it's just another server i have10:45
kanzureup in portland10:46
technologiclee1ahhh   ok  - i noticed opera will act as a server - is that reliable ?10:46
kanzureopera will act as a server? where'd you see that?10:46
kanzureyour ubuntu box is already a server, btw10:46
technologiclee1ohhh   and thanks for just sending me the link to opera - if i knew it was a one click install i would have gone and done it10:47
technologiclee1it was in the intro notes with sharing music and files and stuff   10:47
kanzureoh. no i wouldn't use that10:47
kanzureyou can install a web server by doing: sudo apt-get install apache210:47
kanzureand then files in /var/www/ are exposed to the web (you might have to make that folder)10:48
technologiclee1it is right there on the sidebar with opera unite - Web Server10:48
kanzuresuperkuh: do you know what he is talking about? i haven't bothered in a while10:48
Utopiahtechnologiclee1: is "reliable" but it's not very flexible, you are stuck to Opera Unite apps AFAIK10:49
superkuhOpera's unite webserver is nice, but I wouldn't use it.10:49
Utopiahbut it's well done in the sense that they provide you a fixed URL, no need to use DynDNS and such things10:49
kanzurewhat is it?10:49
technologiclee1i am happy to let all my stuff exist 'on the cloud' for now - but when i have something to share...10:50
technologiclee1and i have used apache +sql before10:50
Utopiahkanzure: an Opera httpd plugin that registers your current IP to Opera server and redirects clients 10:50
kanzuredoes the server only run while opera is running?10:50
technologiclee1welll - isn't your browser 'always' running?10:52
Utopiaheven when you sleep? anyway it's providing a new service to I think it's a good think (even if I stick to lighttpd)10:52
superkuhUnite is for non-technical persons. It is better than having them use social networking sites or free hosts. It is not for someone who knows how to run a webserver.10:53
technologiclee1well yes - i have such a circus going on - sometimes i might just rest my eyes for a few minutes and end up going back to work - or sleep for 12 hours - so my computer runs always10:54
kanzureif your computer is always running, you should just sudo apt-get install apache210:55
technologiclee1ok    - i am -10:55
kanzureor lighttpd, but i haven't used that much.10:55
technologiclee1where would var/www be   - and do i have to 'turn apache on"?10:57
technologiclee1eeeh   i can look it up when i need it10:58
kanzureno your box will turn it on automagically10:59
technologiclee1hey i found it - i'm starting to get somewhere on the command line -10:59
Utopiah(welcome to the real world)11:00
technologiclee1what the heck - i'll   host some files... !11:00
technologiclee1todays other lesson was killall firefox   11:04
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technologiclee1i can not seem to cut and paste or drag and drop any files into var/www    i gotta use    copy   or  move?11:08
kanzuretwo ways. sudo the operation, or you can do this: sudo chmod a+rw /var/www11:09
technologiclee1ohhhh   permissions11:09
kanzureby default only root gets to play in /var/www/ so you have to change that with chmod yeah11:09
technologiclee1sudo drag and drop ?   ; )11:09
technologiclee1but i am root  - if i'm gonna mess it up - i'm gonna messit up - typing sudo does not stop me  ;)11:10
technologiclee1haha!    files are hosted!   we have molecular machine parts  and some  BS   NE1 files that i have not simulated11:12
kanzurecan you link to your ip address?11:12
technologiclee1for my next stupid question...    computer name EV00711:13
kanzureare you sure apache is on? can you run this real quick: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart11:14
technologiclee1so you would actually be linking over the wireless...11:14
kanzureoh you need to modify the router settings then. if you log into the router go to "applications and gaming" or something about "port forwarding" and forward port 80 to your internal computer's ip address11:15
technologiclee1Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName11:15
kanzuretry or to get to the router11:16
technologiclee1mmmm  not my router , but i can hook mine up11:16
technologiclee1welll   - waht they don't know...11:16
kanzurewell anyway, the reason why doesn't work is because you're behind a router that doesn't know to forward port 80 to your computer11:16
technologiclee1i'll just go see what kind it is- could be other options...11:18
technologiclee1its just a linsys11:19
kanzureyeah it's probably on
technologiclee1right - it does not connect and the pings time out11:21
technologiclee1oh   wait  there is a real server in the house...11:21
kanzureoh, try
technologiclee1that did not connect either11:22
technologiclee1ok i plugged in my wireless router the the linksys11:28
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technologiclee3ok i'm connectec thru my router and  in the routers menu11:37
kanzurewell you need to set up port forwarding or "applications and gaming" so that port 80 goes to your computer (so 192.168.. something something)11:39
technologiclee3ok   Firewall > Virtual Srvers   the boxes are Lan (192.168.2.X) Trotocal type (TCP ect) Lanport (80?) Public Port (?)  Enable (checkbox)11:43
kanzureyou can figure out which ip address you are by typing sudo ifconfig and looking for 192.168.x.x11:46
technologiclee3i think i'm at 2.2 according to tracerout - do i need to worry about UDP or is it TCP and do i need an entry for public port11:50
technologiclee3and would port forwarding have to be enabled on the first router even if i have it on the second router?11:52
technologiclee3alright tried forwarding port 1111 to 80 an tcp+udp - i'll mess with it some more whrn i get back - headed that way for chips and unrelated projects12:11
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KrisCHello good people. I just learned of this endeavor last night and would love to learn everything.12:58
KrisCI am a reprap maker and 3D modeller who is developpoing a project quite similar.12:59
KrisCI'm scared Anders sandberg will start stealing people's brains in their sleep? 13:03
KrisC(that last bit was a joke to check for life)13:04
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ybitkanzure: hi KrisC 13:28
* ybit was at work13:28
ybitthere is life, i think i think most people are busy atm though13:28
ybitgive it a few hours :)13:28
ybitor wait until the weekend13:28
KrisClol, I only have 10 minutes to get to work myself!13:29
KrisCPerpetual problem, working second shift, for communication13:29
KrisCI am going to try to spend more time next wek, I have off13:29
ybitKrisC: http://adl.serveftp.org/~bryan/hplusroadmap.log.tar.gz13:30
ybitthere's a long that goes i think until october..13:30
kanzurehi KrisC 13:30
kanzureanders has already stolen our brains13:30
ybitwe've had quite a lot of new people join since then though13:30
KrisCif anders created a simulation of our brains...13:31
KrisCyeah, I have some archives to look through, let me add that to this list13:31
kanzurewould you mind sharing "the list"? :)13:31
KrisCit's on google wave, or at least the most recent draft13:32
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kanzurehi russell232 13:33
kanzureKrisC: would you mind discussing your mirror ideas?13:37
KrisCby mirrror you mean side by side DB?13:37
kanzurewe want to hear the idea before we corrupt your brain with skdb13:37
KrisCi understand13:38
KrisCcontext is a dialog, like a search box13:38
KrisCthe search is for a good or service. you dont have to know what you want before hand13:38
KrisCso you request an apple13:39
KrisCthe local DB looks for how it knows to get appples, therse are pointers13:40
KrisCpointers to the objective DB which is just methods13:40
KrisCif no method is known then peers are asked via a pop-up13:40
KrisCusers have trust histories, methods have successful use histories13:41
kanzurehave you seen the wiki and presentations for skdb?13:41
KrisCeach user is supposed to have a unique rating system so we normalize all results from that users to get relative rankings13:41
KrisCI saw the presentations13:41
KrisCI've been to the wiki, but havent found articles therein, distracted by your personal site bryan13:42
KrisCthe advantage of the 2 DB system is it is an evolutionary method13:42
KrisCmore popular get pushed to the top13:43
KrisCI don't have an implementation of this yet, trying to work out parsing logic for instruction sets13:43
KrisCand the relative trust value methods13:44
KrisCi got a run in minute or two. questions?13:45
kanzureno not at the moment :) i'm kinda lagging because of some people in realspace13:45
KrisCoh RL13:46
KrisCtime for work, I'll be back in 9hrs, and in the later future.  this is great13:48
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ybitkanzure: /names13:49
kanzureybit: http://gnusha.com/13:53
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kanzurehi gene13:57
kanzureybit: how do you like the splash page?13:57
ybiti don't care for the black back ground13:59
Utopiahit's pretty nice but Id be surprised if between this http://openmanufacturing.net/ and other domains, newcomers don't see the relation of each initiative13:59
kanzurei bet14:02
ybitkanzure: i was kind of surprised to see the page though 14:03
ybitfenn, is this corrct?14:11
randallagordonwow, gnusha's wite is a user experience nightmare14:11
ybitdu -sh /mnt/archive 14:11
randallagordonI had to view the source to determine that the input box is borderless and contains default text...14:12
randallagordonUI consistancy is important!14:13
kanzureybit: 38GB?14:14
kanzurefenn deletes a lot of stuff :(14:14
kanzurerandallagordon: good point14:15
ybitthat was another drive14:15
ybiti don't think the hdd was recongized14:17
ybitdmesg confirms these suspicions14:18
ybitata1.00: qc timeout (cmd 0xec)14:18
ybitata1.00: failed to IDENTIFY (I/O, err_mask=0x5)14:19
ybitata1: SATA link down (ssTATUS FFFFFFFF SControl FFFFFFFF)14:19
ybitguess i need to play with the bios settings14:20
ybitfenn: what fs, ext3?14:28
ybitprogress! SATA link up ...SATA link down14:32
ybitat least it was up at one point14:32
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kanzureBy the way, not sure if you know this, but Nathan (still OM list owner I assume?) seems to have had a big meltdown in the UK (Manchester), and he is still there after the media ecologies conference he went there for,"14:40
kanzure"and no one seems to be able to contact him right now for days, and people are looking for him. Just thought you should know. A lot of people are worried."14:40
kanzure"Vinay and Michel are two people on the OM list that has more first hand knowledge of that, though Smari and Joseph Jackson also have been in the loop some. I did not go to that conference myself."14:40
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kristianpaulkanzure: are you including stripboards designs in the software?15:01
kristianpaulseems to ve universal avaliable stuff i think15:01
kanzureat the moment there is not a stripboard design yet-15:03
kanzuredo you mean pcb boards?15:03
kanzurei've been so busy.. electronics definitely definitely needs to be in skdb15:03
kristianpaulkanzure: striped pcb boards15:05
genehacker2what about using that PCB design format, eagle isn't it?15:08
genehacker2the one that pick and place machines use15:08
kanzurei don't know if that's a good format15:10
kanzuregEDA has some format suggestions though, those might be worth it :)15:10
kanzurekristianpaul: have you ever used the gEDA tool suite?15:13
kristianpaulkanzure: tried15:13
kristianpaulfor now still kicad15:13
kristianpaulgEDA needs i change my mind a bit, but is really awesome used when you got it15:13
kristianpauls/used/use it15:14
kristianpaulthink i did somthing with gtkwave in the past15:16
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kanzurehi russell232 18:12
kanzurerussell232: is it ok if i hold of on replying to your email?18:13
kanzurefor a few minutes18:13
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ybitsomeone want to map out the activity in the channel?19:21
ybitand if you do this, share your code please :)19:22
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ybitjunkyard jet engine http://www.junkyardjet.com/20:03
katsmeow-afki almost picked one up, but i spun it by hand, and even that slow it was noisey20:04
ybitkanzure: i would have been more impressed if the guy picked you up in the go-kart :)20:18
ybithttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFpsuQ2zI24 :: lamborghini vs go-kart20:18
kanzurekristianpaul: what formats does kicad export?22:02
kristianpaulkristianpaul: genCAD in my version22:03
kristianpaulkanzure: ^22:03
kanzuregenCAD is a format?22:03
kanzureit's been a while since i've looked into any of this for gEDA/eagle/kicad/etc.22:04
kristianpauldont know, i never export in kicad22:04
kristianpaulkanzure: so gerber? :p22:04
kristianpaulkanzure: thats why i poitend stripped boards like an alternative22:05
kristianpaulconsidering not all people in the world have access to advaced PCB fabrication technology 22:05
ybitick, looks like you save your files as .net22:12
ybitin kicad22:12
genehacker2quantumg I didn't know you were a climate change denialist22:17
QuantumGI love that label.  "What's your evidence for that claim?"  "Denier!!!"22:19
QuantumGsums it up great22:25
QuantumGif you filled a room with sulfur hexafluoride, would people be buoyant?22:43
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KrisCGood day good people22:49
KrisCas per earlier discussion, I have made a list of required or useful features. I will spend the next hour or so rendering them as html22:51
kanzurewhy html?23:02
genehacker2no QuantumG I like to ignite the powder keg23:06
KrisCpick  a format if not html23:06
KrisCi thought i could just post it quick then23:07
genehacker2and I've been around my parents who think global warming is a hoax propagated by the liberals or something to that effect23:12
KrisCfeature list23:16
KrisCObjective and subjective Databases-23:16
KrisCSocial Networks-23:16
KrisCLocal Trade (Barter)23:16
KrisC-Alternate Interface (Magic Mirror)-23:16
KrisCNutrion Manager23:16
KrisCNutrtition (sp)23:16
KrisCInventory Managemnt (you have)23:17
KrisCContact Manager23:17
genehacker2nutrition manager?23:17
KrisCit calculates a diet for you and makes food thr extrusion mostly23:18
KrisCif you know someoen is oging to feed you on time you will be less likely to snack23:18
genehacker2ugh extruded meat can't be tasting23:18
KrisCthis is in support of the goal Life Extension23:18
KrisCit is essential that a bread substitute be made avaliable23:19
genehacker2we're a bit far from star trek replicators23:19
KrisCtrue, but I print food alrady with RepRap23:19
KrisCI just need to be able to schdule it23:19
genehacker2what sort of food?23:19
KrisCgoals arent only short term23:19
genehacker2what about ink?23:19
KrisChoe grown feedstocks will provide for food whenever possible23:20
genehacker2what do you intend to grow23:20
KrisCthis system supports a divers e manufacturing base, where someone anonymous in your neighbohood will supply a specific item23:20
genehacker2surely not algae you can't eat algae every day you'll get sick23:21
KrisCauto outsourcing23:21
genehacker2what system?23:21
KrisCi was thinking mostly soy23:21
genehacker2skdb, manna, or something else?23:21
KrisCsomething else23:21
KrisCI should back up a step23:21
genehacker2maybe I should23:22
genehacker2oh I seem to have missed your description23:22
KrisCno, my name is KrisC. I am new here. I am a maker and modeller, who has been teaching himself a variety of skills23:22
genehacker2oh ok23:23
KrisCin order to create a computer program very much like skdb23:23
genehacker2well that's one of our goals23:23
KrisCmy project is a bit more expansive than simply a program, but I believe that you have a much broader agenda23:23
KrisCExplicity, my goals are Space Migration, Intelligence Increase, and Life Extension (SMIILE)23:24
genehacker2be careful you might get version 2.0 madness if you cover everything23:24
KrisCI have recently started a google wave group of some of my acquatances, to whom I am describing this23:25
KrisCI believe I know what I have to do in order to get more people to do what I want. Im going to go collaorative open source, but am checking my ideas with a broader range of my associates23:26
genehacker2you're going to need lot's of help23:26
KrisCthen I saw the youtube videos, and I said "These people know exactly what I mean" especially considering I have the same gallery of images bookmarked for the very similar project23:27
KrisCYes, but if I come here and use part of your work, then I have lots of help23:27
genehacker2the Hplus summit presentation?23:27
KrisCIts Open Source :)23:27
genehacker2have you talked to kanzure?23:28
KrisChe can scroll back over this exposition I just provided23:29
KrisCSo anyway, let me finish the list of features I believe are essential to create a transformative software app23:31
KrisCthere are only a few more23:31
KrisCLogin Manager must support multiple simultaneous identities23:32
KrisCTrade requires recorded web cam manufacturing23:33
KrisCContact manager23:33
KrisCand finally, the dream is to have robot arms23:34
genehacker2multiple simultaneous identities can lead to trolling23:34
genehacker2why recored web cam manufacturing?23:34
KrisCthere  are legitmate and clandestine uses for the function23:34
KrisCIn order to ensure quality of manufacturing23:34
KrisCso someone doesnt spit in your food23:35
genehacker2quality is not always assured by visually watching the process23:35
KrisCtrue, but it will cut down on causal exploitation23:35
genehacker2for things like steel you need to do tests on the steel23:35
genehacker2strength testing needs to be done23:36
KrisCtrue, and of course there is a risk when ordering things off the internet, but we have mechanisms to deal with it23:36
KrisCif you have a webcam you can run a demo23:36
KrisCyou can set it as a conditon of trade23:36
genehacker2for stuff like rockets you need to pressure test the fuel tanks23:36
genehacker2sometimes this is a destructive process23:37
KrisCnow who is thinking large scale23:37
KrisCfor criitical components I would not use an ad hoc network23:37
KrisClet me explain how my program works23:38
KrisC(it doesnt work, i dont have a working model - for me this is 4 or 5 years away by myself)23:38
KrisCit is like a search form23:39
KrisCthe user is prompted "I want a..."23:39
genehacker2read up on  human rating things, it'll help with the space migration23:39
KrisClife extension will help with space migration too23:40
genehacker2yes indeed23:41
KrisCI have aerospace engineer friends, I will involve them when the time comes, but I want to have a greater portfolio before then23:42
genehacker2are you a software engineer?23:43
KrisCno, IT manager, though I went to school for materials engineering (platics, and anthropology23:43
genehacker2oh materials engineering23:43
genehacker2just had some classes over that23:43
KrisCi spent several years drawing weather maps, which helped build my modelling skills23:44
KrisCwhich are merely adequate23:44
KrisCalso been a cook, and a game designer23:45
KrisCwhat are you studying gene?23:47
genehacker2mechanical engineering23:47
KrisCrelevant interests?23:48
KrisCor irrelevant?23:48
genehacker2reprap, diybio, solar balloons, making stuff, making stuff23:48
KrisCI have been meaning so see what you mean by diybio, but honesly only ffirst heard the term this morning23:49
KrisClooking it up23:49
genehacker2I have an almost full set of darwin parts23:49
KrisCIsnt there someoen in France who makes things glow in the dark (geneticallly) in France23:50
KrisCgot a sequencer off ebay23:51
KrisChackerspace related something I remeber23:51
genehacker2and I'm working on a printable stepper23:51
genehacker2a sequencer off of ebay23:51
genehacker2WHERE WHERE WHERE23:51
genehacker2sequencers are VERY EXPENSIVE23:52
genehacker2the fact that someone even acquired one for home use is amazing23:52
genehacker2there aren't that many in the world23:52
KrisCyeah, that was part of the story I heard, she got it for some ridiculous price because it was a hospital surplus on ebay23:52
KrisCshe was a pro geneticist, who hacked at home23:53
genehacker2hospital surplus are you kidding me, what the heck is a hospital doing with a gene sequencer23:53
genehacker2oh you mean Kay Aull23:53
genehacker2she's been in here a couple times23:54
genehacker2I don't think she has a sequencer just a thermocycler23:54
KrisCsounded fun23:56
KrisCI have used here as an example in conversation several times23:56
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